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Vegetable Market Waste Management and Potential Uses


Aditi Patel , G H Patel College of Engg. & Tech.; Waseem Raja, Student; Sachin Parmar, Student; Snehal Popli, Student


Vegetable Market Waste


The organic waste generated from vegetable market has no proper disposal in our markets and hence dumped in open grounds which ultimately results in various forms of environmental pollution. Study is carried out for better recycling and reusing of vegetable market waste in which the waste can be converted to some usable products. The aim of the study was to evaluate the feasibility of vermicomposting different vegetable and fruits waste including banana, cabbage, tomato and mix veg. using earth worms E-Foiteda. For this, the physicochemical properties such as pH, N, P, total carbon and K of vermicompost was measured after 3 weeks. Nutrient content was higher in case of banana vermicompost compared with other vermicomost and also with control (without earth worms). Plant growth was also studied using various proportions of generated vermicompost:soil. 30:30 proportion of vermicompost: soil gives higher plant growth compared to other ratios. The results suggest that the vermicomposting is a feasible technology for converting vegetable and fruit waste into valuable products there by reducing the land pollution.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV7I50209
Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 01/08/2019
Page(s): 305-307

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