Comparative Study on the Effect of Different Shapes of Pylon in the Static Analysis of Cable Stayed Bridge using SAP2000 |
Author(s): |
Anirudha Sharma , MAHAKAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, UJJAIN; Dr J N Vyas, Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management, Ujjain |
Keywords: |
Cable Stayed Bridge, Pylons, Semi Fan Type Arrangement of Cable Stays, Vehicular Load, Linear Static Analysis, SAP 2000 |
Abstract |
This paper deals with the linear static analysis of Cable Stayed Bridges with different shapes of pylons under its own weight, vehicular load and wind load. The cable stayed bridge is one of the modern bridges which were built for the longer spans. Therefore, there is a need of study on the behaviour of the pylons before implementing it in actual practice. For this study, the different shapes of Pylons have been compared with the bridge span dimension and other parameters are kept unvarying. The different shapes of Pylons considered for Cable Stayed Bridge are A type, H type, inverted Y type, Single pylon and Diamond shaped. The height of the pylon remains same for all the models of Cable Stayed Bridge with different shapes of Pylons. The modelling of bridge has been prepared using SAP 2000 software. For this study, the arrangement of cable stay has been taken as semi fan type. The study reveals the following points regarding to the behaviour of Pylons such as the Axial Force in Pylon, Bending Moment in Pylon, and Shear Force in Pylon & Deflection at the top of Pylon. This study will be helpful for make an appropriate choice for the shape of Pylon used for Cable Stayed Bridge in particular conditions. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV7I50234 Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 5 Publication Date: 01/08/2019 Page(s): 297-301 |
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