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To Study and Performance of FRP Bolted Joint


Rahul Kumar Singh , dept of mechanical workshop,Driems polytechnic ,cuttack,odisha; Rakesh Kumar Mohanty, DRIEMS POLYTECHNIC CUTTACK ODISHA; Debadatta Jena, DRIEMS POLYTECHNIC CUTTACK ODISHA; Prasanta Kumar Sahoo, DRIEMS POLYTECHNIC, CUTTACK ODISHA


Functional Graded Modulus (FGM) Adhesive, Bonded Joint, Cohesion Failure, FEA, FRP Composite


Pipes and pipe joints are the backbone of many engineering applications such as oil and gas industries, mining applications, aerospace industries, structures, automotive industries etc. Adhesively bonded laminated FRP composite pipe joints have many advantages over conventional pipe joints (e.g. welded), as adhesive joints are less corrosive and this type of joint provide more uniform load transfer. In the present work finite element simulation of functionally graded adhesive bonded FRP composite socket joint has been carried out, grading is given along bond-length for bonded socket joint of laminated FRP composite pipes. The loading condition is axial tensile at one free end and other end is constrained (fixed in all directions). The geometries and boundary conditions are taken from[1]. Different kinds of failures in the socket joint such as cohesion failure in the adhesive mid layer, adhesion failure in the tube-adhesive interface and adhesion failure in socket-adhesive interface has been analyzed using different failure criteria as Tsai-Wu failure criteria for adhesion failure and parabolic yield criteria for cohesion failure. A failure index of the socket joint has been determined and critical region of the joint has been found at the edges and near the middle of the bonded tubular socket joint. Different functional grading has been applied and failure index profiles for different modulus functions have been drawn to compare these profiles obtained with failure index for isotropic adhesive to determine an appropriate function for modulus grading which reduces the stress concentrations effectively and increases the strength and life of the bonded tubular joint. Quadratic (parabolic), Biquadrate and Cosine functions are applied to compensate the stress peaks or stress singularities. The stress peaks at edges and near the middle of the socket joint are found to be more than the other portion of the socket joint. Flexible adhesives having lowest values of elastic modulus at edges and near the middle of the joint to reduce the stress peaks, and highest values of elastic modulus are the regions where stress values are less we used stiffer adhesive.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV7I50409
Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 01/08/2019
Page(s): 651-654

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