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Screening of PHA Producing E. coli from Municipal Sludge Waste and Influence of Phosphate on PHA Production


K. Mamatha , MGR College; P. Murali, MGR College; K. Sures, MGR College; N. Mathiyazhagan, MGR College


E. coli, polyhydroxyalkanoates, phosphate, FTIR, NMR analysis


In the present study, an attempt was made to isolate efficient PHA producing bacteria from municipality sludge soil sources. The obtained E. coli isolates have the accumulation of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) within their cells. The PHA producing colonies were given dark blue colored colonies as positive for polyhydroxyalkanoates production and secondarily confirmed by light orange color colonies on selective media shows positive for polyhydroxyalkanoates. The amount of PHA accumulated in E. coli indicating a growth-related production where the final amount of PHA obtained depended on maximum biomass produced. The maximum PHA production (27.1mg/L) was recorded at 96 h cultivation in the medium using 8% phosphate in E. coli as co-nutritional source. The intensity of the methylene band near 2966 cm-1, provided additional information for PHA characterization in the FTIR analysis. In NMR analysis, 2-5mg of the copolymer sample is dissolved in deuteriated chloroform (CD Cl3) (1.0ml) and high resolution H-NMR spectrum is recorded on a NMR spectrometer. The 1H NMR spectra of the samples and the standard are almost identical, conferring that extracted intracellular compounds are polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). Further the presence of phosphate could directly serve as an inexpensive nutrient source for production of biodegradable plastic PHA.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV7I60181
Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 01/09/2019
Page(s): 335-339

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