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Rural India in Era of Technology Education


Dr. Patwardhan Rathod , Davangere University Shivagangothri ; Pradeep B S, Davangere University Shivagangothri ; Dr. S S Angadi, Davangere University Shivagangothri


E-Learning, Education Technology, Software Technology, Multimedia


The education system of a super-power aspirant India needs to go through a great amount of change to keep step with the education scheme of developed nations where digital education is the model era. The current government’s Digital India programme shall place special importance on the development of teachers to enhance schoolings and ensure uniform quality of teaching through the country. We know that technology cannot change teachers, but only complement them. The key lies in using digital platforms and solutions to deliver safe and quality content and more essentially provide access to quality teachers. The educational technology shall change education for well – make it more reasonable and accessible. This more significant in the Indian context because we have a huge deficit of access to high-class education till college level due to a number of apparently impossible challenges, extending from geographical scattering to socio-economic condition of the learners who attend a majority of Indian educational institutions. Also, the cost of educating one of the world’s highest populations has been gradually increasing and there is hope that technology may make education reasonable for those who are so far unable to make use from the same.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV7I70028
Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 7
Publication Date: 01/10/2019
Page(s): 41-43

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