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Practicability of Study on Substitution of Canal Distribution Network by Pipeline Distribution Network for Effective Water Management


A. P. Jathar , Trinity Academy of Engineering PUNE; Prof. S. S. Deshmukh, Trinity Academy of Engineering PUNE; Prof. S. C. Tandale, Trinity Academy of Engineering PUNE


Canal Distribution Network (CDN), Pipe Distribution Network (PDN)


Water, which is a valuable, finite, renewable and shared resource required by various sectors, must be managed optimally. Stress due to scarcity of water is growing at an alarming rate. To reduce this stresses and to meet water demand of all the sectors, construction of new water projects is essential, but it involves huge investment and social problems like land acquisition, rehabilitation etc. Therefore, it is essential to search innovative alternative for modernization of existing water distribution system. The Pipe Distribution Network (PDN) system is one of the best possible alternatives to overcome the limitations of conventional gravity flow Canal Distribution Network (CDN) system. To developed this system to remove water losses, land acquisition is less, at some point water meter connect then to define the actual discharge at that point. It can be beneficial for the management of cost of construction and some losses related to canal and solve the water discharge problem. In this research to finalized some factors related to CDN and PDN. The data of this study were collected using a web survey. The responses are selected of offline and online will be 20, sent to 82 respondent related to irrigation project, water resources department. To find some important factors related to project. Then to implement over there to some problem problems from open canal. To avoid the water losses in CDN to design the pipeline network to the overall length of canal. Then to design the pipeline network for irrigation purpose and feasibility on cost and time parameters. To observed the friction losses in pipeline network to calculate in design.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV7I80021
Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 8
Publication Date: 01/11/2019
Page(s): 14-16

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