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Planning Strategy for Integrated Watershed Management in the Upper Jiadhal River Basin, North-East India


Chandra Kumar Dutta , Nagaland University


Integrated Watershed Management; North-East India; Sub-Catchments; Planning strategy


The environment and related problems of both the basins (upper and lower basins of Jiadhal river) are different but interrelated. Thus, Integrated Watershed Management is the key to cope up with natural hazards including land and water degradation and accelerated soil erosion, floods, siltation and sedimentation. Integrated watershed management includes the integration of many scattered programs of soil conservation, afforestation, minor irrigation, crop production, tree plantation, fodder development and other development activities into a well prepared watershed project. These are mainly based on climate, land, water and plant resources on the one hand and man and animal resources on the other. It offers hope for bringing about sustained natural resources development. The study area selected for the study is a part of Upper basin of Jiadhal drainage basin, which is a phenomenal river system with huge sediment carrying capacity and intensive flood frequencies making it havoc for the inhabitants of the areas it drained. The phenomenon of siltation by sediments brought down by the river system from the upper basin is the real cause of the situation of the degradation of the agricultural land use pattern as well as the socio- economy of the population dwells in the lower Jiadhal Basin. This paper concerns comprehensive watershed management proposed plans for the sustainable development through the study of environmental geomorphology of the upper Jiadhal River Basin, north-east India.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV8I10829
Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 01/04/2020
Page(s): 1092-1096

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