Improve Power Quality using Improved Configuration of Lightning ROD |
Author(s): |
Shrikant , MRKIET, Rewari; Gourav Nagpal, MRKIET, Rewari |
Keywords: |
instruments, generation, variation, equipment, transients |
Abstract |
The quality of power is very necessary now days and cannot be avoided at all. The power quality is very important for every instruments used in daily life. From generation of power to the distribution of power, the quality has to be maintained at every part of the system. Variation in power quality can leads to the fault in the system and sometimes it causes to the major fault and distruct the electrical equipments. Lightning is major thing which affects the quality of power as it can cause the power failure, voltage transient, sags, swells, variation in the power angle and also affects the frequency of the system. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV8I20666 Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 2 Publication Date: 01/05/2020 Page(s): 719-722 |
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