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WSAN based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System


Adarsh Kumar , Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala; Abhinandan Jaideep, Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala; Abhinav Narayan, Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala; Dr D.D Chaudhary, Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala


DHT11, sensor network, agriculture monitoring water level, water motor


Agriculture monitoring has the advantage of protecting the plants from outside harsh conditions and providing suitable conditions for plant growth; it can effectively improve the crop yield and quality. But the traditional monitoring/control system of Agriculture construction costs a lot and the traditional control interface is not friendly (some are just manual setting) therefore not very cost-effective, friendly and high-productive. With the advent of the cloud computing and low-cost Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems, we can apply these low-cost and effective technologies to monitor environment conditions/plant growth and control the facilities. In addition to conveniently monitor/control Agriculture facilities, a real-time platform to dynamically analyzing the collected data can greatly improve the efficiency of Agriculture cultivation, maintenance costs and decision making. In this study, a low-cost Agriculture monitoring system is developed for small-sized and medium-sized Agriculture installations with real-time data analysis. With DHT11, PIR sensor, raspberry pi, soil moisture sensor, water level sensor, soil temperature monitoring and water motor we develop an efficient-and-effective Agriculture system to achieve the above goals. This system design acts as a promising solution/bridge toward the final precise agriculture.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV8I20671
Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 2
Publication Date: 01/05/2020
Page(s): 723-726

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