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Nutri - Freak


Kanika Chouhan , Acropolis Institute of Technology And Research, Indore M.P.; Deepshikha Chak, Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research, Indore


Artificial Intelligence, Chat Bot, NLU, NLP, Python, BMI (Body Mass Index), BMR (Basal Matabolic Rate)


Nutri-Freak is an internet based chat bot which suggests diet plan supported by user’s height, weight and eating habits. The system measures a user’s basal metabolic rate using his/her height, weight, gender & age. The system has been trained with large dataset of food varieties and their nutritional values. Once the system has the user’s body mass index, it must know eating habit of the user. The user must provide information about the timings he eats. Timings for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner are entered by the user according to which the diet plan is set. Once the system has this information, it suggests the user a diet plan as per the user’s basal metabolic rate. If the user doesn’t just like the diet plan the system modifies the diet plan keeping nutritional value the identical. This is often done to confirm that the user likes the diet suggested to him. Thus the necessity to visit a dietician to grasp the diet plan are often removed. The users can get a diet plan supported their body mass index if they know their height and weight. No need not have to pay a visit to local dietician to anymore.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV8I20680
Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 2
Publication Date: 01/05/2020
Page(s): 896-901

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