Crop Recommendation and Disease Detection using Machine Learning |
Author(s): |
Sameer Panat , Acropolis Institute Of Technology And Research , Indore; Siddhant Tripathi, Acropolis Institute Of Technology And Research , Indore; Sarthak Bhaiji, Acropolis Institute Of Technology And Research , Indore; Vandana Kate, Acropolis Institute Of Technology And Research , Indore; Kavita Namdev , Acropolis Institute Of Technology And Research , Indore |
Keywords: |
Machine Learning, CNN, MLP, Crop Recommendation, Disease Detection |
Abstract |
In this ever-transmuting world of technology to make farmers go hand in hand with the vicissitude, we have developed a product that consummates the gap between farmer and incipient technological advancement. Our product is a one-click solution for the farmer predicated on machine learning. Suggesting farmer most felicitous crop and fertilizer according to its soil conditions. The project is a web application, based on machine learning algorithms like CNN, Deep neural nets, etc, analyzing different key nutrients present in the soil and utilize it to recommend congruous crops predicated on the soil contents. This product removes the dependency on soil health cards and makes the process more fluid and quick. This product can also be used to detect disease in the plant just by its leaf image making it a complete solution for agricultural practices. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV8I20699 Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 2 Publication Date: 01/05/2020 Page(s): 830-833 |
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