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Structural Analysis of a Multi-Storeyed Building (G+15) using Staad pro for different Plan Configurations


Prateek S.Dhiran , BDCE, Sevagram, wardha; Prof. R. S. Kedar, Professor, Civil Dept, BDCE, Sevagram; Dr. S. G. Makarande , Professor, Civil Dept, BDCE, Sevagram


Structural Analysis, High Rise Building, Response Spectrum, Plan Irregularity, STAAD-Pro V8i


In order to compete in the ever-growing competent market, it is very important for a structural engineer to save time. as a sequel to this an attempt is made to analyse and design a Multistore building by using a staad pro software. In this project focuses on the structural behaviour of multi-story building for different plan configuration such as regular building along with T- shape and E- shape in accordance with the seismic provisions suggested in IS: 1893-2002 to analyse the performance of existing buildings if exposed to seismic loads. In this modelling of G+15 store’s RCC framed building is studied for earthquake load using STAAD- PRO V8i. Assuming that material property is linear static and dynamic analysis is performed. These analyses are carried out by considering different seismic zones (IV and V) and for each zone the behaviour is assessed by taking three different types of soils namely Hard, Medium and Soft. Post analysis of the structure, lateral displacements, story drift, and base shear, maximum bending moment results are computed and compared for all the cases.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV8I20741
Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 2
Publication Date: 01/05/2020
Page(s): 704-711

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