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Music Recognition using Audio Fingerprinting


Dolly Gadiya , Acropolis Institute Of Technology And Research; Divyam Saraf, Acropolis Institute Of Technology And Research; Dinki Popli, Acropolis Institute Of Technology And Research; Deepika Jain, Acropolis Institute Of Technology And Research; Kavita Namdev, Acropolis Institute Of Technology And Research


Music Recognition using Audio Fingerprinting


The purpose of this application is to present a detailed description of the song playing in the background. The related ecosystem that this project will be implemented to are anticipated to and should have a large number and variety of users, all of whom will be incorporated in to the project need such 5 system to find whatever it is they need. From another point of view, there might be users that don’t exactly know what they are looking for and such situations can also make a useful solution out of this project. At a basic level, the Program will interrupt an audio signal as a spectrogram, and compare that representation with spectrograms contained within a database. Some of these spectrograms will implement its own different signal, which holds its own set of information. Through such a process, one could find and retrieve additional information for a pair of matching spectrograms, thereby tagging the audio file which the spectrogram represents with the appropriate metadata. In order to fully comprehend the entire process, there are a few terms and concepts that must be described in more detail.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV8I20743
Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 2
Publication Date: 01/05/2020
Page(s): 712-714

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