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Review on Intelligent Transportation System : A Technical Aspect


Prashant H. Lakkad , Atmiya University; Mayursinh B. Jadeja, Atmiya University


Intelligent Transportation System, Sensing Technology, Wireless communication


Intelligent Transportation system is an established route to resolve or at least minimize traffic problem. Highway Traffic Management System (HTMS) is one of the important functional Systems of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Traffic congestion has been increasing worldwide as a result or increased motorization, urbanization, population growth and changes in population density. Congestion reduces efficiency of transportation progress and increases travel time, air pollution and fuel Transport System holds a good point. Intelligent transportation technologies such as Wireless communications, Computational technologies, and Sensing technologies have been proposed. Intelligent transportation applications are also introduced. Intelligent Transport System provides a single solution for transport companies to schedule and monitor buses with the help of advance technologies such as Global Positioning System, Wi-Fi etc. Intelligent Transport System facilitates better public transport services by considering the earning, safety and time saving This article provides a comprehensive summary of ITS by providing a brief outline of existing technology and recent trends followed by the highlights of future research directions of this domain.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV8I20755
Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 2
Publication Date: 01/05/2020
Page(s): 1068-1071

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