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Smart Voting System based on Finger Prints and Face Recognition


Nitin Bachani , Arya Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur; Nishant Panchal, Arya Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur; Divyani Jigyasu, Arya Institute of Engineering and Technology,Jaipur


Smart Voting System, Voter ID, LCD, Web Camera, Micro-controller


Bogus (fake) voting is still a major drawback in the Voting system. In Aadhar Card, the Government has all the information of us including Finger-print and Retina. Biometric Finger-print devices and Web Cameras are used in the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) system for voter verification. We have proposed a Smart Voting Machine (EVM) system in which, for the user, there is no need to carry the ID which contains his required details. The voter at the polling booth needs only to place his Finger on the Finger-print sensor and capture the face identity in web camera at the counter of the polling booth. Thus, allowing the acquisition of an on-spot Finger-print and Face identity is enough from the voter which serves as identification. Further, this data of voter is passed onto the controlling unit for the verification process. The controller of the system fetches the data from the reader and compares this data with the existing data which was stored during the registration process of the voters. If the data matches the pre-stored information of the registered voter, that is Finger-print and Face, then only the voter is allowed to cast his vote. If the data does not match, a warning message is displayed on the display component (LCD) and warns through the voice message by this way, the person is barred from casting his vote. The vote casting mechanism is achieved manually using the keyboard. Display component (LCD) is used to display the related messages, warning messages and ensuing results.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV8I20815
Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 2
Publication Date: 01/05/2020
Page(s): 866-869

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