Convert Human urine into a Fertilizer (Crystalline Powder) |
Author(s): |
Patel Purvang Amitkumar , Parul Institute of Engg. & Tech. (PIET-DS); Joshi Harsh Rajeshbhai, Parul Institute of Engg. & Tech. (PIET-DS); Prajapati Neel Navinbhai, Parul Institute of Engg. & Tech. (PIET-DS); Prof. Rina K. Chokshi, Parul Institute of Engg. & Tech. (PIET-DS) |
Keywords: |
Human Urine, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Ligands Chemicals, Carbon, Calcium, Struvite, Urine Collector Tank |
Abstract |
The overuse and misuse of chemical fertilizers attributed to critical environmental and health problems such as chronic kidney disease (C.K.D) in Sri Lanka. Therefore, there is a growing trend among present researches to explore low cost, effective fertilizer substitutes for inorganic fertilizers in crop production. Therefore, there is a growing trend among present researches to explore low cost, effective fertilizer substitutes for inorganic fertilizers in crop production. This study was conducted to explore the possibility of utilizing human urine in edible crop production as a low cost and effective nitrogen fertilizer. Therefore, there is a growing trend among present researches to explore low cost, effective fertilizer substitutes for inorganic fertilizers in crop production. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV8I20835 Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 2 Publication Date: 01/05/2020 Page(s): 957-958 |
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