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Application of Hospital Information System in Radiology Department for Patient Management


Akshay Popli , Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University; Akshay Popli, Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University; Harvinder Popli, Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University


Hospital Information System (HIS), Clinical Correlation, Waiting Time


Hospital Information System (HIS) used to access information, improve documentation, reduce errors and make use of time. The principle aim of this research was to determine to improve in waiting time, clinical correlation notification period and end user satisfaction after application of HIS in radiology Department in hospital. Quantitative cross-sectional study conducts for a period of one month, before and after execution of HIS in Radiology department in Saroj medical institute, Delhi. Data set was used for this research was extracted from database of the HIS and Radiology Maintenance record regarding clinical correlation and waiting time. The self developed questionnaire is made to access end user satisfaction regarding system. The questionnaire was distributed among Physician, Nurses, Administrative staff, Billing Staff and Radiology staff. The questionnaire has two parts. First part comprising was related to Demographic information of the participants and the Second part including 25 question concerning of end user satisfaction. The data was analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel. The finding of the study revealed that the waiting time in study for the different department in radiology, i.e., X-ray has been reduced from 26.78 to 18.33 hours, CT scan from 15.85 to 10.03 hours and Ultrasound from 27.7 to 14.86 hours after implementation of system and also Clinical correlation report notification period for X-ray, CT scan and Ultrasound reduced from 3-4 to 1 day. On the other hand, end user satisfaction in terms of questionnaire shows administrative staff has the highest mean score (3.8+0.70) whereas Physician has lower mean score (1.96+ 0.61 ). Thus, HIS result in improve efficiency of working staff, patient management progress, waiting time in study as well as Clinical correlation report notification period. The “End user satisfaction” shows Administration staff is more adaptable whereas physician shows less concern towards system.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV8I20944
Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 2
Publication Date: 01/05/2020
Page(s): 1027-1030

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