Self-Inflating Tires to Maintain Pressure during Working Condition |
Author(s): |
Prashant Dagadu Chaudhari , Dr. Vithhalrao Vikhe Patil, College of Engineering, Ahmednagar; Gaurav Sanjay Gajare, Dr. Vithhalrao Vikhe Patil, College of Engineering, Ahmednagar |
Keywords: |
SIT, Stability, Pressure, Geotechnical, Safety |
Abstract |
Self-Inflating Tire (SIT) system is designed with the help of Electronic and Telecommunication (ENTC) and Mechanical Department. SIT is implemented to maintain the tire pressure at proper level during Geotechnical condition for self-lubrication and issuing tire free from puncture as well as leakage. The proper inflation of tires all the times is ensured by this system. This system is designed to increase the performance of vehicle, reduce the wear-tear of tire, increase safety of vehicle and used for military purpose. Proper tire pressure allows vehicle to acquire to the terrain conditions for ideal performance and increase the stiffness of the vehicle movement. SIT has automatic air controlling system to ensure safety, reduce cost as well as time of driver. This enhances fuel efficiency during operation in the field works and increase wheel balancing. The major parts of SIT application is human safety. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV8I30070 Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 3 Publication Date: 01/06/2020 Page(s): 42-45 |
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