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Blockchain in Food Supply Chain


Vidyanshu Kumar Mishra , Sinhgad Institute of Technology; Shubham Tiwari, Sinhgad Institute of Technology; Akshay Mishra, Sinhgad Institute of Technology; Abhishek Jaideep, Sinhgad Institute of Technology


Block Chain, Food Supply Chain


With the increase in the complexity of the industrial food supply chain, the traceability is becoming scarce. It has becoming a tedious and costly task to trace the processing of a packed product , as the data is stored in the relational databases it is quite easy to tamper the data stored in the database through an unauthorized access. To tackle all these issues and address the problem of traceability Blockchain is a suitable technique to store the data in the database. By making the use of blockchain we can generate a ledger where each processing unit will make the transactions in the system and all the data related to the processing of product made at that unit is appended easily to the blockchain. By doing this, we are creating a tamper free ledger which is used to trace the processing details of the product in a really fast and cost effective manner. We are here, creating a peer to peer network of different systems which will keep on making the transactions and the data will be stored in the ledger. A server will be there to monitor the transactions and to trace the product details if requested by the system administrator or by the end user. There will be a backup server also which will take the command of the requests once the main server becomes down and it also maintains a copy of the whole data. In this way it is feasible to trace the processing details of a product, once unique identity of the product is provided to the server.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV8I30083
Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 01/06/2020
Page(s): 98-101

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