A Comparative Study of Bare Frame, Open Ground Story and Infill Walls in the Alternate Stories using Spectral Acceleration Spectral Displacement and Time |
Author(s): |
Shishir Kumar Mishra , IMEC; Rahul Satbhaiya, MIEC |
Keywords: |
Seismic Evaluation, Pushover Analysis, Reinforced-Concrete Buildings |
Abstract |
In this paper a Comparative study of three different cases of framed structures has been made. Bare frame structure, Open ground story frame structure and structure with infill walls in alternate story are considered for comparing different parameters such as Spectral Acceleration with time, Spectral Displacement with time, Spectral Acceleration with Spectral Displacement (Capacity Curve). The graphs of each have been plotted and results have been compared. The results have been found to be quiet interesting proving the frame with open ground story to give better results than the other two. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV8I30340 Published in: Volume : 8, Issue : 3 Publication Date: 01/06/2020 Page(s): 456-458 |
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