Analysis of Crack Failure of RCC Beam Using Fem |
Author(s): |
Parijat Vikram Singh , Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University, Bhopal; Asst. Prof. Amritansh Sharma, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University, Bhopal |
Keywords: |
Ansys, Beam, Failure, Cracks, Frequency, Mode Shape, Structural Analysis |
Abstract |
The most common structural defect is the existence of a crack. Cracks are present in structures due to various reasons. The presence of a crack could not only cause a local variation in the stiffness but it could affect the mechanical behavior of the entire structure to a considerable extent. Cracks may be caused by fatigue under service conditions as a result of the limited fatigue strength. They may also occur due to mechanical defects. Another group of cracks are initiated during the manufacturing processes. Generally they are small in sizes. Such small cracks are known to propagate due to fluctuating stress conditions. If these propagating cracks remain undetected and reach their critical size, then a sudden structural failure may occur. Hence it is possible to use natural frequency measurements to detect cracks. In this paper work we are studying the effect of cracks generated at different lengths of beam and their effect on the structure also on mode shape and frequency of the structure. In this work we are also comparing abcus and ansys (analysis tool) for linear results and justify the effects of cracks with different depths of cracks at beams. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV9I120002 Published in: Volume : 9, Issue : 12 Publication Date: 01/03/2022 Page(s): 1-6 |
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