An Experimental Performance Analysis of Four Stroke Diesel Engine with blends of Karanja and Diesel |
Author(s): |
Pankaj Kumar Pathak , RKDF College of Technology, Bhopal, MP, India; Shumaila Sultan, RKDF College of Technology, Bhopal, MP, India |
Keywords: |
Diesel, Karanja, Engine, Methyl Ester, Performance |
Abstract |
An experimental investigation was made to evaluate the performance and combustion characteristics of a four stroke, single cylinder C.I. engine with the preheated blends of KME and diesel fuel at 60Ëš C. Karanja methyl ester was blended with diesel in proportions of 10%, 20% and 30% by volume and studied for the load range of No load to Max. load (15 kg), with the engine operated at constant speed. The performance parameters considered for comparing are brake power, brake specific fuel consumption , brake thermal efficiency etc. of the engine. The performance parameters were found to be very close to that of pure diesel. The brake thermal efficiency were better than pure diesel for the blend PB20 with preheating at 60ËšC under certain loads. From the investigation it may be concluded that PB20 (20% KME + 80% Diesel) with preheating at 60ËšC gives better performance in comparison to other modified oil. It is also concluded that either blending up to 20% or heating the Karanja oil can be used in diesel engines in rural areas for stationary applications like irrigation, processing of agricultural products and electric generation. From all these observations, it is recommended that the blends of karanja methyl ester with diesel up to 20% by volume with preheating at 60ËšC is a replacement to diesel fuel for running the diesel engine without sacrificing the power output. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV9I120004 Published in: Volume : 9, Issue : 12 Publication Date: 01/03/2022 Page(s): 35-38 |
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