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Survey on Privacy and Security Issues in IoT Applications using Blockchain


G. Indra Navaroj , JACSI College of Engineering, Nazareth; Dr. E. Golden Julie, Anna University Regional Campus, Tirunelveli


Blockchain, BIoT, Cloud server, Centralized storage, Distributed ledger, IoT


Security is an important challenges in monitoring and controlling environment through Internet of Things (IoT). All things like devices, resources, money, even all home appliance microwave oven, tooth brush are interconnected to the internet. All the collected information stored in the central cloud server. The major problem of a centralized system is that it works as a single point of failure. Due to single point of failure, centralized storage is converted in to decentralized storage. So the security is an important issue for secure the user private information and all connected devices. Blockchain means a distributed ledger it work like a public ledger (Banking), it is used to provide security and privacy for IoT applications. Main advantage of blockchain is used to overcome threats. Multiple application use cases of blockchain starting from financial sector, supply chain management, government aspects and IoT applications.

Other Details

Paper ID: ICCTP013
Published in: Conference 11 : ICCT 19
Publication Date: 01/05/2019
Page(s): 67-71

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