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Energy Saving for Opportunistic Routing Algorithm using Sleep/Awake mode in WSN


Shivleela. T , GNDEC college Bidar, Karnataka, India; Dr. Anuradha M.S , GNDEC college Bidar, Karnataka, India


1-D queue network, sleep/awake, OR, energy efficiency, Relay nodes


In a mobile ad-hoc network routing optimization for saving energy has become one of notable aspect in the wireless sensor network (WSN) routing protocol conception, because more often sensor nodes provided with a bounded non rechargeable battery power. In order to lower energy absorption and increase network lifetime data relayed in one-dimensional queuing network. A theory of Opportunistic routing principle is further improved by implementing sleep/awake mode in 1-dimensional network and multi-hop relay selection to enhance the network energy effectiveness depending on deviation between sensor nodes, with respect to range towards sink and residual energy among all nodes. Particularly, an Energy saving Opportunistic Routing (ENS_OR) principle is constructed to guarantee lower power cost at the time of packet relay and safeguards nodes by moderately low residual energy. Simulation test details in NS-2 shows that proposed system ENS_OR with sleep/awake mode considerably recuperates network performance by energy saving.

Other Details

Paper ID: NCACCP034
Published in: Conference 8 : NCACC-2016
Publication Date: 01/10/2016
Page(s): 139-142

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