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Numerical Investigation on Air Side Performance of Fin and Tubeheat Exchanger with Different Types of Fins


Ishwar J.Dhangar , RKDF (RGPV) Bhopal, India


Air Side Performance, Fin & Tubeheat Exchanger


The present thesis deals with the behaviour of fin and tube heat exchangers; fin tube heat exchangers are mostly employed to gas to liquid heat exchangers; it is an effective way to reduce the air side thermal resistance which often accounts for about 90% of the overall thermal resistance. Fin and Tube heat exchangers are widely used in various engineering fields such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning, refrigeration, automobiles and air intercoolers. Thus the study of behavior of fin and tube heat exchangers becomes quite necessary. The present study deals with the analysis of different types of heat exchangers with different types of fin mounted on it. The study is based on numerical approach of investigation where 3D models have been used. Three different types of fin namely plain fin, slit fin and vortex generator fins have been used. These different fin tube heat exchangers have been\ analyzed under certain set of operating conditions and their air side behavior is investigated As the inlet velocity of air is increased the Reynolds number of air side fluid i.e. air was increased and it was observed that the pressure drop measured in the different types of fin was increased due to increased air velocity and hence causing fall in friction factor; the air outlet temperature measured was decreasing as the Reynolds number was increasing; the air outlet temperature was decreasing due to increased turbulence in the air stream due to higher inlet air velocity. The observations of different types of fin and tube heat exchanger when compared it was concluded that it was observed that fin tube with vortex generator have higher outlet temperature & lowest pressure drop & friction factor. So it is the best heat exchanger within the given operating parameters.

Other Details

Paper ID: NCTAAP025
Published in: Conference 4 : NCTAA 2016
Publication Date: 29/01/2016
Page(s): 103-107

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