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A Quick Survey on 1G to 5G Technologies


Sweta Jha , Atharva College of Engineering University of Mumbai, India; Divya Sharma, Atharva College of Engineering University of Mumbai, India; Shilpa Jaiswal, Atharva College of Engineering University of Mumbai, India


Wireless Technologies, 1G to 5G, Cellular Architecture, Mobile Radiation


Mobile wireless industry had started its technology creation, revolution and evolution since early 1970’s. In this paper, there is a comparison of 1G to 5G wireless network technologies along with the proposed Architecture of 5G cellular network. The paper also draws the attention towards the harmful radiation effects incorporated with these technologies. These advancements made in the field of wireless technology leads to a charismatic blend of recent research with the customized use of these wireless gadgets resulting in increased bandwidth and performance which make it more effective and attractive.

Other Details

Paper ID: NCTAAP038
Published in: Conference 4 : NCTAA 2016
Publication Date: 29/01/2016
Page(s): 167-171

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