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51 |
Information Security using Cryptography and Image Processing
-R. B. Joshi ; Avanti Deshpande
Meaning of Information security is protecting information and the systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction. Therefore it is necessary to apply effective encryption/decryption methods to achieve data security. The user only needs to remember the short password to retrieve the key. The password can be forgotten and stolen. As Biometrics based authentication systems confirm an individual's identity based on the physiological and/or behavioral characteristics of the individual. It has advantages over password based methods. Biometrics based method provides direct link between the service and actual user. With biometrics, there is nothing to lose or forget, and it is relatively difficult to manipulate. Biometrics and cryptography are the two most prominent solutions for user authentication, data integrity preservation, and trustworthy verification. By combining biometrics with cryptography, high level of security can be achieved. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
1905-1907 |
52 |
A Survey of Botnet Detection Techniques
-Harshita Kanani ; Parmar Riya H.
Botnets are emerging as the most serious threat against cyber-security as they provide a distributed platform for several illegal activities such as launching distributed denial of service attacks against critical targets, malware dissemination, phishing, and click fraud. The defining characteristic of botnets is the use of command and control channels through which they can be updated and directed. Recently, botnet detection has been an interesting research topic related to cyber-threat and cyber-crime prevention. This paper is a survey of botnet and botnet detection. The survey clarifies botnet phenomenon and discusses botnet detection techniques. This survey classifies botnet detection techniques into four classes: signature-based, anomaly-based, DNS-based, and mining-base. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1908-1912 |
53 |
Implementation of Feed Forward Neural Network for Classification by Educational Board using Software Hardware Interfacing
-Monika A. Wadhai
in the last few years, the electronic devices production field has witness a great revolution by having the new birth of the extraordinary FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) family platforms. These platforms are the optimum and best choice for the modern digital systems now a day. The parallel structure of a neural network makes it potentially fast for the computation of certain tasks. The same feature makes a neural network well suited for implementation in VLSI technology. In this paper a hardware design of an artificial neural network on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) is presented. Digital system architecture is designed to realize a feed forward multilayer neural network. The designed architecture is described using Very High Speed Integrated Circuits Hardware Description Language (VHDL).General Terms-Network. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1913-1915 |
54 |
GPS & GSM based Voice Alert System for Blind Person
-D. G. Agrawal ; G. S. Gujrathi
This paper presents a theoretical model and a system concept to provide a smart electronic aid for blind people. This system is intended to provide overall measures –object detection and real time assistance via Global Positioning System (GPS).The system consist of ultrasonic sensor, GPS Module, GSM Module and vibratory circuit (speakers or head phones). This project aims at the development of an Electronic Travelling Aid (ETA) kit to help the blind people to find obstacle free path. This ETA is fixed to the stick of the blind people. When the object is detected near to the blinds stick it alerts them with the help of vibratory circuit (speakers or head phones). The location of the blind is found using Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) and Global Position System (GPS). Read More...
Electronics and Communication |
India |
1916-1918 |
55 |
Power Transient Response of EDFA as a function of Wavelength in the scenario of Wavelength Division Multiplexed System
-Simranjit Singh ; Prabhjyot Singh
In this paper power transient is investigated as function of add/drop wavelength and surviving channel wavelength. We have reported that power excursions varies with different wavelength allocations of the add/drop channels. Transient response is reduced by 73.39% in case when add/drop channels are taken in L band instead of C band. Also power transient response is calculated as a function of wavelengths of surviving channel. It has been observed that at higher wavelengths power excursions are less than at shorter wavelengths of C band. Read More...
Electronics and Communication |
India |
1919-1924 |
56 |
Data Acquisition and Control System for Real Time Applications
-Prof. P. G.Chilveri ; Sheetal Mahadik
This paper proposes an Embedded Ethernet which is nothing but a processor that is capable to communicate with the network. This helps in data acquisition and status monitoring with the help of standard LAN. Currently device with processor is widely used in industrial field. The Embedded Ethernet provides web access to distributed measurement/control systems and provides optimization for instrumentation, educational laboratories and home automation. However, a large number of devices don't have the network interface and the data from them cannot be transmitted in network. A design of ARM Processor based Embedded Ethernet interface is presented. In this design, data can be transmitted transparently through Ethernet interface unit to remote end desktop computer. By typing the IP address of LAN on the ARM9 board, the user gets sensor values on the PC screen at remote station. This provides the status of the devices at remote field. The user can also control the devices interfaced to the ARM9 Board by pressing the button displayed on the GUI of the remote Desktop PC. Read More...
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1925-1928 |
57 |
Prevalence of Hypokalemia in Population Consuming Large Quantities of Salted Fish
-Madhu Kanta ; C. Srinivasa Kalyan; M. Raja
Hypokalemia occur because of dietary source. It may cause a small elevation of blood pressure and muscle cramps. Moderate Hypokalemia with serum potassium concentrations of 2.5-3m Eq...l. severe hypokalemia leads to flaccid paralysis, tetany, and coastal area people suffer with Hypokalemia, because they are using sea products in the food, so sodium (Na+) will be higher than normal. Potassium (K+) will not available in the sea foods. In my study Hypokalemia affected persons are 24 & Hyperkalemia affected persons are 10. Read More...
Biochemistry |
India |
1929-1930 |
58 |
Hashing Algorithm: MD5
-Shweta Mishra ; Shikha Mishra; Nilesh Kumar
a message digest is a cryptographic hash function containing a string of digits created by a one-way hashing formula. Message digests are designed to protect the integrity of a piece of data or media to detect changes and alterations to any part of a message. In this paper, we have explained the hashing algorithm of MD5 and also proposed how to use it for file transmission and for hashing any string. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
1931-1933 |
59 |
Speaker Recognition System using MFCC and Vector Quantization Approach
-Ms. Mani Roja ; Deepak Harjani; Mohita Jethwani
This paper presents an approach to speaker recognition using frequency spectral information with Mel frequency for the improvement of speech feature representation in a Vector Quantization codebook based recognition approach. The Mel frequency approach extracts the features of the speech signal to get the training and testing vectors. The VQ Codebook approach uses training vectors to form clusters and recognize accurately with the help of LBG algorithm. Read More...
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1934-1937 |
60 |
Utilization of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash in Concrete
-Vyom B. Pathak ; Mr. Rushabh A. Shah; Miss Nimita A.Tijore
Utilization of industrial and agricultural waste products in the industry has been the focus of research for economic, environmental, and technical reasons. Sugar-cane bagasse is a fibrous waste-product of the sugar refining industry, along with ethanol vapour. This waste-product is already causing serious environmental pollution which calls for urgent ways of handling the waste. In this paper, Bagasse ash has been chemically and physically characterized, in order to evaluate the possibility of their use in the industry. X-ray diffractometry determination of composition and presence of crystalline material, scanning electron microscopy/EDAX examination of morphology of particles, as well as physical properties and refractoriness of bagasse ash has been studied. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1938-1942 |
61 |
Utilization of Fibers in Construction Industries for Properties Improvement of Concrete
-Mr. Vyom B. Pathak ; Mr Rushabh A. Shah; Mr. Rakesh S. Kacha
Today Construction industries are facing problems of Cracking and Tensile strength problems, for that we have to add something in concrete to improve concrete in tensile way. For that Fiber is most commonly used in construction industries. In this present study we have try to aware people about various types of Natural and Artificial Fiber like Jute, Coir, Bamboo, Bagasse, Glass, Carbon, Steel Fibers with its properties and its application in various area. In this study we have also tried to give information regarding Fiber Reinforced Concrete with its application in Construction industries for Better Performances. So from this Paper a reader can get Knowledge about Properties of Various Fibers and Various Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Betterment of Construction industries. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1943-1951 |
62 |
A Compatibility Study on Different Types of Cement and Plasticizer
-Dr. Jayesh A. Shah ; Mr. Dipak S. Gaud; Mr. Dhiren K. Paghdar; Mr. Rushabh A. Shah; Mr. Vyom B. Pathak
It has long been a concrete technologist's dream to discover method of making concrete at the lowest possible water/cement ratio while maintaining a high workability. To a considerable extent this dream has been fulfilled with the advent of super plasticizers. It has added a new dimension to the application of admixtures with regards to production of high strength and flow able concretes. It is now possible to produce concrete with compressive strength of the order of 90Mpa (90 N/mm2). In the wake of energy conservation policy and diminishing supplies of high quality raw materials, there is a need to use marginal quality cements and aggregates for the production of concrete. In such instances the use of plasticizers/super plasticizers permits the production of concrete at low water/ cement ratios. We have taken ultra tech opc cement & coromandal ppc cement to find the compatibility by adding perma plast (plasticizer). The water cement ratio was maintained as 0.40 &0.45 for OPC & PPC respectively. To study the effect of these PP on various properties of concrete. The dosage of plasticizers/super plasticizers was measured as 1.5% for Perma plast for OPC & 1.3% for PPC by the weight of cement. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1952-1954 |
63 |
Based on Heterogeneity and Electing Probability of Nodes Improvement in LEACH
-Zaki Anwer ; Amandeep Kaur Brar
In heterogeneous sensor networks, certain nodes become cluster heads which aggregate the data of their cluster nodes and transfer it to the sink. An Improved Energy leach protocol for cluster head selection in a hierarchically clustered heterogeneous network to reorganize the network topology efficiently is proposed in this research work. The proposed algorithm will use thresholding to improve the cluster head selection. The presented algorithm considers the sensor nodes in wireless network and randomly distributed in the heterogeneous network. The coordinates of the sink and the dimensions of the sensor field are known in prior. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1955-1960 |
64 |
Safety Optimization in Bikes
-Syed Abdul Khader Hussainy ; Neer Mariappan. M
Introduction of fast moving bikes in our country has disturbed the condition of Indian roads. Rash driving is the major concern with these bikes which has led to accidents all over. Today's generation which normally prefer super bikes (150cc or more) accounts for most of the accidents taking place in the country. Comparing previous census, the number of accidents taking place have increased drastically. Though bikes have high safety systems like disc brake, ABS, etc which can arrest the motion of wheel and stop the vehicle at any speeds, the problem here arises with pillion rider. When braking is applied at high speeds, the rear wheel is lifted up and bike comes to stoppie position and throws off the pillion rider from the vehicle. Pillion riders hardly wear helmet, thus it leads to serious injuries even leading to death. To minimize these kind of accidents, a special kind of shock absorber has been designed which absorbs shocks to greater extent. This shock absorber uses slider mechanism supported by springs placed beneath the rear seat. The rear seat is fitted with rollers which slide inside the rail, thus providing a slider motion. This slider motion is supported by springs of calculated stiffness which returns the roller to initial position after the action. When there is sudden breaking, deceleration is produced which brings the slider mechanism in action. The roller moves forward which leads to movement of seat forward and also the pillion rider. This pushes pillion rider forward rather than being thrown off from the vehicle. The spring plays a vital as it brings back the seat to initial position after the action is performed. Spring has another advantage as it reduces the shock produced during the movement of seat back and forth due to sudden breaking. Implementation of this method is easy as it requires slight customization in the rear seat. The rear seat is separated from driver's seat and slider mechanism is made beneath the rear seat. Setting up of this shock absorber is cheap and affordable. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1961-1964 |
65 |
A Review on Potential of Utilizing Metal Industry Wastes in Construction Industry
-Dr. Neeraj D. Sharma ; Mr. Hiren A.Rathod; Mr. Dipak S. Gaud
This exploration work is an effort to develop the awareness & importance of industrial waste management & its utilization in productive manner in construction industry. In today's more environmentally-conscious world, a more responsible approach to the environment is to increase the use of by-products of one industry which is disposed off as a waste but can be used as a raw material for some other industry. Traditionally materials like clay, sand, stone, gravels, cement, brick, block, tiles, etc. are being used as major building materials in construction sector. All these materials have been produced from the existing natural resources and will have intrinsic distinctiveness for damaging the environment due to their continuous exploitation and increasing cost incrementally. Hence it is essential to find functional substitutes for conventional building materials in the construction industry. For above purpose the exploration study is carried out for understanding and determining the scope of utilization of waste from metal industry such as silica fume, copper slag, foundry waste sand and ground granulated blast furnace slag (metal industry) in construction industry. In our country annually huge quantities of wastes are produced by the industries. Instead of disposing-off these wastes if they are utilized in such a manner then it will provide an eco-friendly solution, simultaneously solving the problem of pollution and raising the step towards economy & obviously towards progress of the nation. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1965-1970 |
66 |
Experimental Observation on Reduction of Foot Formation of 4600-M Aluminum Alloy in Shaping
-Santanu Das ; P. P. Saha
Formation of foot occurs in shaping when a cutting tool exits the work piece. It may cause chipping of the cutting edge leaving the exit edge of the work piece. Presence of foot causes difficulties in the manufacture of different assembly. In this experiment, an attempt is made to reduce foot formation of aluminum alloy (4600-M) by beveling the exit edge of the work piece under dry environment. Experimental results are analyzed through ANOVA to find out the significance of machining parameters and exit edge bevel angle to reduce foot formation. It is found out that exit edge bevel angle has more significant effect than cutting velocity and orthogonal rake angle. No foot is observed at 15 ° exit edge bevel angle. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1971-1974 |
67 |
Survey of Hybrid Encryption Algorithm for Mobile Communication
-Nishit Mishra ; Ishita Bhatia
To enhance the security of data transmission in Mobile communication, a hybrid encryption algorithm based on DES and RSA is proposed. The currently used encryption algorithm employed to protect the confidentiality of data during transport between two or more devices is a 128-bit symmetric block cipher. In the proposed hybrid encryption algorithm, DES algorithm is used for data transmission because of its higher efficiency in block encryption, encryption speed of DES algorithm is faster than RSA algorithm for long plaintext, and RSA algorithm distribute key safely and easily also RSA algorithm is used for the encryption of the key of the DES because of its management advantages in key cipher. Under the dual protection with the DES algorithm and the RSA algorithm, the data transmission in mobile communication system will be more secure. Meanwhile, it is clear that the procedure of the entire encryption is still simple and efficient. Digital abstract algorithm MD5 is adopted in this mechanism. Through comparing the digital signature which is transmitted by dispatcher and digital signature result of plaintext which is got by receiver through MD5 algorithm, data security can be guaranteed. This mechanism realizes the confidentiality, completeness, authentication and non- repudiation. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
1975-1977 |
68 |
FPGA Implementation of Mix and Inverse Mix Column for AES Algorithm
-Neethan Elizabeth Abraham ; Tibin Thomas
advanced encryption standard was accepted as a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) standard. In order to reduce the area consumption and to increase the speed mix and inverse mix column transformation can be used as a single module .This paper contains design of new architecture, its simulation and implementation results and comparison with previous architecture. Read More...
Electronics and Communication |
India |
1981-1984 |
69 |
A Learning Model for DSP on FPGA Case Study on Real Time Digital Video Filter
-Shashank Pujari ; Sofia Nayak
this paper covers the implementation methodologies of spatial filters in FPGA platform for video image enhancement. Video noise removal and image enhancement techniques are used in video applications. The Mean and Median have been implemented on FPGA. The Mat-lab version design result is also covered. Read More...
Electronics and Communication |
India |
1985-1987 |
70 |
Energy Efficient LEACH protocol for Wireless Sensor Network (I-LEACH)
-Deepak Dembla ; Shivam H. Mehta
in the wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the sensor nodes (called motes) are usually scattered in a sensor field an area in which the sensor nodes are deployed. These motes are small in size and have limited processing power, memory and battery life. In WSNs, conservation of energy, which is directly related to network life time, is considered relatively more important souse of energy efficient routing algorithms is one of the ways to reduce the energy conservation. In general, routing algorithms in WSNs can be divided into flat, hierarchical and location based routing. There are two reasons behind the hierarchical routing Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol be in explored. One, the sensor networks are dense and a lot of redundancy is involved in communication. Second, in order to increase the scalability of the sensor network keeping in mind the security aspects of communication. Cluster based routing holds great promise for many to one and one to many communication paradigms that are pre valentines or networks. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1988-1991 |
71 |
Synthesis & FPGA Implementation of UART IP Soft Core
-Subir Maity ; Sohini Chatterjee; Sona Gava; Shreya Sharan; Sonam Sinha
this paper presents synthesis and hardware implementation of fully functional Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter Intellectual Property core using XILINX SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 series FPGA. The UART soft core module consists of a transmitter along with baud rate generator and a receiver module with false start bit detection features. This has been implemented using VERILOG hardware description language and synthesized using XILINX ISE development tools. All behavioral simulation of UART module performed using MODELSIM simulator. After successful FPGA implementation transmitter and receiver module was tested by connecting FPGA board with Hyper Terminal software via RS232 interface at a data speed of 9.6 kbps. Read More...
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1992-1994 |
72 |
A Review on Laser marking by Nd-Yag Laser and Fiber Laser
-Vidya N. Nair ; Vaibhav Y. Javale
Laser marking provides a unique combination of
speed, permanence and versatility. Laser engraving is a
manufacturing method for those applications where
previously Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) was the
only choice. Laser engraving technology removes material
layer-by-layer and the thickness of layers is usually in the
range of few microns. Also there is many types of laser
machines are available in recent time. Therefore for
Optimum Use of Laser energy it is necessary to optimum
use of process parameters to get best marking speed,
Quality. This review paper presents various important works
on Laser marking and its parameters i.e. Width, Depth,
Contrast of Marking.
Electronics and Communication |
India |
1995-1997 |
73 |
Simulation of Doubly Fed Induction Generator
-Pragnesh Patel ; Pankaj Valand
in recent years, wind energy has become one of the most important and promising sources of renewable energy, which demands additional transmission capacity and better means of maintaining system reliability. The wind energy conversion systems are connected to the grid through Voltage Source Converters (VSC) to make variable speed operation possible. The studied system here is a variable speed wind generation system based on DFIG using MATLAB Simulation. DFIG is the hybrid version of the Induction Generator. In the DFIG no extra auxiliary equipment is required to compensate the reactive power because the design of DFIG is such a way that reactive power is compensate by the Rotor Side or Grid Side Converter. The rotor side converter (RSC) usually provides active and reactive power control of the machine while the grid-side converter (GSC) keeps the voltage of the DC-link constant. Results show that the DFIG can work at variable speed; it gives the optimum output at respective speed. But induction generator only works at fixed speed. The power output is more reliable in DFIG. In induction generator capacitor bank or STATECOM is used for compensate the reactive power. In DFIG there is no need of such equipment's for compensating the reactive power. DFIG is more stable at Transient Fault Condition than IG. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1998-2001 |
74 |
A Literature Review on Fiber Laser Cutting on Stainless Steel-304
-Vidya N. Nair ; Vikrant B. Mahajan
the recent up gradation of newer and high strength materials have made the machining task in fiber laser cutting is quite challenging. Thus for the optimum use of all the resources it is essential to make the required mechanical properties, accuracy and quality. This paper reviews the various notable works in field of Fiber Laser Cutting and magnifies on effect of machining parameters on strength, kerf width and surface roughness. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
2002-2003 |
75 |
Mathematical Modeling 15kW Standard Induction Motor using MATLAB/SIMULINK
-Prof. Mrs. B.S. Dani ; Prof. K. B. Porate; Er. Yogesh G. Tayade
Electric motors and motor systems in industrial and infrastructure applications with pumps, fans and compressors in buildings are responsible for 45% of the world's total electricity consumption. New and existing technologies offer the potential to reduce the energy demand of motor systems across the global economy by 20% to 30% with short payback period. This paper addresses the impact of load modeling in particular induction motor. The objective of paper is to analyze the performance of 15kw standard induction motor and extraction of parameter such as stator resistance, rotor resistance, stator and rotor inductance, torque, speed. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
2004-2007 |
76 |
Study and Comparison of Open Source and Licensed VLSI CAD Tools using CMOS Design Methodology
-Prachi Tiwari ; Anupama; Ayoush Johari
the design of VLSI circuits can be achieved at many different refinement levels from the most detailed layout to the most abstract architectures. VLSI design has been the study of electronic design automation and related semiconductor science, and many software tools have been written to solve one or more problems associated with the VLSI design flow. VLSI CAD tools have emerged as a boon in assisting VLSI Design engineers to choose and optimize various design models and technology. The importance of CAD tool can be understood by seeing its complex algorithms, data structures and modeling assumptions used in each of the following steps namely logic synthesis, logic verification, layout synthesis, timing verification and many others. Thus a number of standard tools have emerged to design and analyze VLSI chip from one step of the flow to another. Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of computer systems to assist in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. Computer aids in VLSI now offer advance capabilities so engineers can better visualize their product designs. The VLSI CAD tools work sideways together with chip designers to design and analyze entire semiconductor chips. In this paper, a number of open-source and licensed CAD tools will be studied and compared. The tools have been used for various commercial and academic purposes in various companies and universities at different design abstraction levels. This paper will help to comprehend many EDA tools and help to select appropriate computer aid for chip design. Read More...
Electronics and Communication |
India |
2008-2013 |
77 |
Fatigue or Durability Analysis of Steering Knuckle
-Patel Akash A.
the purpose of the study of this thesis is to discuss analysis the acting force upon the steering knuckle while in track or random load for a vehicle. Steering knuckle is main important part in the vehicle because that requires lots of attention in selection because once it is damaged then it have to replace with the new one.
Structural Components such as a steering knuckle might be strong enough to withstand a single applied load. But what happens when the part operates over and over, day after today? To predict component failure in such cases requires what's called fatigue or durability analysis.
For our purposes, a constant or static load does not cause failure. What counts is the impact of working or fluctuating loads. Failures, or fractures, take place when cracks get so large that remaining material can no longer endure stresses and strains. In classic structural analyses, failure predictions are based solely on material strength or yield strength. Durability analysis goes beyond this, evaluating failure based on repeated simple or complex loading. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
2014-2015 |
78 |
Fatigue Durability Analysis for Welded Bogie Frame
-Patel Ronak A.
A Fatigue durability analysis for a welded bogie frame of railway vehicle is realized with several kinds of system integration techniques. The macro program like Pro-E, the APDL of ANSYS, and an in-house fatigue code are utilized for the parametric geometry modeling and automatic generation of finite element models, Software like Ansys, Natran are used for static stress analysis, the fatigue durability analysis, respectively. A parametric study is carried out to take into account the effect of geometrical change of transom support brackets on its fatigue durability. Developed automation techniques reduce remarkably the time and costs required in the fatigue durability analysis. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
2016-2016 |
79 |
Equal Switching Distribution Method for Multi-Level Cascaded Inverter
-Rituparna Guchhayat
the paper proposes a new method of equal
switching distribution that can be applied to cascaded multilevel
inverters. This method is based on the fact that in the
cascaded multilevel inverters, the output phase voltage is the
sum of voltage waveforms produced by all cascaded cells.
By periodically exchanging cells' voltage waveforms, the
proposed method ensures equal average switching's
distribution between all cascaded cells. This method is
applied to the 13-level inverter, which consists of three
cascaded 5-level H-bridge cells per phase. However, the
proposed method can be extended to any desired number of
voltage levels and applied to any type of cascaded multilevel
inverter. Extensive simulation results of the tested 13-
level inverter with the equal switching distribution are
presented. Moreover, the proposed method is compared to
the standard control approaches and its advantages are
Electrical Engineering |
India |
2017-2021 |
80 |
Modeling To Predict Cutting Force And Surface Roughness of Metal Matrix Composite Using ANN
-Shah Purvesh S.
recently, the composite material founds various
applications in aerospace industries, automobile and
commercial industries etc. Metal-matrix composites are
combinations of two or more materials where tailored
properties are achieved by systematic combinations of
different constituents. The Aluminum was selected for
matrix material and Silicon carbide as a reinforcing element
for metal matrix composite. The stir casting method was
used to make a specimen of Al-SiCp metal matrix
composite. The 5, 10 and 15 wt % of particulates SiC were
dispersed in the base matrix of Al 6061.
The aim of the present work is to measure the
values of the parameters like cutting force and surface
roughness. The effect of spindle speeds, feed rates and depth
of cuts on cutting forces and surface roughness are
investigated in the milling operation of siliconcarbide
particle reinforced aluminum metal matrix composites.
In the present study, cutting force and surface
roughness prediction model of Al-SiCp metal matrix
composites was developed using artificial neural network.
SiC percentage, spindle speed, feed rates, and depth of cut
are taking as input parameters while the cutting force and
surface roughness taking as output parameters for ANN
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
2022-2022 |
81 |
Slider Crank Mechanism for Four bar linkage
-Patel Ronak A.
the slider crank mechanism is a particular four
bar linkage configuration that exhibits both linear and
rotational motion simultaneously. This mechanism is
frequently utilized in undergraduate engineering courses to
investigate machine kinematics and resulting dynamic
forces. The position, velocity, acceleration and shaking
forces generated by a slider crank mechanism during
operation can be determined analytically. Certain factors are
often neglected from analytical calculations, causing results
to differ from experimental data. The study of these slight
variances produces useful insight. The following report
details the successful design, fabrication and testing of a
pneumatically powered slider crank mechanism for the
purpose of classroom demonstration and experimentation.
Transducers mounted to the mechanism record kinematic
and dynamic force data during operation, which can then be
compared to analytical values. The mechanism is capable of
operating in balanced and unbalanced configurations so that
the magnitude of shaking forces can be compared. The
engine was successfully manufactured and operates as
intended. Data recorded by the device's accelerometers is
comparable to calculated values of acceleration and shaking
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
2023-2024 |
82 |
Intelligent Load Shedding Using TCP/IP for Smart Grids
-Mr. Manthan Panchal
computerized power management system with
fast and optimal communication network overcomes all
major discrepancies of undue or inadequate load relief that
were present in old conventional systems. This paper
presents the basic perception and methodology of modern
and true intelligent load shedding scheme in micro grids
topology by employing TCP/IP protocol for fast and
intelligent switching. The network understudy performs
load management and power distribution intelligently in a
unified network. Generated power is efficiently distributed
among local loads through fast communication system of
server in the form of source and clients in the form of
loads through TCP/IP. The efficient use of information
between server and clients enables to astutely control the
load shedding in a power system of micro grids system.
The processing time of above stated system comes out to
be 10 ms faster than others which ensure very less delay as
compared to conventional methods. The Micro Grids
system operating through TCP/IP control has been
implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK and results have
been verified.
Computer Engineering |
India |
2025-2026 |
83 |
Stress Analysis and Design Modification of 3-stage Helical Gear Box Casing
-Patel Mitesh S.
the finite element analysis of 3 stage helical
gearbox that constitutes the driving mechanism of a double
bascule movable bridge was performed. The triple reduction
helical gearbox was made of ASTM A36 Steel. The triple
reduction helical gearbox was a three stage gearbox
transmitting 112.5 H.P. at 174 rpm with a reduction ratio of
71.05:1. The Differential gearbox was a single stage
gearbox transmitting 150 H.P. at 870 rpm with reduction
ratio of 5:1
The load calculation for helical, herringbone, and
bevel gears were performed using the MATHCAD Software
package. The reactions were used to apply loads to the finite
element model of housing (casing). Geometric model of 3
stage helical gearbox was built using NX-8 and meshed
using the ANSYS finite element program. Linear structural
analysis was performed using a combination of shell and
solid elements to determine the deflection and to estimate
the stress distribution in the housing. Nonlinear analysis was
later performed using shell, solid, and beam & gap elements
to determine if the interface between the two halves of the
housing separated and contributed to any undesirable
misalignments of the shafts or bearings.
In the triple reduction gearbox, the axial forces
caused a maximum displacement 0.05588 cm. The location
and magnitude of the displacements would not contribute to
the undesirable misalignment of the shafts and bearings. The
maximum von Misses stress in the triple reduction gearbox
was 9000 psi. The minimum factor of safety in the triple
reduction gearbox was four. The nonlinear analysis
determined that separation did not occur on the interface
between the two halves of the gearbox housings.
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
2027-2028 |
84 |
The Effects of Mutual Coupling and Transformer Connection Type on Frequency Response of Unbalanced Three Phases Electrical Distribution System
-Janmejay Vyas
in this paper, a novel harmonic modeling
technique by utilizing the concept of multi -terminal
components is presented and applied to frequency scan
analysis in multiphase distribution system. The proposed
modeling technique is based on gathering the same phase
busses and elements as a separate group (phase grouping
technique, PGT) and uses multi-terminal components to
model three-phase distribution system. Using multi-terminal
component and PGT, distribution system elements,
particularly, lines and transformers can effectively be
modeled even in harmonic domain. The proposed modeling
technique is applied to a test system for frequency scan
analysis in order to show the frequency response of the test
system in single and three-phase conditions. Consequently,
the effects of mutual coupling and transformer connection
types on three-phase frequency scan responses are analyzed
for symmetrical and asymmetrical line configurations.
Electrical Engineering |
India |
2034-2039 |
85 |
Sphere Tank Safety Interlock Using PLC
This paper deals with the design of a shutdown
controller for a Sphere tank in oil refinery using
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). PLCs are sequential
control systems which are used to implement safety
interlock system in industrial plants. The sphere tanks are
used to store flammable products like LPG and must be
isolated in case of fire or gas leakage PLC are switch type
devices we, closing all the inlet and outlet (ROVs) valves.
According to predefined conditions, the safety instruments
located both at the field and at the console will function.
This system also includes gas leakage detection.
Keywords: Sphere, Programmable logic controller (PLC),
shutdown, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Remote
Operating Valves (ROV).
Electronics and Communication |
India |
2040-2044 |
86 |
Modeling and Analysis of Wind Power Generation Using PID Controller
-A V Sudhakara Reddy ; B Bhargava Reddy; D Sivakrishna
in recent years, wind energy has become one of
the most important and promising sources of renewable
energy, which demands additional transmission capacity and
better means of maintaining system reliability. The
evolution of technology related to wind systems industry
leaded to the development of a generation of variable speed
wind turbines that present many advantages compared to the
fixed speed wind turbines. A new control strategy stator
field oriented control to capture optimum power from the
wind through closed loop current control and rotor speed
regulation of DFIG. The wind turbine characteristics and
optimum power curve has been introduced. The generator
active and reactive power is decoupled and controlled by
stator currents. Mathematical model of DFIG with current
control loop using PID controller is designed simulation
results in Simulink show the effectiveness of the strategy to
maximize the power extracted from the wind.
Electrical Engineering |
India |
2045-2049 |