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1 |
Effect of Soil Structure Interaction on Structure Response with Isolated Footings
-Kapil Upadhyay ; Dr. Raghvendra Singh
Soil-structure interaction, SSI, in some cases assumes a significant part, particularly for monstrous designs developed on the somewhat delicate soil, which might modify the unique attributes of primary reactions. In the standard sort of primary investigation, soil-structure cooperation is disregarded and the primary reactions are simply represented. The proposed work looks to appreciate the influence of soil structure interaction on the fundamental conduct of a structure supported on an isolated footings exposed to seismic burden; the Time History technique is utilized in the investigation. To accomplish the previously mentioned objective, the accompanying targets have been laid out. This work focused on the investigate the soil structure collaboration impact on uncovered outlines for square as well as rectangular footings for different types of soil, such as hard soil, medium soil, and soft soil. The experimental results reveals that in comparison of time span for fixed help and point spring component it is seen that, the size of time-frame (T) for Soft Soil Condition is higher in comparison with Fixed Support, Medium and Hard Soil types. The even dislodging of design is viewed as most extreme for delicate soil (45.6 mm-Square, 41.353mm-Rectangular) at 15 m stature and for Fixed help model is 34.852 mm. The Soft Soil is uprooted by 1.308 and 1.186 (Square, Rectangular), that of Fixed Support condition. Comparably Hard Soil and medium Soil are uprooted by 35.774, 38.448 mm and are 1.02 and 1.103 seasons of Fixed Support condition. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1-5 |
2 |
Industrial Load Controller and its Management with Arduino-uno Single Phase Implementation
-Pragati P. Chawke ; Amit kumar S. Thakur ; Sagar S. Gabhane
At present extra work load on the industry has become a normal situation to meet increasing demand and of production, for this industries are made to run for excess hours which lead to usage of excess power. There is specific limit of power usage under which industry has to work and for this purpose maximum demand controller is installed for controlling the power usage in industry. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
6-8 |
3 |
Planning Proposal of Treatment Chain for Industrial Wastewater Using Water Hyacinth
-Parth J. Kanani ; Bhavik A. Bambhrolia; Parth H. Dudhat; Priyansh N. Akoliya; Darshan D. Devani
In the face of the increasing scarcity of water resources, industries need to undertake audits for their existing water supply and find an alternative solution for wastewater. Phytoremediation is the easiest way to treat such type of water. For that, we will give Planning Proposal for the complete effluent treatment chain, which can reduce the physicochemical parameters like TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), TSS (Total Suspended Solid), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and many more from the contaminated water. The Roots of Water hyacinth naturally absorb pollutants and some organic compounds. Water hyacinth can be cultivated for Waste Water Treatment, and it can be used in the process of water purification for industrial wastewater. Water hyacinth provides a suitable environment for aerobic bacteria to remove various impurities present in water. The Basic Purpose is to use a water hyacinth plant to purify industrial wastewater and its treatment. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
9-12 |
4 |
Adaptive Algorithm for Digital Predistortion Using LS with Cholesky Decomposition
-Rahul Khatri ; Ujjayini Debnath; Gurmeet Singh
Digital predistortion is one of the most capable ways to compensate non-linear characteristic of a power amplifier. In this paper, a new approach which uses least square (LS) adaptive algorithm with cholesky decomposition is presented. If least square algorithm is combined with Cholesky decomposition for finding the inversion matrix of power amplifier model it not only provides high degree of improvement but also improves stability and decrease computation complexity. Read More...
M.Tech |
India |
13-14 |
5 |
Go-Kart Power Transmission System
-Satyam Avhad ; Yash Barse
This paper overview the program whose objective is to transmit power using 4 stroke IC engine. In this paper detailed information is given about power system. Most common part used for power transmission is IC engine. In almost all vehicles IC Engine is used .But we used IC engine for self-made vehicle we name it as go kart. It is a 4stroke vehicle having rear wheel drive. In this project we research about engine working of each part and technical naming of each component also assembly disassembly of engine. Go-kart, is defined as the system which does not have suspension system and no differential. They are race on down scaled track, but sometimes kart driven as entertainment or as a hobby by non-professionals. 'Go Karting' is common stepping stone to the expensive ranks of motor sports. Kart racing is the most economic form of karting motor sport. Kart racing is a low-cost and safe way to introduce drivers to motor racing. Many people believe that this sport is associated with youthful drivers only but matures are also very active in karting. Karting is introduced as the first step in learning and racing career of any individual. It can prepare the driver for full speed racing by helping him to develop guide, we can learn precision car control and improve decision making skills. Also it brings an awareness of the different parameters that can be try to improve the competitiveness of the kart. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
15-16 |
6 |
Restoration of Nag River in Nagpur Region
-Preksha B. Kamble ; Hiradas Lilhare; Nalini Thakre
Nagpur is a city in the central part of India in Maharashtra State. Nagpur district is located between 21°45’ N to 20°30’ N and 78°15’ E to 79°45’ E. The adjoining districts are Bhandara on the east, Chandrapur on the south, Amravati and Wardha on the west and in the north shares the boundary with Madhya Pradesh. The Nagpur district is located in the Deccan Plateau region of Maharashtra. The city is practically located at the geographical centre of India. In fact the zero milestone of India is in this city. Bakth Buland Shah, the founder of Nagpur city, decided to start the settlement along the river in early 18th century. The expansion took place on both sides of the Nag River. Nag River flows through the city Nagpur which covers 50 km length of city. The name of Nagpur city has been derived from Nag River, which is also known as Orange city for being major trade centre of oranges. Nag River originates from Ambazari Lake which is situated at upstream of Nagpur city. Nag River ecosystem is subjected to human interference and anthropogenic activites like discharge of untreated sewage and industrial effluents of 420 MLD of capacity flows through the river and makes it dark gray in colour and emanates foul smell during non-monsoon period. The length of Nag River around city boundary is 17 kms and this river basin is called as central zone. It is located at west part of city and it flows into Kanhan River and from there it is confluenced with Gosikhurd Project situated at village Gose Tah. Pauni Dist. Bhandara. The untreated sewage is either percolating to ground or routing to natural water bodies. Holistic planning for Sewerage infrastructure requires survey and investigation, population projections, estimated sewage generation, existing infrastructure and obstruction features. The preparation for proposed sewerage infrastructure improvements includes analysis of attributed information to develop optimized designs. This includes selection of suitable materials of construction, techniques for implementation of new components and rehabilitation/augmentation of existing infrastructure along with efficient operation and maintenance. The concerned executing agency of Nagpur, Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has taken various initiatives including preparation of a Sewerage Master Plan for river. sewerage infrastructure development must include sewerage connectivity to all households, rejuvenation of natural drains, rejuvenation of rivers and alternative source of non-potable water to attain improved hygiene, better standard of living and low mortality rates. Nagpur Municipal Cooperation (MNC) is responsible for providing potable water and sewerage facilities. NMC has taken remarkable initiatives with key approach towards structuring and development of Nagpur’s rivers sewerage infrastructure. The purpose of this thesis is to present a Green bridges are an ecotechnical in situ bio remediation system. Their different physical and biological filters work in combination to remove suspended and dissolved impurities of water. Green bridge filters help in reducing the suspended solids by filtration process, reducing Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)/Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) by aerobic degradation. Green Bridges also help in the restoration of ecological food chain. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
17-24 |
7 |
Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Quary Dust & Red Soil in Concrete
-Vipin Kumar Gautam ; Khushboo Tiwari
In India, construction industries are the fastest expanding industry. The river sand is being extensively used in the construction industry and this has lead to the acute shortage of the sand, which is used as fine aggregate. The cost of producing concrete has been steadily rising for some years, and fine aggregates have become increasingly scarce, exacerbating the problem. The negative consequences of indiscriminately extracting fine aggregate from river bottoms have been repeatedly mentioned as a source of concern. To address this problem, utilization of alternative materials should be done. In this review a thorough assessment is done on the alternatives available for the replacement of fine aggregate. The paper has reviewed the use of red soil and quarry dust as a fine aggregate replacement (partially and completely). Quarry dust is a waste by-product of aggregate processing plants. Red soil is naturally and easily available in Tamil Nadu, parts of Karnataka, south eastern Maharashtra, eastern Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, Orissa. Different physical, chemical and mechanical properties of red soil and quarry dust as well as the concrete, containing these materials, were reviewed and comparisons were done between them. A comparative study is also done with the currently used material in the industry which is M-sand (Manufactured sand). It can be observed that in concrete where the sand was replaced by red soil soil and quarry dust exhibits improved strength and durability properties, but the water absorption is also increased significantly. It is deemed that further detailed investigations are needed for the proposed alternatives, and a structure for future research has been proposed in order to achieve reliable, robust, environmentally friendly, and economically viable concrete as the end product. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
25-28 |
8 |
Mathematical Model for Inventory Optimization: A Fuzzy Integrated Approach
-Rekha H. Chaudhari ; Dr. A.S.Gor
Inventory is always important for any type of business whether it comes for retails business or warehouses. Inventory is simply to keep a record of all the materials (Raw and furnished) inlet and outlets, and every kind of record which can be used in that business. Similarly optimization of this kind of inventory also plays an important role. If the inventory is not optimized then it may create difficulty to handle the business. Sometimes it may create un-ambiguities also. This paper is focused to analyze uncertainty in inventory management and optimization with the help of fuzzy integration. Optimization is achieved through total cost while the uncertainty is dealt with fuzzy sets. Fuzzy sets permit linguistic phrases handle in an accurate mathematical manner while crisp extents are essential for inventory management. Read More...
Mathematics |
India |
29-31 |
9 |
Analysis of Bus Tracking System GPS on Smartphones
-Sushma Kute ; Krutika Khandre; Reshma Chothave; Priyanka Gorde; Umakant D. Butakar
The Public transport networks (PTNs) are delicate to use when the stoner is strange with the area they're traveling to. This is true for both occasional druggies (including callers) and regular druggies who need to travel to areas with which they aren't acquainted. In these situations, acceptable on- trip navigation information can mainly ease the use of public transportation and be the driving factor in motivating trippers to prefer it over other modes of transportation. GPS device is enabled on the shadowing device and this information is transferred to centralized control unit or directly at the machine stops using RF receivers. This system is farther integrated with the literal average pets of each member. This is done to ameliorate the delicacy by including the factors like volume of business, crossings in each member, day and time of day. People can track information using LEDs at machine stops, SMS, web operation or Android operation. GPS equals of the machine when transferred to the centralized garçon where colorful appearance time estimation algorithms are applied using literal speed patterns. The provocation for every position grounded information system is "To help with the exact information, at right place in real time with substantiated setup and position acuteness". Position- Grounded services are decreasingly important for ultramodern mobile bias similar as the Smartphone. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
32-35 |
10 |
Air Pollution Prediction Using Regression Models
-Prerak Khandelwal ; Deep Kothari
Air is the most important natural resource for people, animals, and plants to survive on this world. Fuel combustion, exhaust emissions from factories and industries, and mining operations all contribute to air pollution surpassing all other forms of pollution as the deadliest threat humanity has ever faced. This has a variety of health consequences for people, as well as consequences for plants and animals' ability to thrive. As a result, air quality forecasting and evaluation are becoming more essential study topics. For air quality forecasting, a machine learning-based prediction model is developed in this study. This model will assist us in identifying the principal pollutant present in the area, as well as the causes and sources of that pollutant. The value of India's Air Quality Index is used to forecast air quality. The information is gathered from various locations across India and then preprocessed to remove null values, missing values, and duplicate entries. Various machine learning methods are used to train and test the dataset. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
36-39 |
11 |
Secure and Anonymous IoT Data Sharing Platform based on Blockchain using Proxy Re-encryption
-B.Mathimila ; K.Chandramohan
Data is central to the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. With billions of devices connected, utmost of the current IoT systems are using centralized pall- grounded data participating systems, which will be delicate to gauge up to meet the demands of unborn IoT systems. The involvement of such a third- party service provider requires also trust from both the detector proprietor and detector data stoner. Also, freights need to be paid for their services. To attack both the scalability and trust issues and to automatize the payments, this paper presents a blockchain- grounded business for sharing of the IoT data. We also use a deputyre-encryption scheme for transferring the data securely and anonymously, from data patron to the consumer. The system stores the IoT data in pall storehouse after encryption. To partake the collected IoT data, the system establishes runtime dynamic smart contracts between the detector and data consumer without the involvement of a trusted third- party. It also uses a veritably effective deputyre-encryption scheme which allows that the data is only visible by the proprietor and the person present in the smart contract. This new combination of smart contracts with deputyre-encryption provides an effective, fast and secure platform for storing, trading and managing detector data. The proposed system is enforced using out-the-shelf IoT detectors and computer bias. We also dissect the performance of our mongrel system by using thepermission-less Ethereum blockchain and compare it to the IBM Hyperledger Fabric, a permissioned blockchain. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
40-43 |
12 |
Salt-Free Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes- A Novel Approach for Green Chemistry
-Sanket Kuge ; Varsha Patil
In this paper, initially the introduction to various salt-free dyeing techniques is given. Their application methods has been described in brief. Finally, the usefulness of the paper is given in conclusions. Read More...
Textile Engineering |
India |
44-45 |
13 |
A Review Study on Flexible Housing
-Sabiha Shahajan Tahasildar ; Priti Sachin Vathare; Nikita Rajendra Chavan; Anuja Ashok Bidre; Sanika Suresh Nirmal
In the broad definition proposed in this paper, flexible architecture can be understood as any building or building component designed for adaptation to change in its surroundings. In the examples investigated here, responsiveness focuses on either changing usage patterns (the activities of the building’s inhabitants) or changes in the (exterior or interior) environment. The rate at which these changes take place provides another means of describing and categorizing types of flexible architecture. The concept of interactive surfaces as an expressive element of the building has been explored in numerous installations, mostly temporary, which have explored the architectural implications of materials capable of change in response to their immediate surroundings. The flexibility in architectural design can solve the area problems and multi-use plan. It could provide many possibilities to change the shape and size of internal space in addition to the economic and social impacts on the housing system. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
46-47 |
14 |
Smart Waste Management Using IoT and Cloud
-Amisha Naresh Patil ; Abhijeet Sanjay Karanjkar ; Namrata Pandit Avhad ; Prashant Ashru Kadu ; Umakant Dinkar Butkar
In our management system we will design dustbin which will be automatically opened when person arrives to put the waste and keep track if it is full. This will be achieved using IoT project with sensors called ultrasonic sensors, Arduino and ESP-8266 together. The IoT will be connected to internet using public wi-fi which will send the dustbin details to cloud. We are using Google cloud platform (GCP) as our cloud provider which is reliable and secure in itself. Then our system will provide admin with desktop application which will fetch data from the cloud and see the status of a dustbin on his screen. To monitor a dustbin the admin will first assign code which be saved on cloud and embedded in the hardware of IoT device. To encourage people to use the smart dustbin we will be providing a mobile app. After registering himself a user will use the mobile app. The user will scan the QR code that will be attached to each smart dustbin and then put waste in it. After successful scan the user will be allocated with some points for each waste that he dumps which can be used to reduce his municipal bills. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
48-50 |
15 |
Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) for Power Quality Improvement in Power System: A Review
-Fraz Akhtar ; Durgesh Vishwakarma
Power Quality is an essential concern in the modern power system that can affect consumers and utility. The integration of renewable energy sources, smart grid systems and extensive use of power electronics equipment caused innumerable problems in the modern electric power system. Current and voltage harmonics, voltage sag, and swell can damage the sensitive equipment. one of the methods by which power quality problems might be addressed is to apply power electronic devices in the form of custom power devices. One of such devices is Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) which is connected in series to distribution networks Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is a potential Distribution Flexible AC Transmission System (D-FACTS) device widely adopted to surmount the problems of non-standard voltage, current, or frequency in the distribution grid. It injects voltages in the distribution line to maintain the voltage profile and assures constant load voltage. This paper reviews on the application of DVR for Voltage Compensation. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
51-53 |
16 |
Study on Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting Tanks for a College Campus in Lucknow
-Ashutosh Singh ; Shivam Dwivedi; Garima Chaurasia; Mohd. Wasiq
Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting is the technique through which rain water is captured from the roof catchments and stored in reservoirs. Harvested rain water can be stored in sub-surface ground water reservoir by adopting artificial recharge techniques to meet the household needs through storage in tanks. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
54-56 |
17 |
Analyzing of Heart Disease Based on Various Machine Learning Techniques
-Shinde Divya Shantaram ; Dr.khatal.S.S; Jadhav Pankaj; Nalawade Sanchit; Pawar Mahesh
HEART disease is one in every most common disease in now a days, and for Who those provide health care, and save their life the heart disease dataset to classify it properly to predict heart disease cases with large amount data thought of this case a cardiovascular disease. Prediction system is developed exploitation supply regression nearest neighbor, call tree, random forest the heart malady risk level. Support vector machine obtained the best accuracy result of heart disease people and it is obtained by supply regression, KNN classifier and call tree severally. It is impractical for a common man to frequently system in place which is handy and the same time reliable, in predicting the chances of heart disease thus proposed system. Heart attack disease is one of the leading cause of the death worldwide. Now days machine learning when implemented in health care is capable of early and accurate detection of disease .the dataset are been proceed in python using machine learning algorithm. i.e Random forest algorithm. This technique uses for old patient record. and preventing the loss of lives this work reliable, heart disease prediction system is implemented using strong machine learning algorithm, which is the random forest algorithm. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
57-59 |
18 |
A Detailed Study on Ensemble Learning Techniques on Predicting Novel Class For Outlier Data
-Sukanya.K ; Dr.N.Ranjith
In traditional data mining based learning approaches, learning of exploring and evolving data streams produces the various challenges in terms of continuous stream of data, unbounded data and high Speed data characteristics from the various data repositories. In order to handle those difficulties, many scalable and effective learning models have been employed for data classification after feature extraction and reduction process. However default classifier requires effective learning model to classify the constantly evolves data over time on data streams. In this paper, a detailed study has been carried out on ensemble learning techniques for classifying the data streams. Those analysing model cope will consider the variation of the data in term of concept drift and feature drift. Further those drift data has been analysed on basis of concept and semantic of data. Moreover features of data which evolve will be efficiently handled on ensemble classification model. Finally performance of the models has been evaluated on data evolved as error driven representativeness learning along various constrained on the classification through computation of association of the feature and its weight on adaptive sliding windows of the data streams. Read More...
Advanced Computing and Data Science |
India |
60-61 |
19 |
Bulk Viscous FRW Cosmological Models with Decaying Vacuum Energy
-Dr UK Dwivedi
We have investigated FRW cosmological models with constant Ratio of bulk viscosity and matter density in general relativity. Functional relation on Hubble parameter is assumed, which yield constant value of deceleration parameter. The solution of field equations has been solved the best value for the Hubble parameter, energy density, isotropic pressure and cosmological term at present and at recombination. The physical and kinematical behavior of the model is also studied. Read More...
Mathematics |
India |
62-63 |
20 |
Enhancement in Quality of Satellite Images Using Filters for remove noise and Discrete Wavelet Transform
-Mithalesh Thakur ; Jasmine Minj
As we know the low- frequency nature of the satellite image, it's going to seem like as a blurred image & the Ammount of noise is very much in imge. Image resolution techniques are used to boost the frequency of that pictures that are utilized in a good variety of applications like remote sensing, medical imaging like MRI, X-ray with vital challenges like aliasing reduction, ringing, distortion, blurring, artifacts, etc. Enhancing the resolution of a picture includes up the amount of pixels out there to represent the small print of image. Here, we have a tendency to compare all DWT based mostly sweetening strategies, within which satellite image is rotten it into four sub-bands by DWT, then the high frequency sub bands and low frequency sub bands are targeted for sweetening of sharpness, distinction and determination of image, finally parts are later combined using IDWT, once minor alterations to the input image done. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
64-67 |
21 |
Age and Gender Prediction
-Shweta Gholap ; Sweety Dinda; Ayesha Khan
Automatic age and gender prediction has gain popularity because of an increasing amount of applications, mainly since the rise of social media and social platforms. Performance of existing methods on real-world is still significantly lacking, especially when compared to the tremendous leaps in performance. In this paper we introduce, Age and gender prediction that enable us to predict age and gender of a person. As we know that person’s face provides a lot of information such as age, gender and identity. In this project we are using deep learning to identify the gender and age of the person. In this study, face images of persons were trained using convolutional neural network, and age and gender were tried to predict with high success rate. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
68-70 |
22 |
A Review on Butt Fusion Welding (Plastic Welding Novel Approaches) Process Parameter on HDPE Pipe
-Abhishek Nandi ; Rupendra kumar Marre
Recently, pipe welding has been widely applied in the pipe fitting operations. High Density Polyethylene Pipes (HDPE) is the most versatile and widely used plastic, available in a wider range of products and forms than any other types of plastic. It is widely used in pipe line industry, municipal corporation work it becomes necessary to understand and explore their potential. For this purpose, attempts have been made by researchers for optimization of process parameters of Butt fusion welding. This review focuses on the various inputs and output parameter which is effected the temperature distribution and tensile strength of welded geometry of HDPE pipe. This study also provides research gaps from the past literature. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
71-75 |
23 |
Iot and Wireless Sensor Network Based Weed Detection and Removal by Autonomous Farming Robot
-Prasad Tengale ; Saurabh Burungle; Prathmesh More
Small-scale farming and gardening benefit from the assistance of robots. This can be accomplished with the use of artificial intelligence integrated into robots, thereby benefiting farmers. Drones equipped with thermal cameras can interact with crops by sensing and spraying water, organic fertilizers, and pesticides automatically using an Artificial Intelligence (AI) method. The proposed model also includes a function in which, when birds attack crops, an active piezoelectric buzzer and a controller enable the drones to detect and move against the birds with a loud noise to drive them away, preventing crop damage. Crop health monitoring is the third component of the project. The crops health is assessed using a robotic arm mounted on a moving vehicle and an image sensor that moves across the field or garden. Using image processing, the arm photographs the crops, analyses crop patterns, and finds bugs and pests (binary inversion, dilation). The database for the same is being established, and it may contain information about pests, illnesses, growth conditions, and climatic aspects. The Machine Learning approach is used to train the drone to make decisions and spray pesticides automatically. Finally, using delta robots and robotic arms, the collected veggies and fruits are freshly packed. This avoids the processing stage and adulteration, retaining 100 percent of the nutrition. This method will have a huge impact on the future of organic farming. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
76-78 |
24 |
Study of Changes in Behaviour of Bitumen after Adding Waste Plastic
-Anshuldeep Maurya ; Prashant Srivastava; Raja Singh; Sudhir Jaiswal; Sonu Singh
As we all know now-a-days plastic is being widely used all over the world on a large scale in each and every household and commercial work which is easy to use but affects our environment and surrounding aggressively. It affects animals human plants wildlife marine etc. it might be very suitable to consume waste plastic into construction of road as a modifier in properties of bitumen because only 24% of plastic only gets recycled and rest is scraped in lands and other will reduce plastic wastage and help the environment to be clean. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
79-80 |
25 |
Novel Technique to Diagnose Coronavirus Using Naive Bayes Classifier in Healthcare Recods
-V.T.Kruthika ; Dr.L.Nagarajan; J.Valarmathi
These days, the healthcare enterprises land huge quantum of healthcare data that utmost of the times isn't reused to find out the hidden data and patterns. Data booby-trapping along with machine literacy performs a prominent part in prognosticating the conditions. Currently, COVID – 19 has come a epidemic for the humanity. It's a transmissible complaint and it takes 12 – 24 hours in entering the reports of diagnose. In colorful remote and high altitude areas and due to the exponential growth of COVID – 19 in colorful corridor of the world, it isn't doable to perform the test on mass population. This exploration composition describes a new fashion to diagnose coronavirus using naïve bayes classifier and we hope that this fashion would be useful and fruitful for the humanity and will be a great step to prognosticate the COVID – 19. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
81-84 |
26 |
Real Time Object Detection
-Raj Bhalchandra Pawar ; Vikram Sakharam Phonde; Aryan Bhupesh Patel
An object detection system recognizes and finds real-world items in a digital image or video, where the object can be of any class or kind. Humans, cars, and vehicles, for example, e humans, cars, vehicles and so on. The authors employed OpenCV packages, the Caffe model, and other tools. In order to accomplish this work, you'll need Python and NumPy. recognizing an object in a video or picture This is a review of the purpose of this study is to explain how deep learning is used to detects a live object, locates an object, and classifies an object, extract characteristics, information about look, and many more things more, using OpenCV in pictures and videos, and how caffe the model is utilized to implement, as well as why the authors have Caffe model was chosen over other frameworks. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
85-88 |
27 |
WSN for LPG Gas Leakage Detection
-Alesha Sayyad ; Megha Satpute; Aarati Shinde; Komal Gite; Prajwali Korade
There have been many incidents such as explosions and fires due to gas leaks. Such occurrences can have dangerous effects if the leak is not detected early. The wireless detection network-based gas leak detection system is a project that can detect the gas leak in the environment and send data to the cloud via the MCU node. The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of "things" that physical thing can communicate through sensors, electronics, software, and connectivity. These systems do not require human interaction and the same happens with the IOT based gas detection system, it does not require human attention. The WSN-based gas leak detection system detects the gas using a gas sensor. The gas sensor interface to the MCU node is implemented in this project. The signal from this sensor is sent to the node microcontroller (ESP8266). The microcontroller is connected to a cloud and a buzzer. WSN based leak detection is implemented using an ESP8266 chip. This is a Wi-Fi module used to connect microcontrollers to the Wi-Fi network, make TCP / IP connections, and send data. The data collected by these sensors is sent to the cloud. The MCU node then sends the data to a cloud. Once the gas leak is detected, the buzzer will be turned on and the result will be displayed in the cloud. The prerequisite for this GLP project for gas leak detection and intelligent warning is that the WLAN module is connected to a WLAN hotspot or access point. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
89-91 |
28 |
Iot Based Smart Home Automation and Security System
-Sohel Tareq Ahmed ; Islam Md Jahidul; Rashid MD Mamunur
The current home automation system ensures safety and a happy life at home. As a result, the use of home automation technologies is becoming increasingly widespread. Our article recommended using the internet of things (IOT) to develop and implement home automation, garage monitoring, and home security. It's difficult to keep an eye on security in our busy life, but with a smart home system, it's much easier. If someone breaks in, this technology can instantly send out message. Our technology focuses on the home to create a smart home wireless protection scheme that sends to the homeowner an electronic mail with a photo if a stranger enters the home without a password, and we can even monitor the garage remotely. It only takes a few seconds for our system to refresh data. As a result, a concerned individual can quickly take the proper steps. From anywhere in the world, our system can operate and monitor temperature of the house, humidity, flame status, and all home devices. Our proposed solution is low-cost, has a user-friendly interface, and is easy to set up in a home. Through effective monitoring and control, the user can reduce electrical power waste using IoT technology. Read More...
Internet of things (IoT) |
Bangladesh |
92-95 |
29 |
Multi Person Pose Estimation
-Devyani Gabhane ; Renuka Pande; Sukrut Dekhane; Vedashree Ranade
Pose estimation is a computer-based diagnostic technique that detects and evaluates a person's body shape. An important part of measuring a person's posture is the shape of the human body. Volume-based model, skeletal model and contour model are the three most commonly used types of human body models. Analysing human activities is beneficial in many areas such as video surveillance, biometrics, assisted living, home health monitoring etc. With our fast-paced lifestyle these days, people often prefer to exercise at home but feel the need for a teacher to evaluate their work. form. Since these resources are not always available, personal recognition can be used to create a self-study program that allows people to read and practice the tests effectively on their own. Our project forms the basis for building such a program by discussing various learning tools and in-depth learning methods to accurately distinguish yoga posture from pre-recorded and real-time videos. The project also discusses a variety of posture and methods for obtaining key points in detail and describes the in-depth learning models used for pose segmentation. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
96-100 |
30 |
A Thorough Survey for Cricket Shot Analysis Using Deep Learning
-Atharv Pushkraj Nirgude ; Rohit Dinesh Sonone; Sahil Vikram Sonawane; Rushikesh Sham Ahire; Prof. Balaji Bodkhe
there has been increased attention and popularity of various sports in the recent years. The lack of any sporting event in the midst of the recent pandemic had also left a large number of individuals craving to watch some sport being played. One of the majorly followed sport in India is easily cricket with millions of fans that follow the game religiously. The fans are very much into the game and perform in-depth analysis of the various players and their performances especially their shot selection. With the rise of the fantasy leagues and other similar applications, there is an increased interest in evaluation of the players that are performing better to help choose them in their teams. The manual process of batter shot identification is one of the most time consuming and highly laborious process which can benefit by some kind of automation. Therefore, this survey article analyzes the past works on cricket shot analysis which has been useful in determining our approach for the same using image processing implementations. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
101-104 |
31 |
A Comparative Study on Online Quiz platforms : Google Forms , Kahoot , Microsoft Forms
-Sujana M C ; Sinchana T; Sowjanya K N; Subhash Swamy M
Educational institutions use online examination system in order to upgrade the standard of instructions by having an administered calculation of outcomes for a self-paced environment for students. Time saving is the main objective of having an online quiz platform, but it also has some limitations. It cannot be considered as efficient. An online quiz platform having the ability to address academic malpractice should always be the major objective to prevent such malpractices. The purpose of this online quiz platform is to maintain the effectiveness and integrity of the exam conduction as the present quiz platform has failed to do. So we have came up with a quiz platform that avoids students taking screenshots, screen recording and tab switching with an attempt to run third-party applications during the test. The data of the project is maintained in MySQL database. The frontend of the project is implemented by using HTML, JAVASCRIPT, BOOTSTRAP. The backend is implemented by using Java technologies. Faculty has the privilege of creating, modifying and deleting test papers. The students will be able to register, login and attend the test and see the results also. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
105-109 |
32 |
Big Data Project on Healthcare Domain
-Hitesh Bhoir ; Vivek Gupta; Linomon Kuriakose; Iqbal Shaikh
Big data is an enormous amount of information that can do wonders. It has become an area of special interest for the past two decades due to a great potential that is hidden in it. Various industries in the public and private sectors generate, store and analyze data Big data aimed at improving the services provided. In the healthcare industry Various sources of big data include hospital records, patient medical records, Health exams and device results that are part of the Internet of Things. Proper management and analysis is required to derive this data. Meaningful information. Otherwise, quickly analyze big data to find a solution It's comparable to looking for a needle in a haystack. There are various challenges Associated with every step in processing big data that can only be exceeded by usage High-end computing solution for big data analysis. Make it relevant for this reason Public health solutions need to be perfect for healthcare providers Has the right infrastructure to systematically generate and analyze Big data. Efficient management, analysis and interpretation of big data is subject to change A game by paving the way for modern healthcare. So different Industries, including healthcare, are taking proactive steps to transform this. Potential for better service and financial benefits. Strong integration of biomedicine Health data can revolutionize modern healthcare organizations Medical therapy and personalized medicine. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
110-111 |
33 |
React Js Framework
-Mohammed Habib Rassiwala ; Dr. Sachin Santoshkumar Agrawal
Internet has become a busy hub for searching information and doing different tasks virtually that used to be done manually before the internet age. There are enormous numbers of mobile and web applications that have made it easier to do different tasks. A big part of our everyday task can be done on the internet at the current age. Faster internet along with fast performing devices demands faster applications. A trend is growing to shift software or applications we used to use in desktop machines to the web. There are plenty of applications that are usable from web and mobile devices. Several JavaScript based frameworks and libraries are used to develop different applications. There are ReactJS, AngularJS, EmberJS, MeteorJS, VueJS, KnockoutJS and many more at this moment in production. ReactJS is one of them for the front-end development of applications. React is a popular open-source front-end JavaScript library developed by Facebook. React is widely popular among developer communities because of its simplicity and easy but effective developing process. React makes it easier to create interactive user interfaces. It efficiently updates through rendering the exact components to the view of each state and makes the data changes in the application. In ReactJS, every component manages their own state and composes them to the user interfaces. This concept of components instead of templates in JavaScript, plenty of data can easily be passed to the app and thus keep the state out of the DOM. Using Node React can also be rendered on the server side. Alongside web apps, to build mobile applications we can use React Native as well. The purpose of the thesis is to carry out in-depth research of the ReactJS library based on JavaScript. The fundamental concepts, characteristics, features, development processes, core architecture and market research as well as compatibility will be covered in the thesis. The aim is to provide a solid understanding of the ReactJS library. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
112-116 |
34 |
Secure Chatting App for Android Platform with End-to-End Encryption
-Rushikesh Dighe ; Rohit Katare; Akshay Bodhare; Prathmesh Pote
We're going to create a "encryption-decryption" application here. We will be able to learn how to transform plaintext to ciphertext and encrypt our communication by creating this applications. We'll also use a key to decode our message before transforming it back to readable form. This guide will assist you in learning the fundamentals of cryptography for Android programming. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
117-121 |
35 |
Comparative Study on the Effects of Steel Slag Aggregate over Blended Cement Concrete
-Mayur Jain ; Sachin Jat
Concrete is the most versatile construction material because it can be designed to withstand the harshest environments while taking on the most inspirational forms. Engineers are continually pushing the limits to improve its performance with the help of innovative chemical admixtures and alternative construction materials (ACM). Nowadays, most concrete mixture contains alternative construction materials which form part of the cementitious component. These materials are majority byproducts from other processes. The main benefits of ACM (alternative construction materials) are their ability to replace certain amount of cement or aggregates and still able to display major properties similar to concrete, thus reducing the cost of using traditional materials. The fast growth in industrialization has resulted in tons and tons of byproduct or waste materials, which can be used as ACMs (alternative construction materials) such as marble powder, silica fume, ground granulated blast furnace slag, steel slag etc. The use of these byproducts not only helps to utilize these waste materials but also enhances the properties of concrete in fresh and hydrated states. Most concrete produced today includes one or more ACM (alternative construction materials). For this reason, their properties are frequently compared to each other by mix designers seeking to optimize concrete mixtures. To design high strength concrete good quality aggregates is also required. Steel slag is an industrial byproduct obtained from the steel manufacturing industry. This can be used as aggregate in concrete. It has been usually used as aggregate in hot mix asphalt surface applications, but in the present work it has been used in conventional concrete mixture and performance is compared with normal aggregate concrete. Replacing all or some portion of natural aggregates with steel slag would lead to considerable environmental benefits. Steel slag aggregate generally exhibit a propensity to expand hence steel slag aggregates are generally not used in concrete making. However, use of blended cement concrete is reported to reduce the expansion of the concrete. In the present work a series of tests were carried out to make comparative studies of various mechanical properties of concrete mixes prepared by using normal cement concrete, marble powder and cement blend concrete (1:1 proportion) with or without use of steel slag. The ingredients are mixed in 1: 1.5: 3 proportions. The properties studied are 7 days, 14 days and 28 days compressive strengths, workability and surface hardness. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
122-127 |
36 |
Design of Grain Dryer
-Nimish Pinge ; Vikrant Dhopte; Shantanu Choudhary; Sarang Padamgirwar
As per technical evolution taken into consideration, an effective advance system is required. Therefore, universal grain dryer through special drying arrangement is used to obtain perfect drying purpose. To reduce the man power in grain industry where drying is needed, this system is very useful. The sun drying or natural air drying is a conventional method to remove the moisture from the grain, as it takes much time, more space and more labour. In the dryer, the heated air from the blower is passed through grain -bed that means it passes through screw conveyor at the same time, the warm air at limited temperature provided and moisture id reduced from the grain. After that the dryer grain is to be transferred automatically in collector, the net separator is present in between collector and screw conveyor. If the grain become dry it can be protected from grain spoilage, it is portable unit so that it can be moved from one location to another location. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
128-130 |
37 |
Sentiment Analysis Based on Voice Input and Facial Expressions
-Ayush Kumar ; Kumar Shubham Prateek; Ankit Bhaware; Vikas Rathod; Prof. Aditi Wangikar
The human face has particular and explicit qualities, accordingly it becomes troublesome in understanding and recognizing the looks. It is not difficult to distinguish the look of specific individual in any picture arrangement. Assuming we hope to computerized acknowledgment framework, nonetheless, the frameworks accessible are very deficient and unequipped for precisely distinguish feelings. The area of look ID has numerous significant applications. It is an intelligent device among people and PCs. The client, without utilizing the hand can proceed with the looks. By and by, the examination on look are on the elements for example miserable, cheerful, disdain, shock, dread and irate. This paper expects to distinguish faces from some random picture, remove facial highlights (eyes and lips) and characterize them into 6 feelings (cheerful, dread, outrage, disdain, impartial, misery). The preparation information is gone through a progression of channels and cycles and is at last described through a ML, refined utilizing Grid Search. The testing information then tests the information and their marks and gives the exactness of characterization of the testing information in an arrangement report. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
131-132 |
38 |
3-D Hand Geometry Attendance System Based on Recognition System for User Authentication
-Shweta Harishchandra Naik ; Kashish Gour; Tauqeer Khan; Aniket Thorat
Biometrics which can be used for identification of individuals based on their physical or behavioral characteristics has gained importance in today’s society where information security is essential. Hand geometry-based biometrics systems are gaining acceptance in low to medium security applications. Hand geometry-based identification systems utilize the geometric features of the hand like length and width of the fingers, diameter of the palm and the perimeter. The proposed system is a verification system which utilizes these hand geometry features for user authentication. This project introduces an inexpensive, powerful and easy to use hand geometry based biometric person authentication system. One of the novelties of this work comprises on the introduction of hand geometry’s related, position independent, feature extraction and identification which can be useful in problems related to image processing and pattern recognition. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
133-134 |
39 |
Smart E-Voting System Using Block-Chain Technology
-Sudarshan Barbole ; Shubham Neharkar; Santosh Dikole; Vikas Jadhav
Electronic voting (otherwise called e-casting a ballot) alludes to casting a ballot utilizing electronic means and to deal with the votes given by the client and counting the votes precisely. An e-casting a ballot framework should be secure, as it shouldn't permit copied casts a ballot and be completely straightforward, while safeguarding the protection of the participants. The disservices of customary democratic framework are that there is no unwavering quality of casting a ballot. No affirmation that individuals gave the votes are not changed before they are relied on the framework. There is no straightforwardness between the elector and the framework. Thus, to beat this large number of issues we are proposing to utilize block chain innovation as a medium in the democratic framework. The goal of such a plan is give a decentralized engineering to run and support a democratic plan that is open, fair, and freely certain. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
135-136 |
40 |
A Comparative Study on Simple Concrete and Coconut Fiber Reinforced Concrete
-Manvendra Bahadur Singh ; Ashwani Kumar; Ankit Singh; Suraj Singh Bisht; Somnath Suman
When it comes to civil engineering, concrete is an inevitable building material. As we all know, concrete is good in compression but weaker under tensile forces, there is a need of concrete composites with better tensile strength. Also with the increasing global warming and pollution, need of the present world is environment friendly natural additives to cast concrete so as to minimize the pollution effect. Among natural fibers, coir fiber has maximum amount of lignin giving maximum tensile strength as well as are durable in nature. This paper presents an experimental study of coir fiber reinforced concrete and its strength comparison with plain cement concrete. Reinforcement of concrete is necessary to enhance its engineering properties. For this study, coconut fibers were used as they are freely available in large quantities. The study comprises of comparative statement of properties of coconut fiber reinforced concrete with conventional concrete based on experiments performed in the laboratory. The use of coconut fibers will also lead to better management of these best fibers. The study found the optimum fiber content to be 3% (by weight of cement) the addition of coconut fibers improved the compressive strength of concrete by about 12%, they also formed good bonding in the concrete. Further work is required by changing the fiber content and aspect ratio to determine the optimum range of fiber content so that fiber reinforced concrete can be used where high compressive and flexural strength required. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
137-139 |
41 |
Efficient Approach for Fake News Detection using Passive Aggressive Algorithm
-Puja Gautam ; Jayant Rajurkar; Pooja Dandhare; Samiksha Malewar; Shrutika Manwatkar
social media is a double-edged sword which gives information as well as false information, false information which led to the massive disturbance which is intentionally spread. We are also not able to differentiate the news which is fake and which is real. People immediately start expressing their concern as they came across the post without verifying the authenticity. Now the technology is in growing phase where “internet†plays the main role which separates the “print media†(i.e., television, radio, and news channel) and “social media†(i.e. what’s App, Facebook, twitter, Instagram.) The reach and the potential of social media is more for e.g. In a house we have television while mobile everyone having so it makes the extra impact and help for various people for spreading fake news. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
140-143 |
42 |
Energy Storage
-Tarani Narukurti ; Avinash Mani
Energy storage in today’s world is becoming a vital part of renewable energy sector. With the drastic growth of renewable energy sources, energy storage is playing a crucial role in renewable energy development in India. It is advantageous for complete supply chain mainly due to enhanced electric power quality, dependability and better grid stability. Thus, reducing renewable energy irregularity, with increased adaptability and accessibility of electrical energy in rural places and decreased harmful emissions. This paper primarily depicts an overview of the selected energy storage technologies like Pumped hydro energy storage, Compressed air energy storage, Battery energy storage, Flywheel, Super capacitors, Hydrogen energy storage, Superconducting magnetic energy storage, and Thermal energy storage. It highlights driving factors for growing energy storage in India. A brief comparison of different technical characteristics and features of these technologies is also discussed. Read More...
Environmental Management |
India |
144-145 |
43 |
Classification and Detection of Faults in a Photovoltaic System
-Anshul Mishra ; Dr. Ashok Kumar Jhala
PV systems have grown in relevance as the solar industry has grown rapidly in recent years. One of the primary goals of research in the development of integrated PV systems is to improve the system's efficiency, availability, and dependability. Despite the fact that much work has already been done on technological design to improve the system's efficiency, there is still work to be done in the area of defect identification in PV systems. If defects in a PV system are not recognised in a timely manner, it may not only result in a reduction in power output, but it may also raise questions about the system's availability, dependability, and, ultimately, "security". Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
146-148 |
44 |
A Review on Classification and Detection of Faults in a Photovoltaic System
-Anshul Mishra ; Dr. Ashok Kumar Jhala
The fast development of solar industry in past many years has increase the importance of PV systems. One of the main aims of research in developing integrated PV systems is to enhance the efficiency, availability and reliability of the system. In spite of the fact that a lot of work has already been done on technological design to enhance the system's efficiency, progress in the direction of diagnosis of faults in a PV system is yet to be done. If faults occuring in a PV system aren't detected on time, then it may not only result in decrease in the generation of power but may also question the availability and dependency and ultimately the “security†of the entire system. Read More...
Electrical Power System |
India |
149-151 |
45 |
Experimental Study on Concrete with Sugarcane Bagasse Ash as a Partial Replacement of Cement with Sodium Chloride
-U.Mounika ; K.LovaRaju
Concrete is widely used for construction most of the buildings and bridges in India can be called as back-bone to the infrastructural development of the nation built. But due to increase in cost of the cement not only increases the budget of a Construction but also it is serious threat to the country’s developments. It is also identified that some of industrial waste products like Bagasse Ash are having some cementitious and siliceous properties. The use of the agricultural and industrial wastages can use to replacement of cement in concrete partly. So, it can be to reduce the cost of making concrete and also its improvement in the properties of concrete and reduce environmental pollution impacts. In this study, Sugarcane Bagasse ash has been chemically and physically characterized, and replaced partially in the ratio of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% by weight of cement in concrete. Concrete like to test by slump cone test and compaction factor test were undertaken to known the hardened concrete test compressive strength at the age of 7 days, 14 days and 28 days. The result shows that the increase strength of concrete. In this present study Sugarcane Bagasse Ash (SCBA) has been replaced partially in the ratio of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% by weight of cement in concrete. Concrete specimens were cured in normal water and 5% NACL solution comparison is made with compressive strength of concrete. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
152-155 |
46 |
Compressive Strength of Green Concrete
-Ajit Chaudhari ; Vivek Kumar Kanaujiya; Ashish Kumar Prajapati; Rishabh Saroj; Ajeet Kumar
Green Concrete is a progressive point throughout the entire existence of substantial industry. This was first developed in Denmark in the year 1998. Green cement doesn't have anything to do with shading. It is an idea of thinking climate into concrete considering each angle from unrefined substances produce over combination plan to foundational layout, development, and administration life. Green cement is all the time additionally modest to create in light of the fact that for instance, by-products are utilized as a fractional substitute for concrete, charges for the removal of waste are stayed away from, energy utilization underway is lower, and toughness is more prominent. Green cement is a kind of substantial which takes after the traditional cement however the creation or use of such cement requires least measure of energy and makes least damage the climate. The CO2 discharge identified with substantial creation is somewhere in the range of 0.1 and 0.22 t per ton of delivered concrete. In any case, since the aggregate sum of cement delivered is so huge the outright figures for the ecological effect are very huge, because of a lot of concrete and cement created. Since concrete is the second most burned-through element later water it represents around 5% of the world's complete CO2 emanation. The answer for this ecological issue isn't to substitute cement for different materials yet to decrease the natural effect of cement and concrete. The expected natural advantage to society of having the option to work with green cement is enormous. It is practical to accept that innovation can be created, which can divide the CO2 outflow identified with substantial creation. During the most recent couple of many years' society has become mindful of the store issues associated with leftover items, and requests, limitations and duties have been forced. What's more as it is realized that few leftover items have properties appropriate for substantial creation, there is an enormous potential in researching the conceivable utilization of these for substantial. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
156-159 |
47 |
Comparative Study between AAC Block and Clay Bricks
-Zulkar Nain Khan ; Zuber Alam; Ujjwal Tiwari; Mr.Ankur Sahu
In India, traditional clay brick is the most common filler material used in building. The materials used in construction have a significant influence on both the constructed environment and the project's ultimate cost. Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) has recently emerged as a viable alternative to clay and fly ash bricks. In this work, a comparison of clay bricks and AAC blocks is explored. Although AAC blocks have been utilised in building since 1924, they now account for just 16-18% of all construction in India. AAC blocks have desirable mechanical qualities in proportion to their low bulk density, improved thermal and acoustic properties, light weight, and ease of installation, making them an obvious alternative to replace traditional clay bricks. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the potential of AAC blocks as an infill material to replace clay bricks and to encourage its usage in construction to create more energy efficient and sustainable structures. AAC blocks' potential as an infill material in hilly areas is discussed. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
160-162 |
48 |
Counterparty Risk Inspection Using Machine Learning Techniques
-Anshuli Bobde ; Aditi Jamkar; Sakshi Kedar; Jayesh Kumeriya; Shardul Chawhan
Lending money to those in need is a significant activity of the banking industry. The bank collects the interest paid by the principal borrowers in exchange for the principal borrowed from the depositor. ("Credit risk analysis using machine learning classifiers ...") Credit risk analysis is turning into a significant field in monetary danger for the executives. The interest payments on the loan are used by the lender to mitigate the risk of losses caused by the borrower's failure to make principal and interest payments. ("Purpose of Credit Risk Analysis - Overview, How It Works ...") In this case, the lender is exposed to the risk of loss due to the inability of the borrower. Lenders experience cash flow interruptions when borrowers default on their obligations. Lenders can perform a credit risk analysis to determine how easily the borrower will be able to meet its obligations to cushion itself from losses and reduce the severity of losses. Borrowers with an elevated level of credit risk are charged a higher interest rate on loans as compensation for the risk of default. A real-life data set for consumer lending is used in this paper to compare the performances of different classification algorithms. Several types of classifiers (logistic regression, random forest, decision tree, svm, xgbm, lgbm, etc) are evaluated and their performance compared. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
163-166 |
49 |
Fabrication and Testing of Plastic Sand Bricks: A Review Paper
-Ujjwal Shahi ; Tripuresh Tripathi; Suneel Kumar Gautam; Tushar Srivastava; Ashwini Kumar Pandey
Since the huge interest has been put on the building material industry, particularly in the last decade attributable to the expanding population which causes an ongoing deficiency of building materials, the structural specialists have been tested to change waste over to valuable structure and development material. Reusing such waste as unrefined substance options might contribute to the depletion of the normal assets; the protection of not inexhaustible assets; improvement of the population's well-being and security distraction with ecological issues and a decrease in garbage removal costs. In the review of usage of those waste, this paper surveyed reusing different waste materials in blocks creation. The impacts of those losses on the properties of the block as physical, and mechanical properties will be explored. What are more suggestions for future examination as out comings of this review will be given. This investigated approach on block making from waste is helpful to give potential and realistic arrangements. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
167-170 |
50 |
Restful Web Services
-Kunal V. Agrawal ; Dr. Sachin S. Agrawal
Web's major goal was to be a shared data house through which individuals and machines may communicate. By its nature, user actions at intervals a distributed multimedia system need the transfer of enormous amounts of information from wherever the info is hold on to wherever it's used. Thus, the net design should be designed for large-grain information transfer. The design must minimize the latency the maximum amount as attainable. REST is employed to create net services that ar light-weight, rectifiable, and climbable in nature. A service that is made on the remainder design is termed a reposeful service. The underlying protocol for REST is communications protocol, that is that the basic net protocol. REST stands for representational State transfer. REST may be a thanks to access resources that consist a specific atmosphere. For instance, you'll have a server that might be hosting necessary documents or photos or videos. All of those ar Associate in Nursing example of resources. If a consumer, say an internet browser wants any of those resources, it's to send a call for participation to the server to access these resources. currently REST defines the way on however these resources are often accessed. It should be climbable, secure and capable of encapsulate bequest and new parts well, as net is subjected to constant modification. REST provides a collection of beaux arts constraints that, once applied as an entire, address all higher than aforementioned problems. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
171-177 |