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Comparative Analysis of the Mental Health of Physically Disabled and Normal Adolescents in Prayagraj in India
-Supriya Yadav ; Dr. Manju Mahananda; Dr. Anshu
Adolescence is a very significant period in a young person’s life. It is a time when youth are growing and establishing individual identities. It is also a critical time for learning essential life skills. Mental health describes a level of psychological well-being, or an absence of a mental disorder. Mental health can also be defined as an expression of emotions, and as signifying a successful adaptation to a range of demands. People with disabilities often experience a sense of social isolation and loneliness, which can also lead to depression and other mental health issues the main objectives of this research study were to determine the difference in the mental health of adolescents from normal and physical disabled groups. Allahabad (prayagraj) has been selected purposively for research. The total sample size was 80 adolescents comprised of 40 girls between the age group of 13 to 19 years. The data was collected by using purposive sampling method. A standardized mental health battery developed by Singh (2016) was administered. Data was analyzed by frequencies/ percentages and t test. It is concluded that, maximum numbers of respondents were under average mental health in normal population whereas maximum numbers of respondents were having poor mental health in disabled population. The results further reveal significant difference in the mental health among adolescents belonging to normal and disabled population in the study area. Read More...
Home Science |
India |
1-4 |
2 |
Technical And Economical Analysis Of Different Solar Photovoltic Materials for Electric Vehicle: A Review
-Mukesh Kumar Kumawat ; Dr. Vikramaditya Dave
In today's world the renewable energy is vital in near future. The renewable sources that we are using are going to get exhausted. The electric solar vehicle is a step in saving these renewable energy resources. The basic principle of electric solar vehicle is to use solar energy that is stored in battery during and after charging from solar panels. The charged batteries are used to drive the motor which serves here as an engine. Technical and economic analysis of different type of existing solar panels is given in this review paper. These available existing solar panels are: monocrystalline, polycrystalline and thin film solar panels. In future, this idea may help protect our fuels from getting extinguished. Read More...
Power Electronics |
India |
5-14 |
3 |
Artificial Intelligence Based Charge Control in EV: A Review
-Bhoomika Lodha ; Dr. Vikramaditya Dave
To enhance environmental sustainability, numerous countries will exhilarate their transportation systems in their unborn smart megacity plans. So the number of electric vehicles (EVs) running in a megacity will grow significantly. Electric vehicle (EV) charging is considered as one of the main issues that face EV motorists. There are numerous ways to recharge EVs' batteries and charging stations will be considered as the main source of energy. Studying and comparing among different charging control styles and characteristics are veritably important to be presented. This paper provides a comprehensive review of EV technology that mainly includes electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), ESS, and EV chargers. The different available power levels for charging are discussed. Read More...
Power Electronics |
India |
15-19 |
4 |
Bank Loan Watcher System
-Vaishnavi Uttam Jadhav ; Pratiksha Uttamrao Kanse; Rutika Gopal Bhandare; Mr. Rajesh Dodake
Our project deals with the design and implementation of Bank loan surveillance system and theft control system for an automobile loan provider. Everyone needs a vehicle in the current world, whether it be a two - or four- wheelers. As of now most of them are hiring the vehicles through banks by getting loans. After a few months, the bank's customers stop paying their debts properly, which irritates the bankers. It also creates displeasure for the bankers. In our project we have used Arduino GSM MODEM System. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
20-21 |
5 |
Car Pollution & Fuel Leakage Detection with Engine Lock System
-Prachi Balsing Patil ; Kalyani Shrirang Patil; Manjiri Suryakant Kolekar; Sonali Wangikar
Our project deals with the design and development of Car Pollution and Fuel Leakage Detection with Engine Lock system. Pollution is now common term that our ears are attuned to. We hear about the various forms of pollution and read about it through the mass media. Air pollution is one such form that refers to the contamination of the air. As the uses of vehicles is more in these days, the air pollution is increasing drastically. Every vehicle has its own release of gases, but the problem arises when the release is beyond the standardized values. A fuel leak is one of the leading causes of the vehicle fire. This is because fuel is very flammable. There is a potential for significant burns, injury and even death from fuel leak. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
22-23 |
6 |
Experimental Evaluation and Analysis of Mechanical Behaviour of Friction on Stir Processed Aluminium Alloys
-S.Sundaram ; A.Ajaykumar; M.Jaikumaran; S.Jegan; M.Madeshwaran
A standout amongst other procedure for enhancing mechanical properties is the Friction stir processing (FSP) which is such a niece process system utilized for refinement of microstructure, generation of surface composite and improve the mechanical characteristics. In this work friction stir process was used to modify the mechanical properties using SiC as particulate reinforcement on the plate of AA6063 which result into a formation of complete surface structural composite. SiC with mesh size 400 was utilized as reinforcement particulate in FSP. For this purpose, two main parameters were selected i.e. tool revolution per minute of 1000, processing speed of 30 mm/min, and 10 KN of axial load. For achieving friction stir processing HSS tool was made with circular threaded pin having diameter of shoulder is 18 mm, length of pin is 5.8 mm and diameter of pin is 6 mm . Modified VM" Vertical milling machine "was used for friction stir processing with different percentage of SiC into the groove the capacity of the machine is 7.5 hp and speed range is about 300-3000 rpm. The surface composites are created by taking the percentage as respectively (Al/0.5 %SiC, Al/1 Vol. % SiC and Al/1.5 Vol. %SiC). The modification in the microstructure like grain size, compactness of SiC particulate and wetness of SiC into the parent metal was observed by using OM" Dewinter make inverted microscope and scanned electron microscopy (FLEX SEM 1000 VP-SEM). The micro hardness profile along the transverse direction of the FSPed specimen was analyzed by BLUE STAR make Vickers micro harness tester. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
24-27 |
7 |
Measuring the Waste Water in a Yogurt Production Plant in IOT Environment
-Anand.S ; R.Karthick; C.K.Sundarji; M.Kathirvel; V.Sriram
Water management is most important factor for any kind of industries and particularly for food related manufacturing industries need it mandatorily. Yogurt is one of the major products in dairy industry and water management in yogurt production is also important. In general yogurt will be filled in a boiler for the process of butter making. Water is the main source utilized by yogurt and it should be properly monitored to avoid wastage of water. In our proposed system the yogurt is filled in the boiler and weight is calculated using load sensor. This load sensor will calculate the weight and according to that water will be added to the boiler and to check overflow of water ultrasonic sensor is used which detects the water level. In our proposed work based on calculated yogurt weight water will be added to the boiler by motor pump and using Ultrasonic sensor level of water in boiler is identified and off the motor pump to avoid water overflow. Through this process water utilization should be properly maintained to avoid water wastage. Similarly all these information are stored in cloud and accessed for future use through IOT module. Read More...
Agricultural Engineering |
India |
28-30 |
8 |
Flexural Analysis of Thick T-Beam Using Fifth Order Shear Deformation Theory
-Tejeshwar Magar ; Ajay Dahake; Vinesh Thorat; Sushma Thorat
A fifth order shear deformation theory is considered for the mathematical solution of thick beam with simply supported boundary condition. The number of variables in this theory is same as that in the first order shear deformation theory of Timoshenko. In this paper thick T-section beam is considered for to demonstrate the efficiency of theory and their results are compared with other refined shear deformation theories. This comparison shows that the present theory is more accurate than Euler-Bernoulli theory and also comparable with Timoshenko beam theory. Also, in this paper results obtained are discussed with other refined theories. The novelty of the paper is, many researchers used rectangular section for analysis, here first time irregular shape i.e. T section is considered for the purpose of analysis. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
31-35 |
9 |
Cyber Security: Threats and Precaution
-Vaibhav Bandu Mane
Cyber security is an information technology. It’s the main the part of Internet services. We must understand the different type of threats that exist in the Internet world. The paper mainly focuses on challenges faced by cyber security and its types in day-to-life. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
36-38 |
10 |
Challenges Of Women Workforce in Information Technology Sector in Kolkata: An Overview
-Dr Rupa Biswas ; Tanmayananda Chattaraj ; Manshi Chandak
The workplace has always been dominated by male but with the evolution of the Information Technology sector in the 1990s which has exhibited a prospective employment avenue for women workforce in this sector. This paper explores to furnish a critical perspective on the various constraints confronted by women workforce at the Information Technology industries in Kolkata. It also highlights the safeguard adopted by the Human Resource Department in IT sectors in making workplaces identical and safe for women employees. The paper concludes with a policy recommendation, which if executed, could bring far flung repercussions in emancipating women workforce in Information Technology Industry. Read More...
Social Work |
India |
39-45 |
11 |
Photoluminescence Investigation of Nano-Monazite-Type Lapo4: Tb and Laypo4: Tb Phosphor
-Yogaraj S .Patil ; K.G. Chaudhari; Pallavi V. Mahalle; K.V.R.Murthy; N.V.Poornachandra Rao
Recent investigations in technology reveal that nanometer sized compounds have attracted considerable attention due to their novel size- dependent characteristics, different physio-chemical and optoelectronics properties compared with the bulk counterparts,[1-4] Inorganic compounds doped with rare earth ions form an important class of phosphors as they possess a few interesting characteristics such as excellent chemical stability, high luminescence efficiency, and flexible emission colors. The present paper reports the synthesis, characterization and Photoluminescence (PL) of the LaPO4: Tb and LaYPO4: Tb (0.5%) phosphor doped with Tb (0.5%) rare-earth ions. The phosphors were synthesized using the standard solid state reaction technique and ground using mortar and pestle, fired at 1200℃ for three hours in a muffle furnace. The effect of dopants on the Photoluminescence of LaPO4 phosphor was observed at 470 nm under the excitation of 254nm wavelength, PL of the phosphors are recorded using SHIMADZU Spectrofluorophotometer at room temperature. PL emission of doped LaPO4: Tb (0.5%) phosphor shows peaks at 365, 380,416,437,451,469, 483,545nm whereas. PL emission of doped LaYPO4: Tb (0.5%) phosphor shows peaks 366, 396,451, 469, 589 and 595 nm. The phosphors are also characterized using XRD, SEM, Relative pressure, pore size and Particle Size studies. Read More...
Nanomaterial characterization |
India |
46-49 |
12 |
Effect of Thermal Barrier Coating on Piston to Improve Engine Efficiency
-M Surendra Kumar ; T Bhargav; R Phani Kumar; M Prem Naga Sai; Shaik Meeravali
In today's world scenario, there is tremendous development in the field of automobile and every day, there is a new invention to do better out transport facility. Also company may concentrated on very important fact, service after sale it is consider spinal code in the field of automobile. Most of the company may spend their 50% of their income on research and development to make their vehicle better. This project work is based on bi-metallic piston used in automobile. There are lots of thermal barrier coated materials used in automobile application. In this case, piston is identified with two metals. It reduces the thermal stress in the material to overcome this serious problem. Here in this thesis we have designed two different model pistons using CAD software – CATIA and Thermal analysis is done using two different materials i.e., AL 7075 and Cast iron coated with different materials such as SiC, titanium and Nickel. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
50-66 |
13 |
Analysis of Data Security Algorithm in Wireless Network
-Vikram Patel ; Girish Kumar Tiwari
While using a smartphone, computer, or other device to transport data over a wireless network, data theft by unscrupulous parties is possible. The data may be accessed at any time and from any location. On the other side, data on the cloud is not necessarily secure. Because the end user can only access the data with the assistance of a third party. In such situation, we'll need to improve the security of our internet data transfer. It is impossible to stress the importance of ensuring security in wireless network cryptographic approaches. To increase the speed with which data is carried through a wireless network, algorithms are used. In this paper, We provide a new security method that combines symmetric and asymmetric cryptography techniques to give great security while requiring little maintenance. The performance of an algorithm for a network assault including one of the most popular network assaults and a range of input parameters was investigated and analysed using simulation. This study outlines a safe and efficient method for transferring data across wireless networks while retaining data integrity and confidentiality. To ensure authentication and data integrity, the suggested system integrates the ECC and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Message Digest 5(MD5) technology. The results of the experiments reveal that the proposed strategy is effective and produces better outcomes than existing methods. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
67-71 |
14 |
A Study of Consumer Buying Behaviour during Covid-19 Pandemic Situation with Special Reference to Bhilai City
-Dr. Ranjeeta Tiwari Mishra ; Ms. Suman Sahu
Consumer Buying Behaviour is one of the prime process of Marketing Management. It helps in decision making process of buying and selling and that focused on the choices of consumer to meets the objective of the markets. COVID-19 pandemic situation proven as transforming era of marketing, it creates a lot of challenges and opportunities to new options to go through. Both the segments of market i.e. buyer and sellers are affected by the COVID-19 situation; it totally changed the buying patterns of an individual. Many people lost their jobs, many business units’ shuts down and most of the people faced crisis of money during this hazardous time. In other word; COVID-19 changed the economic environment of business; directly and indirectly. Consumer buying behaviour is a study of customer preferences, choices and responds toward particular buying option for an individual, groups and organisational level. This paper deals with the consumer buying patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic situation to understand the changes and emergence of marketing in Bhilai city of Chhattisgarh state. Read More...
Management |
India |
72-74 |
15 |
Automatic Medicine Dispenser
-Harsha Bhimraj Shejwal ; Prajakta A. More
The Medicine Dispenser is a machine which dispenses or gives the medicine based on the authentication of the user with the help of the user name and the password which was registered by to user in machine. This machine will give medicine which is written in user prescription which was provided by the user’s doctor and also the quantity of medicine is also determined by the user’s choice. In the user card having digital point which was filled by administrator when user give money the it will convert into digital points So user can restore the points by taking to the administrator of the card. Then it is used for his identification to add the digital points to the card. The main target of this dispensing machine is to provide the medicine to the peoples at every time so it can help the village people who are far from the hospital or the clinic for them the medicine and also it can be installed like an ATM machine so it is easy to use by the people which are illiterate. The medicine will be filled by the administrator of the machine at particular time based on the expiration date and also if it is empty the machine will alarm the administrator to refill the machine through SMS or telecom messenger. The automatic medicine dispenser wireless data transfer tool which uses national care card to store the data. In this setup using RFID tag for person identification rather than of cash payment. RFID technology uses ID system that which having small radio frequency identification devices to identify and tracking purposes. An RFID technology having the tag itself, a read/write device, and also a host system application to collect the data and for proceed it, and transmission. RFID comes from the group of technologies which are Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC). AIDC technology automatically identify objects, collect data about them. Then it enters those data into computer systems with little or no human intervention. FID use radio wave for the technology processes. Read More...
M.E. VLSI and Embedded System |
India |
75-77 |
16 |
Blockchain for Decentralization
-Komal Pardeshi ; Dr. Sharada K. A.
Blockchain is an emerging technology, based on decentralization. Centralized system has a drawback of single point of failure as control is given to a single machine. Decentralization exists with distributed system. In distributed system numbers of nodes which are located at different locations are connected with each other via communication network. In Decentralization there is no central-entity, the basic idea is to distribute control and authority to various nodes involved in the network, instead of a single node. Decentralization provides trustless environment means it is not necessary to know or trust anyone else in the network. Each member in the network has same copy of data in the form of distributed ledger. The objective of this paper is to introduce with various blockchain schemes for decentralization, level of decentralization. This paper also discusses about online money transfer system using blockchain. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
78-81 |
17 |
Role of Built Form Interfaces in Generating Inclusive and Participatory Built Environments for Social Sustainability
-Prof.Trupti Biswas ; Dr. Gouri Desai
The present research aims to highlight the role of Built form in shaping the interfaces of public realm through the study of socio-cultural responsiveness of built environments; wherein the research methodology will be through investigation of parameters like interactions and exchanges considering the public realm as socio-cultural landscapes. The research will look at different typologies of interfaces like – inclusive interfaces, participatory interfaces and self-build interfaces; wherein these typologies will give a matrix to study and analyze the inferences on the performance of built form interfaces in maintaining Social sustainability of the place. Read More...
Architecture & Planning |
India |
82-84 |
18 |
Privacy-Preserving Policy for Big Data Entry Restriction Scheme
-Abraham Rajan ; Gopinath A R; Kiran J; Arun Kumar S
In contemporary world of computers, most of the objects like computers, smart phones are connected to network through internet connection generates vast amount of information. Due to huge information corpus, it is a very challenging task to store the data in structured formats, especially when it is stored in cloud storage space. In Cloud infrastructure, preserving the privacy of the user data is one of major challenges. In order to achieve this, we have developed a technique for encryption known as Attribute-Based Encryption using Cipher text-policy (ABE-CP). This technique gives users the ability to encipher their own data using feature attribute policy values which is defined over some access policies. If the access policies of the data owners are matched with attribute values of data consumers, then such users are allowed to decipher the data. In ABE-CP, we have encrypted data in plain text formats and has access policies attached to the same, which may contain end-user’s personal information. The existing methodologies only partially conceal the personal information of end users while the attribute values which contains personal information are still exposed. In this paper, we introduce a system which ensures privacy of the data consumers and data owners while maintaining the standards. And we have also introduced a bloom-filter which is used for decryption of data using attributes. These bloom-filters are used to estimate whether the end-users access policies are defined for each attribute. It can also be used to find the attributes location if it is available in the access-policy. It has been estimated by many execution performance evaluators and security analyst that our proposed technique can enable linear secret-sharing strategic access policies and prevent private information of end users without engaging much overhead. In our proposed project we have provided two login credentials, one as data consumer and the other as data owner. The owner of the data uploads a file and generates a badge number for each and every file once the encryption is done in cloud. This process will protect the file name attribute values from leaking. Since the file name contains some critical information regarding the attribute values. These information’s which will be used to decrypt the files by the intruders. Therefore, by providing badge number for each file we will protect privacy of the data owners. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
85-88 |
19 |
Academic Environment and Its Effect on Faculty Performance in Higher Education Institution
-Pragati Arya ; Amita Maxwell
The present study aims to see how the academic atmosphere affects instructor performance. For the recruitment of individuals, a non-probability purposive sampling strategy was used. Data was collected from 405 faculties using a pre-tested questionnaire. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modelling. Internal consistency and reliability of scale items, as well as convergent and discriminant validity of the questionnaire constructs, were proved by factor loading, Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability, average variance extracted, and correlations. The model fit indices revealed that measurement and structural models relating quality education, student background, faculty professional capabilities, student/teacher ratio, faculty engagement, collaborative research, presence of quality assurance cell/agencies, institution policies, industry-institutional collaboration, and physical environment of the educational institute with faculty performance in higher education institutions were well fitted with data. The structural model's path analysis revealed that quality education, student background, faculty professional capabilities, student/teacher ratio, faculty engagement, collaborative research, the presence of quality assurance cells/agencies, and the institution's policies on industry-institution collaboration were all important factors. In higher education institutions, the physical environment has a large and favourable impact on faculty performance. The background of the students has little bearing on the performance of the professors. The structural model's path analysis revealed that faculty professional capabilities and collaborative research were the most important determinants, followed by quality education, student background, student/teacher ratio, faculty engagement, presence of quality assurance cell/agencies, institution policies, industry-institution collaboration, and so on. Faculty performance in higher education institutions is influenced by the physical environment of the educational facility. Read More...
Disaster Management & Sustainable Development |
India |
89-95 |
20 |
Numerical Simulation Analysis and Its Performance on Double Arch Having Width with Staggered Pattern over SAH Plate
-Gulshan Kumar Bisen ; Prof. Suresh Kumar Badholiya
To aim the design has to get for W/w ,e/w and g/d,d/D ,P/e are 2,.02 and 0.5, 6.25 respectively of the plate having wedge broken are for multi pattern to get acquired turbulent on surfaces so get efficient design to meet our aim. If the surfaces meet design parameter on turbulent convert into heat transfers to work abstract. So that designed to new design for heaving multiple arcs on wedge gab similarly pattern to have it. The solar heater plate gets heated from solar energy on plate so that design all parameter meet to all acquired properties. So that CFD analysis done as multi arc pattern, so we can do that CFD phase run on pattern design to analyzed all thermodynamics properties to be abstracted so our design get gives more efficient and all parameter such that temperature ,pressure etc. Contour will gives more accurately so that will meet our efficiency done over the design. Read More...
Thermal Engineering |
India |
96-99 |
21 |
A Review of Conventional and Horizontally Double Sloped Solar Still
-Sumit Varma ; Saumitra Kumar Sharma
A desalination system works on electricity or a convention fossil fuel. Where thermal energy is extracted which leaves carbon residue and other greenhouse gases behind, which a major reason behind ozone depletion and global warming and may other health hazards for mankind. Desalination using a non-conventional resource will help. The desalination using solar energy is one-time investment for lifetime production of pure water up to 15 to 25 years. In this dissertation, multiple method of desalination has been discussed. The productivity of passive solar stills can be improved or enhanced by using various storage materials or by some simple modification in the design of still. These solar still can be used to convert brackish water into fresh water. Conventional solar still has low productivity and productivity of solar still many research iterates and puts their effort consistently. Many researchers have used metal particles of Nano sized to improve the thermal efficiency of the still. In this project, conventional solar still is compared with Horizontally Double Sloped solar still which resulted in increase in efficiency and productivity in the process of desalination which can be carried out by only using the energy from the sun. Read More...
Thermal Engineering |
India |
100-103 |
22 |
Experimental Performance Analysis of Conventional and Horizontally Double Sloped Solar Still
-Sumit Varma ; Saumitra Kumar Sharma
A desalination system works on electricity or a convention fossil fuel. Where thermal energy is extracted which leaves carbon residue and other greenhouse gases behind, which a major reason behind ozone depletion and global warming and may other health hazards for mankind. Desalination using a non-conventional resource will help. The desalination using solar energy is one-time investment for lifetime production of pure water up to 15 to 25 years. In this dissertation, multiple method of desalination has been discussed. The productivity of passive solar stills can be improved or enhanced by using various storage materials or by some simple modification in the design of still. These solar still can be used to convert brackish water into fresh water. Conventional solar still has low productivity and productivity of solar still many research iterates and puts their effort consistently. Many researchers have used metal particles of Nano sized to improve the thermal efficiency of the still. In this project, conventional solar still is compared with Horizontally Double Sloped solar still which resulted in increase in efficiency and productivity in the process of desalination which can be carried out by only using the energy from the sun. Read More...
Thermal Engineering |
India |
104-110 |
23 |
Brain Controlled Miniature Wheelchair Using BCI and MATLAB
-Vikas Kumar Sharma ; Rajesh Namdeo Patil
BCI- A brain–computer interface (BCI), sometimes called a brain–machine interface (BMI), is a direct communication pathway between the brain's electrical activity and an external device, most commonly a computer or robotic limb. BCIs are often directed at researching, mapping, assisting, augmenting, or repairing human cognitive or sensory-motor functions. Implementations of BCIs range from non-invasive (EEG, MEG, EOG, MRI) and partially invasive (ECoG and endovascular) to invasive (microelectrode array), based on how close electrodes get to brain tissue. Research on BCIs began in the 1970s by Jacques Vidal at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) under a grant from the National Science Foundation, followed by a contract from DARPA. The Vidal's 1973 paper marks the first appearance of the expression brain–computer interface in scientific literature. Due to the cortical plasticity of the brain, signals from implanted prostheses can, after adaptation, be handled by the brain like natural sensor or effectors channels. Following years of animal experimentation, the first neuroprosthetic devices implanted in humans appeared in the mid-1990s. Recently, studies in human-computer interaction via the application of machine learning to statistical temporal features extracted from the frontal lobe (EEG brainwave) data has had high levels of success in classifying mental states (Relaxed, Neutral, Concentrating),mental emotional states (Negative, Neutral, Positive) and thalamocortical dysrhythmia. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
111-115 |
24 |
Coastal Vulnerability Assessment of Kochi City, Using the Analytical Hierarchical Process
-Josin Baby Mathew ; Dr. Annie John
The world's average sea level rise occurred in the 20th century, and is at a continuous rise more specifically due to global warming. This leads to a variety of impacts, including increased floods risks, salt damage to surface and groundwater, and morphological changes such as wetland erosion and habitat loss. Potential human and ecosystem impacts in the 21st century is important to be addressed, but uncertain. Similarly, the increasing sea level proposes an emerging problem in the coastal regions of Kochi city. By 2040, Kochi will likely see a sea level rise of 0.6m compared to 0.15m in 2020. So, the study assesses the level of vulnerability in the Kochi city using AHP method considering both the physical vulnerability and the social vulnerability. Read More...
Urban Studies |
India |
116-121 |
25 |
A Review of a Comparative Study for Fake News Prediction Using Machine Learning
-Purnima Kashyap ; Pallavee Jaiswal
The problem of fake news is increasing rapidly all over the world. Face book, what’s app, Twitter, Instagram and other digital platforms are increasingly being used to spread fake news. Due to which differences are being created between different communities, castes and religions. The problem of false news is increasing so much that it is not known which news is true and which is false. People accept something without checking it and Like, Share, comment due to which fake news goes on increasing very fast. In this paper we study about the topic of detecting fake news. Different classifiers are used to identify fake news. Our aim is to detect fake news and reduce fake news spreading rapidly. Read More...
Electronics & Telecommunication |
India |
122-123 |
26 |
A Comparative Study for Fake News Prediction Using Machine Learning
-Purnima Kashyap ; Pallavee Jaiswal
In present's day internet is making a splash each over the world people are also doing daily conditioning through internet like on online news get information about the events going on in the country and abroad through Face book, Instagram, Twitter and other digital platforms. Due to which both real and fake news are coming out. Fake news is spreading fleetly each over the world on social media and other digital platform. It affects the society, politics, diurnal routine of the people, election, health etc. This matter of grave concern due to the faculty to reach the public trial. Our end is to determine fake news and reduce fake news spreading fleetly. In this paper the problem of fake news can be worked out using machine learning algorithms to produce a model using it to identify news as fake or real. Different classifiers are used to identify fake news. In this paper passive-aggressive classifier is enforced for this purpose. The performance of the proposed model is compared with the living styles. The Passive- Aggressive Classifier provides the stylish result compared to others. Read More...
Electronics & Telecommunication |
India |
124-127 |
27 |
Bulk Viscous Bianchi-V Universe with Decaying Vacuum Energy
-Dr UK Dwivedi
We present the Bianchi type-V universe with bulk viscosity in general relativity. Exact solutions of the field equations are obtained under the consideration of (i) Hubble parameter of the form H=αR-m,α>0,m≥0,,(ii) bulk viscosity of the form ζ=ζ_0 p , where ζ_0 are positive constant and p is the energy density. (iii) and cosmological term Λ=3βH2,β>0. The model obtained evolves with decelerating expansion throughout the evolution. Physical and kinematical behavior of the model are also discussed. Read More...
Mathematics |
India |
128-130 |
28 |
Review on Comparative Analysis of Outrigger Braced System with Different Lateral Load Resisting System in Multistorey
-Abhishek Sharma ; Mayur Singi; Abhijeet Bhawsaar
The advancements in engineering and technology, development of high strength structural materials, rise in population and lack of land area available due to the increase in land prices and rapid urbanization have led to the development of high-rise buildings in the modern era. The high-rise buildings are the most susceptible to the lateral loadings due to the wind and seismic forces. The trend of taller and slender structures makes it necessary to develop the structural system which can resist the lateral loads effectively with minimum cost. In this study we compared two lateral load resisting system for dynamic analysis of flat slab multistory building one system is outrigger bracing system and other is Shear wall system. The outrigger bracing system provides the solution to control excessive drift and displacement in high rise buildings. It consists of the outrigger bracings or the outrigger trusses which connects the central core of the building with the peripheral columns and the peripheral columns relate to one another through the belt trusses. The studies afford the precis of different research work & conclude with identified gaps in the research in addition to recognize the object of required work. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
131-139 |
29 |
Seismic Performance of Flat Plate Floor Building with Diaphragm Discontinuity
-Anjana Anil ; Hari Priya. S
The objective of this study is to determine how a diaphragm discontinuity will affect a flat plate slab, multi-story building (G+15) with a shear wall. The ETABS v13.2.0 software is used to model a 15-story flat plate R.C.C.-framed building for equivalent static method analysis and response spectrum analysis. A horizontal structural component called a diaphragm transfers lateral loads to the structure's vertical load-bearing components. Discontinuities in the diaphragm are used for illumination, aesthetic appeal, and other purposes, but these openings in the diaphragm cause stress at discontinuities at joins with the building components. When subjected to lateral loads, buildings with diaphragm discontinuity typically sustain damage. However, the structure's susceptibility to damage can be reduced by strategically positioning this diaphragm discontinuity. The strength and serviceability of the structure can be improved by strategically placing the diaphragm discontinuity. Additionally, their existence can significantly change how the diaphragm functions. In this project, the effects of variables like the position and eccentricity of the diaphragm discontinuity are investigated. For all the investigated examples, post analyses of the structure, such as maximum story displacement, base shear, and story drift, are computed and then compared. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
140-143 |
30 |
Analysis of Single Layer Reticulated Roof Shell Structure
-Sisna Siraj ; Hari Priya S
Single-layer reticulated structures are extensively used because of their potential to cover wide areas with different form shapes, mild weight and without intermediate support. Large span roof shell structures have a structural tendency to be unsteady during the effect of static loading as well as under dynamic loading. To understand the behaviour of shell structure analysis, need to be carried out. However, the analysis was required to be done for understanding its bending, vibration, axial, buckling etc. In this thesis paper, models of spherical single layer reticulated shell structures were established in Finite Element software FEASTSMT. Based on static analysis maximum response of the vertical displacement of the structure is investigated as well as under free vibration frequency, dynamic behaviour of the structure was also investigated in this research paper. Parametric analysis was conducted and the influence of these parameters on the structure were observed in terms of free vibration frequency. Several parameters were considered for the analysis such as, different span diameters and rise to span ratios. Based on the analysis, the optimum rise to span ratio was found out. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
144-148 |
31 |
Study on Behavior of Composite Laminated Plates under Free Vibration Analysis
-Midhula R R ; Arunima Raj S
With the advancement of the materials and manufacturing technologies in recent years, the laminated composites have enhanced their applications in modern advanced engineering structures. The finite element method has developed as a very powerful tool for engineering problems, whereas a discretized geometry is obtained through the meshing process. The laminated composites are finding wide spread applications in aerospace, automotive, nuclear reactor vessels, ship building industry etc due to their high specific strength, stiffness, light weight and extended fatigue life. In this study, the behavior of square composite laminated plate under free vibration analysis is investigated. FEASTSMT 2020 is used for the finite element analysis. Effect of various parameters such as stacking sequence, number of layers and boundary conditions on the natural frequency of composite laminated plates are studied. From the analysis, cross-ply laminate showed better results for clamped boundary condition and angle-ply laminate for simply supported boundary condition. And increase in number of layers showed a steady increase in natural frequency. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
149-153 |
32 |
Fire and Life Safety Approaches in Hospitals
-Mehboob Shaikh ; Nisha Kushwaha
A significant increase in fire incidents was observed in the past few decades for intraoperative fires in Indian hospitals. This is primarily due to Oxygen (O2) enrichment of air and unsafe practices of storing flammable and combustible liquids in basements furthermore unprotected areas of hospitals without any compartmentation or protective measures. In Oxygen Enriched atmosphere (OEA), it becomes easier for a material to get ignited with the small source of ignitions. The central air conditioner and most split air conditioners are pretty vulnerable to fire due to the presence of various parts that support combustion. In addition to poor maintenance of this system, particularly clogged, dirty air filters make it easier to produce more smoke, leading to poor visibility and difficulty in evacuation, especially when the hospitals have critical occupants at risk who are partially or entirely incapable of self-preservation. In accordance with the prescriptive and performance-based requirements of NFPA codes and standards, Indian hospitals must make several changes to the organization of their equipment and procedures for handling Oxygen, as well as raise awareness among hospital staff, physicians, and administrators. Read More...
Industrial Safety Engineering |
India |
154-158 |
33 |
Behaviour of Thin Cylindrical Shells Strengthened Using CFRP
-Purnima S Subash ; Arunima Raj S
Thin-walled cylindrical shell structures are extensively used in aerospace, nuclear, civil engineering, aircraft, storage vessels, industrial buildings and other fields due their efficient load carrying capacity. The purpose of this study is to investigate the behavior of the thin cylindrical shell strengthened by Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP). CFRP is a type of composite materials consists of carbon fiber and polymer. While the polymer serves as a cohesive matrix to preserve and hold the fibers together in structures, the carbon fibre adds strength and durability. Composite shells are widely applied in pressure vessels, reservoirs, and tanks, as well as in spacecraft and rocket parts and various infrastructure elements. CFRP composites were initially developed by aircraft and weapon industries. The use of CFRP composite materials has gained its popularity in the strengthening of different structures. The cylindrical shell specimens with composite cover and without composite cover subject to external pressure were investigated. The study focus on vibration characteristics and buckling behaviour of aluminium and steel cylindrical shells strengthened using the FEASTSMT. FEASTSMT software is the structural and heat transfer analysis software based on the finite element analysis (FEA) of structures developed by Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). It is used to solve engineering problems with complicated geometries and different boundary conditions. The effects of fibre orientations, stress distribution, strain distribution and frequency variations on the strengthened thin cylinders are also investigated. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
159-163 |
34 |
Experimental Study on Use of Construction and Demolition Waste in Bituminous Pavement
-Mohammed Ansar Baig ; Kiran R; Harshita A M; Shashank K Byadgi
Demolition waste is waste debris from destruction of a construction. Construction industry in India generates about 10-12 million Tons of waste annually. While Retrievable items like bricks, wood, metal, titles are recycled in India, Concrete and masonry waste (>50% of total waste) are not recycled. A defined manual is not available with regulatory authorities for effective management of Construction and Demolition (C & D) waste. Authorities sometimes make rules but often fail in implementing them. This report is expected to be a pilot study towards preparation of such a manual. The objective of this study is to compile relevant literature which will give an insight into demolition waste management strategies of different countries and role of regulatory authorities in demolition waste management. The paper also studies the properties of demolition waste, its hazardous effects and suggests safe recycling/reuse/disposal methods. Based on the study, A C & D Waste management plan was formulated. For effective use of C & D, it essential that the local governing bodies make the submission and implementation of this plan mandatory. This would go a long way in the reduction of Environmental Pollution due to Construction and Demolition waste. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
164-167 |
35 |
Examining the Buckling Strength of Stiffened Steel Plates That Have Longitudinal Stiffeners under Uniaxial Compression
-Adil Abass Lone ; Mogili Srikanth; Pavan Sai Gopal Kundeti; Charitha Perivemula
The importance of achieving increased stiffness with a high strength to weight ratio can be seen in many technical fields, particularly in the construction of ships and aeroplanes. Steel plates that have been strengthened are a frequent structural component. Use stiffeners of various sizes and shapes to stiffen plates in both the longitudinal and/or transverse directions. The critical stress at which the plate collapses is significantly raised by the stiffeners since they not only distribute the load across the smaller panels of the plate but also carry a portion of the load. In most cases, stiffened plates are made stronger by the application of stiffeners. Buckling is often how stiffened plates fail. the size of the subpanel, the form and size of the stiffener, and the number of evenly spaced stiffeners, among other aspects, are shown to have a significant impact on the final product. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
168-172 |
36 |
An Experimental Investigation on Strength and Durability of Concrete with Coal Cinder as a Replacement of Coarse Aggregate
-Srivathsa H U ; Akshatha G C; Deepthi J; Sanjay Kumar S; Sanjay S
Concrete is most widely used construction materials due to its strength, performance and durability. To meet the growing infrastructure and industrial needs, huge quantities of concrete is required, which in turn means, the large volumes of natural resources and raw materials are being used for concrete production around the world. Many manufacturing industries use the raw materials for a specific purpose and after utilization, it will become a waste and waste management is a very difficult problem and in the near future an important task will be to increase recycling and economic utilization while lowering storage. Attempt has been made in the present work to ascertain the strength and durability characteristics of concrete with Coal Cinder as a replacement for Conventional Coarse Aggregate. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
173-175 |
37 |
Evaluation of Bituminous Concrete Mixture Using Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
-Saddam Hussain Z A ; Varun P; Tejashwini M; Prajwal S
The huge amount of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) obtained from damaged or abandoned pavement. Bituminous pavement is a mix of coarse aggregate, fine aggregates, mineral filler and bitumen. Due to repetition of wheel load and edging effect bituminous concrete tense to wear and tear. Using RAP in pavement construction has now become most common practice in many countries. These materials have been used not only proved to be economically but also environmentally sound. Mixing RAP in fresh materials has been favored over fresh material in the light of the increasing cost of asphalt, scarcity of quality aggregate, scarcity of asphalt and pressuring need to preserve the environment. An experimental investigation is carried out to evaluate the possible application of RAP in bituminous pavement design and to find out its design characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to replace aggregates with RAP with the percentage of (30%, 50%, 60% and 70%) and carried out different test on bitumen & aggregate to finding out the difference between normal aggregates and RAP to increase the strength of road pavement. It is observed from test result that 60% of the RAP material replaced with natural aggregates mix shows good stability. Hence up to 60% of RAP material can be replaced to the BC grade. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
176-179 |
38 |
Experimental Study on Soil Stabilization Using Dairy Plastic Waste Sachets
-Mrs. Jyothi D N ; Thooba S; Praveena M D; S N Vinayaka Darshan; Amith N S
Stabilization is a process which improves the physical properties of soil, such as increasing shear strength, bearing capacity, etc. The foundation is very important for any structure Soil & it has to be strongly enough to support the structure. Dairy Plastic waste is become one of the major problems for the world. So, recommended that use of dairy plastic waste for stabilization of soils and using dairy plastic as soil stabilizer would reduce the problem of disposing dairy plastic waste & also reduce facing environmental problems. In the present experimental study on stabilization of soil is done by using dairy plastic waste strips as additive and its tested for various strength parameters. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
180-182 |
39 |
Soil Structure Interaction Effect on Seismic Response of Different Shapes of Plan Asymmetric Buildings
-Asheer Meer ; Mayur Singi; Monika koushal
Earthquake has always been a threat to human civilization from the day of its existence, devastating human lives, property, and man-made structures. The very recent earthquake that we faced in our neighbouring country Nepal has again shown nature’s fury, causing such a massive destruction to the country and its people. It is such an unpredictable calamity that it is very necessary for survival to ensure the strength of the structures against seismic forces. Therefore, there is continuous research work going on around the globe, revolving around development of new and better techniques that can be incorporated in structures for better seismic performance. Obviously, buildings designed with special techniques to resist damages during seismic activity have much higher cost of construction than normal buildings, but for safety against failures under seismic forces it is a prerequisite. In this study, we did comparative study on the effect of earthquake on a tall structure to determine its negative impact to enhance our structures resistivity and comparing the variation in forces in irregular shape frame under the effect of seismic forces with different zones and soil types. For this study we are considering a G+24 structure providing loadings as per Indian provisions and seismic zone III & V with soft, medium and hard type soil as per I.S. 1893 part-1 for modelling and analysis we are using analysis tool/software STAAD.Pro V8i. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
183-186 |
40 |
Effective Solid Waste Management of Roha (Varse) City
-Dhairya Vivek Vatsaraj ; Akash Rajesh Jagtap; Rashid Razzak Shaikh; Dadasahebh P. Hipparkar
The solid waste collected every-day is either dumped or burned, instead of that we have focused on reusing the solid waste to produce various materials like organic fertilizer, plastic flakes. Processing the solid waste results in reduction of pollution caused by open dumping which leads to decrease in diseases caused by contamination of air, ground water by solid waste, as we reuse most of the solid waste the storage of solid waste is reduced to maximum extent. As per our proposed plan collected solid waste will be reused and it will reduce the load on waste disposal. Solid waste refers to the range of garbage materials arising from animal and human activities that are discarded as unwanted and useless. Solid waste is generated from industrial, residential, and commercial activities in a given area, and maybe handled in a variety of ways landfills are typically classified as sanitary, municipal, construction and demolition, or industrial waste sites. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
187-189 |
41 |
Study on Behaviour of Beam Column Joint using Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer and Steel as Reinforcing Material
-Aswathy A ; Midhula R Krishna
The beam column joint is an important element to consider while designing structures especially in seismic prone areas. As a result of high wind and earthquake loads, the majority of joints may collapse due to shear failure. Beam column joint is one of the most vulnerable component in a structure. This paper aims at investigating the behaviour of corner beam column joint and interior beam column joint under cyclic loading with steel and Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) as reinforcing materials. A total of 4 models are used, where the dimensions of beams and columns are taken based on IS 13920:2016 codal provisions. The ductile detailing of steel reinforced models are also designed as per this codal provisions, same ductile detailing is provided for GFRP reinforced specimen also. The ANSYS 2022 R1 is used for modelling and analysis of beam column joints. The results showed that the values of maximum von-mises stress and maximum energy dissipation capacity was high for beam column joint reinforced with GFRP models. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
190-194 |
42 |
Analysis of Composite Cylindrical Shell With And Without Cutout Section
-Natasha Babu ; Kavya Mohan
The objective of this study is to analyse the composite cylindrical shell with and without cutout by applying axial load on Aramid fiber reinforced polymer (AFRP) and Basalt fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP) shell. The Static and Eigen value buckling analysis is done on shell model. The circular, elliptical and rectangle cutouts are considered on cylindrical shell. The compressive stress, deformation, buckling load of each case for cylindrical shell is obtained from ANSYS software. As Fiber reinforced composite materials are more efficient and reliable structures because of their high strength and specific modulus compared to other metallic materials. Stress increases for shell with cutout when compared to the shell without a cutout. The responses of composite shells with cutouts are obtained using geometrically nonlinear FEM software, carried by ANSYS. Composite cylindrical shells are often subjected to defects and damage from both in-service and manufacturing events. Finite element models are also used by many researchers to characterize the behaviour of cylindrical shell considering different types of material and geometrical imperfections. The buckling load value is maximum in circular cutout and minimum in the without cutout. Different changes in the material properties are used here to analyse the static and buckling behaviour of composite shells. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
195-198 |
43 |
Investigating the Effect of Process Parameters and Optimizing the Build Time and Material Usage in FDM Using Cura
-Soundararajan R ; Gowtham K S; Sugan V; Elayaraja R
Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) is one of the most popular Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques for 3D printing. However, FDM is a complex process and based on many process parameters. Any small change in its process parameters can influence the part printing quality and material properties. There are limited investigations have been reported for exploring the effects of FDM process parameters on 3D printed parts. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate FDM process parameters to ensure the better quality of the 3D printed parts and to ensure this technology is successful for engineering applications. One of the most significant parameters of the FDM for 3D printing process is the raster angle and it is vital to investigate its effect on mechanical properties of 3D printed part. In this study, the five different raster angles are used to fabricate the 3D parts, and their tensile properties are investigated to identify the best raster position to fabricate the strongest 3D printing part. In this study, thermoplastic material - polylactic acid (PLA) is used. In this study, the micro structural analysis on fracture interface of the parts after tensile testing is performed using a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to explain material failure modes and reasons. In this study, the micro-level structural changes on outer and inner surfaces of the 3D parts that are fabricated using the five different raster orientations are also examined in detail. This study identified the best raster orientation to lie down the layers of 3D printing material during the process. This study also identified that there are several defects in 3D printed parts at micro level that have large impact on mechanical properties of 3D printed part. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
199-207 |
44 |
Family Environment of Male and Female Adolescents Studying in Government School
-Meanmay Marak ; Dr. Manju Mahananda; Dr.Anjali Mathur
Adolescence is characterized by rapid changes in physical, cognitive and social development, beginning with puberty and ending in the acquisition of adult roles and responsibilities. With this emerging independence and new physical and cognitive abilities, adolescence is also characterized by experimentation and risk taking, sometimes with behaviors that may derail current and future health and wellbeing. The present study entitled “Family environment of male and female adolescents studying in government school†was conducted to assess the family environment of adolescents in Tura of Meghalaya. An explorative research design was adopted and Tura city of Meghalaya was selected purposively. The survey method was selected by using random sampling technique. Tura town of Meghalaya was selected purposively for the present study. A total sample of 100 youths comprising of 50 boys and 50 girls of Tura town of Meghalaya were selected and 20 respondents from each government sector were selected through stratified random sampling techniques from various schools. Family Environment Scale developed by Saini and Kaur (2015) was used to Family Environment of adolescents government schools in Tura town of Meghalaya. It is concluded from the study that majority of the respondents belonged to15-17 years of age group in government school and were having educational qualification 10th grade in government school. The finding pointed that the maximum numbers of female and male respondents was having average congenial level of family environment who are studying in government school. Results revealed a non-significant difference in the family relationship of male and female adolescents studying in government school. Read More...
Human Development and Family Studies |
India |
208-212 |
45 |
Performance Analysis of Support Vector Machine Linear Kernel Towards Machine Learning
- Tafzil Anjum Ansari
Support Vector Machine or SVM is one of the most popular Supervised Learning algorithms, which is used for classification as well as regression problems. The important concepts in SVM includes Support Vectors, data points that are closest to the hyper plane is called support vectors. Separating line will be defined with the help of these data points. Margin, it may be defined as the gap between two lines on the closet data points of different classes. It can be calculated as the perpendicular distance from the line to the support vectors. Large margin is considered as a good margin and small margin is considered as a bad margin. There are some problem needs to consider, while implementing SVM for a data set. There are multiple hyper planes that separate the data exists, which one to choose. Target classes are overlapping. In cases where the number of features for each data point exceeds the number of training data samples. In this paper we used linear kernel based SVM and develop to models first model used heart disease data with 14 attribute. Last attribute is classify the records based on SVM model that patient belong to yes or no class. In second model we used Social data set which has five attribute customers ID, Gender, Age Salary, purchased, the last class is a binary class. Based on salary and age we need to classify the into purchased class (Yes or No). We used R language to implement both the model. We divided the data set into training and testing data set. First we create model using training data set. After that we apply the testing data set. We create Confusion Matrix for both models after allying testing data set to find out the accuracy of the models. We calculate the accuracy and use graph to the show the number of records classifies correctly by both model. Real life data set is used in both the models. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
213-219 |
46 |
Testing of Peltier Module in Desert Cooler
-Dipak Parasram Kharat ; Rajendra J Tayade; Shubham S Pardhe; Shubham S Kshirsagar; Neha K Gawande
In this manuscript, This design and fabrication of desert cooler with certain modifications so that it can be used as low cost air conditioner. The cooling in conventional cooler is done along Wet Bulb Temperature line that reduces Dry Bulb Temperature but simultaneously it increases specific humidly. This paper aims to reduce this humidity with the use of peltier module. This system provides better results than that of conventional cooler. The only disadvantage observed; is long time required to get the desired cooling effect. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
220-221 |
47 |
Risk Taking of Male and Female Adolescents Studying in Government School
-Meanmay Marak ; Dr. Manju Mahananda; Dr.Anjali Mathur
Adolescence is characterized by rapid changes in physical, cognitive and social development, beginning with puberty and ending in the acquisition of adult roles and responsibilities. With this emerging independence and new physical and cognitive abilities, adolescence is also characterized by experimentation and risk taking, sometimes with behaviors that may derail current and future health and wellbeing. The present study entitled “Risk taking of male and female adolescents studying in government school†was conducted to assess the risk taking behavior of adolescents in Tura of Meghalaya. An explorative research design was adopted and Tura city of Meghalaya was selected purposively. The survey method was selected by using random sampling technique. Tura town of Meghalaya was selected purposively for the present study. A total sample of 100 youths comprising of 50 boys and 50 girls of Tura town of Meghalaya were selected and 20 respondents from each school of government sector were selected through stratified random sampling techniques from various schools. Risk Taking Inventory developed by Nimbalkar and Helode (2015) was used for assessing the risk taking behavior of adolescents studying in government schools in Tura town of Meghalaya. It is concluded from the study that majority of the respondents belonged to15-17 years of age group in government school and were having educational qualification 10th grade in and government school. The result also revealed that the maximum numbers of female and male respondents studying in government schools were having low risk taking behavior Results revealed a non- significant difference in the risk taking behaviors of male and female adolescents studying in government school. Read More...
Human Development and Family Studies |
India |
222-225 |
48 |
Design and Experimental Analysis of Waste Heat of Condenser in VCR System
-Yogesh Kamble
Increasing demand of energy and global warming is the current issue before us. Substantial increase of energy demand compelled us to think on waste heat utilization perspective. To mitigate the energy crisis and to save our environment recovery of waste heat is utmost necessary. Our main objective to present this paper is to show the percentage of waste heat utilization possible from condenser of a household refrigerator. The condenser of refrigerator acts as a heat pump and discharge heat inside room hence increases the room temperature. This discarded waste heat can be reutilized for number of domestic purposes such as heating water, maintaining food hot, cloths and grain drying. Experimentally we have shown that with waste heat recovery the overall COP of the system increases. By installing the waste heat recovery unit with domestic refrigerator it has become a multipurpose refrigerator fulfills both cooling and heating requirements. Read More...
Thermal Engineering |
India |
226-228 |
49 |
The Effect of Poor Drainage on Road Performance in Hargeisa
-Mouktar Yousuf Ali
This paper aims to investigate the many implications of poor drainage on the state of road pavements. Early pavement deterioration due to poor drainage results in road structural failures and driving difficulties. It is crucial to provide proper drainage to stop or reduce early pavement failures and improve road performance. A field survey of the current state of the offered drainage system and its consequent effects on pavement performance was conducted on the main roads in Hargeisa city as a case study. This analysis revealed that the majority of roads in Hargeisa City had insufficient drainage, which led to serious distresses and pavement deterioration. Design principles are based on prior experiences in the design and construction of appropriate drainage. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
Somalia |
229-234 |
50 |
Comparative Analysis of CASP & MBBR with Various Medium on Municipal Waste Water
-Gaurav Kumar Singh ; Ravindra P. Thanedar
The study has been undertaken to evaluate CASP with and without medium and check its efficiency on the output quality. In the study four different mediums are made of polyethylene but are different in sizes, internal structure and PSA/TSA etc. have been taken and their efficiencies have been studied in terms of reduction in BOD & COD at the HRT of 3 hours and 5 hours. The municipal waste water used for the study has been brought on the daily basis to the college lab from the nearby CK Naidu Hospital Treatment Plant, Pune. The medium has been studied firstly at the HRT of the 3 hours and there results have been compared and then studied for HRT of 5 hours. The study showed that the MBBR (CASP with medium) removal efficiency in terms BOD and COD is better than the CASP. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
235-237 |