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1 |
Analysis of Strength Variation in Aluminium Alloys Due to Heat Treatment & Welding
-Lalit Sharma
Aluminium, in its pure state, is soft and ductile; not very strong. Addition of foreign elements like copper (Cu), magnesium (Mg), and silicon (Si) can easily change the physical and mechanical properties of pure aluminium. This foreign addition of these elements is typically very less (a few % of total solution) [1]. This doping of foreign elements like Si, Mg, Cu plays an important and crucial role in deciding the properties of aluminium alloy and cherish the alloys with desired properties. After giving desired properties these aluminium alloys become very useful for various products and application. Due to its extremely light-weight and corrosion resistance nature, the aluminium alloy is extensively being used in structural application [2]. The current example is aerospace industry, which is using these alloys to design aircrafts that are light-weight, faster than conventional aircrafts and more importantly fuel efficient. The first use of aluminium alloys in airplanes was in the early 1900's. At that time copper (Cu) was being used to strengthen the alloy. Copper (Cu) gave birth to new development series, now commonly used 2XXX series, of aluminium alloy (Al-Cu-Mg). Read More...
Mechanical Engineering (Production and Industrial Engineering) |
India |
1-3 |
2 |
Performance Analysis on a Bosch Pf Diesel Fuel Injection Pump
-Syed Iqbal Hussain
The performance analysis of the BOSCH PF Diesel Fuel Injection Pump is the primary subject of the following article. The goal of the performance analysis was to improve the efficiency of the chosen pump. I concluded that the efficiency of the BOSCH PF Diesel Fuel Injection Pump can be increased by considering the following design modifications in the pump: enlarging the plunger diameter, altering the diameters of the delivery pipe, and swapping the normal valve for the adaption valve. The impact of the varied plunger diameters on the various pump efficiencies will be the main topic of the current paper. Additionally, for two chosen plunger diameters, the differences in speed with discharge are displayed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
4-7 |
3 |
Experimental Investigation of Concrete using Bacteria in Fusion with Different Percentage of Flyash
-Sumit Kumar Mishra ; Afzal Khan
Building material, concrete is extremely prone to developing cracks. A reduction in strength, ductility, durability, and reinforcement are all results of the chemicals reactions, coupled with water and CO2. Without urgent action, the fissures might worsen and lead to more serious issues. This work intends to explore the self-healing potential and the mechanisms associated with the process while considering the economy into account. This paper presents experimental investigation of concrete using bacteria in fusion with different percentage of flyash. Project work discusses the technique and analysis of preparing bacterial concrete mix proportions, materials utilized, and different test findings of qualities at 7 and 28 days for concrete acceptance. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
8-11 |
4 |
Simulation of PV Connected Grid Tied System in Solar Panels
-Guddu Kumar Chaudhary ; Prof. Vinay Pathak; Prof. Namrata Sant
Due to their inherent advantage of being a clean and environmentally friendly source of electricity, clean power is increasingly used as a primary energy source for power generation. An important factor in the design and functioning of PV systems in energy solar systems is how to achieve high peak power efficiencies for diverse operating modes. The prerequisites for the growth of solar energy-based technologies and or the use of sun energy all over created a sun. Based energy systems are now a reliable source of vitality. Numerous overwhelming problems, most of which are connected to control quality, such as power factor, responsive power quality, voltage flicker, and harmonics in a PV framework connected to the grid. The aggregate framework's overall performance receives impacted and it becomes a real concern for the end users. Overall, it decreases the efficiency and lifespan of the equipment and machinery. The scientist is continually seeking to control each of these problems, and to some extent, a successful arrangement through the preparation of an acceptable control strategy for inverter interfacing It is feasible to connect a PV system Meeting grid criteria is the prime concern in engineering and functioning a wire PV inverter. International grid regulations necessitate LVRT capabilities and preserve power flow from PV panels even when there is an AC side conditions defect. A strong PV voltage-regulation must be created. The controller creates the connection between the MPPT function and the bounded-voltage power flow control. In this paper, the behaviour of a PV system under a fault is analysed, and a ride-through control technique is developed. Additionally, a continuous DC supply is maintained from the PV system at the time of grid side fault, which would be capable of feeding the grid. Additionally, synchronous references Frame oriented PI control is used in the suggested control method. Read More...
Power Electronics and Control |
India |
12-15 |
5 |
A Grid Connected PV System of Solar Panels
-Guddu Kumar Chaudhary ; Prof. Vinay Pathaka; Prof. Namrata Sant
A significant component of the energy balance in most regions and power systems, photovoltaic (PV) energy is expanding at a rapid rate each year. In this work, the effect of attaching a PV power grid will be explored with real-time modeling of the plant using RSCSD software (RTDS). Studying the effects of changes in the power factor of loads, PV saturation, overtones introduced into circuit by PV inverter, and the PV system's anti-islanding capability. Finally, the dependability and grid connectivity of a standard grid-connected PV system are examined using the Achievement Ratio (PR) of the PV system. With a constantly rising yearly rate, photovoltaic (PV) energy is gradually playing a significant role in the energy balance in most regions and power networks. With the help of real-time system simulation using RSCSD software on the Interactive Digital Simulator, it study aims to investigate the impact of joining a PV power system (RTDS). The effects of changing the power factor of loads, shifting the penetration of PV, adding oscillations to the circuit via the Inverters, and the PV system's anti-islanding properties are all investigated. Finally, the dependability and grid connectivity of the PV system are assessed using the Perform Ratio (PR) of a typical grid-connected PV system. Read More...
Power Electronics |
India |
16-19 |
6 |
Research on the Application of Robot Welding Technology
-Rajoo Vishwakarma
The application of robot welding technology is analysed in welding applications. The importance, applications, advantages and disadvantages are analysed in this welding operation. The main type of welding analysed are electron beam welding, ultrasonic welding, high frequency induction welding, electric arc welding and resistance welding in which robotic welding technology applications are analysed. Here these welding technologies are analysed for its process of application and benefits of using it. The welding technologies processes are also explained and robotic technology application procedure are also analysed in describing this process. The main types of robot which are analysed for carrying out this welding process are six arm robots. The arms which are controlling the welding process from starting to ending of welding process are explained for each type of welding. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
20-24 |
7 |
Revolutionary Invention in 21 Century of Cloud Computing
-Manzoore Mustafa
Virtual computing also known as cloud computing is hybrid cloud-based Network Datacenter which hold Network Device cluster servers and storage at difference regions, on companies’ requirement they can select any region from local or other country region for storage data backup of all servers. Access your infrastructure remotely from any region and anywhere with high-speed data availability, organization regular meeting data analysis of its operations sale’s performance can be monitor by using cloud base video conferencing, during covid pandemic period companies ran business operations by implementing strategic working style hybrid culture and work from home. The cloud computing played vital role of transmitting data robust secured encrypted to its virtual clients who access remotely during work from home. This study focuses mainly on development of network from switching over inhouse infrastructure to cloud based for easy access data effectively running business applications. This article covers Introduction Advantage types of cloud based computing services and cloud-based service providers starting from Azure cloud computing, AWS cloud computing and Google cloud computing. This article allows readers give an idea before they planned to switch over to cloud computing from inhouse infrastructure. Made readers to decide which services from which providers will give them cost saving economical with high end data encryption. Read More...
Computer Network Engineering |
India |
25-28 |
8 |
Antibacterial Effect of Cabbage Leaves Extract Finished Bamboo Fabric on Skin Infections
-Nilofar Sulthana.A.R ; Meera.A.G
Cabbage leaf extract finished bamboo fabric targeted for medicinal use. Because both bamboo fabric and cabbage leaf extract have a rich antibacterial effect naturally the fabric is carried out further research to concern with a doctor survey. The doctor treated this finished fabric for suffered patient. Finally they suggested cabbage leaf extract finished fabric has an every possible for curing acne, pimple, age spot and wrinkles as face mask, for wounds use cabbage leaf finishing bandage, then for curing breast enlargement, skin cancer, damage skin from sun radiation and other skin allergies. Use like finishing in inner wear and lining materials and also used to prevent cancer. Read More...
Fashion & Textile Technology |
India |
29-31 |
9 |
Hybridized Adaptive Superpixel Method with RBFN and SVM for Automatic Lung Tumor Segmentation from Computed Tomography Images
-E.Praveena ; K.Raja
Volumetric lung tumor segmentation and correct longitudinal monitoring of tumor extent adjustments from computed tomography pictures are imperative for monitoring tumor response to therapy. Hence, we developed hybridized adaptive exquisite pixel approach with RBFN and SVM. Our networks concurrently mix points throughout more than one photo decision and characteristic degrees via residual connections to become aware of and section the lung tumors. The segmentation accuracy in contrast to professional delineations used to be evaluated by way of computing the cube similarity coefficient, Hausdorff distances, sensitivity, and precision metrics. Hybridized adaptive awesome pixel approach with RBFN and SVM volumetrically segmenting lung tumors which permits accurate, computerized identification of and serial size of tumor volumes in the lung. It has emerge as possible to behavior computerized quantitative analyses. In addition, collaboration amongst engineers, clinicians, and records scientists has led to the improvement of correct computerized screening packages for medical use. Lung segmentation, a step required prior to chest CT imaging analysis, is a quintessential beginning factor for all lung-related quantitative analysis. For instance, in pulmonary nodule detection, when lung segmentation fails to efficaciously outline the borders of the lungs, the nodules backyard the borders are missed. However, most techniques are nevertheless constrained in their capability to precisely differentiate the surrounding tissue from juxta-pleural nodules, which are connected to the partitions of the lung. In some cases, the nodules have the equal depth values as the surrounding tissue. Thus, juxta-pleural nodule detection is one of the most difficult problems in lung segmentation. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
32-35 |
10 |
IoT-Based Smart Agriculture System
-Sundram Trivedi ; Vivek Dhaware; Payal Punekar; Dipti Kapale
The farming of agriculture began 1200 times lower again, neolithic age gave the start to civilization, Farming, and later endured as usual farming practices. India is an agricultural country, and substantially Indian farming is dependent on rains, soil, moistness, and environmental challenges. Our growers upgraded to ultramodern state-of-the-art technology in civilization. Encyclopedically, IoT systems have contributed to its application in many fields and have proven to achieve success. it is time that Indian farmer wishes to introduce Smart Agricultural systems for higher crop yields. Productivity with the compilation of data from detectors, selectors, and ultramodern digital gadgets the farmer can monitor agrarian fields. Smart Agriculture can study rainfall data, rainfall data, switching ON the pump motor, and admit the moistness of soil in phrases of moisture stages with the assistance of sensors that are interfaced to the technique module Arduino- UNO. The Smart husbandry device can be operated from somewhere with the assistance of networking technology. Read More...
Agricultural Engineering |
India |
36-39 |
11 |
ANN Tool Approach for Parametric Optimization of Friction Stir Welding on Al-6063
-Abhinav Bansal ; Vinay Sharma
Aluminum alloy 6063 is used in engineering design like automotive connector stock, and structural members due to their lightweight better machinability, strength properties, and braze ability. Friction stir welding is a solid-state joining process in which material is welded without melt and recast. This research presents the effects of parameters on TS (KN/mm²) and hardness during friction stir welding of aluminum alloy 6063. The friction stirs welding parameters such as tool rotational speed (950-1450 rpm), welding speed (20-40 mm/min), and tilt angle (0-1 degree) have been used. ANN tool was used in MATLA software for simulation and validation purposes. It was noted that for the friction stir welding of aluminum alloy 6063, the tensile strength and hardness values are 0.08625 KN/mm² and 53.9375 VHN respectively. The common parameters combination for maximum tensile strength was 1175 rpm, 40 mm/min, and 0 degrees for transverse, welding speed, and the tilting angle of the tool. Read More...
Adavanced Manufacturing Systems |
India |
40-43 |
12 |
Analysis of Steel Structures with the Use of Fluid Viscous Damper for Different Plan Aspect Ratios as per is 1893:2016 - A Literature Review
-Khizeruddin Sheikh ; Dr J N Vyas
Earthquake produces huge impact in terms of life, money and failure of structure .From the study of past earthquakes, it has been concluded that conventional structure disintegrate or got damaged during ground shaking. Hence it is very essential to design the structure to prevent from such earthquakes. Now a day, the seismic protection using passive controlling devices become more admired by using seismic dampers. From previous research it has been observed that one of the most admired dampers which can be easily used is fluid viscous damper due to its efficiency in controlling inter story drifts, floor acceleration and other structural parameter. It also acts like a shock absorber which dissipates more energy during strong ground motion. Various researches have been carried out for enhancing the effectiveness of seismic control system and there methodology. The aim of this study is to observe the behaviour of such passive controlling devices for seismic control for different aspect ratio of building at different positions and find its sustainability and is to review technologies for seismic control. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
44-47 |
13 |
Analysis of Steel Structures with the Use of Fluid Viscous Damper for Different Plan Aspect Ratios as per is 1893:2016
-Khizeruddin Sheikh ; Dr J N Vyas
Earthquake produces huge impact in terms of life, money and failure of structure .From the study of past earthquakes, it has been concluded that conventional structure disintegrate or got damaged during ground shaking. Hence it is very essential to design the structure to prevent from such earthquakes. Now a day, the seismic protection using passive controlling devices become more admired by using seismic dampers. From previous research it has been observed that one of the most admired dampers which can be easily used is fluid viscous damper due to its efficiency in controlling inter story drifts, floor acceleration and other structural parameter. It also acts like a shock absorber which dissipates more energy during strong ground motion. Various researches have been carried out for enhancing the effectiveness of seismic control system and there methodology. The aim of this study is to observe the behaviour of such passive controlling devices for seismic control for different aspect ratio of building at different positions. For which the Linear Dynamic analysis for G+5 Storey Steel Structure with high seismic intensity was carried out in the present work using Etabs. In the result, the impact of such devices in storey displacement, drift and base shear were determined and compared. From which we can conclude that Steel Building with setting up of FVD at its corner shows high effectiveness on seismic parameters. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
48-52 |
14 |
Simulation and Analysis of DC-DC Converter for Solar PV System to Connecting Mobile Charging Bank
-Sunny Kumar Kashyap ; Dr. Manju Khare
With the expansion of technology in the 21st century, the demand for DC power has increased in urban and rural areas. A DC-DC converter is an efficient way to meet the electricity need from the local solar energy and helps in improving the system efficiency. This paper presents simulation results of a buck boost converter, MPPT algorithm (P & O method) for solar PV system that is MATLAB/simulation module and closed loop PI control system for obtaining constant 12 (V) and 24 (V) DC output voltage at DC bus to Connecting mobile charging bank. In addition, much research is focused on increasing the poor efficiency of the power processing and improving the power yield of the overall system. Read More...
Power Electronics |
India |
53-56 |
15 |
Impact of Indian Economy on the Indian Stock Market
-Aniruddha Rudra
It is well debatable that stock market affects the working of an economy. But it is a sure act that the stock market is an indicator of the potential of the economy. Does really the economy affect's the stock market? And if than how and to what extent. The potential of the economy and the results in the new policies of the government and the economic changes affecting the trend of the stock market. The Indian stock market is the 5th largest in the world in terms of market capitalization and the Indian economy the 6th largest in the world. The Indian stock market which has doubled its investors by the sudden surge of the retail investors since the spread of covid-19. These investors are holding the market into a stable situation throughout the tough times like the rise in inflation, Russia-Ukraine war, China-US trade war, change in repo rates, currency fluctuation, rise in unemployment rates, the rising covid-19 cases in China and rise in the crude oil prices. And the different Indian economic factors affect the trend Indian stock market. Mainly the markets are affected by the inception of a government body in the India. Investors in India believes that a strong government body can bring potential progress, growth and international relations which are keys factors for a healthy growth of an economy and the stock market of that nation. Read More...
Finance |
India |
57-60 |
16 |
Some Studies on the Conversion of Carbon Dioxide into Useful Chemical from the Cement Industry
-Deepak Prajapati ; Dr. Kanjan Upadhyay; Prof. Mahesh Patidar
Global warming is one of the crucial issues of 21st century and it is the result of environmental degradation. The gradual increase of carbon dioxide due to natural and man-made activities have resulted in number of obstacles in the natural cycles of ecosystems. Carbon dioxide reduction and its conversion into other byproduct is the need of this century. Conversion of Carbon dioxide into useful product can increase the feasibility of the product. This paper aims to review the past work that has been explored to reduce the CO2 emissions in the atmosphere and alternative methods to increase the economic value of the product formed. The main focus will be on CO2 emissions coming from the cement industry. Read More...
Chemical Engineering (Environmental Management) |
India |
61-66 |
17 |
Review on Effect of Kadha Consumption during and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
-Sanjana Bhat ; Lokesh Giri
The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has relentlessly spread all over the world even after the advent of vaccines. It demands management, treatment, and prevention as well with utmost safety and effectiveness. It is well researched that herbal medicines or natural products have shown promising outcomes to strengthen immunity with antiviral potential against SARS-COV-2. The rapid eruption of Coronavirus at the end of 2019 has caused global health crisis and significant loss to the economy and social well-being. This created a massive shortage of advanced health facilities. Thus, the possible action of the mechanism of phytotherapeutic drugs against coronavirus inhibition, further validated by clinical trials on herbal formulas is to be reviewed. The major bioactive molecules with high medicinal values were alkaloids, phenolic compounds, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, terpenoids, liganans, coumarins could be potential source of novel antiviral drugs to prevent the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. Read More...
Public Health |
India |
67-68 |
18 |
Classical Approach is to Perform Computation Using Trusted Third Party
-Dr. Kondapalli Venkata Ramana
In today's world of advanced technology, sharing private or confidential data over a network is not secure. Cryptography is a technique in information security by which we can protect our private data from unknown persons. In this paper, we focus on ellipstic based curve cryptography-based secure multi-party computation methods. The classic approach to SMC is to use a trusted third party to perform calculations. But when we talk about the actual situation, TTP is difficult to achieve, and it is imperative to eliminate TTP in SMC. Furthermore, existing solutions proposed for SMC use classical full-state encryption schemes such as RSA and Paillier. But such cryptosystems are expensive, so the resulting SMC protocol is not scalable. We propose an ECC-based SMC homomorphic encryption scheme based on performance metrics such as computational cost and communication cost. Among several selected algorithms, we recommend an efficient algorithm that provides security and reduces cost, and can be applied to many applications requiring privacy. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
69-74 |
19 |
An Exploratory Study on the Work Family Balance of Working Women during Covid-19 Pandemic
-Dr. G. Uma ; S. Bharathi
The Corona Virus pandemic is the greatest challenge that each and everyone in the universe faced health crisis of the current time in India as well. The WHO, which has officially declared the outbreak a pandemic, called on "all countries to continue efforts that have been effective in limiting the number of cases and slowing the spread of the virus". The work culture across the world has been changed during the pandemic and people faced many problems especially working professionals. Among them, working women faced so much discomforts and troubles during covid-19 and have more possibility of being disturbed in physical and psychological problems. Women also faced high risks of job and income loss, and faced increased risks of violence, exploitation, abuse or harassment during time of crisis and quarantine. There is a possibility that working women faced mental stress and lack of work-life balance, increasing household chores. The purpose of this study has taken to inter-relate and evaluate some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs - 3 and 5) among the working professionals and considered the convenient sampling method for the primary data collection. Exploratory Data Analysis and Chi-square method are used to assess the cause for the working women either for passion or family circumstances and to investigate the situation of increase in household works and work life balance especially during COVID-19 pandemic environment. Read More...
Statistics |
India |
75-80 |
20 |
Enhancing the Safety Aspect of the Patients and Increasing Information Access Block Chain Method
-Dr. Kondapalli Venkata Ramana
Block chain has been an interesting area of research for a long time, and the benefits it offers have been used by many different industries. Likewise, the healthcare industry will benefit greatly from block chain technology due to security, privacy, confidentiality, and decentralization. However, electronic health record (EHR) systems face issues with data security, integrity and management. In this article, we discuss how block chain technology can be used to transform EHR systems and may be a solution to these problems. We propose a framework that can be used to implement block chain technology in EHR healthcare. The purpose of our proposed framework is firstly to implement block chain technology for EHRs and secondly to provide secure storage of electronic records by defining fine-grained access rules for users of the proposed framework. Moreover, this framework also Discuss the scalability issues typically faced by block chain technology through the use of off-chain storage of records. This framework provides the benefits of a scalable, secure and complete block chain-based solution for EHR systems. Read More...
Computer Science And Technology |
India |
81-85 |
21 |
A Supervised Segmentation Network for Hyper Spectral Image Classification Using Convolution Neural Network
-G.Vinoly ; P.Sathyasutha
Numerous workshop have concentrated on elaborately designing colorful spectral- spatial networks, where convolutional neural network (CNN) is one of the most popular structures. To explore the spatial information for HSI bracket, pixels with its conterminous pixels are generally directly cropped from hyperspectral data to form HIS cells in CNN- grounded styles. Still, the spatial land- cover distributions of cropped HSI cells are generally complicated. The land- cover marker of a cropped HSI cell cannot simply be determined by its center pixel. In addition, the spatial land cover distribution of a cropped HSI cell is fixed and has lower diversity. For CNN- grounded styles, training with cropped HSI cells will affect in poor conception to the changes of spatial land- cover distributions. In this paper, an end- to- end completely convolutional segmentation network (FCSN) is proposed to contemporaneously identify land- cover markers of all pixels in a HIS cell. First, several trials are conducted to demonstrate that recent CNN- grounded styles show the weak conception capabilities. Second, a fine marker style is proposed to marker all pixels of HSI cells to give detailed spatial land- cover distributions of HSI cells. Third, a HSI cell generation system is proposed to induce generous HSI cells with fine markers to ameliorate the diversity of spatial land- cover distributions. Eventually, a FCSN is proposed to explore spectral- spatial features from finely labeled HSI cells for HSI bracket. Experimental results show that FCSN has the superior conception capability to the changes of spatial land- cover distributions. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
86-89 |
22 |
Analysis of Cognitive Radio Networks with Security Awareness Employing Channel Sensing
-Anubhav Pandey ; Deepak Dwivedi
Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) have a great potential in supporting time-critical data delivery among the Internet of Things (IoT) devices and for emerging applications such as smart cities and automation. A wireless channel (radio) about which we have information is called a cognitive radio. However, Cognitive Radio Networks share common resources such as bandwidth or spectrum among several users or stations. Due to continued sharing of resources, cognitive networks often come under security attacks, most common of which are jamming attacks. In the case of jamming attacks, deliberately designed random jamming signals are added to the channel. These jamming signals along with noise result in packet losses and low throughput, degrading the overall performance of the cognitive network. In this work, a security aware jamming rejection mechanism is proposed which detects suspicious signals in the channel frequency response and employs discrete equalization to recover transmitted data. Moreover, this also reduces the effects of noise in the channel. The probability of false alarm has been analyzed with respect to the energy threshold. It has been shown that the probability of false alarm reduced with increase in the energy threshold. A comparative analysis of the proposed work and the previous work [3] shows that the proposed system outperforms the previous work in terms of throughput when analyzed with respect to jamming power and jamming interval. Thus it has been proven that the proposed methodology has been effective in mitigating the effects of the security threats arising out of the jamming activity by possible adversaries. An analysis of probability of false alarm with respect to the energy threshold for energy sensing has also been shown in which it can e clearly shown that as the threshold is lowered, the chances of false alarm increases and vice versa. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
90-96 |
23 |
Animated Video Streaming Platform
-Yogendra Pal ; Sanjana Tembhurkar
According to a study, present ways of video streaming platforms have no specific niche, they are unorganized in terms of project exchange, and there are no specific social media to get connected with specific niche people i.e., animation. To make any business grow networking is important. Networking is not only vital for growing a customer base, but it is also important for animators, artists, and creators to get connected with other artists and creators. By analyzing this scenario, we thought of building a platform to unite animators, artists, and creators as a big market. This platform aims to create animated video streaming, social media, freelancing, and avatar exchange for animators, artists, and creators so that people can obtain maximum profit in the most efficient way possible. Read More...
Entertainment |
India |
97-99 |
24 |
Indian Investment Trends: Analysis and Portfolio Optimization Using Excel
-Parimal Maldhure
Any type of investor's fundamental strategy is to manage and reduce risk while maximising earnings i.e., return. To manage risk, investors must have to diversify their investment portfolio. [1] Now decision regarding diversification need knowledge of different investment options and that too depends on how much weightage given to which portfolio. The proper evaluation of the performance of various investment options and their comparison with other investment options aids retail investors in making investment selections. In this research analysis we are mainly going to focus on understanding trends of investment in India, selection, and evaluation of mutual fund also equity evaluation by using sharps ratio in excel. Thereby showing that investment diversification by fund managers can reduce risk. Read More...
Finance |
India |
100-107 |
25 |
Renewable Energy Biomass, Solar Energy and Heat Pumps
-Siddharth Devendra Yadav
Renewable energy can be termed as the energy that has been collected and processed for utilization from renewable sources, the sources which are freely available in nature. Examples of natural available resources include solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, geothermal heat, etc. Renewable energy can also be called as green energy that is directly extracted from the natural sources available without consumption of artificial sources where such sources of energy can be continuously replenished. Also, with the utilization of energy from renewable source, there is no harmful effect on the atmosphere, and emissions are also reduced. The developments in renewable energy is replacing the usual fossil fuels in the power plants, which provides the benefit of lower carbon footprint and environmental pollutions. Read More...
Renewable Energy |
India |
108-109 |
26 |
HVDC Transmission Lines Using Back Propagation Neural Network
-Kaushlendra Pal ; Kalpana Meena
In general, an overhead power transmission system is a collection of conductors that transports power from a generation station to a consumer. Because the conductors are left undisturbed, they are more susceptible to defects. These defects cause supply interruptions as well as power dissipation, which have a negative effect on transmission system efficiency. A convenient and accurate power transmission device Power system, Fault Tolerance, HVDC, Back propagation neural capable of identifying and correcting such faults. The research proposal work used back propagation neural networks (BPNN) to build a plan for transmission line fault classification & detection. A comparison of different algorithms used in BPNN is included, with performance measures such as MSE, training time, as well as number of epochs taken into account. The MATLAB/ Simulink framework is used for simulation experiments. Read More...
Power System Engineering |
India |
110-113 |