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Student Placement Prediction and Analysis using Machine Learning
-Pratik Pandey ; Nikhil Khonde ; Omkar Agre ; Sonali Guhe
Almost every student wishes to grab placement opportunity before completing their degree. There are various developing and developed placement opportunities in the market. However, a student must carefully choose his field and skills to satisfy the requirements set by employer. A placement prediction model helps students predict the probability of him/her being placed or not based on his academic and personal achievements. The K-Nearest Neighbors [KNN] algorithm, Decision tree, Logistic regression, Naïve Bayes, and Random Forest are the five distinct machine learning classification techniques that were considered for this project. These algorithms each independently forecast the outcomes, and we compare their efficacy based on the dataset. This prediction model can forecast the likelihood of the student being placed based on his qualification and work experience. Such prediction models could aid in a student’s or an institution’s future academic planning. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1-3 |
2 |
Relation between Nutritional Assessment and Academic Performance of High School Students
-Sidhartha Manoj Mishra
The largest and most defenseless segment of our society and the nucleus of every country, children's health and nutritional status serve as a predictor of the future development of that country. Both emerging and developed nations are gravely concerned about children's nutritional issues. Childhood malnutrition can result in growth retardation, physical and mental impairment, and delays in social and emotional development. Many research investigations concerning the subject of academic performance have discovered a significant connection between good eating habits, notably the regular consumption of breakfast, and higher academic achievement, greater school attendance, and better classroom behavior. Today's kids consume a lot of meals that are high in salt, chemicals, and sugar, all of which injure them by, among other things, making them weary, distracted, and ill, which has an impact on their behavior and academic performance. By providing the kid with enough food and sustenance, the parent or guardian should place more emphasis on the child's nutritional state. It is the job of parents and educators to teach children the significance and necessity of appropriate nutrition for them to develop healthy eating habits that will help them throughout their entire lives to attain their full potential.
Aim — To Study Relation between Nutritional Assessment and Academic Performance of High School Students
Design/ Methodology — By evaluating the effect of diet and nutrition on academic performance statistically, information was acquired through the mixed methods case descriptive study using survey data and student performance data. Student questionnaires and student academic records were used to gathering the survey's qualitative data.
Finding — The data we have led to the conclusion that the majority of students had a healthy diet. 60 females and 76 men in the sample (71.20% and 61.20%, respectively) reported eating lunch every day. The sample (or participants) consisted of 22 males (27.50%) and 28 females (22.50%) who ate lunch five days a week. The sample included 7 men (4.40%) and 1 woman (3.60%) who both ate lunch three times each week. 5 (3.30%) men and 1 (2.70%) female in the sample ate lunch twice a week. The remainder of the sample's participants, 0% of whom were male and female, reported not eating lunch at all. As a result, we may conclude that children who routinely eat breakfast and other meals perform better academically.
Master of Science (MSc) |
India |
4-12 |
3 |
A Review on Designing of Recommendation System
-Ritesh Amilkanthwar ; Prerit J. Shende; Pranay G. Jamunkar; Prof..Sonali Guhe
Recommendation systems are essential tools for modern online platforms and services. Taking into account their preferences, interests, and behaviour, they offer consumers personalised recommendations. Recommendation systems can be classified as collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, or hybrid filtering. These technologies are widely used in e-commerce, social networking, music and video streaming, and news articles. Evaluation criteria like precision, recall, and F1-score are used to gauge how effective recommendation systems are. As the amount of data generated by users continues to increase, recommendation systems are likely to become more sophisticated and accurate in the future. This paper provides an overview of recommendation systems, including their types, applications, and evaluation metrics. The paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of recommendation systems, their capabilities, and limitations. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Provides a detailed overview of the different types of recommendation systems. Discusses the applications of recommendation systems in various domains. Describes the evaluation metrics used to measure the effectiveness of recommendation systems. Concludes the paper by summarizing the key findings and discussing future research directions. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
13-15 |
4 |
Different Congestion Control Methodologies in Wireless Sensor Networks and Reducing Congestion via Alternative Path Routing
-Jitendra Madavi ; Anil Ahir
The wireless sensor network consists of sensor nodes that have very limited battery power.In order to organize nodes efficiently for a long lifespan, clustering algorithm is demanded in WSNs to reduce redundant data transmissions and to save energy.. The purpose of paper is to achieve good quality of service in terms of increased throughput, low packet delivery ratio, low delay, and improved network lifetime by implementing congestion control techniques. A good quality of service is achieved by forming energy efficient cluster of nodes and selecting one node as cluster head. One cluster head can communicate with another head cluster and to the nodes within cluster to have good connectivity in the network. We proposed an algorithm to have the alternative path within the cluster so that in the event of congestion an alternative path will be available to the node preceding congested node to reduce the effect of traffic either due to congestion or node failure. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
16-19 |
5 |
A Review on Real Time Speech Emotion Recognition System Using RNN and CNN
-Pranay Ughade ; Sonali Guhe; Prasad Ambalkar; Pranay Durutkar
Speech emotion recognition is an important area of research that aims to automatically detect and recognize human emotions from speech signals. This technology has many potential applications, including in fields such as healthcare, education, and entertainment. To recognize emotions in speech signals, Mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCC) and modulation spectral (MS) features are extracted and used to train various classifiers. Feature selection techniques are employed to identify the most significant subset of features. Different machine learning paradigms are used to classify seven emotions. The initial classifier used is a recurrent neural network (RNN), and its performance is compared with multivariate linear regression (MLR) and support vector machines (SVM). These three techniques are commonly used for emotion recognition in spoken audio signals. Along with that in this paper we have proposed new model for Real Time Speech Emotion Recognition (RTSER) that uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) approach to learn deep frequency features with a modified pooling strategy. The proposed model has a low computational complexity and a high recognition accuracy. The model was trained on extracted frequency features from speech data and was tested to predict emotions. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
20-22 |
6 |
QR Code Generator and Document Retrieval
-Yash Raorane ; Maithili Wade; Yogita Kadam ; Mihir Pawar; Yogita Shelar
What is a QR code? well, we all know the QR - which stands for “Quick Responseâ€- a barcode on steroids. As barcodes hold information horizontally, the QR code does so both horizontally and vertically. This feature enables the QR code to hold over a hundred times more information. QR code is nothing but a 2D or two - dimensional matrix barcode which is used for its fast readability and comparatively large storage capacity. This paper presents a QR code generator and document retrieval system that allows users to create and manage QR codes and documents easily. The QR code generator allows users to generate QR codes that link to specific documents, such as PDF or Word files, making it easy for users to access and share important information. Overall, this system simplifies the process of creating and managing QR codes and documents, making it a valuable tool for businesses, organizations, and individuals. The main motive of this project is to create QR codes by which the users can view or download all of their documents in different text formats. After generating a QR code we can scan with the help of any device that has a QR scanner as a medium. After scanning the user will get the information about the particular student & will be able to download their basic documents in different formats. NodeJS will be used to develop the user interface on the web browser and encode data in a QR Code symbol. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
23-26 |
7 |
Gender and Age Detection System
-Rohit Selokar ; Sonali Guhe; Rohan Shende; Nityam Lanjewar
The Age and Gender detection system is an innovative application of computer vision technology that can automatically predict the age and gender of individuals from their facial features. The system is designed to work with input images or video feeds, using advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze facial features such as wrinkles, skin texture, and hairline to predict the age and gender of an individual. The system is based on deep neural networks, which are trained on large datasets of facial images to ensure high accuracy and reliability. The Age and Gender detection system has a wide range of applications in various fields, including security systems, marketing research, and healthcare. In security systems, the system can help to identify potential threats based on age and gender, while in marketing research, it can provide valuable insights into customer demographics. In healthcare, the system can be used to predict the age and gender of patients, which can help in the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions. The Age and Gender detection system represents a significant advancement in computer vision technology, with the potential to revolutionize how we gather critical information about individuals in real-time. The system's accuracy and reliability have been extensively tested and evaluated, making it a valuable tool for a wide range of applications. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
27-30 |
8 |
Coin Separator and Counter
-Mr. Raj Ramakant Mayekar ; Mr. Raj Ramakant Mayekar; Mr. Uddesh Uttam Patil; Mrs. Riddhi Ravindra Wasurkar; Prof. Mansi S. Kolwankar
A coin sorter is a device used to sort randomly collected coins from different containers for coins of different denominations. Coin sorters are currency specific to certain countries because different currencies often dispense similar-sized coins of different denominations. More human intervention is required to separate these parts, so they can be automated, increasing efficiency and reducing time consumption in the process. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
31-34 |
9 |
Energy Saving Using Variable Frequency Drive In Industry: A Review
-Swadhin Sharma ; Dr. Ritesh Tirole
In this paper variable frequency drive is discussed and also application, advantages and the cost discussed. Numerous industrial uses necessitate variable fluid flow control. (air, chemical gases, water and liquid chemicals). Since most drives run at part load the majority of the time, the cumulative energy savings, or the accompanying financial benefit, may be significant over time. Given the prevalence of this form of fluid flow control in industry, widespread use of variable-frequency drives with power electronics can contribute significantly to energy savings. The conventional approach to this type of flow control involves using a 50-Hz power source and an induction motor running at a constant speed to control the flow. When run at variable speed using a VFD, many fixed-speed motor load applications that are powered directly from AC line power can reduce their energy consumption. These energy cost savings are particularly useful in uses for variable-torque centrifugal fans and pumps, where the torque and power of the load change in proportion to the square and cube, respectively, of the speed. In comparison to fixed-speed operation, this change results in a significant power reduction for a relatively minor drop in speed. Additionally, a large amount of power is saved by using a variable frequency drive to regulate the fluid flow while the throttle is completely open. This paper's primary goal is to implement a VFD to properly regulate flows while reducing energy consumption. Read More...
Energy and Power System |
India |
35-39 |
10 |
Vehicle Service Management System Using Web Applications
-Gobinath M ; N.Karuppasamy; S.Mathesh; R.Priyanka
According the latest surveys on the population of human. the population of humans on earth are increasing. Mostly all of us have their own vehicle. So, there is a need of vehicle service centre and the vehicle centre mostly will be busy especially during festive seasons. in older version of this system, they used manual report making which leads to error in collection of vehicle owner details t. Staffs in their service station will not have enough needs to handle many customers at the same time. Thus, with the existing of Vehicle Service Management System Using web application. the vehicle service centre management can be made easily. The objectives of this system are to design and develop a new system which can help to manage task in more organized manner using web application This is the way, by which the task can be handled according to priority of booking time. It is also included a system where the staffs who handle the repair task and distribute the task accordingly. The web application system will assign the repair task to the staff and it also allocate the doorstep pick up of your service. This web application system is used to distribute job task and job schedule .this system is implemented using php with the help of xamp server where enough dataset is stored for implementation of this project. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
40-44 |
11 |
Comparative Analysis of Diesel Engine Using Hydrogen as Additive Fuel with Diesel
-Chauhan Kishansinh A. ; Tushar M Patel; Saumil C Patel; Kiran A Patel
This research has been analysing effect of Hydrogen gas on CI engine. In this research performance parameters such as brake thermal efficiency, mechanical efficiency, fuel consumption, specific fuel consumption investigated. This experiment performed with different loads. In this research show that CI engine working using Diesel fuel with Hydrogen additive gas. The lower fuel consumption, increment in brake thermal efficiency and decrement in specific fuel consumption has been analysed. Read More...
Automobile Engineering |
India |
45-48 |
12 |
Honeypot Analysis Using Big Data Technologies
-Aniruddha Salve ; Ankit Gawade; Akshay Kadam; Suraj Kharade
In recent years, honeypots have become an essential tool for organizations to understand the malicious activities on the internet. They help collect patterns and activities done by intruders on the system, enabling security managers to prevent potential cyber-attacks. However, as the volume of data collected from honeypots increases, it becomes a significant challenge to analyze the data in a timely manner. It can take an extended period to identify attackers and prevent attacks, leading to a time-consuming task. To address this problem, integrating new methods of analysis or alert systems is necessary. In this work, we propose a new technique that integrates an alert system and predicts future attacks using machine learning time series algorithms such as ARIMA, SARIMAX, and big data. This technique is expected to provide more security to organizations and improve the efficiency of analysis and prevention of cyber-attacks. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
49-52 |
13 |
Renewable Energy Based Electric Vehicle Charging Station
-Maneesh Sharma ; Kalpana Meena
Finding a technically feasible, financially feasible, and environmentally responsible way to meet the rising demand for electricity from electric vehicles and charging stations is becoming more and more important. Even better would be to use renewable sources as primary sources with conventional sources serving as a backup. The EV charging station is created in the proposed system using renewable energy sources (wind and solar power), whose output is coordinated with the existing grid. Switching between the sources could be done using circuit breakers and analysis of the State of Charge of the battery is seen. Read More...
Power System Engineering |
India |
53-56 |
14 |
Spam Detection Using Backpropagation Algorithm
-S.Jothyshivani ; T.K.K Harsika; J.S.kanchana; K.Preethi
The Back Propagation Neural (BPN) algorithm is used in the article to suggest a novel method for identifying spam reviews. The writers stress how crucial it is to spot and eliminate fake reviews from online platforms like social media and e-commerce websites to preserve their credibility and guarantee that users are given accurate information. The suggested approach entails extracting pertinent features from the reviews using a pre-processing strategy, which are then used to train the BPN algorithm. Scenarios. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
57-63 |
15 |
Electric Vehicle Charging System Powered by Solar PV with Backup Power
-Sanjay Kumar ; Kalpana Meena
The SPV-based charging system is described in this paper. It can operate as a source of power for the infrastructure where it is situated by drawing electricity from the batteries of electric vehicles in emergency situations, or when the grid is down. On Matlab, the simulation is carried out with a single-phase system. The system consists of two sources, solar and grid, respectively, and in times of emergency, the EV's batteries serve as a source. Read More...
Power System Engineering |
India |
64-67 |
16 |
Voltage Regulation Using PV-DVR Under Various Source Unbalance Conditions
-Vinay Sarje ; Dr. Manju Gupta; Dr. Geetam Richhariya
DVR is a series connected power converter dedicatedly installed in-order to regulate the load bus voltages and also to protect the sensitive loads against the voltage fluctuations. The DVR monitors the voltage at the point of connection, sense it and by comparing it to a preset reference voltage it injects the required voltage to maintain the rated value. DVR is designed by series connection of a three phase voltage source converter connected through Coupling Transformer (CT). Conventionally, DVR is designed in voltage control topology but can also be designed in current control mode. AC side of the converter is connected to the three-phase terminal of the CT. The CT in-turn connect the DVR to the transmission line. The DC-side of the DVR is connected across the DC-Battery, conventionally this battery can be charged via grid. In this paper the battery is charged via solar photo-voltaic system. Hence this work proposes the DVR-PV for voltage regulation under various operating conditions of sag and swell in source as well as harmonics and including momentary fluctuations and voltage interruptions. This paper analysis the LLL-G fault, LL-G fault and short term voltage interruption with harmonics injection of the different order in source. Read More...
M.Tech EE(Power System) |
India |
68-74 |
17 |
Lane Detection Using Image Processing in Python
-Ujjwal Ajay Sadani ; Pallavi Sambhare
Some current technical advancements in road safety are being employed, and driver inattention makes it one of the primary causes of these accidents. The number of accidents is rising at an alarming pace these days. Technological advancements are required to lower the accident rate and assure their safety. Using lane detection devices, which identify lane boundaries in the road and warn cars when they pass poor lane markers, is one method. Several highly developed traffic systems that use technology must include lane keeping systems. Despite the fact that this is a challenging objective to accomplish given the various road conditions experienced, particularly while driving at night or during the day. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
75-77 |
18 |
Design and Implementation of a Density Based Smart Traffic Control System
-Jitendra Veera Surya Srinivasu Patchipulusu ; A. Gangadhar; Yashoda Rani Kenguva; Dharani Yarru; Haritha Garikapudi
Nowadays Traffic congestion is the most common problem in the majority of the countries around the world. Traffic congestion or blocking is mainly due to the increased number of vehicles, poor infrastructure, and failure of existing systems. There are different ways to identify the congestion problem. This proposed model makes use of infrared sensors, which helps in controlling the traffic. This article explains you how to control the traffic based on the density. In the first module, we will use IR sensors to measure the traffic density. We have to arrange one IR sensor for each lane, these sensors detect the traffic on that particular road. All these sensors are interfaced to the microcontroller. Based on these sensors, controller detects the traffic and controls the traffic system. As a part of second module, we are using “sound detecting sensorâ€. Whenever it detects sound of emergency vehicles, the sensor will send signals to microcontroller to make the signal green. In this project, we also focused on representing temperature by interfacing temperature sensor and display. This is also a priority based system. This project includes controlling of street lights automatically by interfacing LDR sensor with Arduino Uno. Emergency Pre-emption system play a key role in representing signalized traffic intersections this role is essential for safe and minimal travel put off of the emergency vehicles passing through avenue intersections. This prototype is implemented to evaluate the feasibility of the model, and the results of the experiment reduce traffic congestion Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
78-82 |
19 |
Predict Status of Chronic Kidney Disease
-Soumya Lokhande ; Snehal Kedia ; Pallavi Sambhare
Chronic kidney disease, which is also known as chronic kidney failure, is a medical condition characterized by a progressive decline in kidney function. This condition leads to impaired kidney function, resulting in an inability to properly filter the blood as it should. Symptoms of this disease tend to develop slowly and are not specific, making it difficult to diagnose. While some individuals may not experience any symptoms, they may be diagnosed through laboratory tests. Patients can put some values like blood pressure, sugar level, rbc level, etc. and our system will declare whether they are suffering from disease or not. This will help doctors in a way that they can easily check the patient. They do not have to perform several lab tests and in a very few tests they can determine patient’s condition. This will save the time of doctors and in this time they can focus on some important surgery part. This will create a boon ion the the medical field. This will also help the people. They do not have to wait for long time sitting. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
83-84 |
20 |
Detection of Social Network Spam by using NaÏve Bayes Classification
-Mrs.V.Gayathri ; P.Subha Sree; M.Shesha Vardhini; S.Srimathi
To know the classification of email spam using different machine learning algorithms. To develop machine learning-based methods for detecting spammers on E-mail. Spam refers to all emails of unsolicited content that arrive in a user's email box. Spam can often lead to network congestion and blocking or even damage to the system for receiving and sending electronic messages. To implement different machine learning algorithms such as NaÏve Bayes classification Algorithm. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
85-86 |
21 |
Plant Disease Detection System
-Shweta Khobragade ; Shreeya Dumore; Shrutika Matte
More than 50% of Indians are employed in agriculture. And any disruption in this sector affects a large part of the population. Some of these disturbances are climate change, infertile soils, and plant diseases. Leaf diseases are the major problem of crops and identification of leaf diseases is very difficult. If these diseases are not detected, it can lead to great losses. In this work, the disease of a plant leaf is detected using images. In this work, the process of dataset creation, feature extraction, classifier training, and classification feature algorithm is followed. In this work, many machine learning and deep learning algorithms are used to find out which are best for leaf disease detection, such as Random Forest Classiï¬er (RFC), Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Convolutional Neural Network. It was obtained that the Random Forest algorithm was the most suitable for classification. This algorithm can help us classify the various kinds of diseases that would occur in the plant leaves. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
87-90 |
22 |
Dynamic Voltage Restorer, a Power Quality Conditioner for Voltage Stability Enhancement
-Vinay Sarje ; Dr. Manju Gupta; Dr. Geetam Richhariya
As the load type switched to sensitive one with the use of Power Electronics technology (PET), hence power quality of the supply is utmost important. The sensitive loads are predominantly vulnerable to Voltage Fluctuations and Surges (VFS). These types of loads typically require stable and reliable power in order to function properly, and may include equipment such as computers, medical equipment, telecommunications systems, and other electronic devices. Hence a power conditioner is required to protect these loads against the VFS. Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is one such conditioner used to mitigate VFS in power distribution system. This paper presents a brief review on various topologies of DVR available in literature. Also, the principle of operation, circuit topology and control architecture are systematically reviewed. Read More...
M.Tech EE(Power System) |
India |
91-95 |
23 |
Energy Auditing Using IoT and Analysis Using Machine Learning
-Vivek Nair ; Krutik Patil; Darshan Sondagar; Punam Nakate
This project is an effort to write electronic read meters. The Internet of Things (IoT) provides the advantages and benefits of wirelessly transmitting information about the consumer's energy consumption and provides a way to measure energy consumption. The main purpose of this project is to measure the energy consumption of household appliances and create a budget using IoT. The power grid must be implemented in a distributed topology that can absorb many different energy sources. IoT can be used in many applications of smart grids, including distribution of power plant equipment, smart meters for electricity generation and energy consumption, external electricity and various power generation sources. In addition, the system can predict energy costs using machine learning using previous data. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
96-97 |
24 |
Handwritten Character Recognition Using CNN, KVM and SVM
-Yash Kotkar ; Chirag Sankhe; Bhumika Nair; Rishon Yaragal
One of the most active and difficult research areas in the field of image processing and pattern recognition has been handwritten character identification. It can be used for many tasks, such as creating organized text out of any written content, bank checks, and blind reading assistance. This research helps others with the understanding of handwritten characters for English alphabets without the need for feature extraction using only a multilayer feed-forward neural network. The character data sets each contains 26 alphabets. The neural network is trained using 50 different personality data sets. The trained network is used for classification as well as for recognition. Each character's size in the displayed system has been expanded to 30x20 pixels, followed by immediate training. To train the training variables for a character's scaled neural network. The findings show that the suggested approach matches feature extraction-based strategies in terms of handwritten character recognition rates. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
98-101 |
25 |
Effect of Advertisement and Consumers Behavior Related To the Product
-Ankita Tiwari ; Gayatri Parmar; Sumedha Chakraborty
Adults below the age of twenty four are exposed to food advertisements. Most of the food advertisements are Energy-Dense, nutrient-poor (ENDP). Since, the exposure of such advertisement is more due to technologies which are influencing young adults for the consumption of unhealthy diets. Young adults have the poorest dietary behaviors which are affecting their development stage which causes them to encounter their transformations which enable them to gain independence, responsibility and long term health related behavior. Therefore, young adults are an important group to understand what influences them to buy foods that are shown online. To comprehend the effect of food advertising on young people' buying intention, qualitative and quantitative techniques are used. Survey is carried out to study the attitude of consumers and to gain knowledge about the online and offline food advertisements which are influencing them to buy. This study attempts to provide information about the social media platform which is affecting consumers buying behavior. Read More...
Master of Science (MSc) |
India |
102-104 |
26 |
AR Encyclopedia
-Zaamir Shaikh ; Aryan Shetty; Purva Rokade; Abhay Tiwari; Manish Salvi
AR Encyclopedia is an application that uses Augmented Reality (AR) technology to provide users with an interactive and immersive learning experience. AR Encyclopedia connect the real world with virtual objects and information, allowing users to explore and interact with various topics in visually rich ways. AR Encyclopedia typically include a combination of hardware, software, and content, including devices such as smartphones and tablets, AR engines, virtual models, animations, images, and sounds. By integrating real-time data and information, an AR Encyclopedia can provide relevant information to users. Overall, the AR Encyclopedia is a powerful tool for teaching and learning, offering a unique and engaging way to explore and understand various topics. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
105-109 |
27 |
Fish Detection and Species Prediction
-Prachi Bamhore ; Manshal Bhagat ; Rutuja Bhongade
In recent years, computer vision techniques have been applied to fish detection using images captured by underwater cameras. In this study, we propose a fish detection system using Python and the OpenCV library. Our system uses image processing techniques such as filtering, segmentation and feature extraction to detect fish in underwater images. Our results demonstrate the potential of using computer vision techniques to detect fish in aquatic environments. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
110-112 |
28 |
A Review on Designing of Face Matching With Bollywood Actress
-Pratik Vijay Waghmare ; Nikhil Arun Bhure; Prof.Sonali Guhe; Prof.Pravin Jaronde
This research paper focuses on the development of a face matching algorithm for Bollywood actors. The algorithm is designed to identify the similarity between two faces and provide a score based on their matching features. The research involves the use of deep learning techniques and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to extract facial features and compare them with a database of known Bollywood actors. The study includes data collection and preprocessing, model training and evaluation, and experimental results. The ultimate goal is to provide a reliable tool for the entertainment industry to compare new faces with established actors and make informed casting decisions. In this project the main focus is on the IT students. We are using a compiler to create the code for this web application, which was developed in a variety of programming languages, including C, C++, java, and Python. In this endeavour, the IT students are the main focus. We are using a compiler to create the code for this web application, which was developed in a variety of programming languages, including C, C++, java, and Python. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
113-115 |
29 |
Movie Recommendation System using Collaborative Filtering
-Arya Thorat ; Suryaja Chedge; Pallavi Sambhare
Movie recommendation system is a publicly demanding system as everyone wants to easily view and land upon their interests. A Movie recommendation system uses past records of people to recommend them movies similar to their previous interests. It provides a new way to find things of our interest. It predicts interests of users by studying their previous preferences. It analyzes them and suggests best movies to watch at that time. It also sorts movies according to its ratings. In this project, we are building this system using collaborative filtering algorithm to provide an efficient user interface. User experience of movie streaming platforms will enhance by usage of this system as it will ease the process of searching desired movies. The similarity metrics generated using the data of users, movies items and their ratings help for providing recommendations. For users, it will also find unknown movies having similarities with their interests. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
116-118 |
30 |
Analysis of Different Injection Strategies in Compressed Natural Gas Operated Engine - Review
-Gor Meet Riteshkumar ; Kiran A Patel ; Tushar M Patel
The objective of review is to get more information about the CNG(compressed natural gas) and detail study on different methods of injection for getting the conclusion that how much research work is been done on this till date. After detail study conclusion came out that research is done on individual methods but no one has compared two methods of injection tighter at one time so per conclusion the research gap should be done on the finding the comparatively best output between port and sequential injection method on CNG fuel to find out which injection method is best for injecting CNG to make sure the best method several properties are to be taken to find the perfect reading. The main thing in this reading is it will be taken on different rpm different load so reading can evaluate perfect. Read More...
Automobile Engineering |
India |
119-121 |
31 |
IOT Based Smart EV L-1 Charger
-Shital Navale ; Nitanjali Mane; Samrudhi Chavan; Tejashri Balure
The present days we are facing issues to lack of fuel and traffic pollution, so we are moving towards electrical vehicle. As the number of Electric Vehicles increases, but still people are not ready to prefer electrical vehicle over present days due to lack of available charging stations. As per requirement Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure will also be a basic need. Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) is the basic unit of EV charging infrastructure An EVSE control system enables various functions such as user authentication, authorization for charging, information recording and exchange for network management, and data privacy and security. The purpose of this paper, we apply the IoT-based electric vehicle charging model to managing electric vehicle (EV) charging in shared spaces, such as condominiums. Where a sensor is used to measure the current and based on the microcontroller, the device establishes communication data with the mobile application. A user interface has been developed to visualize the process happening, show the various sensor data to the user and send alerts. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
122-124 |
32 |
Impact of NEP 2020 on Indian Employment
-Harshith S Rao ; Ajith G R; Bharat B; Prakyath M P
The aim of the study is to predict how the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is going to impact the employment. The New Education Policy introduces various changes in different levels of education, a questionnaire was framed addressing these changes and its impact on various employment sectors. Pilot study was conducted from the initial 30 responses to check reliability. The Cronbach's Alpha was found to be 0.840. Final survey with 11 statements of indicator with 5-point scale was carried on 558 respondents. The reliability was found out to be 0.783. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were obtained. The final average impact index was found out to be 69.814%. The Relative Importance Index (RII) value was calculated for each question and the questions were ranked based on the Indices value and further results are drawn from the ranking. The influence of demographics on impact indices was examined using chi-squared test. It was found out that demographics did not have any influence on the Impact of NEP 2020 on employment. Read More...
Industrial Engineering and Management |
India |
125-129 |
33 |
Change Management Process Using ITIL Framework in Java
-Karthiswaran P
Identify the need for change: The first step in the change management process is to identify the need for change, such as fixing a bug, improving performance, or adding a new feature. Evaluate the change: Evaluate the impact of the change on the IT infrastructure, the service level agreements (SLAs), and the IT service continuity plans. This includes assessing the potential risks and benefits of the change and determining whether the change is feasible and cost-effective. Develop a change request: After evaluating the change, develop a change request. This should include a description of the change, the reason for the change, and any associated risks or impacts. Review and approve the change request: Review the change request with relevant stakeholders, such as the development team, project manager, and business stakeholders. Once the change request is approved, assign it to a developer or a team to implement the change. Create a change record: Create a change record in the change management system that documents the change request, the implementation plan, and the results of any testing. Plan and schedule the change: Plan and schedule the change, including identifying the resources needed to implement the change, defining the testing strategy, and determining the change window. Implement the change: The developer or team assigned to the change will implement the change in the Java project. They will then conduct unit tests to ensure that the change has been implemented correctly and that it does not break any existing functionality. Conduct system and integration tests: After the change has been implemented, conduct system and integration tests to ensure that the change does not impact the overall system or integration with other systems. Review and close the change record: Review the results of the testing and update the change record accordingly. If the change was successful, close the change record. If there were any issues, address them immediately and implement a fix. Conduct a post-implementation review: Conduct a post-implementation review to evaluate the success of the change and identify any areas for improvement. Communicate the change: Communicate the change to all relevant stakeholders, including end-users, IT staff, and business stakeholders, to ensure that they are aware of the change and any potential impact on their operations. Monitor the change: Monitor the change to ensure that it is functioning as intended and that it is not causing any new issues. If any issues arise, address them immediately and implement a fix. By following this process, you can implement a structured change management process for your Java project that aligns with the ITIL framework and ensures changes are thoroughly evaluated and tested, and that any risks or impacts are properly managed and documented. Read More...
Master of Computer Application |
India |
130-135 |
34 |
Face Emotion and Gender Recognition
-Mayur Bhoyar ; Lankesh Bhagat; Neha Panghate; Sonali Guhe; Pravin Jaronde
It is used for accurating track time and attendance without human error. In computer vision, recognising faces is always an extremely challenging process due to lighting, stance, and facial expression. It can acquire performance inside the identification of a different patterns It has become an integral part of day to day life In this project the main focus is on the IT students. Human verification and identification can be done online. It is a computer application that is capable of detecting verifying and identifying faces of human and there is no deterministic algorithm to find a faces of a human .Face recognition locates the target objects in real-time video images captured by a camera. It is, in essence, a system programme that can recognise a person from a still photo or video frame. One of the top computer vision technologies at the moment is facial recognition. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
136-137 |
35 |
Food Order Delivery Website
-K.Manikandan ; M. Karthickkumar ; S.BalaGanesh; M.MuthuRaj
Food order from mobile application is popular nowadays, this way can help customers order food effectively and faster. It also can offer maximum benefit for suppliers and customers. So, the customer can get the value of online food order delivery. This research used quantitative approach with 187 respondents to see what stimulus factors that make people interest in online order for food delivery. Research questions that need to be answered: which stimulus factors that make people interest to do online order for food delivery? There are 6 (six) hypotheses for this research and the answers to these questions are privacy factor and in formativeness factors as the stimulus to make the customer order online food delivery. The SOR model is used in this research. The SOR model instead of Stimulus Organism Response Model is a framework that used to find out how the human process receives a stimulus factor An Online Food Ordering System is proposed here which simplifies the food ordering process. The proposed system shows a user interface and update the menu with all available options so that it eases the customer work. Customer can choose more than one item to make an order and can view order details before logging off. The order confirmation is sent to the customer. The order is placed in the queue and updated in the database and returned in real time. This system assists the staff to go through the orders in real time and process it efficiently with minimal errors. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
138-144 |
36 |
Email Spoofing Detection Using Machine Learning
-Pooja Sanjay Mehare ; Srushti Badukale; Janhavi Madiwale; Swati saundale
Email spoofing is a form of caricature where a scammer creates an email message with a forged sender address in hopes of deceiving the acquirer into thinking the email arise from someone other than the actualized root. Scammers will use email spoofing to help camouflage themselves as a executive program, academician, or financial organization to trick users into activity some type of action. Scammers use this acting of insincere because they know a person is more likely to absorb with the content of the email if they are familiar with who sent the message. We planned an online email spoofing detection application in which we will develop a machine learning model which will be able to classify received email into any one of the two collection spoofed or median. We planned mind tree algorithm to classify inward email. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
145-148 |
37 |
Sorting Algorithm Visualizer
-Ashish Kitukale ; Noorin Sheikh; Prof. Abhijeet Thakare
Computer Science is a field of not just generating solutions to day-to-day activities but also to enhance is to the fullest. Algorithms are the basic practical unit for improving any activity that offer work with specific productivity, and to obtain increase the productivity of a task. Sorting is the key component of Data structures and Algorithms. However, it is complicated and we couldn't able to recognize the whole algorithm and code for the first time. So the use of this application has many superior understanding on education. The key element of this project is to help beginners to be able to visualize the sorting algorithms so our brain can understand faster and remember better. And also get better understanding of underlying operations. This paper outlines a study that tested the benefits of animated sorting algorithms for teaching. To visualize four sorting algorithms, a web-based animation application was constructed. A visualization of data is implemented as a bar graph, after which a data sorting and algorithm may be applied. The resulting animation is then performed either automatically or by the user, who then sets their own pace. This is a research on the computer science curriculum's approach to learning algorithms. The experiment featured a presentation and a survey, both of which asked students questions which may illustrate improvements in algorithm comprehension. These findings and reactions are catalogued in this document and compared to earlier investigations. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
149-152 |
38 |
Sign Language Recognition
-Vanshita Pampattiwar ; Shruti Walokar; Vishakha Dongre; Sanskruti Shahakar; Pallavi Sambhare
Sign language recognition is a process that involves interpreting and understanding sign language gestures using computer vision and machine learning algorithms. This technology can help bridge the communication gap between deaf and hearing communities since sign language is generally used by people who are deaf. To recognize sign language, computer vision is often used to track the movements of the hands and body, while machine learning algorithms are used to recognize different sign language gestures. Some sign language recognition systems also incorporate sensors or gloves that can detect the movements of the hands and fingers. The potential applications of sign language recognition technology are numerous, including creating more accessible learning materials for students who use sign language and facilitating communication between deaf and hearing individuals. However, challenges still need to be addressed to develop accurate and reliable sign language recognition systems. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
153-154 |
39 |
AR Business Card (Reinvent Card)
-Nilam S. Parmar ; Vaibhav G Sutar; Asma Rajguru; Yash Singh; Yeshaa Doshi
The main idea for this project is to introduce the technology of mobile phone augmented reality (AR) and develop it into an application for a business card. AR technology is easier to introduce to the public by using Mobile Phone than any other device. Thus, this project brings up the basic idea of Mobile Phone AR technology and its application on a physical Business Card. Exchanging Business cards are still the best way to introduce yourself to others in a business meeting or at any function. But, just providing a conventional Business card is not enough in this competitive era. You should use a more innovative approach like Augmented business cards for this purpose. Using a typical business card imprinted with a marker that assists in a marker tracking and location identification process, a AR 3D virtual map will be the information displayed on the Mobile Phone upon application execution. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
155-157 |
40 |
Student Placement Analysis
-Sanskruti Rajesh Parate
Now a days biggest challenge is for higher studies university/ Colleges/ Institute. There is very lengthy process and require long time to complete it. College reputation must be good and should have all facility. For Placement University require best services and staff for conversation. There should be all good services and ranking. Student placement analysis from collecting data of few previous years and conclude about it and getting result. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
158-159 |
41 |
Domestic Floor Cleaning Machine
-Kishan Soni ; Meet Shah; Shakti Baraiya
We know that this time is of technology Everything is almost automated in our life machinery related to Automobile, manufacturing, aerospace and many others are working on automated condition. So, our project is DOMESTIC FLOOR CLEANING MACHINE related to automation. This machine working through the automated in which power of motor is transmitted to Wheels and mope of machine rotating. Machine are working in Arduino and ultrasonic sensor mechanism and Battery connected to a solar panel and motor is used to release electrical energy and operate this machine called floor cleaner and charging a battery from solar panel. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
160-164 |
42 |
Review Paper on Numerical Analysis of Natural Frequency of Functionally Graded Materials by ANSYS
-Rishabh Gupta ; Rajesh Kumar Satankar
This work provides a thorough investigation of the vibration analysis of a rectangular plate made of functionally graded material (FGM). Advanced composite materials known as Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) are capable of withstanding high temperatures while minimizing thermal stresses. The design of FGM plates uses a variety of methods and theories. The primary goal of this work is to further the goals of scientists and engineers already engaged in the investigation and development of FGM plates. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering (Design) |
India |
165-169 |
43 |
House Price Prediction
-Siddhi Hattimare ; Sejal Tidke; Tanushree Bajpai; Vaidehi Parekar
In this study, it is suggested to evaluate the success rate of integrating machine learning methods such as leveraging artificial neural pathways to regression. Regression methods used in this paper include multifactorial linear, Ridge, Random Forest, and Least Minimum Selection Operator. This study also attempts to figure out the main factors that impact housing prices in Malmö, Sweden by examining the associations between several variables. Two datasets— public and local—were used in this analysis. Both of these include housing costs for Malmö, Sweden, and Ames, Iowa in the United States. For evaluating the precision of the prediction, the root square and mean square root error values of the training model are examined. The appropriate data has been separated into two parts, pre-processing methods are implemented and the evaluation is executed. One component shall be used for the training period, and the other after the test phase. Also claimed was a binning methodology that raises the accuracy of the models. This thesis strives to establish that Lasso outperforms different techniques while training on the public dataset. The correlation diagrams show how the variables are connected. Also according to the research, lending, repo rates, to criminal behaviour, and deposits all have a detrimental effect on housing costs. where the year, inflation, and unemployment rate have favourable impacts on the value of real estate. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
170-172 |
44 |
Impact of Bard and ChatGPT on SEO System
-Vishnu J Nair
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a widely used technique to improve website ranking and traffic. In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the field of SEO. BERT-based algorithms for ranking websites (BARD) and conversational AI ChatGPT are two such technologies that are gaining popularity. This research paper aims to investigate the effects of BARD and ChatGPT on the SEO system. The research uses a case study approach to examine the impact of these technologies on website ranking and traffic. The findings suggest that both BARD and ChatGPT can significantly improve SEO performance. However, the optimal use of these technologies requires an understanding of their capabilities and limitations. Read More...
Master of Science (MSc) |
India |
173-174 |
45 |
Analysing the Impact of Social Media on User Privacy and Data Security
-Ritick Rai
Social media platforms have become an integral part of modern communication, enabling users to connect, share information, and engage in online communities. However, the use of social media has raised concerns about user privacy and data security. Social media platforms collect vast amounts of data from users, including personal information, online activity, and location data. This data is used to create detailed user profiles, which are then sold to advertisers and other third-party entities. The collection and use of user data by social media platforms have significant implications for user privacy and data security. Users are often unaware of the extent to which their data is being collected and used, and the risks associated with sharing personal information on social media platforms. Social media platforms are also vulnerable to data breaches, which can result in the exposure of sensitive user information and the potential for identity theft and other cybercrimes. The legal and regulatory frameworks governing user privacy and data security vary by country, with some jurisdictions offering more robust protections than others. The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been a significant step towards protecting user privacy and data security, requiring social media platforms to obtain explicit user consent for data collection and use and mandating timely reporting of data breaches. Despite these regulations, social media platforms continue to collect vast amounts of data from users, often without their knowledge or consent. The increasing use of social media has also led to the emergence of new forms of cybercrime, such as phishing, social engineering, and identity theft, which target users through social media platforms. Overall, the impact of social media on user privacy and data security is significant, highlighting the need for continued attention to this issue. Users must take steps to protect their privacy and data, such as limiting the information they share on social media platforms, using strong passwords, and enabling two-factor authentication. Social media platforms must also be held accountable for their data collection and use practices and take steps to improve user privacy and data security. Read More...
India |
175-183 |
46 |
Review Paper on Modal Analysis of FGM Plate Using First Order Shear Deformation Theory
-Raj Prince Shivhare ; Rajesh Kumar Satankar
Functionally graded material due to their excellent strength to weigh ratio and stiffness to weigh ratio makes them perfect choice for aircraft and other mechanical applications. Modal analysis of FGM plate is carried out using first order shear deformation theory in Ansys 18.0. Mechanical properties of FGM plate are varying above and below the reference plane i.e., center of the plate in accordance with the simple power law distribution. The aim of our work is to study the effect of various boundary conditions, aspect ratio, thickness ratio, power law index etc. on frequency parameter. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering (Design) |
India |
184-187 |
47 |
Review on Effects of Sodium Chloride on Bond Strength between Steel and Concrete
-Sanskar Vaibhav Doshi ; Sagar N. Phule
The corrosion of steel strands due to the chloride contamination is one of the most common causes for the degradation of pre-stressed concrete infrastructure. In this project, an experimental study was performed to investigate the bond behaviors between steel strands and concrete after suffered the chloride corrosion. Total nine central and off-center pull-out specimens with different corrosion levels were prepared and tested on UTM. The effects of corrosion rate, concrete to the steel strands on the bond behaviors of steel strands were studied and compared, in terms of the failure mode, bond-slip relationship, bond strength. In this Project, total nine cube has casted of size of 15m×15cm×15cm. The grade of the concrete was M40 and Mineral Admixture was fly ash, chemical admixture was super plasticizer and the proportion of the mineral admixture was 20% of the cementious material 0.6 % of super plasticizer. Steel bar of diameter of 8mm and length is 1m is used for providing inside of the cube at a depth of 100mm. Proper Mix design has done and all material required has collected before casting the cube. For casting, Material is prepared with proportion for first three cube and mixing has done for that three cube and that process has done every three cube and the prepared concrete has filled in cube with proper compaction after determining the slump of that prepared concrete and steel bar is immersed up to 100mm from top in concrete. After painting, testing has been performed that is pullout test and calculation has been done. The result was, bond strength was more than mentioned in the IS 456-2000 and development length was 100mm for every cube that was same as actual provided and development length was 350mm to 400mm for different cube. So we are on safer side as guidelines of the IS code. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
188-191 |
48 |
Road Lane Line Detection
-Sanskar Dhomne ; Sandesh Jundhare; Saurabh Pardhi; Sonali Guhe
Despite several recent technical advancements in the area of road safety, accidents have risen alarmingly, and driver negligence is one of their primary causes. Technological advances are required to lower the rate of accidents and assure their safety. Another method is to make advantage of such lane detection technique, which warns the drivers when they pass into such an inappropriate lane marker by identifying lane borders on the road. Numerous technologically but not conceptually developed transport systems must include lane-keeping devices. Even though this is a challenging objective given the variety of road surfaces, particularly while traveling at night or in the daylight. The front of the automobile has a sensor that records the road's perspective and can identify lane markings. This study's methodology breaks down video sequences into something like a number of sub-frames, than creates picture characteristics by each sub-frame that are utilized to recognize lanes on roadways. There have been several suggested techniques for identifying lane markers on roadways. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
192-194 |
49 |
Image Captioning using Transfer Learning
-Yash Mittal ; Kushagra Chauhan; Sunil Kumar
In recent years there is evolution which is to be seen in various fields of science. advancements are made from simple mathematical equations to advanced real-world problem-solving, and computer algorithms. Computer vision is also an area that is introduced and evolved for processing the image and examining various aspects like {image classification and object detection } (image captioning based on deep neural networks). Talking about computer vision uses various artificial intelligence techniques and algorithms for confronting any image and deriving meaningful information or conclusions. With the development of deep learning and the natural language process, we can train and use a certain model to predict 1 or 2 sentences from any image. However, the prediction is based on the objects, certain semantics, and other important factors which can result in some unique observations that cannot be overlooked while generating the caption. The caption which is generated should be grammatically correct and in the dictionary for which we have used natural language processing NLTK and the dictionary of words that are to be used in the generation of sentences. Although the generation of image captions is a complicated and difficult task, we have achieved this using the deep neural networks which are based on CNN-RNN, CNN-CNN, and transfer learning. We have maintained a grammar according to which the sentence is formed of 35-36 words. Humans can describe certain scenes using various patterns that are generated parallel while learning to distinguish things and state the object by combining all the factors. In this research paper, we have focused on this type of learning, but as the images are 2 dimensional, we have to map the space with some most probable words that can occur in the image and learn this mapping by training the model. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
195-201 |
50 |
Planning For KMML Industrial Area and Its Affected Regions
-Ajmi Shajahan S
KMML is the world's first fully integrated Titanium Dioxide facility having operations from heavy beach sand mining to Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Pigment and Titanium Sponge Manufacturing. It is the only manufacturer of chloride-route rutile grade TiO2 pigment in India. Environmental pollution is a global problem which attracts the attention of human beings for its severe long-term consequences. Environment sources are being harmed by the effluents from KMML, a public sector integrated working in Chavara, Kollam, and creating a risk to public health. The degradation of ground water supplies was caused by the titanium dioxide manufacturing facility. In water samples, highly dangerous trace metals were found. The flora and fauna in and around the manufacturing region had been severely harmed by pollution. Concentrated hydrochloric acid and other environmental pollutants were discovered to have harmed crops and the quality of the underground water had dropped to high acidity. The environmental impact assessment of the area is conducted through primary surveys and secondary data collections. This paper discusses the impact of KMML industrial area and formulates strategies to maintain ecological balance in affected areas. It ensures integration of environmental control measures into the process of industrial area planning and process. Read More...
Master of urban and Regional Planning (MURP) |
India |
202-209 |