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Robotic Nurse
-Vaishnavi K ; Amrutha; Gowri S Nadiger; Nidhi S; V Sangeetha
The technology advancements has led to rise in robots in many fields such as we used in healthcare applications. The microcontroller used in this is Arduino in which input pins are the APR33A3 module, SPO2 sensor, pulse rate sensor, temperature sensor, emergency switch for emergency condition, the motor drivers is given for the movement of the robot and dispensing of the medicine. The robot attends every patient in which the instructions is sent from the mobile app through wifi module to Arduino, it stores the health parameters of patient and send it to the doctor through sms. It also helps the patient in taking the medicine in time to time. The model of robotic nurse is to reduce the workload of nurses and doctors and not making them not to get infected, this robotic nurse helps in health care departments like hospitals, emergency wards, isolation wards. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1-5 |
2 |
Accident Detection & Alert System Using Machine Learning
-Om Satish Hole ; Harshvardhan Arun Gunjal; Abhijeet Pradip Atole ; Rutuja Patangrao Pawar
Globally, and especially in developing nations, the severity of road accidents is a major concern. The severity of a traffic collision may be lessened by understanding the major and supporting variables. As a result, a thorough investigation is needed to deal with this overwhelming problem. Using machine learning, this project explains how to analyse traffic incidents more thoroughly to gauge their severity. The severity of the accidents was influenced by various variables, including the weather, lighting, road surface, etc. In order to determine when and where accidents are most likely to happen, the random forest classification method and the logistic regression algorithm are both applied to a set of frequencies of highway locations accidents within a 24-hour period. The suggested model cautions users to drive cautiously in that area based on these predictions. 1.32 lakh individuals lost their lives in traffic accidents in 2020, the fewest in 11 years. The lowest number was 1.26 lakh in 2009. The number of road accidents decreased to 3.66 lakh last year, the smallest amount in the previous 20 years. The strong restrictions concealed in these widely used item sets usually expose the connections between the factors that influence accidents, which can be used to break them and reduce the frequency of accidents. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
6-9 |
3 |
Green Concrete
-Shahin Innus Korabu ; Asha Dattatrya Thaware; Phule S. N
In the history of the concrete industry, the concept of "green concrete" is ground breaking. The year 1998 saw the creation of this in Denmark. Colour has nothing to do with green concrete. It is a way of thinking about concrete that takes the environment into account from the fabrication of raw materials through mixture design to structural design, building, and service life .Due to factors including using waste products as a partial substitute for cement, avoiding waste disposal fees, consuming less energy during manufacture, and having higher durability, green concrete is frequently also produced at a reasonable cost. Green concrete is a type of concrete that mimics ordinary concrete but uses less energy and has fewer negative environmental effects during production or use. Concrete is a material that is friendly to the environment, and overall Per tonne of concrete, the environmental impact is minimal. The topic of selecting a material for green concrete is covered in the essay. It discusses the viability of using waste products as aggregates in concrete, including as fly ash, coal dust, marble powder and granules, plastic debris, and recycled concrete and masonry. Fly ash use in concrete has a detrimental influence on the economy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Per tonne of cement manufactured, 0.9 tonnes of CO2 have been seen to be created Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
10-11 |
4 |
Environmental Seviour Traffic Signal
-Aishwarya Navnath Magar ; Suvarna Madhukar Rachkar; Manedeshmukh R.Y; Phule S.N
Solutions for traffic management are becoming more and more necessary to deal with transportation and mobility issues. Particularly, synchronised traffic signals that produce green waves along important thoroughfares are a method that is increasingly being employed to shorten travel times. Although it is typically expected that better traffic flow will lead to fewer car emissions, there hasn't been much scientific research on how synchronised traffic signals affect emissions. A combined strategy is obviously required because variations in traffic flow may not always affect In this article, a computational investigation is reported. The model is used to examine the impact of traffic intensity, signal coordination methods, and signal parameters on noise, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen oxides through the simulation of a variety of situations. Improved air quality, traffic safety, traffic control, and infrastructure preservation are all benefits of smart traffic management. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
12-13 |
5 |
Vehicle Detection and Speed Tracking
-Nishant ; Vinayak Mishra
Video and image processing has been used for speed detection and traffic monitoring, in self-driving cars, and for traffic monitoring in many cities and urban areas. Detection and monitoring of vehicle speeds can help reduce the risk of accidents among civilians. In this system, we can also detect and differentiate between vehicles and pedestrians using our on-board camera mounted inside the vehicle. This in turn, in conjunction with the hardware system, will alert the driver or automatically reduce the speed of the vehicle to avoid any collision or accident. Vehicle speed detection is an important aspect for complying with the speed limit law of the country and road conditions. Knowing and tracking the speed of vehicles plays an important role in preventing many accidents by keeping civilians safe. The system uses a speed detection method to measure the vehicle's speed. 1) Image pick-up 2) Pre-processed images 3) In motion vehicle detection 4) Extract out feature 5) Tracking the vehicle 6) Detect the vehicle
Vehicle detection systems can help prevent accidents and minimize risk of injury. This article focuses on predicting vehicle speed and discriminating between vehicles and civilians based on data from recorded video sources such as black box footage.
Information Technology |
India |
14-18 |
6 |
Significance of Budgeting and Budgetary Control With Reference To Picastra Logistics Private Limited
-G Ashok Kumar ; John Paul .M
The key function of the financial management is the selection of the most profitable assortment of asset investment and it is the most important area of decision making of the financial manger because any action taken by the manger in this area affects the working and the profitability of the firm for many years to come. The objective of the research is to study on budgetary control through which to stress the importance of asset budgeting in an organization and to analyze the asset budgeting process to be adopted by the company in order to take better investment decisions for various business projects. Further, it caters information about cash inflows and outflows of various years. Thus, the comparison provides clear idea about investments and return on the same which can be helpful for the years to come. Read More...
Finance |
India |
19-22 |
7 |
A Study on Cost-Benefit Analysis at Alloysys Extruction Pvt Ltd
-Chinta Shriya ; John Paul .M
Cost-benefit Analysis is a statement of cost showing cost per unit of any product at every level of production. It is important to know at what stage of production we are and what price at the production stage. Cost of production includes various factors from manufacturing to administration expenses. These variables need to be given special care and attention by the company to bring about efficiency in cash management. Hence the major objectives of the study undertaken were, to analyze the cost at different stages of production, to assist in fixing of selling price, to make a comparison of cost sheet with previous years and provide suitable suggestions. The secondary data is chosen for the study on Cost-benefit Analysis. The data were collected from various journals, websites and the annual report of Alloysys Extrusion Pvt Ltd. Read More...
Finance |
India |
23-25 |
8 |
Facial Recognition Based Attendance Tracking System Using Computer Vision & Machine Learning
-Kunal Kanse ; Dr. Shirkande S.T.; Shreyash Gaikwad; Hrutik Sargar
AFR stands for automatic face reputation is seen dramatic universal overall performance advancements over the previously times, and analogous systems are now significantly used for protection and marketable operations. An automated device for mortal face recognition in an actual time history for a council daily mark the attendance of their college students. So Attendance using actual Time Face reputation is an actual- global result which comes with exertion of managing pupil’s attendance. The venture is really delicate because the actual time history deduction in a photo remains an undertaking. To descry actual time mortal face are used and an easy rapid famous individual element evaluation has used each day recognize the faces detected with a excessive delicacy rate. The faces that fit the ones attendance receives marked. Our system maintains the attendance records of college students routinely. Guide getting into logbooks becomes a sensitive assignment and it also wastes the time. So, we designed an effective module that incorporates of face recognition to manipulate the attendance records of students. Our module also enrols the organization of faces. This approach of enrolment is best as soon as and their face will receives saved in database. The consequences showed bettered basic overall performance over guide attendance operation system. Attendance is marked after identification. This product gives a whole lot farther consequences with accurate effects in man or woman interactive manner instead of being attendance and leave operation systems. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
26-28 |
9 |
Predicting Student Academic Success
-Rohit Channappa Hutagonna ; Manisha Kumari; Rakshak Bhat; Harshit Pande
Performance degradation assessment (PDA) is of great significance to ensure safety and availability of mechanical equipment. As an important issue of PDA, the robustness of the trained model directly affects the assessment efficiency and restricts its application in practice. This paper examines how features affect student persistence or dropout at South African higher education institutions, based on three previous studies. In the previous studies, high school grades were used as a valid predictor of student success. The quality of a high school’s learning environment has an effect on almost every aspect of higher education success. In this paper, we attempt to pro- vide a data-driven solution to the data-congested environment of at- tributes related to student success and contribute towards preventing the increased dropout rates at South African higher education institutions. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
29-31 |
10 |
Car Accident Detection Techniques using Deep Learning
-Divya Virshetty Badure ; Pooja Chougule; Kaveri Marawar; Rajshri Kumbhar
In terms of contributing causes, automobile accidents account for a disproportionate number of fatalities and injuries. A greater proportion of persons die owing to inadequate emergency care than due to traffic accidents. While car accidents are usually a complete surprise, they may be prevented with prompt and reliable emergency care. Mechanical failure, poor road conditions, and slow driver reaction times are all potential causes of accidents. Without prompt medical attention after an injury-causing incident, the victim is quite likely to die. Due mostly to delays in alerting emergency services, ambulance response times may be significantly lengthened. When the victim is incapacitated, they may not be able to make an emergency call. Consequently, there is a want for a reliable and practical method of auto-accident detection that makes use of techniques from the field of image processing. To this end, we use image normalization, Convolutional Neural Networks, and a Decision Tree to identify the occurrence of vehicle accidents. Future iterations of this study will provide more detail on this process. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
32-35 |
11 |
Image and Video Caption Generation Using Machine Learning
-Rushikesh Nitin Chavan ; Vijay Vishnu Anpat; Bhagyashri Nanaso Chavan; Nagesh Bharat Kshirsagar; Prof. Kamble. D. R
Image Grounded web straggler is the way toward looking through data by exercising affiliated images. The tremendous means of images are accessible on the web in that a large number of the images are contain as with named and without named caption. Our task is to induce an automatic caption for the images grounded on the image content. To produce an image caption, originally, the content of the image should be completely understood; and also, the semantic information contained in the image should be described using an expression or statement that conforms to certain grammatical rules. Therefore, it requires ways from both computer vision and natural language processing to connect the two different media forms together, which is largely gruelling. The paper targets producing mechanized eulogies by learning the contents of the image. At present images are clarified with mortal supplication, and it turns out to be nearly unbelievable task for tremendous databases. The picture information base is given as donation to a deep neural. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
36-38 |
12 |
Suspicious Activity Detection
-Prathamesh Shirkande ; Shubham Valekar; Ashutosh Wagh; Mayur Talekar ; Prof. Tonape Y.L.
Suspicious activity is forecasting the body part or joint locations of a person from an image or a video. This project will number detecting suspicious human activity from CCTV footage using neural networks. human suspicious exertion is one of the pivotal problems in computer vision that has been studied for further than 15 times. It’s important because of the sheer number of operations which can benefit from exertion discovery. For illustration, mortal disguise estimation is used in operations including video surveillance, beast shadowing and behaviour understanding, subscribe language discovery, advanced mortal- computer commerce, and marker lower stir capturing. Low cost depth sensors have limitations like limited to inner use, and their low resolution and noisy depth information make it delicate to estimate mortal acts from depth images. Hence, we plan to use neural networks to control these problems. Suspicious human exertion recognition from surveillance video is an active disquisition area of image processing and computer vision. Through the visual surveillance, mortal exertion can be covered in sensitive and public areas analogous as machine stations, road stations, fields, banks, shopping malls, academe and sodalities, parking lots, roads, etc. to help terrorism, theft, accidents and illegal parking, vandalism, fighting, chain snatching, offence and other suspicious exertion. It’s truly delicate to watch public places continuously, therefore an intelligent video surveillance is demanded that can cover the human activity and classify them as usual and unusual activity; and can induce an alert. mainly, of the disquisition being carried out is on images and not videos. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
39-40 |
13 |
Design and Testing Of Adaptive Front Headlight System for Four Wheeler
-Sahil Lanjekar ; Ashfaq Jamkhandikar; Al haddad; Khan Arshiyan; Kazi Farhan
Driving at night with conventional headlights poses a significant risk as many accidents occur at night due to temporary dazzling by oncoming headlights. Headlights cause a temporary visual disturbance to the human eye when turning on his beam. This is the so-called Troxler effect. Response time is reduced, but visibility is reduced, which is responsible for most accidents that occur at night. Traditionally, headlight settings were controlled manually, but poor driving skills and poor judgment could have disastrous consequences. Accidents can also occur due to poor lighting conditions, as today’s usual headlight configurations cannot illuminate the road accurately, especially around bends and unpredictable terrain. Therefore, there is a need for adaptive headlamps in automobiles that can prevent the Troxler effect for oncoming drivers without affecting road lighting for oncoming drivers. This white paper reviews research papers and patents to understand the different methodologies used to implement adaptive headlights and to explore the scope of future work in this area of research. This document also describes a vehicle detection algorithm and various mathematical vehicle models for controlling headlamps based on steering angle. Our projects are based on the latest technology. Create a model of the adaptive headlight system. The project we’re doing is fully committed to microcontrollers and sensors. This report focuses on the design and operation of microcontroller-based adaptive headlight systems (AHS). for automobiles. The main purpose of this system is to illuminate blind spots when driving at night or when visibility is extremely poor, to visualize objects in the dark areas, and to provide a low-cost technology to prevent accidents. The system operates according to controlled inputs from an ATMEL MICROCONTROLLER unit that drives servo motors linked to the headlights. The system is also configured to receive input from turn signal switches, and when turn signal input is given, it will fully rotate through the headlight mirrors. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
41-43 |
14 |
Optimizing the Seed Rate for Maximized Yield and Attribute Characters in Mustard under Loamy Soil under State Of Uttar Pradesh, India
-Bhagirathi Gupta ; Deepak Gupta; Hansika Gupta; Rupesh Kumar Gupta
The experiment was conducted at Mohamadpur Gadhi (Gosaiganj) from 2019-2021 three year continue in same field and in same planting window (1st Nov to 10th November every year). The Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 26.767679 N, 81.111336 E and hight from sea level is 113m. It is a small neighbourhood of Lucknow under UP state. The experiment consists of one factor such as seed rate (S) with 5 types of seed rates in three replications viz. 1.5 kg (S1),2 kg (S2),2.5 kg (S3), 3 kg (S4) and 3.5 kg (S5). Used a single hybrid namely 5222 in RBD design with three replications. Seed rate had significant effect on yield, oil content & its economic. The optimum Plant height, no. of branches, no. of siliqua/plant, no. of seed /siliqua, 1000 seed wt., yield plot and yield ha were obtained in S2 with 2kg seed rate. However, it could be noted from the study that the interaction of seed rate in Hybrid 5222 with the seed rate (2 kg seed ha) produced the highest seed yield (2.73 t ha). Read More...
Agricultural Sciences |
India |
44-47 |
15 |
IoT Based Smart Agriculture System with Solar Monitoring
-Pratiksha Naresh Bele ; Prof. Jayshree Gorakh; Grishma Shengole; Fariha Sheikh; Vishakha Dongre
The utilization of Internet of Things (IoT) technology has the potential to greatly enhance the monitoring, performance, and maintenance of solar energy systems. In this project, a cost-effective IoT-based methodology has been implemented to remotely monitor a solar power plant, enabling the evaluation of its performance in real-time. The system incorporates various sensors, including soil moisture, temperature, and intensity sensors, to provide a comprehensive visualization of environmental parameters. This allows for the creation of a smart agricultural system that is user-friendly and capable of providing insights for efficient crop management. The system's ability to remotely monitor and control the agricultural water supply that helps to reduce the human effort thereby increasing the overall efficiency and longevity of the system. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
48-52 |
16 |
Smog Eating Concrete Roof Tile
-Ritik Chaturvedi ; Pragati Bankar; Prof. Dr. P.S. Lanjewar; Mahesh Thakur
Our project is about to study the ill effects of smog and air pollution and control it by using "Smog Eating Concrete Roof Tiles". The rapid growth in pollution is due to use of vehicles, previous and growing industries such as steel industries, thermal electric power plant etc. These tiles are normal roofing tiles which are installed on the roof. The only thing which differs is titanium dioxide on it. The coating of titanium dioxide is applied on the tiles which can be done in the form of paint. It is applied on the roofing tiles with painting tools. This concrete tile is made up of traditional cement mixed added with Titanium Dioxide in form of the paint. It is found that it is very effective against the nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulphur oxide (SOx) and many other pollutants. Cost of these tiles is just 25% more than the normal roofing tiles. The main focus of this paper is to get detailed reviews of all the previous papers so that we can get maximum benefits from it and also find out other ways in which it can contribute more to civil engineering world. Further we compare it with normal roofing tile by casting both and testing it to find how we can absorb maximum pollutant from it. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
53-56 |
17 |
Art Gallery Online Platform for Artist
-Prerana Fulluke ; Rajeshree Kaurase; Shrutika Lonare; Prof. Nitesh Ghodhichor; Aasawari Raut
The aim of the Art Gallery is to provide the platform for Artist. Online Art gallery project exhibits the works of many artists. Each artist is given a specified space on the online webpage. The artists are charged for the space allotted to them on monthly Or Yearly basis. The charges vary in different months the charges are Rs 200 per month. Each Artist Upload Their Art and Add their price and Admin will be add this Art and price an our webpage for anyone customer visit webpage see the art and if users are interested then buy this art. Each Artist exhibit has a name and style of painting. The Users can be bought Art by the online customers who need to register with the art gallery. On receiving the full payment, the painting is sent to the customer. The art gallery is where the arts or art crafts of the artists can be displayed for the visitors' view. And every year one time Auction between Artists. The "Online Art Gallery" has been developed to override the problems prevailing in the practicing manual system. This software is supported to eliminate and in some cases reduce the hardships faced by this existing system. Moreover this system is designed for the particular need of the company to carry out operations in a smooth and effective manner. Every organization, whether big or small, has challenges to overcome and managing the information of Payment, Arts, Bill, Customer, Stock. Every Online Art Gallery has different Arts needs, therefore we design exclusive employee management systems that are adapted to your managerial requirements. This is designed to assist in strategic planning, and will help you ensure that your organization is equipped with the right level of information and details for your future goals. Also, for those busy executive who are always on the go, our systems come with remote access features, which will allow you to manage your workforce anytime, at all times. These systems will ultimately allow you to better manage resources. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
57-59 |
18 |
Study and Their Treatment Analysis of Surface Water in Hyderabad City Zone by Electro-Coagulation Method
-Prof. Anand K Sheelvanth ; V. Saikiran; CH. Saikrishna; D. Balshetty; V.Udaykumar
Electrolytic treatment of surface water utilizes the electric energy to removal the pollutants in the form of TDS from the surface water. Considerable efforts have been made to purify the different types of Surface water using various electrolytic treatment devices, apparatus and reactors. The present review focuses on the recent development in the electrolytic treatments considering the views of the past work in this field. Most studies have been performed on iron, steel, aluminium and zinc electrodes using various current densities and electrolysis time. Moreover, these studies have been carried out on the removal of different physico-chemical, heavy metals and microbiological parameters using different types of Surface water. In this review the main emphasis has been given to the removal of physico-chemical parameters viz., colour, turbidity, EC, TSS, BOD, COD and heavy metals of the Surface water. The literature on the electrolytic treatment methods using different types of Surface water is surveyed and physico-chemical parameters of Surface water are reviewed. Besides this impact of current density, electrode types, time of electric current application along with the removal efficiency are also discussed in the present review. Additionally, various aspects of the electrolytic treatment of Surface water like impact of temperature, coagulation and flocculation rate are also discussed to make the literature more specific and generalization to understand the electrolytic treatment of Surface water. Therefore, the future directions of the research could be focused on the more efficient removal of pollutants from the Surface water using electrolytic technology in order to achieve the safe limits of Surface water for the reuse and discharge as per water quality standards. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
60-63 |
19 |
Design Analysis & Experimental Set Up of Flexure Bearing
-Sahil Sanjeevkumar Doshi
Flexure bearing is a new concept and used for precision applications such as Programmable focusing mechanism (PFM), linear compressor etc. These bearings are compact and inexpensive. A flexure bearing is designed for specific applications. These design can usually be done with the advanced design tool like FEA. With the advent of computers FEA has become the most suitable tool for the engineering analysis where the conventional approach is not suitable, geometric complexity are involved etc. This paper deals with the study of flexure bearings in linear compressor and makes FEA analysis on it to calculate equivalent stress and tries to optimize it. Using software's like CATIA and PROE, modelling of flexure bearing is done. Also make FEM analysis on it by using Ansys software. Gaunekar have made design calculation for flexure bearing to make appropriate model. This bearing contains three spiral slots having 120° apart and 12 peripheral holes are used to clamp the disc rigidly onto a support structure. One central hole made for movement of shaft. Read More...
India |
64-66 |
20 |
An Efficient and Secure Decentralized Electronic Voting Platform using Ethereum Blockchain Technology
-Sameer Tembhurney ; Dr. Tripti Arjariya
Majority rule governments have long attempted to foster electronic democratic frameworks that address the issues of representatives. The objective of any just framework is to lead free and fair decisions yet customary frameworks are much of the time incorporated and constrained by little gathering, making them defenseless against control. To record this test, blockchain innovation offer a likely arrangement. By decentralized framework, various clients own and control the information base, decreasing the gamble of extortion. This study propose a democratic framework that utilizes blockchain calculation to record casting vote results from every area. The framework depends on pre-characterized enhancers for every hub in the blockchain. Internet casting a vote makes framework much effective and effectively open. In general, coordinating blockchain innovation into electronic democratic framework can possibly improve security, dependability and reasonableness in current races. Read More...
Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
67-69 |
21 |
Self-Healing Of Concrete or Bio Concrete to Repair Cracks
-Awanti Painkara ; Harshita Anchal; Dimpal Singh Thakur; Yeshwini Nag; Yogita Chanap
It is mainly used in heavy construction because of its strength and durability. No matter how carefully the concrete is mixed or reinforced it eventually ends up in cracking at some point. There are many factors that affect the durability and strength of concrete, one of the most common hindrances is crack formation. Large cracks may affect the structural integrity while small cracks reduce the durability of the structure. In order to reduce the chances of crack formation a structure requires regular maintenance which can be costly and may further increase the maintenance cost of the structure. One way to reduce such costs and increase the durability of the structure is to use concrete that has a self-healing mechanism. Concrete is a very good material to resist compressive load to a limit but if the load applied on the concrete is more than the limit of resisting load, it causes the strength reduction of concrete by producing cracks in the concrete, and the treatment of the cracks is very expensive. Due to the increase in the permeability of the concrete, the water easily passes through the concrete and meets the reinforcement of the concrete structure after some time corrosion start due to this strength of the concrete structure will decrease so it will be necessary to repair the cracks. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
70-73 |
22 |
Animal Classification with Facial Recognition using Score Level Fusion
-Aloukik Attrey ; Ajay Kumar
A developing area A real-world animal biometric system for machine vision is able to recognise and categories data from images and videos of animals. These programmers create methods for classifying animals using computer vision. The newly popular appearance-based descriptor features Key characteristics of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are fused at the score level in a unique method for classifying animal faces. This technique combines two distinct approaches at the score level; one makes use of Using its ability to automatically extract features, CNN may to categories them, and another does so using KFA, or kernel Fisher analysis, is used to extract features. The suggested approach may potentially be applied to other aspects of object and image recognition. The experimental findings demonstrate that CNN's automatic feature extraction is superior to more basic approaches for feature extraction, both locally and for characteristics based on appearance, as well as a suitable Using CNN's score-level combination and basic features, you produce results that are even more accurate than CNN alone. The authors demonstrated a beneficial impact on classification accuracy of score level fusion of KFA based on appearance and CNN generated characteristics. The proposed method outperforms previous cutting-edge techniques by achieving a classification rate of 95.31% on animal faces. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
74-80 |
23 |
Lane Following Car using Raspberry Pi Model
-Devvrath Hendre ; Omkar Gadekar; Tanmay Taware
Self-driving automobiles are autos that can find their way to a location on their own. Many well-known companies and developers have made significant investments in this area and developed their self-driving vehicle systems. This work, which intends to create a self-driving platform, was motivated by the exciting field of self-driving cars. This article proposes a working self-driving car prototype using a Raspberry Pi, an Arduino Uno, and a camera-based system. The three main modules used by the car are lane detection, obstacle detection, and traffic sign detection. A camera module that is mounted on the live stream images are recorded by the car's roof, sent to the Raspberry Pi for processing, and then sent to all three modules. For lane detection, algorithms like Canny Edge Detection and the Hough Transform are used. The car predicts the direction it wishes to go in based on the output of these algorithms. With the help of CNN and OpenCV, the Traffic Sign Detection Module recognizes traffic signs. The HAAR Cascade approach is used by obstacle detection to identify potential roadside obstacles including cars and pedestrians. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
81-84 |
24 |
Analysis of Multi-Storey Residential Building Using ETABS
-M.Raju ; V.V.Amar Narasing Rao; Dr.N.C.Anil; B.S V Muni Swamy; Ch.Nikitha
Structural planning is an art and science of designing with economical serviceable and durable structural. In order to compete in the ever growing competent market it is very important for a structural engineer to save time. For analyzing a Single or multi storied building one has to consider all the possible loadings and see that the structure is safe against all possible loading conditions. There are several methods for analysis of different frames like kani's method cantilever method portal method Matrix method. We all know that load combinations Designs According to every country Codes are calculated through manually is a time taking process. An earthquake is the shaking of the surface of the each resulting from a sudden release of energy in the earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves. Structures are vulnerable to earthquake ground motion and damage the structures. So there is continuous research work going on around the globe revolving around development of new and better techniques that can be incorporated in structures for better seismic performance. In this paper work a multi-storey building is being analyzed by using ETABS Software. The analysis is done based on Response Spectrum Analysis. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
85-91 |
25 |
Performance Evaluation Experimentally and Optimization of CI Engine Fuelled With Mahua Oil And Diesel Blend Using Taguchi Method
-Padvi Rohidas B. ; Prof. Vishant Patel
In current scenario, Biodiesel is very useful fuel because of its performance over diesel fuel with little or no engine modification. In the present work, the Production of Mahua Oil biodiesel is discussed with its properties. It is possible to conduct experiments to learn more about the effects of varying blends of mahua oil biodiesel and diesel on the performance characteristics of a biodiesel-fueled diesel engine operating under varying loads. For this experiment, a single-cylinder, four-stroke CI engine is used. Taguchi design in Minitab will be used to analyze the effects of varying the load and blend ratio on the braking power, specific fuel consumption, and break thermal efficiency and emission levels. The software's suggested trials have been carried out. Diesel, a blend of mahua-oil biodiesel and diesel, and diesel were all tested in a CI engine, with performance and emission parameters measured and optimized. Read More...
M.E. mechanical (IC Engine& Automobile) |
India |
92-95 |
26 |
Simulation of Steganalysis using CNN
-Mohammad Kaif Khan ; Manushree Joshi; Shivani Singh; Yash Sahni
Steganography is a technique of data hiding that embeds the secret message inside a digital media for providing a method of invisible communication. Different kinds of digital file formats can be used for steganography of which digital images are the most popular as it is present in a massive number in the internet. There exists a large variety of steganographic techniques, for hiding secret information in image. Several efforts are made to establish ways of detecting whether or not an image contains a steganographic element. Steganalysis is the technique of detecting the presence of steganography that can serve as an effective way to judge the security performance of steganographic techniques. In this paper, we provide an overview of digital image Steganalysis technique for detecting steganographic method and identify the area to look out for the hidden information. These techniques are discussed and analyzed in terms of their ability to detect secret message in an image file. We have also reviewed some researches on steganography. The main aim of this paper is to review the previous work done and available ways, present trends and discuss the challenges that are currently available in the studies. Along with these, the datasets that are commonly used and publicly available, the evaluation metrics considered are also discussed. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
96-103 |
27 |
Sustainable Path for Successive Internet Marketing in India
-Kandukoori Sri Varun Venkatesh
Internet marketing is a tool for promoting items, developing strategies, comprehending the market structure, and making judgments. The goal is to use internet marketing to advertise and sell products and services online. Nowadays, businesses use internet marketing to promote their products & services in an economical way. This research paper's goal is to examine the effects of digital marketing and how crucial it is for marketers. This essay starts out by introducing digital marketing and how it affects businesses and marketers. The relevance of digital marketing in the modern period is highlighted, along with customer perceptions of internet marketing aspects, factors that increase revenue from online marketing, and a swot analysis of the market and industry. That's the Internet marketing is a tool for promoting items, developing strategies, comprehending the market structure, and making judgments. The goal is to use internet marketing to advertise and sell products and services online. Nowadays, businesses use internet marketing as a low-cost means of electronic communication to advertise their products and services to the public. Marketers use this channel to promote their products and services. The 450 respondents were collected as samples for the study, which was conducted in the Mysore region. The study used a convenient sampling method. Both primary and secondary data sources were used to support the investigation. Read More...
Department of Marketing |
India |
104-107 |
28 |
Main Gate Automation
-Ramya D ; Roshan Dennis L; Abhinav G; Jai Prakash M S
This project is aimed at developing a Main Gate Pass Management System with Android Mobile Application. which can be used to monitor the persons who are entering into our college and what time they will leave from college, through this application. This is typically useful when a group of students, staff, office employee login with the help of QR code or Barcode. This application has guest login also, but they will provide additional information like Name, Mobile Number and Purpose of Visit. Admin Login has separate dashboard screen to manage users, view entry logs and change app settings, This system provides a complete centralized control for Entry logs, electronic circuit will connect via local Wi-Fi to send and receive data from the mobile app. Servo motor will connect with Main gate to make door automatically open and close with given interval of time by administrator. This is the most efficient mobile application and Gate Automation system for our college and other Large-Scale Concerns. Read More...
Engineering |
India |
108-114 |
29 |
College Bus Management System
-Kartik Kamalakar Shelke ; Saurabh kalu Dangale; Pranav Bhaurao Bhaskar; Bhushan Chandrakant Dhikale
The modern world is guided by the change in the technology day by day. Mostly the relevant changes in technologies are enhancing the modern business techniques. Different technologies have been developed in the world for making people's life easier and better day by day. Android is the latest and a rapid growing technology available for all the users or users in today's market. An enormous increase in the end user acceptance has been experienced in the past few years. The project is based on the latest GPS technology which enables college management team a better way to keep eye on the activity of the college buses and manage schedule as well as provide real time bus location for the students using bus service. The College Bus Management System is Web & Android system aimed at students, college administration to maintain bus facility. The system takes student information as input source and attempts to maintain the bus services. It allows flexibility during these processes. The system generates exhaustive reports related to the Bus Management i.e. Fees paid, dues, rout no. & bus stop. To overcome the problems of manual bus management system, we have developed Web & Android Based college bus management System. College bus management System is based on Android & Web, which can be implemented on any Android Phone. The reports highlight various bus services and features of the bus, which can be subjected to improvements especially for the college administration to improve bus transport system. The system requires comparatively small amount of resources such as memory, input/output devices and disk space. The system overall keeps approach in highlighting key features of the bus services. It provides the facility of tracking the particular college bus's location in the google map. They can also view the bus details such as bus schedule and they reach the bus on time. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
115-119 |
30 |
Collaborative PY-Ecosystem for Developers to Do Coding In Collaborative Way
-Gunjan Kumari ; Aniket Gavali; Asfiya Peerzade; Rohit Sawant; Prof.J.N Shaikh
For the past decade, it has been a very challenging task to develop the any application or coding a particular module of the expected software product by the different team members at the same time and the same place. In a project that uses collaborative coding, each team member helps build the code and checks it for bugs or errors. It discusses the challenges of collaborative coding and the benefits of using a single IDE and version control to improve code quality and project completion. To address these challenges, the concept of concurrent programming and development has been introduced, which is a responsive and flexible platform for building high-performance mobile and web applications. The CollaborativePy which is a web-based environment has been developed to support close collaboration and improve the quality of collaboration and application development. It offers features such as audio and video calling for group members and faster debugging to ensure greater project resiliency. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
120-122 |
31 |
The Impact of Proximity Marketing On Consumer Reaction and Firm Performance: A Conceptual and Integrative Model
-Kandukoori Sri Varun Venkatesh
Proximity marketing is an emerging form of marketing that uses advances in wireless and social technology to target potential consumers with advertising content based on their current location. It is facilitated using technology such as Bluetooth beacons, Wi-Fi, geofencing, near-field communications (NFC), and QR codes. Proximity marketing campaigns work through a small and wireless device that transmits signals to mobile devices. The impact of proximity marketing from a marketing perspective has not been widely studied, and none have combined the inherent technological characteristics of automatic identification technology with individual consumer traits such as their values. The proposed integrative research model combines technological and consumer characteristics in an adoption model that draws heavily on consumer values as an important antecedent of Proximity Marketing adoption. The model also contributes by simultaneously proposing adoption consequences both for the consumer and the firm. Proximity marketing allows marketers to target a customer at the right place at the right time with highly personalized content, increasing the likelihood of converting them. It builds strong connections between customers and brands by sending personalized and relevant content to customers, making them more likely to remain loyal. Many types of businesses use proximity-based marketing, including major retailers who show proximity ads to potential consumers who are near their premises. Read More...
Marketing |
India |
123-127 |
32 |
Nanotechnology: Foundations and Applications
-Ms.Ankita S.Sawalkar
Nanotechnology is helping to vastly ameliorate, indeed revise, numerous technology and assiduity sectors information technology, energy, environmental wisdom, drug, motherland security, food safety, and transportation, among numerous others. Moment's nanotechnology harnesses current progress in chemistry, drugs, accoutrements wisdom, and biotechnology to produce new accoutrements that have unique parcels because their structures are determined on the nanometre scale. This paper summarizes the colourful operations of nanotechnology in recent decades. Nanotechnology is an instigative new area in wisdom, with numerous possible operations in drug. This composition seeks to outline the part of different areas similar as opinion of conditions, medicine delivery, imaging, and so on. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
128-129 |
33 |
Comparative Study of Ongoing Trends of Plastering & Concluding Its Future Advancements
-Vinayak Sharma
The following study review the literature and researches which have already been done on the Plastering at construction sites. It includes Sustainable and Economical methods like reuse of construction, Urban and Agricultural Waste and methods to save time and cost of construction which can be further exploited for future usage. At the end of this study we have also concluded the future developments in the field of Plastering as per on going trend. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
130-133 |
34 |
Real Estate Price Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithm
-Yasim Mehboob Shaikh ; Pratik Sanjay Alai; Shreyash Rajendra Pawar; Nikhil Madhav Taral
Accurately predicting prices has significant implications for various industries, including finance, real estate, and banking. Machine learning algorithms can be trained to predict prices by combining historical and current data. In particular, machine learning has shown promising results in predicting prices for different real estate entities, such as houses, properties, and flats. By leveraging the power of data and advanced algorithms, these models can help individuals and businesses make informed decisions when buying or selling real estate. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
134-135 |
35 |
Android Malware Family Classification Based On Deep Learning
-Himanshu Maurya ; Pradeep N; Tejas Srivastava; Priya M
To handle relentlessly arising Android malware, deep literacy has been extensively espoused in the exploration community. Previous work has proposed insight approaches that exploit various characteristics of malware and reported a high level of sophistication in malware detection, i.e the classification of malware according to benign operations. Still, domestic analysis of real- world Android malware has not been considerably studied yet. Familial analysis refers to the process of classifying a given malware into a family (set of families), which can greatly accelerate malware analysis as the analysis gives there, we gain behavioral characteristics. In this article, we analyze by looking at the different characteristics of Android malware and how effectively they can display their (erroneous) behavior. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
136-142 |
36 |
Steganalysis of QR Code Using Deep Fractal Network
-Onkar Kulkarni ; M.D.Ingle; Akshay Pawar; Pratik Kalghuge; Mandar Dhole
Because of its greater data capacity and improved damage resistance, the quick response code (QR) has emerged as the most popular barcode. When scanning data forms, barcode scanners may quickly and simply extract information from the QR code. However, in actual QR apps, certain private information stored directly in QR codes is not safe. To encode a secret QR code into separate shares, a visual secret sharing system is provided. In contrast to other methods, the shares in the proposed scheme are legitimate QR codes that can be read by a current QR code reader using a special method, increasing the number of suspicious attackers. The eligible shares are XORed in order to recover the secret message as well. Using smartphones or other QR scanning devices, this operation can be completed with ease. Contribution work includes developing the best partitioning strategies and utilising hashing methods to compare the original message with the shared message. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
143-145 |
37 |
Effect of Density and Workability on characteristics of Concrete
-Rohit Pandey ; Rahul Sharma
It has been revealed by many researchers that characteristics of hardened concrete are affected by basic properties of freshly prepared mixes. Henceforth, these basic properties affect the future performance of concrete as physical and chemical properties of fresh concrete influence the characteristics of concrete. Compressive strength is major criteria indicating the performance and condition of any concrete structures. Hence, determination of dependency of compressive strength on the basic properties of fresh concrete is significant for investigating the performance and durability of concrete. In the present paper similar work of several researchers were reviewed for further investigations. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
146-147 |
38 |
Advantages & Presence of Cloud-Based E-Learning in Real World
-Arpit Chaudhary ; Sandeep Kaur; Divyanshu Pundir
The newest & swift- growing technology, cloud computing, has created new openings and developments in the sector of learning & IT industriousness. With the help of the cloud, users can pierce shared resources that can be snappily and elastically catered in response to demand, meeting different information processing needs that are continually expanding. As resulted-learning places a lesser emphasis on using technology to change how learners admit training and education. Using a cloud-computing structure-learning system introduces effective and effective knowledge tools. In this study, we shortly explore the advantages, downsides, and effectiveness of cloud- based e-learning. Cloud computing has surfaced as the assiduity standard for furnishing measureless calculation for a variety of social and marketable functions. Cloud computing is being espoused snappily for E-Learning, as this composition has stressed the miracle of cloud at universities and advanced education places. Through a thorough literature analysis, likely events to let firm perpetration of this technology have been connected, and an aggregate of further than 28 papers was included in this paper. The analysis makes the cloud calculating platform for E-learning appear to be nicely practical and effective, which clarifies the request for cloud computing support services. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
148-151 |
39 |
Trustworthy Electronic Voting Using Adjusted Blockchain Technology
-Goutam Singh
The electronic voting has emerged over time as a replacement to the paper-based voting to reduce the redundancies and inconsistencies. The historical perspective presented in the last two decades suggests that it has not been so successful due to the security and privacy flaws observed over time. This paper suggests a framework by using effective hashing techniques to ensure the security of the data. The concept of block creation and block sealing is introduced in this paper. The introduction of a block sealing concept helps in making the blockchain adjustable to meet the need of the polling process. The use of consortium blockchain is suggested, which ensures that the blockchain is owned by a governing body (e.g., election commission), and no unauthorized access can be made from outside. The framework proposed in this paper discusses the effectiveness of the polling process, hashing algorithms' utility, block creation and sealing, data accumulation, and result declaration by using the adjustable blockchain method. This paper claims to apprehend the security and data management challenges in blockchain and provides an improved manifestation of the electronic voting process. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
152-155 |
40 |
Excess Food Distribution Android Application
-Harshad Janardan Dhumane ; Mohit Pardeshi; Hrushikesh Mandale; Chaitanya Bharambe; Sumit Deore
The wastage of food is a common issue in society, and effective food waste management is crucial for improving environmental and economic sustainability. To address this problem, we have developed an android mobile application that uses mobile technology to reduce food waste management. This application allows restaurants to donate and share their food and leftovers with people in need. The app has various features such as user registration, login, browsing of available food items, adding items to the cart, removing items from the cart, and logging out. We have used Firebase storage and real-time database for the app's functionality. Any user who needs food can view the images of available donated food items by different users and add them to their cart. Overall, this app aims to connect food donors with people who are in need of food. By utilizing mobile technology and providing a user-friendly interface, we hope to encourage restaurants and individuals to donate their excess food and reduce food waste. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
156-157 |
41 |
Online Voting System
-Mahak Agarwal ; Sadaf Amir Ahsan; Vaishnavi Dubey; Alisha Khan
The Project is developed for the threat-free and user-oriented Online Voting System. The Online Voting system is made for the people of the country residing around the world who want to vote for their representative. The election can be conducted in two ways the paper ballot election and the automated ballot elections. Automated ballot elections are called electronic voting. The online voting system is highly developed and the online polling system can be replaced by accurately and directly voting online and immediate results. The online voting system is done by the internet so it can be called Internet Voting. The existing system is manual and the paper-based voting is voted on paper and counted manually. Electronic tabulation brings a new kind of voting system in which the electronic cards with all candidates' symbol is marked manually and this can be counted electronically. Electronic voting systems are now different types known as the punch card, mark sense, and digital pen voting systems. The Electronic Ballot Marker makes the voter easier to vote by providing the selections on the display to vote present on the electronic machine. The direct recording electronic voting machine is one which provides a display that can be start when the voter touches the display consists of the mechanical and electro-optical buttons, software that accepts the vote and possesses an image or symbol on the display. The electronic ballots relate to the central ballot systems which directly accept and get the updated record of all ballots. The central ballot system applies the Precinct count method which calculates the all votes from the ballots present at polling centres. The results are immediate. Our paper deals with online voting system that facilitates user(voter), candidate and administrator (who will be in charge and will verify all the user and information) to participate in online voting. our online voting system is highly secured, and it has a simple and interactive user interface. The proposed online portal is secured and have unique security feature such as unique id generation that adds another layer of security (except login id and password) and gives admin the ability to verify the user information and to decide whether he is eligible to vote or not. It also creates and manages voting and an election detail as all the users must login by user name and password and click on candidates to register vote. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
158-161 |
42 |
Automatic Irrigation System
-Amrish kumar ; Abhishek Kumar Paswan; Rajan Sharma; Vipul Singh
The effective integration of Internet of Things technology into conventional agriculture is advocated in this review study. It is built on the NodeMCU ESP8266 Relay module, which is used to build an autonomous watering system. Farmers benefit from the simplicity of using an autonomous irrigation system to water their crop. We'll use a powerful soil moisture sensor to measure the soil's moisture content. For measuring both ambient temperature and humidity, we prefer the DHT11 Humidity Temperature Sensor. The water pump is managed by a relay that is powered by a 5 V battery. When the sensor detects that the soil has minimal moisture, the motor immediately starts. As a result, the field will be irrigated automatically. When the soil gets wet, the motor turns off. Through the online Thing Talk Server, you can keep an eye on everything that is happening. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
161-166 |
43 |
Web Based Human like Interactive College Chatbot
-Saumya Srivastava ; Vishwarya Vishwakarma; Shivani Yadav; Shubham Srivastava
This particular research paper, “AI and Web based human like interactive chat bot†we describe about the software, tools and technologies. Artificial intelligence (AI) is used by chat bots to mimic human speech. It is intended to serve as an authoritative yet understated assistant who makes one happy while assisting with chores like answering inquiries, setting driving directions, turning up the interior controls in a clean house, and playing one's favorite music, among other things. Chat bots are demonstrated using a variety of technologies, such as data bases and AI-based systems. Chat bots powered by artificial intelligence produce increasingly logical results. When all is said and done, a chat bot that tailors its responses to the context of the conversation will be even easier to use. The development of common and instinctive attachment modalities is one of the notable objectives in the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Students used to have to travel to the college to learn about the courses, cost structure, admissions procedure, and other details, which was a cumbersome and drawn-out process. At this point, the idea of presenting the information via an intelligent bot crossed our minds. Campus inquiry basic chat bot is a web application written in Python that answers customer inquiries about colleges. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
167-171 |
44 |
Vehicle to Vehicle Communication using LI-Fi Technology
-Sujata Kisan Kadam ; Pooja Khasherao Solankar; Renuka Vijaykumar Bagade
In this paper, a vibration-based method for autonomous pothole and speed breaker location detection is presented. Based on Li-Fi technology, the automobiles communicate with one another. It is a wireless technology that transmits data at a rate 100 times faster than Wi-Fi by using visible light. Every time the first automobile slows down, a message is transmitted through Li-Fi. Consequently, the automated braking system is activated to use the obtained data for braking on highways. The GPS is utilised to lock down the road's potholes. Android devices can communicate through Wi-Fi thanks to Node MCU. Wireless communication has become a basic utility in our day to day life such that it becomes a fundamental of our lives and this communication uses the radio spectrum for data transfer. There are issues in using the radio spectrum for data transfer. Road safety is mast of the primary concern nowadays because we see IoT of accident happening on road right now. Lot of people loss of life. Just because of something we cloud an avoided so that eliminate accident purpose of improving safety. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
172-175 |
45 |
A Rapid and Intelligent Statistical Mechanism for the Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) using ANN
-Harshit Kandhwey ; Rutvik Mangrole; Sakshi
As computer networks become increasingly essential to daily life, the importance of their security is becoming more and more evident. Unfortunately, attackers are constantly designing new intrusion attacks, making it essential to be able to detect intrusions even with limited labeled data. To address this issue, we have developed an intrusion detection system based on a deep neural network using self-supervised contrastive learning. This approach allows us to use a vast amount of unlabeled data to create informative representations that can be used for various tasks, even with a limited amount of labeled data. Our paper proposes a deep learning architecture that employs a fully connected feed-forward Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for accurate intrusion detection prediction. We trained and evaluated the feed-forward ANN model using potential features. Read More...
Artificial Intelligence |
India |
176-184 |
46 |
Malnutrition Detection Using Skin and Nails Images
-Tushar Ankush Petkar ; Prof. V.U.Bansude; Mayur Sunil Londhe ; Vishnu Nanabhau Mhaske
In this project we are elaborating concept of disease detection of human body using nail image of human fingers and analyzing data from the image of basic of nail color. In this project the procedure of disease detection is as follows: The input to the system is a person nail image. The system will process an image of nail and act feature of nail which is used for disease diagnosis .Here, first training data is prepared using Machine Learning from nail image of patient of specific disease. A feature extracted from input nail image is compared with training data set. In this project we found that color feature of nail image are correctly matched with training set data. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
185-187 |
47 |
New Indian Currency Detection and Recognition
-Amit Pal ; Ankit Raj; Ankit Kumar Gautam
It is hard for individuals to perceive monetary forms from new Indian cash. Our point is to assist individuals with tackling this issue. Notwithstanding, money acknowledgment frameworks that depend on picture examination completely are not adequate. Our framework depends on picture handling and makes the cycle programmed and vigorous. We use and Indian Rupees as guides to delineate the strategy. Variety and shape data are utilized in our calculation. Read More...
Automotive Engineering |
India |
188-191 |
48 |
Epilepsy/Seizure Detection Using Machine Learning
-Jigisha Srivastava ; Akanksha Singh; Alfia; Akanksha Srivastava; Dr S.K Panday
Epilepsy is a serious chronic neurological disorder, can be detected by analysing the brain signals produced by brain neurons. Neurons are connected to each other in a complex way to communicate with human organs and generate signals. The monitoring of these brain signals is commonly done using Electroencephalogram (EEG) and Electrocorticography (ECoG) media. These signals are complex, noisy, non-linear, non-stationary and produce a high volume of data. Hence, the detection of seizures and discovery of the brain-related knowledge is a challenging task. Machine learning classifiers are able to classify EEG data and detect seizures along with revealing relevant sensible patterns without compromising performance. As such, various researchers have developed number of approaches to seizure detection using machine learning classifiers and statistical features. The main challenges are selecting appropriate classifiers and features. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of the wide varieties of these techniques over the last few years based on the taxonomy of statistical features and machine learning classifiers— ‘black-box’ and ‘non-black-box’. The presented state-of-the-art methods and ideas will give a detailed understanding about seizure detection and classification, and research directions in the future. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
192-195 |
49 |
Voice Based Virtual Assistant for Desktop
-Rathi Mukund Laxmikant ; Borde Ajay Samadhan; More Sandesh Sakhahari; Kute Chetan Dattatray; Dr. A.V. Brahmane
Voice control is a major growing feature that change the way people can live. The voice assistant is commonly being used in smartphones and laptops. AI-based Voice assistants are the operating systems that can recognize human voice and respond via integrated voices. This voice assistant will gather the audio from the microphone and then convert that into text, later it is sent through Speech Recognition Module. in this project we are build voice assistant application that work online as well as offline. We use google recognition and vosk modules that will convert text into audio file in English language, then that audio is played using play sound package of python programming Language. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
196-199 |
50 |
Smart Voting System
-Shobhit Raha ; Shivam Kumar Tripathi; Satyam Dwivedi
Smart Voting System is a web vote casting technique. In this gadget humans who've citizenship of India and whose age is 18 years of age and above of that can cast their vote online going to any bodily polling station. There is a database that is maintained wherein all of the names of citizens with entire statistics is stored. Electronic vote casting gadget has now days grow to be an powerful device for vote casting. It guarantees flawless voting and for this reason has grown to be greater widespread. It guarantees humans approximately their vote being secured. It avoids any form of malpractice and invalid votes. Also such form of machine will become more economical as consequent expenditure incurred on manpower is saved. It is likewise handy on the part of voter, as he has to simply press one key whichever belongs to his candidates. vote casting machines are the entire aggregate of mechanical, electromechanical, or electronic equipment (including software, firmware, and documentation required to program control, and help equipment), this is used to outline ballots; to forged and count votes; to reporter show election results; and to preserve and convey any audit path information. The first voting machines have been mechanical however it's far increasingly not unusual place to use electronic voting machines. The main aim of this paper is to review the previous work done and available ways, present trends and discuss the challenges that are currently available in the studies. Along with these, the datasets that are commonly used and publicly available, the evaluation metrics considered are also discussed. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
200-206 |