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201 |
Video Image Segmentation with Texture Gradient using DT-CWT and Spectral Clustering
-Patel Shweta S ; Prof. kinjal vagadia
A fast and automatic video object segmentation algorithm based on wavelet transform is proposed in this paper. For some applications the whole image cannot be processed directly because it is inefficient and impractical. Segmentation results in a set of images that cover the entire image. This work proposes a two stage segmentation method, which effectively process both the textured and non-textured regions. Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform, an extension of discrete wavelet transform, extracts texture feature from the image and orientation median filtering reduces the double edge effect at the texture edges. Watershed transform of Gaussian gradient of combined texture and non-texture feature give the first stage segmentation. The initial segmentation into super-pixels reduces computational burden and the second stage uses spectral clustering technique to cluster these primitive regions. The proposed algorithm is robust to the entire motion and local deformation of object. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
799-802 |
202 |
4 level DWT based digital watermark embedding algorithm for video
Recently, digital watermarking algorithms are widely applied to digital image, audio or video for ownership protection and tampering detection. Digital watermarking is the process of reversibly or irreversibly embedding information into a digital signal. In this paper, Video watermarking algorithm based on discrete wavelet transform scheme is proposed. In which, the video is firstly divided into frames and each frames are divided in to three images of red, blue and green, then 4-level DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) is performed on each digital image. Here watermarking data is also color binary video, which is also first divided into frames and then three images are taken from each frame. Watermark frames are embedded into the original video frames according to the attribute of the sub-band (LH, HL) of every wavelet images. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the scheme. Read More...
Electronics and communication Engineering |
India |
803-805 |
203 |
Optimal Location of FACTS Device For Power Flow Control in Power System
The shunt connected compensation (STATCOM) based FACTS device for the control of voltage and the power flow in long distance transmission line. The proposed device is used in different locations such as sending end of the transmission line, middle and receiving end of the transmission line. The PWM control strategy is used to generate the firing pulses of the controller circuit. Simulations were carried out using MATLAB Simulink environment. The suitable location and the performance of the proposed model were examined. Based on a voltage-sourced converter, the STATCOM regulates system voltage by absorbing or generating reactive power. The simulation results reveals that the reactive power generated is better at the middle of the transmission line when compared with the other ends of the transmission line and also the voltage is controlled at the middle of the line. Henceforth the location of STATCOM is optimum when connected at the middle of the line. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
806-809 |
204 |
A Review on Wireless Sensor Network Coverage Schemes.
-Parikshit Singla ; Guneet Kaur
In recent years wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become one of the most active research areas due to the bright and interesting future promised to the world of information technology. It is an emerging field which is accomplishing much importance because of its vast contribution in varieties of applications. Coverage is one of the main research interests in wireless sensor networks (WSN), it is used to determine the quality of service (QoS) of the networks. Therefore this paper aims to review the common strategies use in solving coverage problem in WSN. The strategies studied are used during deployment phase where the coverage is calculated based on the placement of the sensors on the region of interest (ROI). The strategies reviewed are categorized into three groups namely; force based, grid based and computational geometry based approach. Read More...
Computer science & Engineering |
India |
810-814 |
205 |
A Review on LSB Steganography with Blowfish Encryption
-Neha Gupta ; Parikshit Singla
With the rapid advances in security threats, more reliable security techniques have become the business necessity. The security services must assure that the communication is not interfered with in such a way that the third party can masquerade for the purpose of unauthorized transmission or reception. To maintain the security services (confidentiality, authenticity and integrity), the security mechanisms should be used. This paper describes a review on steganography system based on LSB data hiding technique with Blowfish cryptography technique to protect the information transmission for secure open channel communication system. The purpose of this system is to transport information reliably across an insecure channel and to ensure complete confidence between participants. Read More...
Computer science |
India |
815-818 |
206 |
A Survey on comparative study of MOTION ESTIMATION techniques
Block matching motion estimation is a key Component in video compression because of its high computational complexity. The process of motion estimation has become a bottleneck problem in many video applications. Applications include HDTV, multimedia communications, video conferencing, etc. Motion estimation is a useful in estimating the motion of any object. Motion estimation has been conventionally used in the application of video encoding but nowadays researchers from various fields other than video encoding are turning towards motion estimation to solve various real life problems in their respective fields. In this paper, we present a review of block matching based motion estimation algorithms, reduced complexity of motion estimation techniques and a comparative study across all different algorithms. Also the aim of this study is to provide the reader with a feel of the relative performance of the algorithms, with particular attention to the important trade-off between computational complexity, prediction quality, result quality and other various applications Read More...
India |
819-821 |
207 |
motion estimation using orthogonal algorithm
-patel virvikram vishnubhai
The digital video application has become increasingly popular in mobile terminals such as cellular phones and personal digital assistance. Due to inherent data intensity, storage and transmission of raw video data is difficult. With the limited storage capacity and bandwidth, this data must be compressed to a transportable size. In videos, the changes in the subsequent frames are very less, which causes redundancy. This encourages video compression resulting in efficient usage of storage devices. But this comes at the cost of some quality degradation. Motion estimation is the process of determining motion vectors that describe the transformation from one 2D image to another; usually from adjacent frames in a video sequence. In all the applications, the demand is high for accurate estimates of motion requiring minimal computational cost. In our work, we have discussed different motion estimation techniques. We have focused on Block Matching Algorithms like exhaustive search, three step search, new three step search, diamond search, hexagonal search and octagonal search. For these algorithms, performance in terms of accuracy (PSNR) and number of computations required to obtain motion vectors is discussed. In existing algorithms Hexagonal Search provides significant PSNR with least number of computations. Also we have tried to classify the motion. To modify the existing Hexagonal Search Algorithm, we have proposed a new approach for early termination based on threshold to avoid redundant calculation when in point obtain in earlier step is good enough. Comparison of Existing algorithm and proposed approach in terms of PSNR and Computations required has been carried out. Significant speedup gain has been achieved over the current hexagon-based search algorithm while maintaining similar distortion performance. Read More...
image processing |
India |
822-827 |
208 |
Realisation of Finite Impulse Response(FIR) filter using DIT algorithm of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and also in IFFT Transform using VHDLon FPGA
The paper describes the development of FIR filters on Field programmable gate array (FPGAs) using DIT algorithmof FFT and also in IFFT. FIR filter has been designed and realized by FPGA for filtering the digital signal. The implementation of FIR filter on a Cyclone IV GX FPGA is considered. Presented soft core is the unit to perform the finite impulse response filter based on the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). It performs the convolution of the unlimited signal sequence with the synthesized impulse response of the length of Ni=N/2 samples, where N = 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024. The data and coefficient widths are tunable in the range 8 to 18. The model is capable of performing filtering operations like low pass, high pass, band pass and band stop based on selection that is embedded into the design. The most basic functions required for nearly any signal processor include addition, multiplication and delays. Input data, output data, and coefficient widths are generics. The maximum sampling frequency Fs by N=1024 is less than Fclk/29. IP Corse has been used to filter the input data. The design is coded through VHDL (hardware descriptive language). To verify the designed outputs simulation, compilation and synthesis have been done. Read More...
Electronics and Comunication Engineering |
India |
828-831 |
209 |
The Design and Development of Mobile Collaborative Learning Application Using Android
-Atul Shintre ; Ramya Rampelli; Suvarna Sanap; Kaveri Jambhavdekar; Shraddha Muley
In 21st century mobile phones brought a huge change in our day to day life. People expect to be able to work, learn, and study wherever and whenever they want. Learning by means of smart phones is becoming a new approach towards education. Mobile Collaborative Learning (MCL) has been getting more importance in educational environment as one type of mobile learning application. This paper introduces the theoretical and technical foundations for designing and developing an effective MCL environment as well as describing a new approach for building a learning application towards mobile technology. Finally the proposed prototype will be designed and constructed using the Android operating system with a suggestive infrastructure for this type of system. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
832-836 |