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101 |
A Review on Advance Research in Wire Electrical Discharge Machine
-Vijay D. Patel ; Dr.D.M.Patel; Prof. U.J.Patel; Biraj Patel; Nilesh Butani
Wire Electrical Discharge Machining is a controlled machining process which is used to manufacture geometrically intricate shapes with great accuracy and good surface finish that are difficult to machine with the help of conventional machining processes. WEDM is now growing as an important process in various fields; work has been done to use the technology for fabricating micro components. In this paper a review of the recent work has been done. Some properties and parameters that effects the machining performance of WEDM are also discussed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering Department |
India |
454-465 |
102 |
A Smart Material to Next Generation: Sustainable (Green) Construction Methods and Technology
-Vigneshkumar C ; K.Saravanamuthu; L.R.H Ravi Prakash; N.Ponmalar
Buildings, infrastructure and the environment are inextricably linked. Energy, materials, water and land are all consumed in the construction, operation of buildings and infrastructure. These built structures in turn become part of our living environment, affecting our living conditions. It is therefore important to explore environmental design and development techniques in order to design buildings according to be sustainable, healthy and affordable. Until recently, much of the development of building materials has predominantly focused on producing cheaper, stronger and more durable construction materials. The building sector is responsible for creating, modifying and improving the living environment of humanity. But the basic problem here that are construction and buildings have considerable environmental impacts, consuming a significant limited proportion of resources in the planet including energy, raw material, water and land. The main aim of this paper is looking at appropriate tools and concepts for the design and assessment of the sustainability components and technologies used in buildings and their construction. Read More...
India |
466-470 |
103 |
Analysis and Optimization of 270 Degree Jib Crane Deflection: A Review
-Vakani Chirag A. ; Shivang S. Jani
Jib cranes are widely used in industrial facilities all over the world. A typical jib crane consists of a top beam which is rotating around a fixed column. This configuration may be referred to as an L-shaped structure. Current material handling systems exhibit anisotropic behaviour. That is, their two planar degrees of freedom require different amounts of force input from the operator. Movement of these devices is correspondingly difficult. One of the three most prevalent material handling devices, the jib crane, is selected for research into creating isotropic motion. Deflection occurs of T-section as a span of Jib crane which is mention in this project, to optimization of deflection to increase modulus of elasticity. Analysis showed that a T-section will withstand large transverse deflection without in-plane ply failure; the predominant failure mechanism is delaminating in the fillet region. Especially Jib Crane used for circular material handling, it menace radial work. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
471-473 |
104 |
Design & Analysis of Self Align Clutch: A Review
-Raxit Umretiya ; Mohit Lakhwani
Self align clutch system comprise of flywheel, clutch disc plate, clutch cover, diaphragm spring, ball and the linkage necessary to operate the clutch. Ball bearings included to support radial load and concentricity between races. This type of clutch is most widely used in vial conveyor turntable to disengage motor from reducer without stopping the motor or cutting the power. This paper describes detailed study of self align clutch used in various industrial machines for transmitting power to driven pulley from drive pulley where is requirement of accuracy and precise engagement. This research includes exploded view of modeling of self align clutch using Creo in additional to detail and assembly drawing. Analytical design and computerized design done thorough ANSYS are compared during research. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
474-476 |
105 |
A Review On Artificial Roughness For Thermo-Hydraulic Performance Of Solar Air Heater By Using CFD
-Jitendra R. Brahmbhatt ; Prof. Surendra Agrawal
There are the selection of roughness geometry has to be based on the parameter that both Thermo-hydraulic Performance of Solar air collector. Number of roughness elements has been investigated on heat transfer & friction characteristics of solar air collectors. In this paper, reviews of various artificial roughness elements used as heat transfer techniques, and improve Thermo-hydraulic performance of solar air collectors is reviewed by using CFD .There are the various results for heat transfer & friction factor for solar air collector by taking different roughness geometries are given & these correlations are predict the Thermo-hydraulic performance of solar air collector having roughened ducts. The aim of this paper is also the awareness of effect of various types’ roughness geometries on heat transfer & friction characteristics of solar air collectors with use of CFD in simplified form. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
477-482 |
106 |
Finite element simulation of punching process using in process Characterization of mild steel
-Ullash Joshi ; Dr. Balasaheb D. Biranale; Antriksh Bhatt
Punching or piercing is among the oldest and most frequently used sheet metal forming process. Now days the technology on sheet metal forming has rapidly grown. This paper described a piercing process by using the finite element method in order to reduced the failure of punch for a given sheet material and thickness to be pierced. In this research paper the clearance and various shape of the punch were studied for piercing operation of 6mm thick Milled steel strip. ANSYS 14.5 software is used for analyzing effect of changing punch geometry .The Finite element method is used to predict the effect of punch geometry and clearance in punching process. Read More...
Mechanical engineering |
India |
483-485 |
107 |
A Technical Review on Reduced Beam Section under Fire loading
-Chirag Patel ; Chintan D Patel
In developing India, use of steel for high-rise buildings is increasing day by day. Since we are doing earthquake resistant design but not considering the effect of fire loading in performance of building. Understanding the behavior of steel moment resisting frames with reduced beam section (RBS) under fire loading is critical since many recent events have demonstrated the vulnerability of steel frames to such hazard. In the past few decades, there has been significant progress in structural fire safety analysis and design. However, such analysis relies on simplified methods and experimental data related to structural components, not of the complete systems. There has been very limited attention given on fire safety evaluation at the system level. This paper presents a review of the available experimental and numerical studies on behavior of structural system with RBS connection under fire, current approaches and identifies the research needs and usefulness of RBS connection against connection without RBS for Indian profiles. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
486-489 |
108 |
Improved Version of Apriori Algorithm Using Top Down Approach-II
-Jatin Khalse ; Mr.Gajendra Singh; Kailash Patidar
As with the advancement of the IT technologies, the amount of accumulated data is also increasing. It has resulted in large amount of data stored in databases, warehouses and other repositories. Thus the Data mining comes into picture to explore and analyze the databases to extract the interesting and previously unknown patterns and rules known as association rule mining. In data mining, Association rule mining becomes one of the important tasks of descriptive technique which can be defined as discovering meaningful patterns from large collection of data. Mining frequent item set is very fundamental part of association rule mining .As in retailer industry many transactional databases contain same set of transactions many times, to apply this thought, in this thesis present an improved Apriori algorithm that guarantee the better performance than classical Apriori algorithm. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
490-494 |
109 |
- Dushyant Patel ; Anjuman Ranavadiya; Shreya Patel
Mobile Ad Hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile hosts forming a temporary network without the aid of any centralized administration, in which individual nodes cooperate by forwarding packets to each other to allow nodes to communicate beyond direct wireless transmission range. Routing protocols of mobile ad-hoc network tend to need different approaches from existing Internet protocols because of dynamic topology, mobile host, distributed environment, less bandwidth, less battery power. Ad Hoc routing protocols can be divided into two categories: table-driven (proactive schemes) and on-demand routing (reactive scheme) based on when and how the routes are discovered. In Table-driven routing protocols each node maintains one or more tables containing routing information about nodes in the network whereas in on demand routing the routes are created as and when required. The table driven routing protocols is Destination Sequenced Distance Vector Routing protocols (DSDV). Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
495-497 |
110 |
Onchip Memory Data Transfer Methods : An Overview
-Disha Goswami
On chip memory data transfer is the simplest type of memory data transfer, no external connection needed on the circuit board. Generally data transfer between device and memory done by interrupt driven method and dma transfer method. This paper described the different memory data transfer in techniques. Memory Controllers are designed in order to reduce memory access time and enhanced performance. The Dma Controller is useful when processor has no time to wait for the data transfers. Dma is one of the synchronization mechanisms that provides significant improvement over interrupts and increases data throughput. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
498-500 |
111 |
Review on Evaluation & Enhancement in Performance of Product Recovery System
-Ankit Vatsalkumar Sata ; Mr. Ankit V sata; Prof. Vasim Machhar; Prof. Hardik K Nakrani
A product recovery system for recovering product from a blister at which there is defect in tablet or empty space. It also checks that the tablet is defective or not before entering in to the brush or hopper. Product recovery consist many system but we are using only tablet and blister inspection system. Blister Inspection system is use to recover the product (Tablets) when there is defect in tablet or some space in the blister is not filling properly.BIS remove all tablets in group so that it will not necessary to remove from the packing which is send to scrap. Same way Tablet Inspection system remove defective tablet which is going to hopper or brush. It is the Tablet pre checking process before entering in to the hopper. Because of that defective tablet cannot use in production work. Recovery depends upon vision system where defect on tablet can found out with the help of camera. Read More...
India |
501-503 |
112 |
Improving The Performance of Spread Spectrum Audio Watermarking by Modified Correlation Analysis
-Shweta Parashar ; Shikhar Kumar Jain; Pragya Gupta
Digital Watermark is a visible or invisible mark inserted into the digital multimedia data so that it can be detected in the later stage of evidence of rightful ownership. Most watermarking schemes focus on image and video watermarking, and a few are concerned with audio. Audio watermarking is the process of embedding a watermark signal into an audio signal. This process is difficult because of the high sensitivity of Human Auditory System (HAS). Spread Spectrum watermarking techniques are widely used to watermark audio data due to its robustness and watermark imperceptiveness. As the spread spectrum watermark detection techniques are based on correlation analysis, compared to some threshold value, there is always a probability of non detection of a watermark, even if it is present, termed as false negative probability. Analogous to it is the probability of detection of a watermark, in a host signal which is actually non-watermarked, termed as the false positive probability. In this work, a novel method of correlation analysis is proposed to improve the watermark embedding and its detection at the receiver. Read More...
India |
504-516 |
113 |
Study of Low Cost Treatment System for Domestic Waste Water
-Girish Bandi ; Dr.M.N.Dandigi
Oxidation pond is one of the biological systems which are used for the treatment of wastewater. It is considered as the secondary treatment method by which natural purification and stabilization of wastewaters like domestic sewage, trade waste and industrial effluents is accelerated. The biological treatment process in oxidation pond mainly involves an interaction between bacteria, algae and other organisms. It efficiently removes bacteria, biodegradable organics, phosphorous and nitrogen present in the wastewater which is going to be discharged to the receiving streams or any other activities. In this method, 95% to 99% of BOD reduction in wastewater is often possible. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
517-522 |
114 |
Review on Experimental Investigation on Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete With Artificial Sand
-Abhijeet P.Sathe
The paper presents review of research work experimental investigation on polypropylene fibre reinforced concrete and concrete with artificial sand. Use of fiber reinforce polymer in civil engineering increase rapidly. Various type of fiber is used such as glass, carbon, steel, asbestos, polyester and polypropylene. The various experimental investigations for determination of properties of polypropylene fiber are discussed in paper work. This paper presents an overview of the effect of polypropylene (PP) fibers on various properties of concrete such as compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength, workability, and fracture properties. Read More...
civil engineering |
India |
523-525 |
115 |
Study of Operational Transconductance Amplifier(OTA) in 45nm Planar MOSFET Technology
-Ms. Anjali Bhatt ; Ms. Dharti Domadiya
An OTA works on low voltages and low power consumption. However if the OTA is scaled down below 100nm, it proves to be a challenge, as it results in various short channel effects. These effects are unwanted as it leads to variation in performance. The paper presents simulation of simple Miller OTA circuit in 45 nm Technology using Ngspice simulator and its comparison in 180 nm and 90 nm Technology. Read More...
India |
526-529 |
116 |
Analysis of Privacy Threats in Ubicomp Applications
-Manas Kumar Yogi ; Lakshmi Pavani Cherla
Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) is a post-desktop model of human-computer interaction in which information processing has been thoroughly integrated into everyday objects and activities. In the course of ordinary activities, someone "using" ubiquitous computing engages many computational devices and systems simultaneously, and may not necessarily even be aware that they are doing so. This model is usually considered advancement from the desktop paradigm. More formally Ubiquitous computing is defined as "machines that fit the human environment instead of forcing humans to enter theirs."This paradigm is also described as pervasive computing, ambient intelligence, where each term emphasizes slightly different aspects. This paper presents the environment present in ubiquitous computing, its design features, security considerations and tradeoffs while implementing such features. Read More...
Computer science engineering |
India |
530-533 |
117 |
Video Encryption and Decryption using Parallel AES Algorithm on Android Devices
-Rajeshwari Variar ; Prajakta Jadhav; Sonal Sangale; Prof.Madhuri Ghuge
Today’s consumers can access an astonishing variety of movies, videos, and television shows—on multiple platforms—faster than ever before. Still consumers commit online piracy by downloading or streaming content illegally. The main reason is obvious: price. But other factors also contribute to the growing prevalence of piracy, including earlier access to content, a perception that “everyone is doing it,†and the proliferation of ad-supported websites that offer free content. To avoid piracy and to protect economics behind the copyrights, security mechanisms can be implemented. One of the way is to deliver the media content through a specific carrier(A software, a piece of library, video player, smartphone app, etc.), which makes the content available only through that carrier. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
534-537 |
118 |
Review On Various Method of State Estimation in Power System
-Patel Nilay A. ; Vandan V. Patel; Ami T. Patel
A Precursor to control system design in the development of a mathematical model describing a behavior of a system to be controlled. This paper present the utilization of least square and weighted least square technique to determine parameters using lab view. The effect of noise on accurate determination of a system model parameters is discussed along with the method use to filter noise from the data. The procedure is illustrated using the dynamics of a dc motor. The simulated response of a identified system model is compared with the measured response of the physical plant to validate the identification process. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
538-539 |
119 |
Multi Evaporator System eith Single Compressor and Individual Expansion Valve
-Jeevan Vinay Wankhade ; Madhuri Madhukar Tayde; Shylesha Channapattana
Refrigeration is one of the most important aspects of thermal environment engineering. The term refrigeration may be defined as the process of removing heat from a substance under controlled conditions. It also includes the process of reducing and maintaining the temperature of a body below the general temperature of its surroundings. In other words, the refrigeration means a continued extraction of heat from a body whose temperature is already below the temperature of its surrounding. There are many applications of refrigeration in our daily life. With the advancement of science and technology, the luxuries of yesterday are necessity of today. In addition, refrigeration embraces industrial refrigeration, including the processing and preservation of food, removing the heat from the substances in chemical, petroleum and petrochemical plants; and many special applications such as those in the manufacturing and construction industries. Medical industries have progressed a lot with application of refrigeration such as drugs and medicine storages, blood and skin storages etc. Refrigeration also has wide application in road, railways, marine and air transport. Refrigeration may be produced by several methods. One of these methods is vapour compression system. It is used in majority of refrigeration applications. In this method, alternately condensation and evaporation takes place. In evaporation, the refrigerant absorbs latent heat from the surrounding to be cool and cooling is accomplished by evaporation of liquid refrigerant at reduced pressure and temperature. While in condensation, it gives out its latent heat to the circulating water/air of cooler. According to the requirement, vapour compression system is further modified for better performance and control. Such systems are compound systems, cascade systems and multi evaporator systems. In many refrigeration installations, different temperature are required to be maintained at various point in the plant such as in hotels, large restaurants, institutions, industrial plants and food markets where the food products are received in large quantities and stored at different temperatures. For example, the fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, fresh cut meats, frozen products, dairy products, canned goods, bottled goods have all different conditions of temperature and humidity for storage. In such cases, each location is cooled by its own evaporator in order to obtain more satisfactory control of the condition. For these type of case, system with more than one evaporator i.e., multi evaporator system is used.Multi evaporator systems yields the higher value of coefficient of performance compared to single evaporator system meant for different temperatures. There is easy control of fluctuations in loads by controlling individual evaporator. Also saving in initial cost and space required are the additional advantages with single compressor multi evaporator systems. Considering the above advantages of multi evaporator system over single evaporator system one can easily recommend its use in similar situations. But generally multi evaporator systems are overlooked by assuming it as complex system and hence a problem arises in maintaining specific temperature conditions economically. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
540-543 |
120 |
Quasi T-coil CMOS power detector with self bias embedded amplifier
-shrikant deshmukh ; prashant gupta; chirag patel; Dr. sri adibhatla sridevi
In this paper power detector (PD) using quasi T-coil matching network is designed. Further for low power signal detection an amplifier is embedded with detector circuit. The detector works on the nonlinear characteristics of short-channel MOS devices operating in either a saturation or subthreshold regime to generate a dc current that is proportional to the input signal power. The operating region of MOS devices depends on input power levels. The input-matching networks of PDs can flatten the ratio between the effective input power of a PD and the incident wave versus frequency; therefore, the output dc voltage may remain constant for incident signals with a fixed power value and the power detector can be use for wideband frequency operation.Finally performance of the circuit will be analyzed by plotting graph for output voltage versus input power. High gain over range of frequencies is found out from graph of gain versus frequency in dB scale. Read More...
electronics engineering |
India |
544-547 |
121 |
Detection Of Malicious Node In MANET Under AODV Protocol Over CBR
-Ishan Singal ; Er. Shalini Chopra
An Ad Hoc network is a collection of mobile nodes which dynamically forms a temporary network without the use of any existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. In mobile Ad Hoc network, each mobile node acts as a host as well as a router. These nodes communicate to each other by Hop – to – Hop communication. AODV is a prominent on-demand reactive routing protocol for mobile Ad Hoc networks. But in existing AODV, there is no security provision against a well-known malicious attack. This type of attack is called cooperative “Black Hole†attack. This paper includes the behavior of the Black Hole node studied by considering different scenarios. Performance of the Black Hole ADOV protocol has been analyzed by varying the number of mobile nodes and black hole nodes. These black hole nodes participate in the network actively and degrade the performance of network eventually. This method first detects a “Black Hole†attack and then gives a new route by passing this node. In this thesis; an attempt has been made to compare the performance of original AODV and modified AODV in the presence of multiple black hole nodes on the basis of throughput and packet delivery ratio. Read More...
computer science |
India |
548-551 |
122 |
Seismic Response of Podium Type Building considering Static and Dynamic Analysis
-A. R. Rathod ; Prof. M.G. Vanza
Podium building is very beneficial type of building in terms of residential as well as commercial. In podium type building up to 3 or 4 floors commercial shops are constructed and after third or fourth floor plan area is reduced and residential flats are constructed. As the lateral stiffness of building suddenly changes the buildings are severely affected in earthquake. So, in this paper podium type building is compared with normal building by applying time history of different Indian earthquakes and response of the building is studied. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
552-556 |
123 |
Multiply & Accumulate Unit using RNS algorithm & Vedic mathematics: A Review
-sulakshna thakur ; Pardeep kumar
High speed execution of arithmetic operations and high degree of precision in real time system are of major concern in any digital signal processing (DSP). Speed of DSP depends on speed of multiplier and algorithm used. In this paper we propose Residue Number System method for fast “carry free†floating point arithmetic operations. Floating Point RNS units have obvious advantages over traditional fixed point multiply & accumulate (MAC) units. Performance of multiplier is enhanced by VHDL implementation of Floating Point Multiplier using ancient Vedic mathematics. The Urdhva Tiryakbhyam sutra is applicable to all cases of multiplication. Any multi-bit multiplication can be reduced down to single bit multiplication and addition using this method. Using these formulas, the carry propagation from LSB to MSB is reduces due to one step generation of partial product. Thus enhanced speed of arithmetic operation is the key challenges in design of MAC using RNS algorithm & Vedic multiplier. Read More...
electronics and communication |
India |
557-560 |
124 |
A Review on HDPE Pipe Extrusion Machine Temperation Variation
-Kansagara Sanket A. ; Manoj V. Sheladiya
Extrusion is one of the major methods for processing polymeric materials and the thermal homogeneity of the process output is a major concern for manufacture of high quality extruded products. Therefore, accurate process thermal monitoring and control are important for product quality control. However, most industrial extruders use single point thermocouples for the temperature monitoring/control although their measurements are highly affected by the barrel metal wall temperature. Currently, no industrially established thermal profile measurement technique is available. In this work, a highly instrumented single screw extruder has been used to study the effect of temperature on HDPE lumps in the extrusion process. Three different molecular weight grades of high density polyethylene(HDPE) were extruded at a range of conditions. Three geometries of extruder screws were used at several set temperatures and screw rotation speeds. The extruder was equipped with real-time quantification of energy consumption; thermal dynamics of the process were examined using thermocouple grid sensors at the entrance to the die. Results showed that HDPE lumps had a significant effect on surface. Extruder screw geometry, set extrusion temperature and screw rotation speed were also found to have a direct effect on HDPE lumps and granules . These results highlight that the screw geometry and melt temperature affected on HDPE lumps and granules. Read More...
Mechanical engineering |
India |
561-563 |
125 |
Robust IP Router Architectures and Technologies-A Review
-Nikita ; Pardeep kumar
In the emerging environment of high performance IP networks, it is expected that local and campus area backbones, enterprise networks, and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will use multi gigabit and terabit networking technologies where IP routers will be used not only to interconnect backbone segments but also to act as points of attachments to high performance wide area links. More importance must be given to new efficient architectures for routers in order to make more effective network. In this paper, we identify important trends in router design and outline some design issues facing the next generation of routers. It is also observed that the achievement of high throughput IP routers is possible if the critical tasks are identified and special purpose modules are properly tailored to perform them. Multiprocessor system on chip is emerging as a new trend for System on chip design but the wire and power design constraints are forcing adoption of new design methods. Researchers pursued a scalable solution to these problems i.e. Network on Chip (NOC). Read More...
electronics and communication |
India |
564-567 |
126 |
Design and Development of Natural Gas Injection System in IC Engine
-Ankita M Soni ; Dr.R.Iyer; H.T.Patel; V.J.Patel
As we are facing the lack of conventional fuels we have to use alternatives. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is regarded as one of the most promising alternative fuels, and may be the cleanest fuel for the spark ignited (SI) engine. Its high octane number permits a high compression ratio, thereby leading to higher thermal efficiency, and lower emissions could be released by using CNG. Today, we are using CNG kit for SI engine contains various types of injection systems with ECU (Electronic control unit). Among them direct injection system is latest fuel injection technique used in IC engine. In the SI engine, direct injection (DI) technology significantly increases the engine volumetric efficiency and decreases the need of throttle valve for control purposes. During low load and speed conditions, DI allows engine operation under ultra-lean conditions by realizing the stratified charge. This enables the use of extremely lean air–fuel mixtures, thereby reducing fuel consumption. In this work, the attempt will made to replace this ECU with mechanical devices thereby developing and designing a new direct injection system. After implementing the system with SI engine rate of fuel consumption, performance and emissions will be measured. Read More...
India |
568-573 |
127 |
Mathematical Modelling and Availability Analysis of A Feeding System Using Markov Process
-Sandeep Kumar ; Manjeet Bohat; Sunil Dhingra; Ajay Malik
This paper deals with the mathematical modeling and availability of feeding system of a sugar plant. Feeding system consist of four subsystems with three possible states: full working state, reduced capacity working and failure. The failure and working states of all subsystems are assumed to be constant. Problem formulation is done by Markov Birth-Death process while the operational behavior of the system is represented by the transition diagram.The model has been developed by considering some assumptions. The data in the feasible range has been selected from a survey of sugar plant and the effect of each subsystems on the system availability is tabulated in the form of matrices, which provide various availability level for different combination of failure and repair rates of all subsystems. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
574-578 |
128 |
Effective Use of Brick Arches, Projected Brick Arches and Brick Corbels for Reduction of Cost in Building Construction and Increase the Beauty of the Structure along with Case-Study of KAILASH KUTIR
-Ayush Srivastava
Shelter is amongst the three basic human needs but now-a-days, about two-third of the total Indian population does not have their own shelter. This two-third population belongs to the middle and lower income class. These people find it difficult to construct their houses at an affordable cost by using conventional construction technology. It is found in many cases that people serve their whole life constructing their own house, but fail. The
mission and dream of these people can be achieved by appropriate use of cost effective and innovative construction technology. As a whole, the housing shortage of the country can be overcome within lesser funds, without compromising with the quality control and structural stability of the structure. My this work is in continuation with the paper entitled “Cost Effective and Innovative Housing Technologyâ€, presented in IJSRD Vol. 2, Issue – 6, pages 27-29. In this work I have shown the effective use of Brick Arches, Projected Brick Arches and Brick Corbels to reduce the construction cost as compared to that of RCC beams and RCC slabs. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
579-581 |
129 |
Implementation of Agent Oriented Database Model for Accelerating DSS Query
-Shivani A Trivedi ; Dr. N.N.Jani; Dr. Jagdish Pandya
The cited research summarized in this paper is targeted to implement the proposed agent oriented database model to enhance DSS query-response performance. The implementation of data has taken from student data repository of a university system. Three data set are taken with the volume of hundreds, thousands and lacks records. Data sets of 400 records have been implemented in proposed AODB model to compare query-response performance with the previous experimental review data based on RDBs and MDBs. Query response in terms of execution time is considered as comparison parameter. The results of this experiment have been found which indicates a shift of paradigm from RDBs to MDBs to AODBs data model paradigm justifying improvement in query performance in DSS. Read More...
computer engineering |
India |
582-585 |
130 |
A Review - Economic Operation of Power System
-Piyush N Tandel ; Jigar J Tandel; Ami T Patel
The main aim in the economic dispatch problem is to minimize the total cost of generating power at various station while satisfying the load and the loss in the transmission system. The economic operation of power system means to schedule the committed generator to meet the load and maintain voltage and frequency within prescribed tolerances and minimize operating cost with higher efficiency without stressing the equipment. This Restructuring and deregulation of the electricity industry is a movement with the aim of achieving lower prices to customers through cost savings. The deregulation of electric power systems in many parts of the world has changed the mechanism of electricity pricing. The evolution of power restructuring and deregulation policies in India needed to be considered to produce full benefits from power utility deregulation. An important possible effect of deregulation may be a reduction in maintenance and in new investments. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
586-589 |
131 |
Data Embedding using Reversible Color Transformation for Covered Communication
-Ms.Chavan Asawari Satish ; Mr.Dhere Satish S; Ms.Manjrekar Amrita A
In proposed method secret fragment visible mosaic image is automatically created by composing small fragments of given secret image into target image. Secret image and target image is divided into small fragments called tile image and target block respectively. Tile images are embedded into similar target blocks, similarity criteria based on color variation. Color characteristics of each tile image are transformed to corresponding target block using color transform algorithm. If size of secret image greater than target image then the secret image is folded using folding algorithm. Recovery of the secret data is nearly lossless. The hash algorithm provides the integrity of secret data. The proposed method is possible for large size secret image data and provides secure and lossless data embedding techniques. Read More...
Computer Science and Technology |
India |
590-593 |
132 |
CARP: A New Security Primitive
-Mr. Darekar Kishor ; Mr. Sonawane Navin; Mr. Shivale Kiran
Many security primitives are based on hard mathematical problems. Using hard AI problems for security has emerged as an exciting new paradigm (with Captcha being the most successful example). However, this paradigm has achieved just a limited success, and has been under-explored. In this paper, we motivate and sketch a new security primitive based on hard AI problems. Read More...
Computer Engineeing |
India |
594-597 |
133 |
Study on Mechanical Properties of High Performance Concrete with Alccofine and Waste Glass Powder
-Mahammedtofik Y. Patel ; Mahammedtofik Y. Patel; Prof. A.R.Darji; Prof. B.M.Purohit; Prof. M.A.Jamnu
The aim of this study is to study on effect of HPC containing supplementary cementitious materials such as Alccofine and glass powder. Concrete is generally good future and is unlikely to get replaced by any other material on account of its ease to produce, infinite variability, uniformity, durability and economy. The Alccofine is 6,8,10 and 12% and glass powder content 30% constant mix. We shall be design M70 grade with help of ACI and IS code, This study investigates the performance of concrete mixture in terms of compressive strength, Flexural strength, Sulphate attack test, Chloride attack test and Alkali Attack test at age of 28 and 56 days. In addition to find out the optimum dosage of Alccofine and waste glass powder from mix proportion, Result show that concrete incorporating Alccofine and glass powder have higher compressive strength and Alccofine enhanced the durability of concrete is reduced diffusion. The maximum compressive strength is 10% Alccofine and 30% glass powder is included. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
598-601 |
134 |
Review on Performance and Emission of C.I Engine Fuel Blended with Sesame Oil and Diesel
-Milan D. Trivedi ; Prof. Pragna R. Patel; Prof. Tushar M. Patel; Prof. Gaurav P. Rathod
In this review paper, we would like to review the use of sesame oil as biodiesel. The main problem behind not using sesame as a fuel is because of high viscosity there occurs problems with atomization and self-ignition does not takes place. But still with the help of transesterification we can reduce the viscosity of sesame oil; as well blending with diesel can also help in reducing the viscosity. Sesame oil when blended with diesel in various proportions can reduce the viscosity. Ultimately blended sesame oil is used in single cylinder diesel engine and showing its performance and emission characteristics. Read More...
Automobile Engineering |
India |
602-604 |
135 |
Literature review on Performance of Single Cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine with use of Compressed Air
-Gunjan Kanaiyalal Panchal ; Dr. Deepak M. Patel
Supercharging of intake air can improve the engine power and combustion characteristics by boosting the intake pressure above atmospheric pressure. So this is a one type of supercharger. On my basic research, the supercharging performance of a single cylinder gasoline engine on the basic theoretical investigation. Then testing physical models for different rotors and vane rotors are generated and numerical simulations are conducted to determine the desired parameters. Furthermore, sensitivity studies have been performed, to determine the effects of a different number of vanes, inner and outer radius and various angles of vanes. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
605-608 |
136 |
Thermal Management of Nozzle of Fused Deposition Application: A Review
-Dixit.J.Rathod ; Dr.A.R.Srinivas; P.R.Mistry
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) based rapid prototyping technique, is basically used to fabricate three dimensional (3D) objects. In this context, the adjustment of instrument parameters such as extruder nozzle diameter, nozzle angle and liquefier length is of paramount importance to achieve improved extruded melt flow behavior and scaffold design. Therefore, this main focus of this review paper is to understand the importance of the extruder nozzle and its important parameter. The present review paper shows researches done on Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
609-616 |
137 |
A Noval Approach to Automated Video Analysis using DECOLOR Algorithm
-Mr.Dhere Satish Shivaji ; Ms.Chavan Asawari satish; Mr.Khandagale Hridaynath p
Video analysis is very important for many applications such as video surveillance, traffic analysis, vehicle navigation etc. Object detection is fundamental step in video analysis. Object detection is the process of finding instances of real world objects such as faces, bicycle, and building in images or videos. It is challenging to support moving object detection in timely manner. Moreover to automate the video analysis, object detection requires training on some labeled examples. Without this training it is very difficult to analyze moving object. Some methods have been proposed to tackle this problem and these are based on motion information; but these methods are not useful when there is non-rigid motion or dynamic background. These challenges can be addressed in framework called as Detecting Contagious Outlier in the Low-rank representation. It is assumed in DECOLOR that the underlying background images are linearly correlated and the low rank matrix is formed from vectorized video. The moving objects can be detected as an outlier in low-rank representation. This method also integrates the object detection and background learning into single process. Read More...
Computer Science and Technology |
India |
617-621 |
138 |
Study of effect of Selective Catalyst on Tar Reduction in Downdraft Biomass Gasifier
-Tandel Bhaveshkumar Ganpatbhai ; B.K.Patel; Haresh O. Dabhi
The process of biomass gasification was carried out in a downdraft gasifier by using different biomass like rice husk, coconut coir and sugarcane bagasse as feed materials. The product gas or syngas produced was studied by varying parameters like temperature of operation, the use of catalyst as the bed material in the downdraft gasifier by maintaining other parameters like equivalence ratio and steam to biomass ratio constant. The bed material was prepared by mixing silica sand with dolomite and silica sand with red mud in different proportion by weight. The syngas produced was analyzed by a portable gas analyzer. It was found that the concentration of hydrogen in the syngas increases with the increase in temperature and the amount of catalyst as the bed material in the gasifier. The concentration of other components of syngas, viz. CO2, CH4 and CO was observed to remain constant or decrease slightly with increase in temperature. Read More...
mechanical engineering (Thermal) |
India |
622-625 |
139 |
Different Strategies for Mining Erasable Itemsets
-Suchi Shah ; Jayna Shah
Mining Erasable itemsets allows the manager to consider their production plan carefully and also ensure the stability of the factory. There are many strategies for finding the erasable itemsets based on Apriori, VME , Mining based on NC Sets ,Difference of NC Sets, Mining Top Rank –K erasable itemsets, MEI and current issues are studied. Read More...
Computer engineering |
India |
626-627 |
140 |
Effect of Replacement of Natural Sand by M-Sand as Fine Aggregate in Concrete
-Shivang. D. Jayswal ; Prof A.G.Hansora; Prof A.A.Pandya
Shortage of good quality Natural sand (N-Sand) due to depletion of resources and limitation due to environmental consideration has made concrete manufacturers to look for suitable alternative fine aggregate. One such alternative is “Manufactured Sandâ€. Manufactured sand is also known as M-Sand. M-Sand has caught the attention of the construction industry and environmentalists alike for its quality and the minimum damages it causes to nature. The intense of this research is to experimentally investigate the effect of M-Sand in structural concrete by replacing N-Sand. It is recommended to determine and compare the differences in properties of concrete containing N-sand sand and M-sand. Read More...
India |
628-630 |
141 |
Solid Waste Routing by Rank Based Ant Colony Optimization
-Pankaj Kumar ; Er. Lavina Maheshwari
The evolution of optimized routing which is based on Rank based Ant colony optimization Algorithm has been introduced. It finds the best routing for collecting solid waste in cities. Rank based ant colony optimization is a new meta- heuristic technique inspired by the nature of the real ants and helps in finding the optimal solution of the problems. The concept of ranking can be applied and extended to the ant system as follows: after all m ants have generated a tour, the ants are sorted by tour length (L1 ≤L2 ≤∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ ≤ Lm), and the contribution of an ant to the trail level update is weighted according to the rank of the ant. In addition to that, only the best ants are considered. The system tries to implement the solid waste management routing problem using Ant colony optimization. In the research the approach the problem of routing in solid waste management is the main point of focus in thesis. There are many ways to solve the problem of solid waste management. Rank Based Ant colony optimization is a new technology to solve the optimization problem. As routing in solid waste management is a challenge, so in this thesis we are planning to tackle the routing in solid waste management through the technique of Rank Based Ant colony optimization. We have described and tested the three categories of ACO algorithms i.e. ant system algorithm, min-max system and the rank based system. Rank based Ant colony results compared with the Ant system algorithm, Min-Max system. The results were compared by varying the number of trails, number of ants and number of tours. Three main factors were studied in each of the case i.e. average best tour, average number of iterations and average best time. The average best tour and average best time was found worst in case of rank based system. We found average number of iteration is less than the ant system and min-max system. On the basis of average number of iteration, it was found that the rank based system is found better in overall situation. Read More...
computer science |
India |
631-634 |
142 |
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding: The Detailed Review
-Dr. Vasdev Malhotra ; Himani Gautam; Nitin Dixit
Gas Tungsten Arc welding (GTAW) or Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) is an electric arc welding process, which produces an arc between a non-consumable tungsten electrode and the work to be welded. TIG is used very commonly in areas, such as rail car manufacturing, automotive and chemical industries. Stainless steel is extensively used in industries as an important material, because of its excellent corrosion resistance. TIG welding is one of the welding processes, often used to weld similar and dissimilar stainless steel joints. This paper presents the detailed study of gas tungsten arc welding. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering Department |
India |
635-636 |
143 |
The Study of Literature of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
-Dr. Vasdev Malhotra ; Himani Gautam; Nitin Dixit
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) is a widely used process for metal joining. Its arc is established between the tip of a no consumable tungsten electrode and the work piece with a shielding gas applied to protect the arc and the weld pool area. The GTAW process can be used in welding a wide variety. This paper shows the detailed literature review of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering Department |
India |
637-639 |
144 |
Estimation of Flow Resistance of Riprap
-Ranjeet Kumar Sonkar ; Dr. ShriRam
This paper illustrates that the flow resistance equations require further testing and development for Riprap channel. Results provided in the study are applicable to riprap surfaces. The main objective of this paper is reviles the current knowledge about flow resistance for Riprap channel. Read More...
India |
640-642 |
145 |
Application of Android Smartphone for Measuring Traffic Noise
-Deepika ; Dr. R. K. Shukla
In this paper, we investigate the application of android smart phone for measuring traffic noise. The word "noise" is derived from the Latin word "nausea" meaning seasickness. Noise, can be said to be as unwanted serious threat or excessive sound, is an undesirable byproduct of urbanization. This application can be meant to be used instead of conventional noise measurement instrument. Depending upon the filter used, differences in measurements may occur. Devices employing AGC (automatic gain control) will have significant measurement errors. For the present study, this device is used for the collection of data instead of precision sound level meter. The word “sound†and “noise†are two different parameters its not similar at all. When the limit of sound level reached above 70db, it comes in the category of noise. Above 80db it proves to be dangerous to human health including hearing loss and it is said to be noise which should be avoided. The present piece of work highlights the possibility of the prediction of the optimum condition for the analysis of traffic noise. This model is obtained by collecting the experimental data of roadways of different locations recorded by android based software which is pre-calibrated with digital sound meter instrument. By doing so, it reports the accuracy of Smartphone sound measurement applications (apps) and whether they can be appropriately employed for occupational noise measurements. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
643-647 |
146 |
Enahancing Security in Manet
-Deepika Kathuria ; Er. Shalini Chopra
The ultimate goal of research on enhance Security in Manet is to apply reputation mechanism to DSR and evaluate its performance. In this work we also considering the malicious nodes, those are not only silently dropping the packet, but also attacking the routing layer. We are dealing with more aggressive routing level attack, in which a black hole actively replying the route discovery requests advertise itself as attractive route having shortest number of hops to destination and higher DSR sequence number. Continuously monitors the behavior of nodes by checking their reputation value. If the reputation value is 1 then it is measured as best Behaviour of node or if the reputation value is 0 then it is measured as worst behavior. P node observes the other neighbouring nodes either they send or receive the packets or not. P node send the data directly to Q node or via the any neighbouring node by checking their reputation value. P demand the reputation value of Q from the neighbouring nodes while sending data to Q. The main objective of thesis is to provide a solution on the basis of reputation method to solve routing issues raised by misbehaving nodes and because selfish node for saving its resources (e.g. battery power and bandwidth) does not cooperate and drops packets which are not belonging to it. If there is no mechanism to cope with selfish nodes, Cooperative nodes will be overloaded, hence network performance will degrade. So here author improved the performance of network by applying the reputation scheme. Simulation tool NS 2.35 and Ubuntu 11 is used to study the performance. NS 2.35 is an event driven network simulator program, developed at the University of California Berkley, which includes many network objects such as protocols, applications and traffic source behavior. At the simulation layer NS uses OTcl (Object oriented Tool Command Language) programming language to interpret user simulation scripts. OTcl language is in fact an object oriented extension of the Tcl Language. The Tcl language is fully compatible with the C++ programming language. Read More...
computer science |
India |
648-651 |
147 |
Survey on Web User Navigation Pattern and Recommendation System
-Palak Solanki ; Mitesh Patel
Internet has very huge amount of data. Users use these data for their benefit. Users make request from their browser to web server for the information they require. These requests are stored in web log files on web server. Data Preprocessing will help to clean and format Log files. By applying different web mining techniques on these log files; user’s navigation pattern can be mined. These patterns will be helpful for predicting the next web page for user’s on base of their current requests. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
652-655 |
148 |
Detection And Watermarking in RONI part of Medical Images
-Mistry Piyush D ; Arvind Meniya; Chandresh Parmar
Exchange of medical information between different medical and diagnostic center are very much common presses. Watermarking is a technique to add ownership in that multimedia content. This help to verify signal integrity, prove authenticity and achieve control over the copy process. In medical image region of interest (ROI) is very critical part and any kind of distortion in that part cause by watermarking leads to wrong diagnostic and treatment of decease. There for proper selection of Region of Non Interest (RONI) to embed watermark is very much crucial. This paper provides block base detection of RONI in medical image and use DWT watermarking technique to embed watermark in detected RONI region of medical image. Read More...
India |
666-669 |
149 |
Survey on Cyber Forensic Model for Data Security In Cloud Computing
-Harveenkaur G Kataria ; Gayatri Sunilkumar Pandi(Jain)
Cloud Computing is considered to be the next generation of information technology framework. It is the next generation computing platforms that can provide dynamic resource pools, virtualization and high availability. The new character brings a lot of new security challenges which have not been taken into account completely in the current cloud computing system. As a consequence, to build a cloud computing data security system is the basis to build cloud computing security system. The different security systems provide a means to check and verify the integrity of the file or data. Thus a mechanism can be implemented using hashcode, which can perform integrity check and also generate an evidence to prove the integrity of the file. Regular integrity check logs can be used to obtain the details if the integrity of the data is compromised or the file is tampered. Thus provides a strong protection against unauthorized access of the data and also maintains the integrity of the data. Read More...
Data Security in Cloud Computing |
India |
670-672 |
150 |
Adsorption Studies of Nitrate Removal on Activated Carbon Derived From Helianthus Annuus
-SANTHOSH REDDY ; Shashikant R. Mise
The present study deals with removal of nitrate from aqueous solution using low cost activated carbon prepared from helianthus annuus . In adsorption solute present in dilute concentration in liquid or gas phase is removed by contacting with suitable solid adsorbent so that the transfer of component first takes place on the surface of the solid and then into pore of the solid. Batch adsorption study were conducted by varying the contact time, adsorbent dosage & pH were studied. For chemically (KI) activated carbon the optimum contact time is is 45min,40min and 35min for 0.25,0.5 and 0.75 IR respectively. And the optimum dosage for chemically (KI) activated carbon is 175mg ,150mg and 100mg for 0.25,0.5 and 0.75IR respectively for 100mL of sample. And the optimum pH for chemically activated carbon is 1.5,1.5,1.5 for 0.25,.50,0.75IR respectively. Read More...
India |
673-675 |