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201 |
Weakening the Intruders using PLGP in Wireless Adhoc Sensor Networks
-J. K. JayaKumari ; P. Srinivasaragavan
An exhilarating research area in sensing and pervasive computing is ad-hoc low-power wireless networks. Sensor networks pose a number of challenging conceptual and optimization problems such as location, energy consumption, and tracking. Vampire attack is a new class of resource consumption attacks in wireless sensor networks. Denial of communication at the routing or media access control level has been focused in the area of prior security. This proposal discovers resource depletion attacks at the routing protocol layer. The attack permanently stalls the network by quick exhausting battery power of the nodes. These vampire attacks do not rely on specific protocol but suitable on different popular classes of routing protocol. The problem examined is many protocols suspected to vampire attacks, which are stealthy to detect and easy to execute with any compromised user who is sending only protocol compliant messages. Due to the shortcomings in the Ariande, SAOD and SEAD do not protect against the attacks. This lead to the emerge of sensor network routing protocol PLGPa. PLGPa is used to reduce the damage caused by vampire attack. This protocol decreases the energy consumption and depletion of resources. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
769-772 |
202 |
Retinal Hemorrhage Detection in Fundus Image using Splat Approaches
-K. Mayuri ; D. Arun Shunmugam
A novel splat feature classification method is presented with application to retinal hemorrhage detection in fundus images. Reliable detection of retinal hemorrhages is important in the development of automated screening systems which can be translated into practice. Under our supervised approach, retinal color images are partitioned into non overlapping segments covering the entire image. Each segment, i.e., splat, contains pixels with similar color and spatial location. A set of features is extracted from each splat to describe its characteristics relative to its surroundings, employing responses from a variety of filter bank, interactions with neighbouring splats, and shape and texture information. An optimal subset of splat features is selected by a filter approach followed by a wrapper approach. In Future, we measure the performance analysis of blood vessels extractions with classifier for improving the accuracy. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
773-776 |
203 |
Robust Asynchronous Resource Estimation for Energy Efficiency in WSN with Transmit–Only Nodes
-K. Rajeswari ; Dr. K. Ruba Soundar
In Wireless Sensor Network systems could continuously provide reliable data-gathering service is another critical issue. In fact, system reliability is a top requirement in the industry applications. The radio frequency interference that could occur almost anytime and anywhere, network change that is either predictable as a result of planned adjustment or unpredictable due to the node failures and environmental effects (e.g., bad weather and blocking objects) that affect the wireless channel condition. It is desirable to have robust WSN systems that are able to cope with these negative effects. To realize the potential cost and energy saving benefits of transmit-only nodes. Robust Asynchronous Resource Estimation (RARE) that efficiently and reliably manages the densely deployed single-hop hybrid cluster in a self-organized fashion. Through analysis and extensive simulations, and it is used to improve the Quality of service. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
777-779 |
204 |
Genetic Approach Based Recognizing Surgically Altered Face Images for Real Time Security Application
-R. Aarthi ; D. Arun Shunmugam
Widespread acceptability and use of biometrics for person authentication has instigated several techniques for evading identification. One such technique is altering facial appearance using surgical procedures that has raised a challenge for face recognition algorithms. Increasing popularity of plastic surgery and its effect on automatic face recognition has attracted attention from the research community. However, the nonlinear variations introduced by plastic surgery remain difficult to be modeled by existing face recognition systems. In this work, a multiobjective evolutionary granular algorithm is proposed to match face images before and after plastic surgery. The algorithm first generates non-disjoint face granules at multiple levels of granularity. The granular information is assimilated using a multiobjective genetic approach that simultaneously optimizes the selection of feature extractor for each face granule along with the weights of individual granules. On the plastic surgery face database, the proposed algorithm yields high identification accuracy as compared to existing algorithms and a commercial face recognition system. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
780-784 |
205 |
Hybrid Model for Detecting Android Malware
-Sonia Sara James ; Neenu Paul; Amala Baby
Android applications are commonly used in smart phones. Nowadays android phone automatically downloads applications without checking that it is a suspicious application or not. Applications downloaded from the internet may be malicious. Malwares can interrupt system operations and can affect the memory usage. The malwares generally appears in the form of signatures, codes, scripts etc. Signatures cannot be found on application before installation process. They are only found during execution. Through this paper we propose hybrid model for the detecting android malwares. Our application automatically detects the malware affected by it by performing analysis .Our application consist of a sandbox which provides an isolated environment. Hybrid model performs two types of analysis, the static analysis and dynamic analysis. Static analysis scans the malware before installing it. It reports the detected malware with the region affected by it. The dynamic analysis is a run time process. Dynamic analysis detects the malware affected by the installed APK (Android Application Package) file. Dynamic analysis is performed on android emulator. It generate corresponding log files, memory status and system performance level. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
785-788 |
206 |
Secured Resource Allocation using Virtual Machines Dynamically in Cloud Computing Environment
-R.Aravind ; A.Mary Joycy
Cloud computing allows business customers to scale up and down their resource usage based on needs. Many of the touted gains in the cloud model come from resource multiplexing through virtualization technology. In this paper, we present a system that uses virtualization technology to allocate data center resources dynamically based on application demands and support green computing by optimizing the number of servers in use. We introduce the concept of “skewness†to measure the unevenness in the multidimensional resource utilization of a server. By reducing skewness, we can combine various types of workloads nicely and improve the overall utilization of server resources. We develop a set of heuristics that prevent overload in the system effectively while saving energy used. Trace driven simulation and experiment analysis and results demonstrate that our algorithm achieves good performance Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
789-792 |
207 |
Improvement of Surface Properties in Milling of DRNC (Discontinuously Reinforced Nylon Composite) Using Pressurized Steam Jet Approach
-Rajpal ; Jasvarinder Chalotra; Paprinder Singh
A milling machine is a machine tool used to machine solid materials and it is conventional machining process. In the field of material science has been directed towards the development of new lightweight, high performance engineering materials like composites. In this study while milling, efforts are made to improve the surface properties of discontinuously reinforced nylon composite (DRNC) using pressurized steam jet approach. Steam jet act as transportation carriers carrying the heat away from the cutting region, and the efficiency of this cooling method largely depends on the jet pressure. The effect of feed rate, cutting speed, steam pressure and depth of cut on surface properties would be examined. For this study concept of Design of experiment has been used. Results have been evaluated with the help of Minitab software. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
793-797 |
208 |
Design and Implementation of Low Power Packet Switched Network
this paper uses Pipelined Packet Switching (PPS) approach for reducing power consumption during data transmission. The topology used here is 3- stage clos topology. Packet switching can be seen as a solution that tries to combine the advantages of message and circuit switching and to minimize the disadvantages of both. A pipeline is a way of making concurrent computations, which increases the speed of the overall execution, compared to a serial computation. In a pipeline, all computational logic blocks, which have something to do, make computations at the same time. .The scheduling network unblocks one or more rendering pipelines other than the first rendering pipeline in response to receiving the resume token. Read More...
India |
798-802 |
209 |
Wi-Fi based Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor using PLC and SCADA
-BHAVANI RAHUL R ; Pansuriya Rahul R; Pipaliya Chirag D; Patel Bhargav K
Three phase induction motor are widely used motor in industry because of its rugged construction and negligible maintenance. To operate this kind of motor, star-Delta starters are used. But, because of its constant speed characteristics many times it is driven with the help of Drive to have reliable operation its performance must be monitored continuously. Design and Fabrication of monitoring and control system for 3 phase induction motor based on Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) technology. Also implementation of a hardware and software for protection and speed control with the result obtained from the test on three phase induction motor performance is provided. The PLC correlates the operational parameters to protect motor and monitor the system during normal operational and under trip condition. Other performance parameters of three phase induction motor can also be monitored by other control devices. AC drives (or VFD) can also use to control motor rotation direction and rotation speed of three phase induction motor. All the required control or protection and motor performance data will be taken to personal computer via PLC for further analysis. Speed control from control side and protection from performance side will be priority. The monitoring, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition of three phase induction motor done by SCADA software. The personal computer and PLC are connected by Wi-Fi. Read More...
India |
803-805 |
210 |
Hand Gesture Recognition System
-Nikhil Devle ; Nitish Singh; Nikhil Thakur
The focus of this research is divided into two different independent fields. First is to recognize hand gestures captured from a webcam in real-time, and then using the gestures to control real-world applications (in our case, apply its output to control Operating System operations). Gestures can be used to communicate much more information by itself compared to mice, keyboard etc. This comes under static hand recognition system. Second is to dynamically track the hand movements and control the mouse using these movements. Further functionalities in static as well as dynamic implementation can be increased to make the project much more effective. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
806-809 |
211 |
Reverse Engineering the peer to peer streaming media system
-Priyanka Kaushik ; Dhaval Jha; Rohan Jain; Sanu Kumar
Peer to peer (P2P) content distribution network like BitTorrent (BT) is one of most popular Internet applications today. Its success heavily lies on the ability to share the capacity of all the individuals as a whole. This paper focuses on the operation and dynamics of P2P systems .We split our understanding objective into the sub objectives which follows following sequence first we will understand the working principle through the communication protocol crack. Then we comprehend the streaming content-delivery principle and locate the measurable parameters which can be used to evaluate the system performance, understand the P2P network through the models of startup process and user behavior, and analyze the engineering design objectives. For reaching these goals a well-designed process of reverse engineering is used to setup an ease for analysis, results and conclusion. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
810-815 |
212 |
Theft Energy Detection with GSM300
Energy Meter Is A Device That Calculates The Cost Of Electricity Consumed By A Home, Business, Or Electrically Powered Device. In This Project Our Meter Box Made of Current Transformer, potential transformer, ADE7751 energy meter IC and controller IC. To The Energy Meter Calculates the Reading with the Help of the Current Transformer .energy meter IC & controller Are Used to Detect the Theft in Energy Meter. The Project Model Reduces the Manual Manipulation Work and Theft .Use Of GSM in Our System Provides the Numerous Advantages of Wireless Network Systems. The Government Saves Money by the Control of Theft in Energy Meter and Also More Beneficial For Customer Side and the Government Side. The Metering IC Ensure The Accurate And Reliable Measurement Of Power Consumed. Cost Wise Low When Compared To Other Energy Meter without Automatic Meter Reading and Theft Control. Read More...
India |
816-818 |
213 |
Analysis of Low Voltage-Low Power Circuits using Bulk Driven Technology
-Trupti Desai ; Pratik Shah
In this paper, low voltage low power (LV LP) integrated circuits design based on bulk-driven MOSFET are presented. This paper is devoted to the Bulk-driven principle and this principle is used to design LV LP building blocks of Current Mirror (CM), Cascode Current Mirror (CCM).The proposed circuits are simulated using SPICE for 0.180µm CMOS technology and their results are compared with that of conventional Current Mirror, Cascode Current Mirror. Read More...
Electronics and communication Engineering |
India |
819-822 |
214 |
A Review on development of Distributed Generation integrated with Smart Grid Technology in India and Its Future Perspective
-shadab ahmed ; vivekanad vaish; diwakar singh; sanjeev kumar singh; atul yadav
India is feeling scarcity to meet the electric power demands of a fast expanding economy. Restructuring of the power industry has only increased several challenges for the power system engineers. The proposed vision of introducing Smart Grid (SG) at various levels in the Indian power systems has recommended that an advanced automation mechanism needs to be implemented. Smart Grids are introduced to make the grid operation smarter and intelligent. Smart grid operations, upon appropriate implantation can open up new ways and opportunities with significant financial implications. This paper presents various Smart grid initiatives and implications in the context of power market evolution in India. Various examples of existing structures of automation in India are employed to underscore some of the views presented in this paper. It also puts light on the progress made in Smart grid technology research and development since its inception. Attempts are made to highlight the current and future issues involved for the development of Smart Grid technology for future demands in Indian perspective. Read More...
electrical engineering |
India |
823-828 |
215 |
SMS based Data Retrieval for ERP System
-Ms. Pradnya Vilas Saval ; Mr. Sahil Bharat Raut; Mr. Tejas Subhash Raval; Mr. Bhavesh Panchal
This paper attempts to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system that can serve all those different department’s particular needs. This paper will propose an intelligent ERP system by integrating enterprise resource planning, data warehouse, online analytical processing and data mining. The data warehouse for this system is provided by the massive amounts of data gathered from an ERP system. Through a three process of integrating ERP systems with data warehouses, data warehouses with decision analysis and decision analysis with data mining systems, a three-tiered web-based systematic framework has been established to access the ERP system from remote location as well. The result of this study is the integration of the ERP system and data mining system. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
829-832 |
216 |
A Novel Method for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using CNN Based Laplacian Eigenmap Pixels Distribution Flow
The problems of under classification, in hyperspectral imagery (HSI) and the high complexity of computing Eigen value problem for searching the nearest neighbouring pixel still exist in the nonlinear dimensionality reduction with LE-PD for classification. Therefore, this paper proposes an innovative graphical method namely CNN (Condensed Nearest Neighbour) based LEPD flow to solve the above two problems. First, data reduction and KNN (K Nearest Neighbour) is introduced in the LEPD construction to preliminarily reduce the dimension of HSI data. It aims to improve the speed of nearest neighbour searching. Then, based on the KNN graph, we get a connection matrix consisting of useful points for classification. After graph construction, the adjustment of mapping should be done for better visualization of results and finally the image is classified using threshold methods based on the KNN classification map with CNN extracted prototypes. The experimental result shows that 88% classification accuracy and provides better classification results and high computational speed. Read More...
India |
833-836 |
217 |
Space Time Code Design using Quadrature Amplitude Modulation for Multiple Access Channel with Quantized Feedback
-k.kalaiselvi ; DR.T.K.SHANTHI
Space time block codes for multiple access channels with full diversity and low decoding complexity for any number of transmitters and one receiver with quantized feedback. We provide detail of our scheme for four transmitter and four antennas. Each transmitter sends code word to the receiver at the same time. First propose a codebook design and feedback scheme that combines space time block coding and array processing. To the best of our knowledge this is the first scheme with quantized feedback that can achieve low decoding complexity and full diversity for any number of users when all users transmit at the same time. The QAM Scheme can implement low decoding complexity differential modulation it can be used to increase the bit error rate and signal to noise ratio. The performance of TDMA System in AWGN channel shows that QAM modulation technique has better performance compared to that of QPSK. Read More...
India |
837-840 |
218 |
SIFT based Feature Extraction in Breast Image using Soft Computing
-DHANAPRIYA.R ; Saranyalakshmi.T; Kokila.D
The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends women aged 40 and above to have a mammogram every year and calls it a gold standard for breast cancer detection. In this work a method for categorization of breast tissue thickness from mammographic images is proposed. The purpose of the method is to determine which class the breast tissue belongs to namely, fatty, fatty-glandular and dense-glandular. The SIFT algorithm is introduced for this purpose and it is used as the local feature extraction method, and k-NN algorithm is used for supervised classification. The SIFT features of each class can effectively model the breast tissue and the classification accuracy over 90% is achieved by classifier. Local adaptive threshold technique is used for the segmentation of cancer tissue. This examination aims at providing an outline about recent advances and developments in the field of breast cancer using mammograms, specifically focusing on the numerical aspects, aiming to act as a mathematical briefing for intermediates and experts in the field. Read More...
India |
841-845 |
219 |
Advance Automation for Transformer Monitoring and Control System
-Krishna P. Modi ; Bhavesh J. Kaloliya; Bhagyesh K. Patel
Transformers are a vital part of the transmission and distribution system. Monitoring transformers for problems before they occur can prevent faults that are costly to repair and result in a loss of service. Current systems can provide information about the state of a transformer, but they are either offline or very expensive to implement. The system has been designed to monitor the transformer’s oil temperature and oil level continuously throughout its operation. If the device recognizes oil temperature violates the limit then the entire unit is shut down by the designed controlling unit. And also the systems display the values throughout the process on the SCADA for user’s reference and further inform the current status of the transformer. Thus, the system makes the transformer more secure and intelligent. Read More...
Instrumentation and Control Engineering |
India |
846-847 |
220 |
An Efficient Technique for Mining Sequential Patterns from Standard Data Set
-Amit Sariya ; Kshitij Pathak
Mining sequential patterns with time constraints, such as time gaps and sliding time-window, may reinforce the accuracy of mining results. However, the capabilities to mine the time-constrained patterns were previously available only within Apriori framework. Recent studies indicate that pattern-growth methodology could speed up sequence mining. Current algorithms use a generate-candidate-and-test approach that may generate a large amount of candidates for dense datasets. Many candidates do not appear in the database. Therefore we are introducing a more efficient algorithm for sequential pattern mining. The time complexity of proposed algorithm will be lesser in comparison to previous algorithms Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
848-850 |
221 |
Sizing and Cost Analysis of Solar-Wind Hybrid Power System for Distributed Generation
-Senjaliya Jaydeepkumar Dhanjibhai ; Asst. Prof. Divyesh Mangroliya; Mr. Sanjay shah
This paper presents feasibility study of hybrid power system. Rapid depletion of fossil fuel resources necessitated research on alternative energy sources. A wind-solar hybrid system is a reliable alternative energy source because it uses solar energy combined with wind energy to create a stand-alone energy source that is both dependable and consistent. Solar power or wind power alone can fluctuate, when used together they provide a reliable source of energy. The perfect solution is to combine these two forms of energy sources to create a constant energy flow. Main objective of this paper is to study feasibility of stand-alone solar-wind hybrid power system with respect to their sizing and cost analysis, to maximize use of renewable energy generation system while minimizing the total system cost. Read More...
India |
851-855 |
222 |
Micro-Controller based Anti-Collision System
-Abhishek Mishra ; Harshil Shah
In this project Micro-controller based Anti-Collision System ATmega 16 micro-controller is used. By using anti-collision system in any automobile, we can prohibit the vehicles colliding with each other. This system is used to stop or avoid accidents, used for Car-parking, used in ROBOTICS, or any device in which Anti-Collision is required. Read More...
Instrumentation and Control Engineering |
India |
856-857 |
223 |
Review of Wireless Monitoring of Multi parameter in Oil and Gas Refinery
-Sadikot Fatima Firozbhai ; Sachade Hiral Pankajbhai; Binkal R. Prajapati
The increasing demand of oil and gas supplies frequently requires the design and execution of plants over remote locations with harsh environmental conditions and challenging logistics. The adoption of cabling to fully interconnect machines and monitor/control large number of processes is becoming unfeasible. The system consists of monitoring unit and detecting unit. Monitoring unit consists of Zigbee interfaced with pc and detecting unit consists of controller, liquid level sensor, Flow Sensor and gas sensor In the system liquid level sensor and gas sensors are interfaced with microcontroller .The liquid level sensor measures the level of the oil in the tank and sends the information to the controller. The flow sensor sends information of flow of liquid and gas sensor is used to detect if any leakage is there in the tank and if any leakage is there it will send the information to the controller and the controller sends the collected information to the personal computer through Zigbee network. Read More...
Instrumentation and Control Engineering |
India |
858-861 |
224 |
Compressed Air Power Plant
-Hamza Ghadiyali ; Deepak Navlani; Divyang Patel
India currently suffers from a major shortage of electricity generation capacity, even though it is the world's fourth largest energy consumer after United States, China and Russia. Shortages of fuel: despite abundant reserves of coal, India is facing a severe shortage of coal. The country isn't producing enough to feed its power plants. Some plants do not have reserve coal supplies to last a day of operations. India's monopoly coal producer, state-controlled Coal India, is constrained by primitive mining techniques and is rife with theft and corruption; Coal India has consistently missed production targets and growth targets. Poor coal transport infrastructure has worsened these problems. Many villages also suffer due to their locations where transmission of electricity is the major problem such as villages present at hilly areas. Improper transmission lines decreases the efficiency and also increases the cost of maintenance. The effect of improper transmission lines could be dangerous to the life of peoples. Air Compressed power plant includes use of atmospheric air to produce power which is easily available everywhere. The method of power production is conventional that is using turbine and generator. Read More...
Instrumentation and Control Engineering |
India |
862-863 |
225 |
Ensuring Anonymity in MANET using Alert Protocol
-M. Meenakshi ; P. Srinivasa Ragavan
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) has been highly vulnerable to attacks due to the dynamic nature of its network infrastructure. Among these attacks, the routing attacks getting more attention because it’s changing the whole topology it and it causes more damages to MANET. The existing algorithm not provides the anonymity protection and finding the malicious node with degree of evidence from the expert knowledge and detects the important factors for each node. In proposed method the ALERT protocol is developed for overcome the existing problem. ALERT protocol is mainly providing a high anonymity protection with low cost. Using proposed protocol the network fields are dynamically partitions into zones and zones are randomly chosen from the nodes as intermediate relay nodes, which form a non-traceable by anonymous route. Particularly in every routing step, a data sender or forwarder division the network field in order to disconnected itself and the destination into two zones. In the last step, the data are broadcast to k nodes in the destination zone providing k-anonymity to the destination. ALERT is also flexible to timing attacks and intersection attacks. In addition, the experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed approach with the consideration of several performances metric. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
864-867 |
226 |
Comparison on Various Pixel based Image Fusion Techniques
-Vaidya Vishmay M. ; Patel Vibha A.
As the optical lenses in Charged Couple devices (CCD) have limited depth-of focus, it is regularly impossible to obtain an image in which all relevant objects are in focus. To achieve all interesting objects in focus, several CCD images, each of which contains some part of the objects in focus, are required. If multiple images of the same scene are available, this can be achieved by image fusion. Image fusion is the process by which two or more images are combined into a single image retaining the important features from each of the original images. The objective in image fusion is to reduce uncertainty and minimize redundancy in the output while maximizing relevant information particular to an application or task. Important applications of the fusion of images include medical imaging, microscopic imaging, remote sensing, computer vision, and robotics. Fusion techniques include in this paper are simplest method of pixel averaging to more complicated methods such as principal component analysis and wavelet transform fusion. Main focus of this paper to perform comparative analysis on various pixel based image fusion techniques on the basis of various performance metrics, in order to check the quality of a fused image Read More...
Image Processing |
India |
868-871 |
227 |
A Distributed Job Scheduler Virtual Machine-based Data Centres
-K.SUSEELA ; Mr. T.VINOTH KUMAR M.E., M.B.A., Assistant Professor
The existing techniques by turning on or off servers with the help of virtual machine (shortly called as VM) migration are not enough. Instead, finding an optimized dynamic resource allocation method to solve the problem of on-demand resource provision for VMs is the key to improve the efficiency of data centers. However, the existing dynamic resource allocation methods only focus on either the local optimization within a server or central global optimization, limiting the efficiency of data centers. A two-tiered on-demand resource allocation mechanism consisting of the local and global resource allocation with feedback to provide on-demand capacities to the concurrent applications. On-demand resource allocation using optimization theory based on the proposed dynamic resource allocation mechanism and model, It propose a set of on-demand resource allocation algorithms. This algorithm preferentially ensures performance of critical applications named by the data center manager when resource competition arises according to the time-varying capacity demands and the quality of applications. Using Rainbow, a Xen-based prototype implemented, it evaluates the VM-based shared platform as well as the two-tiered on-demand resource allocation mechanism and algorithms. The experimental results show that Rainbow without dynamic resource allocation (Rainbow-NDA) provides twenty six to three twenty four percent improvements in the application performance, as well as twenty six percent higher average CPU utilization than traditional service computing framework, in which applications use exclusive servers. The two-tiered on-demand resource allocation further improves performance by nine to sixteen percent for those critical applications, seventy five percent of the maximum performance improvement, introducing up to five percent performance degradation to others, with one to five percent improvements in the resource utilization in comparison with Rainbow-NDA. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
872-875 |
228 |
An Energy Efficient Cluster based Load Balance Routing for Wireless Sensor Network
-K.Karthika., M.E, Final year ; Ms.D.Vetrithangam M.E.,(Ph.D).,Assistant Professor
Redundancy management of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks, utilizing multipath routing to answer user queries in the presence of unreliable and malicious nodes. The concept of redundancy management is to exploit the tradeoff between energy consumption vs. the gain in reliability, timeliness, and security to maximize the system useful lifetime. Formulate an optimization problem for dynamically determining the best redundancy level to apply multipath routing for intrusion tolerance. A voting-based distributed intrusion detection algorithm is applied to detect and evict malicious nodes. Develop a novel probability model to analyze the best redundancy level in terms of path redundancy and source redundancy, as well as the best intrusion detection settings in terms of the number of voter sand the intrusion invocation interval under which the lifetime of network is maximized. The coverage time for a clustered wireless sensor network by optimal balancing of power consumption among cluster heads. Clustering significantly reduces the energy consumption of individual sensors, but it also increases the communication burden on CHs. Two mechanisms are proposed for achieving balanced power consumption in the stochastic case: a routing-aware optimal cluster planning and a clustering-aware optimal random relay. A sleeping node mechanism is used in order to gain maximum energy. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
876-880 |
229 |
Android Mobile Application for Campus Notification and Information System
-Prashant Gaikwad ; Lokesh Naik; Satish Ket
As mobile devices have become popular; there appears a new trend to release all kinds of campus information by intelligent mobile terminals. We describe a network for distributing campus information among lecturers and students. The concept of developing campus information system is to ensure that student can access information at any time, at any locations and ad-hoc basic. Information System helps the students and lecturers on campus to find and access information based on ad-hoc basic, which is of interest and relevant to students or lecturers through a smart phone. We will develop an Android application thereby providing a collaborative communication system within the campus aiding everyone participating in it. Thus we will be implementing the android application which promotes high usage of mobile phones by students into a system through which the students can learn and to present an informative tool which they can use to solve their queries and also receive the latest news running around the campus on their mobile phone devices Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
881-883 |
230 |
Gossip Protocols applicability in Grid & cloud Computing
-Praveen Kumar ; Kumari Vibha
"Grid" computing has emerged as an important new field, distinguished from conventional distributed computing by its focus on large-scale resource sharing, innovative applications, and in some cases, high-performance orientation. In this article, we define this new field. First, we review the "Grid problem," which we define as flexible, secure, coordinated resource sharing among dynamic collections of individuals, institutions, and resources. In Grid computing, resource scheduling & management have always an issue. To achieve high query satisfaction rate, randomness, less overhead, load balancing and many others is priority to increase performance. In this scenario Gossip protocol may provide the solution to the resource scheduling problem. Gossip protocol is of three type Epidemic gossip protocol, pairwise gossip protocol and adaptive dissemination protocol. Epidemic Gossip protocol disseminates information to multiple neighbors while pairwise gossip protocol disseminates information to limited subset. Pairwise protocol works best for uniform load distribution. In Adaptive dissemination configuration have been made by getting results from both epidemic and pairwise gossip protocol. There are three performance criteria according to which this protocol has been tested Query satisfaction rate, packet overhead & requester distance. Read More...
Grid Computing |
India |
884-886 |
231 |
Use of PMU and Observability Analysis with Power System State Estimation
-Meera R ; Dr.R.Jegatheesan
Phasor measurement units are one of the most important measuring devices in the future of power system monitoring, protection and control applications. This paper presents, the advantages of using PMU in power system state estimation calculations. By considering optimal placement and observability ,an alternate state estimation is formed using WLS algorithm. Also this paper presents the observability analysis using nodal variable formation. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
887-891 |
232 |
Enhancement of Highly Available Web Services for Mission Critical Applications Using Network Switch
-Chandrakanth Dumpala ; RAVICHANDRA; Govinda.K
As the web services are gaining more and more popular, most of the organizations are interested to deploy their mission critical applications using web services. The basic and most challenging issue with web services for a mission critical applications are security and reliability. Whenever the user requests the service the mediator between user and web service should handover the request to the appropriate web server. The mediator plays a crucial role in transferring the request and response from both user and web server. In this approach we propose switch as a mediator than gateway and hub. As a passive device the hub transfers the user request to all the connected systems which leads to security issues by passing the request to several hops before it is fulfilled and this may not be acceptable to the requester. In our approach the switch is associated with some software which makes it an active device and it transfer request to the appropriate web server by continuously monitoring the available and active web servers. This approach will also leads to less waiting time of the user for the specified request. Read More...
Web Services |
India |
892-895 |
233 |
Fractional Order PID Controller for Speed Control of DC Motor using Genetic Algorithm
-vimal kumar ; Dr.(Mrs.)Anjali Junghare
In this paper we proposed an advance technique for control of DC motor speed by using fractional order proportional-integral-derivative (FOPID) controller. DC motor is used in almost every field of control so it’s speed control is very important. FOPID controller parameters are composed of the proportionality constant, integral constant, derivative constant, derivative order and integral order, and its design is more complex than that of traditional integer-order proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers. Here the controller synthesis is formulated as a single objective optimization problem and based on Integral Time Weighted Absolute Error (ITAE) criterion. Genetic algorithm is been used to tune the FOPID controller parameter. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
896-898 |
234 |
Comparison of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Techniques
-Chandni Yogeshkumar Joshi ; Hardik Jayeshkumar Padariya
Solar energy has maximum efficiency to convert energy into electrical among all the renewable sources, by using solar cell. But initial cost of solar cell is very high. Also in rapid changing environmental condition also partially shaded condition by somehow, the efficiency of conversion into electricity is decreases. So, the overall cost of solar energy will be increased and not economical. So, it is desired to extract maximum energy from solar cell by the way the maximum power point tracking techniques. There are two most popular methods, which are Perturb & Observe (P&O) and Incremental Conductance (IC). The comparative study of these two techniques is described in this paper by theoretically and MATLAB simulation based. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
899-902 |
235 |
Development Of Low Cost Cement Mortar By Utilizing Paper Industrial Waste Hypo Sludge
-Miss Sarika G. Javiya ; Miss Zalak P Shah; Mr. Rushabh A. Shah
Paper making generally produces a large amount of solid waste. This paper mill sludge consumes a large percentage of local landfill space for each and every year. Paper fibers can be recycled only a limited number of times before they become too short or weak to make high quality paper. It means that the broken, low-quality paper fibers are separated out to become waste sludge. To reduce disposal and pollution problems emanating from these industrial wastes, it is most essential to develop profitable building materials from them. Keeping this in view, investigations were undertaken to produce low cost Mortar by blending various rations of cement with Hypo sludge. This paper presents the results of study undertaken to investigate the feasibility of using hypo sludge as cement in Mortar and efforts have been made to check mortar’s Mechanical properties by utilizing hypo sludge in to Cement Mortar (1:3) and to find alternatives to enhance the strength and minimize the cost of cubes using paper industry waste hypo sludge. The use of hypo sludge in civil engineering applications enables engineers to obtain significant achievements in the safety and economy of construction. The replacement level is fixed at 0%, 10%, 30% and 50% by weight of Cement. The mix design was carried out for 1:3 proportion cement mortar on the basis of IS 12269:2013. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
903-906 |
236 |
A Study on Baw Technology: Reconfiguration of FBAR Filter
This paper presents the importance of RF filter technology i.e. BAW technology based filter in the mobile communication. FBAR Filters have the characteristic of high power handling, a low volume, high Quality factors, good thermal stability, a low cost and compatible with IC chip integration. FBAR filter technology applications increases in RF systems because of these networks like Wi-Fi, CDMA etc. we need a switchable FBAR filter in order to incorporate all functions related to these network in a single device. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
907-909 |
237 |
A Case Study: Verification of WISHBONE SD Card Controller using System Verilog
-Pankaj Chavda
SD Memory Card is data storage device which is widely used in mobile phones, tablets, digital cameras, camcorders and in many electronics devices where high memory capacity with lower size is required. WISHBONE SD Card Controller is a host controller which connects the WISHBONE bus at one side and SD bus to another side. Here a verification environment for WISHBONE SD Card Controller IP Core which is written in Verilog is developed using System Verilog language. Constrained randomization and layered test bench approach is used for development of environment. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
910-912 |
238 |
A Survey on an Integrated Approach for Web Pre-Fetching and Caching
-Anuradha ; Mrs. Kiran Jain
Web caching and web prefetching are the two
major areas of research focused at reducing the user perceived latency. Both if used well can greatly help in reducing this latency. As web caching helps in exploiting temporal latency while web prefetching helps in exploiting spatial latency. However if prefetched pages are not visited by the users in their future accesses, they can increase the network traffic and overload the web server. This paper aims at surveying various research papers who have worked in this direction. Read More...
Computer Science Engg. |
India |
913-915 |
239 |
A Comparative Study on RCC Structure with and without Shear Wall
-P.venkata sumanthchowdary ; Senthil Pandian.M
Now days tall buildings are provided with shear walls to improve the lateral load resistance. In the present paper we are study the solution for shear wall location and type of shear wall in seismic prone areas. The effectiveness of RCC shear wall building is studied with help of four different models. Model one is bare frame system and remaining three types are different shear wall buildings. An earthquake load is applied to 8 storey building located in different zones. The performance of building is evaluated in terms of lateral displacements of each storey. The analysis is done by using structural finite element analysis (SAP2000) software. Read More...
Civil engineering |
India |
916-919 |
240 |
A Review on Image Steganography using Frequency Domain
In the recent years, the art of information hiding has received much attention as security of information has become a big concern in this internet era. Sensitive information sharing via a common communication channel has become inevitable, therefore, Steganography – the art and science of hiding information has gained much attention. Steganography means to conceal the secret messages within some other ordinary media so that it cannot be observed. The final Stego image & the cover image(initial) should not be distinguishable from naked eye. In images, the most common noise component is the LSB (Least Significant Bit), so any changes to the LSB are imperceptible to naked eye. Image steganography schemes can be classified into two broad categories: spatial-domain based and transform-domain based. Frequency domain steganography is a technique for hiding a large amount of data with a good invisibility, high security and without any loss of secret message. Read More...
information technology |
India |
920-922 |
241 |
Study of Various Methods for Securing Data Communication
-Shubhra Goel ; Seema Mehla
In this modern era, with a lot of internet based applications various organizations, companies, govt. agencies, etc. communicate digitally. A lot of multimedia data are generated and transmitted which are easier to edit, modify and duplicate. So sharing this data is a critical issue due to security problems. Hence some techniques are needed to protect the shared data. Cryptography is a technique by which the original data can be converted to some other format by the help of a key which without the knowledge of key cannot be read by an outsider. We can make this communication more secure by using the concept of Steganography along with Cryptography. Steganography is hiding the sensitive information in some media e.g. hiding a text file in an image file, etc. to transfer the information securely over the communication network. This paper presents various encryption and steganography techniques that are in practice today Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
923-926 |
242 |
Vein Recognition
-Shital S. Mali ; Jyoti Prakash Vengurlekar
Many biometric systems, such as face, fingerprint and iris have been studied extensively for personal verification and identification purposes. Biometric identification with vein patterns is a more recent approach that uses the vast network of blood vessels underneath a person’s skin. These patterns in the hands are assumed to be unique to each individual and they do no change over time except in size. As veins are under the skin and have a wealth of differentiating features, an attempt to copy an identity is extremely difficult. These properties of uniqueness, stability and strong immunity to forgery of the vein patterns make it a potentially good biometric trait which offers greater security and reliable features for personal identification. For recognizing vein pattern we can make use of dorsal hand and palm print database. In this particular recognition we will make use dorsal hand database. As dorsal hand can give proper vein pattern and palm print gives compressed image of hand which cannot give proper vein pattern. The hand vein database has been collected under realistic conditions in that subjects had to undergo the procedures of holding a bag, pressing an elastic ball and cooling with ice, all exercises that force changes in the vein patterns. The proposed hand vein authentication system uses the near infrared imaging techniques. Captured images will be processed before matching for noise suppression and data reduction. Vein recognition can be used in the personal authentication system. In this vein pattern of an individual is used to identify the person. As vein pattern is unique in individual. Normally it won’t vary for long period of time. So that chances of data duplication are minimized whereas in fingerprint, iris and in face recognition it can be duplicated. To reduce the chances of duplication we can make use of vein pattern recognition. Read More...
Image Processing |
India |
927-931 |
243 |
Simulation and Sensitivity Study of Pressure Vessel Nozzle-Head Junction to Improve the Fatigue Life of Component
This paper contains the design of thin cylinder vertical pressure vessel, Finite Element Analysis of Nozzle-Head junction and sensitivity study to improve the fatigue life of vessel by changing the radius of fillet at nozzle-head junction. The design is carried out by pressure vessel design software PV Elite as per SEC. VIII, Division-1. The FEA analysis and sensitivity study are carried out by creo-2.0. Here we have evaluated the fatigue life of component by fatigue analysis using creo-2.0. We know that the fatigue is the cycle-dependent phenomenon. Corrosion can reduce fatigue life by pitting the surface and propagating cracks. Peak stresses are the additional stresses due to stress intensification in highly localized areas. Peak stresses are only significant in fatigue conditions and brittle materials Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
932-935 |
244 |
E-Vocher on Transportation: A Real Time Multifaceted Web Oriented Service
In the real world web services plays a major role in user’s daily activities. The web services exist and are used for distinct domains. Transportation has an increasing demand now a day in man’s life. Activities related to transportation are provided to user independently which is becoming a hectic task for the user. So this paper describes how to integrate independent activities of transportation using web services. This reduces the search time of user and provides an easy way of finding the services in transportation. Read More...
web services |
India |
936-938 |
245 |
Enhancement of Security in Message Confidentiality Algorithm for Data Transmission in Next Generation Networks using TLS 1.0
TLS is a standardized network layer protocol designed to provide communication security over the internet. Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a protocol that ensures privacy between communicating applications and their users on the Internet. TLS 1.0 provides confidentiality, authentication and key exchange. It achieves message confidentiality by means of secure encryption algorithms. The current algorithm that is widely used is AES-128 encryption algorithm. Though it is one of the most trusted and most efficient techniques, it is prone to numerous linear attacks. This project proposes an improvement in the current AES algorithm by means of a new design of the algorithm. The AES algorithm in use presently has an entirely linear structure which makes it easier for the attacker to break it down. The improved design contains the Feistel Network incorporated in AES algorithm along with certain key changes incorporated in each operation of the AES algorithm, which are further modified. This makes it non-linear and prevents it from various algebraic and linear attacks. An attempt is further made to compare the performance of improved AES algorithm with the existing one which proves that the modified AES algorithm is more efficient. The main objective of this project is to enhance the message confidentiality algorithm in TLS 1.0 which is the AES-128 bit block algorithm. The prime focus is to remove the pre-existing vulnerabilities in the present AES algorithm and make it more attack resistant. The project also tries to accomplish the goals of the TLS protocol which include cryptographic security, interoperability, extensibility, and relative efficiency. Read More...
India |
939-944 |
246 |
Knowledge Management for Supply Chain Management
-Shraddha Singh ; Ashwin Singh
Knowledge Management for SCM has came into picture for the specific purpose of combining intelligent system with SCM. The Basic aim of using Knowledge Management System to help Organization to manage their supply chain in much efficient way. It will help organizations to greatly increased their revenue using knowledge management system with Supply chain Management .In This we are using Data Mining technology will allow, the extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases, is a important information in their data warehouses. Data mining tools predict future trends and behaviors, allowing businesses to make proactive, knowledge-driven decisions. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
946-947 |
247 |
Improvement in Message Authentication Algorithm using TLS1.0
-Prajakta Gandhe ; Dhruv Gupta; Harshini Pathak
The main focus of this project is to enhance the data integrity in next generation encryption using TLS1.0. Our aim is to remove the pre-existing vulnerabilities in the present SHA algorithm and make it more attack resistant. TLS 1.0 supports encryption, authentication and key exchange. This project presents an enhancement (SHA-176) in the authentication of the existing authentication algorithm (SHA-160). The current algorithm used in TLS for message authentication and data integrity is mainly Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA). This project tries to enhance the current SHA-160 algorithm so as to make the algorithm more attack resistant. The current SHA algorithm uses a 160 bit message digest but is susceptible to certain attacks; it has helped in coming over the vulnerabilities of MD5 but has certain problems which have to be overcome. This project presents an enhancement in the algorithm by forming a 176 bit message digest thus increasing the size of the digest as compared to the original algorithm. The SHA-176 uses 11 chaining variables of 16 bit each consisting of 80 rounds. The proposed algorithm has proved to increase security for the hashing techniques so that the user feels safe while transmitting data over the transport layer. The hashing times differ by a small factor but we can still use the SHA-176 model in TLS 1.0 for Message authentication as the security in SHA-176 is more and it is a stronger algorithm as compared to SHA-160. Read More...
Information Technology (Networking) |
India |
948-952 |
248 |
High Temperature Heating Control Using Three Phase Silicon Carbide(SiC) Heaters
-Tandel Animesh D. ; Prof. K. A. Sonagra; Prof. R. R. Kapadia
Electric heating is most commonly used in many industrial applications, especially where conventional source of energy is not available or not practical. Industrial heating is an evergreen topic for research and development. Innovations never end in this particular field. Apart from other heating methods, electrical heating occupies major portion of the segment. Especially resistance heating plays a critical role with its numerous advantages. Nicrome is the most popular electrical resistance heating material but used up to only 600 to 700°C. For high temperature up to 1600°C, Silicon Carbide (SiC) heating elements are more preferred due to its typical high temperature withstand capacity. Unfortunately, SiC heating elements are sensitive to thermal shock. They offer negative temperature co-efficient of resistance in initial phase of heating. It means their resistance decreases with the increase of temperature. This particular characteristic makes them difficult to control. They tries to draw more current from the supply line and results in more I2R loss and abrupt thermal shock. With conventional methods of heating control, these typical characteristics deteriorate the performance of SiC heating elements over a period of working life. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
953-957 |
249 |
High Speed and Low Power Carry Select Adder Design by using 180 nm Technology
-Vasoya Dhaivat C ; Prof. Punit Lathiya
Speed and Power are the most important parameters of any integrated circuits. Addition is the most common and often used arithmetic operation on microprocessor, digital signal processor, especially digital computers. This paper presents performance analysis of Carry Select Adders. The comparative analysis is done on the basis of performance parameters like Speed, Power and Power Delay product in 180nm CMOS technology. We present a modified carry select adder design. Proposed carry select adders shows better performance in speed and power consumption than regular CSA. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
958-961 |
250 |
Decision Support System for Managing Educational Capacity and Utilization
-Namdeo Badhe ; Ankit Mehta; Vaibhav Dhakan; Param Vyas
Universities and even individual educational institutions, operate with large amounts of data, typically scattered across multiple, non-centralized information systems and applications. Support of administrative decision-making and knowledge discovery from such decentralized data flows requires a system designed with close eye on the specific needs of the academic domain. A strategic approach is needed to plan activities, optimally allocate resources. Such an approach should be based on appropriate inputs allowing decision makers to meet institutional goals by managing the educational resources and availability of faculty at universities or any educational institution at the particular time. The process must admit students in such a manner as to achieve an efficient utilization of university resources. Hence to facilitate strategic decision making, we propose to develop a decision support system, which is primarily concerned with resource allocation and performance analysis. A number of general performance descriptors like staff per student ratio, teaching load, availability of faculty, their experience in teaching the particular domain etc. are used as parameters for our proposed system. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
962-964 |