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201 |
Experimental validation of two wheeler damper using with MATLAB
-K.N.Patel ; B.N.Gelot; A.H.Gupta
For the implementation of a parametric model of an automotive damper this research was to create a damper model to predict accurately damping forces to be used as a design tool for the damper design team. The model accounts for each individual flow path in the damper, and employs a flow resistance model for each flow path. The deflection of the shim stack was calculated from a force balance and linked to the flow resistance. These equations yield a system of nonlinear equations that was solved using Newton’s iterative method. this model was to generate accurately force vs. velocity and force vs. displacement plots for examination. The dynamic model and analysis is used to correlate the model to real damper data for verification of accuracy. With a working model, components including the bleed orifice, piston orifice, and compression and rebound shims which were varied to gain an understanding of effects on the damping force. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
835-837 |
202 |
Mobile Peer-to-Peer in the Cellular Web Network
-Guljar Prasad
This paper proposes a Mobile peer to peer in cellular Web network.The new ideas has been how P2P would suit for cellular networks. Mobile Peer-to-Peer (MP2P) presents technical, business and legal challenges. The 2G cellular networks can support for android and windows phone application. But the 3G, 4G and WLAN networks are also providing mobile P2P connection. It is expected for the MP2P design and also the most popular applications will different particularly from the present, secure network solutions. And how to use the and how it will support mobile networks. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
838-839 |
203 |
Survey of Computer Crime and Their Impacts
In the current year of on-line process, most of the knowledge is on-line and susceptible to cyber threats. There square measure an enormous variety of cyber threats and their behaviour is troublesome to early understanding thus troublesome to limit within the early phases of the cyber attacks. Cyber attacks might have some motivation behind it or could also be processed inadvertently. The attacks those square measure processed wittingly is thought of because the cyber-crime and that they have serious impacts over the society within the type of economical disrupt, disorder, threat to National defense etc. Restriction of cyber crimes relieson correct analysis of their behavior and understanding of their impacts over varied levels of society. Therefore, this manuscript provides the understanding of cyber crimes and their impacts over society with the longer term trends of cybercrimes. Read More...
computer science |
India |
840-844 |
204 |
network security and cryptography
This paper aims to provide a broad review of network security and cryptography, with particular regard to digital signatures. Network security and cryptography is a subject too wide ranging to coverage about how to protect information in digital form and to provide security services. However, a general overview of network security and cryptography is provided and various algorithms are discussed. A detailed review of the subject of network security and cryptography in digital signatures is then presented. The purpose of a digital signature is to provide a means for an entity to bind its identity to a piece of information. The common attacks on digital signature was reviewed. The first method was the RSA signature scheme, which remains today one of the most practical and versatile techniques available. Fiat-Shamir signature schemes, DSA and related signature schemes are two other methods reviewed. Digital signatures have many applications in information security, including authentication, data integrity, and non-repudiation was reviewed. The objective of this paper is to provide the reader with an insight into recent developments in the field of network security and cryptography, with particular regard to digital signatures .cryptography was used as a tool to protect national secrets and strategies. The proliferation of computers and communications systems in the 1960s brought with it a demand from the private sector for means to protect information in digital form and to provide security services. DES, the Data Encryption Standard, is the most well-known cryptographic mechanism. It remains the standard means for securing electronic commerce for many financial institutions around the world. The most striking development in the history of cryptography came in 1976 when Diffie and Hellman published New Directions in Cryptography. Read More...
computer science and engineering |
India |
845-847 |
205 |
Comparative study of job scheduling in grid environment based on bee`s algorithm
-P.Selvi ; Mr M.Abdullah
Grid computing is a new computing model; it’s performing bulk operations among the connected network. Since it is possible to run multiple applications simultaneously may require multiple resources but often do not have the resources that time scheduling system is essential for allocating resources. Scheduling algorithms must be designed for Maximize utilization of the resources and minimize the execution time. In this Paper, comparing the make span and execution time of the bee’s algorithm such as Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm, GA based ABC and an Efficient Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. The result shows that An Efficient Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm will give better result compared to other algorithms. Read More...
Grid Computing |
India |
848-851 |
206 |
LENS: An Additive manufacturing Technology
-Rajvardhan S. Repe ; Prof. P.R.Attar; Sunil Raut; Dr. B.E. Narkhede; Prathamesh Kankekar
For making metallic products through Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes, laser based systems play very significant roles. Laser-based processes such as Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS) are dominating processes. A new design often bounces back and forth several times between designers & production engineers until it transformed into something manufacturability. A new low-volume production technology “LENS Additive manufacturing Technology†reduces the manufacturing related limitations on design. Engineered LENS manufacturing Technology makes near net shape metal parts directly from CAD data. Depositing metals in an additive process, it produces parts with material properties equal to or better than those of conventional wrought material. Additive process involves addition of metal in form of thin layers one after another. LENS is layer manufacturing Technology which produces a fine weld bead, exposing the component to far less heat than conventional methods due to smaller and more controlled heat affected zone which does not damage the underlying part. Once a geometry & material or material combination has been identified LENS can rapidly produce a 3- dimensional prototype with good mechanical properties. The tool less process is driven directly from CAD data so prototype of a new design or design iteration can be produced in few hours providing significant time compression advantages. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
852-855 |
207 |
Explanation of ADOV
-jagpreet singh ; tarun sharma; sandeepak sharma
The Ad hoc on Demand Distance vector (AODV) routing algorithm is a routing protocol designed for ad hoc mobile networks. It provides both unicast and Multicast routing. It is a reactive routing protocol, meaning that it establishes a route to a destination only when there is a demand for that route. An important feature of AODV is the maintenance of time-based states in each node: a routing-entry not recently used is expired. In case of a route is broken the neighbors can be notified. Read More...
computer science |
India |
856-858 |
208 |
Utilizing Soft System Methodology to Increase Productivity of Shell Fabrication
-Sushant Sudheer Takekar ; Dr.D.N.Raut
The improvement in the productivity is a very challenging task. To improve productivity, it is important that the full involvement of the personnel. The productivity is simply defined as the ratio of rate of output to the unit rate of input. Productivity depends on factors such as process, quality, labour & production. To increase or improve the productivity we must improve the factors affecting it. In this paper, the productivity is improved by solving the problem related to process. In this problem is understood through the soft system methodology (SSM). In that the all personnel are involved to solve the problem related to processes in the shell fabrication shop (SFS) & reached to the proper solution which is elaborated in this paper.This project utilizes Soft System Methodology to determine the probable cause and the solution for the productivity issue in the fabrication shop. The technique involves removal of the Non Value Added Activities in order to bring about a reduction in setup time. This leads to reduced redundancy of activities in process. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
859-863 |
209 |
Descriptive Analysis of Clocked Paired Shared Flip-Flop for Low Power VLSI applications
-Surbhi Chaudhary ; Geeta Saini; Usha Sharma
The power consumption in VLSI circuits has become the most important factor for considering the efficiency of a circuit. The digital systems are required to operate at very low power and needs to be modified for the same. A Digital system consists of flip flops and latches which consumes a large amount of power due to redundant transitions and clocking systems. In order to reduce the power consumption we need to use the low power flip-flops for low power VLSI digital systems. In this paper we have taken a review of the low power clock paired shared flip-flop (CPSFF) for higher performance. Read More...
VLSI Design |
India |
864-865 |
210 |
Comparative Analysis of Different Speech Noise Cancellation Methods
-Preeti Gauba ; Kapil Parmar
Speech is the essence of life. Often the speech is corrupted with the undesired signal i.e. noise, thus concluding to the need of speech noise cancellation. It has gained huge attention in this modern world. Different methods such as adaptive filtering and wavelet thresholding for speech noise cancellation are compared and evaluated on their performance for noise cancellation in speech. Evaluation of various methods is done in terms of PSNR(Peak Signal to Noise Ratio), MSE(Mean Square Error), Correlation. Read More...
India |
866-870 |
211 |
Change detection analysis of catchment area of Tighra Reservoir, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India using IRS P6 LISS III satellite images
-Dr. BIDYALAKSHMI PHURAILATPAM ; Dr. Kush Kushwah; Ramkumar Lodhi; Prof. R.J. Rao; Dr. S.N. Prasad
The present study analyzed the land use/land cover changes of catchments’ area of Tighra reservoir using IRS P6 LISS III of 2006, 2007 and 2008 with digital image processing and GIS techniques. The landuse/ landcover were broadly classified into 7 classes as water bodies, deciduous forest, open scrub, agricultural plantation, mixed barren land, Built-up and fallow land. Change analysis of landuse/landcover of the catchment area shows that from 2006-2008, agricultural land and built-up were observed to increase to about 3.35% and 5.19% approximately. Fallow land and mixed barren were also observed to increase by about 2.86% and 2.7% respectively. However, deciduous forest, water bodies and open scrub were noticed to decrease in area to about 10.83%, 2.14% and 1.23% respectively. The vast changes are due to unplanned urbanization and encroachment of land for agriculture, besides sedimentation of the reservoir. Therefore it is suggested here that local people should be properly educated and frequent monitoring should be conducted. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
871-874 |
212 |
With the increasing demand for air transportation, all parties involved in the air transportation system have increased their efforts to make the system more efficient without sacrificing safety. This paper presents a new system based on information integration, the Air Traffic Control Command Monitoring System (ATCCMS), which integrates all kinds of fundamental information such as radar information, flight plans, voice communication, and weather conditions into a comprehensive information platform. In this paper, the context of voice communication is analyzed with speech recognition technology and is correlated with radar data and expert knowledge to determine whether any potential danger will emerge from the controller’s instructions. Simulation experiments show that the safety level of air transportation systems will be effectively improved by the use of the information integration technique. The prototype of ATCCMS is under test run in North China Regional Air Traffic Management Bureau of CAAC. Read More...
Computer science and engineering |
India |
875-876 |
213 |
LIBSPHARE: Computerization of Library system
-Md Rashid Ashraf ; Mr Manoj Yadav
The library played an important role in the daily teaching, scientific research and learning among teachers and students. The management of the library books information by using computer could reduce manual management mistakes and enhance the efficiency of book management greatly. It could ensure the integrity of the books information and speed up the turnover of the books resources. Therefore, using computer to manage library books information had very important significance. The database was the data integrated that was involved in an enterprise, an organization or a department.The core of library management information system was actually how to use and operation database. Our proposed system will be on the web and can be accessed any time for book search and reservation activities. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
877-879 |
214 |
Naive Bayes Classification
-Ruchika Rana ; Jyoti Pruthi
The health care industry collects huge amounts of health care data which unfortunately are not mined to discover hidden information for effective decision making..Discovery of hidden patterns and relationships often goes unexploited.Naive bayes assumes that the presence or absence of particular feature of a class is unrelated to the presence or absence of any other feature.This algorithm is based on conditional probabilities .It uses bayes theorem concepts that tells us the occurrence of an event.We assumes that this algorithm is best among all other classifiers like decision tree, data miming etc. Read More...
India |
880-881 |
215 |
A Survey on Knowledge Extraction Techniques for Semantic Web
Nowadays the Web has demonstrated as a wealthy, remarkable and marvellous data source of information. More than one domains can be viewed and mined in the web. Data mining in web is known as web mining. Objectives of web data mining is taken in searching relevant and reliable and meaningful knowledge from web learn about the particular user and web synthesis also. Extracting the exact information from a large volume repository of unstructured [9-10] or semi structured web is a big challenge. Still researchers are having interest in web data mining. From the various solution of this problem one is Semantic Web. Semantic web is enhancement of current web in where information is provided along with meaning also, hence it enable computers and human being to work together in better coordination. The main deal in web mining techniques is to extract the exact information from web data. This article provides an overview of various Semantic web mining techniques. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
882-885 |
216 |
Comparison Of Control Techniques In Power Quality Improvement By Using Small Energy Storage System DVR
-Preeti Rani ; Gurtej Singh
Power quality problems especially caused by industrial distribution system have huge impact on system power quality. This paper deals with custom power device DVR to mitigate power quality problems. The control of compensation voltage in DVR has been proposed feed forward control technique with PWM controller and hysteresis voltage control technique with hysteresis controller. Both test system are simulated in Matlab/Simulink with different DVR configurations that prove the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed control strategy with dynamic voltage restorer for voltage sag mitigation. The results show the comparison in between different control technique results with DVR to compensate power quality problem with second topology of DVR. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
886-892 |
217 |
Performance analysis of LSDCCFF at 90 nm technology
-Misbah Saad ; Sangeeta Mangesh
Average power consumption is a big issue in nanometer technology. With the reduction in process geometries, device density increases and threshold voltage along with oxide thickness decrease to keep pace with performance[1]. In this paper , a modified LSDCCFF[5] (Low swing differential conditional capturing flip flop) with reduced average power consumption is introduced.It operates with a low-swing sinusoidal clock by using reduced swing inverters at the clock port.. The circuits were designed and simulated in Tanner using 90 nm technology files. Average power consumption of modified circuit is reduced by 9.98% , D to Q delay is increased by 5% compared to low swing circuit. Read More...
VLSI Design |
India |
893-895 |
218 |
A Review paper on six sigma
-Mr. Prathamesh Deelip Kankekar ; prof. D.V.Pendam
Six sigma is a concept that was originally developed by Motorola in about1985. Six sigma is a philosophy, a measure and a method that provides business with perspective and tools to achieve new level of performance in both services and products. In six sigma the main focus is on improvement to increase capability and to reduce waste. This article represents the concept of six sigma in details. Also this paper focuses on the methodology of six sigma(DMAIC) along with factors needed for successful implementation of six sigma methodology. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
896-898 |
219 |
Comparative Study of BBBC and PSO Algorithms for Automated Test Data Generation for Softwares
-Shubham Kumar Shandil ; Ashok Kumar
This paper compares metaheuristic search algorithms namely Particle Swarm Optimization and Big Bang Big Crunch algorithms for automated test case generation using path testing criterion. For input generation symbolic execution method has been used in which first, target path is selected from Control Flow Graph of Software under Test and then inputs are generated using search algorithms which can evaluate path predicate corresponding to the path which is evaluated true. We have experimented on two real world and bench marked programs Triangle Classifier and Line-Rectangle Classifier showing the applicability of these techniques in genuine testing environment. The algorithm is implemented using MATLAB programming environment. The performance of the algorithms is measured using average test cases generated per path and average percentage coverage metrics. The PSO algorithm has proved its mettle by generating test data for small as well as large domain but BBBC algorithm failed to generate data for complex path having equality constraint especially in larger domain. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
899-901 |
220 |
Enhanced IDS to Secure Web applications and Database against Intrusions
-Lakshu Mittal ; Er.Pankaj Kapoor
SQL injection is a typical method for attackers utilizing SQL questions to assault on online requisitions. These strikes reshape SQL inquiries and therefore change the conduct of the system for the profit of the programmer. SQL Infusion strike is one of the gravest dangers for web requisitions. Web provisions are turning into a vital some piece of our day by day life. So strike against them likewise builds quickly. Of these assaults, a real part is held by SQL infusion strike (SQLIA). In this undertaking proposes another system for counteracting SQL infusion strike in Java web provisions. The fundamental thought is to check before execution, with the planned structure of the SQL inquiry. For this we utilize semantic examination. Our center is on put away methodology strike in which question will be structured inside the database itself along these lines hard to concentrate that inquiry structure for acceptance. Likewise this ambush is less considered in the literature. in expansion to these plans we are utilizing the new approach as a part of request to give security in profundity, for example, slightest Benefit and white Rundown Data Acceptance. System is designed in such way to minimize the code changes in web application at the time of implementation and flexibility .It is constantly prescribed to forestall assaults before the preparing of the client's (attacker's) demand. Info approval could be utilized to discover unapproved enter before it is gone to the SQL query. Read More...
Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
902-905 |
221 |
Security in Mobile Communications: Challenges and Opportunities
The nature of mobile communication, characterized for example by terminals having poor user interface and limited processing capacity, as well as complex combination of network protocols, makes the design of security solutions particularly challenging. This paper discusses some of the difficulties system architects are faced with as well as some advantages mobile networks offer when designing security solutions for mobile communication. Read More...
computer science |
India |
906-907 |
222 |
Implementation and Performance Evaluation of OFDM Transceiver
-Anant Shekhar Vashishta ; Jasbir Kaur
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) transmissions are emerging as important modulation technique because of its capacity of ensuring high level robustness against interference. The actual and next communication schemes tend to use OFDM systems in order to provide high baud rates and less inter symbol interference. Some examples are 802.11, 802.16, MC-CDMA, Digital Video Broadcasting among others. Trying to provide a solution to the new devices emerging, slow standard adoption, poor spectrum use, etc. Joe Mitola introduced the concept of “Software Defined Radioâ€, which involves exhaustive configurable digital signal processing like FFT, therefore FPGAs could support many of its operations. This work presents a FPGA design, validation and implementation of an “Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing†(OFDM) modulator for IEEE 802.11a, also reports the resources requirements for the presented system. In this paper the design and implementation of OFDM system will be illustrated as well as a detailed simulation of the OFDM system using MATLAB-2013 program to study the effect of various design parameters on the system performance, also the design and simulation results for some standards of OFDM using MATLAB will be observed as a practical system examples that uses OFDM as a modulation technique. Read More...
Electonics VLSI Design |
India |
908-912 |
223 |
Waste Heat Recovery of Gandhinagar Thermal Power Station
-Prof. Dhaval P Patel ; Prof. N R Sheth; Brijesh Patel
The world is facing the challenge of global warming and environment protection. On the other hand, the demand of electricity is growing fast due to economic growth and increase in demand. This thesis presents a literature review and detailed study of waste heat recovery system of the coal fired thermal power station. After studying and analysis more important thing is to optimize the efficiency with implementation of suggestion, which will be suggested by completion of this study, if there any. In this work the efficiency analysis of fuel used, boiler, turbine. Author had analytical calculation of the plant efficiency is found, in stack there is heat loss and heat utilizing in TMC will increase make up water temperature rise. After modification plant efficiency is calculated. The membrane based TMC technology was originally developed, demonstrated and commercialized for industrial steam boiler waste heat and water recovery. A recovery of the exhaust water vapor and an increase such extent in efficiency have been predicted. Several TMC waste heat recovery systems have been in operation in full-scale, industrial applications to document these savings. For applying the TMC technology to power plant use, detailed coal power plant information was collected and analyzed, including flue gas parameters, steam condensate and cooling water parameters, and potential demineralized water usage in a power plant. These method is Eco friendly because reduced flue gas temperature, coal consumption had reduced and potential saving. Read More...
Mechanical Engineeering |
India |
913-918 |
224 |
Vehicle Navigation Based On Geographic Position System and Remote Sensing for Backward or Rural Environment
-Deepesh Namdev ; Prerna Sahariya
Navigation is a field of study that focuses on the process of monitoring and controlling the movement of a craft or vehicle during its journey from one place to another. A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data. By using GPS and Remote sensing we can navigate vehicle in rural area there are no any road and train track. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engg. |
India |
919-923 |
225 |
The selection of most suitable substrate for an antenna is a matter of prime importance. This is because the limitations of an antenna such as high return loss, low gain and low efficiency can be overcome by selecting appropriate substrate for fabrication of the antenna. The substrate properties such as dielectric constant, loss tangent have a pronounced effect on the antenna characteristics. This paper presents the comparative analysis of the return loss of a sierpinski carpet fractal antenna for FR4 and Rogers RT/duroid substrates on IE3D Software. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) |
India |
924-926 |
226 |
Improving Diversity Using V-BLAST Technique
-Aesha A. Patel ; Mr. Vijendra Maurya
This contribution introduces a new transmission scheme for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The new scheme is efficient and suitable especially for symmetric channels such as the link between two base stations or between two antennas on radio beam transmission. This survey Paper presents the performance analysis of V-BLAST based multiple inputs multiple output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system with respect to bit error rate per signal to noise ratio (BER/SNR) for various detection techniques. A 2X2 MIMO-OFDM system is used for the performance evaluation. The simulation results shows that the performance of V-BLAST based detection techniques is much better than the conventional methods. Alamouti Space Time Block Code (STBC) scheme is used with orthogonal designs over multiple antennas which showed simulated results are identical to expected theoretical results. With this technique both Bit Error Rate (BER) and maximum diversity gain are achieved by increasing number of antennas on either side. This scheme is efficient in all the applications where system capacity is limited by multipath fading. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
927-931 |
227 |
Evaluation Performance of Cryptography-Stenography using PSNR and BCR Result
In recent past few years, information sharing and transfer has increased exponentially using Digital Communication, internet technology, and while sharing data, it is important that communication must be faithful and secure. The threat of an intruder accessing secret information has been an ever existing concern for the data communication experts. Cryptography and Steganography are two popular ways of information exchange in a secret way, where Steganography hides the existence of the message and the Cryptography distorts the message itself. In Cryptography techniques, the data is encrypted and results into some useless form and then the encrypted data is transmitted, which always comes under the suspect to be have a secrete message. In steganography techniques, data is embedded in a cover file (normally digital image or video) and the digital file is transmitted. If the digital file is tested with steganalysis tools, then secrete data may be easily explored. In either ways, weather cryptography or steganography is used, though it is always chance that hidden message is getting detected. In order to improve the security, fusion of cryptography and steganography is used, known as cryptography-steganography. In this paper, important parameters are measured and comparative analysis is computed for various cryptography techniques used for crypto-steganography. Read More...
COMPUTER Engineering |
India |
932-934 |
228 |
-G. Nasrin Fathima, Research Scholar ; R.Durga, Research Scholar; R.Geetha , Assistant Professor ,
Partitioning a large set of objects into homogeneous clusters is a fundamental operation in data mining and big data. The k-means algorithm is best suited for implementing this operation because of its efficiency in clustering large data sets. A clustering algorithm partitions a data set into several groups such that the similarity within a group is larger than among groups. The purpose of this paper is to analysis of k-means algorithm in big data and data mining. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
935-938 |
229 |
To Study on Effect of High Performance Concrete with ALCCOFINE and Waste Glass Powder
-Patel MahammedTofik Yakubbhai ; Siddharth P. Upadhyay; Prof. A. R. Darji; Prof. M. A. Jamnu; Prof. Dr. K. B. Parikh
This Paper Presents the Compressive Strength and Flexural Strength of high performance concrete with the Replacement of cement with Alccofine and Waste glass Powder and new Synthetic polymer master Rehobuild 823 PQ (Chloride Free Product). The necessity of High Performance concrete is increasing because of demands in the construction industry. Efforts for improving the performance of concrete of concrete over the past few years Suggest that cement Replacement materials along with Mineral & chemical admixtures can improve the Strength and Durability characteristics of concrete. Alccofine (1203) Micro Materials and Waste Glass Powder that can be utilized to produce highly durable concrete composites. The Concrete specimens were cured on normal moist curing under normal atmospheric temperature. The compressive and Flexural Strength was determined at 7,14 and 28 days. The addition of Alccofine shows an early strength gaining property and that of Waste Glass Powder Shows long term Strength. The ternary System that is Ordinary Portland Cement – Alccofine- Waste Glass Powder Concrete was found to increase the Compressive and Flexural Strength of Concrete on all age When Compared to Concrete made with Alccofine and Waste Glass Powder alone. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
939-941 |
230 |
Many Location Based services rely on user’s mobile device to determine the current location. This allows attackers to access a restricted resource or provide fake evidence by cheating on their locations. To overcome this, A Privacy-Preserving Location proof Updating System is developed in which collocated Bluetooth enabled mobile devices mutually generate location proofs and send updates to a location proof server. Periodically changed pseudonyms are used by the mobile devices to protect source location privacy. A user-centric location privacy model is developed in which individual users evaluate their location privacy levels and decide whether and when to accept the location proof requests. In order to resist the colluders ranking and a correlation scheme is used to detect outliers. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
942-946 |
231 |
Enhancement in Homomorphic Encryption Scheme for Key Management and Key Sharing in Cloud Security
-kiran pal kour bali ; mrs. kestina rai
With the moving time, cloud computing is gaining importance, as it offers storage of data at terribly less worth and is additionally gift at all the time over the net. Cloud computing lets the users use applications void of installation and access their personal information at any laptop with the helpof internet access. Cloud computing is most propitious however it additionally has bound hindrances for storage of data. For information security, cryptography is one amongst the conventions used schemes. Cryptography stratagems area unit primarily of two types: Fully Disk Encryption Scheme (FDE) and Fully Homomorphic Encryption scheme (FHE). Comparison is completed between the two schemes on bound factors that shows the Fully Homomorphic Encryption scheme is superior than Fully Disk Encryption scheme in terms of security and privacy of information however it even have some uncertainties like key management and key sharing. In this paper, we tend to propose a complete unique technique to resolve the uncertainties of key management and key sharing. To realize this novel technique we will establish a secure channel between user and cloud server by victimization Diffie Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm and that we will also use the HMAC protocol for information integrity and information authentication. Read More...
computer science and engineering |
India |
946-950 |
232 |
Improved Route Discovery Schemes for Reactive routing protocols of MANET
-Sanjay singh kaurav ; Asst. Prof. Manoj jakheniya; Asst. Prof. Umesh barahdia; Asst. Prof. S S Dhakad
Ad-hoc wireless networks due to their rapid and economically less demanding deployment, find applications in many areas. Ad-hoc networks can be very beneficial in establishing communication between various groups running numerous applications in an area where setting up of a stable infrastructure may not be possible. An ad-hoc wireless network contains of a set of mobile nodes linked by wireless links. The topology of these network changes randomly. A range of routing protocols for ad-hoc wireless networks has been proposed in the previous reactive, proactive and hybrid. In this work we have clarified different -2 techniques to improve reactive routing protocols like AODV and DSR. Read More...
Computer science |
India |
951-957 |
233 |
Evaluation Comparison of AODV DSR and OLSR in Ad Hoc Networks Routing Protocols
-Sanjay Singh Kaurav ; Asst. Prof. Manoj Jakheniya; Asst. Prof. Umesh Barahdia; Asst. Prof. S. S. Dhakad
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are categorized by multi-hop wireless connectivity, frequently varying network topology and the need for efficient dynamic routing protocols plays an important role. A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) consists of mobile wireless nodes. The communication among these mobile nodes is carried out without any centralized control. MANET is a self-configurable andself-organized network where the mobile nodes move randomly. The mobile nodes can accept and forward packets as a router. Routing is a serious issue in MANET and hence the focus of this thesis along with the performance analysis of routing protocols. A variety of routing protocols targeted specifically at this environment have been developed and some performance simulations are made on numbers of routing protocols like Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Open Link State Routing (OLSR).We compared three routing protocols i.e. AODV, OLSR andDSR. Our simulation tool will be OPNET modeller. The presentation of these routing protocols is examined by three metrics: delay,throughput andnetwork load. All the three routing protocols are explained in a deep way with metrics. The comparison study will be carrying out about these protocols and in the last the conclusion will be presented, that which routing protocol is the finest one for mobile ad hoc networks. Read More...
electronics and communication |
India |
958-964 |
234 |
Ensemble of Diverse Decorate Classifier with Neural Network
-Sweety Patel ; Deepali Kaul; Anuradha Nawathe; Sunny Patel
Challenging problem in data mining is to classify data sets that suffer from imbalanced Class distributions. In machine learning, the ensemble of classifiers are known to increase the accuracy of single classifiers by combining all of them, but none of these learning techniques alone solve the imbalance problem, to deal with this problem the ensemble algorithms have to be designed specifically . DECORATE is ensemble learning techniques, that directly constructs diverse hypotheses using additional artificially-constructed training examples. ANN is very flexible with respect to missing, incomplete and noisy data and also makes the data to use for dynamic environment. In this paper, we present a method of generating the diversity of the classifier data set from UCI repository by neural networks and learning by DECORATE for optimum accuracy. Read More...
computer engineering |
India |
965-968 |