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201 |
ATM Based Automated Medical Machine (AMM)
-V.Ramesh Kumar ; P.Lenin; S. Vimal Raj
This project is designed a new system which is similar to an ATM machine where any person can consult any doctor at any time through real time server. This paper is developed to provide medical services particularly for the rural and urban areas where, the medical facilities are not easily available. Automated Medical Machine (AMM) consists of Biomedical sensors, Radio Frequency Identifier (RFID) reader, PC with web camera, Medicine dispatcher Heartbeat, Body temperature, Height, Weight using appropriate sensors after swiping the RFID (Radio Frequency Identifier) card of the person in the smart card reader which is interfaced to microcontroller. After checking, the money for the particular test is debited from their bank account. This concept will be useful for the business people who were in long journey, and for rural people. Read More...
biomedical engineering |
India |
779-780 |
202 |
A Qualitative Survey on 3D Data Acquisition Techniques
-Patel Monika R. ; Desai Hitesh L.
Quality control is of almost importance in any industry. It requires online measurement and inspection system. Quality analysis has become a common requirement among the different systems developed for better service life of object. In the past, human vision has played a primary role in quality inspection and verification processes but using them the problems occurred like low working speed and prone to error. The solution to these problems has been the introduction of artificial vision-based inspection system. As a matter of fact, applications of these systems are nowadays widespread in many industrial sectors. Optical methods have the most important role for 3D data acquisition, and among those, the triangulation based method is the most important one. In this paper, various 3D data acquisition techniques are reviewed. From comparison of different techniques for distance less than one meter and for small scale objects laser triangulation technique gives better result. A triangulation-based method and system for high speed 3D and gray scale imaging and associated pre-processing of digitized information allows estimation or filtering of data height or depth and gray scale values. This estimation is based upon the confidence level of the information obtained from a camera and also based upon knowledge of the object structure and its reflectance characteristics. Read More...
Electronic and Communication Engineering |
India |
781-785 |
203 |
Detect and Filter Model For Undesired Message Posted on Online Social Network User Walls
-Sudiksha Chakre, ; Namrata Pattewar; Harsha Suryawanshi; Puja Gaikwad
OSN is the most interactive media to connect with different people over the internet. Some OSN site does not have an ability to control unwanted messages posted on user’s wall. A proposed approach provides a solution to have direct access control for posted messages in terms of several metrics. It gives a review of various technique such as Machine Learning, rule based system. Machine Learning provides different algorithm for text categorization and rule based system helps to customize the filtering criteria. Today OSN’s provide little support to prevent unwanted messages on user walls. For example face book allows users to state who is allowed to insert messages in their walls (i.e) friends, friends of friends, defined group of friends. Filtered wall is used to filter unwanted messages from OSN user walls. We used Machine Learning text categorization technique to automatically categorize each short text messages based on its content. We base the overall short classification strategy on Radial Basis Function Networks (RBFN) for their proven capabilities in acting as soft classifiers in managing noisy data and intrinsically vague classes. We use the neural model RBFN categorizes as Neural and Non-neural FR filtering rules by which it can state what contents should not be displayed on their walls. In addition, the system provides the user defined Blacklists that is mainly used to temporarily prevent to post any kind of message on a user wall. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
786-789 |
204 |
Diabetic Foot Pressure Monitoring System
-V. Ramesh Kumar ; K.Murugadas Pandian; B.N.Vinoth
This paper presents patients with diabetes, suffering from peripheral neuropathy are at high risk of developing diabetic foot. The foot ulcerations caused mainly by high peak plantar pressures. In diabetic patients who had the diabetic for a long time, the nerves of foot get affected and cause various symptoms of nerve damage. In order to reduce and to avoid the foot ulcerations pre scanning of foot pressure was frequently measured by using FSR sensor. With the help of Arduino controller we can get the accurate output value. Read More...
Biomedical Instrumentation |
India |
790-791 |
205 |
Wireless Oral Feeding Monitor for Premature Infants with Flex Sensor for Respiration
-S. Solasubbu ; A. Hemalatha; M. Srimathi
Premature infants have poor feeding skills which leads to oral feeding disorders. This is because prematurity disrupts the normal growth and neurodevelopment, especially a neural circuit called suck central pattern generator. This involves three motor patterns such as sucking, respiration and swallowing that have to co-ordinate with each other for a normal feeding to occur. Moreover preterm infants have immature lungs which lead to the improper coordination of respiration pattern with the other two. Monitoring of all those three motor patterns in preterm infants is quite challenging and no monitoring system for this purpose exists so far. The proposed system monitors the motor patterns of sucking, swallowing and respiration. Sucking is measured using a pressure sensor, swallowing with the help of microphone and respiration with EMG electrodes. To evaluate those patterns a detection algorithm based on fractal dimension is also proposed that has less computational complexity. The result obtained has proved the efficiency of the proposed system. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
792-794 |
206 |
Malfunctioning Node Detection of Load-Balanced Data Aggregation Tree in Probabilistic Wireless Sensor Networks
-S.Uma Devi ; P.Damodharan
In wireless sensor networks sensor nodes periodically sense the monitored environment and send the information to the sink at which the gathered or collected information can be further processed for end-user queries. Data gathering trees capable of performing aggregation operations are also referred to as Data Aggregation Trees which are directed trees rooted at the sink and have a unique directed path from each node to the sink. To maintain the high standard of Wireless sensor network, observation of malfunctioning sensor node is mandatory. The failure of the sensor node is either because of transmission device fault, environment condition and sensor device related problems. To identify the failed sensor node manually in such circumstance is troublesome. The Efficient malfunctioning node detection algorithm presents a new method to detect the sensor node failure or malfunctioning in such circumstance. The proposed work uses the round trip delay time to estimate the confidence factor of Round Trip Delay path. Based on the conviction factor the failed or malfunctioning sensor node is detected. The detection time of proposed method to detect faulty sensor node is in the range of few seconds. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
795-798 |
207 |
-JAGDISH MANSARAM CHAHANDE ; Dr. A. V. Vanalkar ; V. D. Dhopte
This paper presents the methodology for design and fabrication of Planetary Mixer for Preparing Cake Cream with the related search. The study specifies factors influencing the cake cream making process and recommends a number of design options for planetary mixer. These are based on a systematic study of the cake cream making process and testing of a prototype model of planetary mixer. For which we consider literatures reviews & some of them are explained. Read More...
India |
799-802 |
208 |
A Review on Multi-hop Message Dissemination Strategies in VANET Environment
-Jay Panchal ; Hitesh Patel
Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is a fast emerging new technology with an integrating ad hoc network, wireless LAN (WLAN) and cellular technology to achieve intelligent inter-vehicle communications and to improve road traffic safety and efficiency. As VANET is distributed, dynamic and self-organizing in nature it can easily turn into infrastructure less information system, in which vehicles can participate themselves to transfer and share important traffic and situation information as dissemination of traffic information depends on rebroadcasting protocol used by relay nodes. In this paper explains review some of important emergency message rebroadcasting protocols and techniques that are existing. In particular paper mainly focus on exploring multi-hop rebroadcasting protocol with probability based assignment and delay based assignment to rebroadcasting node. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering (VANET). |
India |
803-810 |
209 |
A Case Study: Analysis of Different Scheduling Algorithm of CPU Scheduling
-Bhavsar Palak Falgunbhai ; Mrs. Shilpa Serasiya
CPU is heart of the computer system and to manage that component scheduling is used. Scheduling gives proper resources to the CPU for execution, so you can say that CPU Scheduling is one of the primary part of the CPU, which allocate CPU time to the Processes. Multiprogramming operating system can execute multiple processes concurrently and for that different algorithm are available for this kind of system in which there are FCFS, SJF, Priority and RR included. In this paper we will discuss those entire algorithms with their state diagram and also perform them with some bunch of processes. Moreover that we mention some work related to those algorithms in recent years those work are done on the idea of basic scheduling algorithms. So, our goal is to analyze and compare all those algorithm which fulfills different Scheduling goals. Read More...
Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
811-814 |
210 |
Data Recovery Technique Using Seed Block Algorithm for Cloud Computing
-V. Suganya ; M. I Asifa Saman ; S. Neevedha; M. J Zainiya Nazrin ; J. Sangeetha Priya
A large amount of electronic data is generated in cloud computing. In order to maintain the data efficiently data recovery services are used. To tackle this in this project we use a Data Backup and Recovery using seed Block algorithm. The objective of this algorithm is in two phases. First it helps the user to collect information from any remote location in the absence of network connectivity and then secondly it recovers the files in case if the file is deleted or if the cloud gets destroyed due to any reason. Seed Block Algorithm takes minimum time for recovery. It also provides security for the backup files that are stored at the remote server without the use of any existing encryption technique. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
815-820 |
211 |
Cumulative Security of Maze Based Folder Locking: Combination of Image Analysis, Cued Click and Pass-Point Based Approach.
-Shweta Pote ; Monika Kadam; Payal Solanki; Madhuri Nanaware; Wasudeo Rahane
The paper introduces a novel technique of security for folder locking over the traditional alphanumeric passwords. This paper mainly converges on securing the information prevailing in the folder. One can acquire an image as a password by clicking the block of meticulous image. Only authorized people would have admitted to the confidential files is the main endeavor of Graphical password .Folder locking software is inserted by us who enables security with the help of image Password. The user will have to fall into place on the block which consists of pixels which is strung-out on the pecking order of pictures. The pecking order of images and their subsequent blocks enables to lock and unlock the folder. This software gives authentication for desktop application. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
821-825 |
212 |
Secure Transmission of Data in Encrypted Image Using Separable Reversible Technique with AES and BPCS Algorithm
-Pooja Lekawale ; Sneha Bhokare; Snehal Dighe ; Shruti Patange
Steganography plays vital role for the secure communication between two parties, nevertheless communication is not guarantees for the security. In this paper we propose separable reversible data hiding technique in encrypted image using AES and BPCS algorithm. AES algorithm is used to encrypt data and image while BPCS algorithm is used to embed data into an encrypted image. To provide security to the embedded image we again encrypt the image using AES algorithm before sending to transmission medium. On the receiver end embedded image is decrypted by secured private key. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
826-830 |
213 |
Power Transformer
-Mansuri Liyakatali Gulamhusen ; Pathan Furqan Yusuf
Transformers are extensively used in power system for metering purposes. One to one ratio transformers having equal primary and secondary voltages are used to electrically isolate the two parts of an electrical circuit. In high voltage laboratories the transformers are used to provide very high voltages for testing purposes, termed as testing transformers. In electric communication circuits transformers are employed for a variety of purposes e.g. as an impedance transformation device to allow maximum transfer of power from the input circuit to the output device. In radio and television circuits input transformers are also employed in telephone circuits, instrumentation circuits and control circuits. Indeed the transformer is a device which plays a vital and essential role in many facts of electrical engineering. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
831-834 |
214 |
Performance Evaluation of Hybrid uasb Reactor for Treatment of Pharma Industry Wastewater
-Ritvij D Trivedi ; Ronak B Patel; Dr. Dipak S Vyas; Sejal M Patel
India has huge development in pharmaceutical industry. The lots of MNCs are there, and the Vapi is one the pharmaceutical hub of Gujarat. Anaerobic technology is an advance and it has lots of benefits the UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) technology is the one of them in attached growth system. Here the reactor was design of 1210 mm height, 152.4 mm diameter and sparkling system for inlet. The 5 sampling point are placed with 180 mm height difference the height of inlet tank is 1500 mm. At the top of reactor there is a gas valve and sludge drain at the bottom. Here also microbial examination was done using anaerobic jar and gram staining. With the successful start-up using waste of Megafine Pharmaceutical’s wastewater the result are taken in COD, BOD, TSS, VSS, and alkalinity. The COD was maximum 71% and in the range of 6% to 71% and BOD is also as same TSS and VSS are in the range of 300 to 12000 it is increase due to microbial activity. The reaction is acidic so, that the pH is decreasing and alkalinity is decreasing these are in the range of 7.9 to 6.8 and 35000 to 1000 mg/L. So it can be concluded that the reactor has efficiency of 70 %. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
835-838 |
215 |
TE11 to HE11 Mode Converter in Corrugated Horn Antenna
-Prashant D. Sachaniya ; B.J.Makwana; Maulik Patel
In this paper, basic concept and design process of the TE11 to HE11 mode converter in corrugated horn antenna is presented. In order to obtain optimum illumination at the aperture of a dual mode conical horn, as in the open cassegrain antenna it is necessary to control the relative amplitudes and phase of the TE11 and TM11 modes. The mode combination is established by exciting the dominant mode (TE11) in the circular wave-guide that feeds the horn, and converting into HE11 using variable-pitch-to-width-slot mode converter. It has advantage of low return loss and pattern symmetry for design frequency range. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
839-841 |
216 |
Review on Various Edge Detection Techniques
-Deepti ; Rajiv Bansal
Edge Detection is useful technique in image processing which involves various steps for processing image i.e. image acquisition, image enhancement, image compression, image restoration, image segmentation, object recognition etc. There are various applications of image processing like image automation, remote sensing, criminology, security, medicines, military applications etc. One of the applications of edge detection is in pharmaceuticals is to identify the broken or missing pharmaceutical drugs. This paper analyzes various edge detection techniques with different applications and compares their results. Read More...
Computer science and enginnering |
India |
842-845 |
217 |
Controlled Environment for Accelerated Photosynthesis Using Embedded System
-Gokul V ; Priyadharshini M; Susila S; Vijayalakshmi G
To increase crop yield in a global scale, the rate of growth of plants is required to be increased so that the market demand is met by the crop yield. If such a situation is achieved, poverty and hunger can be easily eliminated as a result of abundance of food and low cost of procurement. On analysis, it is found that this can be passively achieved by controlling the vital parameters involved in photosynthesis such as temperature, sunlight intensity and CO2 concentration . The proposed scheme can be controlled by arduino microcontroller and it is programmed in arduino1.5 version. Read More...
India |
846-848 |
218 |
Tools Identification System with Audio Indication Using OCR in LabVIEW
-D. Vaishnavi ; K. Karthik; El. Ramkumar; I. S. Nivethitha
There is a great difficulty faced by the blind people who can work with tools like screws, due to similarity in their texture and appearance. Blind people are unable to differentiate tools and thereby they are notable to identify also. Our research article takes up this problem faced by the blind people as primary concern and deals with possible solution for this using OCR in LabVIEW with the help of a USB camera. Different tools are trained by properly describing them. Training helps the system to identify different tools. A blind person will be able to identify tools by himself with the help of a camera. Read More...
India |
849-851 |
219 |
-RAMKUMAR.M ; N.S. Nithya M.E (Ph.D)
Network lifetime plays an integral role in setting up an efficient wireless sensor network. The network will deploy sensor nodes at optimal locations and also it schedule the sensor nodes to increase the network lifetime. By using pre-specified sensing range it will identify the optimal deployment locations of the sensor nodes. It uses artificial bee colony algorithm and particle swarm optimization for sensor deployment problem followed by a heuristic for scheduling. In proposed system, using hybrid approach has ANT colony optimization technique is used to provide maximum network lifetime utilization. The comparative study shows that artificial ACO performs better than bee colony algorithm for sensor deployment problem. The proposed heuristic was able to achieve the theoretical upper bound in all the experimented cases. Read More...
India |
852-854 |
220 |
Traffic Shaping Application layer Packet
-Mrs.Tambewagh Pratibha Amol ; Prof.Patil Shankar M
The use of Application layer packet classifier and optimization of bandwidth towards QoS in Linux using netfilter, iproute2 and layer-7 Filter. As seen in the statistics the huge amount of data flows through the network, so it is necessity to apply packet-filtering rules in order to control the traffic and add firewall rules. So linux-based firewalls being highly customizable and versatile are also robust, inexpensive, and reliable. Using iproute2 package with ip and tc we can control traffic. Using Layer-7 Filter we can classify packet at using regular expressions not on the regardless of the tcp port but in the ip layer data. This gives us more flexibility to catch unknown traffic, where the tunneling protocols are used to transfer the data. Thus we can save bandwidth and drop or reject unwanted traffic. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
855-858 |
221 |
V-Type Merge Conveyor System
-Nikhil V. Bhende ; Aniket C. Wasule; Pratik R. Patil
This paper discusses the work done by the different researchers for the development of conveyor system for industrial purpose. Conveyor equipment selection is a complex, and sometimes, tedious task since there are literally hundreds of equipment types and manufacturers to choose from. The expert system approach to conveyor selection provides advantages of unbiased decision making, greater availability, faster response, and reduced cost as compared to human experts. Conveyor types are selected on the basis of a suitability score, which is a measure of the fulfillment of the material handling requirements by the characteristics of the conveyor. The computation of the score is performed through the Weighted Evaluation Method, and the Expected Value Criterion for decision making under risk. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
859-862 |
222 |
Z-Type Conveyor System
-Amit M. Sraode ; Sachin R. Kamble; Pravin V. Jadhao; Prof. Piyush S. Pande
A z-type conveyer system provide a fast loading and unloading of trucks and any other transport vehicle. It conveys the package material from storage area to trucks for further transportation. The device consists of chain drive system for running the ending roller which moves the conveyer belt. Principal area of shopping mall, departmental store, hotel and public building. Our research paper includes construction of z-type conveyer system. We can use this project in Automation mode which helps in the conservation of energy. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
863-865 |
223 |
A Review of Analysis and Optimization of Performance Parameters for Drilling of INCONEL625
-Chaudhari Hilesh ; Mr. Tushar Gundarneeya; Mr. Ruhulamin Patel
Nickel based Super alloys are high-temperature, precipitate-hardening alloy, due to its excellent mechanical properties at low and intermediate temperatures, it has been widely applied, in recent years, in aerospace, petroleum and nuclear energy industries. With regard to the quality characteristics of drilled parts, some of the problems encountered include Thrust force, circularity and Surface roughness, among these characteristics, surface roughness and circularity play the most important roles in the performance of a drilled part as super alloys find its application in aerospace where fatigue life is a crucial consideration. Cutting speed, feed rate, point angle, drill work piece material, drill tool type and coolant conditions are the drilling parameters which highly affect the performance measures. Thrust force has significant effect on surface roughness and circularity. Among the various parameters, cutting speed, feed and tool material have significant contribution in accuracy and quality hole. Read More...
mechanical (cad/cam) |
India |
866-869 |
224 |
Improving the Performance of Adhoc on Demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing Protocol
-Tapan Shah ; Vishal Patel
Routing protocols are mandatory in network for deliver packets from source to destination. The multipath routing providing idea of load balancing but not capably distributes the load in network. This dissertation work is motivated by the idea of taking account of several factors in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) routing design in a combined way. The rational of our motivation is that most of the multipath routing protocols are considered only based on one criterion like shortest path considered with balance load or energy conservation. This research paper proposes a scheme which could consider RSS (Received Signal Strength) and load balancing. In this routing scheme, we would include both the stable path and the RSS value in multipath way. We define a RSS factor as that combination of distance and transmission range of all the nodes along different paths as the selection criteria. The RSS factor informs about the status of stability then here we evaluate the performance of AOMDV and proposed RSS based AOMDV. The simulations will be performed on NS2. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
870-873 |
225 |
Content Sharing : Data Sharing Application
-Nikunj Patel ; Jigar Bhanushali; Vinit Parmar
Nowadays mobile users carry a huge amount of information inside their mobile phones. The proposed platform works for Android, and uses Internet connection to send and receive various kinds of file between smart phones. Actually, digital contents are not only carried but also created on the road using mobile devices equipped with cameras, audio and video recorders, location systems, etc. In this paper we propose a technological platform which makes simple and flexible the sharing of various files among mobile users. The proposed platform makes use of existing wireless technologies available in mobile devices. The user of the application can send various types of files such as text files, music files, image files, video files, docx files and APK files. The system allows the users of mobile devices to send APK files present in their devices to other users of the same application through the Internet. Read More...
Information Technology Engineering |
India |
874-876 |
226 |
Voice Your Sign: An Android Application for Differently Able People
-E.Chandralekha ; R.Deepika; V.Thanuja
An android application for specially able people(deaf and dumb)that translate speech –to-sign and sign –to –speech conversions on smart phone with signing and outfit7.This application can be accessed without dialing number, and which can translate spoken and written text into sign language. Deaf people can gesture sign language through smart phones and that can be converted as a text to other side by using VRS which would produce audible and textual output. We propose an interaction with normal people and we bridge a gap between normal people and hearing impairment people. This application which helps to chat with hearing people with the help of ASL. Read More...
India |
877-880 |
227 |
Management of water infrastructure system
-Maithili Maruti Raut ; Maithili Maruti Raut; Snehal Jagdish Shete; Aarti Kumari; Sheetal Patil
Management of water data is a major issue faced by water utilities in developing economics. In an existing system there is a manual process for calculating expected behavior of water network and there is no graphical or network schematic view. To address this, utilities require a permanent data management system. So we are providing a customizable product for managing and optimizing the water network that will help in viewing the network in geographical information system (GIS view). This product will help in analyzing the data collected from various monitoring points, but as our project is an in-disciplinary project we will take the data in the form of static input, related to pressure and flow, thus will allow monitoring water on different location. In case of leakage it will generate an alarm. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
881-882 |
228 |
Study of Multi-Objective Node Deployment Strategies for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous WSNs
-Aditi Gupta ; Gaurav Sharma
Recent years have witnessed the tremendous evolution of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). One of the main concepts in WSNs is the node deployment strategy which affects the sensor node design. A good deployment strategy reduces the node redundancy and enhances all the functionalities of the network. The optimization goals are different in different environment. However, questions of where, how many nodes should be deploy remain largely unexplored. This paper presents fundamental studies of the types of the networks in WSN and the node deployment methods for both networks. The effect of design preliminaries on sensor node positioning is also studied. Also, NSGA-II algorithm is studied in context of multi-objective node placement (MONP). Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
883-889 |
229 |
Recent trends in Applications of Heat pipes
-S. V. Nishandar ; Aniket Kumar Sutar ; Sanmay Sanjay Ghatage
Heat pipes have been used for last 5 decades in many fields. Applications of heat pipes are increasing in number of sectors like heat transfer, renewable energy, instrumentation industry etc. Due to increasing use of heat pipes, in last few years there is a tremendous technical research and innovations taking place. New technologies in design, development and application of heat pipe are emerging. This paper provides overview of some newly developed technologies regarding heat pipes. Review on all these newly developed technologies is provided in this paper. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
890-891 |
230 |
Alzheimer Patient Tracking and Guidance System Using GPS and GSM
-Mr. Balu L. Kadam ; Mr. Shreekant V. Shinde; Miss. Urmila G. Ubhe; Prof. Sachin Ahankari
Nowadays number of Alzheimer patients are getting lost. Alzheimer's is an urgent epidemic. "Alzheimer's disease is becoming an increasingly major medical problem worldwide. These patients lose their memory after a particular time depending upon how critical is the patient. To track them when they are lost or to get notified immediately when they are going to cross particular border we are proposing our system. Alzheimer disease patients need holistic attention by caregivers, due to the fact that they present with disorders of memory and orientation. However, communication with each patient is sometimes difficult. In this work we present a program to complement and support the daily activities of an Alzheimer’s centre. This is achieved by means of touching tags with mobile phones. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
892-894 |
231 |
-T.S.Udhaya Suriya ; C.Bharath
Patients in bed should be monitored continuously. Because of their tiredness and ill health, they may fall down or may be injured severely by dashing on the walls. So a dedicated nurse should watch them day and night. Innovative technology approaches have been increasingly investigated aiming at human-being long-term monitoring. In this project, a complete system for contactless health-monitoring in home environment is presented. It used a Radar technique to monitor the patient. The radar system consists of an IR transducer pair. The signal from the radar will be changed according to the position of the patient. If there is any deviation from normal position, the signal will be different for different actions. According to the signal from the sensors, the software analyses the position of the patient and accordingly the status of the patient. Thus it is very useful to find out the position of the patient without any dedicated nurse inside. Read More...
BioMedical Engineering |
India |
895-897 |
232 |
Acquiring Soil-Humidity By Labview
-S.Santhiya ; A.Pradeepa; P.Rupika; S.Arutselvi
The key objective of this paper is determining the humidity content present in the soil sample. The process is accompanied by means of NI-ELVIS, which is an efficient technology being introduced for the first time in the field of agriculture as well as in humidity analysis. The sensor in specific is the soil moisture hygrometer. Humidity in the basis represents the water vapour content present in the sample atmosphere. Read More...
Instrumentation and control engineering |
India |
898-900 |
233 |
A Review On Accident Prevention Using Bluetooth Technology
-Mr. Mayank Dipak Dudhe ; Prof. Pankaj M. Pandit ; Mr. Akshay Gangadhar Arbat
The world is plagued by accidents which occur primarily due to human errors and hence thousands of lives are lost. These accidents can be avoided if there was a mechanism to alert the driver of approaching the danger. This can be avoided by monitoring the distance between nearby car and alerting the driver when the distance between the two becomes too short. Precisely this is the aim of this paper. In this paper we propose the use of Bluetooth technology by which we can check the speed of the car when the two cars become dangerously close, thereby saving very many lives. Read More...
Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
901-903 |
234 |
Effective Utilization Of Ceramic Waste As A Raw Material In Concrete
-Janarthanan R ; Radha Srinivasan; Muthu Mariappan P
The ceramic industry is known to generate large amounts calcined mud wastes every year. So far a massive part is used into landfill. This project work deals with the experimental and study of ceramic waste as a construction material. Further land pollution is prevented as ceramic wastes are utilized as a raw material for concrete preparation. The purpose of adding ceramic waste in concrete preparation is due to high price of coarse aggregate in the industry. In this project we have attempted to replace the ceramic wastes as coarse aggregate in various proportions and compressive strength of the concrete was calculated as well as various properties of the ceramic concrete are studied. The result showed that the strength of concrete mixes containing recycled ceramic waste aggregates are likely when compared to the usual conventional concrete. This shows that the recycled ceramic waste aggregate satisfies and possibly can be employed as coarse aggregates in making concrete. Read More...
India |
904-906 |
235 |
Performance analysis of Modified Rotating Biological Contactors fitted with Radially Divergent Arms Assembly
-Mangesh L. Gulhane ; Ashwin Suresh Pand
Conventional rotating biological contactor was provided with radially divergent rotating arms in place of discs. Arms were filled with plastic mesh to increase the residing area of microorganisms. The three compartments in the reactor consisted rotating arms assembly while two baffles that separated the compartments were filled up with plastic scrubbers to provide an extra area for biofilm growth. Domestic wastewater was used to test the efficiency of lab scale model. Tests for BOD, COD and TS were carried out for a detention time of 24 Hours and rotational speeds of 4 rpm, 7 rpm and 10 rpm. Maximum efficiency was observed at rotational speed of 4 rpm. Average percentage removal of BOD, COD and TS was observed as 81.95%, 82% and 79% respectively. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
907-909 |
236 |
Customized Constructed Wetland - An Experimental Study over Specially Modified Constructed Wetland
-Mangesh L. Gulhane ; Saisaurabh K. Asoria
Severe damage to water bodies is caused due to the untreated wastewater from industries, institutions and households. Hence, there is a need of effective wastewater treatment technologies for the sustainable development. To treat the medium strength domestic wastewater, an Experimental laboratory scale model of constructed wetland was developed. Experimental Lab scale model having inlet and outlet arrangement was fabricated using thick GI sheet of thickness 0.55 mm. It was proposed to provide the treatment of medium strength domestic wastewater by using the experimental lab scale model having four numbers of compartments. The overall capacity of the experimental lab scale model was 60 L. The Inlet and outlet arrangement were provided at both ends of the model. The reactor was operated as continuous flow reactor with varying detention time and different types of media such as Natural and Artificial. The performance of customized constructed wetland reactor was observed for nearly 5 months under various operating conditions for Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Total Solids and Chemical Oxygen Demand parameters. The Experimental Lab scale Model of Customized Constructed Wetland claims removal efficiencies such as 74.11% for Total Solids, 73.92% for Biochemical Oxygen Demand, and 72.17% of Chemical Oxygen Demand. The present paper discusses various aspects associated with Customized Constructed Wetland system. The detailed information about the development and working of the model are also described in detail. The observed data during the study is presented in tabular format. Read More...
India |
910-913 |
237 |
Cloud Disk
-Gandhi Hardik ; Madiha Khan; Vidiya Jadhav; Minal Uparwat; Kawtikwar Vidya
The use of portable devices for storing and sharing of data is not safe enough. The loss of portable devices may introduce us loss of important data. Somehow, these devices became old as cloud systems came into existence. To avoid loss of valuable data as a result of device failure or theft, we propose this system, called as the Cloud Disk, which will help us to store, access, share and edit our data from mobile locations. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
916-919 |
238 |
Stabilisation of an expansive soil by using Sea Water and Bagasse Ash
-Mr. P.S. Ambaldhage ; Mr. S.S. Kumbhar; Mr. K. D. Waghmare; Mr. N. N. Kale; Mr. Y. Y. Kulkarni
In this study, we have observed the effects of sea water and bagasse ash on expansive soil. The sea water is collected from Arabian sea and soil sample is collected from farm at Mula road. Free swell index test was performed on the soil which concluded that it is a highly expansive soil. Tests that were carried out showed major improvement by adding sea water and bagasse ash. Plasticity index is 15.01% for sea water and bagasse ash. Free swell index is significantly reduced by adding sea water and bagasse ash. There is 10.2% increase in specific gravity of soil. There is rise in MDD and OMC by 5.51% and 37.03% respectively by adding the sea water and bagasse ash. Unconfined compressive strength also increased 37.22%. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
920-923 |
239 |
Recommender Systems Survey : A Multi-Criteria Based Approach
-Sheetal R Thakare
With the advent of Internet & E-Commerce applications people are exposed to mines of information and variety of products to choose from. In such situation it is quite obvious to get lost in, exploring abundance of products and related information while zeroing down the product to buy from the available many. This causes the waste of large amount of precious time and may at the same time, create confusion in the minds of prospective on-line shoppers regarding purchasing decision to be made, leading to in-vein search and unfruitful buying attempt. As a consequence, the role of user modeling and personalized information access is becoming crucial, users need a personalized support in sifting through large amounts of available information, according to their interests and tastes. Recommender systems play an important role in such scenario by presenting the buyer with the ranked list of products preferred by existing buyers for the same/similar products. The number of features of the product used to determine the order of the product in the ranked list will define the approach used by Recommender system. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
924-929 |
240 |
GSM Based Plc-Scada Burner Control System
-Snehal S Maskare ; Pragati S Kamble; Susmita S Pendse; Mr. V. S. Kamble
The project involves remote monitoring of burner processes. The main objective is to keep in check various parameters involved in the heating processes. The PLC used in the project is GE Fanuc. SCADA system has been implemented so as to suit the operator with graphics of the processes being carried out. The project being GSM based, its motto is to keep the operator (if not present at the site or otherwise) aware of ongoing processes, faults occurring, the air-fuel ratio values etc. The innovation, which is to be developed, is to bring about a two way communication that is, to control the ongoing process, correct the fault via the cell phone or GSM device. Read More...
electrical engineering |
India |
930-932 |
241 |
Tongue Operated Applications for Paralyzed Person
-Bhagyashree Khatri ; Rakesh Shirsath; Sufiyan Khan; Suhasini Gunjal; Ashwini Ahire
There are people in this world who are severely disabled due to quadriplegia, spinal cord injuries, central nervous system disorders or traumatic brain. Assistive technology plays a very vital role in their life. This technology helps them to live independent life. The “Tongue Operated Device†is a tongue operated Assistive Technology which is developed for such people to control their environment. This system consists of magnetic sensors mounted on a patients jaw to measure the magnetic field generated by a small permanent magnet placed on the tongue. The signals which are coming from sensors are transmitted across a wireless link and processed to control the wheelchair, media player in laptop etc. There are many Assistive Technologies but they are having certain demerits. The tongue is considered as an excellent appendage in severely disabled people for operating an Assistive device. Read More...
computer engineering |
India |
933-935 |
242 |
Pavement Evaluation by Benkelman Beam of State Highway Section (Waghodiya Crossing to Limda)
-Dhaval V Lad ; Amitkumar A. Patel
Nowadays, highways, pavements, bridges, parking garages and other exposed structures are becoming functionally obsolete or deteriorating due to repeated application of vehicular loads and due to the effect of climatic parameters. Nondestructive structural evaluation of pavements is an important part of the pavement management. In the structural evaluation of flexible pavement the pavement deflection is measured by the Benkelman Beam. Rebound deflection is used for overlay design. A detailed pavement condition survey is done on State Highway 158 (Waghodiya crossing to Limda) and the road condition is evaluated structurally. The present study is evaluates the overlay thickness for State Highway 158 Waghodiya crossing to Limda. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
936-938 |
243 |
-B. Jagatis kumaar ; K. Vinoth; C. Vivek Vijayan; P. Aravind
Modeling and control of highly nonlinear system is important in industries. The work on the development of model identification and controller designing for spherical tank level control process. [1] Spherical tank is considered as nonlinear system, where the aim is to control the liquid level of tank. Control of liquid level in spherical tank system is highly challenging due to variation in the area of cross section of spherical tank with change in shape. So, tank is liberalized into different operating regions by step test method. First order plus dead time model is identified from real time process tank at different operating point and multiple PID controller were planned to implement. Different type of tuning algorithm (ZN, CC, and IMC) was to be applied in simulation environment and optimized controller setting is highlighted on the basis of time domain analysis, error criterion test, and by stability analysis.[1] Read More...
Instrumentation and control engineering |
India |
939-945 |
244 |
Innovative Use of Rice Husk Ash Fly Ash and Egg Shell Powder in Concrete
-ASHISH S. MOON ; Ashish S. Moon; Ashif M. Qureshi; Anupam S. Hirapure
Throughout the world, concrete is being widely used for the construction of most of the buildings, bridges etc. Hence, it has been properly labeled as the backbone to the infrastructure development of a nation. Currently, our country is taking major initiatives to improve and develop its infrastructure by constructing express highways, power projects and industrial structures to emerge as a major economic power and it has been estimated that the infrastructure segment in our country is expected to see investments to the tune of Rs.4356 billion by the year 2009. To meet out this rapid infrastructure development a huge quantity of concrete is required. Unfortunately, India is not self-sufficient in the production of cement, the main ingredient of concrete and the demand for exceeds the supply and makes the construction activities very costlier. Hence, currently, the entire construction industry is in search of a suitable and effective the waste product that would considerably minimize the use of cement and ultimately reduce the construction cost. Few of such products have already been identified like Rice Husk Ash (RHA), Fly Ash, Silica Fumes, Egg shell etc. Amongst these RHA and Egg shells are known to have good prospects in minimizing the usage of cement. Read More...
India |
946-948 |
245 |
Survey on Load Balancing Using Parameters in Cloud Computing
-Prathmesh Nayak ; Jignesh Vania
Cloud computing is a kind of distributed computing where different massively scalable IT related resources or capabilities are provided to a number of external users as a service using internet. Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the Internet. Cloud services allow duality and business to use software and hardware that are managed by third parties at remote locations. Here in this paper we have discussed many different load balancing techniques used to solve the issue in cloud computing and also discuss with quality of services in load balancing in cloud environment. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
949-951 |
246 |
Study of Current Developments and Research Concern of Conventional Cemented Tungsten Carbides: A Review
-Gaurav Bhadauria*, ; Dr. S. K. Jha; Nonihal Singh Dhakry
Tungsten carbide- (WC-CO) based hardmetals or cemented carbides represent an important class of materials used in a wide range of industrial applications which primarily include cutting/drilling tools and wear resistant components. Tungsten carbide is applied to improve the wear resistance of moving parts in machines like rolls and balls, of bearings, and nozzles, cutting and drilling tools, and mining equipment. Tungsten carbide cemented with copper or silver is used for electrical contacts and in fuel cells. Since most cemented carbides contain tungsten carbide, which gives them their extreme hardness and their high specific gravity, these alloys are referred to as hard metals and are often also termed “tungsten carbide†This report reviews the status of research and development in conventional Cemented Tungsten Carbides. Read More...
production engineering |
India |
952-957 |
247 |
A Survey on Fast Feature Subset Selection Algorithm
-Naikwadi Varsha Sudhakar ; Belamkar Kaveree Sudarshan; Andhare Aruna Shripati; Mohite Mayuri Mahadeo; Prof. Sonali Kadam
The rapid advance of computer technologies in data processing, collection and storage has provided un-paralleled opportunities to expand capabilities in production, services communication and research. However, a feature selection algorithm may be evaluated from both the efficiency and effectiveness points of view. It finds the subset of features. There are two steps of FAST algorithm. First, features are divided into clusters by using graph theoretic clustering method. Second, select feature from clusters that are highly correlated to the target classes. We are comparing FAST algorithm with the some representative feature subset selection algorithm name as Fast correlation based filter, Relief-F, Correlation based feature selection, Consist and FOCUS-SF. The results are available on high-dimensional data, microarray, text data and image data. Experimental results show that our FAST algorithm implementation can run faster and obtain better-extracted features than other methods. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
958-961 |
248 |
Simulation of Fuel Cell Based Multilevel Inverter for Induction Motor Drives
-S. Nagarajan@Vengateshkumar ; T.Suresh Padmanabhan
Nowadays fuel cell technology is the emerging and developing for power production. Fuel cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy until the chemical (fuel) is supplied. Fuel cell produces dc voltage only, that is continuous voltage over the time period and also its produces lower output power which is not sufficient for larger utility. So the lower output from the fuel cell is needed to be step up into larger value. This can be achieved by using boost converter which gives higher voltage level from lower value with the help of energy storing inductance. The boost converter output is only dc it’s not useful for ac load so, by using inverter the dc voltage have to be converted into ac voltage. In this thesis diode clamped multi-level inverter is introduced which is differ from conventional voltage source inverter. The multi-level inverter gives ac voltage in multi-step manner. Due to this the harmonic content in the output of inverter is reduced and higher fundamental output voltage is achieved. It is efficient way of using renewable energy for power production. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
962-967 |
249 |
Review on FPGA Implementation of AES based on MIPS
-Raval Mitesh Manubhai ; Dharmedra B. Patel
In today’s data security is an undeniable fact. Achieving higher security, cryptographic algorithms play an important role in the protection of data from unapproved usage. Information encryption keeps up information secrecy, trustworthiness and validation. Messages need to be secured from unapproved gathering. Use such an encryption methods such as DES, 3DES and AES etc. Here present a FPGA implementation using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is an advance cryptographic process. The AES is integrated with general purpose 5-stage pipelined MIPS processor. The integrated AES module is a fully pipelined module which follows inner round and outer round pipeline design. An AES algorithm respect to FPGA and VHDL this proposes a strategy to incorporate the AES coder and the AES decoder. We will implement it on FPGA using MIPS pipeline technique because it will make it faster and secure compare to software implementation. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering (VLSI) |
India |
968-970 |
250 |
Student Alumni System
-Madhavi Medhe ; Rajeshwari Rapelli; Sameer Mahadik; Amit Shirke; Mr.Sachin Barahate
The Student Alumni System provides the way in which alumni can stay connected with college which has been very important part of their memory. SAS does not connect only college with its alumni but also it connects current students of college and its alumni. So that the bond between existing students and pass-out students will become strong and there will be direct flow of information between them. SAS have features for both existing student and alumni like Content Management System, Discussion Groups (Forums), Career Center, Marks Revaluation System, SMS Notification etc. We understand the importance of "staying connected" & therefore structured a portal which is equipped to let you connect, build credibility and expand upon the Graduates. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
971-974 |