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251 |
A Survey on Energy Efficient Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud
-Verma Megha ; Jignesh Vania
Cloud computing is one of the most emerging technology of the world. Due to rapid increase in the number of data centers to provide the services to the users the power consumed and operational costs of them is going on increasing day by day. Due to high power consumption and continuous working the amount of CO2 emission is going on increasing which is adding up to the greenhouse effect. So there is a need to create an energy efficient system where the power consumption is less. Virtualization can be used to reduce the power consumption by data center. VM placement deals with the optimal choice of physical machine where it should be placed. Moreover the main aim for making it energy efficient is to transfer the load of fewer servers and switch off the idle servers. So in this paper a summary of various VM placement algorithms are discussed and energy conservation parameters are also discussed. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
975-978 |
252 |
A Face Recognition Technique Using Principal Component Analysis
-Jyoti Dalal ; Ankush chaudhary; Ashish Kumar Sharma; Leena Choukiker
This paper describes an for an robust face recognition system in order to overcome many of the limitations found in existing facial recognition systems. This paper addresses the problem of detecting faces in color images in the presence of various lighting conditions and various poses. In this paper the face is preprocessed using histogram equalization to avoid illumination problems and then is detected using skin segmentation method. The facial features are then extracted and recognized using principal component analysis. The dimensionality of the image is reduced by using PCA. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
979-980 |
253 |
Investigation on Parameter Optimization of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) for better Mechanical Properties ? A Review
-Mr. Rakesh A. Jadav ; Prof. Bhavesh Solanki
Rapid prototyping (RP) refers to a modern technology that produces the tangible parts from available computer aided design (CAD) data directly. Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is one of the RP technologies that produced parts from plastic material by lying track of semi molten plastic filament on to a platform in a layer wise manner from bottom to top from plastic filament nozzle. The quality of FDM made parts is highly affected to various process parameters of FDM process. So optimization of FDM process parameters is essential in order to optimize the quality of parts. The purpose of this paper is to explore the reviews for various optimization methods used for process parameter optimization of FDM process given by researchers and application of full factorial method. Read More...
India |
981-984 |
254 |
A Pervasive Assessment of Motor Function using Lightweight Grip Strength Tracking System
-T.S. Udhaya Suriya ; J.M. Jayanthi Gayathri; V. Saranya
It is essential to design and develop the portable monitoring system for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic neuro-degenerative diseases. This paper introduces a highly portable and low cost monitoring system to quantify motor performance for patient with movement disorder. Using sensing hardware, general motor performance should be estimated. The software data is collected to perform cross- data analysis and classification. It is used to analyze an inter-group comparison of physiological signal for CVA and CIDP patients. Read More...
Biomedical Engineering |
India |
985-986 |
255 |
Traffic Control and Monitoring Based upon Density Estimation in Various Traffic Condition using Artificial Intelligence
-Dishant Champaneri ; Minkal Patel
In this survey paper the design and development of an application that aims to detect and estimate the number of vehicle are presented on road, in order to maximize traffic light functioning. First, a selection process of interest region is applied to the image sequences, multiplying a mask image with the original image to focus the segmentation in this region. Then, it is segmented by an iterative algorithm, which estimates the background to offset the light intensity variation; it extracts the objects on the road and, through morphological processing, removes the small lines and shapes. Now, object detection, tracking and classification of objects are done. The Objects are detected using optical flow method and traced using kalman filtering method. The objects extracted are classified using ten features including shape based features such as area, height, width, compactness factor, elongation factor, skewness, perimeter, orientation, aspect ratio and extend. A comparative analysis is presented in this paper for the classification of objects (car, truck, auto, human, motorcycle, none) based on Multi-class SVM (one vs. all), Back-propagation, and Adaptive Hierarchical Multi-class SVM (Support Vector Machine). Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
987-990 |
256 |
Smart Indicator for Blind People
-Ghosha Trivedi ; Minkal Patel
This paper presents a novel navigation system for the blind and visually impaired person. To carry on multi target recognition quickly and effectively, according to the characteristics of SIFT, PCASIFT and SURF algorithm, a method of multi target recognition based on SURF algorithm is studied. The method includes multi angles recognition and multi targets recognition. Firstly, feature points were extracted single target or multiple targets by SURF algorithm, then storing feature of target in the database, Secondly traversal targets database in the process of image registration to recognize the target, Finally, a series of tests are make to evaluate the method. Experimental results show that SURF algorithm has better robustness for characteristics of two-dimensional for rotation, scale changes and occlusion. And the three-dimensional rotation targets and multiple targets are identified quickly and effectively. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
991-993 |
257 |
Fog Computing - Mitigating Insider Data Theft Attacks in the Cloud
-Ganesh Bhiva Landge ; Varsha Ramesh Ohol; Avinash Thorat; Arti dandavate
Cloud database is subscription based service. The way of securing data in the cloud using offensive decoy technology Called Fog Computing. We monitor data access in the cloud and detect abnormal data access patterns. When unauthorized access is detected and then verified using challenge questions, we provide large amounts of decoy information to the attacker .This protects against the misuse of the user’s real data. Experiments conducted in a local file setting provide evidence that this approach may provide unprecedented levels of user data security in a Cloud environment. Cloud computing is a paradigm that focuses on sharing data and computations over a scalable network of nodes. Examples of such nodes include end user computers, data centers, and Web Services. We term such a network of nodes as a cloud. An application based on such clouds is taken as a cloud application. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
994-995 |
258 |
Use of Mexican Hat Wavelet for Detection and Localization of Faults in Transmission Lines
-Priya K. Dagadkar ; Sayali S. Dhande; Swapnil C. Naghate; Ashvini B. Nagdewate
To transmit the electrical power from utility to end-user the power transmission and distribution lines plays an important role. They are the vital links that accomplish the indispensable (essential) continuity of service. As we know that the generating stations are located far away from the end-users and they run the distance over hundreds of kilometers, this leads to rise the probability of occurrence of fault in the transmission line. Since faults affect the power system, so it is necessary to isolated it immediately. Fault analysis is very important factor in power system engineer to maintain the system stability and in order to return the system in normal operating condition with minimum interruptions. In case of the digital distance protection schemes signal processing is an important key. The proposed model is based upon a combination of the impedance calculation and the continuous wavelet transformation (CWT) method. This method also detect the disturbances occurs in the transmission line with distance of fault occurrence. In order to verify the algorithm and to create fault signals MATLAB / Simulink is used. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed fault detection indicator. Read More...
electrical engg |
India |
996-998 |
259 |
AN Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Computing
-Anupama Shukla ; Bhavesh Patel
Cloud computing has been promising as a supple and potent computational structural design to put forward omnipresent services to users. It accommodates inter coupled hardware and software assets in a cohesive way, which is dissimilar to conventional computational environments. A diversity of hardware and software resources are incorporated together as a resource pool, the software is no longer resided in a sole hardware environment, it is performed upon the schedule of the resource pool for optimized resource deployment. The optimization of energy utilization in the cloud computing environment is the issue how to use diverse energy conservation strategies to efficiently allocate resources. In this paper, we study the association among infrastructure components and power utilization of the cloud computing environment, and converse the matching of job types and component power tuning methods, and then we present a resource scheduling algorithm of Cloud Computing based on energy efficient optimization methods. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
999-1001 |
260 |
College Communicator
-Vidya Kawtikwar ; Vishal Kengar; Neha Limkar; Sudarshani Jadhav; Mandar Ghade
In today’s world every college and other educational institutions has thousands of students and staff members. These institutions have daily updates and notices related to the tasks and other activities for students and staffs. In this project we aim to explain the use of mobile phone to have an application that provides a notification system for college and other institutions. Firstly, this paper provides a brief glance at the current notification system of college where in they have a notice board for displaying notices also a system of sending notices in bulk via the SMS technology, along with a statistical insight of their drawbacks. Later it provides an insight into our proposed system i.e. a College Communicator which uses a mobile application as a medium to send notifications to the students and staff members. Read More...
Information technology |
India |
1002-1005 |
261 |
TRAVELOGRAPHY - Tour Guide Application
-Omkar Pandurang Tanpure ; Shruti Rajendra Bhalerao; Suchita Ananda Dalvi; Rajvardhan Yuvraj Chavan; Sachin R Barahate
Travelography’ is a tour guide application which will help travelers to explore the places of interest. It basically indicates the guiding application for handheld devices of travelers like Smartphone’s and tablets which will help the travelers to find out what exactly they supposed to explore and what are the places of enjoyment while their visit of several places. Travelography is an application which will help travelers to explore the places of interest nearby along with the detailed information about the place (including how to reach, nearest railway station or airport, history, special attraction, entry cost if any, best time to visit, Rules and regulations if any ,best hotels to stay nearby etc.).This application is focused to have location tracking facility have automated suggestions by the application for making a travel plan. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1006-1009 |
262 |
Dynamic Reliable Low Energy Cost Routing Algorithm for Wireless Adhoc Network
-P.Vasanthi ; S.Vadivel
A wireless ad hoc network (WANET) is a not centralized type of wireless network. Energy-aware reliable routing algorithms for wireless ad hoc networks, called Dynamic Reliable Low Energy Cost Routing (DRLECR) protocol implemented by an AODV. DRLECR can increases the operational lifetime of the network by using efficient energy and reliable routes. Finding reliable routes can increase the level of excellence of the service. AODV is an on-demand routing protocol in which it discover network destination dynamically. Routers will communicate with the adjacent routers which inform network to which each router is connected. When traffic changes these routers adjust automatically. So it is simple to configure on larger networks, and if a link goes down it choose a different route dynamically. Read More...
computer science engineering |
India |
1010-1012 |
263 |
MONA: Secure Sharing Data in the Clouds for Multiuser Group
-Mayur Gaikwad ; Prof .Umesh Talware; Pooja Sanjay Kulkarni; Ashok Bhaskar Gaware; Avinash Shivaji Sathe
Now days Cloud computing is the developing & growing technology in I.T World it provides economical & efficient solutions for sharing group resources among cloud users. The customers are used cloud for their data storage & Data sharing purposes. Designing an efficient & secure data sharing scheme is not an easy task because challenging issues like identity privacy & Dynamic nature of group. In this paper we propose Multi-owner data sharing scheme named MONA for dynamic groups in the clouds. By using concepts like Group signature & Dynamic Broadcast encryption any cloud users can securely share their data with other users. As the result of the computation cost of our cost independent with the number of revoked users so the encryption cost is also minimized. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1013-1015 |
264 |
Improving Wireless Ad Hoc Routing Protocol Performance Using Rmecr Algorithm
-K.N.Ranjani ; S.Pavithra
The ad hoc network is infrastructure less and it provides self-organization and maintenance as well as shared radio channel and distributed routing. The requirements of ad hoc networks are energy efficiency, reliability and prolonging network life time. These requirements can be fulfilled using two algorithms named RMECR and RMER. RMER is one of the energy efficient routing algorithms which find the routes to minimizing the overall energy needed for end-to-end packet reversal. RMECR provides the energy consumption and therefore the remaining battery energy of nodes yet as quality of links to realize efficient energy and reliable routes that results in increase the operational life time of the network. RMER and RMECR are proposed for network to ensure reliability either by hop- by-hop or end-to-end retransmission. Trust management algorithm is introduced here for security and trust concept and it also decreases the delay in hop-by-hop transmission. In real time application, the packets are transmitted with low energy consumption that leads to scale back the delay within the transmission process. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
1016-1019 |
265 |
Design and Analysis of Different Element DR Filters for Satellite Communication Application
-Tulika khanna ; Inderpreet Kaur
This research paper presents a design of three-element DR filter and six-element DR filter for the use in satellite communication systems. Strict requirements on size, weight and power necessitate the use of low power, high quality factor and low loss components in space communications. Comparison of different element DR filters is done and their properties have been studied. The designed 6-element DR filter operating at a center frequency of 3.806 GHz with a bandwidth of 60 MHz and achieving a quality factor of around 39000 is well suited for the design of output multiplexers used in C-band satellite applications. Read More...
microwave engineering |
India |
1020-1023 |
266 |
Online Parking System
-Imran Bohari ; Dhawal Sidhpura; Tanmay Patil; Jayesh Thukarul
Searching for a vacant parking space in a congested or large parking lot are major concerns of our daily lives. In this paper, we propose a new online parking system for parking lots which enables the user to book a parking slot in advance which would prevent last minute hassle. The proposed system will provide the users with real-time parking navigation service, security and parking information dissemination. Read More...
India |
1024-1028 |
267 |
A Novel Proposal to Optimize Energy Consumption of Nodes in DSR Protocol
-Ankit B. Bhatt ; Prof. Sunil J. Soni
A Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) which is composed of a group of mobile and wireless nodes and completely infrastructure less. There are several issues needed to be addressed for smooth and effective functioning of MANET e.g. security, energy conservation, quality of service etc. One such issue for almost all kinds of mobile nodes supported by battery powers is energy conservation. Energy is a limited resource; hence, how to extend the lifetime of batteries is an important issue, particularly for MANET, Which is completely supported by batteries. This paper focuses on the extension of network lifetime. We propose a novel energy efficient DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) routing protocol which will be modified to improve the networks lifetime in MANET. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1029-1031 |
268 |
E-Voting -- Secured NFC Voting
-Pooja Dyta ; Akshay Pandita; Swapnil Junjare; Prof. D.R. Ingle
Due to embedded systems, Evoting systems are becoming popular and widespread. Using homomorphic signature scheme, this paper implements the new Evoting system with the help of a Paillier cryptosystem and blind signature method. The embedded system is used as a voting machine and the RFID are used to perform the casting of votes according to government rules. Read More...
India |
1032-1036 |
269 |
Green Initiatives By Using Wet Reclamation Process In Foundry Industry
-P.Kumar ; N. Gopalsamy
Foundry is the main manufacturing methods for producing castings which are the basic material for any type of production. The casting obtained from the foundries are fed through various machining and manufacturing process for producing different type of components needed for many type Automobile, Industrial, Consumable and commercial products. It is an ancient manufacturing process invented by our ancestors and is in nature human by birth itself from Harrappa and mohanzathara Civilization days, say before 3000years. During foundry process A by product called waste sand is obtained. It comes as waste after moulded component is removed from the sand moulds. The consumed sand converted to hard residue thrown to dust yard or dumped as debris near the road sides ponds or river sides. Now a day, disposal of these kind of foundry wastes are cumbersome and tedious job for the foundries. Presently in small and medium scale foundry, resource consumption and environmental pollution are major problem caused by the waste sand.. Foundries cannot dump the used sand in a quarry. But, it is essential to focus on reclamation for green initiatives in foundry industry because of sand availability are also a problem. There are some large –scale foundries that are importing sand. Pollution control norms are stringent Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1037-1039 |
270 |
A Prototype of Assistive Text Label Reading System for Blind - An Overview
-P.H.SHAH ; Mr.G.P.Jain
Self-Dependency for disabled persons is of prime importance. This paper presents a cost effective prototype system to help blind persons to shop independently. A camera based prototype system is proposed in which label of the product which a blind user wishes to buy will be extracted from the image and will be pronounced as voice. To isolate the object of interest from the captured image sequence or video, the user is asked to shake the product. Background subtraction will be used to detect the object of interest that is nothing but Region of Interest (ROI). Text extraction will be performed on ROI to obtain the label of product. The prototype system will be implemented on Raspberry Pi board. Read More...
Computer Vision |
India |
1040-1042 |
271 |
Experimental Investigation of CI engine performance and emission characteristics by effect of Nano fuel additives in Pongamia Pinnata biodiesel
-S.Manibharathi ; R.Chandraprakash; B.Annadurai; R.Titus
The effect of Nano fuel additives on the performance and emission characteristics of CI engine fueled with a blend of Pongamia pinnata biodiesel and diesel. The ball milling process is used to prepare the Nano rhodium oxide (Rh2O3) particles. The Nano rhodium oxide (Rh2O3) particle size is characterized by using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The Nano rhodium oxide size obtained in the range of 100 NM. The Nano Rhodium oxide is circulated in the biodiesel with the help of magnetic stirrer with the surface concentration. Various proportions of Pongamia biodiesel blends (10%, 20% and 30%) were used for showing the performance and emission test at different load situations. A single cylinder, air cooled, direct injection diesel engine is used for the test. The addition of rhodium oxide Nano particles, with the biodiesel at different dosing levels of the additive showed an improvement in the efficiency of the engine. During combustion the additive release the energy in the fuel, reduce the energy consumption and improves the thermal efficiency. Metal additives quite effective in controlling NOx formation. With the help of fuel base metal additives is reduced HC emission and PM emission. The addition of Nano rhodium oxide additives in fuel it reduces NOx emission up to 17% at B20 when compare with B10 and B30. Also reduces the unburnt hydrocarbon (UBHC) up to 25% at B20. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1043-1047 |
272 |
A Technical Review on Performance of CI Engine Fuelled With Plastic Pyrolysis Oil & Effect of Injection Pressure on Performance Of CI Engine Fuelled With Diesel
-Kagdi Dhruvin Nileshkumar ; Prof. R. J. Jani
Plastic Pyrolysis Oil is a fuel which can be used as a replacement of Diesel Fuel in CI engine. Plastic wastes can be converted into fuel oil by Pyrolysis process and the same can be used as a replacement of Diesel. Research has shown that properties of Plastic Pyrolysis Oil Depends upon type of the plastic waste used to convert them into fuel by pyrolysis process and these properties are nearly similar to Properties of Diesel fuel. So, by the use of Plastic Pyrolysis oil we can save the conventional Diesel Fuel and at the same time, we can reduce the amount of solid plastic wastes. Further, changing the injection pressure affects the performance of CI engine, the research shows. So by reviewing research on effect of injection pressure, we can improve performance of CI engine and it would be even more helpful in saving the consumption of Fuel. Read More...
India |
1048-1051 |
273 |
Heart Disease and Diabetes Prediction Using Data Mining
-Tanmay Tamhane ; Mateen Shaikh; Prof. Abhay Patil; Sanjaykumar Boga; Mrunal Tanwar
The healthcare industry collects huge amounts of health related data which, unfortunately, is not ‘mined’ to discover hidden information for effective decision making. Discovery of hidden patterns and their relationships often goes undetected. Advanced data mining techniques can help remedy this situation. Our project describes about using data mining techniques, namely Naive Bayesian and WAC (Weighted Associative Classifier).In our system, we will store patients’ health record details and update it on that patient’s regular visits. The doctor will check the patient’s record from time to time. And, based on the results shown by our system, the doctor will come to know the occurrence of a disease in future. Read More...
Information Technology Engineering |
India |
1052-1054 |
274 |
Gesture Based Man Machine Interface Technique without Using External Accessories
Today in this technological world, people have been coming in contact with different technologies and out of which remote gesture based technology has been found very great importance. Normally, the technologies in existence use some sort of additional hardware also called special hardware so as to recognize the gestures and to perform some operations based on the detected gestures. The main objective of this system is to create such a human machine interface with the help of which user will be able to write in air through gestures that is to say the aerial gestures will be displayed on the screen without applying any accessories or even color. Read More...
India |
1055-1058 |
275 |
WARNINGBIRD: A review of suspicious URLs recognition system for Real time twitter stream
-Sowmya Shree ; Priyanka Shewale; Payal Patel; Vignesh Kergal; Shriya Chandankar
Famous social networking sites contain many suspicious URLs. We are using Twitter as social networking site. Twitter can suffer from malicious tweets containing suspicious URLs for spam, phishing, and malware distribution. In this project, we will propose WARNINGBIRD as real-time, a suspicious URLs detection system for Twitter. Because attackers have limited resources and thus have to reuse them again, a portion of their redirect chains will be shared. We focus on those shared resources to detect suspicious URLs. Our classifier has high accuracy and low false-positive and false-negative rates. We will also present WARNINGBIRD as a real-time system for classifying suspicious URLs that can be seen in the Twitter stream.We will be collecting a large number of tweets from the dummy Twitter account in public timelineand trained a statistical classifier with features derived from correlated URLs and tweet context information. We also present WARNINGBIRD as a real time system for classifying suspicious URLs in the Twitter stream.Previous Twitter spam detection schemes have used account features such as the ratio of tweets containing URLs and the account sign up date, or relation features in the Twitter graph. Malicious users can easily fabricate account features. Extracting relation features from the Twitter graph is time and resource consuming. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1059-1061 |
276 |
A Review : Denial of Service Attack MANET
-Mamta Jha ; Rajesh Singh; S.S. Dhakad
MANET is an emerging method and have high strength to be applied in the serious conditions like commercial applications and battlefields such as traffic surveillance, building, MANET is organization less, with no any central supervisor exist and also all node hold routing capability, Every device in the MANET is independently free to move in every direction, and will therefore modification its connections to other devices frequently. Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks are two of the most harmful threats to the network functionality. Many of the protection methods established in a fixed wired network are no applicable to this novl in a mobile environment. How to thwart the Denial of Service attacks differently effectively and save the vital secure-sensitive ad hoc networks obtainable for its intended use are needed. The DOS (denial of service), DDoS (Distributed denial-of-service) attacks are a rapidly rising problem. The multitude and variation of both the attacks and the defense approaches is overwhelming. These attacks lead to the degradation or the prevention of legitimate use of network resources. In this paper kind of attacks are presented which are attacked on an ad-hoc network. The motive of the study is aware about different service availability attacks and its effects on network operation. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1062-1066 |
277 |
-Shweta Bajpai ; D.K.Srivastava
In this paper a comparative analysis of OFDM IDMA systems is determined by variation of number of users .In this paper we have compared between bit error rate of the OFDM IDMA by varying the number of users. Firstly bit error rate BER of single user has been shown and then a comparative study has been performed by varying the number of users. The comparison is done by using MATLAB software. Read More...
India |
1067-1069 |
278 |
Secondary Storage Virtual Machine Image Optimization
-Pradip R Shelat ; Ms Gayatri Pandi (Jain)
Secondary Storage VM Images Optimization" during migration of Virtual Machine, with the development of the computer technology and the virtual machine has been become the main research topic. Cloud computing has become the collective model for grouping the different technologies which are collaborated to provide the services on demand. Understanding of the current technology and future trends of virtual machine system greatly help to improve the service performance of cloud system. Therefore, we describe the current technology and present the future trends of virtual machine system in the paper. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1070-1073 |
279 |
Comparison of Series and Shunt Type FACTS Controller For Voltage Stability Improvement
-Smit Radia ; Chirag Tanti; Ashok Parmar
In recent years, much attention has been attracted to the problems of voltage quality for the electrical power systems. Because of continuous increase of power demands and large scale system interaction as well as the consideration of both the economic benefit and the environment protection, modern power system are operated more and more close to the their maximum operating conditions. As a consequence, some transmission lines are heavily loaded and the system stability becomes a power transfer-limiting factor. In these days, voltage of the system can be control in many ways and the latest technology by using power electronic device that we call as FACTS-devices. Flexible Ac Transmission System (FACTS) devices are the option to mitigate voltage instability by reactive power flow and voltage control criteria. It has lot of configuration like series, shunt etc. TCSC is series type and STATCOM is shunt type controller. In this paper both the devices are compared for voltage stability enhancement. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1074-1077 |
280 |
Monetary Incentives and Employee Dedication
-Shikha Pareek ; Dr. Seema Singh Rathore
The goal of the paper is to present the hypothetical and exact confirmations thoughtfully in regards to the connections between fiscal impetuses and employment fulfillment among open and private segment banks of India. This study explored the effect of budgetary motivating forces and remunerates on representative's dedication. A total of 100 human resources from the Private Sector Banks, and Public Sector Banks, at Jaipur Rajasthan that includes 39 female and 61 male. Questionnaire in Likert form was used to draw information from the respondents and random sampling was used as a sampling design. Linear regression was used to examine the relationship between monetary incentives and employee dedication. Results however uncovered positive and huge relationship between fiscal motivations picked up by bank workers in private and also open segment banks and representative duty and increment in financial motivators, for example, advancement and rewards upgraded worker responsibility which builds the worker's execution and decreases turnover and representatives must be faithful when their needs and yearnings are fulfilled in restricted or other. Read More...
Human Resource Management |
India |
1078-1081 |
281 |
Harmonic Analysis in Distribution Network
-Somesh Kumar Jayaswal ; Rahul Kumar Tiwari; Akash Kale
Harmonics are found to have deleterious effects on power system equipments including transformers, capacitor banks, rotating machines, switchgears and protective relays. Transformers, motors and switchgears may experience increased losses and excessive heating. Shunt filters are effective in minimizing voltage distortions. This paper describes the voltage distortions generated by non-linear loads. The harmonic specifications such as harmonic factor, characteristic harmonic and non-characteristic harmonic are considered while explaining the paper. With the implementation of a passive filter at the bus with non-linear load, the harmonics are greatly reduced. For the specified power system, at all the buses the total harmonic distortion has been evaluated. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1082-1086 |
282 |
Modified Biofilm Reactor System for Domestic Wastewater Treatment
-Mangesh L. Gulhane ; Karishma G. Padwekar
The treatment of wastewater using biofilm technologies has been established to be an efficient and proven technology to obtain the desirable quality of effluent. A study was carried out to increase the effluent quality by treating domestic wastewater with biofilm system with the provision of some modification in the conventional Rotating Biological Contactor. To bring about the effective treatment and to check the feasibility of treatment process a lab scale model was developed. The model consists of drums and paddles attached to the shafts with the media filled in it and was operated at varying detention time and varying rotational speed. It was observed that there was remarkable reduction in wastewater parameters and it was because of consumption of organic matter by biofilm growth formed on media filled in rotating paddles and drums. The experimental study of Modified Biofilm Reactor revealed that, the maximum removal efficiency for BOD, COD and TS was observed to be 81%, 76% and 73% at rotational speed of 3 rpm and detention time of 24 hours. Read More...
Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering) |
India |
1087-1090 |
283 |
The Electronics Bulletin Board
-Patel Diptesh P ; Nandkishor D Shah; Vikas M Vasava; Jimit H Patel
Today, we are living in mobile world. We would like to do all work using technology like wireless technology so we use GSM technology for this project and we want to make a system which is useful in any institute for messaging system. “THE ELECTRONIC BULLETIN BOARD†is one type of display board which displays the messages but the bulletin board is used SMS from our mobile phone and the message which we are typed in our text box will be received by the system and display it on the LCD display. There is validation stage where the system check the number is valid that means the sender is admin or not then the system will do its work. After validation the message convey to microcontroller through RS232 IC and then the message display on LCD display using interfacing with microcontroller and all messages will be stored in the system and we can display it on the board. The Bulletin Board can be used at any Educational Institutes, Any Corporate Offices, Seminar Halls, Public Areas like (gardens, streets, on roads etc), Advertising sites etc. It uses GSM technology and microcontroller so it is based on Embedded System. We can also implement this project for mobile based robot for mechanical work. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1091-1093 |
284 |
Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor: A Best Option for Wastewater Treatment
-Mangesh L. Gulhane ; Ashwini M. Ingale
The current paper presents an institutional analysis of wastewater using Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR). The paper discusses more about the various options chosen for operation of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor. The objective of the study was the evaluation of operational parameters and performance of reactor based on attached growth process by using MBBR. The results show that at rotational speed of 10 rpm removal efficiency of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand(COD), and total solid(TS) was 86%, 84%, and 81% respectively. Read More...
Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering) |
India |
1094-1096 |
285 |
Bluetooth Based Automation and Security SESTEM
-Mali Tejas Dilip ; Shinde Niteen Maruti; Desai Sandeepkumar Maruti; Prof.Gaikwad Sonali A.
Technology is a never ending process. In today’s life automation is important role in life. We all use mobile devices in our daily life. Because of this, home automation and security are becoming popular features on mobile devices. It also provides features like home security and emergency system. Home automation reduces human efforts and also increases efficiency and saves the energy. The main purpose of home automation and security project is to help handicapped, disabled and old people to control home appliances easily. We have designed a home automation and security system using Arduino UNO board. Home appliances are connected to the Arduino UNO with relay and they are controlled by using our mobile phones. The command is given by the android application from mobile phone which is connected to Bluetooth module. The Bluetooth module is interfaced with Arduino UNO board and the home appliances are connected to the input/output ports of this Arduino via relays. Since, Bluetooth communication is wireless, it is advantageous. For more security purpose we also can use password protection so that only authorized users can access the appliances. Read More...
Electronics & telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1097-1100 |
286 |
An Improved Stable Multi-hop Clustering Algorithm(ISMC) for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
-Madhusudhana B N ; Ms. P Devaki
An Improved Stable Multi-hop Clustering Algorithm (ISMC) for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks “has been developed to create a stable and efficient cluster, with minimum number of Cluster Heads (CHs) and minimum number of cluster head changes, which minimize the overhead of fast topology changes and finally selects a node as CH which can last for longer duration, i.e the node which is in contact with all other nodes within the cluster. Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET) is a type of ad-hoc network which contains many number of nodes which are vehicles moving with some speed in the same direction, and VANETs are highly dynamic in nature, since each node is mobile. The main objective is to select a node as cluster head, which is having least average relative speed with respect to its neighbors and implement multi-hop clustering. This is done by implementing STATE_ELECTION algorithm. First we propose a novel mobility metric; it is periodically exchanged and used for similarity calculation among vehicles. Second we implement multi-hop clustering with stable mobility metric in highly dynamic scenario. Third we simulate the proposed approach under realistic vehicle mobility. VANETs enable numerous applications such as dynamic route discovery, gaming and entertainment, decrease the cost of communication over cellular network, can be deployed in war fields for the use of military application as the data transmitted should be safe and secure. Read More...
Computer science and engineering |
India |
1101-1103 |
287 |
Home Automation using LABVIEW
-Jesika Meshram ; Nayana Deshmukh; Sadik Sayyad
A home automation is a system which uses the information technology to monitor the electric equipment’s and communicates it with the outer world. It is a technology which is developing. A home automation system has been developed in order to achieve some of the activities performed frequently in daily life automatically so as to obtain more easier and comfortable life. The system is based on the LabVIEW software and can act as the security guard of the home. The system can monitor the temperature, humidity, lighting, fire and burglar alarm, gas density of the house. The system has also the internet connection to monitor and control the house equipment from anywhere in the world. The approach combines hardware and software technologies. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1104-1106 |
288 |
Automatic Brightness Adjustment Using Age Detection
-Husain Lakdawala ; Rehan Mastan; Jibran Patel; Nazneen Pendhari
Although ignored by everyone the brightness intensity of smartphones and devices has a major impact on users eyesight. Adjusting brightness of a smartphone using the ambient light sensor is a conventional but a vain technique. People prefer to adjust the brightness by themselves instead of using the auto adjustment feature. To overcome the brightness adjustment scenario and to reduce user's eye strain we thought of adjusting the brightness of the smartphone or device according to user’s age. However it can be difficult to extract user’ age and then set appropriate brightness level for individual user. So In this paper we classify users into five groups and then adjust the brightness level according to the group where particular user belongs. Our basic idea is to develop an application that first captures a facial image of the user and then image is processed to obtain age value. Using the obtained age value the brightness would be adjusted. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1107-1109 |
289 |
Structural Integrity Evaluation of the Wing Structure at High Stress Concentration Regions
-Anish Nair ; K.M Narkar
Structural integrity is an important factor to be considered when it comes to the safety of aircrafts. Structural integrity is the ability of a structure to withstand a designed service load resisting structural failure due to fracture, deformation and fatigue. In this current work, stress analysis of a wing box with a cutout in the bottom skin for fuel access is carried out to find the critical region where there is a possibility of fatigue crack initiation. Crack arrest capability of the bottom skin is determined by the damage tolerance analysis. Static testing of the scaled down model of the bottom skin is carried out using the universal testing machine. Read More...
India |
1110-1114 |
290 |
Privacy Preserving Data Stream Mining Using Two Phase Geometric Data Perturbation
-Sanket Pareshkumar Modi ; Ashil R. Patel
Data mining is an information technology that extracts valuable knowledge from large amounts of data. Recently, data streams are emerging as a new type of data, which are different from traditional static data. The characteristics of data streams are: Data has timing preference; data distribution changes constantly with time; the amount of data is enormous. Data flows in and out with fast speed; and immediate response is required To preserve data privacy during data mining, the issue of privacy- preserving data mining has been widely studied and many techniques have been proposed. However, existing techniques for privacy-preserving data mining are designed for traditional static databases and are not suitable for data streams. So the privacy preservation issue of data streams mining is a very important issue. This work is about proposing a Method and algorithms for the process of Geometric Data Perturbation or Geometric Data Transformation to achieve privacy preservation. Geometric Data Perturbation is a kind of data perturbation techniques. In this report, we describe the geometric transformations including translation, scaling, rotation, which can transform data in the protection of privacy while maintaining the similarity between data objects. Read More...
Data Mining - Information Technology |
India |
1115-1118 |
291 |
Domestic Wastewater Treatment Using Multimedia Filter Technology
-Mangesh L. Gulhane ; Anuja U. Charpe
Due to increasingly urbanized and industrialized society with a rapidly expanding population, the need for cost effective and environmentally sound technologies for wastewater treatment is required. Filtration technology is the simplest and low cost treatment technology based on the principle of attached growth process. Multimedia Filters represent a significant improvement over single media filters. A laboratory scale multimedia filter model was developed for treatment of domestic wastewater. Different packing media such as cellulose pads, brick bats and aerocon stones of varying sizes were used. The model was operated for varying detention time. The results obtained from this experimental study showed removal efficiency for BOD as 67%, COD as 69% and TS as 86% for 24 hours of detention time. Read More...
Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering) |
India |
1119-1121 |
292 |
Embedded Based Smart Car Parking System Using Shared Memory
-Sivambiga S ; R.Soundarya; S. Lavanya; G. Anoosha; M.Jagadeesh Raja
The objective of this paper is to find out appropriate solution of parking related issues in different aspects. Increasing concentration of human activity on limited land both in terms of residential activity and commercial activity causes the parking problem. Thus parking of these vehicles in shopping malls, theatre etc., is an emerging issue that people faces everyday while parking. Our proposed system focuses to provide the assistive for smart vehicle parking system using the concept of shared memory in Embedded System. In our proposed system we use the shared memory of two parking slots where accessed by the users. In the implementation and design process we use two UTLP KIT to operate the memory from one slot to another. The slot providing for parking is made by programming in Eclipse IDE with Ubuntu as operating system. While retrieving the vehicle the user should enter the respective allocated slot number for the user through keypad. After retrieving a vehicle the slot will become vacant and it will be shown as an available slot for the next user. Thus the cars are filled in an appropriate manner. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1122-1125 |
293 |
Categorization and Secure Scheduling of Data Packets for Improving the Efficiency of Data Downloading in Moving Vehicles
-A.Alan Selva Denis ; P.Muthu Priya; M.Iswarya; T.Samraj Lawrence
Vanets are the result of the envisioned Smart Transportation Systems. It allows various vehicles to communicate with each other and form network. Vanet is one application in which ad hoc networks are used at their full potential. In vanets vehicles can access store and route data to one another. Vehicles in vanets are connected to other networks with the help of RSUs(Road Side Units). Road side Units are like access points by which the vehicles can request new data. Vehicles can work in two different modes under vanet, relay vehicles and end vehicles. Relay vehicles are ones which actively route data through them to other vehicles and end vehicles are one which receive and use them. Therefore with the increasing amount of vehicles on the road, it is very important to regulate or provide a framework by which vehicles can transmit data between each other without any data loss or delay. Efficient methods are also required to allow access to a vehicle in a low density area. Because there may be eve situation when a particular vehicle may move to an area where there is no traffic or very low traffic. On of the most challenging issues is the changing architecture of the communicating vehicles which acts as nodes on vanet. Various scheduling schemes and data handling schemes have been proposed for effectively scheduling the resources and data through vanet. In this paper we propose a TDMA based data scheduling scheme which can categorize the data which is being transferred by the system and can work accordingly to the requirement for that data to be delivered effectively to the end vehicles. We also plan to employ mac based congestion control approach which can effectively handle heavy traffic load at places with high traffic. Read More...
Computer Science And Engineering |
India |
1126-1130 |
294 |
An Analysis of Development Speed of Crosscutting Code Using Aspect Oriented Programming
-Ayushi Agrawal ; Ganpat Singh Chouhan
In Object Oriented Programming language there exists crosscutting concerns (e.g. logging, validation, transaction etc.) across multiple modules causing the code scattering, code confusion and making the system difficult to maintain and to extend. Aspect-Oriented Programming is a new technology and can provide more ideal modularized structure for programming where Aspects can be defined to modularize such concerns. Although aspect orientation claims to permit a better modularization of crosscutting concerns, it is still not clear whether the development time for such crosscutting concerns is increased or decreased by the application of aspect oriented techniques. The study addresses this issue by comparing the development times of crosscutting concerns in OOP techniques and aspect-oriented composition techniques using the Java and AspectJ. In that way, the experiment reveals opportunities and risks caused by aspect-oriented programming techniques in comparison to object oriented ones. After studying the impact of Aspect-Oriented Programming on the development speed for crosscutting code, due to the transparency between aspect-oriented program and the base program it is observed that AOP is suitable for parallel programming, and yet achieves parallelization based on Java multi-thread mechanism. A mechanism can be proposed to achieve automatic parallelization among aspects and base program. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1131-1134 |
295 |
Review on Improving the Cooling Performance of Automobile Radiator with CuO/Water Nanofluid
-Prarthan H. Rambhapurwala ; Jayesh V. Desai
In this review paper, we would like to review the use of CuO/water base nanofluid in place of coolant in the engine. Reason behind of this study is to increase radiator efficiency and increase heat transfer rate of radiator. By using nanofluid as coolant it can increase heat transfer rate of radiator. By changing the concentration of particle in different percentage in the base fluid we can increase the thermal conductivity and overall heat transfer co-efficient. By changing the parameter we can show its performance and characteristics. Read More...
Mechanical (Automobile) Engineering |
India |
1135-1137 |
296 |
Attached Growth System Assisted Oxidation Ditch
-Mangesh L. Gulhane ; MAYUR P. VIRKHARE
The Oxidation Ditch process is a version of the activated sludge process in which the wastewater is subjected to an extended period of aeration. Oxidation ditch is widely used treatment option adopted by many engineers and scientists for treatment of waste water, however research is still continued to make existing system more efficient. A lab scale model is developed which encompasses a normal oxidation ditch with introduction of some novel features. Biocarriers are introduced in Oxidation ditch. A biofilm is generated on surface of media which represents attach growth system. In this paper attempt is made to improve efficiency of Oxidation Ditch by combining suspended growth system with attached growth system. Lab study shows the enhanced performance of oxidation ditch model with domestic wastewater. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
1138-1139 |
297 |
Factors Affecting Stakeholder Management in Construction Project in South Gujarat Region
-Kushal Madhav ; Hiren Rathod
From starting of the construction project to completion of the project there are many stakeholder involves in it. Today, Stakeholder management is seemed to be one of the major concerns in the construction project. The interactions and interrelationships between stakeholders largely determine the overall performance of a construction project, and have the crucial responsibility for delivering a project to successful completion. It seems that due to improper stakeholder management the project is affected. From the past study stakeholder management is one of the factor for cost overrun and time overrun. This study is carried out in the south Gujarat region of India. Read More...
India |
1140-1142 |
298 |
Enhanced Mechanism for Protection and Detection of digital Watermarks in Digitized Data
-Chinmay Tirthgirikar ; Onkar Kajale; Jonny Tahilramani; Wasudeo Rahane
Computer and Internet make the world become digitization. Secure watermark detection techniques are important to protect the secrecy of the watermark pattern [1]. Secure data transfer over internet is a major issue in today’s era. As the technology is developing rapidly, more and more ideas take birth into the mind of the researchers. Rights of all Data Owners and Data holders have become the severe issue. The copyright and authentication gradually lose their security. To protect logical property becomes important in technical study and research. Digital watermarking [2] is a technology being developed to ensure and facilitate security, data authentication and copyright protection of digital media. For such protection and security, detection and verification of watermark is necessary for identifying whether it is valid or not. So, in our work objective is to detect the watermarking [5] of the text and images before revealing the data into the cloud. Visible as well as Invisible watermarking will be detected so that only the legal copy will be allowed to enter into the cloud resulting increase in security. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1143-1145 |
299 |
the effect of process parameter on ultimate tensile strength in gas metal arc welding process
-Tarun Patel, Prof.Saumil C Patel
In this research work of Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) show the effect of Current (A), Voltage (V), Gas Flow rate (Ltr/min) and on Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) and weld depth of ST-37 low carbon alloy steel material, In this Experiment we done Experiment by using L9 orthogonal Array to find out UTS and also perform confirmatory Experiment to find out optimal run set of current, voltage speed and gas flow rate. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1146-1149 |
300 |
Low Power Pulse Triggered Flip Flop with Modified Conditional Pulse Enhancement Scheme
-Resham Singh ; Naveen Singroha; Rohit Rohila; Bal Krishan
In this work, a low-power pulse-triggered flip-flop (FF) with modified conditional pulse enhancement scheme is proposed. The proposed design fulfills the discharging problem using the pulse generation control logic, an AND function, which facilitates a faster discharge operation. A two-transistor AND gate design is used to reduce the circuit complexity and modified conditional pulse-enhancement technique is devised to speed up the discharge along the critical path when circuit required. Modified scheme is used different approach to provide delay in the CLK. As a result, transistor sizes in pulse-generation circuit and delay inverter can be reduced for power saving. All simulation results are based on using CMOS 90-nm process technology at 500MHz clock frequency. Its maximum power saving against conditional pulse FF is up to 8.85%. Read More...
Electronics&Communication |
India |
1150-1152 |