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151 |
Design Development and Simulation of Mobile Substation for Distribution Network
-Ankit Maheshbhai Malvi
With the increase in population, the growing demand for energy in urban areas is compelling the utilities to expand their supply network. Higher levels of demand for power must be met at short notice and physical space available used to an optimum. One solution to such cases is a mobile substation. This does away with costly construction work and if necessary, the substation can move location in container, together with its foundation which includes switchgear as an assembly of equipment, transformer and control panel cabin. When mobile substation is used to restore electrical service, it function as part of the permanent grid system. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the Design parameters for Mobile and/or Compact Substation for different Applications and identify the situations needing the mobile and/or compact substation. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
705-709 |
152 |
A Non-isolated Hybrid Boost Three Level DC-DC Converter with High Step-up Conversion Ratio
-Meenu George ; Thomas Mathew; Thanuja Mary Abraham
Nowadays renewable energy sources are increasingly used to meet the world’s increasing demand for energy. In grid connected photovoltaic (PV) generation systems, a single PV array can supply lower dc voltage. In order to connect PV array to the grid, the voltage has to be boosted to higher levels that is demanded by the grid side. A hybrid boost three level dc-dc converter based on traditional single phase three level diode clamped inverter can be used to connect low voltage PV array to the high voltage grid. Only one inductor, two capacitors in series, and those power switches and diodes, which are needed to establish the topology with high voltage gain. Pulse width modulation (PWM) control method is used for the control of power switches. Power switches of this converter works with duty cycles closer to 0.5. This hybrid three level dc-dc converter works with high gain without a transformer or coupled inductor. In addition, voltages across the capacitors in series are balanced in both steady and dynamic states. Therefore capacitor voltage balancing circuitry can be avoided. Also, blocking voltages of the power switches are half of the output dc voltage. This hybrid converter is suitable for PV generation systems connected to the grid with parallel- connected low-voltage PV arrays. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
710-715 |
153 |
Intelligent Information Extraction from Big Data Using Self Organizing Map
-R. Senthamarai ; L.Mary Shamala
Knowledge extraction from social media has recently attracted great interest from the biomedical and health informatics community. Sentiment analysis has emerged as a popular and efficient technique for information retrieval and web data analysis. Such intelligent system improves healthcare outcomes and provides self-awareness using consumer opinion. The Proposed system uses natural language processing (NLP) which involves a two-step analysis framework that focuses on positive and negative sentimental analysis, as well as the side effects of treatment through users’ forum posts. Regression process is used to merge the data from two-step analysis by using NLP approach. Finally self-Organizing Map (SOM) is enabled to classify the merged data. After classification SOM analyze the data by knowledge learning and token value is assigned for each medicine. Here token values play a vital role to list the appropriate medicines as per their priority. The proposed system may provide self-awareness to pupil by checking whether they are using the unbanned and effective medicine, thereby increasing healthcare outcomes by using user opinion from the medical web forum data. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
716-719 |
154 |
Design and Analysis Nose Landing Gear Support
-Raviteja ; Chethana K Y
Nose landing gear support bracket is one of the main parts in the nose landing gear assembly, whose function is to maintain the stability of the landing gear during the movements. This work is focused on the FEA analysis of support bracket by varying the stress concentration area, The objective of this work is to determine the static and modal analysis of support bracket with different stress concentration areas, then analysis is done using ANSYS WORKBENCH, These results could provide some useful suggestions for design and improvement for the better component Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
720-722 |
155 |
Vendor Selection Problem for Radial Drilling Arm by Fuzzy Inference Decision Support System
-Prof. Nital Pravinbhai Nirmal
Like many complex supply chain problems, vendor selection problems are not so well defined which can be handed over completely to computers, whereas many human characteristics are also essential to the issues. In this paper attention is given to the fuzzy System helps Vendor Selection Problem (VSP) for Radial drilling Arm (RDA). It required expert’s view, conversion it into fuzzy term, making 8 rule base Fuzzy System. At ending point, conclusions and likely areas of Fuzzy in selecting vendors are present. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
723-726 |
156 |
CFD simulation of Lid driven cavity flow
-Jagram Kushwah ; K. C. Arora; Manoj Sharma
This project aims at simulating lid driven cavity flow problem using package MATLAB. Steady Incompressible Navier-Stokes equation with continuity equation will be studied at various Reynolds number. The main aim is to obtain the velocity field in steady state using the finite difference formulation on momentum equations and continuity equation. Reynold number is the pertinent parameter of the present study. Taylor’s series expansion has been used to convert the governing equations in the algebraic form using finite difference schemes. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
727-729 |
157 |
Review of Compression Helical Spring for Two Wheeler Suspension Systems
-Jaswant Kushwaha ; Promise Mittal
Present paper reviews the general study on configuration of helical springs. Fundamental of stress distribution and characteristics of helical coil spring has been reviewed. Discussion on parameters influencing the helical spring quality has also been explained. From the study it has been found that weight of the automobile helical spring should be reduced. So the springs are to be designed for higher stress and small dimensions. Finite element modelling brings improvement to the suspension spring analysis. A lot of study has been conducted on the Finite element analysis using ANSYS Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
730-732 |
158 |
A review on Parametric Optimization of Submerged arc welding process
-Harsh H. Patel ; Yagnang R. Pandya; Rakesh B. Prajapati
Submerged arc welding is preferable more its inherent qualities such as Higher deposition rate, deeper penetration, control of variables, high quality, smooth finish. The bead geometry shows the quality of weld which is depends on input process parameters. The present work gives review of the effect of these Input parameters on weld bead geometry. Selection of process parameters has great influence on the quality of a welded connection. To automate a welding process, which is the present trend in any fabrication industry. It is also important that mathematical models have to be developed to relate the process variables to the weld bead parameters. All the welding processes are used with the aim of getting a welded joint with the desires weld bead geometry and excellent mechanical properties with a efficient quality welded joint at a relatively low cost with high productivity. Optimization designs concentrate on only one or two parameters, but in very more depth to gain a precise understanding of relationships between parameters. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
733-735 |
159 |
A Review on Parametric Optimization of Laser Engraving using Fiber Laser on Steel
-Harsh S. Mehta ; Jitendra J. Thakkar
This Review Paper describes effects of laser Engraving on various materials by varying process parameters and by using different laser engraving machines. Laser Engraving is a non-conventional machining process for engraving/marking and it is a non-contact type process. Previously where only Electrical Discharge Machines were used, laser engraving and marking have replaced them due to a unique combination of speed and versatility. In Laser Engraving process material removal is done layer by layer and which is in the range of very few microns. This Review paper shows progress and research in the field of laser engraving process. Different types of laser machines such as Fiber Laser, CO2 laser, Nd: YAG Lasers are industrially used & available in recent time. Therefore for Optimum Use of Laser energy it is necessary to optimize process parameters to get best Quality Engraving/Markings. This paper deals with important progress work on laser engraving and its process parameters. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
736-738 |
160 |
Experimental study on Use of Waste Glass as admixture in Concrete
-Farheen ; Syed Viqar Malik
Glass is utilized as a part of numerous structures in everyday life. It has restricted life and after use it is either stock heaped or sent to landfills. Since glass is non-biodegradable, landfills don't give a situation well-disposed arrangement. Thus, there is solid need to use waste glasses. Many efforts has already been made in concrete engineering as a partial replacement of cement or fine aggregate or coarse aggregate. In this experiment we use waste glass powder as a partial replacement of cement and a comparative study has been made with other admixture such as fly ash and silica fume. A series of test were conducted with partial replacement of glass by 15% and 30% to weight of cement where as we have used only 15% of partial replacement in case of fly ash and silica fume just to compare the results with glass at 15% and 30%. The present study demonstrates that waste glass, if ground finer than 100µm demonstrates a pozzolanic conduct. It responds with lime at early time phase of hydration forming extra CSH gel along these lines shaping denser bond matrix. The early utilization of alkalis by glass particles moderate alkali silica reaction consequently expands durability of cement. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
739-743 |
161 |
A survey on Design and Implementation of Clever Crawler Based On DUST Removal
-Kanchan S. Khedkar ; P. L. Ramteke
Now days, World Wide Web has become a popular medium to search information, business, trading and so on. A well know problem face by web crawler is the existence of large fraction of distinct URL that correspond to page with duplicate or nearby duplicate contents. In fact as estimated about 29% of web page are duplicates. Such URL commonly named as dust represent an important problem in search engines. To deal with this problem, the first efforts is focus on comparing document content to detect and remove duplicate document without fetching their contents .To accomplish this, the proposed methods learn normalization rules to transform all duplicate URLs into the same canonical form. A challenging aspect of this strategy is deriving a set of general and precise rules. The new approach to detect and eliminate redundant content is DUSTER .When crawling the web duster take advantage of a multi sequence alignment strategy to learn rewriting rules able to transform to other URL which likely to have same content . Alignment strategy that can lead to reduction of 54% larger in the number of duplicate URL. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
744-746 |
162 |
A Survey Paper on an Integrated Approach for Privacy Preserving In High Dimensional Data Using Randomized and SVD Algorithm
-Tripti Singh Thakur ; Abha Choubey
Data mining is a technique which is used for extraction of knowledge and information from large amount of data collected by hospitals, government and individuals. The term data mining is also referred as knowledge mining from databases. The major challenge in data mining is ensuring security and privacy of data in databases, because data sharing is common at organizational level. The data in databases comes from a number of sources like – medical, financial, library, marketing, shopping record etc so it is foremost task for anyone to keep secure that data. The objective is to achieve fully privacy preserved data without affecting the data utility in databases. i.e. how data is used or transferred between organizations so that data integrity remains in database but sensitive and confidential data is preserved. This paper presents a brief study about different PPDM techniques like- Randomization, perturbation, Slicing, summarization etc. by use of which the data privacy can be preserved. The technique for which the best computational and theoretical outcome is achieved is chosen for privacy preserving in high dimensional data. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
747-749 |
163 |
Implementation and Validation of Supplier Selection Model for Shaper Machine Arm by Fuzzy Inference Decision Support System
-Prof. N P Nirmal
Supplier selection is the process through which firms identify, evaluate, and contract with suppliers. The supplier selection process deploys a tremendous amount of a firm’s financial resources. In return, manufacturing industries expect important benefits from contracting with suppliers offering high value. Like many complex supply chain problems, vendor selection problems are not so well defined which can be handed over completely to computers, whereas many human characteristics are also essential to the issues. In this paper attention is given to the fuzzy System helps Vendor Selection Problem (VSP) for Radial Drilling Bed (RDB). It required expert’s view, conversion it into fuzzy term, making 8 rule base Model with implementing Fuzzy System using MATLAB. At ending point, conclusions and likely areas of Fuzzy in selecting vendors are present. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
750-753 |
164 |
Study on Effect of Wind Load and Earthquake Load on Multi-storey RC Framed Buildings
-Mohammed Aejaz Ahmed ; Dr.Shreenivas Reddy Shahpur; Prof. Rohan S Gurav; Prof. Brij Bhushan S; Prof. Shaik Abdulla
Now a day the increase in the construction of tall buildings, residential and commercial sector, and the new trend are towards taller and slender structures. Though the effect of wind and earthquake, forces becoming important for every structural designer to know. Every engineer is facing with the problem of providing stability, strength for loads like lateral loads. That’s the reason wind as well as earthquake loading have become the influential factors in tall buildings. Loads that are lateral loads play important role for drift. The drift must be taken into consideration for tall structure. The above mentioned are some of the key issues which affect the behavior of structure and economy of the building. This thesis focuses the effects of lateral loads on medium and tall buildings the storey forces, displacements, storey shear, story drift every part of are analyzed on every level of height on the building, Indian codal provision gives us the basic wind speed at 10m height for some important cities/towns. However it does not provide for all the cities in India. In the following work attempt is made to find the effect of lateral loads i.e. wind load and earth quake loads for various models having shear walls and without shear wall. For the study a symmetrical building plan is used with 16 storeys and 31 storeys are analyzed and designed by using structure analysis software tool ETABS-2013. The study also includes the determination of base shear, displacement, storey drift, storey forces and the results are compared with them. These parameters have also considers the effect of shear wall. In order to design a structure to resist wind and earthquake loads, the forces on the structure must be specified. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
754-759 |
165 |
Design & Analysis of High rise Building With & Without Floating Column Using Etabs
-Sudheer K.V ; Dr. E. Arunakanthi
At present buildings with floating column is a typical feature in the modern multistory construction in urban India. There are many projects in which floating columns are adopted, especially above the ground floor, where transfer girders are employed, so that more open space is available in the ground floor. As the load path in the floating columns is not continuous, they are more vulnerable to the seismic activity. Sometimes, to meet the requirements these type of aspects cannot be avoided though these are not found to be of safe. Hence, an attempt is taken to study the behavior of a G+15 multi storey building in which some storey’s are considered for commercial purpose and remaining storey’s are for residential purpose. This paper studies the comparison & seismic analysis of the multistory buildings with floating column and without floating column. Finally, analysis & results in the high rise building such as storey drifts, storey displacement, and Base shear were shown in this study. Design and Analysis was carried out by using Extended Three Dimensional Analysis of Building Systems (ETABS) Software. Read More...
Structural Engineering |
India |
760-765 |
166 |
A Survey Paper On Data Confidentiatity And Security in Cloud Computing Using KIST Algorithm
-Vasant Namdeo Dhatrak. ; Jeevan Rameshchandra Heda; Adesh Vasant Bhabad.; Gaurav Prasad Shahane.; Bajirao Subhash Shirole.
Now days rapidly increased use of cloud computing in the many organization and IT industries and provides latest software solution with minimum cost. So the cloud computing give us number of benefits with minimum cost and of data accessibility through Internet. The ensuring security risks of the cloud computing is the main factor in the cloud computing environment, The evolving essence is Cloud computing, that is beneficial in cost effective parts, such as capability inflexible computing, decreasing the time period to market and insufficient computing power. By using the complete ability of cloud computing, data are transmitted, processed and stored on the outside cloud service providers. The fact is that, the owner of the data is feeling extremely unconfident to locate their data outer to their own control. Security and Confidentiality of data stored in the cloud are key setbacks in the area of Cloud Computing. Security and Confidentiality are the key issues for cloud storage. This paper proposes a KIST encryption algorithm to concentrate on the security and Confidentiality issues in cloud storage and also compressed cipher text data in order to protect the data stored in the cloud. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
766-768 |
167 |
A Review on Implemention of CNG on Two Wheelers
-Akshay Bagde ; Syed Aamer; Suyash Shinde; Prof. Shridhar Tambade
Man has always been in need for energy to meet his increasing demands. In last decades, pollution emission generated by road transport sector has increased and becoming worse day by day. Depletion of petroleum (oils) deposits and increasing costs and pollution has led Engineers to search for alternative fuels that are eco-friendly as well as less costly. Environmental pollution due to vehicles is biggest problem that world faces today. The only way to decrease the amount of pollution is by using alternate solutions that are more eco-friendly [1]. CNG is an alternative way for reducing pollution. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is environment friendly and one of the cleanest burning transportation fuel in the market today. Petrol Fuel can be replaced by CNG readily using a conversion kit. As in India the number of two wheelers is more compared to other vehicles on roads. So implementing CNG on two wheelers can be beneficial for obtaining an eco-friendly environment. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
769-771 |
168 |
Enhancement of Reactive Power Compensation in PV Grid System To Increase The PV Penetration Level In Smart Grid Scenario
-Chonduru Lakshminarayana ; P.Anilkumar; G.N.S.Vaibhav
This project existing models force limits on the allowable feeder voltage variety in a disseminate environment. These stipulations must be regarded by the disseminated power generators (suppliers), which put a top on the entrance level. This project proposes a novel plan, where an assistant circuit (including an inverter and responsive force bank, RPB), in conjunction with a PV-lattice framework, builds the framework’s receptive force pay limit up to 300% contrasted with the first or devoted VAR limit of the primary PV inverter. In resentment of utilizing just the routine discrete type of capaci-tor/inductor bank, the whole VAR reach can be controlled. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
772-776 |
169 |
Role of Simulation in Deep Drawn Cylindrical Part
-Kalpesh S Patel ; Mehul K Patel; Jitendra B Patel
Simulation is widely used in forming industry due to its speed and lower cost and it has been proven to be effective in prediction of formability and spring back behavior. The purpose of finite element simulation in the sheet metal forming process is to minimize the time and cost in the design phase by predicting key outcomes such as the final shape of the part, the possibility of various defects and the flow of material. Such simulation is most useful and efficient when it is performed in the early stage of design by designers, rather than by analysis specialists after the detailed design is complete. The accuracy of such simulation depends on knowledge of material properties, boundary conditions and processing parameters. In the industry today, numerical sheet metal forming simulation is very important tool for reducing load time and improving part quality. In this paper finite element model for the deep-drawing of cylindrical cups is constructed and the simulation results are obtained by using different simulation parameters, i.e. punch velocity, coefficient of friction and blank holder force of the FE mesh-elements and these results are compared with experimental work. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
777-780 |
170 |
An Experimental Investigation of Intelligent Compaction Technology for Subgrade and Embankment Soil Layers
-Rashmi Shankargouda
An experimental study on embankment and subgrade soil is conducted to study the principles of soil compaction to establish a relationship between dry density and moisture content. A conventional test method for subgrade and embankment construction covers less compaction (about 1%). The intelligent compaction technology offers a method to measure 100% of compaction. The increased compaction zone leads to decreased maintenance costs and an extended service life. In this study the effectiveness of rollers, their specification and degree of compaction is observed. In the present study, project site at Honnali Taluk Basavapattan village( latitude 14.244 and longitude 75.677) is selected. A soil sample from site is brought and tests are conducted to know their index properties. The soil is classified according to Bureau of Indian Standard soil classification. A prototype smooth drum vibratory SD 110 roller is utilized that allowed for simultaneous real time machine driven power measurements, which permitted independent and simultaneous evaluation of the degree of compaction of soil. Total station equipment is used to monitor the thickness of each layer after compaction. In the field core cutter and rapid moisture meter instruments are used to determine the field in-situ density and moisture content. The result revealed some correlation exists between MDD and OMC. The number of rolling versus machine driven power. The degree of compaction was 100% with 8 number of roller passing. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
781-784 |
171 |
Full Factorial Experiments To Investigate Effect Of Ultrasonic Machining Parameters On MRR In Blanking Of Glass
-Akash Pandey ; B. R. Dave; A. K. Choudhary
Ultrasonic machining is employed frequently for machining of brittle materials like glass, ceramics etc. Production of blanks by machining glass is required for wide variety of optical and other applicaitons. In this work, a full factorial experiment is designed to study the effect of process parameters on ultrasonic blanking of glass. The control parameters chosen are amplitude, pressure and thickness of the glass sheet being machined. Three levels of each of these parameters are selected giving 33 = 27 trials. The material removal rate is measured as response parameter. A velocity transformer with tool integral to the lower end is designed with annular cutting edge to increase the efficiency in cutting. Silicon Carbide abrasive particles are used with water as the abrasive slurry. The material removal rate is found to increase with increase in amplitude and pressure but decreases with increase in thickness of the work piece. ANOVA is carried out for the experimental results. Read More...
Manufacturing Engineering |
India |
785-787 |
172 |
A Literature Review On Dry Wire Electrical Discharge Machining
-Md Najibullah ; Hardik Patel; B C Khatri
EDM in gaseous media is one of the fastest growing branches among institutions involved in the research and development of EDM as green manufacturing process Dry EDM is an environmental friendly machining process were liquid dielectric fluid is replaced by gaseous dielectric fluids. Present & past performance of dry EDM process using various types of gases & their mixtures as dielectric medium. Development of Dry EDM Technology enhance the performance parameters such as material removal rate (MRR), Low tool wear rate (TWR), thin recast layer. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
788-793 |
173 |
Dynamic Monitoring Of Information in Large Scale Power Grids
-Hitesh Sharma ; Payal Sancheti; Deepak Tahilramani; Lalit Talreja; Prof. Gresha Bhatia
this document proposes the software model for detection and analysis of cascading faults in the operation of large scale power grids. Using data mining technologies, probable patterns can be detected for faults and proper mitigation measures can be taken. Firstly, the fault is detected by checking the stability of system. Then event sequences are calculated to best approximate the fault node. Then by analyzing the severity of vulnerability and region in which vulnerability would occur, proper ICT Technologies can make operators aware about the faults. Hence, speeding up the existing mechanisms. This model aims to solve problem of detection more efficiently than existing systems. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
794-797 |
174 |
An Efficient DTN Routing Algorithm for Automatic Crime Information Sharing for Rural Areas
-Neha Agarwal ; Asst. Prof Sujeet Bhadouriya
Delay Tolerant Network shows many issues that are exist in traditional network. Opportunistic network emerge as interesting evolution in MANET. Mobile nodes in the opportunistic network communicate with each other even in case of no route connection. In this paper a kiosk (or hub station) that is connected to villages to establish internet connection. Such kiosk is placed where traffic frequency is high. We will use high frequency sensor in vehicles. When passing through kiosk, high frequency sensor will establish connection to kiosk & kiosk will connect villages to internet. This system is very useful in crime information sharing services. As an example, if there are a person who is victim of any crime or in a trouble condition. He/she have mobile devices connect to internet. They send a trouble message which is passed to near kiosk and passed on to vehicles and forward their information to police station. This system is helpful in villages, where network communication is not proper. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
798-802 |
175 |
A Review on Image Segmentation using Clustering and Swarm Optimization Techniques
-Pragya Sharma ; Unmukh Datta
The process of dividing an image into multiple regions (set of pixels) is known as Image segmentation. It will make an image easy and smooth to evaluate. Image segmentation objective is to generate image more simple and meaningful. In this paper present a survey on image segmentation general segmentation techniques, clustering algorithms and optimization methods. Also a study of different research also been presented. The latest research in each of image segmentation methods is presented in this study. This paper presents the recent research in biologically inspired swarm optimization techniques, including ant colony optimization algorithm, particle swarm optimization algorithm, artificial bee colony algorithm and their hybridizations, which are applied in several fields. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
803-807 |
176 |
A study on dynamic load balancing in grid environment
-Hruta Nileshbhai Desai ; Ms. Rachana S. Oza
Grid computing is a collection of computer resources from multiple locations to reach a common goal. Grid computing distinguishes from conventional high performance computing systems that are heterogeneous and geographically dispersed than cluster computer. One of the major issues in grid computing is load balancing. Classification of load balancing is: Static – Dynamic, Centralized – Decentralized, Homogeneous – Heterogeneous. Techniques like: Ant Colony Optimization, Threshold based and Optimal Heterogeneous are used by some researcher to balance the load. This survey paper discusses set of parameters to be used for comparing performance of each of them. In addition to that it says which technique is more useful for grid environment. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
808-811 |
177 |
Synthesis of zinc-doped copper oxide nanoparticles: Structural and morphological characterizations
-S. Akilandeswari ; T. Hemalatha
Reported here is the various levels of Zn incorporated CuO nanocrystals derived from a simple chemical precipitation method. The prepared nanocrystals were studied for structural, functional and morphological analysis. The X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis of the prepared nanocrystals revealed the monoclinic crystal structure with the sizes in the range between 18 and 25 nm. The Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) of the prepared nanocrystals was recorded in the range of 4000-400 cm-1 and its further supporting the formation of CuO nanocrystals. The morphology of the prepared products analyzed with Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) and the results revealed the synthesized nanocrystals are well distributed and flaky nature in morphology. Read More...
Nanomaterial characterization |
India |
812-814 |
178 |
A survey on Single Phase to Three Phase Cyclo-Converter fed Induction Motor
-Anshu Sharma ; Shilpi Sisodiya
In various application of electrical energy especially in in industrial areas there are two type of current, Direct Current and Alternating Current are used. Generally fixed voltage, constant frequency Single-Phase or Three-Phase AC is easily available, yet for different applications various types of magnitudes and/or frequencies are essential. This paper presents a survey on 1-Ï• to 3-Ï• cycloconverter technique using thyristor with 3-Ï• induction motor along load frequency analysis. The cycloconverter is inspected in its utmost straight forward form without further output filters or elaborate control technique. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
815-820 |
179 |
Public Cloud Partition Using Load Status Evaluation and Cloud Division Rules
-Megha Birthare ; Rasna Sharma
with growth of cloud computing load balancing is important impact on performance. Cloud computing efficiency depends on good load balancer. Many type of situation occur that time cloud partitioning is done by load balancer. Different type of situation needed different type of strategies for public cloud portioning using load this paper we work on, partition of public cloud using two type of situation first is load status evaluation and second is cloud division rules. Load status evaluation is measure in number of cloudlets arrives at datacenter and cloud divisions rules are based on cloudlet come from which geographical location. On the basis of geographical location we partition public cloud and improve performance of load balancing in cloud computing. We implement proposed system with help of cloudsim3.0 simulator. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
821-824 |
180 |
Fuzzy Control Based Quadrupler Boost Converter
-Fathima Sayed ; Ansia Assis; Thanuja Mary Abraham
A voltage quadruple boost converter is presented. This converter is used to obtain higher voltage gain and reduces the voltage stress across the switches and diodes. These voltage multipliers are used in high voltage, low current applications such as for accelerating purpose in a cathode ray tube and also this converter topology is advanced than previous dc-dc converters. Voltage quadruple converter uses parallel-input series-output connection. Comparing with two phase interleaved boost converter one can see that two more capacitors and two more diodes are added so that during the energy transfer period partial inductor stored energy is stored in one capacitor and partial inductor stored energy together with the other capacitor store energy is transferred to the output to achieve much higher voltage gain. However, the proposed voltage gain is twice that of the interleaved two-phase boost converter. Simulation of the converter is carried out using MATLAB/SIMULINK software. The converter is simulated using fuzzy logic control and also the experimental setup was done. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
825-828 |
181 |
A review on an experimental analysis to determine ultimate tensile strength of jute reinforced glass fibre composite by Acousto-ultrasonic technique
-Shailesh Kumar Dwivedi ; Rajesh Kumar satankar
From recent years, there is been substantial growth and development in field of Composites. Advanced materials and Composites are being used in almost every industry in some form or the other. Composites have found wider applicability and liking in designing industries. This has triggered researchers towards this emerging technology. Jute reinforced composites may be used in combination with biodegradable polymer or to replace conventional glass fibre reinforced composites. In this case, the main concern is their impact resistance. The production of hybrid laminates by coupling layers of glass fibre reinforced with jute reinforced laminates, proved also effective to improve the mechanical characteristics. In recent years, a number of studies have been carried out, aimed to compare properties of jute fibre reinforced laminates. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
829-831 |
182 |
A Study on Mongodb Database
-Kavya S
This paper trying to focus on main features, advantages and applications of non-relational database namely Mongo DB and thus justifying why MongoDB is more suitable than relational databases in big data applications. The database used here for comparison with MongoDB is MySQL. The main features of MongoDB are flexibility, scalability, auto sharding and replication. MongoDB is used in big data and real time web applications since it is a leading database technology. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
832-834 |
183 |
An Image Analysis Technique to Estimate the Porosity of Rock Samples
-Nikhil Thakur ; Dr. Debabrata Datta; Suvobrat Ghosh; Ramit Poddar; Prof. Sharmila Sengupta
This paper discusses the possibilities of determining the porosities of different types of rocks using image analysis technique. Before the use of image analysis stereological research for analysis of porosity were conducted by traditional methods which were time consuming and lacked accuracy. The method proposed in this paper determines the porosity by computing the part of the whole sample for which the pores account. The steps involved in the above method are a series of contextual, non-context and morphological operations that are commonly used in image processing and analysis. The procedure was tested on thin sections of sandstone and limestone rock samples. The results were computed in the form of total porosity which includes all types porosities observed in rocks including isolated and connected porosities. The porosity obtained can also be called as visual porosity. Values obtained show that the method proposed can lead to satisfying results. Obtained porosity values can be used further to determine determine other properties like permeability which play a vital role in the study of diffusion in porous rocks. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
835-839 |
184 |
An Experimental Analysis to Determine Ultimate Tensile Strength of Jute Reinforced Glass Fibre Composite by Acousto-Ultrasonic Technique
-Shilesh Kumar Dwivedi ; Rajesh Satankar
From past few decades, there is been substantial growth and development in field of Composites. Advanced materials and Composites are being used in almost every industry in some form or the other. Composites have found wider applicability and liking in designing industries. This has triggered researchers towards this emerging technology.
Jute reinforced composites may be used in combination with biodegradable polymer or to replace conventional glass fibre reinforced composites. In this case, the main concern is their impact resistance. The production of hybrid laminates by coupling layers of glass fibre reinforced with jute reinforced laminates, proved also effective to improve the mechanical characteristics. In recent years, a number of studies have been carried out, aimed to compare properties of jute fibre reinforced laminates. This project studies Mechanical properties of Jute Reinforced Glass Fibre Composite by Acousto-Ultrasonic Technique. The specimens were tested for UTS on UTM and the correlation factors were determined by comparing SWF (Stress Wave Factors) and UTS. The comparative analyses are presented in results.
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
840-843 |
185 |
Designing Bedspreads Utilizing Butterfly and Fish Motifs using Adobe Illustrator
-Dr.S.Lakshmi Manokari ; Ms.N.Charanya Meenu; Ms.B.Subapriya
Design inspiration comes from a variety of sources like nature, flowers, trees, vegetables, animals, fish, insects or birds etc.A motif could be used to establish a mood, a theme, or symbolic meaning. In our life, every person is surrounded by many different natural species. Butterflies become popular subjects for the highly stylized and symmetrical design on the crests. Butterfly motif is a symbol of hope, fertility and beauty. Fish is a very ancient Chinese decorative motif. In this study, naturalistic, stylized and geometric patterns of butterflies and fish are created using adobe illustrator followed by the designing of bedspreads. Read More...
Fashion & Textile Technology |
India |
844-847 |
186 |
A Review on Road Traffic Models for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
-Pardeep Mittal
Traffic flow models seek to describe the interaction of vehicles with their drivers and the infrastructure. Almost all the models directly or indirectly characterize the relationship among the traffic variables: the position, the speed, the flow, and the density of vehicles. These relationships can be based on either the behavior of individual vehicles in a traffic network in relation to the dynamics of other vehicles, the overall characteristics of the flow of vehicles in a traffic network, or a combination of the behavior of individual vehicles in a traffic network and the overall traffic flow characteristics. This paper describes the different models for automatic Traffic control system. Read More...
Engineering Management |
India |
848-850 |
187 |
A Performance Analysis of Statcom on Distance Protection Relay
-Poonam Sonawane ; Suhas Shembekar
Legacy Transmission system protection schemes are mainly based on distance relaying. However, performance of distance relay is affected in presence of shunt Flexible AC Transmission System Devices (FACTS) like Static synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) which are mostly used to enhance the transferring capacity of transmission system. The study about the protection system like transmission protection by using Distance Relay Specially mho relay and its zone wise tripping characteristics. The detailed idea about FACTS, type of FACTS, Advantages of FACTS and application of FACTS. For various purpose like power handling capacity by injecting or absorbing reactive power. The STATCOM has adverse effect on protection like distance protection ,distance relay mal-function when STATCOM is connected to the Line, when STATCOM is in fault loop then have a great impact on relay tripping characteristics. Distance relay simulation in MATLAB plays an important role. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
851-854 |
188 |
A Study on Uniform and Apodized Fiber Bragg Gratings
-Gayathri Prasad S ; Reshmi Krishnan G
The design, simulation and analysis of an optical Fiber Bragg Grating for maximum reflectivity, minimum side lobe power wastage has been done using MATLAB software. The reflection spectra and side lobes strength were analyzed with different grating lengths, refractive index profiles and pitch values. The simulations are based on coupled mode equations and transfer matrix method that describes the interaction of guided modes. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
855-857 |
189 |
Market Analysis and a Detailed Study of Leading Cloud Telephony and SMS Gateway Company and Its Competitors
-Pawan Kumar Naik ; Praveen Kumar; Dr.S.A.Vasantha Kumar
The process in an IT service provider company depends on the products and the services it is providing to the customers. As there are many competitors present in the market with same services This Company wanted to have a different quality which separates them from other competitors. This Project is about the study of wireless services provided by the telecom industry which consist Cloud telephony and SMS gateway. Many different products come under cloud telephony and SMS gateway. A detail study of the products like IVR Studio, Integrated analytics, API integration, Miss Call Solutions, Call Forwarding and Conferencing Services & SMS Services like SMS Short Code, SMS Long Code, Enterprise Messaging solutions, Mobile Marketing, Email2SMS, are done in this project. And also a detailed study on the company Competitors and their Products are conducted. As compared to others the services provided by the company was at a lower price with good quality and 24/7 available support team and constant up gradation with new technology. This survey was made to find out whether the customers using the services are happy and satisfied comparing with the competitors’ products for Pricing, Quality and Customer Support. Read More...
Engineering Management |
India |
858-862 |
190 |
Thermal and Structural Analysis Using Fea on Pillar Vains Type Ventilated Disc Brake Rotor
-Anurag Patel ; Ankur Malviya
Safety aspect in automotive engineering has been considered as a number one priority in development of new vehicle. Each single system has been studied and developed in order to meet safety requirement. Instead of having good suspension systems, Air bags, good handling and safe cornering, there is one most critical system in the vehicle which is brake systems. Without brake system in the vehicle will put a passenger in unsafe position. Therefore, it is must for all vehicles to have proper brake system. For the purpose of safety and increased life cycle of the disc brakes this paper deals with the design modification of a disc break so as to produce better thermal and structural performance. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
863-867 |
191 |
A Review on Mechanical and Wear Properties of Heat Treated Steel
-Bhavna M. Kori ; Prof. Alpesh K. Panchal
This Review Paper describes effects of heat treatment on various material by varying process parameters and by using different types of heat treatment process. The heat treatment includes heating & cooling operations or the sequence of two or more such operations applied to any material in order to modify metallurgical structure and alter its physical, mechanical and chemical properties. This Review paper shows progress and research in the field of heat treatment process. Different types of heat treatment processes such as annealing, normalising, nitriding, hardening, tempering carburising used & available in recent time. This paper deals with important progress work on heat treatment and its process parameters. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
868-869 |
192 |
Internet Relay Chat Forensics
-Divya Joshi ; Jenisha Vaidya
Internet Relay Chat, or IRC, is a protocol that allows users that connect to Internet Relay Chat Servers to have conversation with others in real time. Users connect to IRC Servers using an IRC Client. Commercial chat client’s like yahoo! and google chat are quite popular in wide use. To other chat clients were worth exploring. These tools are arguably better suited for criminal activity. IRC is one such tool. There are basically two options available to investigators involved in an IRC occurrence. They can look at log files on servers or clients or they can monitor transmission directly. In this paper we have been using X Chat application for the IRC Forensic Investigation. We capture the IRC Client’s packets and analyze that packets. Read More...
Forensic Engineering |
India |
870-872 |
193 |
Study and Experimental Modelling of Welding Parameters on Hardness of Hot Air Welded Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic
-Md Shakibul Haque ; Inayat Hussain; Proff.(Dr.) Athar Hussain; Mohd Anees Siddiqui; Proff.(Dr.) Mohd. Ibrahim Khan
The present work has been carried out to study the effect of some input parameters on the desired responses in the Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) plastic welding by hot air technique. The effect of hot air temperature, welding speed and air flow rate has been evaluated on the Hardness of the welded joints. These responses have been analysed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and experimental modeling. Plots of significant factors and experimental modeling have been used to determine the best fit relationship between the responses and the model parameters using MINITAB 17. This has been used to determine the most influencing parameter. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
873-876 |
194 |
Novel Perspectives in Construction of Recovery Oriented Computing
-A.LakshmanRao ; Manas Kumar Yogi
In this paper we present novel views in implementation of a recovery oriented computing system. We discuss the various factors considered while ROC system design and move on to present the existing technologies in this field. Based on this we propose a ROC system design which enhances the robustness of such a system. Finally we state the future directions which the researchers are currently working in this area. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
877-878 |
195 |
Circular Slot Loaded Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna For WLAN / WiMax Applications
-Surjeet Raikwar ; Ashish Chaudhary
In the present paper a circular slot rectangular microstrip loaded antenna is proposed. The obtained bandwidth of rectangular microstrip antenna is improved up to 46.92%. The proposed antenna has frequency band in the frequency range 1.979 GHz to 3.192 GHz this frequency band is suitable for WLAN / WiMAX and other wireless communication applications. The microstrip antenna suffers from narrow bandwidth hence the present work provide an alternative solution to increase the bandwidth. The gain has been improved up to 4.68dBi and antenna efficiency is 97.63%. The proposed slot loaded Microstrip antenna is fed by 0.3 mm line feed. The proposed antenna is simulated by IE3D Zealand simulation software based on method of moments. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
879-881 |
196 |
Conceptual Design of Automated Attachment for Positioning Bed of Drilling Machine With Respect To Cad Model
-Rohit Devanand Mardane ; Prof. U.D.Gulhane; Dr.A.R.Sahu
Industrial automation has proven itself an essential part of the industries today. Its application has provided new solutions, making more concepts in manufacturing processes implementable. In this paper author proposing an automated attachment for drilling machine to position worktable with reference to CAD, model. Throughout some literature review, analysing, modelling, and experiments, the implementation of concept will deliver acceptable results. The drilling and positioning as per coordinate extraction program can achieve accurately with the precision of 1mm point to point. The drilling operation can be perform once points are selected and ‘RUN’ radio button click in time less than 3 seconds. This system is design for small scale industry for drilling plastics and aluminium parts like heat sink of LED as an alternate solution to CNC machine in low cost. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
882-884 |
197 |
Modified T&U Shape Triangular Microstrip Patch Antenna Array for Communication.
-Miss Junnarkar Priyanka Vilas ; Prof. Dhede V. M.
Modern communication system requires high gain, large bandwidth and less size antennas which shows excellent performance over a wide range of frequency spectrum. Proposed system uses FR4 as a dielectric substrate(€r=4.4).Proposed Triangular Miscrostrip Patch antenna is designed with additional T & U shape ,simulated by using high frequency simulation software HFSS & finally tested with the help of vector network analyzer (VNA -N9923A) . Various antenna parameters like Return Loss, Gain and VSWR etc. are calculated using HFSS. The antenna has been designed to operate on the range of 5.5GHz. This paper report the simulation result using equilateral triangular patch antenna with Microstrip line feed. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
885-888 |
198 |
Secured Multi Cloud Storage Using CPDP
-S.Shanmuga Priya ; P.K.Sheela Shantha Kumari
PDP is a technique designed for CSP to show that complete file of the client is in secured state without downloading the whole file. PDP scheme of multi cloud includes multiple csp’s to mutually store and maintain the client’s data. Later CPDP was proposed which also has the Homorphic verifiable response and Hash index hierarchy properties, but there is a security flaws. The problem is, when a malicious csp or organizer generates a valid response which also clears the verification process in case of deletion of the stored data. This means, simply, an attacker gets the information without storing the client’s data. In this paper, we discuss about the security flaws in CPDP (Cooperative Provable Data Possession) scheme. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
889-891 |
199 |
Seasonal Variations and Diversity of Marine Diatoms of Jegathapattinam and Kattumavadi, South East Coast of India
-T.Gopalakrishnan, ; S.Jeyachandran ; N.Ramakrishnan
The present study entitled on Seasonal variations and diversity of plantonic marine diatoms of Jegathapattinam (Lat. 09º 95 N: Long. 79º 18 E) and Kattumavadi (Lat. 10º 13 N; Long.79º 22 E) South East Coast of India was carried out for a period of one year (from June 2011 to May2012).The study focuses attention on the survey, systematics of marine diatom diversity and the influence of physico-chemical factors on their seasonal distribution. A total of 52 species belonging to 38 genera of marine diatoms were recorded from both stations. The most common genera were Actinocyclus, Amphora, Bacteriastrum, Biddulphia, Chaetoceros, Coscinodiscus, Cyclotella, Diploneis, Gyrosigma, Licmophora, Melosira, Navicula, Nitzschia, Pleurosigma and Tropidoneis were present in the two stations. Higher values of diatom population density were found during summer at both stations. The seasonal distribution and abundance are discussed in relation to physico- chemical parameters. Read More...
Biotechnology |
India |
892-896 |
200 |
A Study of SAAS Model for Security System
-Sabapathi.V ; M.Muniyappan
A study of SAAS of cloud computing securing methodology against Poodle Attack†are taken for discussion. Cloud –It’s a resource centric technology. So secure it’s a main concern like POODLE (Padding Oracle on Downgraded Legacy Encryption) attack will affect SSL based connection system between client and server which is a serious cost. POODLE will disconnect the SSL connections. In Cloud it’s a open connectivity, over the network we can access the resources for user requirement. Connection Setup, recently everywhere used SSL. So far, Strong Authentication in connection setup, Server side authentication should be in Cloud. For sever side Keystone which is in OPENSTACK, for sever side authentication. So in this paper for mainly for SAAS (Secure As A Service) model for Cloud Environment. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
897-899 |