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151 |
Application Migration to Cutting Edge Technology
-Dattatraya Ekbote
Application Migration is done be users mainly to migrate from Legacy Systems to cutting edge technology, here sometimes migration will also be done to different system where the users think that migration might improve the operations. It is a process where the existing application which is operating is migrated to advanced technology, it may not be a simple process here if the application is using data, the data needs to be migrated to the new system, If the Existing system does not operate with any data, then there will not be much issue with migration. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
618-620 |
152 |
A Review on Road Traffic Monitoring System
-Ruby Verma
Road network of a city is an important mean for overall development. It is the key factor for city authority to control the traffic in the city. With the increase in the number of vehicles day by day traffic congestion is a significant challenge. The main reason is the increase in the population of metro cities, urbanization and economical development of the country that subsequently led to the increased demand for vehicular travel. One method to overcome the traffic problem is to develop an intelligent traffic control system which is based on the measurement of traffic density on the road using real time video and image processing techniques. In this paper we reviewed the algorithm to determine the number of vehicles on the road. The density counting algorithm works by comparing the real time frame of live video by the reference image and by searching vehicles only in the region of interest (i.e. road area). The computed vehicle density can be compared with peak value of the traffic in order to control the traffic smartly. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
621-623 |
153 |
Evaluation of Bacopa monnieri as a Suitable Hyperaccumulant for Copper Contaminated Soil Using in vitro Techniques
-Sharada Mallubhotla ; Sonia Chowdhary; Gurleen Kour; Deepika Slathia; Rajinder Gupta
Various heavy metals like as, Cu, Zn, Pb, Hg etc. affect the environment by affecting soil properties, its fertility, biomass and crop yield and ultimately human health. Therefore, heavy metal pollution poses a great threat to the environment and mankind. In order to maintain good quality of soil and water and keep them free from contamination, continuous efforts have been made to develop technologies that are easy to use, sustainable and economically feasible. Phytoremediation as an emerging technology that employs the use of higher plants for the clean-up of contaminated environment has been reported using several plant species. Presently an attempt has been made to study the efficiency of in vitro regenerated multiple shoot cultures of Bacopa monnieri to accumulate copper from the plant medium. Copper sulphate (CuSO45H2O) was added to the shoot multiplication medium at varying concentrations of 0, 20, 40 and 80 mg/ltr media. The effect of copper on plant growth, chlorophyll content and production of pharmaceutically important bacosides from the regenerants was examined. It was observed that copper sulphate acted as an elicitor for plant growth at a concentration of 20 mg/l. Although, when the concentration was increased from 20 mg/l to 80 mg/l it resulted in suppression of plant growth. The efficiency of copper removal was highest in plants treated with 40 mg/l of copper sulphate and decreased upon increase in concentration to 80 mg/l. Bio-concentration factor (BCF) calculated for all the treatments was found to be maximum (3.03) at 40 mg/l followed by 20 mg/l (2.7) and 80 mg/l (1.91). Bacoside content measured by HPLC was found to be maximum in the cultures treated with copper at a concentration of 40 mg/l (12.405 mg/g DW) followed by 80 mg/l (8.091 mg/g DW), control (8.047 mg/g DW) and 20 mg/l (1.127 mg/g DW). The study suggests the practical application of B. monnieri plants which can act as hyperaccumulants for the removal of copper in industries where the metal is a major contaminant. Read More...
Environment Engineering |
India |
624-628 |
154 |
A Novel Approach for Finding Representative Pattern Sets
-Ms. Neha Omprakash Chaure ; Prof. Dr. S.S.Sane
Frequent pattern mining produces large number of frequent patterns. So it creates challenge on visualizing, understanding and analysis of generated patterns. So there is need of finding a small number of representative patterns without affecting understanding and analysis of generated patterns. Few algorithms have been reported in the literature that satisfies these needs. However, these algorithms result in either higher time or space complexities and also do not scale well with the size of frequent patterns. An approach that overcomes the problem of time and space complexity has been reported in the literature that allows the user to select the tradeoff between space and time. However, with large size of frequent patterns, an incremental approach should perform in a better way. This paper deals with the development and analysis of an efficient incremental algorithm for finding minimum representative pattern sets. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
628-631 |
155 |
Aerodynamic Analysis of Air foil in Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
-P.P.Mahalingam ; Dr.P.Vijian
The main objective of this study is to better understandings the effects of various parameters like airfoil shape/type, Reynolds number, angle of attack, wind speed on the performances of these turbines. These effects are investigated on a straight bladed vertical axis wind turbine which leads to variations of pressure distribution on upper and lower surface of the blade section. The work can be started by Direct Design method of specified section geometry and the calculation of pressure and performance by theoretically. This could be compared with numerically by using SOLID WORKS as modelling and ANSYS CFX as solver for NACA 00xx, NACA xxxxx at different angle of attack and different velocities. From these the pressure and force distribution of airfoil section NACA xxxxx and NACA 00xx were calculated and the power coefficient of the former one increased than later one. This would leads changing of airfoil thickness may cause the power coefficient. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
632-634 |
156 |
A Comparative Study of Fuzzy Logic with Artificial Neural Network Techniques in Cancer Detection
-Rucha Thakur
Now a day’s artificial intelligence has been playing an important role in the research community of bio-medical engineering. In this paper I presented an comparative study of computer-aided diagnosis for medical image segmentation and edge detection using Neural Network & Fuzzy logic. This idea is presented with case study of skin cancer detection using Artificial Neural Network & Fuzzy Logic. The processed image is then registered for analysis. The aims of increasing awareness of how Neural Networks or Fuzzy Logic can be applied to these areas will help to find the disease affected area prominently can be achieve using pre-processing and post-processing . Diseases can be detected in its early-state and can be cured saving many lives. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
635-637 |
157 |
Wind Power Generation Monitoring System
-Pandit Pritam Shankar ; Nadaf Shabnam Ajij; Sawant Pradnya Shrirang
Wind is clean & renewable nature resource for power generation. At present the greatest widespread solution of wind power generation in the world is based on the turbines. With the importance of alternative energy sources increasing, monitoring & economical design of alternative energy generators becomes more critical. To implement a practical monitoring system, characterization of the dynamic behaviour of the structure under consideration is a necessary first step. Acquisition of dynamic output data under a wide variety of condition can be a time consuming & costly process. In recent years, low cost wireless sensors have emerged as an enabling technology for just such monitoring application. In this paper wireless sensor technologies are deployed on two wind turbine structures to provide better models of wind turbine dynamic behavior & response to loading. Also this paper deals with power control of a wind generation system for interconnection operation with electric distribution system. Power control strategy is to extract the maximum energy available from varying condition of wind speed while maintaining power quality at a satisfactory level. In order to capture the maximum power, variable speed, voltage control is employed for turbine system. The grid interface inverter transfer the energy drown from the wind turbine into grid by keeping common DC voltage constant. It provides uninterrupted power, effective utilization of source, improves life time of battery & minimized usage of diesel. This paper present viability study of integrated renewable power system for telecommunication application. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
638-639 |
158 |
Android Based Car Black Box
-Ashwini Raghunath Gade ; Aarti Shankar Dalvi; Mohini Bhagvat Buchude
This paper is proposed to exploit low cost system. The main principle of the system to monitoring the parameter of the car with the help of car black box. Smartphone is the multiuse device which added functionality of GPS,GSM, memory to store all parameter information. Smartphone also include compatible touch screen and web browser that include all web page. For the high speed data transmission Wi-Fi and Bluetooth system is used. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
640-641 |
159 |
A Survey: Hypergraph Partitioning Techniques
-Chandani Jain ; Prof. Snehal M. Kamalapur
Graphs are formed by vertices and edges where any two objects joined using edge that represents some relationships between these objects. Hyper graph is a abstraction of graph in which edges are non-empty subset of vertex set. It do not have edges between pair of vertices that is hypergraph has edges that connect set of two or more vertices.Hypergraph are more suitable to represent complex relational objects in many real-world problems. Partitioning decomposes a set of interrelated objects into a set of subsets or parts to optimize a specified objective. In general, it is required that any two objects within the same part should be strongly related in some criteria , whereas the converse should hold for any two objects found in different parts. Both graphs & hypergraphs may be partitioned to optimize some objective. The hypergraph partitioning problem has use in many scientific computing and provides a more accurate inter-processor communication model for distributed systems than the similar graph problem. Here we are discussing hypergraph partitioning methods Iterative algorithm, spectral partitioning and multi-level partitioning in detail. Advantages and disadvantages are also listed. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
642-645 |
160 |
Optimization of Machining Parameters Using Steel En 9 Work Material in Turning Operation by Tungsten Carbide Tool Employing Taguchi Method
-Jagdip Chauhan ; Sunil
The present manufacturing sector is competing to increase machining efficiency and to minimize effect of environment or effect of noise factor. Steel alloys are more used in modern era of industrialization. By considering these points optimization of process parameters is done with the help of Taguchi method. This study deals with finding optimal value of process parameters (cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut) on which minimum value of response parameters(thrust force, feed force, and radial force) can be obtained in turning operation of steel alloy EN9 by applying Taguchi method. Significant factors and percentage distribution of process parameters in affecting response parameters is investigated by ANOVA (analysis of variance). Experiments are conducted based on L9 orthogonal array. Lower the better criterion of S/N ratio is used for optimization of selected response parameters. By the study it is found that optimal level of process parameters is third level of cutting speed and first level of feed rate and depth of cut. It is found that thrust force is the significant factor in affecting response characteristics. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
646-650 |
161 |
Data Hiding and Retrieval on Image Using MSB Encoding Technique
-Abhishek Dahale ; Mayur Khairnar ; Sameer Vaidya; Tanmay Kale; Sachin Dhande
This paper proposes a technique in which we use a distributed source encoding on encrypted images for hiding the data. Reversible data hiding is technique in which data in the cover image can reversibly retrieved after extracting the hidden data .Here we encrypt the image using stream cipher. After the series of bits is selected, the data hider compresses this selected bits using Slepian-Wolf encoding. If the receiver has embedding key as well as encryption key, only then the original data and image is recovered perfectly using distributed source decoding. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
651-652 |
162 |
Electronic Eye for Modern House
-Jankar Sachin Dadaso ; Gholap Janardhan S.
The system of Electronic eye is the microcontroller based door image capture security system for home and offices. It provides the user with efficient and reliable security system for door image capture for home, offices and industries it use of an sensor at the door which capture and send the signals to control unit of electronic eye with buzzer alarm for security purpose as soon as the door opens with image capture at the output of laptop or pc with VB application. Security is primary need with day to day. This paper describes effective security alarm system that can monitor image capture system with the help of VB application. As door opens sensor gets activated and capture the image with the help of web camera which is mounted on door in PC captured image gets saved within VB application. It also serves function of sensing and detecting false intrusion. The term false intrusion here is used to mean any form of attempt to gain entry without proper pre design protocols. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
653-655 |
163 |
Automatic Dishwashing Machine
-Chavan Shrikant Yashwant ; Kawade Sudhir B.; Dhumal Chetan A.; Take Pradip R.
This paper represents the modified design of utensils automatic washer machine. In this, the adjustable conveyor containing utensils tends to rotate, and passing theses utensils under three section scrubbing, water sprinkler and cleaner. The dishwasher has made cleaning and drying dishes much easier and more efficiently. Conveyor is rotated by using motors. This leads to making the design simpler and better than the present dishwashers. Read More...
Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
656-657 |
164 |
SMART CITY: Arm Based Management System for Solid wastage, Street light and Zonesign
-Vilas Ashok Bodke ; Darpana Nikumbh; Dinkar Babaji Ugale; Divya Rajendra Pujari
The current budget, combined with increased citizen expectations, is placing increasing pressure on world to provide good infrastructures and services. The idea of Smart city developed by a high level structures like Information and Communication Technology which are able to transmit energy, information circulates and connect a various sector that include networking, power, science, economy. In Smart Cities transport systems are must, projects are made to improve production plants from renewable resources, efficient lighting, the buildings are equipped with sensors and devices for energy consumption. This Paper is about how power can be saved in street lights, solid waste managed and how zonesign can manage. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
658-660 |
165 |
Data Mining on Heathcare Management System
Data Mining is the process of extracting information from large data sets through using algorithms and techniques drawn from the field of Statistics, Machine Learning and Data Base Management Systems. Traditional data analysis methods often involve manual work and interpretation of data which is slow, expensive and highly subjective. Data Mining, popularly called as knowledge discovery in large data, enables firms and organizations to make calculated decisions by assembling, accumulating, analyzing and accessing corporate data. It uses variety of tools like query and reporting tools, analytical processing tools, and Decision Support System. Authors propose a robust ontology based multidimensional data warehousing and mining approach to address the issues of organizing, reporting and documenting diabetes cases including causalities. Data mining procedures, in which map and data views depicting similarity and comparison of attributes extracted from warehouses, are used in the present studies, for understanding the ailments based on gender, age, geography, food habits and hereditary traits. Time series forecasting takes the past values of a time series and uses them to forecast the future values. In this paper, we have proposed a new algorithm for multistep ahead time series forecasting. The original time series and differenced series are classified using Competitive Learning Neural Network. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
661-666 |
166 |
Network Analysis System for Detecting Unknown Attack Using SVM and Network Intrusion: A Review
-Snehal Padmakar Bhende ; P. Kulurkar
For network administration, one of the most critical component is intrusion detection due to large number of unknown attacks. These unknown attacks are not able to detect system so persistently damage our existing system. Past network-attacks had simple purposes of leaking personal information by attacking the PC or destroying the system or existing technologies to detect these attacks are based on pattern matching methods which are very limited. Because of this fact, detection rate becomes very low in the event of new and previously unknown attacks. To defend against these unknown attacks, in this paper, we plan to develop a big data based system for detecting attacks which are unknown to the existing system. Big data analysis techniques can extract information from a variety of sources to detect future attacks. This is done using previous learning about the attacks on which the system is trained previously and finding patterns about these attacks by using SVM method. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
667-669 |
167 |
An Experimental Study on Pozzolanic Activity of Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash as Partial Replacement for Cement in Recycled Aggregate Concrete
-Sowmya N ; Yashwanth M K; Devanand R
The study presents a replacement of cement by bagasse ash in industrial scale aiming to reduce the carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere and natural coarse aggregate by recycled coarse aggregates (RCA) due to abundantly available Construction & Demolition waste aiming to preserve natural resources. Bagasse ash(BA) is a byproduct of sugar/ethanol industries abundantly available in the region of Mandya and Mysure and has cementitous properties indicating that it can be used together with cement. In this study bagasse ash were physically and chemically characterized and partially replaced in the ratio of 0%,10%,and 20% by weight of cement to produce bagasse ash based concrete and natural coarse aggregate is replaced by recycled coarse aggregate in the ratio of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% to produce recycled aggregate concrete(RAC). The optimum level of bagasse ash and recycled coarse aggregate were found and then cast to produce bagasse ash based recycled aggregate concrete. The mix design of all the concrete is done as per IS specifications. The rheological properties of concrete like slump test and hardened properties like compressive strength, split tensile strength were studied. The results shows that strength of the concrete can be increased at the optimum percentage of recycled coarse aggregate and bagasse ash. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
670-673 |
168 |
Improving Association Rule Mining with Apriori Algorithm and Charm
-Karuna Rambhau Badole ; KARUNA RAMBHAU BADOLE; P. Kulurkar
Many other algorithm proposed after the introduction of apriori which retain the same general structure ,added several technique to optimize certain steps within algorithm, this paper improve the performance of apriori to improve high speed and better recommendation for any application by using to find support and confidence. Association rule mining originally proposed with its apriori algorithm to solve frequent itemset, mining problem as efficient as possible, which used to find out interesting pattern from database with the help of CHARM. Several business application used this technology for transaction databases. This paper include comprehensive survey and study between the performance of the describe approaches. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
674-675 |
169 |
Simulation of Mould Filling in Injection Moulding
-Ravi Pratap Singh
This paper presents the analysis and simulation of mold filling for acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and polypropylene (PP) materials in injection molding using MOLDFLOW software. The main objective is to study the effects of mold filling on both materials and to compare the different factors of both materials. In order to understand the mould filling process to fabricate plastic parts, both thermal and mechanical properties of the injection molding process are studied through moldflow simulation. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
676-678 |
170 |
GPS Based Intelligence Speed Control System
-Ms.T.Uvashri ; Ms.A.Kasthuri; Ms.S.Saranya
The everlasting growth of technology has prolonged the work of man beyond the clock. The tight schedule of workers, the thrill and excitement made by youngsters and carelessness has lead to horrible accidents and its rating being increased year by year. i-speed, the intelligence speed control focussing to protect human life from the kind of accidents for which over speed is the foremost cause. Previously there were only detection techniques and here this project assists detection and automatic control of the vehicle speed. This particular project can be implemented in school zones or hospital zones and in any other accident prone areas. This system incorporates a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, a microcontroller and the interfacing circuitry. The GPS receiver output data is checked by the microcontroller with the pre-stored GPS values and it sends the necessary signal to the interface circuitry, thereby reducing the speed. Once the vehicle enters the given boundary, the speed is automatically reduced to the pre-set speed in the microcontroller. The speed of the vehicle is displayed using a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). When the vehicle moves out of the speed restricted areas it is free to exceed the limited speed. The project incorporates an intelligence system to the vehicle concerned there by reducing the accidents. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
679-682 |
171 |
Social Networking Site for College
-Kaustubh Jagasia ; Parimal Aglawe; Arthi C I
This paper discusses about the use of social media platform for teaching and learning purposes. The amount of social space available to users can provide a more personalized and interactive experience for educative purpose. With the growing demand of engineers in the industry, it becomes important for the students to know about the practical use of technologies that are taught in the college and also to know about the latest technology and projects that the industry works with. Thus, a social media platform where students can interact with the industry professionals would prove to be a great benefit for them. In this project it is intended to create a social networking site exclusive for the college whereby students, faculty and selective people from the industry would be able to socialize and share their knowledge. Also it would be a medium to share information about all the ongoing activities in the college campus. This paper discusses about the features provided by this social networking site and how it can be preferred over the existing social networking mediums for educational purposes. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
683-686 |
172 |
Development of An Integrated Website for Art Training
-Priyanka Wagh ; Hema Vijria; John Rido; Ms. Arthi C.I.
To fulfill the demands of many art enthusiasts, a perfect designed scheme for an integrated website for Art Training was proposed, in which website goals, website functions of website were discussed one by one . Here the website modules like Training, Shopping, Psychology test, Blog, Users management, Events, Access control management, Contests, website traffic analysis, etc were discussed. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
687-689 |
173 |
Feature Selection Techniques: A Review
-Prajakta Kulkarni ; Prof. Dr. S. M. Kamalapur
Feature is a prominent attribute of a process being observed. Set of features are applied to pattern recognition and machine learning algorithms for processing. In modern world, size of set of features has been increased to multiple of thousands. Hence dealing with large number of features became a challenge. Feature selection is one of the well-known technique to minimize the size of set of features. Feature selection is carried out mainly in three contexts: supervised, unsupervised and semi-supervised. Different measures are used for selection of features. In this paper some representative methods of each of the context are analysed along with their pros and cons. Also it gives idea about why there is a need of separate feature selection technique for semi-supervised data. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
690-693 |
174 |
Designing and Development Of Product With Lean Manufacturing
-Rahul A. Raikwar ; Yogendra M. Verma; Shubham B. Kurrewar; Lushank Shambharkar; Aswad Sagdeo
This paper gives the general introduction to the arrangement, design and some basic concept of designing the die. CAD plays an important role in this type of die design. Some losses due to design parameters are also discussed. To meet the requirements of low cost, good performance and manufacturing feasibility. This paper will provide a design overview of the die designing, main characteristics, key subsystems and control strategies. This gives better understanding about working principle of lean manufacturing to avoid the un-necessary operation and minimise the waste materials. Effect of design consideration can be further studied during its application in various conditions. In the CAD model actual design has also been explained. The design approach is in the way of improving the efficiency of manufacturing efficiency. Lastly there is the solution given to the analysed error. Advantages, disadvantages and various practical applications are also discussed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
694-696 |
175 |
Prediction of Compaction Parameters Using Regression and ANN Tools
-Ankit Kumar Shrivastava ; Dr. P. K. Jain
The compaction parameters are not only important for quality control of earthworks but are required for designing of various works. The engineering properties of soils such as shear strength, CBR, permeability and consolidation parameters are usually determined by testing the samples prepared at optimum moisture content (OMC) and maximum dry density (MDD). On any project, a large number of soil types are generally used. For each soil, besides the basic soil classification parameters, compaction parameters are also determined. Testing of large numbers of soil samples is a cumbersome and time consuming job and requires trained personnel for the purpose. Further, an independent check on the results obtained in the laboratory is also required to make use of test values on site with confidence. Therefore, a need is felt to obtain the required compaction parameters from the basic soil test which are used for the classification of soil viz. Atterberg’s limits, gradation, specific gravity etc. In this endeavour, basic soil parameters were collected from literature and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) techniques have been employed on the data collected, as ANN can better model the relation between compaction parameters and basic soil properties than statistical modelling. Present work demonstrates application of five different ANN algorithms viz. LM, GDM, SCG, BR and CFB to predict standard compaction characteristics of varieties of soils with a large range variation in their basic soil properties. Multiple variable non-linear regression analysis was also carried out, in which establishment of an empirical relationship for prediction of compaction characteristics of Modified compaction (i.e., OMC2 and MDD2) by using Standard compaction values (i.e., OMC1 and MDD1) was attempted. Then validation by an independent outside dataset from literature of Horpibulsuk et al. (2009) was also carried out on ANN models and regression analysis done. Read More...
Geo Technical Engineering |
India |
697-702 |
176 |
Design, Analysis and Optimization of Single Pass Seedbed Preparation Attachment for Low Power Tractors
-Hemant Jagannathrao Gatfane
The proportional sized cultivator can make short work of preparing soil ready for new plantings and for the mixing of leftovers, compost manure and fertilizers. They are also great for getting the soil in shape of perennial trees like orange, mango etc. The unit will be the combination in series as first Duckfoot Cultivator, next will be Hopper with mixer and aftermost will be Rotavator which will have rotating tines or blades that are driven by small gear mechanism. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
703-704 |
177 |
A Novel approach for internet voting system using efficient visual cryptography
-Chakranarayan Vikas Simon ; Shinde Gaurav Rajendra; Gagre Shrikant Narayan; Jagtap Rahul Tukaram; Nale Komal Nanasaheb
An efficient visual cryptography in internet voting system has not been developed yet in our country. Traditional voting system is used in our country which is not safe and secure. After developing a system for online voting we can save user’s valuable time and increase the percentage of voting and also it provides security. Web based voting allows the voter to cast his vote from any remote location in state or out of state to the candidate which is participated in election ,if and only if he safely logged in the system with the correct password which is generated using VC scheme after stacking the two shares. Where the share 1 is send by Admin to e-mail id of voter at the time of registration and the share 2 is saved at the system database. It is made available during election for his login. Voter will get the secret password to cast his vote only after combining share 1 and share 2 using V. Visual Cryptography (VC) is a secret share generation scheme in which an image is converted into shares. The hacker cannot get any information by observing any one of the share. We can get the information about the original image only after stacking number of shares. There are three different scheme present in visual cryptography 2 out of 2 VC, k out of n VC, n out of n VC. 2 out of 2 VC has been used for an efficient voting system. Even if the hacker get password of one share, it is not possible to get the password of the second share, as it is sent to the E-Mail Id of the voter. Thus IVS provides high security to the voting system. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
705-707 |
178 |
Harvester cum Destroyer Robot using Fire Bird V Robot
-RM.Nachammai ; G.LAVANYA; N.MRUJOOL KANSARA; R.Gopalakrishnan
Robotics and automation plays a vital role in the society meeting 2050 agricultural production needs. Robots have played a fundamental role in increasing the efficiency and reducing the cost of industrial production and products. More recently, farmers have started to experiment with autonomous systems that automate such as digging, planting, harvesting, spraying, and weed removal. Many gardeners still remove weeds by manually pulling them out of the ground, making sure to include the roots that would otherwise allow them to re-sprout. Similarly traditional harvesting methods accounted for more of hard work to be put by the farmer. In order to overcome, we are going to a see a harvester and destroyer robot which is used to harvest the ripened crops and remove the unwanted weeds in the field. By using this robot we could be aware that when the crops are in the right stage for harvesting or not. This could be done by using the IR sensors that are used to find the height of the crops by image processing technique. Read More...
India |
708-711 |
179 |
Performance Evaluation of Pulley Arm Design
-Mohsin khan manzoor khan ; Umesh M. Mohod; Naved anjum ansar shaikh
Here in this study CAD method has been explored to design and analysis of pulley arm and belt, which considered being the main parts of a rod cutting machine. The cutting speed of a present system of pulleys and belt is very low in actual working conditions. The ultimate aim of the project is to increase the cutting speed Finite Element Analysis was done for investigation of stresses experienced by the pulley. Finite Element Method (FEM) is used to determine the BM shared by the arms for its different angular positions. The distribution of bending stress in the arms is also obtained. Finally, the design modifications have been suggested the parameters, By using this parameters the new design is developed which is able to give the cutting speed which is required for the actual working conditions. The results showed that stress experience by the pulley is less than the young’s modulus of the material. This ultimately enhances the life of the pulley and belt. It is also observed that the total deformation is very less and not crossing the bounding box limits. Hence part is safe. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
712-713 |
180 |
Study of Different Techniques for Load Forecasting-A Review
-Vivek Kumar Verma ; Yashwant Singh; Dr. R.S. Bajpai
This paper focuses on various approaches to load forecasting, which is essential for developing power supply method to improve the reliability of the power line and provide optimal load scheduling for many developing countries where the demand can be increased day by day. Load forecast is extremely important in electric energy generation, transmission, distribution and markets. Electricity suppliers use forecasting models for prediction of load demand of the consumers to increase or decrease the power generated and to minimize the operating cost of producing electricity. This paper shows study of different methods for load forecasting such as wavelet method, ANN method and fuzzy logic method. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
714-719 |
181 |
Authenticate User Location Using Auditor and Locate Nearest People
-Sagar R Suryawanshi ; Sagar R Suryawanshi; Shekhar R Pagare; Shahebaz H Shaikh
Location based services are popular in daily routine. Various businesses incorporate such location based services in their daily tasks as per requirement. These location based services should be appropriate from location accuracy point of view. While validating the location of particular user, his privacy may be affected. So we have to work on solution / protocol / framework that identifies location of user correctly and preserves privacy of particular user. It is also the case in which user has to prove his location to another user or super authority. Hence there should be mechanism that validates the location and share with the colleagues/authorities. Hence it is a complete ready-to-deploy framework for generating and validating location proof provenance. It works on generating secure location provenance on the mobile devices. Framework allows user-centric, collusion resistant, tamper-evident, privacy protected, verifiable, and provenance preserving location proofs for mobile devices. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
720-722 |
182 |
Plant Clinic - A Mobile App for Grape Plant Disease Detection and Remedies
-Shilpa G Gujjar
The detection of plant leaf disease is a very important factor to prevent serious outbreak. Automatic detection of plant disease is essential research topic. Producing Grape is a daunting task as the plant is exposed to the attacks from various micro-organisms, bacterial diseases and pests. The symptoms of the attacks are usually distinguished through the leaves, stems or fruit inspection. This proposed system discusses the effective way used in performing detection of grape diseases through leaf feature inspection. Leaf image is captured and proposed to determine the health status of each plant. This paper proposes various ways in which a farmer can utilize a Mobile application named “MOBICLINIC†on his/her handset, which will be very helpful in better cultivation and marketing of grapes. The main attention of this work is focused on Grape leaf image analysis. Image processing techniques requires large amount of computation power and memory to process for which a mobile devices fails. Hence, this framework uses Web Server Technology, which in effect that puts web services into a farmer’s pocket. The experimental setup uses tool like MATLAB 2012b. In this an Android based mobile devices are used for image acquisition but this is not the only device. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
723-726 |
183 |
Providing Network Security Using Intrusion Detection System With Generating Meta Alerts
-Borhade Sushama R ; Prof. Kahate S. A.
IT systems are the main component of humans life in which networking is essential thing. When networking is considered the first thing which comes in everyone's mind is security. To ensure this security mechanisms IDS(Intrusion Detection System) comes into picture. This technology is an important aspect in the process of designing a environment which is secure. The main aim of this technology is to detect suspicious attack and collect or generate the alerts. The IDS which are existing e.g. firewalls, snort creates large number of alerts. Due to large number of alerts there are many chances of system admin getting confused that which action should be performed on which attack. This results into delay in decision making. This paper aims to meta-alert generation by aggregating alerts. Meta-alerts can be easily understood by system admin/network administrator and supportive action can be easily performed. Generative Data stream modeling approach can be used to generate meta-alerts. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
727-730 |
184 |
Comparison of Different Techniques for Distribution System Load Flow Analysis-A Review
-Vijay Laxmi Mishra ; Manish Kumar Madhav; Dr. R.S. Bajpai
This review paper is based on the various methodology for load flow analysis used in distribution system. Distribution systems hold a very significant position in the power system since it is the main point of link between bulk power and consumers. Effective planning of radial distribution network is required to meet the present growing domestic, industrial and commercial load day by day. Load flow studies in distribution systems are used to ensure that optimum electrical power transfer from sub-station to consumers. Power flow studies provide as systematic mathematical approach for determination of various bus voltages, there phase angle active and reactive power flows through different branches, generators and loads under steady state condition. This paper compares different techniques used in distribution system load flow. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
731-735 |
185 |
A Study Of Chemical Constitution Of Lignin Of Leucaena Leuccephala
-Mekhala Sharma ; R.N Shukla
The study was carried out on Laucaena leucocephala of different age groups to learn more about its chemical composition by isolating lignin via solvent isolation technique. The effect of plant’s age on its chemical constitute were also investigated. As a cheap and fast-grown resource with superior physical and mechanical properties compared to most wood species, Laucaena leucocephala offers great potential as an alternative to softwood that is usually used in pulp and paper industry. Read More...
Applied Science |
India |
736-739 |
186 |
Automatic Pallet Carrier for Small Workshop
-Prof. Malve A. C. ; Wayal Vishal Radheshyam; Shaikh Nausherwan Adil; Zende Kiran Ashok; Pawar Jivan Keshavrao
In small workshops there are workstations which are at distance of 5 meter. And large time is spent on transmission of product from one workstation to another workstation. To transfer product the conventional transfer medium such as conveyor belt, automated guided vehicle (AGV) are used. These methods consume electricity as well as they are costlier. So this paper is important for transmission of product from one workstation to another without use of any electricity .The project is operating on weight of the product. There are arrangement such as Lever, gears, spring and wheels which operates this machine, there is arrangement such as when lever is pressed then gears rotates and there motion is transmitted to the wheels and machine moves from one workstation to another workstation spring arrangement is used so that when weight is lifted then spring gets contracts and wheel move in reverse direction. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
740-741 |
187 |
Performance Evaluation of Tractor Mounted Hydraulic Elevator
-Deepak Shahajirao Patil ; Dr.Kishor P.Kolhe
Due to increase of height of horticultural crops it is difficult to harvesting and pruning. Some equipments & hand tools are available in market for harvesting and pruning, but those tools are non-useful for harvesting due to untrained labour, taller trees & high cost of equipment. Some mechanical equipments & machines are available in market for this purpose but this equipments & machines are very costly and require large space for holding hence it is very difficult to harvesting pruning of horticultural crops. Some skills are required for labours to climb on trees by using this available equipment hence to overcome & reduce this problem Tractor Mounted Hydraulic Elevator (TMHE) power by tractor PTO was tested for the mechanical harvesting and pruning of crops using digital load cell, Vibration meter, and digital Tachometer. Elevator stability study and pruner performance of the above machine was carried out on various crops at Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Kokan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli. Performance of various machines was tested for various varieties of crops. The study of Stability of machine has been done by using Digital weighing gauge The Reaction of front wheel of tractor with ground can be measured at various height on the of harvesting bucket are measured during rising and lowering action of harvesting bucket. Also the frequency analysis of elevator upper arm was studied by using theoretical methods. The study shows that, machine is stable up to 12 m height with load inside the bucket is 120 kg and angle of Bucket is 120 Degree to the turn table. The field testing of Tractor Mounted Hydraulic Elevator was conducted on Mango orchard at horticulture department, Dr. BSKKV, Dapoli, for different varieties. The average weight of fruits harvested per hour using Tractor Mounted Hydraulic Elevator was 58.84 kg/hr. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
742-746 |
188 |
Characterisation of WTO (Waste Transformer Oil) & Diesel by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy & Effect of Additives on Properties of WTO-Diesel Blends.
-Tarun B Patel ; Prof K D Panchal; Dr A S Shah
Pollution from the petroleum oil increases day by day in terms of CO2, CO, NOX, PM and many other gases and particles. Price difference and economy leads people toward the use of alternative fuels. Waste to energy is the recent trend in the selection of alternate fuels. One such fuel is WTO, which can be obtained from waste as an alternative fuel. By using WTO as a replacement of Diesel, both the above stated problems can be solved at great extent. Group compound of WTO and Diesel were identified by FTIR also various properties obtained Diethyl-Ether and p-phenyle-nediamine Additives were selected for experimental work.
Five blends were prepared for the experimental investigations are WT10, WT10 + 200ppm PPDA, WT10 + 500pp PPDA, WT10DE05, WT10DE10.Prime objective of this project is to find out an alternative fuel that can be used as a replacement of diesel and analyses the performance and reduce emission parameters. To fulfill the prime objective, Diesel engine, fuelled with Waste transformer Oil (WTO) - Diesel blends with Additive should be used to be operated at different blend ration with different concentration of Additives.
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
747-751 |
189 |
Comparison of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Spam E-Mail Filtering
Spam is an Unsolicited Commercial Email(UCE).It involves sending messages by email to numerous recipients at the same time (Mass Emailing).Spam mails are used for spreading virus or malicious code, for fraud in banking, for phishing, and for advertising. So it can cause serious problem for internet users such as loading traffic on the network, wasting searching time of user and energy of the user, and wastage of network bandwidth etc.To avoid spam/irrelevant mails we need effective spam filtering methods. This Paper compares and discusses performance measures of certain categories of supervised machine learning techniques such as Naive Bayesian and k-NN algorithms and also proposes a better Naïve Bayesian approach. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
752-754 |
190 |
A Review on Privacy-Preserving Web Application Using Data as A Service (DaaS)
-Mrunali A. Borikar ; Ashvini P. Ingole; Ashwini Durge; Shradha Aglawe; Rahul Shende
Now-a-days there is a growing interest in using Web services as a reliable medium for data-sharing among different data providers and users. Recently, enterprises are using service oriented architecture for data sharing in web by putting data sources behind web services instead of creating database applications. These types of web services are called as Data providing (DP) Web services. Data as a Service (DaaS) builds on service-oriented technologies to enable fast access to data resources on the web. In this project, we proposed a mediator-based approach to compose different websites of different doctors with the help of DaaS. Every doctor wants to be upgraded so he/she is always connected to new innovations and other doctors. Doctor having different website created in different language and communicate because of Window Communication Foundation (WCF). But, DaaS technology raises several new privacy concerns that traditional privacy models do not handle. In addition, DaaS composition may reveal privacy-sensitive information. Here we are trying to enhance the privacy while composing the websites. So we will describe a formal privacy model for Web Services that goes beyond traditional data-oriented models. This model extends DaaS descriptions with privacy capabilities. It deals with privacy not only at the data level (i.e., inputs and outputs) but also service level (i.e., service invocation). The algorithms like Privacy Compatibility Matching (PCM) to check the privacy compatibility, negotiation mechanism that makes it possible to dynamically reconcile the privacy compatibilities of services will be used. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
755-756 |
191 |
Designing and Development of Social Networking Site using Dot .Net Technology
-Miss Juli Kumari ; Mr.Mahendra Kumar Gananayak
In today’s world’s every person belongs to at least one social networking site or another. it helps in a social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Most of the social network services are web based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as e-mail and instant messaging services. This work is developed to create a social networking site keeping in mind of new fashion. For this ASP .NET(C# .NET) platform in front end and in back end SQLSERVER2000 were used. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
757-760 |
192 |
Note to Coin Exchanger with Fake Note Detection Using Image Processing
-Rokade Suraj Vilas ; Prof. Kawade Sudhir B.; Deshmukh Ranjit Rajendra; Nikam Prashant Sambhaji
Every year RBI (Reserve Bank of India) faces problem of fake Currency notes. Fake notes in India are of Rs.100, 500 and 1000 are being available into the system. In order to deal with such problems, an automatically fake note detection of currency notes is introduced with the help of color recognition technique. In our day to day life requirement of coins is also increasing at places like bus stop, mall, park, railway station. The main objective behind this project is to be design an efficient and simple machine which will fulfill the need of coins for exchange so that people does not facing problem of coins and also fake notes. This idea is based on the color recognition technique. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
761-763 |
193 |
A Review on Analysis and Optimization of Parameters For Spheroidal Graphite (SG) Iron Casting
-Gaurav Sanjay Biraje ; Aamir M. Shaikh
The quality of SG Iron casting is fully depends on its parameters like melting of base iron, nodulisation treatment, inoculation process as well as pouring practices etc. The quality of casting checked with hardness, elongation & tensile strength also microstructure analysis. Microstructure analysis is a process to be carried out on ready castings. The main purpose of this paper is to present literature survey regarding measuring parameters of SG Iron casting process including image processing methodology for microstructure analysis of Spheroidal Graphite Iron (SGI) castings to determine the quality assessment parameters of SGI casting such as nodularity, nodule count, nodule size and percent of ferrite-pearlite. The strength and hardness of the SGI castings is dependent on these quality parameters. Read More...
Production Engineering |
India |
764-767 |
194 |
Influence of Nano Silica on durability and Strength of Self Compacting
-Bollaboina Laxmi
Now-a-days Nano particles are gaining increasing attention in many fields to fabricate new materials with novel functions due to their unique physical and chemical properties. For this study, self-compacting concrete is developed using modified Nano-Si method of mix design, Slump flow, J-Ring, V-funnel tests are conducted to justify the fresh properties of SCC and are checked against EFNARC (2005) specifications. Specimens of dimensions 150x150x150 mm were cast without Nano silica and with two different grades of Nano silica, which is in colloidal state with 16% and 30% Nano content are added in different percentages (1%, 1.5% and 2% by weight of cement) to SCC. To justify the compressive strength during the period from 7 to 28days, the specimens are tested under axial compression. Durability properties were also studied by immersing the specimen’s in 5% of HCl and 5% of H2SO4. Sorptivity test has also been conducted. Test results indicate that use of Nano Silica in concrete has improved the performance of concrete strength as well as durability aspect. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
768-770 |
195 |
Capsulization on Weather Broadcasting System for Rural Area
-Prof. Shyam D. Bawankar ; Kamini Khandarkar; Chanda K. Baghel
The fundamental aim is to develop a low cost and robust weather broadcasting system which enables the monitoring of weather parameters in a rural area. Such a system contains of sensors like temperature, humidity, rain forecast, wind speed, also it works on real time date and time will be monitored using Ardiuno microcontroller board. The data from the sensors are collected by the microcontroller. The microcontroller displays the sensors data into the LED display board in native language and also stored it in the memory card so that we can study the changes in weather over the time. The whole arrangement of this project is based on open source technology such as Ardiuno Microcontroller Atmega328 Board. Interfacing the LED Display board with microcontroller Atmega328 board and also storing all day data means minimum and maximum temperature, humidity, wind speed, rain forecasting in real time clock. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
771-772 |
196 |
Visual Cryptography Technique for Banking Application
-Kumbhar Omkar Ashok ; Karke Ashwini Namdev; Kotakar Nikita Narayan; Prof. Nikumbh Darpana M.
Information is increasingly important in our day to day life. It gets more value when shared with others, .It is possible to share the information like audio, video and image easily, due to advances in technologies related to networking and communication. It may give rise to safety related issues. Attackers may try to access unauthorized data and misuse it. Certain techniques are required to solve this problem. For sharing information secretly, some techniques are used termed as Secret sharing schemes. When it comes to visual information like image and video, it is termed as Visual secret sharing scheme. A technique used for protecting image-based secrets is Visual cryptography (VC). In visual cryptography scheme secret image is split into some shares, which separately reveals no knowledge about the secret information. Then participants gets the shares. By stacking these shares directly, secret information can be revealed and visually recognized. To combine to reveal the secret image, all shares are necessary. Many visual cryptographic techniques have been evolved day by day. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
773-775 |
197 |
PLC Based College Automation With RF Controlled Labs
-Salunkhe Akash Laxman ; Prof. Waditake Nanasaheb B.; Prof. Warale Shraddha R; Bari Rahul N.; Patil Santosh B.
Now a day’s electricity is very important thing in human being’s life. It’s our responsibility to save the electricity as much as possible. The unnecessary wastage of electricity, water happens due to the mistakes or the laziness of human being, that’s why we are trying to develop the theoretical concept of the automation of college based on the PLC. As well as, we are reducing the human efforts for saving the electricity and the most valuable time. To increase the efficiency of the system by using PLC instead of using the microcontroller/PIC due to the advance features of the PLC. We are developing automation for gate control, water tank, campus light and theft security of college using PLC S-1200 and the sensors like photo sensors, LDR sensors, water level sensors. Also we are using RF transmitter and RF receiver for remote controlling of electric appliances like fan, lights, computers, laboratory equipment’s. In an extremely mechanized world such as today’s it is most important to make our life better, convertible and economical. This is the purpose for which automation of college is developed. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
776-778 |
198 |
Landslide Susceptibility Zonation In Kallar Halla, Upper Coonoor, Lower Coonoor, Upper Katteri And Lower Katteri Watershed in Part of Nilgiris District, Taminadu, India Using Remote Sensing And GIS
-S.Backiaraj ; Dr.V.Rammohan; P.Ramamoorthy
Landslides play an important role in the evolution of landforms and represent a serious hazard in many areas of the World. In places, fatalities and economic damage caused by landslides are larger than those caused by other natural hazards, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and floods. The Nilgiris district is located in the southern state of Tamilnadu in India, bounded on the north by the state of Karnataka, on the east by Coimbatore and Erode districts, on the south by Coimbatore district and on the west by the state of Kerala. Although most parts of Nilgiris have experienced landslides during the past 30 years, strategies for preparedness of the community and mitigation activities are lacking. Intense rainfall during the 2009 monsoon in the hilly district of Nilgiris, triggered landslides which affected road and rail traffic, destroyed buildings, caused the death of more people etc.,. In this connection to the previous landslide hazard, the study carried on landslide hazard mitigation in the district, the possibility of cost effective technology for slope stabilization, environmental and communal issues have to be addressed for the Nilgiris district and suggestion were given to defeat these issues. Read More...
Geological Engineering |
India |
779-785 |
199 |
Voice Based Email System for Visually Impaired People
-Sonali Prakash Malap ; Vaishali Shashikant Shirke; Mrunali Mangesh Chalke; Rohan Jain; Prof. Sonali Pakhmode
A decisive role can be played by communication in promoting human development in today's new climate of social change and of all the different communication technologies available, email is considered as one of the most pervasive forms of communication. However all these technologies can be of no use to the people who are visually impaired as all activities that can be performed on the computer are based on visual perception. 285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired worldwide: 39 million are blind and 246 have low vision[1]. Therefore it becomes necessary to make available internet facilities for communication for them also. This paper aims to develop voice based email system for visually challenged people to use email system as efficiently as normal user. The system will not let the user to make the use of keyboard instead will work on speech to text conversion and vice-versa. The complete system is based on Text-to-speech and Speech-to-text API’s. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
786-789 |
200 |
Electromagnetic shock absorber using Magnetorheological Fluid
-Keval Patel ; Patel Jaivik; Prajapati Rantosh; Patel Sumesh; Mitna Nikhil
One of the main criteria of any vehicle suspension is the shock absorber which is used to absorb vibration. Description of a vehicle such as driving comfort and control over a vehicle are mainly decided by the suspension system which transmits forces between vehicle and road. In this case for controlled suspension Magnetorheological fluid is employed. Magnetorheological fluid consists of magnetic particles of micron size which are suspended in a carrier fluid like oil. Magnetorheological fluid has the capability to change its viscosity as the surrounding magnetic field changes. Like the conventional suspension systems, electromagnetic shock absorber also has no mechanical valves or small moving element that can wear out. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
790-791 |