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401 |
Robotic Crack Inspection and Mapping System for Building Maintenance
-P.Sujith Kumar ; Mr.G.Sathish Kumar
One of the important tasks for building maintenance is building deck crack inspection. However, the inspection result in human analysis is lower accurate in nature. A crack inspection system that uses a camera-equipped mobile robot to collect images on the building deck. In this method, the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) algorithm is used to detect cracks and a global crack map is obtained through camera calibration and robot localization. To clarify that the robot collects all the images on the building deck, a path planning algorithm based on the genetic algorithm is developed. by simulations and experiments, We validate our proposed system through both simulations and experiments. This work addresses crack detection and mapping on a building deck using a robotic system. Several challenges including coordinate transformation, robot localization and complete coverage path planning for the proposed robot system are tackled. This paper focuses mainly on the overall framework for such a robotic inspection system, therefore some of the techniques for handling shadows, paints, patches on buildings are not addressed. In real-world applications, these issues should be carefully incorporated into the design of the image processing algorithm. Also, there may be vibration caused by the passing traffic, which should be dealt with as well. The positioning of the ROCIM system is critical to crack mapping, hence more accurate robot localization techniques fusing various sensors such as differential GPS, Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), etc. should be developed. It is also worth noting that the depth and severity of the cracks can be measured by employing advanced nondestructive evaluation (NDE) sensors, such as impact echo and ultrasonic surface wave. Read More...
Electronics and communication engineering |
India |
1610-1613 |
402 |
Key Management and Reducing Hop Count using IBS Algorithm in Heterogeneous Wireless Network
-M.Suganya ; Mr. M. Premanand
An efficient hop count route finding approach for heterogeneous wireless sensor network is Presented .It is an routing protocol that has a tradeoff between transmission power and hop count for heterogeneous wireless networks. The nodes can dynamically assigning transmission power to each node along the route, and then the node will receive the request message. After receiving its request message the node compares its power with the threshold power value and select a particular route. The IBS algorithm is an effective solution to heterogeneous wireless networks for secured data sending through reasonably selected path to reduce the delay using the key management technique. Simulation results indicate that can deliver better performance with respect to data privacy. Read More...
Electronics and communication engineering |
India |
1614-1617 |
403 |
Comparative Study of Controllers for BLDC-Drive
-Sagar D Bhaisare ; Dr. P.M.Daigavane
Brushless DC (BLDC) motors are now a day’s becoming popular in many other domestic, industrial and aerospace applications for the reason that of its light weight, high working speed and exceptional speed-torque characteristics. The Brushless-DC drive system have their applications which use usual controllers and which have reasonable transient and steady state response under changing parameters. However the most important problem associated with these is that they do not include superior transient and steady state effect which is bound to change at different operating conditions such as variation in parameters and disturbances in load. Fuzzy based controllers are said to be more versatile for such conditions. This papers gives a detail study of the various controller used for the BLDC drive system, also the usefulness and error tracking capability of the digital controller in control application is given. Read More...
India |
1618-1620 |
404 |
Experimental Analysis of Twisted Elliptical Tubes Under Forced Convection
-Vivek Thawkar ; Prof. H. S. Farkade
Experimental investigation has been carried out to study the effect of overall heat transfer coefficient in twisted elliptical tubes. The main aim of this experimentation is to determine the overall heat transfer coefficient and friction factor of twisted elliptical tubes in multipass arrangement, with water as a working fluid. Twisted elliptical tubes with major diameter 18 mm and minor diameter 12 mm with twist pitch 60 mm are used. The material used is commercially pure copper. Reynolds numbers were varied in turbulent zone in the range of 50000 to 350000. Experimental data obtained from test section for different flow rates of water, 0.2 kg/s, 0.147 kg/s, 0.095 kg/s and 0.055 kg/s. The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of twisted elliptical tubes for use in applications like automobile radiators, air conditioners or similar type of multipass applications. Read More...
Thermal Engineering |
India |
1621-1625 |
405 |
Experimental Investigations into Wire Electrical Discharge Machining of 16MnCr5 and 20MnCr5 Steels
-Shivaraj ; Channabasavaraj B Dharani; Sai Sachin V
Wire EDM is one of the most popular techniques of the advanced machining processes in the present global manufacturing scenario. The Wire EDM utilizes the wire which acts as a tool upon passing the current so as to erode the work material by the generation of sparks between the work and tool. The work and the tool are immersed in a die-electric fluid and then allowed to pass through to remove the material by erosion and such machining helps to produce parts with good surface quality and dimensional accuracy. Wire EDM is new innovation of the EDM process. By using Wire EDM process, the highest accuracy can be achieved and my desertion to investigate the response parameters volumetric material removal rate(MRRv), and surface roughness(Ra) by experimentation on 16MnCr5 and 20MnCr5 metals in wire EDM process. The design of experiment is carried out considering Taguchi technique with four input parameters namely, pulse on, pulse off, current and bed speed. The experiments are conducted considering the above two materials for L16 and then the impact of each parameter is estimated by ANOVA. A comparison made between the two materials indicates that the 20MnCr5 material is more sui for better MRRV and 16MnCr5 for better surface finish. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1626-1632 |
406 |
Digital Watermarking using Biometric Features
-CH.Sai Theja Swaroopa ; P.Vignitha; TVL. Kalyani
A digital watermark is digital data that can be embedded into all forms of media content, including digital images, audio, video and even certain objects. Special software is available for embedding imperceptible information via subtle changes to the data of the original digital content. Digital watermarks can be easily detected and read by computers, networks and a variety of digital devices, validating the original content and or initiating actions. Digital watermarking relates to a technology known as steganography, which literally means "covered writing." It is a technique designed to secure a message by hiding that message within another object so that it can be kept secret from everyone except the intended recipient. This is quite different from cryptography that renders the message) unintelligible to unauthorized viewers to prevent access. Steganographic messages may or may not be encrypted. Through many advances in the technology, steganography is now successfully used across a variety of industries. Digital watermarks provide the means of hiding steganographic messages for many different purposes. Read More...
India |
1633-1635 |
407 |
Design and Analysis of Shaped Beam Pattern using Circularly Polarized Broadband Proximity Fed MSA
-Arpita Sahu ; Amrut Patel
The objective of this paper is to design and analyze the shaped beam pattern at 2.211GHz frequency. Microstrip patch antenna arrays can be designed to produce shaped pattern, which are advantageous in reduction of the onboard power of satellites by restraining the radiation of the antenna in the desired regions only. However the main disadvantages of using microstrip antenna arrays are their high loss and narrow bandwidth. In this paper the design of array electromagnetically coupled proximity fed patches are designed to operate over a bandwidth of 120MHz with Left hand circular polarization. An efficient null perturbation technique has been applied for the synthesis of flat topped radiation pattern with gain of 15dB and 3dB beamwidth of 55 degree in the region –27o≤Θ≤28o using 4x8 arrays (32 elements) with 0.6 wavelength spacing. Read More...
Electronics and Communication |
India |
1636-1639 |
408 |
Incentive Driven Data Sharing in Delay Tolerant Mobile Networks
-Ramyashree N ; Jayashree B S
This work focusses on data dissemination in delay tolerant mobile networks. The important roles in our daily life are played by Mobile wireless devices, e.g., Such devices are often used by users for being in touch with the friends like to take pictures andshare with friends and for bank transactions via opportunistic peer-to-peer links. Store and forward feature is adopted in Delay Tolerant Network since the links are intermittent in nature. Selfish nodes with rational behaviour is considered due to limited resources i.e, Communication bandwidth and battery consumption and are not willing to forward data items to other devices. This can be overcome by adopting effective data dissemination schemes to encourage nodes that can collaboratively share data.In this paper, Multi-Receiver Incentive-Based Dissemination (MuRIS) is proposed in which the nodes are allowed to deliver information cooperatively to another via chosen delivery paths in which few transmissions are utilized.A scheme known as credit-based incentive is proposed to promote nodal collaboration considering the selfish nodes with rational behaviour. Read More...
Computer Network Engineering |
India |
1640-1647 |
409 |
A Solar Photovoltaic(PV) Energy Generating System with Paralleled DC Current Mode KY Converter
-S.Minu ; S.Prabhu
This paper presents, a low power stand-alone solar photovoltaic (PV) energy generating system with paralleled DC current mode along with FPGA. KY Boost Converter, a recent invention in the field of non-isolated DC-DC boost converter is identified for minimum voltage ripple. This KY boost converter is proposed by K.I.Hwu and Y.T.Yau. is a non-isolated DC-DC boost converter operating in CCM (Continuous Current Mode) with voltage conversion ratio of 1-plus D. The KY boost converter operates in CCM keeping the output current non-pulsating leading to reduced voltage stress across the output capacitor resulting low output voltage ripples in the order of few hundred mV. The use of KY converter is more efficient when compared to normal boost converter. Higher level of energy can be saved by using parallel operation. The parallel operation of power supply circuits, especially in applications with higher power demand, has several advantages. One of the most important aspects is to improve the system reliability and the operational redundancy by it. The design with these standard parallel converter modules influences the cost of development in a positive manner. The parallel operation of KY converter is designed using MATLAB. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1648-1651 |
410 |
PLC Based Automation of Rotary Indexing Fixture
-Pallavi Tavare ; Shahiqua Nasreen; Anagha Nampurkar; Prof. Mrs.S.M. Shaikh
This paper mainly discusses automation of rotary indexing fixture using PLC. The different operations of rotary indexing fixtures are been controlled by PLC programming, PLC panel and Control panel. The basic function of Rotary Fixture is for Visual Inspection and Grinding of valve body. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1652-1654 |
411 |
The Image Clustering Technique Used to Find Density of Data Points in an Image using Hill Climbing Algorithm Technique
-Rajshekhar Ghogge
Images are considered as one of the most important medium of conveying information. Understanding images and extracting the information from them such that the information can be used for other tasks is an important aspect of Machine learning. In this paper various clustering techniques along with some clustering algorithms are described. Further Hill climbing algorithm, its limitations and a new approach of clustering called as M-step clustering that may overcomes these limitations of k-means is included. Image retrieval is the basic requirement task in the present scenario. Content Based Image Retrievalis the popular image retrieval system by which thetarget image to be retrieved based on the useful features of the given image. In other end, image mining is the arising concept which can be used to extract potential information from the general collection of images. Target or close Images can be retrieved in a little fast if it is clustered in a right manner. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1655-1658 |
412 |
Comparison Between (1cross2) and (1cross4) Microstrip Patch Antenna Array of Triangular Patch
-Sanjeev Singh Ratnakar ; D.C. Dhubkarya
This paper describes comparison between (1cross 2) and (1 cross 4) microstrip patch antenna array of triangular patch. (1cross 2) Antenna array achieves high gain 5.8dBi at frequency 2.68 GHz , while that (1cross 4) Antenna array achieves high gain 8.8dBi at frequency 2.68 Ghz. This antenna utilized dielectric substrate which has dielectric constant 4.4 and thickness 1.6mm. (1cross 2) antenna show percentages bandwidth 8.4 and it offer gain 5.8dBi while that (1cross 4) antenna show percentages bandwidth 6.8 and it offer gain 8.8dBi, directivity 11.5dBi and antenna efficiency 58% at resonant frequency 2.68 GHz. So this micro strip patches antenna arrays of triangular patch for Wi-MAX. Read More...
Electrical engineering |
India |
1659-1661 |
413 |
Abnormal Drug Reaction Finding using Temporal Nodes Bayesian Model
-V.Livincy ; M.N.Karuppusamy
Drugs are frequently prescribed to patient’s with the aim of improving each patient’s medical state. But unfortunately most of the drugs produce undesirable side effects. The ADR method is not possible to investigate all the different drug combinations. The proposed system analyze the best drug and cross drug reaction and its symptoms based on association and temporal model. The proposed technique applies a prediction method with the existing temporal nodes Bayesian Model (TNBM) to data extracted from the patient and drug database in order to explore the probabilistic and best relationships between drug resistance mutations. Improving the classification and prediction accuracy, mutation and cross over functionalities has been proposed. The data mining algorithm CADR was developed to analyze the best and worst drug and drug pairs based on their casual and irregular reactions over a real electronic patient’s database. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1662-1665 |
414 |
Application of Virtual Force Algorithm for Sensor Deployment
-Ashish Singh Chauhan ; Varun Kumar Pandey
The impact of cluster-based distributed sensor networks rely to a great extent on the coverage provided by the s deployment of these sensor. We propose a virtual force algorithm (VFA) as a sensor deployment strategy to enhance the coverage after an initial random placement of sensors. For a given number of sensors, the VFA algorithm attempts to maximize the sensor field coverage. A judicious combination of attractive and repulsive forces is used to determine virtual motion paths and the rate of movement for the randomly-placed sensors. Once the effective sensor positions are identified, a one-time movement with energy consideration incorporated is carried out, i.e., the sensors are redeployed to these positions. We also propose a novel probabilistic target localization algorithm that is executed by the cluster head. The localization results are used by the cluster head to query only a few sensors (out of those that report the presence of a target) for more detailed information. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Read More...
Electronics and communication |
India |
1666-1674 |
415 |
GIS Based Morphometric Analysis of Gagadio River Watershed of Shetrunji Basin
-Jaydeep R. Ardeshna ; Prof. H. M. Gandhi; Dr. N. J. Shrimali; Prof. Y. P. Pathak
The watershed is a geo-hydrological area on which the precipitation occurs and drains towards the common outlet and there is a harmony among the soil, water, land-use and geomorphology. So it’s more significant to take the watershed as a development unit. The morphometric characteristics are commonly used to develop regional hydrological models particularly in the case of unguaged catchment. The morphometric analysis is carried out for Gagadio watershed having 521.55km2 area located in Amreli district of Gujarat. Gagadio river is a major left bank tributary of Shetrunji river. Using GIS techniques, the basic parameters (basin area, basin perimeter, basin length, total number and length of streams of each order), linear parameters (bifurcation ratio, drainage density, stream frequency, texture ratio, length of overland flow) and shape parameters (form factor, shape factor, elongation ratio, circulatory ratio, compactness coefficient) are calculated. Gagadio watershed is of 6thorder and it has parallel drainage pattern. Mean bifurcation ratio (4.02) indicates geologically controlled drainage pattern. Drainage density (2.04) and stream frequency (1.86) are moderate. Texture ratio (4.11) indicates moderate drainage texture and length of overland flow is 1.02. The shape parameters indicate elongated shape of watershed & correspondingly low peak discharges and less erodibility. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1675-1678 |
416 |
Efficiency Optimization & Detailed Energy Audit of Sugar Industry
-Vishal N Patel ; M M Madhikar
Energy is the lifeblood of today’s economy of any nation .Any threat to the availability of this resource can endanger local as well as global prosperity. Consumption trends all over the world are impressive and lead us to face problem of the sustainability of our system. The energy audit is undertaken with the aim of providing of company situation, quantifying possible energy saving and defining the measure needed to achieve valuable saving.Energy audit has becomes all the more important in view of the energy conservation Act 2001 enacted by Government of India and the proposed New provisions. The objectives of an energy audit can vary from one plant to another. However, an energy audit is usually conducted to understand how energy is used within the plant and to find opportunities for improvement and energy saving. Sometimes, energy audits are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of an energy efficiency project or program. The result from the energy audit of a Sugar Industry located at NH 8, Valsad. The scope of eergy audit in sugar Industry should include the study of improve the power factor ,replace lights by efficient light, install VFD drive in spray pump, install of Automatic temperature controller in cooling tower system, reduce overloading of certain pump and install planatory gear drive in place of worm gear drive. some areas has found in Sugar plant for increasing plant productivity .It is also identified that Energy conservation must consider as important factor for cost reduction. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1679-1682 |
417 |
Implementation of MPPT Algorithm using Firefly Technique for Solar Photovoltaic Systems
-Bhavana Prasad B.M ; A. Chitra
This paper presents a new firefly technique based Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm for solar panel. The Solar panel can produce maximum power at a particular operating point called Maximum Power Point (MPP).To produce maximum power and to get maximum efficiency, the entire photovoltaic panel must operate at this particular point. Maximum power point of PV panel keeps on changing with changing environmental conditions such as solar irradiance and cell temperature. Thus to extract maximum available power from a PV module, MPPT algorithms are implemented. The solar panel is modelled and analysed in MATLAB/SIMULINK. In this paper, Incremental Conductance approach & firefly algorithms based MPPT has been developed and comparative studies between them shows more sophisticated approach of obtaining maximum power is also being analysed. Simulation results also shows the effectiveness of the firefly based technique to produce a more stable power. Read More...
electrical engineering |
India |
1683-1686 |
418 |
Analysis of Removing Baseline Wander Noise from Electrocardiogram Signal by using Deferent Techniques
-Sanjeev Kumar Pathak ; Girraj Prasad Rathor
Electrocardiogram (ECG) is the most significant digital signal for the diagnosis of Heart Diseases. The condition of heart is observed by QRS wave of ECG signal. The observation of working of heart may affect if the ECG signal gets affected by noises. Baseline wander noise is one of the most significant noises which affects the ECG base position and defects the QRS positions in ECG wave. It is very important to remove this noise to perfect diagnosis of heart condition. There are many techniques which have been developed to remove the baseline wander noise. This paper analysis these techniques and produces a compression between them to obtain the most effective technique for removal of baseline wander effects from ECG Signal. Read More...
India |
1687-1691 |
419 |
High Efficient Solar Power System Using MPPT for Industrial Applications
-Jovis George ; S.Monica
There has been a rapid increase in the usage of renewable energy resources due to disappearance of coal and oil. Thus solar power is one among these resources. This project focuses on designing of Photovoltaic (PV) cell and its parameters. From the literature survey it was clear that incremental conductance algorithm is easy method and works better than other maximum power point tracking algorithm. Hence incremental conductance technique is used to track maximum power from PV cell. The boost converter gives good performance among various types of DC to DC converters for a PV system. It can also provide a better output current characteristic due to the inductor on the output stage. Thus DC-DC with voltage multiplier module is chosen for DC to DC conversion. A fixed-step-size incremental conductance MPPT with direct control method is employed and necessity of another control loop is eliminated. MATLAB and Simulink will be employed for simulation and analysis of the DC-DC converter for PV power system using incremental conductance technique novel high intensify converter, which is suitable for renewable energy system, is proposed in this project. Through a voltage multiplier module composed of switched capacitors and coupled inductors. The configuration of the proposed converter not only reduces the current stress but also constrains the input current ripple, which decreases the conduction losses and lengthens the lifetime of the input source. In addition, due to the lossless passive clamp performance, leakage energy is recycled to the output terminal. Hence, large voltage spikes across the main switches are alleviated, and the efficiency is improved. For the grid connected application dc output is connected to the efficient inverter. Read More...
India |
1692-1697 |
420 |
Available Transfer Capability Based Congestion Management in Restructured Power System
-Bharat M. Fultariya ; Bhumit N. Vyas; Dhaval Thesia
Congestion is a common condition which creates considerable impact on performance of power system in deregulated environment. Information of Available Transfer Capability (ATC) helps to alleviate problem of congestion by giving power transfer capability available in the system for a particular transaction. After surveying, work presented in this paper has implemented sensitivity based approach like DCPTDF (DC Power Transfer Distribution Factor) for ATC calculation. To validate performance of these approaches, a 6-bus sample system is considered with thermal limit constraint. The DCPTDF method was found to be faster than other conventional method. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1698-1700 |
421 |
An Efficient Process to Track the Objects in Wireless Sensor Networks using Dynamic Clustering Algorithm
-P.Mugilan ; T.Chindrella Priyadharshini ; M.Swarnalatha ; P.Balaji
Object tracking sensor network(OTSN) is one of the important application of wireless sensor networks. OTSN is for detecting moving objects, therefore need a dynamic clustering algorithm for efficient data aggregation and data routing in OTSN. This paper proposes an algorithm to avoid redundant data and also reduces energy consumption based on prediction result of moving objects. LEACH is used to elect the cluster head randomly and periodically to prevent energy consumption. It also introduces an algorithm for cluster formation to minimize the overlap area between two clusters which would cause redundant data and unnecessary data transmissions from the cluster head to base station. Thus this paper uses dynamic clustering algorithm to achieve more energy efficiency and better performance. Read More...
Networks |
India |
1701-1704 |
422 |
The Development and Customization of Desktop GIS Application With Map Window & Dot Technology
-Akhilesh Kumar Yadav ; Dr.Shruti Kanga; Rakesh Kumar Chauhan
In this paper we focused on customization of different Geo-databases as Rural and tourism to develop desktop application using open sources GIS Software (Map Window) and .Net Technology. Map Windows is free widespread open source software to process geographical data for mapping and monitoring, planning & management, decision support system. This is basically related spatial database and MIS used open sources map windows GIS to display layers. Using map window and visual studio 2010, SQL Server 2005 and Ms-access project is designed and programmed for desktop application. By desktop application end user can view all detailed spatial information on his computer/laptop without having internet connection. It provides basic details using the geographical information system (GIS) for the planning and the development activities of the local area. The focus area is Shimla district (HP) where different spatial database is generated using Arc GIS and providing ease of access to view these information to end user using map windows GIS. Read More...
Applied Science |
India |
1705-1710 |
423 |
A Secure Communication Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Network
-Amar S Ingle ; Prof. Sonali U. Nimbhorkar
In recent year, progress in wireless technology reach at higher level as the more portable mobile devices are equipped with such technology, monitoring and controlling is flexible by using these technology , the exponential growth and development in the wireless communication, Wireless communication technology can be used in extreme condition in very effective approach. Wireless ad hoc network is one of the efficient medium for mobile communication having facility for the sharing of resources and it introduces new services among the user. Thus the host communication in the wireless network must be in a secure way. Such type of network is self-implemented which able to create the network on basis of sharing various services without any large network setup. It uses integrated symmetric and initial trust between users for exchanging the initial data packets and secret keys which is used for encryption and decryption of incoming and outgoing data packets. The primary validation is based on the initial key distribution among the network users and re-authentication is made after a new session start to secure the network. For security analysis of the system and highlights the features of a secure protocol comparison is made between other ad hoc network protocols. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1711-1715 |
424 |
An Introduction to Software Quality Assurance
-Vikash Verma ; Parmod Saha; Upender Yadav
Software Quality Assurance is the process of evaluating the quality of a product .Quality is an important factor in software industry. Software quality depends upon the customer satisfaction which can be achieved through applying standards. In this era achieving quality software is very important because of the high customer demands. Developed countries are excelling in software industry and improving day by day. Meanwhile developing countries are struggling with software quality and cannot maintain reputation in International Market. Software Quality lacks due to many reasons. Read More...
computer science engineering |
India |
1721-1723 |
425 |
A Novel Technique for Smart Grid Wireless Communication
-Mohan S.Khedkar ; Prof.Vijay Shelake
Smart grid communication has recently received significant attentions to facilitate intelligent and distributed electric power transmission systems, but also introduces many security problems. In this paper the concept of dynamic secret is applied to design dynamic secret based authentication and encryption scheme for smart grid wireless communication. Between two parties of communication, the previous packets are coded as retransmission sequence, where retransmitted packet is marked as “1†and the other is marked as “0.†During the communication, the retransmission sequence is generated at both sides to update the dynamic encryption key. Any missing or misjudging in retransmission sequence would prevent the adversary from achieving the keys. In addition with this we introduce a new protocol, Integrated Authentication and Confidentiality (IAC), to provide efficient secure AMI communications in smart grid. With the help of IAC, an AMI(Advanced Metering Infrastructure) system can provide trust services, data privacy, and integrity by mutual authentications whenever a new smart meter initiates and joins the smart grid AMI network. Read More...
Computer Engineering,Wireless Network Network Security |
India |
1724-1727 |
426 |
An Experimental Analysis of End Mill Cutter for AISI 316 using Regression.
-Hardik G. Soni ; Kiran P. Patel
Quality and productivity play important role in today’s manufacturing market. Now a day’s due to very stiff and cut throat competitive market condition in manufacturing industries. The main objective of industries reveal with producing better quality product at minimum cost and increase productivity. CNC end milling is most vital and common operation use for produce machine part with desire surface quality and higher productivity with less time and cost constrain. To obtain main objective of company regards quality and productivity. In the present research project an attempt is made to understand the effect of machining parameters such as cutting speed (m/min), feed rate (mm/min),depth of cut (mm), four no. of cutting flute that are influences on responsive output parameters such as Surface Roughness by using optimization philosophy. The effort to investigate optimal machining parameters (Speed, Feed and Depth of cut) and their contribution on producing better Surface quality and higher Productivity. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1728-1731 |
427 |
Relative Stability Analysis of Linear Systems Based on Damping Factor
-Dr.Sreekala K. ; Dr.S.N.Sivanandam
Information about the relative stability of a control system is of paramount importance for any design problem. In this paper two algebraic criteria for the relative stability analysis of linear time-invariant systems are formulated. When the relative stability analysis is done based on the damping ratio, characteristic equations with complex coefficients arise. These complex coefficients are used in two different ways to form the Modified Routh’s tables for the two schemes named as Sign Pair Criterion I and Sign Pair Criterion II It is found that the proposed algorithms offer computational simplicity compared to other algebraic methods and is illustrated with suitable examples. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1732-1734 |
428 |
Data Security in Cloud through Confidentialit and Authentication
-Roshani I. Patel ; Rachana S. Oza
Cloud computing is new computing paradigm that lays on concept of sharing of recourses rather than having local server or personal devices to handle applications. Current issues in cloud are the data modified by administrator having malicious nature or uploading virus affected file on cloud. There is a possibility of an attack while uploading a file on cloud. Different encryption algorithms are used to secure the data in cloud. To provide more security on data from attacker one can choose authentication technique with encryption algorithm. In this paper, various techniques for protecting data using above discussed method are listed. Amongst all technique application of encryption algorithm with the authentication is giving best results. All the discussed techniques are implemented by a researchers on a cloud like test bad and encrypt the data using AES encryption algorithm and authenticate data using Digital Signature is better in all technique. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1735-1738 |
429 |
Design and Thermal Analysis of Disc Break
-Mr. Pappu S. Gaikwad ; Prof. Kaustubh S. Mangrulkar
These day technologies go beyond us. For automotive field, the technology of engine develops very fast even the system of the car, luxury or comforts everything that develops by the innovation of engineer. Although the engineer gives priority for safety measure, but most consumers still have inadequate of knowledge in safety system. Thus safety is the first important thing we must focus. This project is presented with disc brake analysis “force and friction on disc brake analysis†which studies about action on disc brake by analysis the normal force, shear force, and piston force. Therefore, we can estimate the efficiency of the disc brake. Hopefully this project will help everyone to understand action force and friction force on the disc brake and how disc brake works more efficiently, which can help to reduce the accident that may happen in each day. Read More...
India |
1739-1745 |
430 |
Sensor Based Rescue Robot for Catastrophe Management
-R.Santhoshkumar ; B.Loganathan
The use of robots in different fields is common and effective in developed countries. In case of incident management or emergency rescue after a catastrophe, robots are often used to lessen the human effort where it is either impossible or life-threatening for rescuers. In this research paper, thus we proposed a low-cost "Rescue-Robot" for pro-catastrophe management which can overcome the budget-constraints as well as fully capable of rescue purposes for incident management. Alive human body detection system proposed a monitoring system using ultrasonic sensors and camera to record, transmit and analyze conditions of human body. The task of identify human being in rescue operations is difficult for the robotic agent but it is simple for the human agent. Having detected a sign of a living human, the ultrasonic sensor Triggers the camera to show live scene. The video is then displayed on the screen. This approach requires a relatively small number of data to be acquired and processed during the rescue operation. This way, the real-time cost of processing and data transmission is considerably reduced. This system has the potential to achieve high performance in detecting alive humans in devastated environments relatively quickly and cost-effectively. The detection depending on a number of factorssuch as the body position and the light intensity of the scene. Results show that the system provides an efficient way to track human motion. The aim of this article is to present our experience with various sensors designed and developed. Read More...
Electrical engineering |
India |
1746-1749 |
431 |
Optimal Protection Coordination of Micro Grid in Grid Connected Mode and Islanded Mode
-Abhijith.D ; A Selvavinayagam
Microgrids can be operated either grid-connected to reduce system losses and for peak shaving or islanded to increase reliability and provide backup power during utility outage. Such dual configuration capability imposes challenges on the design of the protection system. Fault current magnitudes will vary depending on the microgrid operating mode. In this paper, a microgrid protection scheme that relies on optimally sizing fault current limiters and optimally setting directional overcurrent relays is proposed. The protection scheme is optimally designed taking into account both modes of operation (grid-connected and islanded). The problem has been formulated as a constrained nonlinear programming problem and is solved using the genetic algorithm with the static penalty constraint-handling technique. The proposed approach is tested on two medium-voltage networks: a typical radial distribution system and on the IEEE 30-bus looped power distribution system equipped with directly connected conventional synchronous generators. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1750-1753 |
432 |
Universal Document Editor
-Tauqeer Ansari ; Jharna Idnani; Ankita Lalwani; Radhika Luthra
The Universal Document Editor, as the name suggest is an application that can be used to view all different types of documents ranging from a Text file to HTML file, a Word file to PDF file etc. It can be used to edit files like text file, word file, java file etc. The Universal Document Editor overcomes the headache of installing separate application for different files. The main USP of Universal Document Editor is that it can open almost all the types of documents under it. The tabbed feature allows you to open different files retaining or without closing the previous one. The Universal Document Editor is what all different applications can do, text editors do, it does all. It is integration or consolidation of all different applications like Notepad, MS Office Word, Adobe PDF Reader, Web Browser and Image Viewer in to one single application. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1754-1756 |
433 |
Studies on Laboratory Investigation on Strength Properties of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Sand by GBFS
-Kalappa M.Sutar ; Johnson; Aravind; Nikita; Vijayalaxmi
The present study focuses on the partial replacement of Sand by waste material or by-product from manufacturing processes. The ground granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) is a waste product from iron manufacturing industry, which may be used as partial replacement of sand in concrete because it has little cementitious properties. In this experimental work the compressive strength, flexural strength tests were conducted by adding ground granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) in various percentage was 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% to the weight of sand . From the test results it can be conclude that strength of the concrete increases with the increase of GBFS upto 50%. In this experimental work sixty cubes and sixty prism were casted and tested the maximum increased strength obtained up to 50% replacement of sand by GBFS compared to conventional concrete. The optimum replacement of GBFS is 75% which has marginal decrease in strength compared to 50%. But 75% replacement strength nearly matching with conventional concrete and 100% replacement has marginal decrease in strength compared to conventional concrete. Read More...
India |
1757-1759 |
434 |
Pavement Design and Comparison using Indian Road Congress and Portland Cement Association method
-Anjali Sharma ; Dr. Y.P.Joshi; Shri. S.S. Goliya
The study aims to find most appropriate method for the design of cement concrete road for Indian standards. The design of rigid pavement is so far based on various analytical, mechanistic as well as mechanistic empirical methods and most optimum design method is so far to be known. A critical comparison between the two methods of pavement design viz. Portland cement association method and the existing Indian Road Congress method for the design of rigid pavement. The primary objective is to load repetitions on the pavement to prevent the crack initiation due to critical stress conditions and the prevailing sub base and sub grade conditions. An axle load survey is been conducted for three days to predict the existing traffic for the design road. Survey predicted a total count of 660 commercial vehicles per day with a growth factor of 75%. The pavement is designed with a tied concrete shoulder. The pavement thickness is designed for the critical edge stresses and checked for bottom up cracking and top up cracking along with temperature stresses using the IRC guidelines. The design is revised using the PCA method for fatigue and erosion damage. The most optimum design thickness is found using the methods. The resulting outcomes of the two methods are analyzed critically and the comparison of the two methodology is done by comparing the prevailing conditions adopted in the guidelines. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1760-1765 |
435 |
Grid Connected Hybrid Wind Solar Diesel Power System
-Muthukumar.T ; Selva Vinayagam.A
This paper intends to net cost minimization in design and considering the environmental beneficial factors, GCHPG is designed using Green Energy Resources (GES). The Solar and Wind energy are green sources and potential sources of RES. The Grid Connected Hybrid System sources, wind and solar are integrated and complement each other in order to meet the load demand of an area. Hybrid power system usually takes advantage of both the Photovoltaic (PV) System and Wind Energy Conversion System. During peak load periods, the diesel unit used to compensate the power demand. Modeling and sizing of a Grid connected hybrid energy system is based on the cost reduction and reliability. The MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) technology is used to extract the maximum available power from the wind and PV array. Read More...
India |
1766-1769 |
436 |
Performance Enhancement of Optical Link using Optical Soliton Compensation Technique
-Khushbu Patel ; Ankit Patel
In optical fiber communication when signal pulse is transmitted that time dispersion is occurring. So to remove that dispersion in optical fiber communications there are different types of dispersion compensation techniques available. One of them is optical soliton compensation technique. Optical soliton refers to any optical field that does not change during propagation because of dedicated balance between nonlinear and linear effects in the medium with its correlative self-phase modulation (SPM). This paper demonstrates the design and analysis of soliton emanation from 9,000 km to 27,000 km using erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA) and dispersion compensating fibers (DCF). Read More...
Optical fiber communication |
India |
1770-1771 |
437 |
Kaizen & Its Applications - A Japanese Terminology Referred to Continuous Improvement
-Rajat P. Kale ; Laukik P. Raut; Pravin Talmale
This paper is all about the research done at the Bajaj Steels Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur by applying a methodology ‘Continues Improvement’ called as Kaizen. This paper includes the brief knowledge about the term Kaizen and case studies. It is a Japanese business phenomenon which tends to have a major impact on the current competitive situation of the market. The whole emphasis placed on the three vital elements named Teamwork, Flexibility and Quality. Kaizen management is dedicated continues improvement in every field (department) of the industry i.e. Productivity, Efficiency, Quality etc. In the mass-production based industry, even a small step of improvement to the key process can surely helps to generate the major positive difference in the profit & quality too. This study explains the key steps to be taken in industry many like Bajaj Steels Pvt Ltd. for improvement, which will surely builds its business success. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1772-1775 |
438 |
V.E.S.I.T. Indoor Navigation using Augmented Reality Concepts
-Pankaj Badgujar ; Navin Aswani; Mohit Gurbani; Onkar A.S
Outdoor navigation has advanced drastically due to the advent of Google maps. However, the problem of Indoor navigation, that is, navigation within the walls of an infrastructure has not yet adequately researched and solved. Even though there have been many applications available in Smartphone devices, both on Android and IOS platforms, there is no proper technology for the people which can be applied to every different infrastructure. We suppose that this paper shall address an alternative to the technologies that already exist and thus we demonstrate an effort to provide indoor navigation facility using augmented reality technology inside any particular infrastructure. For the sake of consideration, we have developed the application for the indoors of our institute V.E.S.I.T. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1776-1778 |
439 |
Design of Rigid Pavement by IRC Method And its Critical Comparison with AASHTO Method
-Tanu Chaturvedi ; Dr Y.P Joshi; Shri. S.S Goliya
In this paper a comparison of thickness design methods is being presented. The paper describes two rigid pavements, i.e. the “IRC method ‘and the “AASHTO method “.Various design parameters has been compared and the basic difference between the two methods is analyzed. The paper also highlights the salient features of design and comparison of thickness has been done using Indian traffic conditions. Read More...
India |
1779-1782 |
440 |
Implementation of DRINA Algorithm for Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Network
-Vivek A. Nakade ; Prof. Nekita Chavan
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are widely implemented in different area of applications like Military surveillance, Home automation and Pollution monitoring etc. It is possible that the data collected by adjacent nodes can be redundant due to large numbers of nodes in these networks, so aggregation of data should be exploited for energy conservation in WSNs. It is very important to transmit the aggregated data to the sink node effectively and reliably. Here, DRINA (Data routing for in-network aggregation) algorithm is proposed. It uses data aggregation as key point and reliably route data using a fault-tolerant routing mechanism. The proposed algorithm is compared with two algorithms namely Shortest Path Tree and Information Fusion Based Role Assignment. The derived results shows that the total number of packet sent for same information is 67% less than Information Fusion Based Role Assignment algorithm and 73% less than Shortest Path Tree algorithm. The packet delivery ratio of proposed algorithm is 95 %. Read More...
Wireless sensor network |
India |
1783-1786 |
441 |
Grid Connected Efficient and Effective Eco-Friendly Vehicles
-Kanchanamala ; V.Priya
An Electric vehicle reflecting their potential to reduce air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions they are expected to significantly increase in number in coming years. Charging such vehicles will impose additional demands on the electricity network but given the pattern of vehicle usage, the possibility exists to discharge the stored energy back to the grid when required, for example when lower than expected wind generation is available. Such vehicle-to-grid operation could see vehicle owners supplying the grid if they are rewarded for providing such services. This paper describes a model of an electric vehicle storage system integrated with a standardized power system. A decision-making strategy is established for the deployment of the battery energy stored, taking account of the state of charge, time of day, electricity prices and vehicle charging requirements. Applying empirical data, the benefits to the network in terms of load balancing and the energy and cost savings available to the vehicle owner are analysed. The results show that for the case under study, the EVs have only a minor impact on the network in terms of distribution system losses and voltage regulation but more importantly the vehicle owner’s costs are roughly halved. Read More...
India |
1787-1791 |
442 |
Performance Comparison of LS and LMMSE Channel Estimation Methods for MIMO-OFDM LTE Downlink System
-Hevan K. Patel ; Vijay K. Patel; Dr. D J Shah
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing -LTE downlink system provides higher data rates with the use of MIMO-OFDM techniques. Due to the trade-off between complexity and estimation accuracy, choice of channel estimator is important factor for LTE downlink system. For pilot aided type, Least Square(LS) method exhibits lower complexity & requires implicit channel knowledge. But it suffers from Inter Carrier Interference (ICI). On other side, Linear Minimum Mean Square Error (LMMSE) method performs better than LS with higher computational and circuit complexity. Due to this, optimal design of Channel Estimator is area of ongoing research. As LTE Downlink system is based on a MIMO-OFDMA technology, a Cyclic Prefix (CP) is inserted at the beginning of each transmitted OFDM in order to minimize inter-carrier interference (ICI) and inter-symbol interference (ISI). Usually, the length of the inserted CP is defined to be equal to or longer than the channel length. Here we proposed the performance analysis of two estimation methods. Simulation results show that when cyclic prefix length is equal to or longer than channel length, LMMSE has better performance than LS. In other case if cyclic prefix is shorter than channel length, LMMSE performs better only for lower SNR. As SNR increases, LS shows better performance. Read More...
India |
1792-1795 |
443 |
Soft Switching of Two Quadrant Forward Boost and Reverse Buck Dc-Dc Converters
-Sarath Chandran P C
This paper explores the Soft switching of two quadrant forward boost and reverse buck dc dc converters. The advantages of this topology is that all active devices operate with soft switching and switching noise is completely suppressed. This is based on the principle of auxiliary resonant commuted pole. Here complete soft switching is achieved in whole operating region. In addition to that active switch loss is reduced and voltage spikes is also suppressed in this topology. The operating principles are explained and the circuits are simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK. Read More...
India |
1796-1801 |
444 |
Analysis of Compound Angled Gas Turbine Blade Leading Edge Model on Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness By Numerical Investigation using CFD
-Ashoka T K ; Dr. Badarinath C; Syed Sharin
This study aims at investigating the film cooling effectiveness using numerical analysis for the scaled up gas turbine blade leading edge model. A typical gas turbine blade leading edge model is selected for the study with five rows of holes, one at stagnation line, two rows of holes at 30° on either side of stagnation line and two rows of holes at 60° on either side of stagnation line respectively and each row consisting of five holes. This scaled up geometry has the film cooling hole diameter of 5.6mm, considered based on the literature survey and calculations. The film cooling hole rows are arranged in staggered manner to cover the more flow area on the blade surface. Each row has the five holes at a pitch of 22.4 mm with the varied hole angles of 25°, 35°, 40°, 50°, and 60° oriented with the stream line direction. Film cooling effectiveness analysis are found using CFD (Fluent) simulation by varying the blowing ratios (B.R) in the range of 1.0, 1.50, 2.0 and 2.50 at the density ratio (D.R) of 1.30 with nominal mainstream flow Reynolds number of 1,00,000 based on the leading edge diameter. The generated CFD results are compared with the previously published results in journal for the validation. The CFD results indicate similar trends of the cooling effectiveness results as that of experimental results. The CFD results has shown the increase in cooling effectiveness with the increase in blowing ratio up to 2.0 and found there is no increase in effectiveness above the blowing ratio 2.0 for this model. Hence, the optimized blowing ratio for this LECA model can be considered as 2.0 with the higher cooling effectiveness. Read More...
Thermal Power Engineering |
India |
1802-1805 |
445 |
Assessing Temporal and Spatial Changes of Salinity by Inverse Distance Weighted Modeling in ArcGIS
-Nirav Shah ; Yashodhar Pathak; Milan Chudasama
Present Paper concentrates to study seawater intrusion phenomena in the aquifers of the coastal talukas of Junagadh district of Gujarat State in India using ArcGIS. Well location and corresponding quality data were collected from Gujarat Water Resources Development Corporation (GWRDC). The data were used to generate 2 dimensional maps of spatial distribution of Static Water Level (SWL), Chloride (CL) and Electrical Conductivity (EC) of the last fifteen years to study the temporal and spatial distribution of the salinity before and after monsoon using Inverse Distance Weightage (IDW) method after sorting out global and local outliers. These maps were used to identify the movement of the seawater-freshwater interface and consequent seawater intrusion over the last fifteen years if any. Read More...
Ground Water Quality |
India |
1806-1809 |
446 |
GSM Based Green House Monitoring and Controlling
-Gharal Mahesh Ganpati ; Vishal.G.Kashid; Vinayak.D.Shinde
Today there is great need of automation to increase efficiency of work and to reduce people efforts. In our project we have introduced a system which controls the water pump in the green houses automatically by using sensors and GSM module. Microcontroller AT89s51 is used as main control element in this system. The monitoring and controlling system is developed in this project. That can be used in green house applications, where real time data of whether conditions and other environmental elements are sensed. Then monitoring system can take decision and system sends SMS to user automatically. Read More...
India |
1810-1812 |
447 |
An Enhancement of Cloud Data Access Security using Identity Based Encryption
-Pallavi K P ; Girish; Dr. H D Phaneendra
Identity based Secure distributed data storage is a scheme that reduces the burden of maintaining excessive number of files from the owner to proxy servers. The Proxy servers are used to convert encrypted files for the owner to encrypted files for the receiver without the necessity of knowing the content of the original files. In practice, the owner removes the original files for the sake of space efficiency. Hence, the issues of confidentiality and integrity of the outsourced data must be addressed carefully since the cloud is managed by untrusted third party. In this paper, we propose an identity-based secure distributed data storage (IBSDDS) schemes. Our schemes captures the following properties: (1) The owner of the file can decide the access permission independently without the help of the private key generator (PKG); (2) For one request, a receiver can access only one file, instead of all the files of the owner; (3) Our scheme is secure against the collusion attacks and untrusted users, namely even if the receiver can compromise the proxy servers, it’s not possible for him to obtain the owner’s secret key. Although this system is secure against different types of attack, by using the concept of re-encryption the data gets more secured and the access permission that who will access the data is decided by the owner himself. In existing system to provide better security data owner has to be online all the time so our propose system will be helpful for data owner by getting notification about the request of the user to their mail-ids. Read More...
Computer Network Engineering |
India |
1813-1817 |
448 |
Wireless Sensor Network For Industrial Application
-Mahesh M. Patil ; Mangesh M. Mane; Tushar B. Patil ; Prof. Patil P. M.
Wireless telecommunications is the transfer of information between two or more points that are not physically connected. Distances can be short, such as a few meters for television remote control, or as far as thousands or even millions of kilometers for deep-space radio communications. It encompasses various types of fixed, mobile, and portable two-way radios, cellular telephones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and wireless networks. Other examples of wireless technology include GPS units, garage door openers, wireless computer mice, headphones, radio receivers, satellite television, broadcast television and cordless telephones. Wireless operations permit services. Read More...
Electronics and telecomminication Engg |
India |
1818-1820 |
449 |
Development of Data Acquisition And Control System Based on Fast Controller
-Khushbu Raval ; Kunal Pattani; Kavil Shah
The paper is about a fast controller based Data Acquisition and Control System. System consists of several plant systems varying from cryogenics, mechanical components, laser based diagnostic systems and gas feed systems to high voltage and high current power supplies. The operational mandate for is to undertake long duration experimental shots of up to 3600 sec. During the experimental durations various signals are to be sampled and acquired at various speeds ranging from 5 Sps to 100 MSps. The total number of signals to be acquired ~800. To operate the facility coordination between multiple plant systems is required for which a matured DACS is required. The DACS has several challenges like online monitoring of slow and fast signals for long duration. The fast controller prototype is based on NI hardware. Also a preliminary file management system will also be developed in the prototype. Prototype is based on LabVIEW2012 software. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
1821-1823 |
450 |
Genetic Algorithm for Power Aware Multicast Routing
-N.Pushpavalli ; K.Senthil prakash
In recent years, communication plays a vital role, whereas the secured communication lags in some other applications. In order to improve the security, the multicast routing protocol is preferred. In multicast routing source based tree is proposed. Source based tree forwarding packets based on shortest path. To calculate shortest path crossover and mutation operation is performed. To reduce the power consumption power aware multicasting is used. Trust management scheme is proposed to improve the security. To reduce the malicious routers which compromises secure routing. In trust management scheme dynamic source routing is used. This Dynamic source routing the routes are created as it required. The source based tree, is to calculate the energy efficiency between the nodes and for calculating Quality of Service (QoS) parameter such as Throughput, average delay and Packet Delivery Ratio. The architecture is developed and implemented using NS 2.35. Read More...
Wireless Networks |
India |
1824-1827 |