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151 |
Design and Simulation of Audio Watermarking using Empirical Mode Decomposition for Copyright Protection
-Pragathi T L ; Meghashree A C
Digital watermarking is drawing attention a new method for protecting multimedia content from illegal copying. In this paper, we present a alternative audio watermarking procedure to provide copyright protection to the digital audio by modifying audio samples directly by making use of algorithm called Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). The original audio signal is sampled at 44.1 kHz to split it into non-overlapping frames. These frames are further decomposed by EMD adaptively into intrinsic oscillatory mono-component signals known as Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs). The digital watermark along with synchronization codes are embedded into the last IMF extrema. This is low frequency mode, stable under different attacks and preserving the audio quality of host signal. Based on the simulations, robustness of hidden watermark is demonstrated for different attacks such as noise, filtering, compression, cropping, resampling and re-quantization.. It is seen that the data embedding rate or payload of the algorithm is 46.9-50.3 bits per second. Read More...
Electronics engneering |
India |
627-631 |
152 |
Arrhythmia Identification of ECG Signals
-Snehal Shinde ; Avanti Jundare
An ECG can be used to measure the rate and regularity of heartbeats, the position of the chambers, the presence of any damage to the heart and the effects of drugs and devices used to regulate the heart. This project deals with the acquisition of ECG signal with the help of electrodes and interfacing to pc/laptops using MATLAB. And later on finding various arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeat).Cardiac Arrhythmias shows a condition of abnormal electrical activity in the heart which is a threat to humans. Processing of electrocardiogram (ECG) signal includes filtering of the signal and extraction of features and then analysis of it is done for the classification of heart beats according to different arrhythmias. The features calculated are: RR interval, QRS complex, Heart rate , Change in Heart rate. Cardiac arrhythmias which are found are Tachycardia and Bradycardia . Transform is used to detect the peaks in the ECG signal and threshold is decided accordingly. Depending on the threshold the abnormality of the patient is identified. Read More...
bio medical engineering |
India |
632-636 |
153 |
Location Aware Recommendation System
-Swati S. Avhad ; Santosh R. Durugkar
LARS* is a location aware recommendation system that detects the location of user from IP address of system, gives details of that location and uses location based rating to produced recommendations. Recommender systems which are traditional do not consider spatial properties of users nor items; LARS*, on the other hand, supports a technique of three classes of location-based ratings, i.e. the spatial ratings for non-spatial items, the non-spatial ratings for the spatial items, and the spatial ratings for the spatial items. Details about user’s location are provided by using FivaTech. It propose an unsupervised, page-level data extraction to deduce the schema and templates for each individual huge Websites, which contains either singleton or multiple data records in one Webpage. FiVaTech applies tree matching, tree alignment, and mining techniques to achieve the challenging task. FivaTech is going to take place for web mining purpose. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
637-640 |
154 |
BER Performance Analysis of LDPC Codes for Min- Sum Decoding Algorithm
-Rinku N. Patel ; Manish I. Patel
Low density parity check (LDPC) codes are adopted in many applications due to their Shannon limit approaching error correcting performance. In this paper, we analyze the Bit Error Ratio (BER) performance of LDPC codes with different codeword length and different number of iterations over Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel. The encoding of LDPC codes is done with standard method and it is implemented using MATLAB. Codewords have been constructed for code rate 1/2. LDPC codes can be decoded using iterative decoding algorithm to improve the performance. Here, the min-sum decoding algorithm is implemented and desired simulation results were obtained using MATLAB. The min-sum algorithm is mathematically equivalent to the sum-product algorithm and it greatly reduces the computational complexity of sum-product algorithm. The simulation results show that higher the number of iterations, better the code's performance. Read More...
India |
641-644 |
155 |
Development of Experimental Set Up for Electrochemical Machining And Optimize It’s Process Parameters By using Rotary U Shaped Tool
-Sanjay K Patel ; Nilesh Patel
Electro Chemical Machining ECM is one of the non-conventional Machining Processes Which is Mostly used to Machine difficult to Machine materials such as super alloys Ti alloys, stainless steel etc. The major requirement of the process is that workpiece should be electrically conducting in nature. A large number of parameter influence material removal rate and surface roughness of part produced by ECM. Usually tool makers use tumbs rules and machine manual to set optimal process parameters for process. In this work response surface method-ology is adopted to study the effect of three important parameter such as voltage, electrolyte concentratation, inter electrode gap on MRR and SR. Box-Behnken Design Is Used to Design the Experiments by Using the U Shape Rotory Tool.
Statically validation regressive equation is developed relating response like MRR and SR with input parameter.
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
645-648 |
156 |
Stability Analysis of Motorcycle by Varying Castor Angle and Trail - A Technical Review
-Hardik R. Sharma ; Dhruv U. Panchal; Saumil A. Shah; Vikas Rai; Ritesh Kumar Ranjan
In today’s era where the population of motorcycles has increased highly compared to any other means of routine transportation, hence the steer ability, handling and stability become important aspects designing the vehicle. Motorcycles makeup a complex dynamic system that requires a careful analysis to understand their working and behaviour in varied conditions. The two wheelers are statically unstable and portray more complex behaviour dynamically. The relation of castor angle and trail has proven to be an intricate one yet very pivotal in defining stability of the motorcycle. However, stability is not only dependant on these two factors but also depends on the various other parameters. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
649-652 |
157 |
Need of Limber Bike in Indian Market
-Archan Pujara
In India, currently available cycles are designed for niche market which are focuses for particular gender their physical attributes and usage pattern, thus utilization of these cycle becomes limited. So to design a unique bicycle which will cover all age group people and with different height and ergonomic requirement, segments form street bicycles to sports-off road. Cycle have main features like Variable wheel base, Seat vertical movement, Seat longitudinal movement, Seat axial movement, Handle height adjustment, Handle longitudinal angle adjustment, Light weight (Aluminum), Variable Pedal Length. Cycle should be for all age group, Unisex. To apply all the concepts of a limber bike, a sample bike on which it can be implementing was to be selected. After powerful market survey few bikes were shortlisted on which the limber bike can be developed. The parameters considered while selection of a benchmark bike were mainly dimensions, weight and cost. The bike shown in figure was finalized because it is simple in design, sturdy, light weight and practically assessed. The Limber bike concepts and linkages can now be implemented on this benchmarked bike and it can then be tested and validated rather than designing the entire bike from scrape. This will save significant amount of time and energy. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
653-656 |
158 |
Monorail a Guided System Be a Approving Transit System in Developing Countries like India
-Rewati S. Marathe ; N.D.Hajiani
Transportation systems play a significant role in the healthy development and functioning of Communities from the local to national levels in India. There is need for new and improved transportation systems in India. Cities play a vital role in promoting economic growth and prosperity. The development of cities largely depends upon their physical, social, and infrastructure. Commuters in the cities are faced with acute road congestion, rising air pollution, and a high level of accident risk. These problems cannot be solved without a concise and sound urban transport approach, to deal with such problem Monorail is a good solution. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
657-660 |
159 |
False Alarm Reduction in Botnet
-Darshana Soni ; Jignesh Vania
Now a day internet users are increased drastically and malicious activities through internet have also been increased HTTP-based is one of the latest technology of botnet. It uses the HTTP protocol to make normal web traffic and passes the network security systems. Furthermore, HTTP protocol is normally used by normal applications and services on the web, so to detect the HTTP botnets having a low rate of false alarms has become a challenge. In this paper, we propose a detection approach to improve the HTTP-based botnet detection according the rate of false alarms and detect HTTP bots using different characteristics. The experimental result shows that the proposed method is able to reduce the false alarm rates in HTTP-based botnet detection successfully. Read More...
computer engineering |
India |
661-663 |
160 |
Effect of High Power Amplifier on WCDMA
-Kavita Barange ; Rahul Sharma; Soni Changlani
This paper analyzes the performance of Wireless CDMA when high power amplifier use in the processing block of this. The simulation is carried out on MATLAB 7.8.1, the result shows the BER, MER comparison of WCDMA with using and without using high power amplifier.WCDMA use noise like broadband frequency spectrum where it has high resistant to multipath fading as this was not present in conventional 2nd generation communication system.In this work a PN sequence generation based on Residue Arithmetic is investigated with an effort to improve the performance of existing interference-limited CDMA technology for mobile cellular system. This interference limited performance is due to the fact that all existing CDMA codes used in mobile cellular standard does not consider external interference , multipath propogation ,Doppler Effect etc.The world first cellular network i.e.,Advance Mobile Phone System (AMPS)-based on analog radio transmission technology was put into service in early 1980s .It uses separate frequencies. Read More...
India |
664-668 |
161 |
Performance of MIMO-OFDM Systems using Differential Amplify and Forward Relaying Scheme
-Pratik J. Patel ; Prof. Hitesh L Desai
This paper is related with the channel estimation of differential AF relaying for OFDM-MIMO network in multi-node communication over time-selective Rayleigh fading channels. To characterize the time-selective nature of the channels, a first order auto-regressive (AR) model is used. Based on the second order statistical properties of the wireless communication channels, we implemented a new set of combining weights for signal detection at the destination side. Here, symbol-by-symbol or block-by-block dual phase transmission protocol to be used. The proposed combining weights leads to better performance compared with the conventional combining scheme. To support the analysis, different scenarios to be carried out with its simulation results. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
669-673 |
162 |
Analysis of Different Geometry of Flywheel used in Punching Press
-Rahul L. Berani ; Ass.Prof.Jayvir Shah
A flywheel is an inertial energy-storage device. It absorbs mechanical energy and serves as a reservoir, storing energy during the period when the supply of energy is more than the requirement and releases it during the period when the requirement of energy is more than the supply. Mainly, the performance of a flywheel can be attributed to three factors, i.e., material strength, geometry (cross-section) and rotational speed. While material strength directly determines kinetic energy level that could be produced safely combined (coupled) with rotor speed, this study solely focuses on exploring the effects of flywheel geometry on its energy storage/deliver capability per unit mass, further defined as Specific Energy. Proposed finite element analysis and optimization procedure is used to find out smart design of flywheel geometry that have a significant effect on the Specific Energy performance.This paper specifically studies the most common five different geometries. Read More...
Mechanical Engineerin |
India |
674-677 |
163 |
A Review on Optimization of Dynamic Load Carrying Capacity of Deep Groove Ball Bearing using Teaching - Learning Based Optimization Technique
-Niraj Makhecha ; Ravi C. Patel
Ball Bearings are used mostly in mechanical equipment due to its low friction capability. For efficient performance of bearing, it should be optimized by specific parameters. In this work, deep groove ball bearing is selected and the dynamic load capacity of it is to be optimized. The design parameters include bearing pitch diameter, the rolling element diameter, number of rolling elements and inner and outer-race groove curvature radii. The objective function is to maximize dynamic load capacity. The Teaching-Learning based Optimization technique is selected for the Optimization of Deep groove ball bearing. This method works on the effect of influence of a teacher on learners. Efforts are made to maximize the dynamic load carrying capacity of deep groove ball bearing with given design parameters and constraints. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
678-680 |
164 |
Use of polythene in concrete
-Mohammed Rahman Khan ; Krishana Thakur
Polythene or plastic bags are largely used of packaging; big industries to small scale industries including shopkeepers are dependent upon polythene for packaging. Overall population is using polythene bags and these bags classified under various head, but majorly low density polythene are used for local purpose. Disposal of these polythene is again an issue, harder polythene can be re-used or recycled but low density plastic bags are cannot be re-used nor recycled. In this project low density polythene bags are added in concrete and this concrete is checked for compressive strength. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
681-682 |
165 |
Experimental Studies on Passive Heat Transfer Method in a Horizontal Concentric Tube by Changing its Internal Surface Geometry
-Sumit S. Kalmegh ; Pawan A. Sawarkar; Pramod R. Pachghare
In the present Experimental study the heat transfer characteristics, friction factor and thermal enhancement factor of the horizontal concentric tube by changing its internal surface geometry was investigated. Experimentation were first conducted on smooth horizontal concentric tube and two different test section having different internal surface geometry i.e. by internal threading of pitches (p=1.78mm, p=3.57mm), under uniform wall heat flux condition. For experimentation purpose Reynolds number were varied in the range of 4000 to 9000. The tap water was used as a working fluid. The heat transfer characteristics, friction factor, thermal enhancement factor data obtained were compared with data obtained from smooth horizontal concentric tube under similar geometric and flow condition. The variation of heat transfer characteristics, friction factor, and thermal enhancement factor were determined and depicted graphically. The heat transfer rate for tube whose internal geometry was changed is found to be much higher compared with smooth horizontal concentric tube. So by changing the internal surface geometry the performance of smooth horizontal concentric tube was improved. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
683-687 |
166 |
Sanitizing Social Networks Against Information Inference Attack
-L.Syed Magdoom Rafeek ; C.Imthyaz Sheriff
Online social networks, such as Facebook, are increasingly utilized by many people. These networks allow users to publish details about themselves and to connect to their friends. Some of the information revealed inside these networks is meant to be private. Yet it is possible to use learning algorithms on released data to predict private information. This project explores how to launch inference attacks using released social networking data to predict private information. Then devise three possible sanitization techniques that could be used in various situations. This project explore the effectiveness of these techniques and attempt to use methods of collective inference to discover sensitive attributes of the data set. This project shows that there can be increase in the effectiveness of both local and relational classification algorithms by using the sanitization methods described. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
688-690 |
167 |
Design of FFT Architecture for Real Valued Signals using Radix 2^5 Algorithm
-Ajinkya Anand Naoghare ; Apeksha V. Sakhare
A novel approach to develop a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for real valued signal using Radix 25 algorithm is proposed in this paper. Methodology is to modify the flow graph of the FFT architecture. Redundant components are replaced by the imaginary computations. Hardware complexity of this RFFT architecture will be low compared to Radix 23 and Radix 24 algorithms in terms of adder, multiplier and delay. This proposed architecture maximizes utilization of hardware with no redundant computation. RFFT is used for real time applications and also in portable devices where low power consumption is the main requirement. So accordingly Vedic multiplier and carry propagate adder has been used in the proposed work. These adder and multiplier will help to reduce the delay of the system. So accordingly the system will be fast, which is a must have feature for the portable and real time systems. Read More...
Digital Signal Processing |
India |
691-694 |
168 |
Vertical Accuracy Assessment of Single Frequency DGPS
-Arun Patel ; Sudhir Kumar Raghav
The Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) device accuracy specifications may not be achievable by users due to lack understanding of various factors influencing the accuracy and other limitations. DGPS accuracy assessment is done with consideration of different surveying method and different affecting parameters like baseline(LB), Precision Dilution of position(PDOP), Signal-to-Noise ratio(SNR) and occupation time, with the help of results produced by the post-processing analysis. It not only help to find the best condition for survey with addition of mission planning but also provide complete information about the preferred survey method and occupation time. In this study was analysis carried out by using single frequency DGPS mode of acquiring data such as stop-n-go. Analysis was done for relative vertical accuracy Single Frequency DGPS receiver. Main conclusion of the vertical accuracy for single frequency varies with 0.012m in 30 sec for clear sky but in case of obstruction such as near the tree occupation time has to increase 45 sec or more with 0.016m accuracy for baseline<1km. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
695-697 |
169 |
Influence of Thermal Barrier Coatings on 4 Stroke Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Performance
-Pintu K. Patel ; Vinaykumar Sharma; Dr. H. N. Shah
Thermal barrier coating play a very significant role in the performance prediction. These prospects of improving the design and performance have generated impetus to active research on adiabatic or more appropriately, low heat rejection (LHR) or insulated engines. So with this aim, this experiment presents concept of thermal barrier ceramic coating in Internal Combustion engines. This experiment will aim to study effect on performance and emissions results of with & without coating for four stroke single cylinder diesel engine. The engine was thermally insulated by coating some parts of it, such as piston, exhaust and intake valves surfaces with TAFA95MXC material having 450µm thickness. The modified condition (coated parts) increase 2.12% thermal efficiency,fuel consumption decrease about 6.48%, exhaust gas temperature can be increase up to 11.42 %, CO reduced by 14.28%, HC reduced by 2.12% and NOx increased by 8.43 % compare to unmodified (original) condition. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
698-702 |
170 |
Review of Evacuated Glass Tube Based Solar Collectors for Various Fluid Heating Applications
-Rohit Radhakrishnan ; Dr. Nilesh M Bhatt
A solar collector is the central energy source of any solar thermal system. It traps the sun’s radiation to produce heat and transfer this heat to a flowing fluid (air, water, thermal oil etc.) which is then used to energize a certain heating or cooling device. The designing & sizing of a solar collector for a solar heating/cooling system is a complex having number of interrelated parameters, which include, the type of solar collector, the changing heating/cooling demand, the weather conditions, the operating temperature range, the storage tank size, the capacity of heat exchangers, the weather conditions, and a many of economic parameters. Evacuated glass tube based solar collector is reviewed in this paper for various fluid heating applications.The review in this paper comprises of applications of evacuated glass tube based solar collectors for air heating and water heating applications Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
703-706 |
171 |
Next Generation of Wireless Network Security Protocol
-Mr. Shah Smit Jayeshkumar ; Mr. Pravin Ramdas Patil; Mr. Prasenna P.
As we all know that network security is important aspects in today’s wireless world. Our all work mostly on internet only so provide safety to it is our prime concern. As we know that Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN) plays major roles in morden communications, which provides a both convenient and flexible way of communications. As we know that basically WLAN basically divide in Pre-Shared Key(PSK) and Enterprise network. So in this paper what are the existing technology used and what are the bugs are there in that technology are discussed. As comparatively Wired technology Wireless is easily maintainable as in that no physically protection needed. As WLANs includes of cost effectiveness, ease of installation, and its mobility. As for security of your data in WLANs they used Encryption algorithm but by the time in every Encryption algorithm some vulnerability is exists. So my main focus on to improve more security compare to existing one technology. So by reading that I motivate to design new Wireless Network Protocol that provide security to the system. Read More...
India |
707-710 |
172 |
Design and Simulation of Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna for UWB Application
-Bhavinkumar A. Patel ; V. B. Vaghela; Hardik Patel
An objective of the paper is to optimize the parameters, and simulation analysis of rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (RDRA). In this paper, a rectangular dielectric resonator antenna is presented using relatively low dielectric constant material and single microstrip patch. The rectangular DRA is fed with a modified stepped microstrip feed to ensure efficient coupling between the RDRA and the feeder. The performance of the proposed antenna has been significantly improved by loading the RDRA with two narrow conducting metallic strips of suitable widths, which results in dual-resonance excitation and leads to a wider operating bandwidth (3.569-9.236 GHZ). The frequency characteristics and radiation performance of the proposed antenna are successfully optimized. Design and simulation results are in excellent agreement. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
711-713 |
173 |
Behavour of Recycled Coarse Aggregate in Ternary Blended Concrete with Fly Ash and Micro Silica
-Bhatt Rushabh ; Y. V. Akbari
literature study of recycled coarse aggregate in concrete with the replacement of natural coarse aggregate and the cementitious byproducts like fly ash, ggbs, silica and others with replacement of cement. Also study the optimum usage in concrete without changing strength as compare to conventional concrete. This replacement will done with different water cement ratios. Read More...
civil engineering |
India |
714-716 |
174 |
Design Optimization of Leaf Spring using Excel Solver Tool
-Patel Harsh Balvantbhai ; Jayesh R. Koisha; Ramesh G. Jivani
Leaf springs are widely used in automobile suspension systems.The main aim of present work is to develop software for design of leaf spring. Leaf Spring is a critical load bearing element that connects wheel to the chassis in an automobile application. The Suspension leaf spring of one of the potential items for weight reduction in automobiles in order to achieve increased fuel efficiency and improved ride characteristics.Programming the computer to handle a design work involves the development of program in line with the design procedures, coding the instruction set with a high level programming language.Developed software was able to design leaf spring while varying so many loading conditions such as static load condition, bending load condition, various dimensions of spring steel bar. They found the optimized dimensions to withstand the loadings and right combination of width and thickness to spring length of various leaves to prevent excessive deflection. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
717-721 |
175 |
MANET: Applications, Characteristics & Challenges
-Naveen Kumar ; Gagandeep Sharma; Ashu Khokhar; Arun Goyat
Mobile Ad-hoc network is a dynamic network and it is populated by mobile stations. MANET stations are mobile phone, laptop or any other smart hand-held device. These devices communicate through any internet technology like Wi-Fi, Blue-tooth or radio waves in decentralized manner. In this paper, evolution of the MANET, routing application and characteristics has been discussed. At the end, some challenges of MANET also been discussed Read More...
Computer Science & Applications |
India |
722-724 |
176 |
Binary Data Transmission using Wireless Optical Communication
-Abhinav Karnwal ; Sashi Mouli Poolla; Aarthi G.
Hardware implementation of transmission of binary data using wireless optical communication with the help of op-amps, timers, LEDs, IR LEDs and some passive elements. With the newly designed circuit, the transmitter-receiver system is more efficient and the distance between the two sections has been increased significantly through efficient design. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
725-727 |
177 |
Remotely Accessible PLC Based Building Automation And Simulation With Scada
-Nalge santosh ; Madhav Kadam; Suraj Shinde; Mrs. A. A. Shinde
PLC is a controller used to automate the industrial process and monitor itself. Programmable logic controller is used in many industries to control the whole process automatically with less human intervention and to avoid errors. With the rapid growth in technology wireless instrumentation has came into existence to avoid cabling infrastructure and to obtain efficient control. In order to have a wireless control the existing plcs have to be replaced with wireless plcs. PLCs are also used in homes and small scale industries to automate small process applications. So it is undesirable to invest on wireless PLCs which are expensive for home based applications. In this paper we present a novel approach of converting the existing wired plc into wireless plc by configuring EM4 by using EM4 soft software as communication interface between plc and process Read More...
Instrumentation And Control |
India |
728-729 |
178 |
Enablers affecting the Robots used in Engineering Applications: A Review
-Dr. Vasdev Malhotra ; Himani Gautam; Gaurav Saini
An industrial robot is a general-purpose, programmable machine. It possesses some anthropomorphic characteristics, i.e. human-like characteristics that resemble the human physical structure. There are lots of enablers which could affect the implementation and working of robot in industry. The purpose of this research is to find out different types of enablers that helps robot in the industrial robotic application. Read More...
Mechanical Engg. |
India |
730-731 |
179 |
Study of Barriers of Robots used in Engineering Applications by the literature
-Dr. Vasdev Malhotra ; Himani Gautam; Gaurav Saini
An industrial robot is a general-purpose, programmable machine. It possesses some anthropomorphic characteristics, i.e. human-like characteristics that resemble the human physical structure. There are lots of barriers which could affect the implementation and working of robot in industry. The purpose of this research is to find out different types of barriers grouping than as per their complexity and their impact on the industrial robotic assembly. Interpretive Structure Modeling (ISM) approach can be used to find out the important barrier and interrelationship between barriers. Read More...
Mechanical Engg. |
India |
732-733 |
180 |
Performance analysis of Double pipe heat exchanger for electrohydrodynamic (EHD) effect
-Mr.S.V.Kumbhar ; Prof.H.M.Dange
Heat exchangers are widely used for efficient heat transfer from one medium to another. The heat transfer rate of any heat exchangers can be improved by heat transfer enhancement techniques. Generally, these heat transfer enhancement techniques can be divided into two groups: active and passive techniques. The active techniques require external forces e.g. Magnetic field, Electric field, acoustic or surface vibration etc. for heat transfer enhancement. On the other hand, the passive techniques require fluid additives or special surface geometries for heat transfer enhancement. Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) is one of the types of active heat transfer enhancement techniques. In this paper, performance of double pipe heat exchanger is studied and analyzed for elecrohydrodynamic effect. Read More...
Mechanical engineering |
India |
734-739 |
181 |
2D Defect Detection at Subpixel level
-Shweta A. Gupta ; Manish I.Patel; Maurya N. Shah
Quality control is of almost important in any industry. During the production process, many damaged or undesirable products are also produced. These kinds of products are unfit for use and deploying into the market and thereby need to be sorted out. Today, several machine vision software and cameras are available in the market. The software available is so effective that ready-made applications for automated inspection already exist. The user needs to give only the inputs to the software. In this paper solution is given to find the accuracy of defect at micron level. The application is implemented as Dynamic Link Library (DLL), developed using Microsoft Visual C++. The key idea behind it is that each point in the template point set can be exactly represented by an affine combination of its neighboring points. In this paper resolution of image is increased using interpolation. Using 2nd derivative pixel location of defect at micron level is calculated. As we move to subpixel the computation time is increased by using parallel programming this time can be reduced. Read More...
Electronics and Communication |
India |
740-742 |
182 |
Switched Inductor Boost Converter Based MPPT Control for PV Applications
-Akshata Patil
A new high step-up converter with high dc gain is projected for a photovoltaic system. For the partial shading problem step up dc-dc converter has to be employed, hence Switched inductor boost converter (SIBC) with high dc gain provides a solution. SIBC is used as an interface between the PV system and the load. P and O algorithm of MPPT control is employed to continuously deliver the highest possible power to the load during changing irradiation. In this paper SIBC converter is compared with the conventional Boost Converter about obtaining the high dc gain. Theoretical and simulation results show that SIBC has larger conversion ratio than conventional Boost converter. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
743-745 |
183 |
Hierarchical Routing Algorithm for Energy Efficiency for Routing in WSN: A Survey
-Deeksha ; Jasbeer Narwal
In hierarchical routing protocols, cluster heads consume more energy since they are in charge of data aggregation as well as communications inside and outside of the cluster. The secondary objective of this work is to achieve a network with an optimum number of cluster heads at each round of data transmission. Although the focus of this work is on clustering, there are other techniques for reducing energy consumption such as topology control. A requirement in some algorithms for clustering is that the location of the base station should remain at a specific distance from the field. Therefore a major requirement in research is to develop a new method for the visualization of the residual energy data of WSN nodes to aid users in understanding the energy levels of WSN nodes deployed across the field. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
746-750 |
184 |
Energy Efficient Routing in WSN: A Survey
-Prabhjot Kaur Kalra ; Arvind Grewal
At present routing in routing in WSNs is a hot research topic, with a limited but rapidly growing set of efforts being published? We considered a comparison of the routing protocols discussed in the paper in terms of clustering manner, intra-cluster topology, cluster head selection. Although the performances of these protocols are encouraging for improving scalability of large-scale WSNs, some issues remain to be considered. These can be effectively used in clustering of nodes in WSN environment where equi-distribution of space and energy are the real concerns for enhancing the lifetime of network. Embedding these algorithms in the routing design is desirable. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
751-755 |
185 |
High Performance and Low Power Level Converting Flip-Flop for Low Power Applications
-C. Kavitha ; Dr. K. Venkatachalam; V. Gowrishankar
In modern digital VLSI circuits, the clock system is composed of flip-flops. The Clustered voltage scaling (CVS) is an effective way to reduce power dissipation and improve the performance in digital integrated circuits. Level converting flip-flops (LCFF) are the critical elements in the CVS scheme. And then low power level-converting flip-flop with a conditional clock technique (CC-LCFF) has been designed and the circuit is simulated in 90nm CMOS technology on Mentor Graphics tool. Along this one the clock signal will be conditionally blocked when the input data don’t make any transition, and then the internal node redundant transitions are eliminated and the total power dissipation is decreased. But the CC-LCFF design suffers from issues like long discharge path and some extra internal node switching activity. Due to this, less quantity of power is dissipated in level converting flip-flop with a conditional clock technique. To further shorten the power dissipation, a Conditional Pulse-Enhancement technique and conditional discharge technique is proposed in CCER-LCFF. The proposed techniques also reduce the length of the discharge path and internal nodes switching activity in LCFF. It will be designed in 90nm CMOS technology on Mentor Graphics tool for evaluating the power dissipated and the outcomes are compared with an existing blueprint. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
756-760 |
186 |
Diversification in Software Engineering: Concept, Applications, Challenges
-Manas Kumar Yogi ; N. Padmavathi
This paper examines factors that have advocated the diversification of software process models. The purpose is to understand more clearly the problem-solving process in software engineering and to identify criteria that can be used to evaluate alternative software-driven problem-solving strategies for differing project requirements. A review of software process modeling is given first, followed by a discussion of process evaluation techniques. A taxonomy for categorizing process models, based on establishing decision criteria, is identified that can guide selecting the appropriate model from a set of alternatives on the basis of model characteristics and software project needs. These criteria can facilitate adaptability in the software process so that the process can be “altered or adapted to suit a set of special needs or purposes†.The factors that have contributed to the diversification of software process models have often been related to the expansion in goals and capabilities in the software industry. Read More...
Computer science engineering |
India |
761-766 |
187 |
Effect of Fabric Construction Parameters on Air Permeability and Thermal Resistance of Commercially Produced Denim Fabric
-Ms. Ponda Khushbu J. ; Prof. Ashwin Thakkar
Denim is the most widely preferred fabric mainly for younger generation throughout the globe. So, studies of denim comfort related properties are necessary.A few studies carried out so far relate mainly to controlled trials done by changing weft material, its count and picks per inch. In the current study an attempt has been made to investigate some of the comfort related properties of denim fabric used commercially. Care is taken to keep GSM and weave of all the fabric samples same. The comfort parameters of denim such as air permeability, moisture management properties and the thermal properties were measured and evaluated. Also effect of few commercial finishing treatments was analyzed. Studies reveal that fiber type, yarn structure, fabric thickness etc play important role in deciding one or the other property. Read More...
Textile Engineering |
India |
767-769 |
188 |
Comparative Study on Recycle Aggregate and Natural Stone Aggregates
-Manoj Kumar ; Akash Pawar
Word recycle means to reproduce any waste product and aggregate is used in concrete to provide strength and together it means a aggregate made with waste material which is going to be used in concrete. Recycle aggregate is derived from demolished concrete structures. When any concrete structure is demolished, the parts demolished of concrete structure can used as recycle aggregate. In this research project properties of recycle aggregate is determined and also recycle aggregate is used in concrete as well. Then a comparative study is also done of recycle aggregate with natural crushed stones. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
770-771 |
189 |
Groundwater Levels and Lithology in the Junagadh District of Saurashtra, Gujarat
-Ms. Sujaya Magar ; Dr. M. S. Gadhavi
Over the past two decades, the growth dynamism in Gujarat agriculture come from input intensive land use and farm management practices, which resulted in over-exploitation of groundwater.But apart from this agricultural aspect, in this paper we have tried to focus the fluctuations of groundwater levels of Junagadh district of Saurashtra, Gujarat and correlate the same with the lithology. The region of Saurashtra is dominated by Deccan Trap rocks and some part of it by Quaternary milliolite. These basaltic rocks are devoid of primary porosity, however groundwater is available in large quantity mainly owing to secondary porosity that is inherent in weathered basaltic rocks due to profound columnar joints and vesicles at a shallow depth. The Quaternary milliolite with high porosity is found to occur around the coastal belts of Junagadh district of Saurahtra region. The groundwater levels in 145 number of observation wells of the study area have been analyzed , in the pre and post monsoon periods of around twelve years from the year 2002 to 2013 and correlation of groundwater fluctuations with respect to the lithology has been developed using GIS platform. Read More...
India |
772-776 |
190 |
Estimation of Runoff for JAMNAGAR District using SCS-CN Method and Geographic Information Systems
-Manthan K. Shah ; Vishvam H. Pancholi; Prof. Ashok T. Motiani; Dr. Indraprakash
An accurate understanding of the hydrological behavior of a Jamnagar district is important for effective assessment of flood. Runoff is the most basic and important data needed when planning water control strategies/ practices, such as, waterways or storage facilities. The most popular method used for runoff estimation is SCS runoff curve number method. In india availability of accurate information on runoff is scarce. Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques can be effectively used for spatial as well as non-spatial data base that represent the various hydrologic characteristics of the watershed. The Present paper deals with the study area of Jamnagar district, located between 22o 00’ and 22o 32’ of North Latitude and 69 57’ and 70 05’ of East Longitude, in Gujarat State.India. The Daily rainfall data of 10 Rainguage stations(1991-2010) was collected and used to predict the daily Runoff using Soil Conservation Service-Curve number(SCS-CN) and GIS. For study about 1991-2010, minimum and maximum of(a) Yearly Average rainfall are 196.87 mm and 1020.18 mm respectively and (b) Yearly Average runoff are 8.02 mm and 353.23mm respectively. Developed rainfall-runoff model has been used to understand the characteristics of the runoff Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
777-780 |
191 |
Remote Healthcare Monitoring System Using Ontology
-M. Pushparaj ; Mrs. K.Devaki
Patients health monitoring process using the Webservice & Combination of Ontology, Rules. The two layers which are designed to describes the task of healthcare monitoring, Service Handling layer, Data & Communication layer are the two different layers. The Patients are monitoring and getting health-care alerts remotely from home. Data & Communication layer using REST WS technique used to provide data communication and remote data management. Service Handling layer provides healthcare remainder for patients, health updates with server. Service handling layer also guide the user to uses self-caring device under the guidance of certified doctor and Physician/Technician Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
781-785 |
192 |
Wheelchair Control using Android Mobile and Arduino Controller
-Akshay Tarade ; Rohit Yadav; Hardik Shinde; Prof. Anjali Mishra
This project is designed to give advanced and innovative technologies to the people facing various degrees of disability. This disability made us think about an idea to support them, so that they can help themselves in their day to day activities and are not totally dependent on other person. So a wheelchair has been designed to serve the purpose. BY using android mobile phone motion of the wheelchair is controlled, to send the message to the helper and to automate the home appliances. A smart phone advanced with Android Operating System, which is widely used everywhere can be used to run the application for navigation. The mobile phone’s Bluetooth is linked to an external Bluetooth which is further connected to the motor drivers via Arduino which control navigation and the home appliances like fan, lights etc. The wheelchair has two DC motors which are powered with separate battery. Read More...
electronics engineering |
India |
786-788 |
193 |
Peak Flood Probability Analysis for Sabarmati River, Gandhinagar
-Vidhi Bhavsar ; Akruti Patel
A flood frequency analysis of Sabarmati River at station Gandhinagar, Gujarat was carried out. The Sabarmati River is one of the biggest rivers of Gujarat. It originates in Aravalli Range of the Udaipur District of Rajasthan and meets the Gulf of Cambay of Arabian Sea after travelling 371 km in a south-west direction. The present study covers analysis of annual peak flow of Sabarmati River at station Gandhinagar. Five statistical methods were used in the study namely, California method, Weibull method, Hazen method, Cbegodayev and Blom method. Probability analysis using methods mentioned above is carried out in the present study and results are derived graphically Read More...
Water Resource Management, Civil Engineering |
India |
789-792 |
194 |
Object Tracking Camera
-Sanket Kotkar ; Priyanka Pacharne; Neha Darekar
The proposed system uses color as the information for classification and detection of object in specified scene. The system attempts at overcoming the minute but important shortfalls of existing systems such as CCTV. Paper describes a fast executing and computationally economic method of object detection on the basis of color specified by the observer. The system later tracks the movement of the respective object in a restricted area for further investigation and recording purpose. The system serves the purpose of robot perception where fast processing and robustness is required. A low cost webcam is used to acquire video frames and track an object. We demonstrate a real time system for moving object detection. Read More...
image processing and embedded |
India |
793-796 |
195 |
Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Plate using Finite Element Analysis
-Subrat Sarkar ; Mr. Ankur Malviya
This work is concerned with vibration (Modal) analysis of a laminated composite plate structure with different Angle orientation of ply. The finite Element method has been used computational by means of ANSYS 14.5. a main reason for adopting ANSYS 14.5 is that there is no such analytical model has been develop for Laminate composite plate structure in presence of singularities i.e. Cutout. Moreover parametric analysis has also been carried out for detailed convergence study plate vibration in presence of cutout. Following analysis have been carried out for different boundary condition i.e. CFFF and SSSS to allocate optimum location of cutout for optimum natural frequency in order to make laminate composite structure statically and dynamically balanced The obtained FEM results are validated with experimental and analytical result of available literature and it result shows good agreement. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
797-804 |
196 |
Data Mining Techniques
-Deva D. Damke ; Prof. Rajeshri Shelke
Mining information and knowledge from large databases has been recognized by many researchers as a key research topic in database systems and machine learning, and by many industrial companies as an important area with an opportunity of major revenues. Researchers in many different fields have shown great interest in data mining. Several emerging applications in information providing services, such as data warehousing and on-line services over the Internet, also call for various data mining techniques to better understand user behavior, to Improve the service provided, and to increase the business opportunities. In response to such a demand, this article is to provide a survey, from a database researcher's point of view, on the data mining techniques developed recently. A classification of the available data mining techniques is provided and a comparative study of such techniques is presented Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
805-808 |
197 |
Load Flow Analysis on STATCOM Incorporated Inter-Connected Power System Networks Using Newton Raphson Method
-Kumar Praveen Kayalia ; Alok Kumar Singh
With the advancement of technology the demand of electrical energy has also increased. The demand of electricity has become the parameter of growth of a nation. An electrical utility company has to use its existing transmission capacity to feed the ever increasing demand of electricity, due to the transmission lines has to be operated near its thermal stability limit. Operating the lines in close proximity to or above thermal stability limits makes system vulnerable to faults moreover it also increases the losses in the system. One way to increase the transmission capacity of the system without operating it to its thermal stability limit is to provide reactive power compensation at various locations. Reactive power reparation improves the voltage profile of the system, increase the power transfer in the lines and reduce losses. STATCOM is one such device that is used for reactive power compensation. It provides reactive power compensation thereby improving the voltage profile of the system. In this thesis reactive power compensation is attempted using STATCOM. To study its effect Load flow study is performed on IEEE (Institute of Electrical & Electronics engineer) 5 bus, IEEE 14 bus and IEEE 30 bus with and without STATCOM and the results are then compared to show the effect of STATCOM on the system. Newton Raphson method is used for the load flow study of the system. Simulation is done using MATLAB (Matrix Laboratories). Read More...
Electrical |
India |
809-812 |
198 |
Control of Sensored BLDC Motor Using PWM Technique for EV
-Rakeshkumar G Shankar
This paper presents the speed control of sensored BLDC motor using PWM techniques. The BLDC motor with EV or HEV application uses the position sensor for the operation and speed control of motor. In this paper the simulation of BLDC motor is done using soft commutating technique (Proteus Design Suit & Keil uVision3 software). A prototype is implemented to verify the performance of proposed sensored BLDC motor of 48V 5A 250W E-BIKES. The speed control and real time measurement is obtained and compared. Read More...
India |
813-816 |
199 |
Effect of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma on Pilling Propensity of Acrylic Fabrics
-Patel Kruti V ; Prof. Vaishali Shah; Prof. A. I.Thakkar
Plasma is the 4th state of matter and a gas becomes plasma when the kinetic energy of the gas particles equals the ionisation energy of the gas. When gas molecules reaches excited state, molecule breakdown takes place and collision between excited species takes place. In this state it behaves as a chemically very active environment and the surface interaction with organic substrates takes place[1]. Pilling is the ball like structures on the surface of the fabrics that are formed due to repeated abrasion. Synthetic fabrics especially knitted are likely to pill more because of smooth surface and higher tensile strength. . This paper focuses on application of plasma treatment and its effect on various types of acrylic fabrics. The treated and untreated fabrics viewed under SEM and pilling tests and tensile strength test were carried out. It was observed that plasma treatment makes the fibre surface rough and decreases tensile strength of fibre; thus reducing the formation of pills on the fabrics by increasing inter fibre friction and detaching the pills from the fabric surface. Read More...
Textile technology |
India |
817-820 |
200 |
Contingency Analysis in Power System and Remedial Actions
-Patel Niraj Hitendrabhai ; Thakkar Vishal C.; Hemant N. Raval
For practical system operation, apart from ensuring the satisfactory operation of the system at a particular operating condition, it is also equally important to make sure that the system operates with adequate level of security. Broadly, the term ‘security’ implies the ability of the system to operate within system constraints (on bus voltage magnitudes, current and power flow over the lines) in the event of outage (contingency) of any component (generator or transmission line). The goal of this power system analysis function is to give the operator information about the static security. Contingency analysis is used to calculate violations. In this paper presents contingency analysis of power system is to predict the line outage, generator outage and to keep the system secure and reliable. Whenever the maximum violation is occur in power system, that line and generator is outage element. So we find the maximum violation in the system network. For the generation, transmission, and distribution system, security can be assessed using contingency analysis. This paper describes the power flow analysis of power system network using Power World Simulator and estimating the real and reactive power flows, power losses in the entire network and phase angle using Power World Simulator. This paper shows the example on 6 bus power system which gives information of violations & remedial action to remove violations. In this paper, first contingency conditions are analyzed after that according to severity of contingency a real power flow performance index (PI) sensitivity based approach and the line outage distribution factor has been used to decide optimal location of series FACTS devices. Read More...
India |
821-827 |