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351 |
Compact Monopole Antenna with Coplanar Waveguide (CPW)
-Sri Bhavani R ; U.Satheeswaran
This project develop and design of compact micro strip patch antenna with coplanar wave guide feed line L-band monopole antenna. To design a micro strip patch antenna using basic parameter are computing manually with basic formula’s. A prototype model antenna is design with the help of HFSS simulation software and resonant frequency (1-2 GHz) as well as impedance matching component Substrate FR4 (frameretardent4) with antenna dimension length(L), width(W), Substrate parameter dielectric constant (Ôr) ,height (h) and radiation parameter is determined. From the transmitter antenna (fixed) the signal is delivered using servo motor angular position and radiation pattern is receive at the receiver antenna (rotatable) which rotates at the angle of 360Ëš. Read More...
Electronics and Communication engineering |
India |
1436-1439 |
352 |
Aerodynamic Design Optimization of B-Spline Airfoil Shape Representation by GA for Maximize Energy Extraction
-Kaushik A. Devmurari ; Himanshu D. Raiyani; Chintan C. Patel; Prof. D.R. Shah; Prof. H.C. Patel
It is necessary to extract energy at maximum efficiency for generate a high power at same input energy. So, it needs to require selecting a best efficient and aerodynamically suitable shape of airfoil, which gives maximum lift to drag coefficient ratio. In this paper, B-spline curve use for representation of airfoil and Genetic Algorithm is employed for aerodynamic optimization of airfoil shape. Optimization is did on NACA 4412 airfoil selected as base of optimization process and select a control points of B-spline as variable in optimization process. After did optimization by GA, objective function is raised by 6.7%. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1440-1443 |
353 |
Reduction of Handoff Latency for Communication Based Train Control System
-Susan Mano Derry V ; P.S.Jayakumar
In Communication Based Train control handoff latency is a challenging factor in wireless technology.In this paper handoff latency is reduced by make before break scheme.By this scheme signal detected without multiple radio transceiver at Mobile Station instead two antennas are used one at front end and other at back end which connects with new and old access point respectively. Information about train is sent inSpace Time Block Code through which interference is cancelled. With Multiple Input Multiple Output Maximum Ratio Combining Signal to Noise Ratio is increased.The channel is estimated using Mean Square Error and Bit Error Rate and distance between two APs are calculated.The information about train is encrypted to protect from hackers using Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm.The result shows that using MIMO can significantly reduce handoff latency for CBTC services Read More...
Electronics and Communication engineering |
India |
1444-1447 |
354 |
Secret Image Concealing using Histogram Shifting of Reversible Watermarking
-Ranjidha.R ; Gnanaprakash.V
This paper investigates the histogram shifting of reversible watermarking. The image is locally predicted using histogram shifting of watermarking . For the particular cases the local prediction-based reversible watermarking clearly outperforms the state-of-the-art scheme. Thus the image is concealed securely using histogram shifting of watermarking. Read More...
Electronics and Communication engineering |
India |
1448-1450 |
355 |
Color Transformations Based Computer-ART Mosaic Image
-Darshan H R ; Divyashree Y V
A mosaic image generation and transmission technique is proposed, which transforms automatically a given secret image into target image - called secret – fragment - visible mosaic image of the same size. The mosaic image, which looks similar to an arbitrarily selected target image and may be used as a secret image, is yielded by dividing the secret image into fragments and transforming their colour characteristics to be those of the corresponding blocks of the target image. Skilful techniques are designed to conduct the colour transformation process so that the secret image may be recovered nearly lossless. A scheme of handling the overflows/underflows in the converted pixels’ colour values by recording the colour differences in the untransformed colour space is also proposed. The information required for recovering the secret image is embedded into the created mosaic image by a lossless data hiding scheme using a key. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
1451-1454 |
356 |
Analyzing the Effect of Fabric Reinforcement on Some of the Properties of Rubber Diaphragm
-Madhani Khushbu. H ; Prof. Ashwin Thakkar
This study involves the result of an effect of use of elastomeric fabric on rubber coated diaphragm. In such cases when rubber is composite with some fabric material it will have revised and improved property. In this paper it is been studied how Spandex® (elastomeric fabric) improves quality of rubberized diaphragm. The experiment investigates comparison with other fabric reinforced diaphragm. Fabric reinforced diaphragm made up of polyester, nylon, Kevlar and cotton which are used in market. Spandex has higher elongation property with high strength than other fabric. For making reinforced diaphragm fabric has been placed between two rubber sheets. Spandex is favorable knitted fabric. Molding is been carried out on Rfl treated fabric for nitrile rubber. Testing is than carried out to analyze diaphragm property with parameter. Read More...
Textile Engineering |
India |
1455-1456 |
357 |
Process Optimization and Estimation of Oxygen Assisted Wire Electrical Discharge Machining Performance Using Artificial Neural Network
-Rana Mihir S. ; Dharmin M. Pavagadhi; Prof. B. C. Khatri; Prof.J. B. Valaki; Vijay A. Bhagora
Oxygen assisted WEDM is a thermo- electrical process in which material is removed by a series of sparks between work piece and wire electrode (tool) of material AISI202. The part and wire are immersed in a dielectric (electrically non-conducting) fluid, usually oxygen which also acts as a coolant and flushes the debris away. The material which is to be cut must be electrically conductive. By observing present research based on literature it is identify the gap among them and finely decided that optimization of process parameter of OXYGEN ASSISTED wirecut EDM OF AISI202 using artificial neural network. Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM) is used where parts are accurately machined with varying hardness or complex shapes, which have sharp edges that are difficulties observed in conventional machining process. This study outlines the development of model and its application to optimize WEDM machining parameters using the Taguchi’s technique which is based on the robust design. Experimentation was performed as per Taguchi’s L’16 orthogonal array. Each experiment has been performed under different cutting conditions of pressure, pulse-on, pulse-off and peak current,. Among different process parameters voltage and flush rate were kept constant. Molybdenum wire having diameter of 0.18 mm was used as an electrode. Three responses namely material removal rate, surface roughness have been considered for each experiment. Based on this analysis, process parameters are optimized. ANOVA is performed to determine the relative magnitude of the each factor on the objectivefunction. Estimation and comparison of responses was done using artificial neural network. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1457-1463 |
358 |
Design and Dynamic Analysis of Existing Container Lifting Device used for Solid Waste Management
-Himanshu D. Raiyani ; Prof. U. V. Shah; Vijay Mistry; Prof. G. H. Upadhyay; Kaushik A. Devmurari
For transport of solid waste the concerned authority need to decide the type of vehicles to be procured and the system of transportation to be adopted. In all mega cities and municipal corporations’ HCV chassis are used for loading and unloading the containers having size more than 5.5 cubic meters. But for all towns and Nagarpalikas these may not be preferred due to space limitations and narrow size roads. So here tractor driven lifting device may be used which will lift up to 4.5 cubic meter containers. The objective of this dissertation is to design various component of CLD model like hydraulic cylinder, leaf spring, hoisting chain, mechanical jack, cross-rod etc. it’s necessary to find out the performance of device in dynamic software environment like ansys workbench and based on obtained result find out whether design is safe or not. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
1464-1468 |
359 |
Review of Heuristic Based Techniques for Path Planning of UAV
-Nilanchal Paswan ; S Aditya Gautam; Rashmi Shrivas
Path planning for UAV comprises of two components. One component deals with finding out the actual position of UAV in a real world environment. The second component deals with discovering a shortest collision free path from starting point towards the goal point. This paper investigates different heuristic based approaches for effective UAV path planning and also discusses about their strengths and weaknesses. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
1469-1472 |
360 |
Drought Analysis by Various Indices
-Patel Ritu B. ; V. M. Patel
Drought is a feature of climate that is defined as a period of below-average rainfall sufficiently long and intense to result in serious environmental and socioeconomic stresses, such as crop failures and water shortages, in the affected area. A drought index is a prime variable for assessing the effect of a drought and defining different drought parameters, which include intensity, duration, severity and spatial extent. It should be noted that a drought variable should be able to quantify the drought for different time scales for which a long time series is essential. The most commonly used time scale for drought analysis is a year, followed by a month. Read More...
civil engineering |
India |
1473-1476 |
361 |
Damping of Low Frequency Oscillation in Single Machine Infinite Bus System (Heffron – Philips Model) using Power System Stabilizer (PSS)
-Mitulkumar A.Vekaria ; Sanjay Prajapati; Rishikesh Agrawal; Dharmesh K.Patel; Querie Sakhiya
The low frequency oscillation (LFO) are related to the small signal stability of a power system. The main objective of this paper to achieve damping to low frequency electromechanical oscillation of synchronous generator rotor for stability of system and improve small signal stability. Modern power systems are widely interconnected, highly non-linear and constantly experience changes in generation, transmission and different load conditions. Due to that power system almost all major transmission network in the world are operated nearly close to their stability limit. One of the major factor in power system operation is related to small signal instability caused by insufficient synchronizing and damping torque in the system. It leads generators to pull out from synchronism and sometimes it is also reason for blackout. Small signal stability of synchronous machine under small disturbances is assessed and enhanced for Single Machine connected to an Infinite Bus (Heffron – Philips model). For the given operating conditions, comparative analysis is done with incorporation of power system stabilizer (PSS), PID – PSS for small signal stability enhancement of SMIB system. The system is simulated by using MATLAB / SIMULINK. Comparison is done for specific parameters i.e. Rotor speed deviation and Rotor angle deviation by using two different controller. Read More...
Electrical enginnering |
India |
1477-1480 |
362 |
Modern Development Environment for Implementing Ladder Logic of Micro-PLC on FPGA
-Ketan D. Vaishnav ; Ketan D. Vaishnav; Manish J. Pavar
Inside the PLC base on microprocessor which is executing ladder diagram sequential. But the performance of PLC is limited by the length of program and operation speed of the microprocessor. PLC doesn’t executing parallel rung of ladder diagram concurrently. Ladder Diagram is a form of graphical language type PLC programming that represents the schematics of electrical relay circuit diagram. A new technology such as Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for industrial process control applications. To enhance the performance of traditional PLC, an approach to design and develop a new micro-PLC based on FPGA. FPGA has provided optimal performance, parallel execution mechanism and hardware structure. Therefore, to convert ladder diagram into VHDL program for increase the performance of PLC. Therefore, implement GUI (Graphical User Interface) tool base on Visual Studio 2010 platform, for ladder diagram entry and then automatic convert ladder diagram to VHDL code. Synthesis and simulate generated VHDL code for micro-PLC base on FPGA. The conversion process of ladder diagram to VHDL is verify and demonstrates by simple example. Read More...
Electronic & Communication Engineering |
India |
1481-1484 |
363 |
Resource Selection & Integration of Data on Deep Web
-Sumit Patel ; Prof. Vinod Azad
Most web structures are huge, intricate and users often miss the purpose of their inquest, or get uncertain results when they try to navigate through them. Internet is enormous compilation of multivariate data. Several problems prevent effective and efficient knowledge discovery for required better knowledge management techniques it is important to retrieve accurate and complete data. The hidden web, also known as the invisible web or deep web, has given rise to a novel issue of web mining research. a huge amount documents in the hidden web, as well as pages hidden behind search forms, specialized databases, and dynamically generated web pages, are not accessible by universal web mining application. in this research we proposed a approach is designed that has a robust ability to access these hidden web techniques for better invisible web resources selection and integration system. In this research we using SC technique for invisible web resources selection and integration and its construction for real-world domains based on database schemas clustering, web searching interfaces and improve traditional methods for information retrieve. Applications of our proposed system include invisible web query interface mapping and intelligent user query intension recognition based on our domain knowledge-base. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
1485-1490 |
364 |
Relational Database Watermarking Clustering Based Data Mining Using K-Means Approach
-Rital S. Patel ; Jignesh Vania
Database watermark is some kind of information that is embedded into underlying data for tamper detection, maintaining integrity, ownership proof, traitor tracing. It provides copyright protection of relational data and maintaining integrity of the database information. This research we introduced a cluster-based database watermarking technique which first applies cluster theory to the database watermarking technology. The cluster theory is used to cluster the source data and the clustering results determine the quantity of embedded watermark information and embedded position. For embedding watermark odd-even modifying method is apply. This method denoted the watermarking information to decline the modification of original database. This method discards the traditional method to partition subsets. This technique improve the performance on invisibility, gives minimum distortion rate and able to defend all type of subset attacks. Read More...
computer engineering |
India |
1491-1495 |
365 |
Feasibility Study of Use of Water as a Fuel for Cooking Purpose
-Chintan Shroff
Hydrogen is the future scope of Energy as the prices of fossil fuels is increases day by day. The main source of hydrogen is water. Hydrogen production will be done by alkaline water electrolyser using direct electricity. An acrylic box of 160 mm × 120 mm × 120 mm is used as reactor body. A set of 5 SS electrodes on anode as well as cathode size of 85 mm × 100 mm × 2 mm are connected to power supply and joined to a SS plate by welding it with the other plates. Two Plastic casings of size of 65 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm are used to capture the processed gases generated from anode and cathode. The solution of 27.5% by weight of KOH solution which works as an electrolyte is fed with water from the bottom of the reactor. The generated hydrogen is then fed to the stove by maintaining proper pressure and flow. The oxygen is left to the surrounding. From this process ≥99.8% pure hydrogen is generated. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
1496-1498 |
366 |
A Survey on Approach for Service Selection
-Yatin R Belani ; Siddharth S. Patel
Now a days there are lots of approaches for service selection but there are lots of methods are available mainly there are two approaches SOAP and Restful web service selection by which we can select the service. Here the survey is available by which the service selection process is executing in a different ways. SOA architecture is there for selection of the services. Now a days Restful architecture is used for the service selection. After that there is also ontology is available for selection of services. Use of LOD is for easier for selection in web services. Read More...
India |
1499-1501 |
367 |
Experimental Investigation on Reduction in Exhaust Emissions of CI Engine by Combine treatment of EGR, Catalytic Converter and Air-Dilution System using Blends of Fuels
-Zala Vijaysinh D. ; Nirav B. Patel
Today world faces two major crises, depletion offossil fuel and environmental degradation. So for solve both problems, renewable alternative fuel should be necessary with minimum impact on environment. There are many alternative fuels in the world likes biodiesel, alcohols, pyrolysis oil, CNG, LPG etc. But among all of them biodiesel is a most one. In this content, Biodiesel was used as an alternative fuel. But with the use of biodiesel increasing in NOx emission so to comply with upcoming stringent emissions pre and post treatment are necessary to reduce emissions. In these experiment blends of biodiesel are used such as B0, B5, B10, B15, B20, B25 and B30. In these experimental performance parameters such as brake thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption was measured and emission parameters like CO, HC, CO2, NOx, smoke and odour are measured. With used of EGR NOx is reduced but HC, CO and smoke are increased so to reduced exhaust emission, three combined systems were used such as Air Dilution system for smoke and odour, EGR for NOx and Catalytic Converter for HC and CO emissions. It has been noticed that emissions such as CO, HC, smokes, odour and NOx significantly decreased by use of three combined system such as air dilution system, EGR and catalytic converter. Highest brake thermal efficiency observed with B30 blend and lowest NOx emissions observed for B20. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1502-1506 |
368 |
Experimental Investigation of Automotive Exhaust System using Liquid Jet Cooling Device
-Mahesh S. Vasava ; Prof. P. V. Jotaniya
Liquid jet cooling device is designed for automotive exhaust system cooling. It is a simply a heat exchanger designed for automotive exhaust system. This device can be fitted with exhaust pipe near manifold to control the temperature of exhaust system. Liquid jet cooling device has cylindrical housing to hold a quantity of cooling water and a nozzle at entrance to create liquid jet and bubble generators to produce small bubbles. Experimental investigation of liquid jet cooling device is carried out to study the axial distribution of temperature in cooling device as well as automotive exhaust pipe and effect of gas holdup on temperature distribution has been investigated. It has been reported from experimental research that using liquid jet cooling device higher heat transfer between exhaust pipe and cooling water is obtained. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1507-1509 |
369 |
Elevator Control System (Microcontroller Based)
-Amar Arun Jambukar ; Pratik Sharad Shinde; Mrs.V. P. Kuralkar
This paper discussed the automated elevator control system using Arduino mega 2560. Many industries, commercial complex and apartment require elevator system to lift heavy mass or people. Hence the elevator system must be effective, reliable and less costly. It must have some advance feature for user-friendly application. The elevator system developed done all work as the presently the elevators are doing. But in addition it has good display system showing the occupancy in the trolley, time required to arrive to floor, present status of trolley, energy saving in light and fan when empty, locate itself to most served floor. Read More...
electrical engineering |
India |
1510-1515 |
370 |
Lifetime Maximization Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Adhoc Wireless Networks
-Sammeda Jain T J ; Meghashree A C; Swasthika Jain T J
Ad hoc networks are wireless mobile networks that can operate without infrastructure and without centralized network management. Traditional techniques of routing are not well adapted. Indeed, their lack of reactivity with respect to the variability of network changes makes them difficult to use. Moreover, conserving energy is a critical concern in the design of routing protocols for ad hoc networks because most mobile nodes operate with limited battery capacity, and the energy depletion of a node affects not only the node itself but also the overall network lifetime. We propose an energy-efficient routing protocol, called improved ad hoc on-demand routing with lifetime maximization (IAODV-LM), which uses the RSSI based routing method to increase the network lifetime. Path selection mechanism uses receiver signal strength. This protocol improves the performance of ad hoc networks by prolonging the lifetime of the network. The protocol performance has been evaluated in terms of Throughput, Packet delivery ratio, and end-to-end delay. Read More...
communication engineering |
India |
1516-1518 |
371 |
A Review-Optimization of Machining Parameters in Turning Operation by Employing Taguchi Method
-Sunil ; Jagdip Chauhan
This paper deals with literature review on optimization of independent process parameters like cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, tool nose radius, cutting environment, tool tip temperature, etc. which affect desired response parameters or characteristics like cutting forces, material removal rate, surface roughness, power consumption . Different optimizing tools or techniques like Taguchi’s design approach, Taguchi grey relational analysis, Analysis of variance (ANOVA) are reviewed to investigate their effectiveness in optimization and finding significant factors in turning operation. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
1519-1523 |
372 |
A Survey on Various Facial Expression Recognition Techniques
-Parth Patel ; Prof. Khushali Raval
Over the last two decades, Facial Expression Recognition is an important field in Computer vision & Artificial Intelligent. Facial Expression plays an important role in Human communication, so it is mostly used in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) interface. Recognizing Human Facial Expression is challenging task because of the variation in illumination, pose and occlusion .In this paper we have surveyed various feature extraction method and different classifier for facial expression recognition. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
1524-1527 |
373 |
Auto Caption: Analogy of Keywords with Images
-Amol S. Kolekar ; Prof. J.Y Kapadnis; Sandeep Singh
The paper deals with words and images to form Appropriate caption .The purpose of this paper is to help journalism. As we know now days media is playing a great role in spreading awareness to people. They have extreme amount of data as well as images but to generate attractive caption below the image. They require a professional who must have good knowledge of grammar and analyze the paragraph. Analyzing the paragraph and correlating the meaning of each other words simultaneously with in build grammar provided would make the system easy to generate meaningful caption. It will take lot of time to build up good caption. The system will generate most important keywords which are associated with the image in association with the image. To minimize the human effort and save his time we are building a tool which will optimize the performance and build a meaningful caption related to picture provided. It can use in many terms such as summarize the paragraph into sentence which would be easily understood and in short. Read More...
Computer Enggineer |
India |
1528-1530 |
374 |
Facial Expression Recognition using DWT-PCA with SVM Classifier
-Parth Patel ; Prof. Khushali Raval
Over the last two decades, Facial Expression Recognition is an important field in Computer vision & Artificial Intelligent. Facial Expression plays an important role in Human communication, so it is mostly used in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) interface. Recognizing Human Facial Expression is challenging task because of the variation in illumination, pose and occlusion. In this study,we introduce a hybrid face recognition technique, consisting of two main parts namely feature extraction and classification. In the first part, as feature extracting techniques, we benefit from Eigenfaces method which is based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Discrete Wavelet transform (DWT). In the second part, after generating feature vectors, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are utilized. We examined the classification accuracy according to three different SVM kernel types. For the test set, we focused on Jaffe database including 213 images of 10 different females. At the end of the overall recognition task, we have obtained the classification accuracy 96.67% with Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
1531-1536 |
375 |
A Cross-Platform Based Application for Mobile Devices on Financial Transaction Management System
-Sudatta Banerjee ; Prof. Sweta Kankumbkar
Mobile applications today cater to different clients and various domains including but not limited to e-commerce, service based, job portals, online ticket booking etc. With the increasing demand and expanding customer base, mobile application development has become a norm of IT based companies and businesses. The technology has developed immensely in the past few years. This application allows user to view all the contact list of their phone inside the application. The contact list can be modified from the application itself and the changes will reflect in the phonebook. The user can create groups of contacts. The user can provide a unique name for each group and each group may contain two or more members. The group list is visible to the user. In each group events can be created. All the details pertaining to the event, like the time, venue, date etc. can be entered and will be saved in the database. This application will keep a track of the financial transaction that are performed during the event. All the data, transactions and events are listed in a remote database, which can be accessed by the members of the group and the admin. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1537-1538 |
376 |
Non Isolated Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost Converter via Matlab/Simulink in Open and Closed Loop Environment
-Ankit A. Patel ; Prof. Sumit Rathor
The design of power electronic converter circuit with the use of closed loop system require a modeling and then the simulating the converter using the modeled equations. This can simply done with the help of state equations and MATLAB/SIMULINK as a tool for simulation of those state equations. An attempt has been made in this paper to simulate all basic non-isolated power converters like buck, boost and buck-boost converter. So that these models can be readily used for any close loop design (say using pi, fuzzy, or sliding mode control etc.). Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost converter provides constant output which will control by PWM controller and feedback control system. Feedback control system has compensation network with different types and parameters. Based on parameters and controlling method, we have to decide stability analysis using Bode Plot. This analysis is done with the help of using MATLAB software. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1539-1541 |
377 |
To Optimize Time, Cost And Human Resource in the Delivery to the E-Commerce Sector of Bluedart-DHL
-Lorenze D’Souza ; Mirza Sarkar; Hemanth Pranav; Mustafa Attarwala
This document is for understanding the standard operating procedure followed in delivery of goods in Blue-dart DHL specifically related to the E-commerce section. It also shows the problems faced currently and proposed solution given by us for each of them Read More...
Industrial Engineering and Management |
India |
1542-1545 |
378 |
Parking Study of Congested Area in Vadodara City
-Nidhi Mehta ; Bhavika Shah; Jayesh Juremalani
With the increase of the number of automobiles, the city parking demand occurred a rapid growth, and the city . This study focused on managing parking demand by collection of parking data, such as parking demand, parking accumulation, rate of turnover, and utilization levels to check the feasibility of paid parking service for the t as well as it response on the mode shift of the two wheeler parkers. In the context of above, Feasibility of pay and park facility on Three busy streets “M.G. Roadâ€, “Gendigate Roadâ€, “Chapanergate Road†have been studied in this research work. The detailed license plate surveying method and fixed period sampling method are used for data collection. This study also includes the personal interview of the people using the on-street parking at these three busy streets. The study revealed that, on-street Parking Demand is very high in the study area particularly on M.G. Road for most part of the day, but Parking Turnover is very poor, which reflects the over occupancy of prime urban space for longer duration. This needs to be addressed for the traffic management as all the three streets are having high commercial potential and high traffic flow. Study also presents information on how travelers will respond to the introduction of parking pricing, and the structure of parking fees. Read More...
India |
1546-1548 |
379 |
Recognizing Hand Gestures and Displaying Its Corresponding Text/Meaning and Converting to Audio
-Omkar Daund ; Kaivalya Hartalkar; Harshal Bargaje; Sharad Jori
Normal human Beings can communicate with each other with the help of various different languages, however, the people who can’t speak have different sign languages to communicate with others. But a major setback of sign language is that only people those who know sign language can communicate with them. They are not able to communicate with others. In our paper we propose a system which will be able to convert the sign language into words or sentences. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1549-1553 |
380 |
A Novel Approach for Automatic Detection and Recognition of Text from Tamil Signages
-S.Ilayaraja ; S.Sivasankaran
The objective of this paper is to design an efficient system for automatic detection and recognition of text from signages. It is especially designed for the people those are illiterate in Tamil speaking countries. This work mainly deals with major step of detection of text in signage’s from the input image using fast hybrid grayscale reconstruction. The second step deals with a technique for extracting features from the input image in order to get the rectangular board having text using toggle mapping morphological segmentation. The third step involves segmentation process that deals with segmenting the individual characters using row and column wise segments. And then our work moves with the Hidden markov model which plays an important role of extract information about the text. The viterbi algorithm is used for recognition because it yields a better result. By which our proposed method is expected to provide higher recognition accuracy than the conventional method. Read More...
computer application |
India |
1554-1556 |
381 |
Improvement in Analysis of Quinolene Insoluble Results (QI) In Coal Tar Pitch
-Surendra Choudhary ; Maninee Manasmita Nayak
A method for fast and reliable analysis of Quinolene Insoluble in Coal Tar Pitch is proposed. The conventional cleaning of G4 crystal is added with the treatment with 1:1 by volume of HCL solution. This solution provides faster cleaning, reliable results of analysis, reduce re-analysis and increases the life of G4 crucibles. It also makes results more reliable with better repeatability and reproducibility. Report on analysis of QI in Vedanta Aluminium. Read More...
Chemical Engineering |
India |
1557-1558 |
382 |
Medicinal Image Usion Using Stationary Wavelet Transform and Fuzzy Logic
-R.Divya ; K.Palraj
The fusion of images is the process of merging two or more images into a single image preserving significant features from each. Fusion is an important techniques within many different fields such as remote sensing, robotics and medical application. The information extraction process of image, A cost spends on such processing like time and assets is high, mostly for large and complex amount of information. The proposed fusion techniques are based on two process for Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT) and Fuzzy logic. Stationary Wavelet Transform provide higher level of decomposition for fused image . SWT based image fusion algorithm produce better quality of fused images. Image local features are extracted and combined with fuzzy logic to compute weights for each pixel. Fuzzy logic allows the problems to be solved in linguistic terms at the cost of execution time and number of possible results. Read More...
Computerscience Engineering |
India |
1559-1563 |
383 |
Immunization against Energy Draining Attack in Wireless Adhoc Network
-Bhoomi J. Patel ; Dattukumar Patel; Indr jeet Rajput
In wireless ad-hoc network, each of the nodes has a wireless interface and communicates with each other via either infrared or radio. Laptop computers and personal digital assistants can communicate directly with each other. MANET is one Example. MANET is the new research technology which enables users to communicate without any physical infrastructure and also regardless of their geographical location. Some weaknesses in MANET are limited bandwidth, computational power, battery power and security.Due to nodes in ad hoc networks have very limited energy resources as they are battery powered and it is impossible to replace the battery or recharge it, we have to take care about the energy management. For this purpose we suggest one method that immunize against energy draining attack. In Energy draining attack, one of the node in the network work as victim or compromised node and can create some malicious effect such as loop creation, path stretch or unnecessary packet send. So due to this attack energy of the node is wasted. To reduce this effect we propose a method which uses AOMDV protocol for routing in MANET. This method identify this victim node and stop them to work for some time, so effect of energy draining attack will be reduced. AOMDV is the Extension of AODV which has some advantages compare to AODV such as 25% reductions in routing load and provide multiple loop free and link disjoint paths. Read More...
Computer science and Enginerring |
India |
1564-1568 |
384 |
Power Management of Wind-Diesel Hybrid System
-Chauhan Bharat K. ; Prof. S.N Shivani; Prof. R.A Vyas
Modeling of a wind diesel hybrid system (WDHS) is done to perform under varying wind and load conditions on MATLAB Simulink platform. The hybrid system is design in such a way that under low wind conditions, a diesel generator feeds required power to the load. A load flow controller is designed for WDIS to control the load flow depending on the load condition. The power controller reduces the fuel consumption and running costs of generating of hybrid system. The frequency of the system is also monitored. The models of the generation units, the power system and frequency-power control are developed and simulation studies have been performed under various conditions using Mat lab/Simulink. It has been demonstrated that this system can provide reliable and good quality power to the customers in WDIS systems. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1569-1571 |
385 |
Transform LAEEBA Routing In WBAN
-Firoz M Suthar ; Asst.Prof Dhaval Patel
This paper transforms the LAEEBA protocol to raise the performance of the protocol. Modern health care system is one of the most popular WBAN applications and a hot area of research in subject to present work. Seven sensors Nodes are arranged on a human body having equal power and computation capabilities. Sink node is placed at waist .Different nodes are used to measure various activities like Viscometric sensor for continuous glucose monitoring etc. In the LAEEBA protocol all the nodes are active at every time, but the total usage period of few nodes is very less depending upon the disease covered. This improve the wastage of the energy so in this my proposed work I will try to sleep active node which not in use. The sink node will remain active all the time and other node in sleep state for some periodic time interval .sink all time broadcast message using TDMA and collect all reading from other nodes. The simulation results show that the proposed technique is better than the existing technique. The comparison is done by using the Energy ratio, PDR, E2E Delay and throughput. The delay gets decreased and the throughput gets increased. The PDR in the proposed algorithm is greater than the existing Algorithm so the proposed algorithm is better than the Existing algorithm. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1572-1576 |
386 |
Experimental Study of Viscoelastic Damper Model
-Vineet Kothari ; C.S.Sanghvi
During an earthquake a large amount of energy is imparted into the structure. To reduce the response of structure undergoing vibrations it becomes important for the structure to absorb or dissipate the energy. Basically there are two methods to improve seismic protection of structures primarily traditional methods increasing stiffness of structures (i.e. shear wall, bracings, and MR frames dual system) and secondary modern methods (i.e passive control systems, active control systems, semi active control systems and hybrid control system). Our focus is on passive control systems (Viscoelastic Damper). In passive energy dissipation systems the motion of structure is controlled by adding devices which modifies stiffness, damping or both. The present paper presents the comparison of the behavior of viscoelastic damper model with bare frame model. Inherent Damping, stiffness, acceleration, velocity and storey displacement are calculated and compared with bare frame model. Results and conclusions are prepared on the basis of study. Read More...
India |
1577-1580 |
387 |
Scrap Reduction in Piston Machining Shop
-Gautham T.C ; Akshay Kumar K.P; Anurag S.Wallepure; Mashahed Abdul Hameed; Rajesh S.M
Water is the foundation of life. And even today, all around the world, far too many people spend their entire day searching for it. A person can survive without food for almost 50 days but only one week without water. 85% of the world population lives in the driest half of the planet. Clean, safe drinking water is scarce. Today, nearly 1 billion people in the developing world don't have access to it.The drinking water generator will comprise of the following parts. A double door refrigerator, a liquid pump, coolant, pipes, a filter, taps. The refrigerator will be used to cool the coolant which will flow through pipes and condense the water from air around it. This condensed water will then be filtered for to purify it and make it drinkable. The whole idea of creating this generator is to provide drinking water to households in remote areas where a pipeline system may not be feasible at the moment, besides the fact that electricity can be produced almost anywhere without the need of transmission from one place to another far away. The energy consumption will be as low as the normal running of a refrigerator.The aim of this project is to design and develop a water generator which can economically generate water which is potable especially in humid regions. Read More...
Industrial Engineering and Management |
India |
1581-1584 |
388 |
Fulling On-Time Demand By Reducing Rejection
-Manikanta.G.S ; Raksha Rao.G; Jojin Kamal; Nikitha.T.J; Rajesh.S.M
Most of the medium scale production industries are not able to meet the acceptance level which in turn, not able to meet the demand and customer satisfaction The aim of this project is to identify the possible causes for rejection and reduce it with help of the work study and QC tools. Read More...
Industrial Engineering and Management |
India |
1585-1587 |
389 |
A Novel Microcontroller Based Flyback Topology Electronic Ballast in Lighting Applications
-Sushma S ; Gopinath A
This paper presents flyback based electronic ballast for lighting application with microcontroller open source platform. The proposed electronic ballast regulates current to LEDs and provide required voltage to start up the LEDs. PWM signals is used for dimming the LEDs. Dimming the lights can save energy by using dimmers, and maintenance cost also reduced. Lights which is controlled by switch having only two stages-on and off. By using dimmers, we can control the quantity of light and their fixtures provide to definite tasks, situations and moods. This electrical ballast consists of flyback converter, which is place between the input diode bridge rectifier and the output step down converter to provide required supply to lighting (LED’s). microcontroller platform is the main core of the project. The pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal is generated by microcontroller ,which is used for drive the LED’s. Read More...
India |
1588-1591 |
390 |
Optimal Location of Phasor Measurement Unit for Complete Power System Observability using Simulated Annealing
-Heer Ruparel ; Jyoti Iyer
This paper presents heuristic method to find optimal location of PMU to make power system observable. This Optimal PMU Placement (OPP) is optimization problem which has been solved using SA (simulated annealing).This method has been coded in the MATLAB and applied to different IEEE test systems up to 118 buses. Moreover OPP is offline optimization problem.The number of PMUs required is almost one third of system buses however their numbers actually depends on the topology of the Network. Read More...
India |
1592-1594 |
391 |
Content Based Image Retrieval using Color, Shape and Texture
-Bhumika Gohel ; Dwipal Parmar
in today’s growing world every single person is with at least one single digital device. Due to the use of digital device the image world is as well growing. Images are very important part of every single human being, it makes human’s daily life easy, it helps person to understand any theory, it makes communication easy. So it is necessary to store the images. But the storage capacities of images are growing day by day. We need a system that store large capacity of images and even retrieve images efficiently. There already exist image retrieval systems that retrieve and store images using keyword It is impossible process for large image database. For large image database there is a basic need of image retrieving system. This problem is solved by Content Based Image retrieval (CBIR) System, it is the system that store and retrieve images based on image content (shape, color, texture). In this paper we have used Fourier descriptor method for shape, HSV histogram for color feature and Gray Level Co-occurrence matrix for texture feature to retrieve the images from the image dataset. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1595-1598 |
392 |
Enhancement of Lifetime using Two-Level Fuzzy Based Clustering in WSN
-Shruthi K S ; Meghashree A C
Wireless Sensor Networks have gained fabulous attention in recent years because of growth of sensor device as well as wireless communication technologies. WSNs are typically deployed in remote environment and the nodes are deployed with non-rechargeable batteries, so that the network lifetime is of crucial important. Due to resource limitations in wireless sensor Networks, prolonging the network lifetime has been of a great interest. An energy efficient routing technique is known as hierarchical routing based on fuzzy based clustering, in which finding the optimum cluster heads. In this paper, a two-level fuzzy logic is used to evaluate the qualification of sensors to become a cluster head. In the first level (Local Level), the qualified nodes are selected based on their energy and number of neighbors of them. Then, in the second level (Global Level), nodes overall cooperation is considered in the whole network with three fuzzy parameters. These parameters are centrality, proximity to base station and distance between cluster heads. Simulation results show that the proposed approach consumes less energy and prolongs the network life time, residual energy, energy variance compared with leach algorithm. Read More...
Electronics and communication |
India |
1599-1604 |
393 |
Real Time Temperature Control of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
-Joshi Himali M ; Haresh A. Suthar
The various process parameters in industries are required to be monitored & controlled like temperature, flow, pressure and level. Main focus here is to control & monitoring temperature as it is widely used parameter. Heat exchanger is the simplest unit for transfer of thermal energy. The main purpose of a heat exchanger system is to transfer heat from a hot fluid to a cooler fluid, so temperature control of outlet fluid is of prime importance. The main aim of the proposed PID controllers is to control the temperature of the outgoing fluid (water) to a desired level in the minimum possible time irrespective of disturbances rejection. Shell and tube heat exchanger is used as test bench to verify performance of PID controller algorithm. PLC S7 300 is used to monitor & Control real time data using a sensor thermocouple. PID control algorithm is implemented in a PLC and performance against set point response and load disturbance is studied. Read More...
Electronics and communication engineering |
India |
1605-1606 |
394 |
A Novel Algorithm for Temporal Infrequent Weighted Itemset Mining using FP Growth
-S. Priyanka ; R. Rajasekaran
The Infrequent Weighted Itemet system focuses on the issue of discovering infrequent itemsets by using weights for differentiating between relevant items and not within each transaction. To reduce the complexity of the mining process in high dimensional databases, the temporal infrequent weighted itemset TIWI Miner adopts an FP-tree node pruning strategy to early discard items (nodes) that could never belong to any itemset satisfying the TIWI-support threshold. The SMA, a split and merge algorithm for infrequent item set mining, which can easily be extended to allow for “fast data†mining in the sense that dynamic data. Other distinguishing qualities of the method are its exceptionally simple processing scheme and data structure, it very easy to implement, convenient to execute on dynamic and external storage. The algorithm integrates a novel strategy named EUCI (Estimated Utility Co-occurrence Identification) to reduce the number of joins operations when mining low-utility item sets using the SM (split and Merge) data structure. Read More...
data mining |
India |
1607-1610 |
395 |
Performance Analysis of Liquid Jet Cooling Device for Automotive Exhaust System Cooling
-Mahesh S. Vasava ; Prof. P. V. Jotaniya
Liquid jet cooling device is designed for automotive exhaust system cooling. It is a simply a heat exchanger designed for automotive exhaust system which is used to control the temperature of automotive exhaust system, as it is necessary to control the temperature of automobile engine and automotive exhaust gases. This device can be fitted with exhaust pipe near manifold to control the temperature of exhaust system. Performance analysis of liquid jet cooling device is carried out for heat transfer rate between cooling water of liquid jet cooling device and the exhaust pipe. The experimental study is carried out for superficial liquid coolant velocity in the range between 0.016 m/s and 0.032 m/s and the speed of engine set for 1500, 2000 and 2200 RPM. It has been investigated from the experimental research that using liquid jet cooling device, higher heat transfer rate between exhaust pipe and cooling water is obtained for increasing the superficial liquid coolant velocity for each run of the engine which controls the exhaust system temperature. Read More...
Mechanical engineering |
India |
1611-1614 |
396 |
Partial Replacement of Bitumen Ingredients by using Waste
-Gaurav Kumar ; Pankaj Tripathi; Parth Purohit; Dilip Solanki; Priyank B Shah
Today construction cost is very high with using routine material like bitumen, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. This study includes use of different waste material as a partial replacement of bitumen or fine aggregate or coarse aggregate. Industries in India produce lots of waste which may be useful in partial replacement of all the raw materials due to their different properties. So hereby we studied as many useful research papers in this field and trying to improve with locally available waste material so it can be proved economical as well. Research in this field and positive results are crucial so as to continue all developments with least damage to surrounding environment and obtaining all infrastructures for services and convenience which are desired to get. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1615-1617 |
397 |
Literature Review on Delineation of Palaeochannel of Kachchh Region
-Naran P. Maruprajapati ; Shilpa N.Chavda
Kachchh region mostly known as water scares area and need ample amount of water for survival and basic need of people. This study contains the literature review on Delineation of Palaeochannel of Kachchh Region. The Delineation of Palaeochannel is carried out by taking Satellite images of that area and interpreting it with Geophysical characteristics of the area. The interpretation of the study is validated and correlated with Geophysical investigation methods like Electric Resistivity methods and well log data of the study area. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1618-1620 |
398 |
Review of Detection of a Defect in Rolling Element Bearing
-Barot Anchal M. ; Prof. Utkarsh A.Patel
Defective bearings are the source of vibrations in machines. Due to constructional features of bearing, they generate vibrations. As the condition of bearings changes during use, the nature of vibrations also changes and it has a definite characteristics depending upon the cause. This characteristic feature of bearing makes them suitable for vibration monitoring. This is a review paper for Defect detection technique in rolling element bearing, it covers rolling element bearing components and its geometry, bearing failure modes, bearing condition monitoring techniques, time domain and frequency domain techniques. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1621-1623 |
399 |
Application of Cryptographic Sciences in E-Voting System
-Amarjeet Singh ; Dr. Ramakanth Kumar P
The requirement of electronic voting system (e-voting system) is felt worldwide since decade. The quantum of work required in traditional way of elections in any country is very huge and cumbersome. It is felt that ITES(Information Technology Enabled Services) and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) can help in a big way to give solutions to this problem as many problems has already been solved successfully by ICT in the past all over the world. As we know that no system is perfect, so is the case for e-voting system also. The security and secrecy of votes casted by the voters is a big issue in e-voting systems. The trust and confidence of the voters in the elctronic method of voting has to be very high. The use of various cryptographic methods can help to make e-voting system secure and safe, so the voters confidence can be gained. The voting system should be such that it is convenient, correct, robust to any kind of fraudulent, consistence, coherencies, secure and transparent. In this paper application of the cryptographic methods is suggested so the e-voting system is made to the expectations of all the stake holders. Read More...
Information Science Engineering |
India |
1624-1628 |
400 |
Design and Implementation of Real-Time Estimation of Human Skin Parameter Measurement System using ARM Controller
-Akshay A. Ghorpade ; Dr. V. A. Wankhede
Furrowed skin and flaccid skin square measure closely associated with each amount and quality of scleroprotein within the derma. In developed countries skin aging play a significant role thus Quantitative mensuration of human skin snap is very important [1]. Skin provides several functions vital to the frame like regulation of blood heat and protection from water loss. The items of skin associated with these functions, primarily physical property, hardness and association of skin area unit directly plagued by written account aging and photo-aging and vary among locations on the body. The ability to quantify these properties is important so the aged status of skin can be characterized for patients and skin healing therapies can be evaluated. Therefore, the intention of this paper is to check the stretching and indentation resistance of skin at numerous rates and size scales. This result provides a deeper sympathetic of the favorable result of moisturizers in treatment of dry skin conditions and challenges the read that moisturizers, like glycerin and carbamide [2], area unit advantageous for skin health by merely increasing the SC association. The ability to quantify these properties is very important therefore the aged standing of skin is characterised for patients and skin healing therapies is evaluated. Therefore, the intention of this project is to develop a tool to live the stretching and indentation resistance of skin at numerous rates and size scales victimization pressure, LDR, temperature, heart beat and humidness sensors and activity by them continuously displayed on computer by victimization RF-WSN technology. Doctor’s victimization this data offer treatment to the patients in correct time. Read More...
Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1629-1632 |