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401 |
Integrating Smartphone into Car Infotainment System
-Kavya M ; Dr. M V Sudhamani
In today’s world smartphone is widely used and it has become an integral part of everyone’s life. Smartphone provides wide range of services and applications which are available for use anytime, anywhere. Consumers wish to access the same set of services inside their cars even while driving, but cars are disconnected from outside world and have their own set of safety concerns in terms of accessibility. Smartphone usage inside the car while driving will cause driver distraction, so there is a necessity for convenient and safe integration of smartphones into car infotainment system. This paper introduces one such smartphone integration solution called as SPI solution, which allows users to use their preferred apps inside the vehicle, with minimal distraction. With this technology consumers can have the same connectivity and experience in and outside the car. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1633-1635 |
402 |
A Review on Spot Welding with Dissimilar Materials
-Raghvendra Singh Kushwaha ; Dr. M.I.Khan
The paper deals with using of welding current as the most necessary parameters in resistance spot welding (RSW) on the surface of welded materials. Many values of welding current were used in this experiments and consequently the results represent that the increase of the welding current tends to increase the size of weld spot, and also raises the sheer force. Whereas the sheer force increased inversely with the time of welding. Read More...
Mechanical engineering |
India |
1636-1638 |
403 |
Computational and Experimental Analysis Study of Aerodynamic Losses of Linear Turbine Cascade using Wind Tunnel
-Jatinkumar H. Patel ; Umang Patdiwala; Ruchir Parikh
This paper is based on the computational as well as experimental analysis of linear turbine cascade to determine various aerodynamic losses. at different tip clearance and different incidence angles. And there are different geometries are taken for the comparison and the computational work is done by using ANSYS CFX 14.5. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering (Thermal) |
India |
1639-1644 |
404 |
Survey of Digital Watermarking and Techniques
-Patel Shreya B. ; Asst.Prof. N.L.Rudani; Dr. D.J Shah
Now a day availability of digital data such as image, sound, video and text has frequently increased. Digital watermarking is one of the methods for preventing illegal copyright of digital media. It provides protection against the data copying and distributing unauthorized user. In this paper, we present the basic of watermarking, classification, applications, and characteristics of video watermarking, attacks on video watermarking, performance parameters and comparison of different watermarking techniques. Read More...
Electronics and Communication |
India |
1645-1648 |
405 |
Optimization of Ultrasonic Wire Electric Discharge Machining Process Parameter for EN-8 Steel using Genetic Algorithm
-Pavagadhi Dharmin M ; Rana Mihir S.; Prof. B.C.Khatri; Prof.J.B.Valaki
In traditionally the efficiency of cutting processes is limited by the mechanical properties of the processed material and the complexity of the work piece geometry, ultrasonic wire electrical discharge machine (UWEDM) being a thermal erosion process, is subject to no such constraints. But, optimum utilization of the capability of the UWEDM process requires the selection of an appropriate set of machining parameters for particular work piece materials with aid of various optimization methods. Read More...
Mechanical |
India |
1649-1654 |
406 |
Detection and Mitigation of Intrusion in Cluster Based Wireless Sensor Networks
-Sivarajan ; Arunbalaji.N
Intrusion Detection plays an important role in the area of security in WSN. Detection of any type of intruder is essential in case of WSN. WSN consumes a lot of energy to detect an intruder. In order to operate WSNs in a secure and energy efficient way, any kind of intrusions should be detected before attackers can harm the network (i.e., sensor nodes). Therefore, an Cluster Based IDS approach for energy efficient intrusion detection in WSN is proposed in this paper. First, a detailed information about WSN and IDS is defined. Secondly, Cluster based IDS is proposed for WSN. Finally, the survey is concluded by highlighting open research issues in the field. Read More...
India |
1655-1658 |
407 |
Optimization of Classification Techniques for Diabetes Diagnosis
-Seeema Varmora ; Rushirajsinh Zala
Diabetes is a common but serious chronic disease. Nearly 8% of Americans who are aged 65 and older(about 10.9 million)suffer from this deadly disease. Self-management of this disease is possible, yet the older population lack knowledge, have denial and often lack motivation to do so. The data mining techniques can be successfully used for the classification of patients suffering from diabetes. The classification can be done to find out categories such as not detected, initial stage, middle stage and advanced stage of diabetes. This study has undertaken only two class based classification of positive (diabetes detected) and negative (diabetes not detected) class. Most of the work related to machine learning in the domain of diabetes diagnosis is concentrated on the study of the Pima Indian Diabetes dataset in the UCI repository. data sets which is available as an open source. In this particular work different approaches have been proposed for the classification of subjects into two classes namely: Diabetic & Non-diabetic. Neural network as classifier and Principle component analysis as dimension reduction technique. Read More...
India |
1659-1661 |
408 |
Advance Business Process Transformer Suit with Graphical Reports: Case Study
-Saptarshi Saha
Many tools and methods can enhance the business process, even auditing standards. Companies have to follow the standards so that branding and business optimization can be done. Application can help to enhance the work environment. Work place process can be enhanced and tracked in a proper manner. Application user can be manage audit plans, implementation and track the effects. Different department can manage their auditing at the same time with the help of the application. Application can easily organize the audit plans, implement the plan and collect evidence and evaluates the result to optimize the business process. As patient requires health check up to manage a healthy life, same way companies require regular checkup to track the problems in the business and rectify it and this should be done on the regular basis. Application is perfect tool to streamline and manage all the auditing process and helps company to grow properly.
The application provides the following:
ï€ Application provides a cloud based central platform to manage all audits
ï€ Can easily manage the steps, planning and implementation of audit plans
ï€ Audit plan can be easily planned, detail form for team, scope, findings and summary is provided by the application
ï€ Mail notification option for assignments and reminders
ï€ Application provides detailed reporting with graphical option.
Master of Computer Applications |
India |
1662-1664 |
409 |
Ethernet Based Real Time Network Control System with Multiple-Client-Server Architecture
-Pratiksinh C. Chauhan
Now a day there has been a rapid growth in internet user and mobile technology. We all know World-Wide Web and its use, mostly web is famous for its browsing and downloading. As it still continues to evolve, it has more underlying technologies other than browsing. Web browsers have become the standard user interface for a variety of application including embedded real time applications. Embedded Ethernet is a microcontroller which is able to communicate with the network currently device. In industry Embedded Ethernet with a microcontroller has been widely used. This work describes how to connect client with server and use server to monitor and control the client. Here server is a microcontroller to which client will be connected and client is also a microcontroller to which different machine will be connected. Connection can be through wire or wireless (Ethernet/Wi-Fi module). This system will be designed to monitor and control devices on/off. This will offers a new approach with an option from a local server, to control devices from a remote terminal, using the Internet. The microcontroller which is used in this project is the Arm7 LPC2148 microcontroller. Read More...
Electronics and Communication |
India |
1665-1668 |
410 |
Sensorless Control of Brushless DC Motor using Zero Cross Back EMF Detection Technique
-Ghanchi Maqbul Usmanbhai ; Dr. Saurabh N. Pandya; Prajapati Akashkumar K.; Shah Priyank K.; Safiullah Faqirzay
Normally, Brushless DC (BLDC) motor use sensors to detect the rotor position. But motor with sensors have some limitations. To overcome these problems, another control technique for sensor less Brushless DC motor suggest in this paper. Modeling and simulation of sensor less control of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC (PMBLDC) motor is carried out using zero-cross detection of back e.m.f. technique. Simulink is utilized with the help of MATLAB to give a very flexible and reliable simulation. Modeling of BLDC motor in state space model to overcome the limitations of transfer function based model. With state space model representation, the motor performance can be analyzed for variation of motor parameters. Results for motor three phase back e.m.f., three phase current, three phase torque and rotor speed get from simulation. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1669-1673 |
411 |
Segmentation of Eyes Cup and Disc for Detection of Glaucoma using Clustering Method
-Priyanka Verma ; Dr Prakash .H.Patil
An Eye disease which is known as glaucoma. In this the optic nerve of eye which having knowledge of colour texture . if it not work it leads to blindness. It is very important to detect Glaucoma disease in time. Cup and disc segmentation should be very finely. Segmentation is based on pixel classification.In which each and every pixel again divided into lot more mini pixel.this pixel containing disc ,cup and vessels everyone is having different intensities or classess. cluster is created and it intelligently divided into different classes . For optic disc and optic cup segmentation adaptive histogram equalization which increases contrast of histogram image and Gabor filter Is a band pass filter which pass the frequency what we desire and remove all noises. after segmentation. Finally Cup to disc ratio is calculated and compared with normal value for detection of disease. Read More...
electronics engineering |
India |
1674-1676 |
412 |
A Review on Vibration Analysis of Composite Materials
-Nirajkumar R. Vasava
The increasing use of composite materials in plate type structural components is subjected to dynamic loadings in their working life. These structural components have to perform in dynamic environment where there is a maximum damage occurs due to resonant vibrations. For the purpose of the safety of the structure maximum amplitude of the vibration must be in limit. In this review paper, discussed about composite materials, its properties and thickness, aspect ratio, orientations of plate, natural frequency and boundary conditions. Carried out the calculation for natural frequency with different boundary condition and analysed it for structural components. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1677-1679 |
413 |
FPGA Implementation of AES Based on MIPS
-Raval Mitesh M. ; Dharmedra B. Patel
Achieving higher security, cryptographic algorithms play an important role in the protection of data from unapproved usage. For the security of data, various solutions algorithms were proposed. Use such an encryption methods such as DES, 3DES and AES etc. The AES also known as the Rijndael algorithm was selected as a Standard by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Encryption algorithms are used to ensure security of transmission channels. In this paper two different architectures i.e. AES and Pipelined AES have been designed in VHDL. The comparison is being done between the Basic AES and Fully Pipelined AES algorithm. It will make it faster and secure compare to software implementation. Read More...
India |
1680-1683 |
414 |
Reliable and Energy Efficient Reactive Routing for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSN)
-Ranjan Venugopal ; Dr. Prabhudeva S
Providing energy efficient and reliable communication under weak channels is one of the major technical challenges in industrial WSNs (IWSNs) with dynamic and harsh environments. In this paper, we presented the reliable and energy efficient reactive routing to increase the flexibility of link dynamics for WSNs/IWSNs. It is designed to boost the existing reactive routing protocols to provide reliable and energy-efficient packet delivery against the unreliable wireless links by utilizing the local path diversity. Specifically, we tend to introduce a biased backoff scheme during the route-discovery phase to find a robust guide path, which can provide more co-operative forwarding opportunities. Along this guide path, data packets are ravenously advanced toward the destination through nodes cooperation without, utilizing the location information. Through extensive simulations, we demonstrate that compared to other protocols reliable reactive routing protocol amazingly improves the packet delivery ratio, while maintaining high energy efficiency and low delivery latency. Read More...
Computer Science and engineering |
India |
1684-1686 |
415 |
Review on Manufacturing Techniques of Fibreglass Reinforced Composites
-Sonalinkumar K. Patel
Combining a high strength fibre with a polymeric matrix produces a composite material with higher stiffness and strength. There are many techniques to produce composite materials, among which few techniques are discussed here based on its process, capabilities and application of composite parts. Among which hand lay-up, vacuum infusion, resin transfer molding and sheet molding compound are widely used. The prepreg is widely used for manufacturing composite parts. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1687-1691 |
416 |
A Web Application of Careers at Healthcare
-Preethi Shetty ; Dharamvir
A career at healthcare is a modern name for an online job board and is aimed at developing a web-based application process system. It is an online job portal in which candidates can register themselves online, apply for jobs. Based on the outcome of the jobs the jobseekers will be short listed. The details of the jobs will be made available through the website. The main goal of this application is to provide a platform for the Jobseeker to search the jobs in the medical field. This application helps applicants to find jobs and aids employers in their quest to locate ideal candidates. This system allows jobseekers to apply for medical jobs and connect with the potential employers. Careers at healthcare application provides all kind of medical jobs like nurse, doctor, lab assistant etc and help to get in that various categories of jobs. This project has three levels of authentication Admin, Jobseeker and the Employers. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1692-1695 |
417 |
Influence of using Stress Feature on Reducing the Stress in Spur Gear
-Pratik Maheshwari ; Aum Thacher
Gears generally fail when the working stress exceeds the maximum permissible stress. Number of studies has been done by various authors to analyze the gear for stresses. Gears have been analyses for different points of contact on the tooth profile and the corresponding points of contact on the pinion. In this study the technology of gears is presented along with the various types of failures that gears have. The causes of these failures are studied and one type of stress related failure due to fatigue failure of a gear tooth due to stress concentration is detailed. This work presents the stress redistribution by introducing the stress relieving features in the stressed zone to the reduction of root fillet stress in spur gear. In this work circular stress relieving features are used and better results are obtained. A finite element model with a segment of three teeth is considered for analysis and stress relieving features of various diameters are introduced on gear teeth. Analysis revealed that circular stress relieving feature at specific locations is beneficial. Read More...
Mechanical Engineer |
India |
1696-1698 |
418 |
Authenticated System for Surplus Messages from Social Network
-Bhushan Kantanavar ; Parimala
One forming a necessary base or core issue in current Online Social Networks (OSNs) is to provide client’s ability to restrict the information added on their respective private space to avoid that content which is not required is displayed. Till now Online Social Network’s hold up designed for this condition. To complete this document, we criticism a system which allows clients to have a manage on the contents posted on the users own private space. This can be achieved through a adjust readily to different conditions rule based system which allows the users to configure the filtering criteria to be applied to users walls, a Machine Learning based soft classification automatically designing the messages in support of content filtering. Index Terms—On-line Social Networks, Information Filtering of content or information used to explain a various of processes includes the delivery of information to user who are in need of it., Short Text Classification, Policy-based-meeting the customer's needs more effectively , making interactions faster and easier. Read More...
India |
1699-1702 |
419 |
Ecommerce Script Manager
-Jesmi V.Joy ; R.Ushasree
ECOMMERCE SCRIPT MANAGER is an automation tool developed by Tech Mahindra for one of its client. It supports BT ecommerce development to make faster and reducing the manual effort on creating, validating, executing and committing database scripts. This utility product targets for developers whoever works for BT ecommerce application development. Developer can select his created database script files after authentication process (This application requires employee id to precede with its functionality). After selecting his/her script file user can proceed to have a validation on the selected files, once its validated it gives user to enter the release and other details (these details requires for the check-in process to happen) Once the check-in and database execution over the application sends an acknowledgement mail to the respective developer. Ecommerce Script Validation development happening on java based technologies like Spring, JSP, and the build component used as Maven. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1703-1706 |
420 |
Design of Embedded Data Acquisition with Online Data Monitoring System
-Sidram V. Aursang ; Dr. S. K. Dixit; Dr. R. R. Dube
In this paper, we present the principles of a low operational-cost but flexible Internet-based data-acquisition system. Existing DAQ systems depend on the procurement and maintenance of a computer, which can be very expensive, therefore a replacement for the computer is desirable. While a device such as a mobile phone has enough processing power to perform DAQ tasks, the Raspberry Pi presents an attractive prospect due to the combination of low cost and many options for connectivity. A novel approach is introduced to build a standalone embedded data acquisition with online monitoring and control using a Linux based platform like Raspberry Pi which would be capable of logging data for a variety of sample signals using sensors and make them available on a web portal for monitoring. Data acquisition system plays an important role in the field of control. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
1707-1708 |
421 |
Review on Bending Solution of Thin Plates
-Hardik M Kapadiya
Thin-Walled structures in the form of thin-plates and shells are important in many branches of technology like mechanical, aeronautical, civil, marine, chemical engineering and also a wide-spread use of thin plate arises due to its intrinsic characteristics. In this review paper various shapes and methods for bending solution of either numerical or analytical are discussed. Read More...
Mechanical engineering |
India |
1709-1712 |
422 |
PMSG with Inverter using Park's Transformation for Transient Fault Analysis
-Abhishek patel ; Dr. Jatin.J.Patel
The Development of power electronic devices change the definition of control strategies of wind generation of the world. As transient stability analysis of VSWT-PMSG is required to meet the new wind grid code. In this paper we focuses on the suitable control strategies are developed for grid side inverter. The proposed control strategy can provide maximum power to grid and can also control the reactive power to maintain terminal voltage of grid is constant. symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults is analyses for network disturbance at two different locations of the transmission line. The proposed system is develop in MATLAB SIMULINK TOOLBOX. Read More...
Renewable Energy |
India |
1713-1717 |
423 |
Area Load Frequency Control using Ziegler Nichols Technique
-Mehul Patel ; Prof.Sumit K. Rathor
In an interconnected power system, if a load in system changes randomly, both frequency and tie line power changes. The increasing load demands make’s a serious impact on power system. The main aim of load frequency control is to minimize the transient variations and also to make sure that steady state error is zero. Many modern control techniques are used to implement a reliable controller. The objective of these control techniques is to produce and deliver power reliably by maintaining both voltage and frequency within permissible range. The study is mainly carried out to focus on the reliability of various control techniques of load frequency control of the proposed system through simulation in the MATLAB- SIMULINK. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1718-1721 |
424 |
Comparison of Confined Burnt Clay Brick Masonry Prism and Fly-Ash Brick Masonry Prism
-Shija Sam ; Chaintanya. S. Sanghvi
The paper comprises the experimental study of compressive behaviour of confined masonry prism to investigate the characteristics of confined masonry structure and comparison of the compressive strength of burnt clay brick masonry prism and fly-ash brick masonry prism. Stress- strain curve and Impact hammer test is used to determine the modulus of elasticity of masonry. Linear regression analysis is carried out to establish relation between modulus of elasticity of masonry and compression strength of masonry prism which can be used in analysis and design procedures. It is observed that confined masonry prism of lesser mortar grade has comparable strength and stiffness than unconfined masonry prism of high strength mortar grade. Data acquisition system used for impact hammer test is a sixteen channel vibration analyser that helps avoid the cumbersome destructive test of masonry prism Read More...
India |
1722-1725 |
425 |
Development of Commodity Carrier Vehicle Trip Generation Model for Residential Area - A Case Study of Gurukul Area of Ahmedabad City
-Parmar Rutwi ; Dr. H.R. Varia
The performance of the transportation is a derived demand, both for passengers and freight transport alike. Goods movement, transportation things other than people, is addressed as a separate element. Goods movement covers all transportation methods by which freight and commodities are transported into and out of place of country. Trucking is an essential part of the goods movement system. Urban freight transport typically has an average share of 10% in the total urban transport. The aim of the paper is to determine origin-destination of goods vehicle. Understand freight transportation activity issue and its influence on regular traffic flow by traffic survey in study area. In this paper trip generation model developed for find total consumption of goods as per demand of various commodity types. Read More...
Civil engineering |
India |
1726-1728 |
426 |
Data Mining based DDoS Attack Detection in MANET using Modified ID3 Algorithm
-Archan Thakkar ; Prof. Avani Parmar
Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes that are capable of communicating with each other without any infrastructure. Mobile Ad Hoc Network suffers from security attacks. Security is a burning issue in MANET. There are many algorithm used to protect whole network. The field of Intrusion Detection has received increasing attention in present years. The Intrusion Detection techniques using data mining have attracted more and more interest. In data mining techniques Decision Tree is an important method of classification. ID3 is one of the popular decision tree algorithm. In basic ID3 Algorithm, attribute with maximum values is chosen for splitting the tree. It is not necessary that an attribute with maximum values will be the best. This paper introduce Modification of ID3 algorithm in which formula of Information Gain is modified. The result shows that proposed algorithm can overcome ID3 Algorithm’s shortcoming. Read More...
computer engineering |
India |
1729-1731 |
427 |
Effect of Condenser Backpressure on Power Plant Heat Rate and Thermal Efficiency
-Rakesh Bhoi ; Kedar Bhojak; Nirvesh Maheta
Thermal power plants are used to generate electricity by using fossil fuels. Optimizing operating condition can considerably improve condensing and vacuum of condenser hence efficiency. Steam exhaust pressure affects the performance of turbine. Variation in condenser backpressure about design can impact the economic operation of a unit with respect to heat rate. The study has been carried out for the load of 210 MW GSECL thermal power plant. Read More...
India |
1732-1733 |
428 |
Prediction of Wind Power using Adaptive-Neuro Fuzzy System
-Beena Yadav ; Pradeep Singh Chauhan
This paper describes short-term prediction for power generation. Wind power presently is the fastest growing power generation sector in the world. However, wind power is intermittent. To be able to trade efï¬ciently, make the best use of transmission line capability, accurate short-term forecasts are essential. The research introduces a novel approach—the application of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system to forecasting a wind time series. Over short-term forecast interval, both wind speed and wind direction are important parameters Read More...
India |
1734-1736 |
429 |
BER Analysis and MAI Cancellation in AWGN and Rayleigh Fading Channels for CDMA System
-Raghu H S ; Lohith B N
The objective of project is a Bit Error Rate (BER) analysis and Multiple Access Interference (MAI) cancellation in AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels for Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) communication systems using Adaptive linear neuron model(ADALINE) and MMSE Equalizer. The BER and SNR are the main performance parameter was chosen for simulation. The test performances are analyzed by simulating a CDMA communication system with QPSK modulation and demodulation. The present technology advancement in cellular mobile communication systems has become more demanding for better quality of service. It requires wide bandwidth for huge quanta of data transfer. CDMA communication system easily meets these requirements of cellular communications. In CDMA communication environment the channel is time varying. This characteristic feature of the channel leads to a phenomenon called Fading. Fading channels induce rapid amplitude fluctuations in the received signal. If they are not compensated for then this will lead to serious performance degradation. The functional performance is tested by carrying out simulations using MATLAB® platform 7.10 version. The simulated results subsequently have shown quite improved and optimized performance. Read More...
Electronics engineering |
India |
1737-1741 |
430 |
E-Kirana Store with Android Application
-Patel Sunilkumar M. ; Prof. Kiran Srivastava
We conducted a survey for a purpose of understanding buying products of the Kirana store customers. We are providing facility to the customer they can purchase kirana product online with home delivery .We can also provide to see the product category wise so that customer can easily find particular product and purchase it . The buying products are very much important for a marketer; it is very useful to create and implement the marketing strategy. Customer can register account for new user and login then customer can add product in the cart and then customer can purchase the product. Buying product is a process by which individual search for select, purchase, use and services, in satisfaction of their needs and wants. We can also provide to bill for the entire purchase product. We want to find out the customer buying behavior of Kirana store. Read More...
India |
1742-1743 |
431 |
Security of Digital Images using Hybrid Steganography Technique with Stastical and Histogram Analysis
-Kirtan Sanghvi ; Viral Sanghvi; Nitin Kanzariya
To protect private information from unauthorized access robust and secured data hiding technique needed. Steganography is a hiding technique in which third party can not get little bit idea about hiding the data(images ,text, audio, video etc..) Good Steganography technique must provide high embedding capacity, security and compressed secret image. In this paper firstly the DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform) of cover image is find. The stego image is constructed by hiding secret image in LSB(Least Significant Bit) of the cover image in random location based on threshold or pseudo random no. Huffman encoding is performed over the secret image before embedding. High security provide since the secret image cannot be extracted without knowledge decoding rules, Huffman table and key matrix. PSNR(Peak Signal To Noise Ratio) value is used to compare the result which existing steganography approaches. We also use Histogram analysis to compare cover image and stego image after embedding secret image. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1744-1747 |
432 |
Study the MRR of Tempered Glass by Using Silicon Carbide Abrasive at Different Parameters of Abrasive Jet Machine
-Parteek ; Vijay Kumar
The abrasive jet machining (AJM) is a non-conventional machining process in which a abrasive particles are made to impinge on the work material at a high velocity. This project deals with the fabrication of the Abrasive Jet Machine and machining on tempered glass, calculating the material removal varying various performance parameters like pressure, angle & abrasive grit size so on. Before performing the experiment fabrication done on AJM which are also discussed.. The different problem faced while machining on tempered glass are also discussed. Taguchi method and ANOVA is used for analysis of metal removal rate. Read More...
Mechanical engineering |
India |
1748-1750 |
433 |
Parameters Optimization for Gas Metal Arc Welding of Mild Steel using Taguchi Method
-Kuldip Singh ; Vijay Kumar
Gas metal arc welding can be defined as a fusion welding process having wide range of applications in the industry. In this process proper selection of input welding parameters are necessary in order to obtain good quality of weld with good tensile strength and increase the productivity of the process. In order to obtain a good quality of weld of high tensile strength, it is necessary to control the input welding parameters. In this research work, experiments were carried out on mild steel plates using gas metal arc welding process. Taguchi method is used to formulate the experimental design. The exhaustive survey suggests that some control factors viz. arc voltage, welding current and Root Gap. A series of experiments based on Taguchi technique has been used to acquire the data. An Orthogonal array, signal to noise (S/N) ratio are employed to investigate the welding characteristics of Mild steel of material & optimize the welding parameters. Finally the conformations tests have been carried out to and experimental and predicted values are compared. Read More...
Mechanical engineering |
India |
1751-1753 |
434 |
Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Unit for Complete Power System Observability using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization
-Heer Ruparel ; Jyoti Iyer
This paper presents a method to find optimal location of PMU to make power system observable using binary particle swarm optimization. This optimization problem modifies particle swarm optimization using binary numbering method combined to make binary particle swarm optimization method. MATLAB code has been developed using this method and applied to different IEEE test systems up to 118 buses. Moreover OPP is offline optimization problem.The number of PMUs required depends upon zero injection bus andthe topology of theNetwork Read More...
India |
1754-1756 |
435 |
Study & Evaluation of Suitable Shielding Gas Mixture for Super Duplex SS Weld Overlay by Gas Metal Arc Welding Process
-Rahul A Chauhan ; Ravi K patel
Development of new chemical products and processes, demand for materials with improved mechanical properties, metallurgical stability and greater corrosion resistance in aggressive environments. In present years number of new highly corrosion resistance alloys containing Nickel, Chromium and Molybdenum have been introduced to combat corrosion in aggressive environment in chemical, Pollution control, marine, oil and gas industries. Duplex and superduplex stainless steels are alternative to austenitic grades due to their higher strength and good corrosion resistance performance. In the present scenario there is a severe competition in the fabrication industry all over the world. As such economic factors as a rule will not permit fabricating components from solid high alloyed material. Hence cladding/weld overlay is widely practiced to reduce material cost. Objective of work was the evaluation of suitable shielding gas mixture for super duplex stainless steel weld overlay by GMAW process. Evaluation will carried out by taking trials with different gas/gas mixtures like Ar, Ar+1%O2, Ar+30%He+1%O2, Ar+15%He+2.5%N2, Ar+1%N2 & studying the effect of same on arc characteristic, weld bead appearance, ferrite measurement, metallography, chemical analysis, PRE number & corrosion resistance properties of weld overlay. Corrosion resistance properties will be studied by the pitting and crevice corrosion test. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1757-1760 |
436 |
Sequence Alignment Algorithm with Progressive Alignment for Multiple Sequence Alignment: A Review
-Ushma R. Udani ; Mahesh Panchal
Bioinformatics is the field to study and process biological data using computer applications. There are biological data like genes, proteins, amino acids etc., which require much processing to get meaningful information from them. There are online repositories where such biological data is available to process. The application of computers extends to use algorithms, statistics and other mathematical techniques to decipher the language of Genes. Sequence Alignment is a way of arranging the sequences of DNA, RNA or Protein to identify regions of similarity that may be a consequence of functional, structural or evolutionary relationships between the sequences. This similarity between sequences is very useful to predict the common ancestor as well as characteristics in organisms. Many methods starting from brute-force to heuristic are found in literature to align multiple sequences. In this review paper, an overview of methods found in literature for sequence alignment are explained and main focus is applied on Heuristic/ Progressive Alignment and available programs for Multiple Sequence Alignment. We conclude that study of literature motivates to develop efficient and improved heuristic approach to deal with Multiple Sequence Alignment. Read More...
Bioinformatics - Computer Science Application, Computer Engineering |
India |
1761-1770 |
437 |
Web Based Skill Set and Analysis Enhancement Tool
-Kankotiya Madhavi G. ; R.Ushasree
Web Based Skill Set and Analysis Enhancement Tool has two modules. One is Symantec PGP Training and second is HP Benchmark. Symantec PGP is developed to machine control the whole learning process. Symantec PGP is providing training to new comers in company. This software is used to train the employees and also takes the assessment to rank them in the selection process. HP Benchmark is tool which evaluates the system performance and stability of system. Developers need an easy-to-use system for collecting and analyzing benchmark results. We introduce HP Benchmark, a tool for producing accurate and informative benchmark results. HP Benchmark Tool is a methodology for producing accurate and informative bench mark results. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1771-1774 |
438 |
Voltage Stability Enhancement using Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)
-Kinjal M. Patel ; Vishal Thakkar
At the recent years, power system becomes a large complex interconnected network that contains of hundreds of buses and generating stations. . In addition, to provide the required power, new installation of power generators and transmission lines are required. Due to the environmental and economic constraints of installation of new generators and increasing demands, transmission line flows has been increased on the existing transmission lines which may increase the risk of losing voltage stability and blackouts in the system collapse. Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) controllers have been mainly used for solving various power system stability control problems. The main objective of this paper is an investigate in enhancement of voltage stability via static synchronous series compensator (SSSC). This work is presented to present the transmission line voltage stability & machine oscillation damping stability by using SSSC controller to enhance the stability of a power system. Simulation results shows that SSSC controller is more effective to enhance the voltage stability and increase transmission capacity in a power system. The dynamic performance of SSSC is presented by real time voltage and current waveforms using MATLAB software for IEEE 4 bus system. Read More...
India |
1775-1778 |
439 |
Effect of Fuel Preheating On Performance of CI Engine
-Bhargav K Jaiswal ; Chirag Patel; Tushar Patel; Gaurav Rathod
Diesel engine play important role in field of power and energy. This paper deals with the fuel inlet temperature which is affected on engine parameter. It is observed that the BSFC for with and without preheating fuel can shown that the best BSFC can obtain at 400C temperature 1.53 to 0.31kg/Kwhr but the 500Ctemperature BSFC also nearly equal 1.51 to 0.27 kg/Kwhr.BTE increase with increase engine load for with and without preheating diesel fuel from the observation the BTE were 36.07%, 27.65%, 33.73%, 32.15% respectively. After the Pre heating the best BTE are at 450C temperature. The mechanical efficiency of preheating fuels various 6.88% to 56.89% at different engine loading condition. The best efficiency can obtain at 400C temperature for all loads. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering (I/C AUTOMOBILE) |
India |
1779-1781 |
440 |
Image Processing Algorithms for Animal Detection for Highway Security
-Daxini Nidhi P. ; Thaker Jil Chirag; Sachin Sharma; Rahul G. patel
In India highway safety has become a major societal issue with the number of vehicles increasing day by day and due to different traffic conditions; collisions can happen with other vehicles, human as well as creatures. The increased traffic accidents involving an animal are major concerns in world wild traffic. Highway security application based on animal detection can play a really important purpose in real life. Applications which are very important are preventing animal vehicles collision on roads, preventing a dangerous animal intrusion in a residential area and many more. In this paper on-board and road side animal detection methods are discussed. But on-board, animal detection method is preferred for highway safety in Indian context. Read More...
Elecronics and communication |
India |
1782-1784 |
441 |
Modeling and Control of Electromagnetic Damper
-Himanshu Chauhan ; Ananya Sharma; Ishita Singh
In this paper, we propose a model for electromagnetic damper using permanent magnets and electromagnets. The changes in position of the damper with respect to the base with varying the current in the coils of electromagnets are studied with experimental validation. Iron core with copper windings is used as electromagnets and carbon magnets are used as permanent magnets. Read More...
Instrumentation & Control Engineering |
India |
1785-1789 |
442 |
Aggregation of Resources using HABA Algorithm for Efficient Service Provisioning in the Cloud Environment
-P.Durgadevi ; M.Swarnalatha; M.Sridhar; T.Chindrella Priyadharshini
Cloud computing is that the outstanding technology that imparts computing resources as a service. In cloud, procedure resources area unit set in terms of Virtual Machines (VMs) and/or Virtual Clusters (VCs) that is outlined as a conglomeration of VM instances providing same service, front-ended by a network load balancer . During this surroundings, varicoloured cloud users will demand variety of cloud services contemporaneously. Service provisioning ought to be performed in an exceedingly deft and refined manner, in order that all the resources area unit created possible for a user to request in Associate in Nursing decisive manner to assuage their wants. In this paper , Hierarichal agglomerate bunch algorithm(HABA) for bunch of resources supported its attributes patterns that created simple of allocating resources to requesting users supported their demands. in and of itself, this bunch algorithmic rule include 2 steps. In opening, build a tree-based ranked taxonomy mistreatment info entropy of resource attributes. Second step, clusters area unit obtained by cutting the dendogram at a desired level. every connected part forms a cluster. . The planned algorithmic rule is evaluated with applied math heuristics mistreatment CloudSim. Experimental results and comparison with HAC algorithmic rule shows that the planned work furnish a typical resolution for the matter of sharing the resources in cloud surroundings Read More...
Computer science engineering |
India |
1790-1793 |
443 |
Landmine Detection Robot
-Gaurav Dubey ; Dushyant Singh; Sonam Jain; Ravikant Verma; Rahul Sharma
— Land mind detection robots are used to assist the soldiers in strikes, logistics, bomb disposals, anti-terrorist operations, commando operations in public places and in battle fields. Robot help in all spheres in air, land and water in the form of unmanned ground vehicles. It plays an important role in reconnaissance, strikes and attacks. Robot help to reduce the force depletion and the available manned resources could be released from reconnaissance mission to active combat mission. We design a robot to assist the soldiers by giving the real time information from the incident site to the control room for actions against the underground mines. This robot is equipped with the land mine detector, controlled by DTMF or RF technology. Land mine detector is used to detect the underground mines and gives the alert for soldiers. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
1794-1795 |
444 |
Site Selection for a Thermal Power Plant (TPPs) using Graph Theory and Matrix Method (GTMM)
-Arnav Sharma ; Nikhil Dev; Rajesh Attri; Nitin Panwar
In the present work, for the site selection of thermal power plant a methodology based upon Graph Theory and Matrix Method (GTMM) is proposed. The objective of this research is to first identify, rank and relate the important factors and sub factors relevant to the power plant location selection and provide a framework of relationships amongst factors using Graph Theory Approach (GTA). GTA is a systematic and logical approach which synthesizes the interrelationship among different parameters or sub-system parameters and provides a score for the entire system that is helpful for site selection of power plant. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1796-1800 |
445 |
Increasing Production Efficiency Through Standardized Work Study Techniques
-Rajeshwari M ; Susheel Kumar H V; Sharath S B; Chethan B R; Reena Y A
This project is based on ticketing and identification of the passenger in the public transport. In the big city like Mumbai, Kolkata we have a severe malfunction of public transport and various security problems. Firstly, there is a lot of confusion between the passengers regarding fares which lead to corruption, Secondly due to mismanagement of public transport the passengers faces the problem of traffic, thirdly we have severe security problems in public transport due anti-social elements. This project suggest a user friendly automated ticketing system which will automatically deduct the passenger’s fare according to the distance travelled as well as detect the passenger’s identification. This could be only possible by use of NFC e-tickets. This project basically deals with the verification and ticketing of the passengers sitting in the bus. Read More...
Industrial Engineering and Management |
India |
1801-1802 |
446 |
-Ajay Kumar Agrawal ; Mridula Shukla
Our project is an enterprise application solution that helps keep any applications up and goes fast any time we use. Remote monitoring checks connection from regional zones and organize whole our global data centers, and agent-less monitoring gathers information from inside each resource—so you can always have the rich information which may possible. If there are Low-latency architecture in your Applications, means you are always the first person to know the problem when your application needs attention—through alerts or our mobile app. Redundant deployment across the data centers starts Cloud Monitoring to continue process the events and send notifications—even if there’s an outage. We can change its appearance or features of your information collection, threshold criteria, and notification alerts so that it regularly check its development or progress and sometimes comment on it for your work and any organization. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1803-1804 |
447 |
An Experiment on the Mechanical Performance of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer at Different Environmental Temperature
-Dipen J. Bhadaja ; Prof. P. C. Sheth
Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composite material has good demand in today’s world because it offers excellent property as always desirable. Glass Fiber Reinforce Polymer composite material offers high strength to weight ratio, low coefficient of thermal expansion, better connection with environmental condition, corrosive resistance, easy to fabricate then metallic parts. Some specific advanced applications such as aerospace required still better properties. Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP)gives better Elasticity modulus, better strength but cost is high. Hence, Combination of these two, GFRP and CFRP gives economical better solution over higher cost of CFRP. Current study is based on glass fiber reinforce polymer and Glass/Carbon fiber reinforce polymer at different environmental condition, mainly at lower temperature and at lower temperature. At low temperature conditioning, it was observed that continuously decrease in ILSS and that significantly reduction was observed at Ex-situ conditioning. Above experiment shows G/C FRP shaws better result than GFRP. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1805-1807 |
448 |
Study of Recent Trends in CMOS LNA's
-Abhishek Kumar Singh ; Sampath Kumar; Anuranjan Kansal
This paper presents an overview of Low Noise Amplifiers architectures. A brief review of noise figure is presented to give reader some background into typical performance measures of LNAs. In addition traditional radio frequency (RF) receiver architecture is presented and LNA performance is related to overall receiver performance. Read More...
India |
1808-1811 |
449 |
Automation of Transmission Line Outage using PLC
-Gaurav B. Anandache ; S. S. Shingare; Amol Vghambar Patil; Abhishek Chand
Transmission lines are a vital component of power system. It is used in systems with LV, HV, EHV and even more amount of voltage levels. However, sometimes lines require outage because of various reasons like maintenance or fault. Mal-operation or a small mistake during outage process can be very dangerous. Currently a process carries out outage where communication between operational engineers at two different substations plays a vital role in line outage. Miscommunication and human errors can be a threat to life of personnel involved and damage to equipments, So to ensure a proper outage process using PLC, a ladder logic is used which will check status of various equipments like circuit breakers, isolators and ground and perform sequential process of opening, isolating and grounding involved in line outage automatically. Operator now can see and check the status of whole process on SCADA screen. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1812-1814 |
450 |
Automated Generation of Independent Paths and Test Suite Optimization using Artificial Bee Colony
-Gurcharan Kaur ; Bhupender Yadav
Software test suite optimization is one of the most important problems in software engineering research. This paper deals with the concept to find the Automatic Generation of Feasible Independent Paths and Software Test Suite Optimization using Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) based novel search technique and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference system (ANFIS) . In this approach, ABC combines both global search methods done by scout bees and local search method done by employed bees and onlooker bees. The parallel behaviour of these three bees makes generation of feasible independent paths and software test suite optimization faster. Finally, this paper compares the efficiency of ABC based approach with various approaches. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
1815-1817 |