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51 |
Dynamic Energy Boosting for Coexistence Decision Making in Heterogeneous Network over Isochronous Soft Real Time System
-Shivaraj Hiremath ; Ramyashree. M.
This paper focuses on the energy boosting in terms of energy opportunistically in TV spectrum. To increase speed of data communication in terms of packet data rates in TVWS we send the data in parallel by monitoring freed channels. In this paper, we propose with modification of a novel decision making algorithm for a system of coexistence mechanisms, such as an IEEE 802.19.1-compliant system, that enables coexistence of dissimilar TVWS networks and devices. This is well used for isochronous soft real-time category where the early and late answers are also acceptable. Our modified FACT algorithm outperforms existing coexistence decision making algorithm forward monitoring and backward monitoring to send packed data in parallel. Read More...
Electronics and Communication |
India |
200-207 |
52 |
Application of Pultruded, Glass and Other Fibre on Composite - A Technical Review
-Mahera Hiteshkumar K. ; Sumant kumar; Prof. P.R. Patel; Prof. A.I. Thakkar; Prof V.D.Shah
Composites are made by combining of two or more different materials, which are having different characteristics. Composites materials are widely used today in various applications. Pultrusion process is used to manufacture composite material, in these process different types of roving of glass, carbon, aramid fibres are used to make different pultruded material as per their application. Today pultruded products are used in various applications like bridges, FRP ladders, communication tower, nut and bolts etc. Read More...
Textile Engineering |
India |
208-211 |
53 |
Development of Real-Time Digital Seismometer for Low-power, Long-term Use
-Onkar Nath Pandey ; Debjit Dasgupta; Priya Gupta; Rohan Rohilla
We have presented a novel method for building a portable, low priced, commercial seismometer, which works on extremely low power, and is very durable. We have experimental results of this seismometer, which works in real-time, and gives a digital output using the computer screen as monitor. We have applied the knowledge of earthquakes and research in the field of seismology in building a seismometer, which gives valuable and timely information about seismic events in the vicinity. The seismometers that have been developed up till now are expensive and bulky due to their commitment to remain broadband. We have overcome this bottleneck by using the latest and very advanced open-source software called Processing, along with an Arduino board, andinterfacing it with a 3-axis accelerometer. We have developed a seismometer with high sensitivity. This facilitates the study of low-intensity tremors outfitting to the needs of the urban society, as mining activities, as well as explosions, create tremors, along with tremors due to seismic activity. These tremors or vibrations need to be studied to understand their effects on bridges, buildings and other structures in the vicinity. We believe that this economic, lightweight, portable and yet advanced seismometer has used the latest technologies to bring together an application which has the potential to be developed into a commercial product in the market. Read More...
Instrumentation Engineering |
India |
212-213 |
54 |
Implementing ‘5-S Methodology’ as Tool for Improving Efficiency & Performance of Delivery and Production Operations at Bajaj Steels Industries Ltd
-Sameet Dandawate ; Laukik P. Raut; Pravin Talamale
The Moto of this paper is to implement 5-s Methodology in the Bajaj steels industries limited. This paper contains 5-s action plan for the company. It aims at increasing the productivity, reduction in the standard production time, reduce wastage of resources and optimize working procedure, proper work area management and safety. The action plan contains various tools such as Line of Balance Graph (LOB), Critical Ratio Scheduling (CRS), symbols and bar graphs that will help the company in understanding the plan in better way. Further, it shows through inspection and audit that proper implementation of 5-s can lead to increase in productivity by 97 percent. Installing and ensuring the proper usage of supply chain management by using “5-s†management technique in the assembly shop of Bajaj Steels Private ltd. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
214-220 |
55 |
Infrared Based Wireless Optical Audio Transmission
-Vishwam Aggarwal ; Jabeena A
In the modern world, a huge amount of information is exchanged and the confidentiality of information must be emphasized when communication takes place. Infrared communication has high directionality and can identify the person with whom you are communicating, which is different from wireless communication in which information diffuses, allowing for high confidentiality to be maintained. Hence, we attempt to build an Audio/Voice Transmitter that is receiver-selective due to high directionality. Infrared communication has no harmful effect on the human body. It is therefore not necessary to worry about using IR in crowded places. Compared with the wireless communication with a maximum speed of about 100 Mbps, the infrared communication has a potential of 1 Gbps. It also has a much shorter wavelength than wireless communication, which is easily enough for broadband communication. It is optimal for when large-volume data such as video must be sent at a high speed. Read More...
Optical Communication and Netwroks |
India |
221-223 |
56 |
Analytical Comparison of Brake Pad Material Composition for Life Increment
-Brijesh.R.Patel ; Ashwin Bhabhor
Brake pads are a component of disc brakes used in automotive and other applications. Brake pads are steel backing plates with friction material bound to the surface that faces the disk brake rotor. A brake pad is a grouping of certain materials on a metal backing that attaches to the calipers in a disk braking system. This pad can be made from several different types of material. It serves to absorb energy and heat during the braking process, facilitating the slowing of a vehicle. The brake pads do wear down with use, eventually needing replacement .In this present paper first of all find out the brake pads which is used in automobile industries and laboratory testing of the material is proceed and then thermo mechanical analysis is done for the finding out the stresses and maximum temperature. By the reference of the existing material new material composition is found and the analysis is carried out in ANSYS. The Analytical result is compare in this paper. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
224-225 |
57 |
Intrusion Detection and Data Recovery using Log Mining
-Sanyukta Kate ; Mitali Tarkar; Bhavana Kathwate; Manisha Pathare; Prof. P. S. Kulkarni
Number of resources are invested by organizations in securing information from intruders. In case of an intrusion, without a reliable data recovery system the company will face losses. The existing technologies only detect anomalous behaviors in databases created by users. However, conventional security mechanisms are not designed to recover the original information that has been altered. This paper shows an approach to detect an intrusion and also provides a novel solution for recovery of data along with forensic analysis. Read More...
India |
226-228 |
58 |
WSN Based- Implementation of IoT for Monitor and Manage a Intelligent Building using Smart Device
-Pradeep Gowri Sankar ; Pravin Ramdas Patil; Mahesh.C
In this paper, I have reported an effective implementation for Internet of Things used for monitoring regular power management by means of low cost ubiquitous sensing system. The system principally monitors electrical parameters of appliances such as voltage, current and subsequently calculates the power consumed. The description about the integrated network architecture and the interconnecting mechanisms for the reliable measurement of parameters by smart sensors and transmission of data via internet is being presented. The system was able to provide a control mechanism for better operation of the devices in monitoring stage. The framework of the monitoring system is based on a combination of distributed sensing units, information system for data aggregation. Results of previous systems encouraging as the reliability of sensing information transmission through their proposed integrated network architecture is 97%. The prototype yet to be tested to generate real-time graphical information rather than a test bed scenario. Read More...
India |
229-234 |
59 |
Trust Computation using Feedback Sentiment Analysis
-Pandurang M. Agjal ; Ankita Gupta; Prof. Subhash Tatale
Trust is an important factor in any business relationship, but even more crucial for e-commerce vendors. Reputation-based trust models are widely used in e-commerce applications. In the current e-commerce, reputation score of each product is universally high and it is not easily possible for customers to select trustworthy product. All major online-shopping websites encourage buyers to provide feedback, often in the form of ratings along with some textual comments, to facilitate potential transactions. The “all good reputation†problem is a big challenge for customer while shopping on online websites like Flipkart, Amazon, eBay, etc. User text feedback is always multi-dimensional. Its expresses different aspects about the product. In this paper we are proposing a model which computes trust of a product by identifying its different dimensions from customer feedback. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
235-238 |
60 |
A Novel Technique in Channel Estimation using Wavelet Transform in OFDM Systems
-Ushma Pancholi ; Ravi Patel
now a day there is increasing a demand for high touching performance, higher bit rate in wireless communication system. In wireless communication, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is multi-carrier modulation scheme. So, OFDM has higher transmission rate ability with higher bandwidth efficiency and robust to multipath fading. Moreover, in wavelet based OFDM is more bandwidth efficient as compared to DFT based OFDM system. In this system analyzed the various wavelet families (Haar, Symlet, Daubechies, Biorthogonal, Coiflet). And it compared with DFT based OFDM system. Also, analyzed the LS channel estimation using different wavelet and it compared with DFT based OFDM system. The result constitute that DWT based OFDM system is better than DFT-OFDM through the bit error rate (BER). Read More...
electronics and communication engineering |
India |
239-242 |
61 |
Effect of PU and PVC Coating on Fabrics for Technical Textile Application - A Technical Review
-Patel Jay Parbhubhai ; Hitesh Mahera; Prof. P. R. Patel; Prof. A. I. Thakkar; Prof. V. D. Shah
Coating and laminating are finishing process designed to add or improve function and to create a material with specific properties. The properties of a coated fabric depend on the type of polymer used and its formulation, the nature of textile substrate, and the coating method employed. For outdoor application the coated fabrics should have good property like tensile strength, waterproof and durable, but tensile strength is more important so study on tensile property of fabric should be done. Read More...
Textile Engineering |
India |
243-246 |
62 |
Effect of Shape of Paver Blocks on Its Strength
-K.C. Jain ; Anubhav Tiwari
Solid unreinforced pre-cast cement concrete paver blocks is a versatile, aesthetically attractive, functional, cost effective and requires little or no maintenance if correctly manufactured and laid. Paver blocks can be used for different traffic categories i.e. Non-traffic, Light-traffic, Medium-traffic, Heavy-traffic and Very heavy traffic. In this project 6 different shapes, 80 mm paver block of M-40 grade is casted according to specification given under IS 15658 : 2006 and tested for compressive strength. In this project mainly study of effect of different shapes of paver blocks on compressive strength of paver blocks is done. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
247-249 |
63 |
Comparison of Various Segmentation Algorithms for Automatic Tuberculosis Screening using CHEST Radiographs
-P.Gajalakshmi ; K.Akila
Tuberculosis is a major global health problem with about 1/3rd of the world population are being affected. We try to propose an automated system for the classification of lung nodules with trusted accuracies using segmentation algorithms like quick shift clustering,SIFT,MR8-LBP,HOG using Chest Radiographs. The abstracted dataset is then classifed using classifiers like SVM and PLSA for abnormality for various algorithms. The proposed method is based on contextual analysis by combining the lung nodule and surrounding anatomical structures, and has three main stages: an adaptive patch-based division is used to construct concentric multilevel partition; then, a new feature set is designed to incorporate intensity, texture, and gradient information for image patch feature description, and then a contextual latent semantic analysis-based classifier is designed to calculate the probabilistic estimations for the relevant images. Finally, the accuracy rate of each algorithm is compared to identify the efficient one. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
250-253 |
64 |
Performance Analysis of a Free Space Optics Link With Variation in Distance Along with Multiple Transmitters/Receivers
-Gudapati Nitesh ; Rachapudi Sai Pavan Kumar; M.Abdul Jaleel Khan
Free Space Optics(FSO) Communication system quality can be improved by using Multiple Transmitters/Receivers. With the current needs of this technology for longer distance, the qualitative analysis of the system has become essential. In this work, the received power level (PR) and bit error rate (BER) are considered to determine the FSO link performance. And also the variation of the parameters considered along with the variation of the distance of the transmission. The relationship between the two parameters are investigated and analyzed. Furthermore, the received power for various number of TXs and RXs are experimentally measured and compared with the theoretical value calculated. The first part of the work deals with the variation in the number of transmitters and receivers. The second part is the variation of the distance. Finally, the total performance is analyzed. Read More...
Optical Engineering |
India |
254-258 |
65 |
Person Recognition at Various Distance using Different Biometric Techniques
-Selva Priya G ; Subaira A S; Anitha P ; Vinothini C ; Saranya K R
The human face plays an important role in our social relations, surveying people’s identity. Using the human face as a basic to security, biometric face recognition technology has received significant attention in the past several years due to its potential for a wide variety of applications in both law obligation and non-law obligation. As contrasted with other biometrics systems using fingerprint/Palmprint and iris, face recognition has peculiar advantages because of its non-contact process. Face images can be trapped from a distance without touching the person being identified, and the identification does not desire interacting with the person. Correspondingly, face recognition discharges the crime deterrent purpose because face images that have been recorded and archived can later help identify a person [1]. The aim of this paper is to present self-reliant, comparative study of three most prominent appearance-based face recognition projection methods (PCA, ICA, and LDA) in completely equal working conditions regarding preprocessing and algorithm implementation. Our results show that no particular projection–metric combination is the best across all standard FERET tests and the choice of appropriate projection–
Metric combination can only be made for a specific task. Our results are allegorized to other available studies and some discrepancies are pointed out. As an additional bestowal, our new idea of hypothesis testing across all ranks are introduced when comparing performance results.
Secure Computing |
India |
259-262 |
66 |
Fast RGB Image Denoising using Non-Adaptive Fuzzy Switching Median Filter
-Anjali Ojha ; Nirupama Tiwari
In this paper, we presented RGB Image denoising which is based on non-adaptive fuzzy switching median filter with salt and pepper noise. There are some image enhancement algorithms to ease the effects of noise over the image to observe the details and gather significant information. Several algorithms accept lots of parameters from the user to achieve the best results. In the method of denoising, there is always a fight between the noise reduction and the fine preservation. We calculated structural similarity matrix (SSIM), entropy and execution time for showing preservation in our method. We achieved good results as compared to previous approaches. In the previous work, they calculated optimization value, but it is so time consuming. In our approach, we apply noise on three components and finally we restored image with their quality preservation. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
263-267 |
67 |
Multi-Targeted Graphical User Interface Compiler
-Shubhangi Devikar ; Prof. Helly Patel; Sayali Ahire; Shubhangi Keskar; Kalyani Gavade
Today designing a good GUI in a widely acceptable language is not an easy task. We plan to design a simple user language with easy to understand constructs for designing a user interface. But of course the user will not like only the GUI to be in a language other than the language in which he is developing an application. To overcome this issue we plan to implement a compiler to be written in Java, which will combine this new language to a target language such as Java. Thus the user will get the code for the GUI he is designing in a high level language . We also plan to provide an IDE for writing the new language and for compiling it to the target language. There are many popular object oriented programming language available which are widely used to design and develop software systems which have GUIs. All such languages have different language syntax and constructs. One who needs to design a GUI needs to understand and learn these language keywords and its constructs(grammar and systax). Some of the examples for such object oriented languages are Java(Java has AWT Abstract Windowing Toolkit and JFC Java Foundation Classes as GUI APIS),HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language for designing GUI for Web Browsers),C-Sharp, VC++, Visual Basic etc. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
268-270 |
68 |
Hardware Implementation of 3 Level Inverter for Single Phase Induction Motor Drive
-Veena.B.M ; Parimala.S.K
The conventional two level inverter has many limitations for high voltage & high power applications. The term multilevel began with the three-level inverter . Subsequently, several multilevel inverter topologies have been developed. However, the elementary concept of a multilevel inverter to achieve higher power is to use a series of power semiconductor switches with several lower voltage dc sources to perform the power conversion by synthesizing a staircase voltage waveform. Output voltage of 3 level inverter consists of 3 levels, which results smoother output. And hence the THD will be reduced. In this paper simulink of 3 level inverter and the hardware implementation of micro controller based control of multilevel inverter for single phase Induction motor are presented. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
271-274 |
69 |
An Experimental Approach of Manufacturing Hardened Barrel Screw on Traditional Lathe Machine with Different Parameters
-Patel Dilip M. ; Dr. A. D. Patel
Barrel Screw is manufactured by CNC Milling Machine. EN41B Chromium, Molybdenum nitriding steel alloy is used as raw material the initial hardness is round about 250 to 300 HRC. Now the problem is screw manufacturing cost on CNC Milling Machine is too much high normally 1.25 lacs to 1.50 lacs depending upon it’s screw profile consumers have to pay high cost. The researcher focus how to reduce the cost of production of barrel screw. The certain changing of parameters has been made on traditional lathe machine. In CNC Milling Machine the manufacturing process is followed by programming the path as well as the selection of process and the same milling attachment live supporting rest, and end mill cutter is used. One specially designed milling attachment is installed on lathe carriage, one other Indexing Mechanism is attached with lathe main spindle.There after the machining process has been carried out looking to traditional lathe machine the manufacturing cost incurs 35 % less than that of CNC Milling Machine. Researcher made the sample barrel screw on lathe as well as on CNC Milling the conclusion is less in cost round about 35 %. The quality, profile and finishing of screw is also achieved on lathe machine and inspection report indicates that the quality is same and so we can say that on traditional lathe machine by changing different parameters. We can manufacture same economical barrel screw less than 36 % in cost reduction compare to CNC Milling. Read More...
Production (Mechanical Engineering) |
India |
275-277 |
70 |
Comparison of 5-Level and 7-Level Inverters Connected to Grid
-Sapna B. Verma ; M. J. Katira; Rahul Argelwar
This paper is showing review of an advanced form inverters called Multilevel inverter and explains it's advantages over the conventional inverters. Multilevel inverters are basically used for high power applications as it helps in getting improved output waveform, nearly sinusoidal. As the levels obtained by Multilevel inverters increased the efficiency increased, harmonic content reduced but with this merits there are certain problems offered by it so to study this tradeoffs the theoretical study made in this paper considers comparison of grid connected 5-level and 7-level inverters. Read More...
Power Electronics and Power System |
India |
278-281 |
71 |
Shear Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams using Various Configurations of Steel Plates
-Anand D ; Kavitha A
This project presents the outcome of an experimental program aimed to investigate the shear behaviour of externally plated reinforced concrete beams. A total of four beams were tested in this program. The beams were designed to fail in shear. Then, they were strengthened using various configurations of steel plates and angles which have been connected by the weld and bonded to the beams by epoxy adhesive. Test results revealed an enhancement in the shear resistance of the strengthened beams, particularly in the post-yield range of loading due to partial composite effect. The pattern of steel strips played a significant role in the behavior of the strengthened beams. The failure of beam due to peeling of steel plates has been avoided. The load carrying capacity of the strengthened beams has been increased as compared to the control beam. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
282-285 |
72 |
Security Mechanism to Protect Data from Malicious Node using Duplicate Address Detection Algorithm
-V.Sathiyapriya ; S.Vidhushavarshini; T.Goudhami; M.Marimuthu
Now a day the data sent through the network is not safe because of unauthorized users or hackers. It is necessary to safeguard the true nature of the messages sent .The project entitled “Security mechanism to protect data from malicious node using Duplicate Address Detection Algorithm†mainly focuses on these issues during the transmission of information the unauthorized users are found using Duplicate Address Detection Algorithm and are eliminated. Also the messages sent were checked for any duplication using RSA algorithm. Finally correct messages will be sent through the network. Read More...
computer science and engineering |
India |
286-289 |
73 |
Secure and Efficient Query Retrieval in Cloud Storage using Erasure Code System
-V.Sathiyapriya ; S.Vidhushavarshini; M.Marimuthu; T.Goudhami
A cloud storage system consist group of storage servers, through the internet it provides multiple services to the vendor. The encrypted user’s data in cloud should be confidential and secured scheme. To protect confidentiality, supposed to designs encryption standard, but also limit the functionality of the storage scheme because a certain operations are continual over encrypted data. To construct a protected storage scheme that supports multiple purposes is tough when the storage scheme is distributed and has no centered authority. The distributed cloud storage scheme provides secure and robust data storage, retrieval and also permits a client store and retrieves data in the storage servers to another client. The aim is to reduce the time utilization to access the data to the vendor’s, forward the queries between the vendor’s and the storage server, because the machine based approach is used to integrates encrypting, encoding and forwarding the vendor’s data. The data are encrypted based on the machine capabilities through the ZIPF automation tool and it’s stored in the cloud using Generalization scheme. Bandwidth allocated to the data build from pattern classification, it improves the efficiency of the data storage. Queries are efficiently processed by Erasure code system, which automatically remove the query request stored in the queue buffer after getting the query response. Read More...
computer science and engineering |
India |
290-294 |
74 |
A Working Model of Book Sorter using Microcontroller
-Parekh Arohi Girishchandra ; Trivedi Vaidehi Bharatbhai; Vichare Namrata Anil; Prof. Saumil Mistry
The further application of a line following robot for a library management system is shown in the below paper. A robot is designed using sensor operated motors for keeping track of library book shelf arrangement. The robot is given a book to scan through an RFID reader module. The robot is given a reader, which collects the tag values from the book and compares the decoded data with the input. Misplaced books can be identified using the pre-programmed data in the robot which helps to maintain the books in an order. This helps and simplifies the job of monitoring the arrangement of books and also reduces the manual routine work done by the library staff. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
295-299 |
75 |
Performance Optimization in Wireless LAN using EDCA
-Prof. D. A. Parikh ; Dr. K. H. Wandra
IEEE 802.11 Legacy DCF Wireless Local area network(WLAN) use CDMA/CA with equal priority to different traffic class (TC). IEEE 802.11e EDCA WLAN use different priority to different TC to improve Quality Of Service(QoS). Various QoS parameters control Performance of WLAN. In this Paper , We discuss various models and algorithms to achieve various QoS Matrices for performance optimization in WLAN. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
300-303 |
76 |
Automatically Extracting References from PDF Documents
-Ganesh D Gourshete ; Prof. Sharvari S Govilkar
Every day the number of citations an author receives is becoming more important than the size of his list of publications. The automatic extraction of bibliographic references in scientific articles is still a difficult problem in Document Engineering, even if the document is originally in digital form. The number of citations a given article receives may be an indication of its importance in a given area. Thus, the task of collecting citation index information is becoming more important than the size of the list of publications of a given author or researcher. Digital documents can be easily converted to text by using any PDF to Text converter. By using different Information Extraction techniques references can be extracted .The statistical, probabilistic and machine learning along with Knowledge Engineering can increase the analysis accuracy. OCRs engines are used to convert image pdf to text. Automatic metadata generation has sometimes been put forward as a solution to the ‘metadata bottleneck’ that repositories and portals are facing as they struggle to provide resource discovery metadata for a rapidly growing number of new digital resources. Automated metadata extraction saves time and efforts for both resource uploaders and repository managers. Tool support could fully or semi-automated, in other words would allow user to check and correct suggested values to more precise. In both cases tool support would prevent expensive manual creation and allow to expand number of collected metadata records. Different techniques such as as regular expressions, HMM, DVHMM, CRF,SVM are also used to improve the attribute extraction results. Read More...
Information Technology/ Computer Engineering |
India |
304-308 |
77 |
Image Inpainting using Sparsity-Based Algorithm
-Madhuri Bhamare ; Rachana Patil; Priyanka Jadhav; Pallavi Sangale; Rachana Patil
In this paper, we amplify a current widespread variational structure for picture inpainting with new numerical calculations. Given certain regularization administrator and signifying u the inert picture, the fundamental model is to minimize the p, ( p = 0, 1) standard of u saving the pixel values outside the inpainting area. Using the administrator part system, the first issue can be approximated by another issue with additional variable. With the substituting minimization technique, the new issue can be deteriorated as two sub problems with accurate arrangements. There are numerous decisions for in our methodology for example, slope administrator, wavelet change, framelet change, and alternately other tight casings. In addition, with slight alteration, we can decouple our structure into two generally autonomous parts: 1) denoising and 2) straight mix. Accordingly, we can take any denoising strategy, incorporating BM3D channel in the denoising step.
The numerical trials on different picture inpainting assignments, for example, scratch and content evacuation, arbitrarily missing pixel filling, and piece consummation, unmistakably illustrate the super execution of the proposed strategies.Besides, the hypothetical joining of the proposed calculations is demonstrated.
Information Technology Engineering |
India |
309-312 |
78 |
Comparative Analysis on Image Steganography and Watermarking with its Applications
-Priyanka Soni ; D S Tomar
In today’s time, Steganography is going to gain its significance due to the exponential increase and secret communication of probable computer users over the internet. Digital watermarking is a method of data hiding, which give safety of data. The method of embedding data along with the digital audio, images is known as digital watermarking.It can also be explained as the learning of invisible communication that typically deals with the ways of hiding the reality of the communicated message. In general, data embedding is achieved in the multimedia content for patent, communication, image, or text, authentication and also many other purposes. In the image Steganography, secret communication is attained to the message embed into the original RGB and also create a stego-image (created image which is carrying a unseen message). In this survey, we have significantly analyzed a variety of steganographic and watermarking techniques and also have covered steganography and watermarking overview its major types, classification, applications. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
313-317 |
79 |
Secure Data Management Using Improved Bucketization for Key-Value Stores in Cloud Computing
-Anjul Prajapati ; Hitesh C Patel
Cloud computing is a technology that uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications. Data storage is one of the most popular cloud services, and is offered by most service providers. Among the various cloud based data storage services, Key-Value stores has emerged as a popular option for storing and retrieving billions of key- value pairs. For Secure data management, BigSecret is one framework that enables secure outsourcing and processing of encrypted data over public key-Value Store using Proposed three models that allow outsourcing of encrypted data with efficient processing capabilities considering different parameters. Proposed work will be on Bucketization technique which is used in one of three model , so with improved Bucketization technique we can get better performance of that model. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
318-320 |
80 |
VANET-Based Secure and Privacy-Preserving Navigation
-Anitha.V.K ; R.Selvi; M.Selvakumar
A navigation scheme that utilizes the online road information collected by a vehicular adhoc network (VANET) to guide the drivers to desired destinations in a real-time and VANET-Based Secure and Privacy-Preserving Navigation scheme has the advantage of using real-time road conditions to compute a better route and the information source must be properly authenticated. To protect the privacy of the route, the driver who receives the data are guaranteed to be unknown to any party including the trusted authority. In addition to authentication and privacy preserving, anonymous credential scheme fulfills all security requirements. This scheme is effective in terms of processing delay and providing routes of much shorter traveling time. Read More...
India |
321-324 |
81 |
A Review on Color Constancy Methods
-Sobia Maan ; Anu Sheetal
The color constancy methods turn out to be a significant pre-processing practice which decreases the consequence of the illuminant on the specified image or scene. It is bring into being that light effects lot on a specified scene. So consequence of the light source may reduce the performance of certain applications a lot like face acknowledgment, object discovery, lane finding etc. Color constancy has capability to detect color free of light source. It is a characteristic of the different color awareness organization which sureties that the seeming color of objects remains comparatively constant under changing light source conditions. The overall goal of this paper is to study different computational color constancy methods to evaluate the consequence of color of diverse light sources onto a digital image. Read More...
Electronics and communication engineering |
India |
325-328 |
82 |
Resource Allocation for Sharing and Security in Cloud Computing Via A Social Network
-Velusamy G ; Silambarasan L; Hemalatha S
Social network platforms have rapidly changed the way that people communicate and interact. They have enabled the establishment of participation in digital communities as well as the reperesentation, documentation and exploration of social relationships. It will become easier for users to share their own services, resources and secure the data via social networks. It presents a social compute cloud where the provisioning of cloud infrastructure occurs through friend relationships. In a social compute cloud source owners offer virtualized containers on their personal computers or smart devices to their social network. Cloud computing is a set of IT services that are provided to a customer over a network and these services are delivered by third party provider who owns the infrastructure and it is often provided as a service over the internet typically in the form of infrastructure as a service, platform as a service or software as the service. This paper described the different sharing of information and provide the security mechanism for defining the attacks in cloud computing. Read More...
Network security |
India |
329-332 |
83 |
Vacuum Sewer System
-Shashikant Gopal Kamble ; M. B. Kumthekar; Deepak H. Koli
Now a day various techniques used in the plumbing design, and one of the techniques is used in plumbing design for various comfort condition is the vacuum sewerage system. In this review paper special preference is to the vacuum sewerage system. It is a mechanized system of wastewater transport. This system uses a central vacuum source to convey sewage from individual household to a central collection station. Vacuum sewers use differential air pressure (negative pressure) to move the sewage. A central source of power to operate vacuum pumps is required to maintain vacuum (negative pressure) on the collection system. The resulting differential pressure between atmosphere and vacuum becomes the driving force that propels the sewage towards the vacuum station. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
333-336 |
84 |
Micro Controlled Based Switching Performance over Home Appliances using DTMF
-S.Vasanth Kumar ; S.Sriram
The concept deals with a control which permit the simple use of a mobile phones to control the appliances the devices with protection. A user will send DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) tone or multi frequency signal to the home devices and micro controller with in a GSM mobile . To access the management unit, the user ought to send AN authentication code (DTMF) together with the required command to perform on the devices. A mobile connected to the microcontroller which may answer mechanically works because the DTMF receiver. PIC16F628A microcontroller was programmed and it will management (ON/OFF) eight devices. the various devices is allotted by the microcontroller in step with users ..DTMFDual-tone multi-frequency signalling (DTMF) is used for telecommunication signalling over analog telephone lines in the voice-frequency band between telephone handsets and other communications devices and the switching centre. The version of DTMF that is used in push-button telephones for tone dialling is known Touch-Tone. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
337-339 |
85 |
An Improved Image Fusion Algorithm On MRI And CT Image using Wavelet Transform
-Roshan P. Helonde ; Prof. M. R. Joshi
Image fusion is the technique of merging several images from multi-modal sources with respective complementary information to form a new image, which carries all the common as well as complementary features of individual images. Image fusion provides an effective way of reducing this increasing volume of information by extracting all the useful information from the source images. Image fusion creates new images that are more suitable for the purposes of human/machine perception, and for further image-processing tasks such as segmentation, object detection or target recognition in applications such as remote sensing and medical imaging. The overall objective is to improve the results by combining DWT with PCA and non-linear enhancement. The proposed algorithm is designed and implemented in MATLAB using image processing toolbox. The comparison has shown that the proposed algorithm provides a significant improvement over the existing fusion techniques. Read More...
Computer Science and Information Technology |
India |
340-343 |
86 |
Parametric Study on Self Compacting Concrete by using Viscosity Modifying Agent as a “Xanthan Gumâ€
-Vijay Panchani ; Dr.D.L.Shah; Y.V.Akbari
This paper presents an experimental investigation on the effect of fresh and hardens properties of SCC while using xanthan gum as VMA. Using new generation chemical admixture makes it possible to produce self-compacting concrete (SCC). However, avoid segregation and bleeding of concrete, either fine material content should be increased, or a viscosity modifying agent (VMA) should be used. In this study modifying fresh properties of self-compacting concrete with optimum dosage of Xanthan gum. Slum flow, V-funnel, U-box, L-box, J-ring tests were conducted to determined fresh properties of SCC. Compressive, Tensile, Flexure tests were conducted to determine harden properties of SCC. To camper results of fresh and harden properties of SCC conventional or SCC with xanthan gum. Read More...
structural enginerring |
India |
344-348 |
87 |
Anomalous Speed Detection in Pedestrian Zone
-Deependra Sharma ; Shafali Jaiswal; Shailesh Chaurasia; Vidushi Chaudhary
This paper introduces various steps used for anomalous speed detection. If a particular value of speed is predefined by the user, that speed becomes the limit, if an object moves above that limit it should be detected. This whole process is known as anomalous speed detection. The detection technique employs the object tracking methodologies, which have three basic steps: detection, tracking and identification of the interested object. Read More...
Instrumentation and Control |
India |
349-354 |
88 |
A Survey on Denoising of Images with different Techniques
-Shailendri Netam ; Chandrahas Sahu
Quality of a digital image is often reduced by noise in various phases of image processing like Image Acquisition and Image Transmission. Image denoising is used to remove noise as well as to preserve information content as much as possible. Image denoising has received much concern for decades but it still a bottleneck for researchers. There are several methods and techniques published and each method has its own advantages, disadvantages and assumptions. In this paper basic noise model is introduced and different denoising methods are compared against different parameters. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
355-359 |
89 |
A Technical Review on Unbonded Precast Post Tensioned Shear Wall
-Umang B. Parekh ; Dr. Rajul K. Gajjar
In developing India, use of post tensioning is limited to flat slab, beam & slab on ground. We are using rcc shear wall as a lateral load resisting system but till now effect of post- tensioning in shear wall is not studied. Understanding the behavior of shear wall with unbonded posttensioned tendon under lateral loading is necessary. In the past few decades, there has been significant progress in development of unbonded post tensioned precast shear wall system. However, such analysis relies on simplified methods and experimental data related to structural components, not of the complete systems. This paper presents a review of the available experimental and numerical studies on behavior of structural system with unbonded precast post tensioned shear wall, current approaches and identifies the research needs and usefulness of unbonded precast post tensioned shear wall system. Read More...
Civil Engineering,Structural engineering |
India |
360-364 |
90 |
A Method to Analyze & Evaluate the Reusability of Object Oriented Code
-Mrs. Mala Dutta ; Keshav Purswani
Today everyone wants to increase productivity and maintainability of the application. Reusability is best way to increase the productivity and maintainability of the application. Software components made for one software application can be used for other software application having similar requirements. By reusing these components in other software one can reduce the cost of Today everyone wants to increase productivity and maintainability of the application. Reusability is best way to increase the productivity and maintainability of the application. Software components made for one software application can be used for other software application having similar requirements. By reusing these components in other software one can reduce the cost of developing and also reduce the time of developing an application. But the question is how to decide which software component is reusable and which one is not? The aim of this paper is to propose a way from which one can identify reusable software components. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
365-367 |
91 |
A Review on Different Load Balancing Techniques in Cloud Computing Environments
-Sunil Kumar Ojha ; Aparajit Shrivastava
Cloud Computing is emerging technology and it is gaining wide popularity because of its features. In cloud computing the services provided such as hardware, software and platform. These services are provided according to the user requirement. Load balancing is another Key challenge in cloud computing. In this paper, we have surveyed Load balancing challenges, techniques and different comparison metrics in cloud computing. In cloud computing the goal of load balancing is to distribute dynamic load among nodes to increase resource utilization and satisfy customer requirement. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
368-371 |
92 |
Implementation of New Security Protocol for Wireless Communication
-Piyush Bhatia ; Ankit Saxena; Himanshi Jhamb; Abhishek Singh
In this paper, a new Global System of Mobile Communication (GSM) authentication protocol is proposed to improve some drawbacks of the existing GSM authentication architecture including:
a)not supporting bilateral authentication between MS and VLR
b)huge bandwidth consumption between VLR and HLR;
c)storage space overhead in VLR
d)overloaded in HLR with authentication of mobile stations
The main emphasis of this paper to improve some of these drawbacks of the existing GSM architecture. In addition, this new proposed authentication protocol does not change the existing GSM architecture and the robustness of the proposed protocol is the same as that of the original GSM protocol.
Electrical Engineering |
India |
372-374 |
93 |
Brain Machine Interface
-Nisha Sahu ; Prashant Patil ; Deepali Mahajan
Human-robot interface has a key role in many application fields. Hand gesture is a very natural form of human interaction and can be used effectively in mind controlled Robot. In this paper, we propose a “Human Machine Interfacing Device†utilizing hand gestures to communicate with computers and other embedded systems acting as an intermediary to an appliance. Developments in field of robotics have enabled desired commands being executed using signals from human brain . This paper discusses EEG techniques that use sensors to measure the positions of the fingers and the position of the hand in real-time in Robotic Arm. Interaction using BMI technology for effective communication through mind controlled robotic arm will help in empowering physically challenged to interact and perform desired tasks. This paper focuses on robotic arm that is proposed to be used for gesture recognition as per human thoughts and accordingly robot movement will take place. Read More...
electronic engineering |
India |
375-378 |
94 |
Real Time Traffic Control using Image Processing
-Rahul Rane ; S.P.Khachane; Sayali Pathak; Aruta Oak
The Idea behind real time traffic control using image processing is due to increase in number of vehicles on road which causes traffic congestion. There are various successful techniques to overcome this problem such as inductive loop detectors, magnetic loop detectors and video based system. We propose a system based on measurement of vehicle density on road using Real Time Image Processing. To control the congestion in traffic signal intelligently by using density information in this paper we are presenting the algorithm with the help of which the congestion in traffic can easily retrieved. The image sequences from camera are analyzed using edge detection and counting methods. Subsequently the number of vehicles at intersection is evaluated due to which traffic can easily be managed moreover determined vehicle density can easily be compared with other direction of traffic in order to control traffic signals efficiently.[1] Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
379-381 |
95 |
Effective Mining of Internet Log using Neural Network Approach
-Nilam Shah ; Vishal P. Patel
Web log file mining is the area of data mining which deals with the discovery and analysis of usage pattern from web data, specifically web logs in order to improve web based application. Log file is include information according to the user and these information are very noisy and irrelevant data so use web usage mining. Web usage mining attempts to discover useful knowledge from the interaction of the users with the web. In the Web usage mining first one is data preprocessing, pattern discovery and pattern analysis for clean the data , filter and extract the interesting pattern. Preprocessed step improve skill and ease of mining process and reduce the data volume for pattern discovery phase. In the web usage mining, various data mining technique use for pattern discovery. Apply neural network in data mining technique. Neural network have the ability of parallel processing. Neural network itself is very suitable for solving the problems of data mining. In this work, we use neural network approach in the process of web usage mining to detect user’s patterns and with high accuracy and less processing time and discover the knowledge. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
382-385 |
96 |
Euclidean Plane Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree
-S.Gawsalya ; R.Aktharunisha Begum; S.Sivachandran
The minimum spanning tree problem seeks for a minimum spanning tree interconnecting the n points so that there is only one path between any two points. One of the classic and frequently-used algorithms for minimum spanning tree problem is Prim’s algorithm, but it consumes large time and space complexity for the plane minimum spanning tree problem is of O(n2) numbers of edges . Luckily, it was proved that the plane minimum spanning tree is a sub-graph of Delaunay triangulation for the given points in the plane, and the number of edges in the triangulation is O(n). This motivates us to efficiently compute the Delaunay triangulation of the given points and then find the minimum spanning tree in the triangulation. This paper presents an algorithm based on the divide and conquer for Delaunay triangulation together with the Prim’s algorithm to produce an O(nlogn) algorithm for minimum spanning tree problem in the plane, implements the visual graphic interface with various selected algorithms for plane minimum spanning tree and compares their running time. Read More...
Computer Applications |
India |
386-389 |
97 |
Wireless Prepaid Energy Metering using RF and Arduino Technology
-Chandra Kumar M J ; Lohith B N
The billing process of electricity consumption which we are using at present is very long process and requires lot of man power. The energy billing in India is error prone and also time and labor consuming. Errors get introduced at every stage of energy billing like errors with electro-mechanical meters, human errors while noting down the meter reading and error while processing the paid bills and the due bills. There are many cases where the bill is paid and then is shown as a due amount in the next bill. There is no proper way to know the consumer's maximum demand, usage details, losses in the lines, and power theft. To overcome all the difficulties present in the system we are introducing fully automated billing process. In the proposed system front end is user friendly and can be operated easily by having minimum computer knowledge. The billing process is prepaid energy billing, which could be titled. Pay first and then use it. There are clear results from many countries, where prepaid system has reduced the wastage by a large amount. Another advantage of the prepaid system is that the human errors made reading meters and processing bills can be reduced to a large extent. Read More...
Electronics engineering |
India |
390-393 |
98 |
Resource Optimization and Decomposition for Scheduling and System Configuration in Wireless Sensor Networks
-Saran Raj MG ; Yasir Abdullah R
In this work we considered the case of elastic flows and provided a decentralized congestion control algorithm that works in parallel with the randomized algorithm. We showed that the resulting cross-layer algorithm achieves fair allocation of the resources despite the imperfect nature of the switching delay algorithm. Finally, we developed specific distributed algorithms for the two-hop interference model. For this model, existing throughput-optimal strategies require that an NP-hard problem be solved by a centralized controller at every time instant. In this work, we showed that this isnot necessary, and full utilization of the network can be achieved with distributed algorithms having only polynomial communication and computational complexity. The proposed work is done with the switching delay algorithm and decomposition is implemented to prove the specified problem. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
394-396 |
99 |
Effective Short Term Load Forecasting using ANN
-Syeda Samreen Saba
The electric Power industry is currently undergoing an unprecedented reform.The anticipated effort targets to predict the load by utilizing Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Short term load forecasting acts an important character for the economic, planning and reliable action of power systems. Consequently, numerous statistical techniques have been conventionally projected for these forecasting, but it have become tiring to build an exact functional model. This tiring task can be decreased by using ANN. ANN is a machine which is devised to model in fashion which the human brain does a particular task. The main intension of the anticipated effort is to build a NN model known as an Elman recurrent network on the flat form of MATLAB to simulate the load prediction. We also evaluate the results attained by weather and a non-weather sensitive model. Read More...
Electrical engineering |
India |
397-399 |
100 |
Flexural Fatigue Behavior of Recron Fiber Reinforced Concrete
-Haresh Desai ; Nilesh Hapaliya
This paper presents the experimental investigation carried on Recron Fiber Reinforced Concrete subjected to flexural fatigue failure. The beam specimen of size 700mm x 150mm x 150mm is used Recron fibers of size 12mm length in 0.5%,1%,1.5%,2%,2.5%,3%,3.5%,4%,4.5% ,5%and 6% volume are used in M25 grade concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
400-403 |