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551 |
A Study on Effect of Steel Slag as a Partial Replacement in the Performance of Bituminous Mix
-Palas Sanjaykumar Sumersinh ; Chirag Modhiya
The construction industry is the largest consumer of natural resources which led to depletion of good quality natural aggregates. This situation led us to explore alternative materials and granular slag a waste industrial by-product is one such material identified for utilization it as replacement of natural Aggregate. The demand for and utilization of industrial by-products and wastes in road pavements is increasing and becoming more important. Government policies and public awareness is also contributing to the enhancement of both this demand and utilization. Manufactured aggregates may reduce environmental strain by minimizing over exploitation and indiscriminative use of natural aggregates which we get from the mining, quarrying and blasting activities. Waste is not a waste unless you waste it. Steel slag has potential and may also be utilized if technical feasibility can be proven. Hence, the principal objective of this research was to assess the possibility of used of steel slag in road pavements. This paper focuses on the use of steel slag as partially replacement in bituminous mix as coarse aggregate with 10 %, 20% and 30% Steel Slag Proportion by weight of total weight of Mix. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
2240-2243 |
552 |
Enhanced Images using Noise Removal with Image Restoration
-Kaneria Avni
There are many noise reduction techniques have been developed for removing noise and retaining edge details in images.Each technique has its own assumptions, advantages and limitations. The idea behind using noise removal techniques is to give better results in terms of quality and in removal of different noises.Wavelet approach for noise removal has been successfully exploited by several in the past few decades.Wavelets successfully removes noise while preserving the signal characteristics, regardless of its frequency content.Image denoising is one of the fundamental challenges in the field of image processing and computer vision, where the underlying goal is to estimate the original image by suppressing noise from a noise-contaminated version of the image. Principal component analysis (PCA) is an orthogonal transformation that seeks the Directions of maximum variance in the data and is commonly used to reduce the dimensionality of the data.This disseratation proposes a denoising technique by using a new statistical approach,principal component analysis (PCA) with Local Pixel Grouping.This procedure is iterated second time to further improve the denoising performance and the noise level is adjusted in second stage.
Abbreviations- Princial Component Analysis(PCA);Local Pixel Grouping(LPG);Mean Squre Error(MSE);Peak Signal to Noise Ratio(PSNR);Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT);Discrete Wavelet Transform(DWT);Non- Local Means (NLM),Aditive White Gaussian Noise(AWGN).
Computer Engineering |
India |
2244-2249 |
553 |
ASQ Network Node Observation using EXPAND
-Netrananda Pradhan ; Stuti Agarwal
In this interactive computer era the networked applications need special care for its performance and behavior. It is increasingly becoming important to manage network resources like servers, switches, routers and other network end device. An important part of the management task is to monitoring network behavior. ASQ Network Node Observer is a powerful software which enables us to quickly detect, diagnose and resolves a network’s performance failure and outages. It is powerful and affordable software to get reliable information on availability of network as well as fault in the network. The software provides services by providing accuracy in identification of network as well as application in less time. The project implements deep packet inspection mechanism to get the availability of the network. The software is using the network mechanisms and network protocols. The protocols include major protocols like ICMP, IP, and HTTP etc. for network inspection.ASQ Network Node Observer will overcome the difficulties by identifying and resolving the problems in availability and performance problems arising in a network with low cost, high performance and can be customizable according to their client needs. This project is carried out using Java as front end and SQL Server as back end. The paper presents our initial experimental results and conclusions on the above experiment carried out in our test bed. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
2250-2252 |
554 |
Analysis of Hybrid Solar-Wind System for Standalone Applications
-Siddharth K. Davda ; Nirav Tolia; Dinesh Chabhadia
This paper represents a hybrid power generation system for standalone load. This system includes two kind of separate electrical power sources, i.e. Solar and Wind power generation systems connected at common DC bus and feeding 3-phase AC load. Results Shown for dynamic voltage response with change in wind speed and solar insolation. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
2253-2256 |
555 |
Efficient Finger Print Authentication on Mobile Cloud Computing - A Survey
-M.Malarmathi ; M.Lalli
Fingerprint Identification is a widely used Biometric Identification scheme. In biometric system, the fingerprint identification has been researched for the long period of time and it has shown the most promising future in the real world appliance. However, because of the composite distortions among the different impression of the same finger in real life, fingerprint recognition is still a demanding trouble. Matching two fingerprints can be unsuccessful due to various reasons and also depends upon the method that is being used for matching. Fingerprint (FP) serves to identify that the person authenticating is who he/she claim to be. FP identification is popular biometric technique due to easiness in acquiring, availability of prosperity sources for collecting data and their established use. A new feature for fingerprint images is introduced. This new attribute is named as Distance Vector. A Distance Vector count the minutiae points in each row of a particular fingerprint image. A Distance Vector is related with every fingerprint in the database. At the time of employment this feature is stored with the concerned fingerprint and at the time of matching this feature is matched with the Distance Vector of each fingerprint in the pattern database. This process increases the reliability of the fingerprint recognition task. In the initial stages, image normalization and orientation of the ridges are estimated. The system was evaluated using a standard fingerprint dataset and good performance and accuracy were achieved under certain image quality requirements. In addition, the proposed scheme was compared favorably to that of the state of the art systems. Read More...
mobile computing |
India |
2257-2260 |
556 |
Alternate Refrigerants for R134a in Vapour Compression System
-Jeet Patel ; Asst. Prof. Nimesh Gajjar; Dr. N M Bhatt
According to MONTREAL protocol the use of the refrigerant like CFCs and HFCs are phased out and due to recent KYOTO protocol the newly developed HFCs like R134a gradually phased out before 2040 due to its 1300 Global Warming Potential. These review papers describe the selection criteria and explore the most promising replacement for R134a in domestic refrigerator mainly based on Zero ODP and Lower GWP value refrigerant fluids. Here we have consider the refrigerant fluids like HCs (R290 Propane, R600 Butane, R600a iso butane) and their blends, HFCs (R152a, R32 and its blends) and some natural refrigerants (Ammonia, Carbon Dioxide) between these refrigerants we compare the different properties like thermo physical properties, safety features of above refrigerants fluids. This review paper is limited to the basic properties of the above refrigerants as a replacement of the domestic refrigerant R134a . Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
2261-2263 |
557 |
A Review of TOKAMAK Fuelling Systems
-Rajan D. Bavishi ; Prof. N. V. Bora; Samiran Shanti Mukherjee; Ranjana Gangradey
In today’s world, the electricity production and its optimum usage are one of the biggest issues. Because of depleting conventional energy resources and harmful waste from nuclear fission reactor, a group of technical people across the globe is focussing on fusion reaction process and plasma technology. Tokamak is a plasma confinement which needs to be fed hydrogen continuously to ensure continuous fusion process and hence continuous energy generation. The main technical challenge incorporate here is that we need to feed the fuel in the form of solid only. And in this paper we are going to review some methods or techniques as a TOKAMAK fuelling solution. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
2264-2267 |
558 |
An Efficient Design and Implementation of Securable RFID Tag-Reader Mutual Authentication Protocol
-Mahesh A. Ishwarappagol ; Vinay Bagali
Radio frequency identification( RFID) is unwired processing task uses the radio signals for communication purpose. By using radio signals RFID pointing out the objects with unique electronic product code. This electronic product code hiving unique identification for single-single objects. The main disadvantages of RFID is, leaking the information as distance increases. As distances increases unsecured authentication start between the tag and reader. At this time unauthorized user may get all the information of the object and as well as unauthorized user may guess the password also. Hence unsecured authentication may generate some security problems and secret-privacy protection problems to the authorized user. EPC Class-1 generation-2 technique generates to many security issues hence to overcome these problems we proposing new pad generation technique instead of EPC Class-1 generation-2 technique. By doing this we producing strong authentication between tag and reader. In this paper we study the EPC Class-1 generation-2 authentication scheme as well as pad generation authentication scheme. The proposed pad generation simulated using ModelSim SE 6.3f and synthesized using Spartan 3E FPGA board. Read More...
India |
2268-2272 |
559 |
Cloud Based Multiplatform Business Employee Engager with Reports
-Tapshale Baliram ; Abhishek; Prof. Sweta Kankumbkar
With our application user can develop curriculums that meet users companies training needs. Whether the user want to train employees is based on Thinking about his Team how to build and also Interpersonal Skills with Quality Management and also Production Management, Our application makes building content simple and intuitive. Our application makes employee training and testing very simple. Our cloud based solution allows user to train user’s employees through creating group of courses and training material has been understood via tests. Users employees will have a training tool that‘s accessible 24/7 from anywhere in the world.. Our application can be used as franchise to be that train the software with providing the cost-effectives and also most comfort which means to train the employees at any stage of the franchise and reliable. Our online training software is designed to create courses online within minutes. Everything is cloud based, and accessible by anywhere also Our training platforms are meant for that non it users and also meaning training and that testing is very easy. To build user courses, use the online testing software to quiz user employees, and then keep track of them online. Read More...
Master Of Computer Application |
India |
2273-2275 |
560 |
Higher Order Derivative UWB Gaussian Pulse Generator using SRD and Fifth Order Band Pass Filter
-Sapkal Amol Manikrao ; Bhaskar Shelkod; Dr. Nisha Sarwade
This paper presents higher order gaussian pulse generator by SRD and fifth order band pass filter element values for 0.5dB equal ripple. Proposed design deals with generating Gaussian pulse from square waveform as a input then using fifth order band pass filter we get ultra wideband monocycle pulse of 10 mV of amplitude and pulse width of 2nsec We eliminates use of lumped elements (Inductor, capacitor) and external bias circuit for generation of Gaussian pulse, due to which ringing level is reduced. Simulation is carried out using Advanced design systems (ADS) Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
2276-2278 |
561 |
CMOS LECTOR Technique: A Technique for Leakage Reduction in Domino Circuits
-Rohit Rohila ; Dr. Munish Vashishath
In this work a circuit technique is proposed for lowering the subthreshold leakage energy consumption of domino logic circuits. With the advancement of technology, size of transistor, supply voltage, gate oxide thickness has been decreased but the leakage in device has increased. Projecting these trends, it can be seen that the leakage power dissipation will equal to the active power dissipation within a few generations. Hence, efficient leakage power reduction methods are very critical for the deep-submicron and nanometre circuits. In this paper Lector based Footed Diode Domino Logic circuit technique is introduced for leakage reduction, which provides efficient reduction in leakage in ideal and non ideal mode of operation. In this technique a p-type and an n-type leakage control transistor (LCT) are introduced between the pull-up and pull-down network, and the gate of one is controlled by the source of the other. For any combination of inputs, one of the LCTs will operate near its cut-off region and will increase the resistance between supply voltage and ground, resulting in reduced leakage current. Read More...
India |
2279-2281 |
562 |
Design of Polar List Decoder using 2-Bit SC Decoding Algorithm
-V.Priya ; M.Parimaladevi
The number of decoding architecture techniques are introduced for wireless communication channel. Such architectural techniques aim to improve the latency, area and complexity of various methods. This paper aims to get solution for FPGA based list decoder architecture, achieving the latency, area and throughput of the system. In this paper, 2bit Successive Cancellation (SC) decoding algorithm is used in polar list decoder architecture. Also, the usage of CRC in list decoder increases the throughput. The architecture is implemented in Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA device. The result shows that the latency is reduced up to 64% compared to conventional SC decoder. The proposed design achieves area and delay of 88% & 17.3% than conventional SC decoder. Read More...
Electronics and communication |
India |
2282-2286 |
563 |
Advance Grouping, Discussion and Blogging Platform
-Prashanth B.Yallatti ; Dharamvir; Sateesh Ambesange
The Smart Society Concept is Innovate business concept owned by S2A Smart Society Pvt.Ltd. The Smart Society is unison of Social networking – for society, family & friends. Society management and E-commerce platform. The concept covers beautifully covers need of and communication among society, family and friends as old Indian traditions missing in current isolated society living. The smart society Platform is developed using Current Web technology. The Solution includes heavy data analytics and algorithms to make ease of use and host on cloud space.
Our Advance Group and Blogging forum software is designed to create group on online within minutes. Everything is cloud based, and accessible by anywhere. Our application platforms are meant for society in that user can access share thoughts, and connecting the people is very easy. To build user group, and connecting the people in a society.
Computer Application |
India |
2287-2290 |
564 |
High Speed Data Transmission in Wireless Body Area Network by Reducing the Handoff Delay
-K.Muthumari ; M.Mohankumar
The technology of sensor and intelligent information processing is widely used in Body Sensor Network (BSN), which is a branch of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). BSN are playing an increasingly important responsibility in the fields of medical treatment, social welfare and sports which are changing the way of human use computers. This research proposed an energy-efficient Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is specifically designed for Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). Proposed system uses the Fast Data Transmission Handoff Scheme (FDTHS), So that it significantly reduces the hand-off delay and energy-level. When the sensors change the point of attachment, there is a delay time before obtaining the internet protocol configuration. To reduce the handoff delay, a new format of control messages for carrying many other identifiers in one message is proposed, so as to decrease the numbers of control messages and shorten the handoff delay. The fast data transmission handoff scheme, which adopts the new formatted control messages, is proposed. The proposed handoff scheme contains three phases, namely the registration, up-link handoff, and down-link handoff phases. Simulation results have shown that the proposed protocol can reduce the signaling cost and handoff latency for mobile sensors based on packet loss ratio metric and it can also prove that the scheme decrease the overhead of Mobile Access Gateway (MAG). Read More...
India |
2294-2300 |
565 |
Analysis on Distributed Network Administration
-Puneeth Kumar R ; Dharamvir
The Main concept of the project is to allow the customer to shop according to need using the internet and allow the customers to buy the desired products from the company outlets. This project is built to improve sales of Company by providing the services of Customers. The information related to the products are stored in Relational Database environment. Customers can order for products online. Client is any registered company which wants to increase its sales by giving access to customers to order products online. The Server stores the customer orders and the products are delivered to the address submitted by customer. The application setting up at the customer DB and the details of the Items are brought from the DB for the customer view, based on the selection through the list and the DB of all the Items are updated at the completion of each transaction. This application offers information relevant to the user accessing the System therefore avoiding unwanted over loading and at the same moment maintaining the security. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
2301-2305 |
566 |
Customizable Process Workflow Integrated with Auto Archive & Matrix Reports
-Naseer Pasha P ; Prof. Stuti Agarwal
In every industry hiring functions like organize, monitoring and analyses is a difficult job, so our application is designed in such a way that analysis is done in a organized and smart way. Our application combines science and business intelligence to manage the process in a proper format. In the market today it’s difficult to identify and retain highly qualified and reliable workforce. Hopping has become a problem within the hiring process, tapping is very critical process. The application allows recruitment agencies and departments cadre quickly & effective way to track jobs, profile, candidates, client’s details and contacts details. So with the help of application paperwork and time is saved.
Some factors are:
ï€ Efficient and cost-effective
ï€ produce suitable workforce.
ï€ follow process.
Our application helps organization with
ï€ Searching is fast
ï€ Maintain accuracy
ï€ Skills, Industries, and Disciplines
ï€ Documents management
ï€ Remote Access
India |
2306-2308 |
567 |
Application of UPFC to Enhance Transient Stability Limit
-Mendapara Chirag B.
The focus is on improvement of transient stability limit of power system using UPFC. The UPFC, which can provide simultaneous control of power system parameters like voltage, impedance and phase angle. Series parts of UPFC provide series injected voltage at certain different angles. The purpose is to examine the mechanisms of controlled shunt compensation and quadrature voltage control of the UPFC. The simulation models of test system at three phase fault on line with and without UPFC have been developed and analyzed. Transient stability was studied with the help of curves of rotor angle & active Power at different duration of fault of time. Read More...
India |
2309-2313 |
568 |
Capital Analytics with Bookkeeping
-Sawan Kr Sinha ; Sagar VP; Malar Vizhi U
Application is online software for business. Web based system for invoicing/billing, accounts payable, bank reconciliation and bookkeeping. For high user availability. Our service has been designed with every level based on redundancy of our hosting infrastructure .This include redundant power, network, database and web-servers. Data backed is there for all the customers .For further relative data protection. we run off site data back-up services.It prepares all of the financial reports that your accountant relies on – general ledger, profit/loss, balance sheet and more. Important is maintaining strong financial management tools that enable you to monitor many facets of the business, from payables to receivables to investments made with excess capital. These financial management tools can help accelerate collection of receivables (improving cash flow) and assist you in using existing cash flow to pay suppliers. This Software gives a simple approach to keep clients accounts data online with dependable and secured information exchange. With simple structures for invoicing, buy and bank compromise it is anything but difficult to look after records. My association or individual can benefit our free web bookkeeping as an administration from anyplace in this world and stay in contact with their business. Application bookkeeping data framework has part of free reports which would help clients to track their business online and its much simpler as reports are adjustable.
ï€ Cash Position Management
ï€ Reporting/Analytics
ï€ Accelerate Receivables
ï€ Control Payables
ï€ Manage Expenses
ï€ Get prompt perceivability into money related execution with ongoing, thorough monetary and operational reports
ï€ Process exchanges faster and all the more precisely without trading off control
ï€ Accommodate multi-entity, multi-book, and multi-currency requirements for global organizations
ï€ Adapt and accommodate new business and regulatory requirements as they arise without additional customizations or technology investments
ï€ Ensure proper security and support compliance efforts
India |
2314-2317 |
569 |
Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Drinking Purposes. A Case Study of Sedarapet Village, Puducherry
-P.Ramamoorthy ; Mugesh.S; Selvalumar.M.P; Karthikeyan.S,; Elangovan.R
A study was carried out to assess the suitability of ground water used for drinking utility. A total 15 groundwater samples were collected and analysed for various physico-chemical parameters and compared with the WHO standards of drinking water quality parameters with the following water quality parameters namely EC, TDS, Ca , Mg, Cl , Na, K, F, etc. The quality of ground water in the study area is fresh to brackish water. The analysis reveal that most of samples in the study area is highly contaminated due to the excessive concentrations of one or more water quality parameters such as Calcium, Magnesium, Total dissolved solids, and Fluorides, which have cause most of the water samples tested, non- potable. Read More...
Groundwater |
India |
2318-2319 |
570 |
Cloud Based Business Application Customization Solutions
-Kushnoore Srinath ; Vikas Jain; JC Achutha
It used to be that creating and running a business application is required the developers and also the database administrators with the software licenses to be hosting the services, And they monitoring also backup the service. Which is needed to bring our various peoples technologies together, and spend the great deal of time to be build the new applications, and have the experts are monitoring the uptime and its day-to-days operations. And It was bit complex, slow and expensive to be build the new application, and it will be costly to maintain and change that are modify in between .Our application platform is designed to simplify all these complexities. Application is an database system that is developed to facilitate to be provide to working with the data and they organize and store the information’s that you use in your routine work, create an easily accessible source of data for your executives. Using Application anyone can build his/her own business management solution or choose ready to used applications for just about any business process.
ï€ Create powerful applications
ï€ Involve non-IT employees
ï€ Protect data from unauthorized access
ï€ Assign roles and permissions
ï€ Use SSL encryption
ï€ User authentication
Applications are the core of Application system. Every application looks like a set of connected by a link of spreadsheets and consists of series number of tables (or one table) comprising records (rows) and columns. The system contains fully customizable: you can differentiate the application for various user roles creating a specific set of tables which is in the forms and also reports will be provided for each group of the users. Where an Each system of object can be easily modified or built it from scratch according to the specific needs of your organization.
Master Of Computer Application |
India |
2320-2322 |
571 |
Black Hole Detection and Avoidance in Mobile Adhoc Networks
-Bagali Ashvini A ; Achyut Yaragal; Asha Guddadavar
The paper evolved out to address issues in MANET like security and performance. This paper proposes a cluster based concept to improve security and efficiency and guarantees the optimum utilization of the network resources. Performance proposed of MANET in presence of black hole attack. The simulation of the proposed methodology is carried out using NS2 network simulator and the simulation results reflects the performance of scheme for detection and prevention of the black hole. Read More...
Electronics and communication engineering |
India |
2323-2326 |
572 |
Flexible Application Builder with Object Customization (PaaS)
-Neetan T.N ; Stuti Agarwal
Application is a cloud platform for creating business applications without requiring development skills. The Technical users can develop forms, circulate data or develop custom applications such as a relationship management without coding. This Application also provides built-in tools so that the users can manage their business in an easy manner. This Application gives the users a Platform-as-a-Service platform. This Application helps in faster functioning of the work and the development process. This Application also offers speed, flexibility and quick in process. By providing various application infrastructures, organizations don’t get lowered down with enabling applications and meet the needs of customers or the users.
Application helps in the following:
ï€ Company can utilize money which is saved in more secure way.
ï€ Enable development teams to focus on the application by allowing for faster time to market.
Enhances the ability to react to changes because the organization doesn’t have large costs associated with representative application development and deployment.
India |
2327-2329 |
573 |
Hybrid Algorithm for Image Forgery Detection
-Ms. Mansi R. Soni ; Ms. Kinjal N. Shah; Mr. Shardul J. Agravat
Digital images are everywhere, on the covers of magazines, in news papers, in courtrooms, and all over the internet. But we cannot say that particular image is 100% authentic because it is possible that images can be manipulated. To manipulate or alter any image is known as Image forgery. There are number of techniques used for image forgery detection which are based on pixel, format, or source of given image. Proposed system will generate new approach of forgery detection method by combining two different techniques. One is based on LBP (Local binary pattern) method which gives good results for forgery detection. Another technique is based on Direction filter which shows that which portion of image has been forged. By combining these different techniques of forgery detection we will try to develop hybrid technique that will achieve good result for forgery detection. Read More...
Computer engineering |
India |
2330-2333 |
574 |
Automatic Generation Control of Two Area Thermal-Thermal Power System with PID Controller
-Hardik M. Patel ; Jignesh B. Pujara
This study presents the design and implementation of PID controller for automatic generation control (AGC) Automatic Generation Control (AGC), a significant control process, which is responsible for frequency control, power interchange and economic dispatch, operates constantly to balance the generation and load in power system at a minimum cost. Nowadays all power system are interconnected, so study of multi area power system is required. Load frequency control (LFC) of interconnected power system is important. This ensures the zero steady state error in frequency dynamics and proper sharing of load by generators of interconnected areas. Read More...
India |
2334-2337 |
575 |
Performance Analyzer and Manager Tool with Reconciliation
-Abinitha Rajanna ; Mridula Shukla
Organizations at last succeed or fizzle in view of their capacity to make and deal with a gainful business. The mix of a focused, worldwide environment and compulsory administrative consistence implies effectively dealing with your funds is one of the greatest difficulties and opportunities you can confront. Our objective is to help each business accomplish sound money related administration, from general record diaries to complex financial reporting, observing and endeavor execution administration wherever you work together. Application is intended to robotize and streamline your monetary procedures with apparatuses and controls to bolster complex authoritative prerequisites and make esteem through convenient budgetary observing, including:
ï€ Accounts receivable, credit and accumulations administration.
ï€ Accounts payable, electronic trusts exchange.
ï€ General record, portions, merging and ends.
ï€ Budgeting, anticipating and arranging.
ï€ Cash administration, bank compromise and articulation interfaces
India |
2338-2340 |
576 |
Analysis of Compressive Strength of Concrete with Comparison of Concrete Grades
-Arun Singh Chahar ; Piyush Kumar; Ankur Kumar Mishra
Compressive strength of concrete is the most important input data for engineering computations during the design of reinforced concrete structures. In this analysis, compressive strength of concrete is determined by the compressive testing machine. In this research work, we have constructed cubes as a specimen size of 150mm x 150mm x 150mm.We used two grades of concrete which are M20 and M25 grade of concrete. We tested cubes at 7, 14, 28 days of casting. The materials which are used in this study are OPC cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and water. Concrete should be strong enough to bear the desired stresses within the permissible factor of safety. However, it is known that the variance of compressive strength test result by CTM becomes large and it is difficult to evaluate precisely the compressive strength, so we use average compressive strength. Read More...
India |
2341-2343 |
577 |
Analysis to Various Surface Defect Related Solution in Investment Casting Process
-Poorvesh C. Parmar
The object of this industrial report is to represent the subject matter in a most concise , compact and to the point parameter. The first section deals with the introduction of the basic process of investment casting. Though the investment casting is the most precise process among all the casting process but there is always need of continuous improvements as describe by the KAIZEN. The second section is about IDP introduction and its detail description and summery. The third section involve the LITERATURE RIVIEW about the IDP and its detail description. During the training in investment casting industry we gain the knowledge about investment casting and utikise this experience to remove the above describe report. The last one is initial solution of the defect. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
2344-2347 |
578 |
Secure Advance Monitoring Empowerment Tool
-Amit Kumar Sinha ; Mridula Shukla
This project entitled as “Secure Advance Monitoring Empowerment Tool†deals with the Maintenance of server and used for specifying Serve based Information. This System handles information and maintenance of the Server. System help the reduce work load of server. It provides services as mail, chat between the clients and it also provide response to the client requests. System has developed as interface between the server and the client System gives all the need of clients such as file transfer, mail, chat etc. System is very cost-effective and enables a security as firewall to the server. All though there is much software available in industry but there is no server in terms providing services and cost. Built in web-technology be a beneficial for this system. System has utility in many areas. This system is affordable and protects a like firewall in the server. Though there are verities of software available in market but it is difficult to afford efficient server in terms of performance, cost and providing services. This software aims to achieve speed and provide services like checking spam’s, strong authentication in sharing resources and flexibility. Advanced Secured System reduces the work of the server and gives access to server resources. Read More...
India |
2348-2349 |
579 |
A Multi Objective PSO Algorithm for Sizing and Allocation of Dg's from Dg Owner's and Disco's View Points
-L Siva Prasad ; V.E.Sowjanya
This novel presents multi objective approach for calculating the DG optimum allocation, sizing and contract price simultaneously. DG’s (distributed generation) have significant benefits in the electric power industry, such as improvement of voltage profile in distribution feeders , amending voltage stability heavy load levels , enhancement of reliability and power quality ,as well as securing power market. Despite the numerous advantages of DG’s technologies, weak capability in dispatching and managing of DG’s is a major challenge for distribution system operators. This novel presents a application of multi objective particle swarm optimization with the aim of determining the optimal DG allocation and sizes and their generated power contract price .The proposed multi objective optimization algorithm determines , not only the operational aspects (such as improving voltage profile and stability , power loss reduction ) and also reliability enhancement taken into account , and an economic analysis is performed based on distribution companies and DG’s owners viewpoints. This paper explained IEEE 33 bus distribution test system and the consequent discussions proven the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Read More...
India |
2350-2355 |
580 |
A Review of Black Hole Attack in Manet
-Gurpreet Singh ; Simarjeet Kaur
Black hole attack is a serious security problem to be solved for successful delivery of packets in mobile ad-hoc network. In this attack, a malicious node uses routing protocol to advertise itself as having the shortest path to the node whose packets it wants to seize. In flooding based protocol, if the malicious node reply reaches the requesting node before the reply from the actual node, a forged route is created. This paper deals with the presentation of Black hole attack in MANET. Various previous techniques have been discussed in these papers that were used to prevent black hole attack. MANETs are susceptible to various attacks, so attack has to be mitigated in initial setup. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering |
India |
2356-2358 |
581 |
Effect of Co2 on Climate and Capture Co2 from Emission for Stabilizing Carbon Cycle
-Harsh Patel ; Asst. Prof. Swastik Gajjar
In an effort to lower future CO2 emissions, a wide range of technologies are being developed to scrub CO2 from the flue gases of fossil fuel-based electric power and industrial plants and automobiles in urban zone.This report shows the interesting comparison between global and local greenhouse effect and radiative force by continuous monitoring of Ankleswar and Bharuch urban area.Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is widely seen as a critical technology for limiting atmospheric emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2)—the principal “greenhouse gas†linked to global climate change—from power plants and other large industrial sources and automobiles. This report focuses on the first component of a CCS system, namely, the CO2 capture process.Global concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing rapidly. CO2 emissions have a double impact on local climate change than global climate change. Effective CO2 emission abatement strategies such as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) are required to combat this trend.There are three major approaches for CCS: Post-combustion capture, Pre-combustion capture and Oxyfuel process. Post-combustion capture offers some advantages as existing combustion technologies can still be used without radical changes on them. This makes post- combustion capture easier to implement as a retrofit option compared to the other two approaches. Therefore, post-combustion capture is probably the first technology that will be deployed. This paper aims to provide a state-of-the-art assessment of the research work carried out so far in post-combustion capture with chemical absorption.Prior to the development of any new process, the current state of the art needs to be analyzed and updated in order to set realistic targets for the new technology and benchmark the potential of the newly developed processes. Therefore, part of the work of this thesis is a thorough benchmarking exercise in which updated baselines for the performance of conventional post-combustion capture processes are given.
Index Terms—CO2 concentration, effect on temperature, carbon capture(zeolite).
mechanical engineering |
India |
2359-2364 |
582 |
Experimental Analysis of Solar Air Conditioning System
-Mayank D Patel ; Hardik Patel
At present, the greater use of air-conditioning systems led to an expansion in the use of electrical energy highlighting the contemporary energy crisis.Excessive use of air-conditioning systems has led to significant increase of energy consumption. An air-conditioning system utilizing solar energy would generally be more efficient, cost wise, if it is used to provide both heating and cooling requirements in the field it serves. Various solar powered heating systems have been tested extensively, but solar powered air conditioning systems have received very little attention. Solar powered absorption cooling systems can serve both heating and cooling requirements in the field it serves. Therefore experimental analysis of solar powered absorption cooling system is going to be carried out with Li-Br water pair. Also economic analysis of the solar powered absorption cooling system will be taken.results for three days have been considered in analysis. The average coefficient of performance was achieved during the experiment was 0.33. The maximum and minimum value of cop is 0.21 and 0.35 respectively. Room temperature achieved in between 22 to 25℃.therefore, moderate amount of cooling has been achieved. The economic analysis shows that the cost of the system is still higher.At present, the greater use of air-conditioning systems led to an expansion in the use of electrical energy highlighting the contemporary energy crisis.Excessive use of air-conditioning systems has led to significant increase of energy consumption. An air-conditioning system utilizing solar energy would generally be more efficient, cost wise, if it is used to provide both heating and cooling requirements in the field it serves. Various solar powered heating systems have been tested extensively, but solar powered air conditioning systems have received very little attention. Solar powered absorption cooling systems can serve both heating and cooling requirements in the field it serves. Therefore experimental analysis of solar powered absorption cooling system is going to be carried out with Li-Br water pair. Also economic analysis of the solar powered absorption cooling system will be taken.results for three days have been considered in analysis. The average coefficient of performance was achieved during the experiment was 0.33. The maximum and minimum value of cop is 0.21 and 0.35 respectively. Room temperature achieved in between 22 to 25℃.therefore, moderate amount of cooling has been achieved. The economic analysis shows that the cost of the system is still higher. Read More...
thermal engineering |
India |
2365-2369 |
583 |
Collaborative Project Work-Platform with Encryption and Statistics
-Ashish M.G ; S.Saritha
Our application provides a cloud workspace for the businesses so that employees can collaborate and work together, it helps in business optimization. Our application helps in connecting, collaboration, communication and for achieving common goal. Application can be accessed with different machines e.g. tabs, mobiles etc. Application is also integrated with different tools that can help the business to manage the work or organize the work. Application helps to achieve business collaboration; multiple peoples of the company can collaborate and work together to get the business target. Application helps in sharing information, discussions, project management, group management, resource. Read More...
India |
2370-2371 |
584 |
Enhanced Secure Data Information over Network using DES
-K.Arul ; M.Sakthive
Security refers to techniques for ensuring that data stored in a computer cannot be read or compromised by any individuals without authorization. Security measures mostly which involve data encryption and private passwords. Many issues arises due to privacy of information, security of that information will be misused. Consists of the provisions made in an underlying computer network security infrastructure which adopted by the network administrator to protect the network and network accessible resources from unauthorized access and the effectiveness (or lack) of the measures combined together. The main goal is to perform security technologies while protecting the data or message of each of the owners from the other owners without revealing any leakage of information. In the first case, the goal is to protect the data information or message from unsecure network. Here we introduce some techniques for authorized person to access their information without any theft using security methodology of Data Encryption Standard and their concerns. Read More...
India |
2372-2374 |
585 |
Designing of Screw Feeder in Batching System
-Ulkesh Solanki ; Amol Shroff; Prashant Waghmare; Tejas Kulkarni; K.P. Agte
This article gives brief information about designing of a screw feeder. Four free flowing and granular materials P, Q, R and S which are required to get feeded are taken into account for the designing. Flow rates of four materials are calculated based on the time limit allotted for feeding. Important parameters like screw diameter, pitch of screw, shaft diameter, screw length are computed. Power required for the motor to drive the screw is estimated and Geometries of screw feeder are included in this paper. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
2375-2376 |
586 |
Enhancement of Antenna Result Parameters of Microstrip Patch Antenna using Novel Artificial Electromagnetic Material
-Hardik V. Patel ; Kunal Modh
Metamaterials are artificial metallic structures having simultaneously negative permittivity (ɛ) and permeability (μ), which leads to negative refractive index. Metamaterial doesn’t obey Snell’s law. No other material in the world shows the above properties like Metamaterial. Due to these unusual properties Metamaterial can change the electric and magnetic property of electromagnetic wave passing through it and because of these reasons when Metamaterial is used in the fabrication of microwave components and antennas the required properties can be enhanced. Using this metamaterial antenna the demerits of ordinary patch antenna like low gain and efficiency can be overcome and is useful in the field of wireless communication. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
2377-2379 |
587 |
Contractor Collaboration Panel with Tracker
-Rappy Dipali ; Dr. M.S.Shashidhara
In our modern business self-employed or freelancing is the new trend to get the work done from anywhere on a faster and cheaper pace. Application provides a central place where all the freelancing companies, groups to collaborate and work on a project. Application provides different options from outsourcing project, to bid, to manage and track the reports. It is designed in such a way that the peoples who want their work to be done can collaborate with the peoples who want a work. Now a day there is many people who work as a freelancer. A freelancer is a worker who can works without fixed income and fixed time. Basically a freelancer is a self employed who can work from home in a free time for and they also gets the money accordingly to their contract. With the help of the application searching the contractor is easy, even the hiring process can be managed by the application. Application helps to synchronize with the contractors. User can track the work in progress with the help of reporting tools provided by the application. Application provides a secure, automated system to easily pay contractors for the project management. Application can be used as a secured work space by the users, can manage the work room or department wise also. Three major entities are there in this application, client, developer and admin who work together on the tool provided by this application. Read More...
India |
2380-2382 |
588 |
Advanced Automation Integration with Encryption and Integration Algorithms
-Bhabani Rana ; Parimala R
Our application has the advance features like Sfile Transfer Protocol, Secure Sockets Layer, Transport Layer Security, internationalized domain name, browser integration, site to site transfers, File Transfer Protocol resume, drag & drop, file viewing & editing, firewall, custom commands, File Transfer Protocol Url parsing, command line transfers, filters, and much, much more. This secure File Transfer Protocol client gives application user’s a fast, easy, reliable way to update and maintain application user’s website via File Transfer Protocol. Application also provides a secure method (via Secure Sockets Layer, Transport Layer Security, Or Sfile Transfer Protocol) to upload / download files to and from File Transfer Protocol servers. Application is a File Transfer Protocol client used to transfer files between application user’s computer and File Transfer Protocol servers. Application users can use this software to transfer files of any size and/or type, including Web pages, multi-media files, or other documents to and from a file transfer server over File Transfer Protocol, the standard for moving files across the Internet. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
2383-2385 |
589 |
Automatic Data Extraction from Deep Web Page
-Sagar G.R ; Rampur Srinath
There is large volume of information available in the World Wide Web. The information on the Web is contained in the form of structured and unstructured objects, which is known as data records. Our paper mainly concentrate on mined the data from the deep web pages, because most of data unit returned from the database are usually encoded into the result pages dynamically for human browsing. Some of the approaches used to solve this problem are manual approach, supervised learning, and automatic techniques. The manual method is not suitable for large number of pages. It is a challenging work to retrieve appropriate and useful information from Web pages. Currently, many web retrieval systems called web wrappers, web crawler have been designed. For the encoded data units to be machine process able, this is essential for many applications such as deep web data collection. Then most importantly our method displays the result as single page output. More fast and accurate at the same time, however, extracting the content from the original HTML document is complicated by the large amount of less informative and typically unrelated material such as navigation menus, forms, user comments, and ads. An annotation wrapper for the search site is automatically constructed and can be used to annotate new result pages from the same web database. Our experiments indicate that the proposed approach is highly effective. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
2386-2388 |
590 |
Temperature Distribution Analysis in Pulse Gas Metal Arc Welding Process
-Nirbhay L Ranpariya ; M Y Patil; M H Thakkar
Welding is the most preferable joining process used in industries. In the arc welding process the thermal cycle leads to residual stresses and displacement. In this paper Gaussian heat distribution model has been used for temperature field analysis and used 5 mm thick AA 5083 plates for experiment model and derived a good agreement between them. The numerical simulation of welding process is complex and takes more computational time, several assumptions are typically used in simulation for simplifying the process and to save the computational time. The complex analysis carried out in two steps first is transient thermal analysis and second is mechanical analysis which, displays the residual stresses and displacement. In this work, thermal analysis with the help of ANSYS tool carried out for Single V, butt joint aluminium base metal (AA5083) using Pulse Gas metal arc welding (GMAW-P) process. / butt weld . In this work we are using Gaussian heat distribution models and temperature dependent material properties for the simulation of filler metal disposition. An experiment was carried out to measure temperature distribution during the single pass GMAW-P process used a k type thermocouple attached to the plate. The results of the experiment compared with finite element analysis to confirm the accuracy of finite element code. In this work moving heat source model develops in ANSYS APDL code for a good agreement between numerical method and experiment results. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
2389-2392 |
591 |
An Approach to Live Application Server Migration in AWS Public Cloud
-Nisha Rathod ; Prof. Sandip Chauhan
virtualization technology is at the heart of cloud computing technology. One particular physical host may contain more than one virtual machine. In cloud computing, Virtual machine may require to migrate on other physical host to perform maintenance of physical host, to run server consolidation process, load balancing and fault tolerance. Online migration can help the client to get uninterrupted service while offline migration increases the downtime. From all available cloud service provider in the market, in this paper Amazon has been chosen to implement the live VM migration. In this paper we described different procedure to perform live migration, an approach to implement live migration in AWS public cloud. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
2393-2397 |
592 |
Automatic Image Registration of Multiview Satellite Images by using Surf and Ransac
-Pooja Chawla ; Darshana Mistry
Image registration is a process of overlaying two or more images of the same scene taken from different viewpoints, at different times, and/or by different sensors. Image registration is a key process in various fields like remote sensing, medical imaging, computer vision and cartography. Image registration process consists of four basic steps: feature detection, feature matching, transformation model estimation and image transformation and resampling. Automatic image registration is still a challenging task, particularly for remote sensing images. Auto-transformation of satellite images is a crucial step in Automatic image registration. SURF is the fastest algorithm for feature detection and feature matching. RANSAC algorithm is used for autotransformation of satellite images and finally generates the registered image. This paper shows the results of feature detection and feature matching using SURF and final registered image obtained by RANSAC. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
2398-2401 |
593 |
Removal of Color and Cod in Reactive Black 5 Azo Dye by Sequentially Fenton’s Oxidation And Sequential Batch Processs
-Ahir Dipak.R ; Dr. S.S.Singh; Prof. N.R.Patel
A two stage sequential Fenton’s oxidation followed by aerobic biological treatment train was used to achieve decolorization and to enhance mineralization of azo dyes, viz. Reactive Black 5 (RB5). In the first stage, Fenton’s oxidation process was used while in the second stage aerobic sequential batch reactors (SBRs) were used as biological process. Study was done to evaluate effect of pH , H2O2 & FeSO4 Fenton’s oxidation process. by Fenton’s process. Degradation of dye was assessed by COD and BOD reduction. Fenton’s oxidation process followed by aerobic SBRs treatment sequence seems to be viable method for achieving significant degradation of azo dye. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
2402-2406 |
594 |
Remote Continuous Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring System Based on Micro controller
-Siddu Kone ; Rashmi Pawar
The design and development of a Non-invasive wireless blood pressure data acquisition instrument for remote monitoring based on Micro-controller and zigbee transmission module. By this developed system the blood pressure biomedical signal is measured by using an optical measurement technique. By this technique the blood pressure can be monitor for a long period of time. The obtained signal is amplified by using an operational amplifier circuit and are further interfaced with the microcontroller. The obtained blood pressure readings with the help of developed system are calculated and displayed on LCD, further the results are transmitted to stationary computer device via zigbee module. Further the obtained results are compared with the existing standard device results such as spygmomanometer to verify the accuracy of the developed system. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
2407-2409 |
595 |
Druid- Software Project Planner and Controller
-Divya M D ; Chinnaswamy C N
The software industry has always been challenged to deliver the products in faster, cheaper and better quality. One recent trend to address this challenge has been to build products using agile methodologies. Scrum is one such agile method of software development life cycle. Implementation of agile methodologies require the teams to have the right tools, processes and metrics to measure the success of the processes. The software component of this project are an agile project tracking tool. This tool will track the ongoing projects. Based on the data thus obtained, reports are generated. The reports will give an overview of the project and help managers to take decisions to lead the project in right direction. Hence, allowing to control the flow of the project.
ï€ Agile- Able to move quick and easily.
ï€ Sprint- A set period of time.
ï€ Backlog- An accumulation of uncompleted work.
ï€ Sprint backlog- A list of tasks to be completed in a particular sprint.
Computer Network and Engineering |
India |
2410-2412 |
596 |
Chinese Wok using iOS Technology
-Balachandra.M ; Saritha S
Chinese Wok is a Mobile application which lists down the restaurants related Chinese food along with the location using coordinates and it will show the restaurant working hours along with the food menu according to each restaurant. The Wok Express App takes ordering to the next level. With a variety of yummy combinations, flick through our menu, your order and choose pick up or delivery.
ï€ Flick through our extensive menu
ï€ Credit card payment option is available
ï€ Easy to navigate
ï€ Simple ordering process
The main objective of the application is to automate the existing system of manually maintain the records of the pickup and delivery order food details which has been made every day by an end user. This application is interacting with their own website to automate the process of manually maintaining the records related to the subject of
ï€ Display interactive menu items
ï€ Online request for ordering items
ï€ Online request for pickup or delivery of an order as per convenience
ï€ Reach to wide range of customers
ï€ Online payment
coordinates, navigate, interactive menu |
India |
2413-2416 |
597 |
Cluster Based Routing for WSN using Residual Energy of the Nodes
-Jitender Poriya
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can provide low cost solutions to various real world problems. Wireless Sensor Networks can be said as the latest development or improvement in the field of Wireless Communication. However the advantages of WSN become limited due to the limited resources, especially low-capacity battery of the sensor nodes. For extending lifetime of WSN, energy aware routing is an important issue for prolonging the lifetime of the WSN. Furthermore, IP cannot be applied to WSNs, since address updating in a large-scale or dynamic WSN can result in heavy overhead. We have used the simulation software NS2 to simulate the aspects like nodes alive, network lifetime, energy consumption. In this paper we have reviewed the approach for fault detection in the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) to extend network lifetime. Read More...
India |
2417-2419 |
598 |
Routing Improvements in Wireless Mesh Networks by using ARS Technique
-Raja H P ; Dr. Prabhudeva S
In a multihop Wireless Mesh Network (WMNs) there is frequent link failure caused by various reasons as channel interference, Qos failure and spectrum failure. Because of these link failures the throughput of wireless mesh network severely decreases which is expensive and manual management is required. In this paper, we presented the reliable and optimal routing among the nodes to increases the performance of the through put in the networks. We tend to introduce an autonomous network reconfiguration system (ARS) technique scheme, during the monitoring period phase to monitor the quality of its outgoing links, and the basic operation involved in many link recovery algorithms. After this link monitoring, the failure links are detected using the failure detector. Due to this link failure the packet dropping occurs. The planning is here fully based on energy. And Energy is calculated for the neighboring nodes from the link failure occurred node. The most important task carried out in this period is the changes must be made to link. Here the link recovery is based on the highest energy which is at the path in nearby distance. We demonstrate that number of router nodes has to cover the maximum coverage ratio and this is increases through put, packet delivery ratio and delay. Read More...
India |
2420-2422 |
599 |
Development of Correlation for Saturated Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of R134a in Mini / Micro Channels
-Dhavalkumar Amrutlal Tandel ; Hiren Patel
the importance of flow boiling and condensing mini/micro-channel devices to a large number of modern applications has spurred an unusually large number of research efforts that culminated in many types of predictive tools. These efforts have inadvertently contributed enormous confusion when selecting a suitable predictive method. This study reviews methods for predicting heat transfer in boiling mini/micro-channel flows. Systematic assessment of predictive accuracy of individual methods requires the development of consolidated mini/micro-channel databases for saturated boiling heat transfer. These databases cover R134a as working fluids and broad ranges of geometrical and flow parameters. It is shown that, despite the success of previous predictive methods for specific fluids and narrow databases, these methods are incapable of providing accurate predictions against entire consolidated databases. The consolidated databases are used to develop correlation with very broad application range. These include separate correlations for saturated flow boiling heat transfer with R134a refrigerant; the latter is shown to accurately tackle both nucleate boiling dominated and convective boiling dominated regimes up to the location of incipient dryout. Read More...
India |
2423-2426 |
600 |
Experimental Investigation of Thermal Performance of Serpentine Solar Water Heater
-Hardik A. Parmar ; Asst. Prof Ravi K. Dayatar; Dr. Sadanand Namjoshi
The solar water heater is one of the best applications of solar energy. The solar water heater which is widely used for water heating purpose its performance is affected by so many parameters like orientation towards sun, shape and material of collector plate, shape and material of absorber plate and shape, surface finish and material of water pipes and these all are highly influencing parameters for performance of solar water heater. The scope of present work is limited to experimental investigation and Thermal Analysis of Serpentine Solar Water Heater. Read More...
India |
2427-2429 |