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851 |
Review Paper on Current Technologies for Target Positioning in Indoor Environment
-Mehul K. Vala ; Prof. S. G. Chudasama
Indoor positioning systems have gained popularity for supporting location-specific services in indoor environments. Indoor positioning technology highlights the inefficiency of global positioning system inside a closed environment for example, buildings. GPS does not perform well in urban areas where there will be lot of buildings, wall, tree and underground structures. The signal from the GPS satellites is too weak to penetrate the building structure so it makes GPS unusable for indoor localization. Based on above facts this paper aims to brief readers regarding various method for indoor positioning and technological advances in this field. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
3431-3434 |
852 |
A Study on Non-Destructive Testing of Welding Defects using Ultrasonic Inspection
-Anita Biradar ; Prof.Bharat.S.Kodli
This paper reports non-destructive testing conducted on similar TIG welds between mild steel plates. The TIG welds of ms plates were produced at different current, voltage and gas flow rate. The current was varied between 120,130 and 140 amp while the voltage was varied between 12.5,14 and 15volts and gas flow rate is varied between 8,10 and 12L\min. The ultrasonic testing techniques were employed to conduct the tests; these tests were conducted on the welds to ascertain the joint integrity before characterization to have an idea of the quality of the welds. Ultrasonic inspection technique revealed the presence of Incomplete penetration defects and discontinuities in some of the welds. It was found that the welds produced at 130amp, 12.5volts and 12L/min were the best quality weld. Read More...
mechanical engineering |
India |
3435-3438 |
853 |
Design of High Speed VLSI Architecture for Quark Family
-Viji.M ; Nishaangeline.M; Valarmathi.S
In this communication world, to convey thought/information, communication must be necessary. While doing this, the thought/information should be kept in a secret way. In the military application, the lag of secrecy have a chance to destroy the world too. With the help of hash function, the security can be achieved; by the same time the world can also be protected. The most common cryptographic uses hash functions. The hash functions are used for digital signatures and data integrity. A hash function is a function that takes some message of any length as input and transforms it into a fixed length output called a hash value/digest. There are many well-known hash functions; some of them include SHA-1, SHA-2 and SHA-3. SHA-3 performs the best operations than SHA-2 and SHA-1. QUARK, a family of SHA-3 is taken. It runs a sequential code in parallel on a multi-core architecture. Hence the maximum speed may be obtained. QUARK has the family of U-QUARK, D-QUARK and S-QUARK. They were differs in the value of pre-image resistance and parallelization degree. QUARK uses the sponge construction so it can be used for digital signature and message authentication. The advantage is that it is necessary to minimize the amount of hardware, the power and energy consumption. In this paper the gate-equivalents(GE) are reduced with the help of parallel processing and pipelining techniques. A hash function is said to be as lightweight, due to reduction in GE. QUARK exists by using linear feedback shift register(LFSR) and non-linear feedback shift register(NLFSR). NLFSR is more resistant to cryptanalytic attacks than LFSR. LFSR is simple and efficient but, it uses a serial architecture. Hence maximum speed is obtained for VLSI architecture. Read More...
VLSI Signal Processing |
India |
3439-3442 |
854 |
Application of Bouncing Ball Concept in Robotic Systems
-Hitesh C Kathiriya ; Ankit A Patel; Pradipsinh A. Chauhan; Manish P Mishra
Tracking of a translating mass in polyhedral billiard is very interesting problem in control system. In this paper we have simulated the two masses translating in plane with four walls. Due to the discontinuous dynamics arising from non smooth impact, the tracking problem is formulated within a hybrid system framework and a Lyapunov function is given, which decreases during flow (continuous motion) and remains constant across jumps (impacts of the masses)[1]. Simulations of the model using classical control law have represented the relation between time of convergence and gain matrix. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3443-3446 |
855 |
Video Processing Technique for Removing Songs from Bollywood Movies
-Nirav Bhatt
In India now a day’s youngsters are not interested in watching Bollywood movies. After a survey for finding the reasons behind that problem, I came to a conclusion that people are not willing to watch Bollywood movies because of it contains lots of songs. To help the viewers of Bollywood movies of their interest, an initiative has been taken on a video processing technique to classify the movies based on audio. The proposed technique focused on extracting the movie without video songs from Bollywood movies. I have used the audio-based approach from automatic video classification technique and mean based thresholding for extraction as a proposed method. It is being predicted that proposed method will be able to extract the movie without video song from Bollywood movie with minimum lose and will help the viewers to get better solution for their problem. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
3447-3449 |
856 |
Vehicle to Vehicle Communication Using Grid Based on Road Localization
-E. Tamilarasi ; R. Anandan
This paper deals with Grid Based on-road Localisation System (GOT), where vehicles with or without accurat GPS signal self-organise into vehicular adhoc network (VANET), to exchange location and distance information and help each other to calculate an accurate position for all the vechiles inside the network. A vehicle obtains location and distance information in its neighborhood through communication. The information will be discarded if its distance to the corresponding node is larger than our communication threshold. If a vehicle only knows the location of its neighbors and distances to them, it must know at least three location-aware neighbors to enable the location calculation. Read More...
India |
3450-3453 |
857 |
Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete
-Irfan Ali ; MD Mahboob Ali; S.M. Hashmi; Shaik Abdullah
The present dissertation work is directed towards developing a better understanding on strengths characteristics of concrete using GFRC. Dissertation work is carried out with M25 and M30 grade concrete with w/c ratio of 0.44 and 0.39 as a control specimen. and GFRC as percentage varies from 0%,1%,2%and 3% it act as test specimen. For all the mixes compressive, flexural and split tensile strengths are determined at different days of curing. The results of the present investigation indicate that GFRC incorporation results insignificant improvements in the compressive, flexural and split tensile strengths of concrete upto 3%. Standard concrete cubes (150X150X150 mm), cylinders (150x300 mm), prisms (100x100x500 mm) as well as beams (150x150x700 mm) were tested. The physical properties of glass fibre reinforced concrete and its influence on the strength of concrete in the fresh and hardened state, along with a comparative study with the concrete prepared using river sand are also included. The strength in direct compression at 7 days, 14 days and 28 days, and that in split tension and flexure were compared at 28 days. Compressive strength of cubes, Flexural strength of prisms, Split tensile strength of cylinders for conventional concrete as well as GFRC concrete is tested at 7 days, and 28 days of curing. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
3454-3460 |
858 |
Determination of an Optimal Cropping Pattern by Linear Programming Model
-Desai Hemali H. ; R.B.Khasiya
An efficient utilization of ground water and surface water are the main objectives of any water resources system’s study. The concepts of basin wise planning create complication for the water resource planner to plan both surface water and ground water resources conjunctively. The said concept, therefore lead to the complicated analysis of large scale and complex systems, which can be solve by dividing basin in different zones with keeping other parameters constant. A mathematical model with linear programming technique is developed for different cropping pattern based on ten years data and solved by computer using linear interactive numeric discrete optimizer software. Read More...
civil engineering |
India |
3461-3462 |
859 |
Improving Web User Navigation Prediction Using Web Usage Mining
-Palak Pravinbhai Patel ; Rakesh K. Patel
Web usage mining is the process of automatic discovery of user navigation pattern from the web log files or how the user is accessing page on World Wide Web. The interaction of user with the web gets recorded in the web log file at server side. These log files can be analyzed by various pattern discovery techniques. The discovered patterns can be used for Web Recommendations. By analyzing the web log, the next to be accessed by user can be predicted, and can be pre-send to client to minimize the network latency. There are various techniques like Markov Model, Longest Common Subsequence, Association Rule, Clustering etc. These techniques are used to predict user next request. In this paper, we use longest common subsequence algorithm to predict user navigation. LCS algorithms improve the accuracy and classify current user activities. Read More...
computer engineering |
India |
3463-3467 |
860 |
Automatic Complaint Box using RFID & GSM Module
-Jaspreet Hora ; Laxmi Kosta; Dhanashree Tajne; Abhijit Maidamwar; Pranav Kothe
The purpose of this paper is to simplify the complaint registration system using GSM module and RFID technology. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is one of the automatic identification technologies more in vogue nowadays. There is a wide research and development in this area trying to take maximum advantage of this technology, and in coming years many new applications and research areas will continue to appear. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the wireless non-contact use of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data, for the purposes of automatically identifying and tracking tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored information. This sudden interest in RFID also brings about some concerns, mainly the security and privacy of those who work with or use tags in their everyday life. RFID has, for some time, been used to access control in many different areas, from asset tracking to limiting access to restricted areas. The complaint which is registered by the students is directly sent to the authorized person & he is responsible for taking further action. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
3468-3471 |
861 |
Bone Crevice Revelation Proving with OpenCV
-Sowmya M ; Ayesha Taranum; Tejaswini R M
Image processing is any form of signal processing for which the input is an image, such as a photograph or video frame the output of image processing may be either an image or a set of characteristics or parameters related to the image. Edge detection is a basic and important subject in computer vision and image processing. The purpose of this Paper is to find out the accuration of an X-Ray Bone Fracture Detection using Canny Edge Detection Method. A bone fracture is a medical condition in which there is a break in the continuity of the bone. A bone fracture can be the result of high force impact or stress, or a minimal trauma injury as a result of certain medical conditions that weaken the bones, such asosteoporosis, bone cancer, or osteogenesis imperfecta, where the fracture is then properly termed a pathologic fracture. This paper proposes OpenCV library combined with Canny Edge Detection method to detect the bone fracture. The Canny edge detector is an edge detection operator that uses a multi-stage algorithm to detect a wide range of edges in images. The Simulation results are shown how canny edge detection can help to determine the location of fractures in X-ray images. Read More...
Computer science and engineering |
India |
3472-3476 |
862 |
Design and Implementation of Messaging System in Agriculture using Cloud Computing
-Seena Kalghatgi ; Kuldeep P. Sambrekar
The principal source of national income in India comes mainly from agricultural sector. Agriculture is the backbone of development. About 70% of Indian population is directly involved in agricultural sector. But unfortunately, rural India has been ignored for ages. In India, farmers still follow crude methods of farming that result in low productivity and less profit to the farmers. Hence, there is an immediate need of implementing technologies to modernize this sector. Effective implementation of cloud computing technology in the agricultural sector can have positive impact on agricultural development. Cloud services include the delivery of software, infrastructure and storage over the Internet (either as separate components or a complete platform) based on user demand. Using SaaS service model of cloud computing, a mobile application can be developed that will provide guidelines to the farmers and achieve information management. Read More...
Computer Science and Enginnering |
India |
3477-3481 |
863 |
Three Step Security Implementation for Data Migration in Hybrid Cloud
-Priya.G ; Dr N.Jaisankar; Pransanthkumar
As the data around us is increasing at exponential rate, the need for its storage is a natural concern and hence they are moving towards Cloud storage. Though Public cloud storage is a great way to reduce infrastructure cost but it raises security issues and hence we are moving towards Hybrid Cloud infrastructure. Working on Hybrid Cloud requires data migration from one cloud to other. In our paper we are proposing a three layer security mechanism during data migration from public cloud to private cloud and then using a sample website we will implement our algorithm. In our algorithm we are using MAC authentication before accessing the data which will be migrated to private cloud. The algorithm also involved SSL negotiation. The sample website is made using and C#. Read More...
Cloud Computing |
India |
3482-3484 |
864 |
Multipath Stable and Link Breakage Aware QoS Routing For Real Time Traffic Applications in MANET
-Vanjara Ravikant Thakkarbhai ; Asst. Prof. Chirag K Gohel
Due to various characteristics of MANET, it is very challenging. QoS is crucial and very important concept for multimedia or real time traffic application in MANET. QoS is very difficult to guarantee in MANET because of its changing topology compared to wired network. Different QoS metrics i.e. delay, throughput, bandwidth, jitter, energy and link stability is important. Multipath routing is used in order to support QoS. In multipath routing, there are multiple routes between sender and receiver while exchanging data. But QoS parameters is important while exchanging data between sender and receiver for real time and non-real traffic applications. There is lots off ongoing research on QoS but no proper solution is suggested yet. By simulation results, we have shown that the proposed system has better throughput and minimum delay. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
3485-3488 |
865 |
Low Power Delay Locked Loop Based Clock and Data Recovery Circuit using Standby Filter
-Satya Narayan Panda ; Ch.Raja Sekhar
A low power DLL based CDR circuit has been proposed in this paper. The standby filter is the new feature in this design. Level tracking is used for data recovery. VHDL is used for designing the circuit. Cadence tool is used for generating and verifying the layout. Total area of the die and total power dissipation due to switching events is 0.01mm2 and 799.8643μW respectively at 1800mV power supply. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
3489-3491 |
866 |
Optimal Load Shedding for Power System using Firefly Algorithm
-Vedant V. Sonar ; Vaseem K. Shaikh
In this paper, an Optimal Load Shedding problem pertaining to system overloading is solved using the Firefly Algorithm (FA), a swarm-intelligence based, bio-inspired algorithm. The related objective functions, viz. the amount of load shedding and the New Voltage Stability Index (NVSI), indicating the optimal location of load to be shed, are minimized by the proposed algorithm. The NVSI acts as a voltage stability indicator in transmission line and its minimization improves transmission line performance, thus improving voltage stability of the system. The proposed algorithm is applied on a standard IEEE 30-bus test system for the overloading criterion. This paper implements the effectiveness of the Firefly Algorithm in solving the multi-objective problem. Read More...
Electrical Engineering (Power Systems) |
India |
3492-3495 |
867 |
Introduction of Maximum Power Point Tracking by Incremental Conductance Method
-Ankit Suvariya ; Sachin V. Rajani
This work presents control techniques for maximum power point tracking in photovoltaic system by incremental conductance method. In this paper a 60kW grid connected photovoltaic system will simulate by real time radiations level data and corresponding temperature level.
Electrical Engineering |
India |
3496-3499 |
868 |
Design of Pneumatic Operated Jack for Four Wheelers
-P.S.Borkar ; S.V.Sontakke; R.R.Dorwe; A.B.Ganorkar; S.P. Lokhande
This fabrication is based on pneumatics which deals with the study and application of pressurized air to produce mechanical motion. Pneumatic jack is a fabricated model which when installed in four wheeler, will ease in the problems arising in the conventional operated jack. This fabricated model consists of a small size reciprocating air compressor which is driven by the battery used in four wheeler, an air tank to store the compressed air, and a pneumatic control valve which regulates the air flow and double acting cylinder used as a jack which performs lifting.
Thus the car is lifted using jack and the problem related to tyres such as puncture tyres, tyre replacement and wheel balancing can be resolved with less effort and time.
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
3500-3503 |
869 |
Six Sigma in Education System: A Review
-Naveen Kumar ; Dr. R.M. Belokar
Quality in education became an important fact due to increasing competitive environment. The quality in education is more important for the educational institution and the organization. In India there is a need of clarity in education as well as common understanding of education. The six sigma five phase methodology DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) is used to improve the quality in an industry as well as in education system. In this methodology process map with SIPOC (supplier-input-process-output-control),FMEA(failure mode and effect analysis),Pareto diagram, cause and effect analysis and histogram etc. are used. These are the tools which we can use for better understanding of higher education system and to meet required quality in an education system. This review paper is focusing on the study of educational system with the use of operational tools and techniques which are used to get excellence in an educational system. Read More...
Production & Industrial Engg. |
India |
3504-3507 |
870 |
Design of 4 Bit Array Multiplier with GDI using Low Power Adder Cells
-Spandana .M ; Dr. Nataraj K.R
GDI a new techinque of designing low power digital combinational circuits.this reduces power consumption ,transistor count,propogation delay and area of digital circuits.The main objective of this thesis is to provide new power solutions for VLSI designers. simulaion result shows that the proposed GSDI has better performance in terms of power and transistor count in comparison with cmos design. GDI proposes and compared with traditional CMOS. Comparison of GDI transistor count with CMOS is presented. . Simulation result shows that the propose GDI has better performance in terms of power consumption and transistor count in compared to CMOS design. In our paper, we designed the 4*4 array multiplier based on GDI and the simulations are performed by CADENCE VIRTUOSO based on 180nm CMOS technology. Read More...
India |
3508-3511 |
871 |
Implementing Jammers and Analyzing Its Effect in Wireless Network using NS3
-Pradeep N G ; Hemalatha
In this paper, we aim to design one or more jammers in wireless sensor networks using ns3 and we also analyze its effect in network. Here we use the tool ns3 because it’s one of the popular simulating tool and cost efficient tool which is open source. The main thing behind using ns3 is that we cannot manually implement and check our project each and every time , to analyze our model we simulating tools such as ns2,ns3 etc.. First we list some of the sources where we can download ns3. Secondly we discuss how to build wireless network and introducing jammers into network. Finally we end up with a discussion of implementing a framework for minimizing errors and localizing jammers in wireless network which is a beautiful concept. This concept came into my mind while implementing jammers using ns3. Read More...
India |
3512-3515 |
872 |
Android Application for Layout Security
-Varun Patil ; Ayonam Roy; Shailaja L K
The Layout Security applications concept is Innovate business concept owned by RR Logic System Pvt. Ltd. RR Logic has a cloud based mobile application for monitoring of the security of residential, layout and apartments. It is proposed to support security in commercial establishments and factories. In addition to handling the entry and exit of visitors and workers, the new application needs to be able to handle movement of materials, security beats and other such functionalities that are typically of factory or commercial entities. Read More...
computer science |
India |
3516-3517 |
873 |
Design and Investigation of 2D Photonic Crystals based Optical Wavelength Demultiplexer
-Chandraprabha Charan ; Vijay Laxmi Kalyani
Photonic crystal demultiplexers play an important role in optical communication system because of their higher performance, compact structure, high capacity and less cross-coupling. In this paper based on analysis we demonstrate a 2D photonic crystal based ultra-compact wavelength demultiplexer for two optical windows. The proposed structure used for demultiplexing two optical wavelengths i.e. 1.31µm and 1.55µm. The structure uses hexagonal lattice structure with silicon rods(RI=3.47) suspended in air. The structure uses line and border defect in structure to provide a mean transmission efficiency of 94%. Also the cross-talk i.e. a very critical factor in demultiplexer devices is between -25.27db to -30.78db. The footprint of proposed device is about 86.86 µm² (10.1µm  8.6µm). The proposed wavelength demultiplexer is suitable for Nano- Photonic integrated circuits due to its ultra-compact structure, high transmission efficiency and low cross-talk level Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering( in the field of 2D photonic crystal based devices ) |
India |
3518-3521 |
874 |
Text Categorization on Multiple Languages based on Classification Technique
-Bhavna Rani
In the Constitution of India, a provision is made for each of the Indian states to choose their own official language for communicating at the state level for official purpose. The availability of constantly increasing amount of textual data of various Indian regional languages in electronic form has accelerated. So the Classification of text documents based on languages is essential. The objective of the work is the representation and categorization of Indian language text documents using text mining techniques. Several text mining techniques such as Vector Space Model,ImproveKNN(KNearestNeighbour),precision(p),Recall(r),Fmeasure,tokens,Stemming,Stopwords for text categorization have been used. Read More...
computer science engineering |
India |
3522-3524 |
875 |
Rail/Weld Fractures Detection by Continuous Monitoring Strain and Temperature using FBG System
-Jay K. bhavsar ; Jwolin M. patel
Rail fractures have been a major cause of derailments in IR with crucial repercussions. With present system conventional periodic inspection system and Ultrasonic Flaw Detection, there is no efficient or automated system in place for Rail Fracture detection or prediction of abnormal behaviour of LWR under particular temperature or even effects of various abnormalities from Rail/ wheel interactions like Flat Tyre etc. A smart conditionmonitoring system like Proposed FBG System, would allow real-time andcontinuous monitoring of the structural andoperational conditions as well as monitoringof the structural health of rail tracks and the location. Major objectives of proposed system is to record continuously strain and temperature signatures using optical sensing and transmitting from track to the different control points. Study trail of proposed system conducted in W.R. has been discussed in detail. In addition, the system design caters to flashing of precise location of Rail Fracture instantly to the person concern and control centre. Also continuous recording of strain signature and its data analysis after filtration and calibration can be utilised to indicate the threshold of strain with respect to temperature variations. Prediction of abnormal track stress behaviour can also result in precise location of accumulation of stress level due to temperature considering hysteresis and actual behaviour of Long Welded Rails (LWR). Read More...
Electronics and Communication |
India |
3525-3531 |
876 |
Mobile Web Server on Smart Phones
-Priyanka Kumbhar ; Pradnya Gaikwad; Pratibha Dekate; Rupali Mahakal; Sandeep Nagpure
Mobile web server is an android application designed for modern world which can run on a mobile device such as a Smartphone. We are implementing an Android Application (App) through which it is very easy and convenient to host the web site. As a mobile phone contentss quite a lot of personal data it is easy to semi- automatically generate a personal web site. The primary goal is to bring a full-fledged web server to Android and to make a web server running on a mobile phone accessible from the internet using any web browser. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
3532-3536 |
877 |
Study of Goods Movement through Aravali District Region of Gujarat
-Nisarg D Chauhan ; V.R. Gor; H.K. Dave
There is close relation between economic growth & goods movement, employment & goods movement, consumer & goods movement, resources & goods movement, industries & goods movement. Various Goods movement forecasting models like commodity based, demography based, growth based had been in use to predict the goods flow across the region. Goods prediction & information related to inventory of existing road network are suitable to identify the problems for goods movement through the available road network. Suggestions for network improvement can be made on the basis of observations & predictions. It had also been observed that any single model as suggested above applied at local district level is insufficient to accurately predict the goods movement. Hence a need is felt to integrate all the causes of goods movement with application of model from whole to part, i.e. from regional movements to localized movements to take into consideration effect of Intrastate, Interstate, Intra district, Inter district trips etc., to get sufficient precise information on goods movements through localized area. Also the influence of goods trips on movement of traffic in localized area can be studied with an aim to reduce localized traffic movement problems, which has started occurring in the nearby newly developing towns across which such goods movement are taking place. Current study involves prediction and validation of goods movement across Aravali district based on regions domestic product, Per capita income & consumer surplus/deficit, using gravity model. Study also reveals that localized traffic movements are highly influenced by heavy highway traffic at Dhansura, Bhiloda, & Bayad facing need of Bypass. Also to deal with growing traffic passing through this region, Modal shift of Goods traffic could be thought of by providing cheap mode of rail transport through this region with rail connectivity to be established between Modasa and Shamalaji. Read More...
India |
3537-3540 |
878 |
Cloud Based Finger Print Recognization System
-Amit Gupta ; Aayush Kumar; Tanay Choudhary; Anmol Singh; Srividya B.V
Fingerprint recognition refers to the automated methodology of corroboratory a match between two human fingerprints. Fingerprint recognition are used in many places such as Industries, Colleges, Hospitals to verify finger print of a person for authentication purpose and that is unique , fingerprints Technique are used for identification as well.This paper presents a prototype system for generalized searching of cloud-scale biometric database. This is combination of “Biometrics technology ,Embedded system technology and Cloud technology†which are unique. Read More...
Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
3541-3543 |
879 |
An Overview on Data Preprocessing Methods in Data Mining
-R. Dharmarajan ; R.Vijayasanthi
Data preprocessing is a data mining technique that involves transforming raw data into an understandable format. Data pre-processing is an often ignored but important step in the data mining process. Real-world data is often incomplete, inconsistent, and/or lacking in certain behaviors or trends, and is likely to contain many errors. Data preprocessing is a proven method of resolving such issues. Data preprocessing prepares raw data for further processing. Data pre-processing includes cleaning, Integration, Transformation, reduction, etc. This paper analyzes existing work done in the preprocessing steps. A brief overview of various data preprocessing techniques for Data cleaning, Data Integration, Data Transformation, Data reduction, Data Discretization is discussed. Read More...
Data Mining |
India |
3544-3546 |
880 |
Energy Analysis in IC Engine using Diesel Blends as a Fuel
-Dhamodharan V ; Kalyanasunder R
In this experimental study, the main objective was to carry out exergy analysis of diesel fuel, diesel-camphor oil blend and diesel-eucalyptus oil blend as a fuel in diesel engine at various engine loads. This work discusses a method of estimating the availability destructions and exergetic efficiency of combustion for the fuel used. Several engine parameters such as specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency, exergy efficiency were investigated. The results indicated that the exergy efficiency was increased by 5% for C20 and 4% for E20 as compared to neat diesel due to increase in exhaust gas temperature. In neat diesel fuel, unsaturated hydrocarbons are associated with lower availability destruction, they resulted in poor exergetic efficiency as a significant fraction of the fuel availability is lost in the products. The exergy analysis was done by coupling first law of thermodynamics and second law of thermodynamics. Read More...
India |
3547-3550 |
881 |
An Improved Approach for Mining Frequent Sequential Web Access Patterns from Web Logs
-Sheetal Jain ; Jasmin Jha
In the growing world of IT, We need to evaluate users' browsing behavior and provide them recommendations to maintain the users' interest. we propose a naive graph based approach which stores the items into the adjacency matrix by creating the directed graph. The frequent sequential web access patterns are then retrieved from the matrix, which is then used to fetch and generate recommendation links. Read More...
India |
3551-3553 |
882 |
Privacy Preservation in Collaborative Data Publishing using Anonymization Algorithm
-Gayathri.D ; P.P Joby
Multiple data providers for anonymzing partitioned data in a horizontal manner is considered with collaborative data publishing problem. Legitimate access of insider is a malicious attack perpetrated on the computer networks for data providers using their individual records and files to infer other data records of various privacy protocols data providers. The process of new concept can lead many gifts of payments. M-privacy as the first notation
for removing identifying particulars from data of privacy with constraint to m-colluding for data providers. Heuristic algorithms for disploying the privacy for analyzing both single and multiple constraints in an efficient manner for in each records checking m-privacy in a group of data record files. Anonymization algorithm for high efficiency checking m-privacy for various data record files. The concluding process with securing multi-party in data records for computing with collaborative protocols are simplified with analyzed security and data efficiency is terming proved. Real time experiments are made with data sets to suggest the efficiency with the existing concept with m-privacy. Read More...
computer engineering |
India |
3554-3558 |
883 |
Archimedes Spiral Antenna for Microwave Hyperthermia
-Ashish Kodape ; Dr. Nisha Sarvade; Bhaskar Selkod; Viren Ukey
Microwave Hyperthermia is type of treatment of cancer tumors in which the body tumor is exposed to slightly higher temperature than the body in order to kill the cells or make it sensitive to radiation for certain anti-cancer drugs. To focus the heat into the tumors antennas or applicators are required, here two-arm Archimedes spiral antenna has been discussed for superficial application in Microwave hyperthermia. The spiral antenna is not sensitive to the input frequency nor to the parameter fluctuation, the heating region of the antenna can be controlled by the input frequency 434 MHz and 915 MHz. The model was designed and simulated in CST studio suite and the return loss is below -15 dB for the operating frequency with a VSWR of less than 2. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
3559-3561 |
884 |
Cyber Forensic Model for Data Security in Cloud Computing
-Harveenkaur G Kataria ; Gayatri Sunilkumar Pandi(Jain)
Cloud Computing is considered to be the next generation of information technology framework. It is the next generation computing platforms that can provide dynamic resource pools, virtualization and high availability and online storage systems. The new character brings a lot of new security challenges which have not been taken into account completely in the current cloud computing system. There are number of security issues related to online storage of data on the cloud. Evidence of integrity preservation of data is a crucial aspect to be considered. In this paper, we propose a model to provide evidence of integrity preservation of the data uploaded to the online cloud storage and downloaded from the cloud storage systems. Moreover, accessibility of logs is a burning issue these days. This challenge is overcome by providing a customised user and resource log including crucial information like by whom was the object accessed, when it was accessed, which operations were performed on which objects, and the status of operations requested. This can boost up the trust of the users leading to increased adoption of cloud computing services in areas like business, healthcare and education, thus directing towards lower cost and long term benefits to the society. Read More...
Cloud Computing |
India |
3562-3567 |
885 |
Data Presentation Architecture with Sharing
-Ravi ; Mr.Dharam Vir
Our application is extremely useful examination device that helps the business to do exploration and investigation of business information. With the assistance of the application huge arrangement of information can be changed over to significant charts for the study and investigation. Application is business knowledge programming where dynamic dashboard and reports can be sorted out and oversaw. It serves to improve the business. Today's business manages huge information so for any examination will be considerably more troublesome, so our application serves to model that information and believer them in a visual arrangement. Application serves to model the crude information and gives the client to control the representation of the information as indicated by the interest. Indeed, even the Key Performance Indicators investigation should be possible in the correct configuration. Application helps in choice making that is critical for any business. Our application turns the mind boggling information set in straightforward charts, so that the organizations can settle on choice taking into account the information. Both expansive and little associations can utilize the application. It gives simple to utilize move and customize choice, intelligent dashboard and report era highlights. Read More...
IT |
India |
3568-3570 |
886 |
Big Data and Hadoop: Improving Mapreduce Performance using Clustering Algorithm
-Krunal Dave ; Mr.Jignesh Vania
“Big Data†is a popular term used to describe the exponential growth and availability of structured, unstructured data and semi-structured data that has potential to be mined for information. Data mining involves knowledge discovery from these large data sets. Hadoop is the core platform for storing the large volume of data into Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and that data get processed by MapReduce model in parallel. Hadoop is designed to scale up from a single server to thousands of machines and with a very high degree of fault tolerance. This paper presents we have implemented our k-means algorithm in single and multi-node Hadoop cluster. We calculate the performance based on the time to execute the MapReduce job. Read More...
Data mining |
India |
3571-3574 |
887 |
An Improved Resource Scheduling Approach using Dynamic Job Grouping Strategy in Grid Computing
-Monica H. Santoki
Grid computing is one type of wide-area distributed and heterogeneous system. Grid resource scheduling is one challenging task or say one issue for scheduling resources. Job scheduling means that light-weight jobs are grouped in course-grain jobs. So many different scheduling algorithms are used for grid resource scheduling. Mainly this algorithms are minimize the processing time, achieve high throughput and to maximize resource utilization. In order to ensure proper working of algorithm, the algorithm will be tested in Gridsim toolkit. Gridsim toolkit mainly used for modeling and simulation purpose. Read More...
India |
3575-3577 |
888 |
Soil Stabilization using Waste Pet Fiber Material
-S.V.Biradar ; Md Khaja Moniuddin
In India, the modern era of soil stabilization began in early 1970’s, with a general shortage of petroleum and aggregates, it became necessary for the engineers to look at means to improve soil other than replacing the poor soil at the building site. Soil stabilization was used but due to the use of obsolete methods and also due to the absence of proper technique, soil stabilization lost favour. In recent times, with the increase in the demand for infrastructure, raw materials and fuel, soil stabilization has started to take a new shape. With the availability of better research, materials and equipment, it is emerging as a popular and cost-effective method for soil improvement. This research determined the geotechnical properties of lateritic soil modified with used plastic water bottle (PET) with a view to obtaining a cheaper and effective replacement for the conventional soil stabilizers plastic waste materials or produced enormously such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is used as fiber reinforced material in the soil stabilization. But such material has been used little for engineering purposes. The used plastic water bottle as a waste can be cut into pieces and mixed with soil in the behaviour of the soil similar to fiber reinforced soil and response of plastic waste mixed soil can be examined using the frame work of fiber reinforced soil. Read More...
civil engineering |
India |
3578-3583 |
889 |
Wireless Robotic Hand using RF
-Avinash Suresh Dhaigude ; Dr. Alice N. Cheeran
There has been lot of advancement in robotics field today. It’s used in many sectors due to lots of automation. Wireless robotic hand aids to automation and reduction of human effort. Fingers of this hand make movement similar to the operator’s finger which is at a far distance from robot. This has many applications. Particularly in rescue operations system can be well implemented. Thus things which are at a far location can be controlled by using wireless robotic hand. We are using flex sensor, arduino controller and RF technology in this project. Flex sensor basically is a variable resistor which changes its value when it is bent. Such 5 flex sensors are mounted on operators hand glove. Depending upon the movement of each finger various potential values are generated. These potential values are further processed inside arduino controller. Arduino uno controller is used at input to sense the data from flex sensor and at the output to rotate motors attached to hand. RF technology is used for wireless data transmission. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
3584-3587 |
890 |
Implementation of Modern Error Control Codes on Wireless Channels
-Miss. Khushbu Gandhi ; Prof.Risha Tiwari
Demanding speed for data transmission and data storage in wireless communication devices motivates to develop error control code and improve their performance measures. Such a latest error control codes are Polar code, LDPC code and Turbo code which comes in category of “Modern Error correcting codesâ€. In this dissertation work I have mathematically configured all modern error control codes, studied their behavior and compare their performance. More over we found LDPC performs best and proved in terms of BER. In last session I have implemented the Belief Propagation in simplified domain and less complexity will be implemented and hard wired design will be proposed. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
3588-3590 |
891 |
Key Frame based Video Watermarking using SVD and WAVELET Decomposition
-Abhishek Patel ; Mr.Jignesh Vania
Copyright protection as a major security demand in digital world. Watermarking techniques are proposed the intention to show the advantages and the possible weaknesses in the schemes working in the frequency domain and in the spatial domain. In this report key-frame based video watermarking method is presented. This method implant data to the each bands perform in the wavelet domain into the specific frames using key-frame extraction method. The algorithm uses frequency domain to add the watermark where it does not affect the quality of extracted watermark if the video is subjected to different types of malign attacks. Watermark is embedded in an additive way in key-frames .This method is tested on different types of video. The recommend watermarking method in frequency domain has robustness against some attacks such as sharpness, contrast, Gaussian blur and brightness. Read More...
computer science & engineering |
India |
3591-3593 |
892 |
Enhancing the Scalability and Efficiency of Big Data using Clustering Algorithms
-Kosha Kothari ; Ompriya Kale
The data that is been produced by numerous scientific applications and incorporated environment has grown rapidly not only in size but also in variety in current era. The data collected is of very large amount and there is an adversity in gathering and evaluating such big data. The main goal of clustering is to categorize data into clusters such that objects are grouped in the same cluster when they are “similar†according to similarities, traits and behavior. The effectiveness and efficiency of the existing algorithms is, somewhat limited, since clustering with big data requires clustering high-dimensional feature vectors and since big data often contain large amounts of noise and large datasets. K-Means and DBSCAN are complement to analyze big data on cloud environment. A hybrid approach based on parallel K-Means and parallel DBSCAN is proposed to overcome the drawbacks of both these algorithms. The hybrid approach combines the benefits of both the clustering techniques. The proposed technique is evaluated on the MapReduce framework of Hadoop Platform. The results show that the proposed hybrid approach is an improved version of parallel K-Means clustering algorithm and parallel DBSCAN algorithm. Read More...
Data mining |
India |
3594-3598 |
893 |
Rotation Perturabtion Technique in Privacy Preserving Data Mining With Clustering Approach
-Patel Ruchika P ; Narendra Limbad
Data Mining is the process of finding the interesting Knowledge from Large Amount of data stored in database, data warehouse or other information repositories. In data mining regularly data collected and analyzed by organizations and governments. For this database we have to provide Privacy, confidentiality and security. In Privacy Preserving data mining we have the many traditional technique these technique are not giving the accurate result. In preserving Privacy of individuals when data are shared for clustering it is complex problem. The challenge is how to protect the underlying attribute values subjected to clustering without Jeopardizing similarity between data object under analysis. To address this problem data owner must not only require privacy, but also guarantee for valid clustering result. To achieve this dual goal we propose the rotation based transformation .These approach is based on principal component analysis which is exiting and it is extended to discrete cosine transformation to achieve privacy. The success of privacy can be measure in terms of data utility, Performance resistance and level of uncertain to data mining algorithm etc. Read More...
Computer Science Engineering(CSE) |
India |
3599-3603 |
894 |
A Research Paper on Two Hop Based Method for Progressive Packet Arrival in Delay Tolerant Networks
-Mihir S Modi
Delay and disruption-tolerant networks (DTNs) are characterized by their lack of connectivity, resulting in a lack of instantaneous end-to-end paths. In this challenging environment we are able to effectively forward the packets from source to destination. When we need to transfer a large file from source to destination then here we are making all these packets available at source and then transfer as small packets. We are analyzing the performance of packets arriving at the source and then considering the linear blocks and rate less random linear coding to efficiently generate the redundancy as well as the energy constraint in the optimization. And then these small packets of large file are forward through the multiple paths to destination by using optimal user centric allocation and scheduling the packets at receiver side. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
3604-3610 |
895 |
VM Image Optimization using Bin Packing Pattern
-Pradip R Shelat ; Ms Gayatri Pandi (Jain)
“Secondary Storage VM Images Optimization" during migration of Virtual Machine, with the development of the computer technology and the virtual machine has been become the main research topic. Cloud computing has become the collective model for grouping the different technologies which are collaborated to provide the services on demand. Understanding of the current technology and future trends of virtual machine system greatly help to improve the service performance of cloud system. Therefore, We describe the current technology and present the future trends of virtual machine system in the paper. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
3611-3613 |
896 |
Load Balancing using Modified Throttled Algorithm
-Prathmesh Nayak ; Prathmesh Nayak; Jignesh Vania
Now a days all are working with cloud Environment. The massive jumps in technology led to the expansion of Cloud computing as the most accepted medium for communication. Cloud computing is a kind of distributed computing where different massively scalable IT related resources or capabilities are provided to a number of external users as a service using internet. Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the Internet. Cloud services allow duality and business to use software and hardware that are managed by third parties at remote locations. Here in this paper we have discussed many different load balancing techniques used to solve the issue in cloud computing and also discuss with quality of services in load balancing in cloud environment. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
3614-3616 |
897 |
A Modified Approach for Privacy Preserving Association Rule Mining In Horizontally Distributed Database
-Vrunda Patel ; Jasmin Jha
Many data mining techniques are available to explore useful hidden information from large databases. Amomg these, association rule mining has wide applications to discover interesting relationships among attributes. The issue of privacy arises when the data is distributed among multiple sites and no site owner wishes to provide their private data to other sites but they are interested to know the global results obtained from mining process. Many researchers have put their effort for preserving privacy in Association Rule Mining. In this paper, we have presented the survey about the techniques and algorithms used for preserving privacy association rule mining in horizontally partitioned database. Read More...
Computer science and engineering |
India |
3617-3620 |
898 |
Improved Life Time of Wireless Sensor Network using LEACH Routing Protocol
-Uday B. Mavdiya ; Narendrasinh Limbad
The job of developing a generic protocol framework for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is challenging because, limited processing capabilities, memory and power supply of sensor node make it difficult to cater requirements of versatile applications of these networks. This paper simulates using Network Simulator NS2, analyzes and identifies the shortcomings of LEACH protocol. LEACH does not take into account residual energy and distance of node from the Base Station (BS) for the Cluster Head (CH) selection. We propose Improved-LEACH, in which residual energy and distance of node from BS are used as parameters for CH selection. To save energy, we further propose to start the steady state operation of a node only if the value sensed by a node is greater than the set threshold value. The threshold value will be set by the end user at the application layer. Improved-LEACH is then qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. The quantitative and qualitative metrics presented for comparison framework can be used to analyze tradeoffs produced by different WSN protocols. They can also be design guidelines for new WSN protocols. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
3621-3624 |
899 |
Information hiding using Key Dependent Improved Canny Edge Detection and RSA algorithm
-Priyanka Mehta ; Jignesh Vania
Many potential problems have resulted from the improving Internet, such as the copy and corruption of digital information. Therefore, the information security is considered as one immediate topic. Cryptography and steganography are the most widely used techniques to defeat this threat. Steganography embeds message into a cover media and hides its existence. On the other hand, Cryptography involves converting a message text into a scribbled cipher. Both the techniques provide some security of data, neither of them is individually secure enough for sharing information over an unsecure communication channel and are vulnerable to intruder attacks. In this paper we have proposed a secure technique of image steganography i.e. Key dependant improved canny edge detection with RSA algorithm. The proposed technique enhances the security to new level as it provides authentication module too. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
3625-3631 |
900 |
Based on Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Mining the Association Rule for Numerical Datasets
-Vidisha J. Dhodi ; Jasmine Jha
Association rule discovery is an ever increasing area of interest in data mining. This work proposes a multi-objective genetic algorithm approach for mining association rules. Several measures are defined in order to determine more efficient rules. Three measures, confidence, interestingness, and comprehensibility have been used as different objectives for our multi objective optimization which is amplified with genetic algorithms approach. Finally, the best rules are obtained through Pareto optimality. Read More...
Data mining |
India |
3632-3637 |