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201 |
Cloud Dataflow using Millwheel and Flume Java
-Vani Ganji ; Sachin Bhandari; Dhanamma Jagli
Cloud DataFlow is a stream analysing tool for cloud storage. It is a system for building big and fast data analysis pipelines. Dataflow is based on few of technologies the company has beenusinginternally,including Flume and MillWheel. This article focuses on these technologies as well as the core components of DataFlow. An example of twitter hashtag auto-completion tool is considered and discussed by implementing it using this technology. Read More...
computers |
India |
837-841 |
202 |
Design Optimization and Performance Prediction of Earth Pipe Heat Exchanger in Cooling Mode
-Dr. P.M.Chauhan
In this study, theoretical models for earth-tube heat exchanger have been developed and effects of various design and operational parameters on cost – benefit ratio in cooling mode of operation have been investigated. The results are presented in various design curves, which will be helpful for the users to select appropriate designs according to utility. The results revealed that about 8-10°C drop was achieved for L=50m and different values of m, D and top. The optimum values of ‘m’ were found to be 0.075, 0.1 and 0.125m3/s respectively for corresponding values of D=0.1, 0.15 and 0.2m at top=4.00h. Read More...
Renewable Energy |
India |
842-846 |
203 |
Analysis of Error & Life Prediction of Corroded Metal Plate using NDT Technique
-Purnendra Srivas ; Devesh Shrivastava
This paper summarizes some of the major aspects of precision ultrasonic thickness gauging. Ultrasonic nondestructive testing (NDT) characterizing material thickness, integrity, or other physical properties by means of high-frequency sound waves has become a widely used technique for quality control. In thickness gauging, ultrasonic techniques permit quick and reliable measurement of thickness without requiring access to both sides of a part.
Corrosion is one of the serious problem affecting ship, pipe line and aviation industries. It affects the body of ship and thickness of pipe and an Aeroplane wings, surface, between joints and fasteners. The presences of corrosion underneath the paints of surface and between joints are not easy to be detected. The unnoticed presence of corrosion may cause many accidents leading to human and money loses. To detect the thickness of the metal surface, various methods and tests are used. These tests conducted should be such that it does not destroy or disassemble the equipment to parts or damage its surface Hence for the further use of the equipment, Non-destructive tests (NDT) are carried out. In the field of NDT industry one of the most important method to detect the thickness of component is the ultrasonic thickness measurement. The change in the thickness of any plate with respect to the time is also helpful for determining the corrosion rate and prediction of remaining life of corroded plate as well as prediction for the measurement error due to corrosion of any steel plate. Mild Steel is one of the major construction materials used in the industries. This thesis focuses on the experimental study of the corrosion behaviour and mechanism for mild steel in three different media namely: 0.1M of Hydrochloric acid, Atmosphere, Salt water (Nacl). Mild steel of length 12 cm and 10 cm width and 6 mm thick was used for this experiment and studied for a period of one year interval of each three month weighing and re-immersing. The weight losses were tabulated and analysed graphically. Any suitable NDE technique, such as ultrasonic may be used as long as it will provide minimum thickness determinations.
production engineering |
India |
847-853 |
204 |
Performance Enhancement of CSI Fed PMSM during Low Speed Operation with Stator Resistance Compensation
-Jayanthi K ; Panneer Selvam N
This paper proposed the direct torque control method for current source inverter fed PMSM to achieve high performance at low speed operation. During low speed operation estimation of stator flux and torque for direct torque control is very difficult due to the variation in stator resistance. This parameter variation from the set value affects the system at low speed of the PMSM. Many controlling techniques were introduced to compensate the stator resistance variation. A novel Fuzzy Logic Control method is used to compensate the stator resistance variation and the simulation results and hardware results are prove that the performance of the CSI fed PMSM has been improved. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
854-857 |
205 |
Solar Radiation Prediction using Adaboost Algorithm
-D.Kamalasri ; J.Arun Prasath ; R.Thandaiah Prabu
Predictions of incoming solar energy are acquiring more importance, because of strong increment of solar power generation. Predictions is very useful in solar energy applications because it permits to generate solar data for locations where measurements are not available. In existing systems, solar radiation is predicted using fuzzy logic and neural networks separately. So that Mean absolute percentage error is greater than 10%. Fuzzy logic and neural networks are combined together using Takagi Sugeno Kang (TSK) method. TSK method is very efficient than mamdani method. Previous year solar radiation data is collected from National Environmental Agency and using this values neural network was trained. The graph between measured and predicted data values was plotted .Error is calculated using the difference between desired and output value. Prediction using combination of fuzzy and neural network model having Mean Absolute Percentage Error 6% was achieved. But in order to reduce Absolute Percentage Error value, we need to check the validity of the input data, so, that Adaboost algorithm is introduced in our proposed method. Adaboost algorithm is one of the best method of classification of weak learners. The algorithm classifies the training and testing data and also produces the corresponding errors. After finding the errors, it will be neglected from input data to make the predicted with more accuracy and less error. So that Mean Absolute Percentage Error -2.33% was achieved. Read More...
electronics engineering |
India |
858-860 |
206 |
Detection of the Abdominal Diseases using Improved Image Processing Techniques
-Ms. Rashika.M ; Ms.Julie Joan
Image processing mechanisms are used widely for the early detection of the various tumors and internal bleeding issues. Image processing along with the other advanced techniques will enable proper detection of the abnormal parts. It becomes essential to improve the clarity of image by image enhancement methods. Methods like thresholding and watershed image segmentation are better approaches to detect the cancerous cells. Feature extraction will enable to extract properties other than color differences. Read More...
Image Processing |
India |
861-863 |
207 |
Multipath TCP: - Great Appeal For Telecommunications Providers
-Mamta kumari
Networks have become multipath: mobile devices have multiple radio interfaces, datacenters have redundant paths and multihoming is the norm for big server farms. Mean-while, TCP is still only single-path.Is it possible to extend TCP to enable it to support multiple paths for current applications on today’s Inter-net? The answer is positive. We carefully review the constraints—partly due to various types of middleboxes— that influenced the design of Multipath TCP and show how we handled them to achieve its deployability goals. We report our experience in implementing Multipath TCP in the Linux kernel and we evaluate its performance. Our measurements focus on the algorithms needed to ef-ficiently use paths with different characteristics, notably send and receive buffer tuning and segment reordering. We also compare the performance of our implementa-tion with regular TCP on web servers. Finally, we dis-cuss the lessons learned from designing MPTCP. Read More...
computer science engineering |
India |
864-869 |
208 |
Experimental Work on Alkali Activated Concrete
-Patil Rahul ; Dr. Suresh G Patil; Ram Panth; IRANNA. V. SAJJANAR
In the present investigation, strength development in ambient cured geo-polymer concrete using industrial by-products for sustainable development is studied. The materials considered are Fly Ash, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS). Geo-polymer concrete is prepared without using any conventional cement. The experimental program involves casting of geopolymer concrete cubes and testing the same at different ages for compressive strength. The different parameters considered in the study are, the molarity of alkaline activator and the proportion of binder components. The results reveal that the geopolymer concrete develops the strength even at ambient conditions without any conventional curing. Strength increases with an increase in the quantity of GGBFS. It can be concluded that geopolymer concrete can emerge as an ecofriendly sustainable construction material with properties similar to OPC. Read More...
India |
870-873 |
209 |
Mutual Information Approach for Predicting Speech Intelligibility
-Ranjitha A ; Ramyashree M
The proposed intelligibility prediction model makes use of fundamental principle theoretic tools like entropy and mutual information. It emerges as natural to employ tools developed to characterize data or information transmission. Subsequent to all, the speech communication process be able to view as the method of transmitting a speech signal across a dynamic, transient channel (acoustic channel, auditory periphery and higher stages of the auditory pathway) to arrive at the brain of the receiver. The expression for the AI demonstrates well-built resemblance to the expression for the ability of a memory less Gaussian channel. The fundamental thought of the proposed technique is to compare the critical band amplitude envelopes of the clean and noisy or processed signal for estimating the intelligibility of the noisy or processed signal. Read More...
Digital Electronics and Communications |
India |
874-878 |
210 |
Force Signal Controlling of Surgical Robotic Arm using GA-PID Controller
-Umesh Kumar Saket
In this paper output force controlling for three degree freedom (DOF) surgical robotic arm by using genetic algorithm with PID controller. The aim of the controller is to improve and adjust the output force of the arm and optimization parameters such as kp, ki and kd by Genetic Algorithm without hit and trial method is taken. The optimization design methods often consider the system requirements for quickness, reliability, and accuracy. This robot is used in the field of surgery. So surgical robotic arm require don’t oscillate and no max. Overshoot. This paper performs to reduce the oscillation, max. Overshoot, settling time, response time and improves stability of system. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
879-880 |
211 |
Downloading Process in Road Environments using with Vehicular Networks
-B.Nandhakumar ; R.Bhuvaneshwari
A complex or non-linear road scenario where users aboard vehicles equipped with communication interfaces are interested in downloading large files from road-side Access Points. To investigate the possibility of exploiting opportunistic encounters among mobile nodes so to augment the transfer rate experienced by vehicular downloader’s. To that end, devise solutions for the selection of carriers and data chunks at the APs, and evaluate them in real-world road topologies, under different AP deployment strategies. Through extensive simulations, we show that carry & forward transfers can significantly increase the download rate of vehicular users in urban/suburban environments, and that such a result holds throughout diverse mobility scenarios, AP placements and network loads. The identified and proposed solutions to the problems of carrier’s selection and chunk scheduling, and extensively evaluated them. The main contribution of this work lies in the demonstration that vehicular cooperative download in urban environments can bring significant download rate improvements to users traveling on trafficked roads in particular. Read More...
India |
883-886 |
212 |
Analysis of Arm Based Automatic Electricity Bill Calculating System using PLCC
-M.Gowsalya ; M.Barathi Selvaraj
Traditional metering method is not a convenient for energy measurement and billing. It is more difficult to calculate the bill amount to be paid by a particular user based on the energy consumed and to feed the value to the Electricity Board. This paper aims a new approach for data security and transmission of data using Power Line Carrier Communication (PLCC).This system has an immediate access to the consumer residence in an area with the central board using PLCC. The ARM based system continuously monitors and records the Energy consumption. The smart meter in each residence is connected by central board through the power line. The smart meter calculates the amount to be paid according to the units consumed and also it notify the status of the load connected with it. With help of PLCC the data can transceived from the individual appliances. The data are energy consumption, cost and usage time. The data were transferred from smart meter to knowledge base. This system has the advantages of doing Energy auditing in an area and to find out the losses in the distribution system. LabVIEW and Eclipe software is used to view the output of the individual appliances. Read More...
India |
887-890 |
213 |
Energy Efficiency Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks using Child Sink Nodes
-Simple Preet Kaur Maan ; Dinesh Kumar
Wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of hundreds of sensor nodes organized in a particular order and deployed in geographical area to achieve presumed goal. Though WSNs have restrictions in terms of memory and processors, the main restraint that makes WSNs dissimilar from conventional networks is the battery trouble which limits the network lifetime. Transmission of data requires more energy as compared to sensing data. Distance between source and destination plays an important role in energy utilization. Sensor networks using the concept of mobile sinks is an optimum approach for maximizing the lifetime of WSN. Sink node aggregates the data from the common sensor nodes to conserve the battery of the different nodes. The data collected by sink node is then forwarded to the base station node. Read More...
India |
891-893 |
214 |
Experimental Investigation on Geopolymer Concrete
-Feroz ; Dr. Suresh G Patil; Ram Panth
Flyash based geopolymer concrete is introduced in 1979 by Davidovits to reduce the use of OPC in concrete. Geopolymer is an inorganic alumino-hydroxide polymer synthesized form predominantly silicon and aluminum materials of geological origin and by product materials such as flyash (with low calcium) and GGBS. In this paper an attempt is made to study strength properties of geopolymer concrete using low calcium fly ash and slag as binder with combination NaOH & Na2SiO3 solutions as activators with different molarities 8M, 12M&16M. The specimen is cured at ambient temperature. Read More...
India |
894-896 |
215 |
Effect of Compression Ratio and Ignition Energy on Performance and Emission for Dedicated 4-Stroke S.I Engine Fuelled With BIOGAS - A Technical Review
-Joshi Ankit B. ; Prof.Pratik B Umrigar; Prof. Akash B Patel; Prof. Karan A Patel
The research on alternative fuels for internal combustion engine has become essential due to depletion of petroleum products and its major contribution for pollutants, where Natural gas is one of the most promising fuel alternatives for the future. Most of the BIOGAS fuelled vehicles in India are aftermarket retrofitted conversions from the existing SI engine vehicles. it is found that power produced by the BIOGAS engine is less compare to Gasoline engine. To increase the performance of the Bi-fuel engine there are many parameter which can be optimized. One of them is Compression Ration and Ignition energy. BIOGAS because of high ignition temperature and low flame speed compare to gasoline for complete combustion higher ignition energy is required. The objective of this research is to improve engine performance and emissions of BIOGAS fuelled SI engine by optimize ignition energy and compression ratio. The performance, emission and combustion characteristics with different Ignition Parameter with Compression Ratio are compared. It has been found from the results that the higher the compression ratio, the higher the brake thermal efficiency. The Performance and emission both decreased when engine was made to run on BIOGAS instead of Petrol. The review of this study can contribute important data for the design and optimization of Dedicated Biogas SI engine fuelled with BIOGAS for performance enhancement and emission reduction. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
897-903 |
216 |
Design of Low Power Asynchronous Parallel Adder
-Benedicta Roseline. R ; Kamatchi. S
This paper describes an asynchronous parallel adder. It is based on Radix method for faster computation of sum and to reduce delay caused by carry chain. The computation has been carried out using parallel process. The aim of this work is to reduce the Power Delay Product (PDP) and Energy Delay Product (EDP) of an adder. We use two Full Adders (FA) in a single block and use a carry look-ahead technique to shorten the carry path within the radix-4 FA block. To obtain low area, the carry is generated first and then it is reused in sum generation. The adder is implemented using Tanner EDA v13 tool. The practicality and superiority of the proposed technique have been verified by simulations over other asynchronous adders. Read More...
VLSI Design |
India |
904-908 |
217 |
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Sensor Node Placement in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network
-Aditi Gupta ; Gaurav Sharma
Node placement in the target area is one of the most crucial issues in wireless sensor networks and their deployment should be cost-effective. The deployment cost depends upon the number of sensing devices deployed. Thus, optimum number of sensors should used while optimizing the various network preliminaries like energy consumption, network coverage and connectivity. In this paper, grid based coverage is considered with minimum energy consumption and proposes a novel deployment algorithm for heterogeneous wsn. This algorithm is based on multi-objective genetic algorithm for deterministic deployment of sensors. A simulation study is carried out to compare the performance of proposed algorithm with multi-objective territorial predator scent marking algorithm (MOTPSMA). Result shows that proposed algorithm outperforms the performance of MOTPSMA in terms of network coverage and energy consumption. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
909-916 |
218 |
A Case Study - Failure Analysis of Needle Roller Bearing at Gudgeon Pin of Ginning Machine
-Atul Damodherrao Thakare ; P.A.Chandak; S.P.Untawale
This project deals with failure analysis of needle roller bearing at gudgeon pin vital in ginning industries to produce relative motion between connecting rod and head block, which further oscillates beater shaft assembly with high speed. A ginning machine under consideration having production capacity (Lint) 40 to 70 Kg/Hr. With motor providing power 5 H.P and speed 1000 rpm. After the study of existing ginning machine production line where 20 double roller machine are continuously running need to be stop after every 2 to 3 hours for around 30 min for providing lubricants, if this not done then there is definite failure of needle roller bearings occurs. The failure of bearings is mainly due to Brinelling tends to damage within a short period, in which the bearing surface turns scaly and peel off due to contact load repeatedly received on the raceways and rolling surface due to rotation. This result in roller and inner races surface of needle roller bearing get damage affects imbalance of overall mechanism from connecting rod to the beater shaft assembly and creates vibration in a machine. Also it will cause sudden breakage of other parts of machine like breakage of connecting rod, enlargement of holes of head pin in head block and also major reason for failure of Needle roller bearing mounted in between eccentric shaft and connecting rod. Eventually ginning machine will have to stop for the maintenance which also results into the stoppage of production line for almost half Hrs. for rectification of existing situation where life of the needle roller bearing is too small which affect on the production of industry and there is need to stop the machine while replacing the bearing. So it becomes essential to replace the bearings which will give desired life, and high dynamic loading capacity. Read More...
Mechanical engineering |
India |
917-920 |
219 |
Noise Pollution Monitoring and Modelling Based On Nuerofuzzy Techniques
-Yadav Manoj Mansing ; Dr. B. Lokeshappa
Mining industry is one the most polluting industry especially noise pollution. This is because of use of heavy machineries and blasting techniques. Following project work concentrates on monition of noise pollution in mining site and formation of a nuerofuzzy model to assess the workers work efficiency in the noisy environment as a function of level of noise, task type and time of exposure. The construction of model is done in the MATLAB software using ANFIS toolbox as well as fuzzy logic of IF-THEN rules. In high noisy environment with difficult task a worker cannot work efficiently on the other hand if noise levels are minimized and time of exposure reduced a worker can work efficiently. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
921-924 |
220 |
Pre- Monsoon and Post-Monsoon Variation in Physico-Chemical Characteristics In Groundwater Quality of Sweta Nadhi Basin, Tamil Nadu, India
-S. Priyadharshini ; Dr. S. Aruchamy
The present work is employed in Sweta Nadhi Basin, Water quality data for 34 control wells collected from Groundwater Division for the year 1980-2010 are taken into consideration for the analysis. These observation wells are regularly maintained by the Public Works Department of Government of Tamil Nadu. The aim of the study was to determine the suitability of water for irrigation during post monsoon and pre monsoon on the basis of the quality indices of water for irrigation. Water quality data used in the analysis include Hydrogen Ion Concentration (PH), Total Hardness as (TH), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Permeability Index (PI), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Sodium Soluble Percent (SSP), Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC) for during pre monsoon (July) and post monsoon (December) seasons of the Sweta Nadhi Basin. Read More...
Applied Science |
India |
925-932 |
221 |
Implementation of Fuzzy Classifier System Ability to Improve Performance for Real Time Environment
-Varsha Shivaji Chaudhari ; Prof.Tarannum S.Shaikh
An Implementation of Fuzzy Classifier Systems is described in this paper. The classifier system is based on ability to improve performance for real time environment Open environment is full of pollution in the presence of the air. One can find the physical parameters of the pollution using fuzzy logic membership functions & fuzzy cardinality and relative fuzzy cardinality. We propose also an interface that makes easier to the user the task of writing, compiling and administering the rules stored in theKnowledgeBase. Fuzzy logic is a natural basis for modelling and solving problems involving imprecise knowledge and contin-uous systems. Unfortunately, fuzzy logic systems are invariably static (once created they do not change) and subjective (the creator imparts their beliefs on the system). In this paper we address the question of whether systems based on fuzzy logic can e ectively adapt themselves to dynamic situations. Read More...
India |
933-940 |
222 |
A Survey on Object Detection and Tracking Methods
-Shailendra Kumar Singh ; Utkarsh Sharma
Object tracking and detection is first step in applications such as video surveillance. The main aim of object tracking has been developed to estimate location, velocity and distance parameters with the help of static camera. Several object tracking methods are proposed to improve the moving target location by using different algorithm. Each method has its own applicability, advantage and disadvantage. Mainly this paper is to review and study of the different methods of object detection. We focused mainly on detection of objects from video sequence rather than object classification. A comparative study of object detection methods and importance of optical flow detection algorithm has been enlisted. Read More...
India |
941-943 |
223 |
Implementation of Vedic Multiplier in Image Compression using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) Algorithm
-Sunaina Kamal ; Chanpreet Kaur Toor
Fast Multiplication is one of the most momentous parts in any processor speed which progresses the speed of the manoeuvre like in exceptional application processor like Digital signal processor (DSPs). In this paper Implementation of Vedic Multiplier in Image Compression using DWT Algorithm is being in attendance. The DWT is used to crumble the image into different group of images and the research work in this paper represents the effectiveness of Urdhva Triyagbhyam Vedic Method in Image firmness for burgeoning which smacks a difference in authentic process of multiplication itself. Read More...
Electronics and Communication |
India |
944-945 |
224 |
Bearing Health Analysis using Time - Frequency Plot and Statistical Analysis
-Prakash Tiwari ; Dr. Rohit Rajvaidya
Rolling element bearings are one of the most widely used elements in machines and their failure one of the most frequent reasons for machine breakdown. However any bearing defect (e.g. cracks, notch) occurring deteriorate the performance of the machine. Detection of the defect at its incipient stage and alerting/maintaining the user before it converts into a catastrophic failure is the aims of vibration monitoring technique. The vibration signals generated by faults in them have been widely studied and very powerful diagnostic techniques for observing bearing under a high rpm operating conditions. In the present research work vibration analyses have been focused to detect bearing fault at the early stage. To accomplish above tasks a bearing test rig, consisting of shaft-bearing in conjunction to a gear box and brake drum is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of vibration analysis real time data related to bearing vibrations. Afterwards a bearing with a crack is also examined for the fault detection. A faulty bearing vibration signal is acquired from the test rig; thereafter the fast Fourier transform is plotted to show the critical frequencies, bearing characteristics frequency and its harmonics for the online condition monitoring of the system. Post processing analysis is done for the time domain signal using the statistical parameters and scalogram showing the energy levels of impulses present in the signal is plotted as result. Both healthy & faulty signal are analyzed using wavelet transform to identify the fault in the bearing. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
946-954 |
225 |
An Implementation of Face Emotion Identification System using Active Contour Model and PCA
-Namita Rathore ; Mr.Rohit Miri
Facial expression recognition system has turn into a most emphasizing research area since it plays a most important part in human-computer-interaction. The facial expression recognition system finds foremost application in areas like social interaction and social intelligence like in diverse surveillance systems, defense systems, substantiation or verification of individual like criminals etc... The face can articulate emotion sooner than people verbalize or even understand their posture. Thus there is apparent need of unfailing recognition and identification of facial expressions. In this paper we have formulated improvement in the Face expression recognition technique at different phases using PCA (Principle Component Analysis) and active contour model based segmentation. Read More...
computer science and engineering |
India |
955-959 |
226 |
Multiple Identity-Based Cryptography Algorithm (MICA)
-Yash Patel
Cryptography is the study of methods by which safe and secure communication happens where other parties are involved known as adversaries. More precisely, it involves the analysis of protocols to get rid of these so called adversaries which may cause a loop hole the aspects of information security (Non-repudiation, data confidentiality, authentication, data integrity). Real world applications of cryptography are inevitable and eternal. Some of the areas where cryptography plays a vital role are passwords, E-commerce, ATMs etc. Also the fields like Mathematics, Computer science, Electronics, Electrical Engineering uses the concepts of cryptography. There are many small scale devices present in the market i.e. mobile device which have limited resources such as less battery power, limited processing, less memory. There easily could be a security breach in to such light-weight systems, hence secure cryptographic algorithm should be developed to provide the security for data. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
960-963 |
227 |
Design and Fabrication of Hybrid Composite Leaf Spring
-Adithya Ram M ; S.Rajakumaran ; K.H.Mohamed Hanees ; R.Ashwin ; P.V.Elumalai
This paper describes the design and fabrication procedure of leaf spring using composite material. The automobile industry is constantly focusing on reduction of the weight of un-sprung mass of an automobile without compensating on its performance. The aim of this project is to achieve such a weight reduction in the un-sprung mass of the vehicle i.e. leaf spring without compensating on is load bearing capacity. The project deals with comparing of load bearing capacity, stiffness and weight reduction of composite leaf spring with that of steel leaf spring. The static analysis of the 2-D model of the composite leaf is performed using ANSYS. The FEA results using ANSYS software is compared with the experimental result. Compared to steel leaf spring the composite leaf spring has a stresses and deflection that is much lower and significant weight reduction is achieved. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
964-968 |
228 |
Optimization of Machining Parameters of 20mncr5 in Milling Machine by use of Taguchi Method
-Ravichandra M ; Rajashekar Hosalli
Increasing profitability and quality of the machined parts are the fundamental difficulties of metal cutting industry during milling processes. Optimization methods in milling processes, considered assuming a fundamental part for continual improvement of output quality in product and processes include modeling of input-output and in-process parameters relationship and determination of optimal cutting conditions. This Project exhibits an Experimental study to streamline the impacts of Cutting Parameters on Surface roughness and Material Removal Rate of 20MnCr5 Steel alloy work material by utilizing Taguchi strategy. The orthogonal exhibit, signal to noise ratio and Analysis of Variance were utilized to study the performance characteristics in milling operation. Four parameters have been picked as process variables: viz. Cutting Speed, Feed, Depth of cut, Width of cut. The experimentation arrangement is outlined utilizing Taguchi's L18 Orthogonal Array (OA) and Minitab statistical software V17 is used for optimization of parameters. In this research we target to obtain Optimal cutting parameters for minimum surface roughness (SR) and maximum material removal rate are obtained. At long last, the relationship in the factors and the perfomance measures were created by utilizing multiple regression analysis. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
969-975 |
229 |
Design of Filter for Fingerprint Application on FPGA
-Tanveer Ahamad Rozewale ; S Gayathri
This paper describes the design of filter for fingerprint application using parallel architecture which makes fast processing, reduces the processing time ,increases speed and will make it useful for biometric authentication. This paper also describes about the comparison of MATLAB TO FPGA Implementation and presents a set of efficient criteria for implementing fingerprint image on FPGA Virtex5 board with optimization in device utilization. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineeering |
India |
976-981 |
230 |
Clone Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks
-Amanpreet Kaur ; Dinesh Kumar
The increasing growth of mobile sensor nodes technology and rising the deployment of them; these networks are faced with security challenges; specially clone nodes attack. In Mobile Wireless Sensor Network, the attacker can capture a node easily and compromise that sensor node and take out all the keying materials from that compromised node and make duplicate of them. These replica node attacks are hazardous because they permit the attacker to control the compromise of a few nodes to use control over much of the network .Then attacker use the replica node to insert fake data and disturb the whole operations in the network. In this paper an general review of the methodologies to identify or prevent such attacks has been presented. Read More...
India |
982-984 |
231 |
Enhancement of Stability in an Integrated Grid - Connected Offshore Wind Farm and Seashore Wave Farm using APSO Based UPFC
-P.Ponmehala ; S.K.Hemalatha; Dr.K.Punitha
Modern power system is getting much more complicated and heavily loaded than ever before. With the increased loading of existing power transmission systems due to increased demand the problem of voltage stability along with voltage collapse has become a major concern in power system operation, control and planning. In this paper the offshore wind farm and seashore wave farm are integrated to have the potential of large energy production and is given to an onshore power grid through an UPFC. An UPFC is designed using APSO-PI controller to simultaneously achieve power-fluctuation mitigation and dynamic stability improvement. Fast tuning of optimum PI controller parameters yields high-quality solution. It is able to conclude from the simulation results that the UPFC joined with the APSO-PI Controller can effectively achieve the power –fluctuation mitigation and dynamic stability improvement. Read More...
Electrical engineering |
India |
985-989 |
232 |
ANFIS based MPPT and Droop Control for Power Sharing in Interline Power System
-M.Gowri ; V.Vinothkumar; Dr.K.Punitha
Recent years have seen a rapidly growing number of hybrid neuro fuzzy based applications in the process engineering field, covering estimation, modeling and control among others. By this technology integrates distributed generations, energy storage elements and loads. In this paper, dynamic performance enhancement of a grid consisting of wind turbine was investigated using permanent magnet synchronous generation (PMSG) and photovoltaic (PV). In order to maximize the output of solar array and wind, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique was used by an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). These proposed methodology based reference model is trained to generate maximum power corresponding to varying the values of solar and wind. Simulation results reveal that the response of proposed ANFIS based MPPT method is more accurate and fast as compared to the conventional techniques like Incremental Conductance (IC). The analytical and simulation results of this research are presented to validate the concept. The proposed method also precedes the performance of the error reduction by the function of droop control method which exist the equal power sharing. The improved droop control can share active and reactive power to improve the power quality of the grid and also have a good dynamic performance. Read More...
Power Sytem Engineering |
India |
990-994 |
233 |
Voltage Gain Enhancement in PV Fed Interleaved Boost Converter using Voltage Multiplier Module
-Roja.R ; V.Suvitha
The main objective of the project is to design and implement a high gain step up converter using voltage multiplier module for photovoltaic system. The High step up converter obtains high step up gain without operating at extreme duty ratio. Also, voltage multiplier module which is composed of coupled inductor and switched capacitor. The coupled inductor can be designed to extend high step up gain and the switched capacitor are used to achieve a higher voltage conversion ratio. The Bidirectional inverter which acting as both rectification, inversion mode was implemented to maintain the Dc grid voltage. Read More...
India |
995-998 |
234 |
ANN based Tuning of STATCOM in a Distributed Generation System
-M.Sudha ; M.Iyankalai; Dr.K.Punitha
In Recent trends integration of Distributed Generation (DG) units in the distribution system is one of the major concerns for electrical power system. The voltage control for small DG units in the grid is kept in the standard limit. There is lack in reactive power support that brings the problem of slow recovery and it leads to the usage of expensive Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices such as static synchronous compensator (STATCOM). STATCOM has been placed at the bus which requires reactive power control. Soft computing method of ANN’s is used for the prediction of voltage stability problems of the proposed systems. The training for the NN controller is done by using Back Propagation algorithm. It is obtained from MATLAB simulation results with the proposed ANN based tuning of STATCOM has effectively achieved the fast voltage recovery and power factor improvement. Read More...
Electrical engineering |
India |
999-1002 |
235 |
Literature Review about Performance Enhancement on Snort Intrusion Detection System
-Anuja Shah
As the use of internet is growing rapidly the possibility of attack is also increasing, thus the more secure systems is required. The major challenges for organizations are how to protect their valuable information and internal resources from unauthorized accessed. Intrusion detection consists of various procedures for detection of illegal activities among the system that can identify the intruders. Any attempt to compromise the security of the resource is termed as an intrusion. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) detects destructions, generate an alert and activates an alarm. Recently Snort is a very useful tool for Network based Intrusion detection. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1003-1006 |
236 |
Improving Plant Efficiency using Optimization Techniques in a Large Scale Foundry Industry
-Amal S ; Dr. P Ravikumar; S. Sarath; R. Rahul krishnan ; M. P. Navya
Facility layout design is a strategic issue and has a significant and lasting impact on the efficiency of a manufacturing system. An ideal facility layout provides the optimum relationship among output floor area and manufacturing process. Facility layout facilitates production process, minimizes material handling time and costs, and allows flexibility of operations makes optimum use of the building, promotes effective utilization of manpower Traditionally, the facility layout problem is solved using many methods like heuristics, mathematical programming, knowledge based approaches etc. This paper presents a case study for improvement in layout in a casting company. The first visit to the company revealed a variety of problems due to its improper layout. For modifying the present layout of the plant Group technology is used. This work studies the impact of implementing the modified layout based on Group Technology theory in a casting factory in terms of cost and production line efficiency. Read More...
India |
1007-1011 |
237 |
Method to Prevent Caching Of JavaScript and CSS Files by ISP and At Browser End
-Bharti Ludhwani ; Ramesh Solanki; Neeraj Chawla
In modern times most of the application developed are web based. Development and maintenance process of these applications involves a lot of trials and errors at the frontend scripting side. Which is quite obvious, but many a times this development process is done on a client server environment. The problem that arises in this scenario is, most of the script files are cached by browser and Internet Service Provider (ISP). This is a feature provided by almost all browsers and many ISPs, to accelerate the load time of the pages and reduce the network load. However for developers this may turn out to be an irritating experience. As they keep on making changes to the scripts and sync with or upload it to the server. They are unable to see the changes because, of the caching of the script files by browser and ISP. Proposed system addresses this issue by applying a mechanism at the server side to break through this caching mechanism at both the level. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1012-1014 |
238 |
IoT Based Automated Irrigation System
-Sumeet.S.Bedekar ; Prof. Manoj A.Mechkul; Sonali.R.Deshpande
India is one of the scarce water resources in 13 countries in the world; due to low utilization of the water resources our country is facing the risk of overheating. In order to effectively reduce the impact of inadequate water resources on India's economy, from modern agricultural cultivation and management perspective, according to the basic principles of Internet, with sensor technology, this article proposes precision agriculture irrigation systems based on the internet of things (IOT) technology, and focuses on the hardware architecture, network architecture and software process control of the precision irrigation system. Preliminary tests showed this system is rational and practical. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1015-1018 |
239 |
Development of Rapid Prototyping CAD Models for FEM Analysis of Human Molar Tooth Crown
-Pankaj J. Kale ; Rajesh M. Metkar; Subhash Deo Hiwase; G. R. Vidhale
Conventionally dental crown manufacturing was done by Investment Casting only. This process goes through various steps. Each step adds error to the final part. It is very tedious for manufacturer to follow individual steps for each patient. This work presents the Rapid Prototyping as a best tool for dental prosthesis and crown manufacturing. Requirement of Rapid Prototyping system is CAD model in .Stl File Format. Two methodologies were used for CAD models development. First type of CAD model was constructed with Dental wings client software and 3S laser scanner. Dental cast model was used for scanning which was prepared for particular patient after preparation of tooth. MIMICS software was used for the development of 3D model of required tooth using CT scan images. Alternate different thicknesses crown models were prepared from MIMICS tooth model using 3-MATIC software. Both the Methodology provides CAD models in .stl file format which can be manufacture with RP system. Read More...
Rapid Prototyping |
India |
1019-1022 |
240 |
Comparative Study of Different Tools and Algorithms for Web Page Change Detection
-Parul ; Pardeep Kumar
Now a days people are surfing internet actively for exchange of information across the world resulting in uploading and downloading of information and updating of new web pages very frequently. The contents of web page changes continuously & rapidly. Hence it becomes very difficult to observe the changes made in web pages and retrieve the original web pages. For efficient retrieval and monitoring the changes made in two versions of a webpage various tools or algorithms are there. In this paper, we will explain some of tools and algorithms to detect the changes in web pages. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1023-1027 |
241 |
Scene Text Detection using Regression Tree Training
-Bhumi Patel ; Nneeta Chaudasama
Text detection and localization in natural scene images is important for content-based image analysis. This problem is challenging due to the complex background, the non-uniform illumination, the variant of text font, size and line orientation. In this paper, we present a hybrid approach to robustly detect and localize texts in natural scene images. A text region detector is designed to estimate the text existing confidence and scale information in image pyramid, which help segment candidate text components by local binarization. To efficiently filter out the non-text components, a conditional random field (CRF) model considering unary component properties and binary contextual component relationships with supervised parameter learning is proposed. Finally, text components are grouped into text lines/words with a learning-based energy minimization method. Since all the three stages are learning-based, there are very few parameters requiring manual tuning. Experimental results evaluated on the ICDAR2005 competition dataset show that our approach yields higher precision and recall performance compared with state-of-the-art methods. We also evaluated our approach on a multilingual image dataset with promising results. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1028-1031 |
242 |
Influential Factors for Cost Minimization in Big Data Processing
-Neeraj Saxena ; Chethana R Murthy
Practical system for huge information preparing and investigation is a structure which gives cost minimization of enormous information handling between the datacenters. These datacenters are Geo-dispersed consequently puts an overwhelming weight on correspondence, stockpiling, and reckoning, which henceforth give vast measure of operational expense to the suppliers of server farms. Accordingly, three variables, which profoundly impact the operational consumption of server farms are data resizing, task assignment, task processing. We formulate the algorithms for cost optimization considering all three variables. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1032-1034 |
243 |
Cloud Provider using Authentication Privacy Cloud Cryptography Encrypt Cyphertext in Cloud Computing
-Mr.Tushar Hedaoo ; Prof.Anil Chhangani
Data sharing is an important functionality in cloud storage over the internet. The computing resource that is delivered as a service over a network are used in cloud computing. Data sharing in the cloud depend on performance of the network of the data center. In this, how to securely, efficiently, and flexibly share data with others in cloud storage. Cloud storage is a storage of data online in cloud which is accessible from multiple and connected resources. Cloud storage can provide good accessibility and reliability, strong protection, disaster recovery, and lowest cost. exploitation the cloud storage, users store their information on the cloud while not the burden of information storage and maintenance and services and high-quality applications from a shared pool of configurable computing resources Cryptography is may be the foremost necessary side of communications security and is turning into progressively necessary as a basic building block for security. Using Key-Aggregate cryptosystem produce constant size ciphertexts such that efficient delegations of decryption rights for any set of cipherttext are possible. In particular schemes give the first public key patient controlled encryption for flexible hierarchy and the remaining encrypted files outside the set are remains confidential. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1035-1038 |
244 |
Use of Genetic Algorithm Clustering Techniques for CBIR
-Pooja Lather ; Manjit Singh
In this paper we first describe in brief content based image retrieval, feature extraction and then briefly survey the available literature on CBIR in which feature extraction clustering have been used. Brief introduction to the work that we have currently undertaken on use of CBIR is also given. Read More...
computer science and engineering |
India |
1039-1042 |
245 |
Effect of Alcohol Gasoline Blends and Compression Ratio on Performance of SI (Spark Ignition) Engines: A Review
-Virendra Singh Yadav ; D.S. Rawat
Alternative fuels become important as the increasing price and demand of the limited reserves of the petroleum products, and these conventional fuels are responsible for environmental pollution and global warming. Alcohols like ethanol and methanol are good alternative fuels, ethanol and methanol has high octane no and ethanol has anti-knocking properties. This review discusses the effect of alcoholic blended fuels on the performance and exhaust emission of spark ignition engines. Ethanol and methanol reduces the CO and unburned HC in the exhaust emissions. This review also discusses effect of compression ratios on the performance and exhaust of the spark ignition engine with different blended fuel. Break thermal efficiency (BTE) and volumetric efficiency of SI engine increases as the compression ratio of ethanol and methanol blended fuel increases. Read More...
Mechanical engineering |
India |
1043-1047 |
246 |
Genetic Algorithm based Congestion Management by Employing Multi-type FACTS in a Deregulated Environment
-A.Priya ; Dr.K.Punitha ; S.Gunasekaran
In a deregulated environment, it may not always possible to deliver a contracted power due to the violation of system operating limits, it creates congestion in a transmission system. Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices can be an alternative to reduce the flows in heavily loaded lines resulting in an increased load ability, low system loss, improved stability and reduced cost of production. In this work, Multi objective congestion management is proposed. The objectives are to minimize the transmission losses, performance index, congestion cost and to maximize the voltage stability margin. Based on the real power performance index sensitivity method, the locations for the FACTS device are chosen. The voltage stability margin is increased using Voltage Stability Index (VSI). Genetic Algorithm (GA) gives a global optimal solution for a congestion management problem which is based on the nature of chromosomes. This has been performed on an IEEE 30 bus test system in MATLAB environment and the total congestion cost is evaluated by the genetic algorithm optimization technique. Finally, the congestion cost is compared by generator rescheduling method and the application of FACTS devices in the transmission line. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1048-1053 |
247 |
Unbalanced Fault Control for a Grid Connected Hybrid Renewable System
-M.Padmarega ; Dr.K.Punitha ; S.Merlin Joys Mary
One of the most popular issues in the future power generation is the renewable energy and the development of grid energy system. Different types of renewable energies are harnessed and integrated into the Grid system formed a hybrid grid energy system, which can enhance the stability and flexibility of the entire energy system. This paper presents the modeling and control of Wind-PV grid connected system under unbalanced fault condition. Control operation of hybrid system under normal as well as unbalanced fault conditions is analyzed. Multiple input DC-DC converters are designed to integrate the renewable energy sources into the main DC bus. This study considers both wind energy and solar irradiance changes in combination with the load power variations. It is shown that the major constraints like harmonic is to be absorbed by the DC link capacitor and the control effectiveness depends on the voltage and current capabilities of the semiconductor in the inverter circuit. Finally wind-PV hybrid energy system is integrated with the IEEE 14 bus test system in MATLAB SIMULINK environment. Simulation and test results for the proposed system performances under unbalanced fault condition are presented in order to supply continues power to the load. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1054-1058 |
248 |
Experimental Work on Alumino Silicate Mortar and Paste
-Manish Srivastava ; Dr. Suresh G Patil; Ram Panth; ASHA
This paper presents workability, compressive strength for geopolymer pastes and mortars made of Alkaline Activator solution, class C fly ash and GGBFS at mass ratios of liquid to binder from 0.5 to 0.55. The strengths of mortar were 35 MPa to 72 MPa when they were cured under Ambient Temperature geopolymer mortar. 8M mortar and paste were prepared and using polypropylene fibers. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1059-1062 |
249 |
Evaluation of Mechanical Behavior of Hybrid Composites
-Arulmurugan.S ; Prakash.S; Saravanan.K
Natural fiber composites are nowadays being used in various engineering applications to increase the strength and to optimise the weight and the cost of the product. Various natural fibres such as coir, sisal, jute, coir and banana are used as reinforcement materials. In this paper both treated and untreated banana fiber are taken for the development of the hybrid composite material. The untreated banana fiber is treated by sodium hydroxide to increase the wettability. The untreated banana fiber and sodium hydroxide treated banana fiber are used as reinforcing material for both Epoxy resin matrix and Vinyl ester resin matrix. Coconut shell powder is used along with both untreated and treated banana fiber as a reinforcing material. In this process the banana fiber is treated with 5% of sodium hydroxide for one hour and the specimen is fabricated by hand moulding process. The mould used for fabricating the hybrid composite material is made up of aluminium with a debonding agent applied on the inner side. The banana fiber content is kept constant to 30% of weight fraction of entire composite material. The variation in mechanical properties are studied and analyzed. Here, the tensile strength has calculated by universal testing machine, impact strength has calculated by pendulum impact tester and flexural strength has calculated by universal testing machine with flexural test arrangement of the specimen. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1063-1066 |
250 |
A Resource Scheduling Approach Throughput Optimization in Private Cloud
-Sneha Patel ; Narendra Limbad; Sazid Mahammad
A cloud computing is a fast growing area in computing research and industry today. It enables on- demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources such as servers, storage and applications. Three main services provided by the cloud are Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS). Private Cloud is restricted to a particular organization and data security risks are less compared to the public cloud. It is very difficult to execute multiple jobs on multiple systems rather than on single system simultaneously. Resource Scheduling refers to the set of policies to control the order of work to be performed by a computer system. It also manages availability of CPU time, processing time and good scheduling policy gives maximum utilization of resource. Round Robin , Equally Spread Current Execution and Throttled are existing algorithms. The objective of this paper is to propose efficient and enhanced scheduling algorithm that can maintain multiple VMs dynamically based on user requirement. Proposed algorithm is applied to optimize the throughput for processing of satellite images. Multiple Jobs are executed simultaneously considering system parameters like process time and CPU time in private cloud. Read More...
Cloud Computing |
India |
1067-1071 |