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351 |
Current Scenario of Hydraulic Energy& Its Utilization
-Ravi Kumar
The energy which comes from natural resources called Renewable energy resources. Renewable energy such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat and hydropower storedin the nature free of cost. About 16% of global final energy consumption comes from renewable sources and about 3.4% from hydro power. The power derived from the energy of falling water and running water is called hydropower or water power. It is used to fulfill many purposes to ease the human life. In past years it is used for the irrigation purpose. And various processes like mechanical devices such as water mils, domestic lifts, power house, and textile mills. Ancient civilization viz. Mesopotamia and Egypt civilization water is used. This type of energy stored in the nature in the form of difference in water level or water falls. For utilization of such type of energy it must be stored in the form of kinetic energy and produce electricity. The device which converts such type of energy into electricity is called turbine. The turbine consists of blade in which falling water (from dam or high fall) impact and shaft is rotated which is connected to the shaft of generator and produce electricity. Water power is represented by hydrology. Hydrology energy stored in riverbed and river banks. Hydraulic systems are used to transfer energy by converting mechanical energy to fluid energy, and then back to mechanical energy. The principle reason for converting to fluid energy is the convenience of transferring energy to a new location. Hydraulic drives have many advantages over other technologies. The ratio of weight, volume and inertia to available power is significantly lower than in electromechanical drives, especially for linear motion. The dynamic performance is superior when compared to electrical or electrical-mechanical drive systems in large power drive systems. In India scope of water power is more generally watermills and waterwheels made in India. China uses such type of devices like watermill and waterwheel from Han Dynasty. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1521-1523 |
352 |
A Comprehensive Review on Biomass Cook-Stove
-Maneesh Singh ; Devesh Kumar; Ravi Kumar
The of biomass cook-stoves popularity all over world but the basic need to disscuss about the biomass cook-stove application in India .In this paper I would like to focus on the biomass cook-stove history, how it can be useful for rules area as well as urban area because India is country where consumption of petroleum is more than enough so in this our purpose is to disscuss the awareness of biomass cook-stove .this paper gives the historical overview of cook-stove. Read More...
Renewable Energy |
India |
1524-1526 |
353 |
Object Tracking in Real Time Videos using Mean Shift Algorithm
-Sadaf Khan ; Mr.Sanjay Tembhurne; Dr.Sanjay Haridas
The complex task in a running video is to efficiently track the target with respect to its vary in position. The Mean Shift algorithm can be applied robustly and quickly to track the object. Local binary pattern is the technique through which a neighborhood of a pixel is determined by its binary derivatives. So the LBP can be employed in the field of pattern and movement recognition. In the proposed work mean shift algorithm will effectively track the target object applied along with LBP and joint color histogram in real time videos. Read More...
Digital image processing |
India |
1527-1529 |
354 |
Analyzing and Improving Object Oriented Software Design using CK Metric and Neural Network
-Rashmi Singla ; Amrita Chaudhary
Object Oriented Software Engineering (OOSE) is used to build a new quality software system by taking the help of existing classes. Chidamber and Kemerer (CK) metrics is calculated on OOSE model to analyze reusability. The research work presents a general model to analyze, evaluate and improve CK metric values for object oriented software using Matlab’s Neural Network Toolbox. Object Oriented Design Patterns are used to analyze various metrics and number of useful conclusions can be drawn by evaluation of these metrics that may effect on quality factors of OOSE. Various metrics have been calculated that affects the performance of Object Oriented Software Engineering and proposed a model that analyzes and improves CK metric by automating the calculation of CK metric values. Finally, assessment is performed of the theoretical and empirical evaluation procedures to determine the extent of producing useful findings. Here we are proposing a model that will use CK metric values of Object Oriented Design Patterns (obtained from Rational Rose) as input and Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) & Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) for processing of input values in order to calculate and automate CK metric values. Finally, Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) have been calculated to measure accuracy as well as improvement in CK metric values. Read More...
Computer science and engineering |
India |
1530-1534 |
355 |
Survey Paper on Time History Analysis of Steel and Composite Frame Structure
-Prasad Vitthalrao Kolhe ; Prof. Rakesh Shinde
Steel-concrete composite construction means steel section encased in concrete for columns & the concrete slab or profiled deck slab is connected to steel beam with the help of mechanical shear connectors so that they act as single unit. Earthquakes occurred in recent past have indicated that if the structures are not properly designed and constructed with required quality may cause great destruction and also loss of life. Time history analysis is an important technique for structural seismic analysis especially when the evaluated structural response is nonlinear. To perform such an analysis, a representative earthquake time history is required for a structure being evaluated. Time History Analysis (THA) is a step-by-step analysis of the dynamic response of a structure to a specified loading that may vary with time. In Time History Analysis, time history of representative earthquake is used to determine the seismic response of a structure under dynamic loading. In this work steel sections and composite sections (steel + concrete) are considered for comparative study of high rise residential building. Building is situated in earthquake zone IV. For analysis purpose Time History Method is used. In this work same plan is used for comparison. Load combinations are taken from IS code. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1535-1536 |
356 |
Human Detection for Surveillance System
-Mohit B. Vora ; Tanmay Vyas; Prajesh Kathiriya
Extracting high level features is an important field in video indexing and retrieving. Identifying the presence of human in video is one of these high level features, which facilitate the understanding of other aspects concerning people or the interactions between people. Our work proposes a method for identifying the presence of human in videos. The proposed algorithm detects the human face based on the colour and motion information extracted from frames over wide range of variations in lightning conditions, skin colour races, backgrounds and faces' sizes and orientations. Experimental results demonstrate the successfulness of the algorithm used and its capability in detecting faces under different challenges. The proposed work is crucial in lots of applications whose concern is mainly human activities and can be a basic step in such activities. So, for that an algorithm has been proposed to detect the presence of human in video sequence. The main technique used in building the proposed algorithm is motion detection technique. A series of stages were implemented in a certain order to promise maximizing the detection of Human Motion and eliminating the other objects (noise). The proposed algorithm detects Human Motion among Non-human objects. Read More...
Electronics and Communications |
India |
1537-1540 |
357 |
Optimized Control of a Self Excited Induction Generator for Power Quality Improvement
-Bharat Kumar Nirmalkar ; Dharmendra Kumar Singh
In the present era,Non- conventional energy generation systems, contributing a high percentage in in Power generation. Among the non-conventional energy generation systems, wind energy generation is the most important one for the generatipower. The doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is currently the system of choice for multi-MW wind turbines.The DFIG technology allows extracting maximum energy from the wind for low wind speeds by optimizing the turbine speed, presently DFIG based wind turbines are quite popular as it can extract maximum power. Though the DFIG based wind turbines can able to provides maximum extent of power but greatly suffers from the power oscillation during wind speed variations, to overcome this problem this work proposes a novel PID type Fuzzy Controller (PIDFC) for efficient pitch angle control of DFIG system for wind power generation, so that the DFIG based wind turbines not only able to provide maximum power but the power obtained will be highly stable also, irrespective to the wind speed fluctuations. For the comparative analysis, a comparison is also presented between the conventional PI controller and proposed PIDFC controller. The obtained result indicates that, the proposed method is highly efficient to sustain the power oscillations as compare to state of art techniques. In addition to this it is also found that, the proposed PIDFC based pitch angle controller takes 80% less settling time as compare to conventional PI controller. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1541-1548 |
358 |
Using Model Data to Build On Accuracy of Ground Data Based on Kriging, Interpolation Techniques for Bias Correction
-Kya Abraham Berthe ; Pr Bob Ogolbys ; Pr Clinton Rowe ; Pr Steve Reichenbach; Pr Cynthia Hays
The estimation, with precision, of spatial patterns in rainfall from different independent sources is a challenge because of the extreme variability of rainfall in space and time. Quantification and understanding of the uncertainties associated with the spatial analysis of climate data are thus essential for efficient forecasting using interpolation techniques to estimate the spatial distribution of the precipitation. Given this variability in time and space, ground-based gauge networks may not provide a robust basis for interpolation, and the reliability of remote sensing products, although improving, is still imperfect. The technique we proposed in this paper is based on combination different kinds of measurements to correct the bias. We used model ERAI data domain 1 and 3 and model CCSM4 “The Community Climate System Model†data domain 1 and 3 to correct the ground station data (ground data corrects model). Kriging method is used for bias correction. The statistical properties of the data are used to analysis the data, simulation before the bias correction to estimation bias. And the bias has been re-evaluated after correction. The simulation result shown kriging interpolation can be used for site data interpolation for better prediction.. Daily data (ERAI “EUNIS Research and Analysis Initiativeâ€, CCMS4) for the five years (2001 to 2005) are used. Read More...
Climate modeling, prediction, environment modeling |
Mali |
1549-1556 |
359 |
Improved Image Inpainting Using Hybrid Method Consisting Of Convolution and Exemplar Based Algorithm
-Priyanka Chavda ; Lokesh Gagnani
Image Inpainting is the art of filling in missing data in an image. The purpose of inpainting is to reconstruct missing regions in a visually plausible manner so that it seems reasonable to the human eye. There have been several approaches proposed for the same. The objective of this dissertation work is to review two such methods – Convolution and Exemplar based Algorithm and combines these into a Hybrid technique. Convolution based image inpainting algorithms are very rapid, however in many cases; they don't provide adequate results in sharp details such as edges. Exemplar-based methods provide impressive results in recovering textures and repetitive structures. However, their ability to recreate the geometry without any example is limited and not well understood. The aim is to incorporate such enhanced characteristics in the Hybrid technique which will be better than the individual techniques. This paper summarizes the combination of these algorithms and proposes a new Hybrid Inpainting Algorithm for inpainting large as well as small regions in less time. Future aspects of the study are also discussed. Read More...
Department of Information Technology |
India |
1557-1562 |
360 |
Strength Behavior of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement by Waste Glass Powder
-Mohammad Athar Hussain ; Mohammed Faisaluddin
The current work is carried out to compare the strengths characteristics of conventional concrete with the concrete replaced with glass powder as partial replacement of cement. The work is carried out with M20 and M30 grade concrete with w/c ratio of 0.5 and 0.45 as a control specimen and the glass powder is replaced by cement in the range from 10% to 40% with 10% increment by weight of cement. The glass powder used in this work is having the particle size less than 90 microns. For all the mixes compressive, flexural, and split tensile strengths are determined at 7 and 28 days of curing. The result of present investigation indicate that glass powder incorporation results in significant improvements in the compressive, flexural, and split tensile strengths of concrete upto 20% of replacement. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1563-1567 |
361 |
Optimizing Query Performance using Hash and Sort Merge Join
-Siddhi Joshi ; Jignesh Vania
This paper introduced a method for producing Hash Merge and Sort Merge Join with extending performance. Hash merge join is non-blocking join algorithm that deals with data items from remote sources via unpredictable, slow, and bursty network traffic. The HMJ algorithm designed with two goals: 1) Minimize the time to produce the first few results, and 2) Produce join results even if the two sources of the join operator occasionally get blocked. Sort Merge Join is conventional join algorithm in the database. It is used when large database is required for query optimizing. I implement hybrid version of both algorithm to increase performance of join. And compare this hybrid version with already implemented algorithm to check performance based on execution time. I conclude that hybrid gives better execution time than hash and sort merge join algorithm after completion of experiment study. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1568-1570 |
362 |
A Survey on Recommendation System in Web Content Mining
-Anamika Rajput ; Sushil Kumar Chaturvedi
Now a days growth of World Wide Web has exceeds a lot with more expectations .Data mining is the form of extraction of data available in the internet. The enormous growth, diverse, dynamic and unstructured nature of web makes internet extremely difficult in searching and retrieving relevant information and in presenting query results. The aforementioned problem has given rise to the development of web content mining. In this paper present a survey on web mining their types and process. Also study of various researchers work. Web content mining techniques. Web content mining refers to the originality of valuable information from web contents which consist of transcript, illustration, aural, video. Web content mining is the scanning and mining of text, pictures and graphs of web page to determine relevance of content to the search query. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1571-1575 |
363 |
Location Based Push Notification Service using iBeacon and Amazon SNS
-Omkar Patil ; Pooja Guwalani; Ameya Parkar
iBeacon is Apple’s version of the Bluetooth-based beacon concept that allows Bluetooth devices to broadcast and receive tiny information within short distances. The paper aims to describe a system which will track indoor positioning of a person, notify the devices, controlling notifications for respective location, tracking person’s behavior for business intelligence. The ability to contact to a person based upon his location brings more power in marketing world and information systems. The persons indoor positioning describes the interest of a person because of his location. Moreover, a web-based application can be used to control the information flow for each beacon. Currently there are very few organizations using this technology to track their customers. This technology has wild scope in indoor or small area location based services. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1576-1578 |
364 |
Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Mining
-Tank Mayurkumar B. ; Tushar A. Champaneria
The aim of Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Mining is to extract relevant knowledge from large amount of data while protecting at the same time sensitive information .Due to personal interests , medical databases or business interest privacy is needed .Due to privacy infringement while performing the data mining operation this not often possible to utilize large databases for scientific or financial research. For better decision making we need to perform multi-party computation by combining the database of two or more than two parties ,which can not guarantee security .To address this problem ,several privacy preserving distributed data mining techniques are used .In this paper Apriory based distributed, privacy preserving Frequent Item set Mining algorithms are designed to fit in the Secure Multiparty Computation model for privacy preserving computation. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1579-1582 |
365 |
Node.js Single Thread Asynchronous I/O Model
-Rashmi Bane ; Sangeeta Oswal
Node is single-threaded and uses a concurrency model based on an event loop. It is non-blocking, so it doesn't make the program wait, but instead it registers a callback and lets the program continue. This means it can handle concurrent operations without multiple threads of execution, so it can scale pretty well. Node.js was never created to solve the compute scaling problem. It was created to solve the I/O scaling problem, which it does really well. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1583-1586 |
366 |
Chebyshev Filters for Microwave Frequency Applications a Literature Review
-Sanjay Mishra ; Dr. Agya Mishra
This paper presents literature review of use of Chebyshev filter for particularly microwave frequencies. The study involves circuit analysis to determine generalized Chebyshev responses with a transmission zero at finite frequency in order to produce a reduced number of elements values of prototype circuit. An exact synthesis and design procedure has been discussed for a class of wideband dual-band band pass filters (BPFs) with both controllable in-band ripple factor and isolation between the dual pass band. The transformation of the high pass filter from the low pass filter prototype provides a cutoff frequency of 3.1 GHz with a return loss better than -20 dB. Read More...
India |
1587-1591 |
367 |
Cavity Filters for Microwave Applications: A Literature Review
-Santosh Kumar Uikey ; Dr. Agya Mishra
A survey of the major techniques used in the design of cavity filters is reviewed and discussed in this paper. It is shown that the basis for much fundamental microwave filter theory lies in the realm of cavity filters, which indeed are actually used directly for many applications at microwave frequencies as high as 18 GHz. Many types of algorithm are discussed and compared with the object of pointing out the most useful references, especially for a researcher to the field. Read More...
India |
1592-1596 |
368 |
Effect of Alkaline Solution Ratio on GGBS Added Geopolymer Concrete
-Paras Pithadiya ; Abhay Nakum
The demand of concrete is increasing day by day and Cement is used for satisfying the need of development of infrastructure facilities, 1 tone cement production generates 1 tone CO2, which adversely affect the environment. In order to reduce the use of OPC and CO2 generation, the new generation concrete has been developed such as GEOPOLYMER CONCRETE. Geopolymer requires Oven Curing in the varying range of 600C to 1000C for a period of 24 to 96 hours. The objective of the present work is to find the Optimum Alkaline Solution Ratio and to study the effect of GGBS on fly ash based Geopolymer concrete. Present work also considers the Effect of Oven Curing and Ambient temperature curing with Varying Alkaline Solution ratio. This research work focuses the development in field of GEOPOLYMER CONCRETE by replacing fly ash from 0 to 50% with GGBS and inspecting the Fresh Properties and Hardened Concrete properties at 7 days. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1597-1600 |
369 |
Image Processing of Metal Parts using Quality Inspection Method in Comparison with MATLAB
-S.Krishna ; S.Gopalakrishnan; S.Vignesh
this paper proposes a novel image processing approach for rapid quality inspection in metal parts of machinery products. The quality inspection approaches have evolved from the traditional visual inspection to sophisticated techniques like automated pattern recognition. The paper concentrates a novel image processing algorithm for rapid and cost-effective quality detection of metal surfaces. The process deals with analysis of the metal product images and extracting the crack location using appropriate thresholding, Hence, these values are determined from the histogram of the mental image from which the deviations between weld surface and normal surface being found from ranging intensity values. The images of the metal products are acquired with the help of calibrated camera sensors in an ideal lab set up in order to avoid the illumination effects which will interfere with the crack surface. The mental image enhances precursor for crack-feature detection. The cracks in the metal products are detected analyzed using the MATLAB interface where the Image Processing Toolbox provides a comprehensive set of reference-standard algorithms and functions for analysis, Visualization and algorithm development. The dimensional analysis and qualitative aspects of the crack are recorded to determine the quality status of the metal product. Thus, this approach is implemented for four mild steel specimens and a higher accuracy in the detection process is observed. Further, the compatibility of the algorithm with metal surface with varied sizes and colors are analyzed. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1601-1603 |
370 |
A Dynamic Approach : for Allocating Storage Resource to Virtual Machines using Cloud Computing
-Karthik.M.V ; Mrs.Asha.N
In a cloud computing environment resource allocation and reallocation are the important concepts for accommodating the customers’ requests and utilities to the users of cloud with low investments. Cloud computing system allows the customers to increase or decrease their storage resources based on their needs. In this paper, we are using a dynamic approach to allocate the storage resources based on the user requirements. We are adopting an algorithm which is able to measure the unevenness in the resources utilization in the server, by eliminating/minimizing the unevenness we can improve the over utilization of server and its storage resources. we are using the system that uses virtual machines to allocate the resources based on the application needs and support green computing by optimizing the resource utilization of server and some measures that can avoid overload in the system so we can achieve good performance. Read More...
Computer Network Engineering |
India |
1604-1607 |
371 |
Utilization of Ceramic Waste and used Foundry Sand in Concrete
-Makwana Shyam J. ; Prof. Yashwantsinh M. Zala
In the world, there are large amounts of calcined-clay wastes and used foundry sand to generate from the industry each year. So, these wastes are used in landfills. Reusing these wastes in concrete could be a very beneficial situation for society. Therefore, at one side, we can solve the problems of industries and at the other side, we can make more sustainable concrete by reducing nonrenewable resources like cement and aggregates and also solve environmental problems related to land filled wastes. This research paper examines the feasibility of using ceramic waste powder and used foundry sand in concrete. Ceramic waste powder is replaced with cement at a rate of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% and used foundry sand is replaced with natural sand at a rate of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30%. From this research to find out the strength and durability of concrete like compressive strength and slump of concrete. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1608-1612 |
372 |
A Review on Surveillance and Protection System for Malls
-Chavan Vishal Bharat ; Prof. M. B. Mali
Safety is one of the most important issues in professional trade. With the development of society many social evils are also increasing day by day. The anti-social activities like theft, robbery and burglary are causing headache to civilized society and hence should be eradicated at any cost. In Indian malls, presently most of the shops are locked with shutters. These are not the safest ways since most of the times these can be simply broken by gas cutters. So, more secure way is needed to get rid of such issues. Global System for Mobiles (GSM) is rapidly advancing mobile communication technology and the decrease in costs make it possible to incorporate mobile technology into varies systems. Smartphones have also rapidly incorporated in day to day life, making it possible to use in security systems. In proposed technique, unauthenticated openings of shutters of shops in mall are alerted locally and wirelessly by sending smartphone notifications. Proposed system will be very useful to shop owners and can be extended with password enabled digital shutter lock and remote control system, if required. Proposed system describes battery operated module connected by IR sensors and buzzers for alerting purpose. Read More...
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (Embedded Systems) |
India |
1613-1614 |
373 |
Experimental Study of RHA-FA based Geopolymer Composites
-Dhaval Ramnikbhai Dara ; Prof. Ankur C. Bhogayata
Rice husk ash is a waste generated by agricultural field than this is used for electricity generation than the byproduct is known as RHA, Fly ash is a waste generated by thermal power plants is as such a big environmental concern. The investigation reported in this paper is carried out to study the effect of RHA - FA based geopolymer composites on mechanical properties of RHA-FA based geopolymer composites, so as to provide an environmentally consistent way of its disposal and reuse. The RHA in geopolymer concrete matrix is replaced from 5 to 40 % by step in steps of 5 %. This provides an environmental friendly method of RHA-FA disposal. Read More...
Civil engineering |
India |
1615-1617 |
374 |
An Insight into MOLAP Components
-Pramod Tiwari ; Dashrath Mane
Multi-dimensional On-Line Analytical Processing (MOLAP) systems have become the need of the hour for large enterprises. Many applications have become dependent on it as they simplify processing of huge volumes of data. The multi-dimensional data storage and processing is an essential part of MOLAP. MOLAPs must deliver responses swiftly as analysts pose iterative inquiries during interactive sessions and not in batch mode. Since OLAP is also analytic, the queries are complex in nature. In this paper, we present the MOLAP components using tables and pictures. This paper presents the concepts that allow the users to exploit simultaneously the features of MOLAP and various options available as an enterprise data user. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1618-1620 |
375 |
Use of 'Rice Husk Ash' In Cementitious Concrete: A State of the Art Review
-Dhaval Ramnikbhai Dara ; Prof. Ankur C. Bhogayata
Rice husk ash is a waste generated by agricultural field than this is used for electricity generation than the byproduct is known as RHA, Fly ash is a waste generated by thermal power plants is as such a big environmental concern. The investigation reported in this paper is carried out to study the effect of RHA - FA based geopolymer composites on mechanical properties of RHA-FA based geopolymer composites, so as to provide an environmentally consistent way of its disposal and reuse. The RHA in geopolymer concrete matrix is replaced from 5 to 40 % by step in steps of 5 %. This provides an environmental friendly method of RHA-FA disposal. Read More...
Civil engineering |
India |
1621-1623 |
376 |
Common Errors Solved by Students under Guidance of Teacher Providing Real Time Solution
-Samiksha Namdeo Sabale ; Yogita Gawaji Shelar; Rounak Srhivlal Surana; Sayali Arun Shinde
For a gremlin programmer, coding is proportionate to an illusion. Computer can help you in almost any field but when it comes to solving errors, programmers are left alone. For gremlin programmers it is formidable to understand coding techniques, also errors presented by existing systems are hard to understand .While teacher side problems are never considered, such as analyzing the performance of each and every student. This system will help students as well as mentor. As students compile the program, the system will provide solutions to occurring errors, reducing teachers load. Also students can communicate with teachers anytime through notification panel. Programs can be viewed by the faculty for cross verification. Moreover, we focus on a new system which is able to provide online code management, while recording solutions given by teachers, so that teachers won’t need to repeat them. This system takes into account the syntactic errors, compile-time errors, semantic errors as well as logical errors. System reduces overhead of both teachers as well as students. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1624-1627 |
377 |
Assisted Living using Ambient Intelligence and Sensor Technology
-Neeta Sukhadeo Gunjal ; Mrs. Sangita Oswal; Sruthi Kunhiraman
The goal of this paper is to contribute to the quality of life of the elderly people and help them to have a healthier and independent lifestyle with the use of Ambient Intelligence, sensors, signal and the communications infrastructure. Ambient Intelligence is the concept emerging from Artificial Intelligence, where people are assisted by using computer as the proactive tool. It is network of the hidden interfaces or sensors which are able to recognize our presence and respond to our immediate need. It makes use of three important technologies namely Ubiquitous Computing, Ubiquitous Communication and Intelligent User Interface. This paper provides a view on how ambient intelligence can be used to provide better quality living. Our aim is to make the use of wireless sensors in our everyday life to serve the purpose. We mainly focus on the health care domain. Combining the technological development such as wearable devices, sensors, sensor network with the user-centred design methods makes it more capable of providing better quality life in non-intrusive way. Elderly people with or without disabilities would be clearly benefited from it. It provides them an opportunity to live more independently through continuous monitoring with the use of sensors in non-intrusive way. It will enable them to live in their homes with sufficient confidence and security. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1628-1631 |
378 |
Self Bias Transistor & Transmission Gate Logic Technique: For 8:1 Multiplexer
-Krishan Kumar ; Dr. Munish Vashishath
Power dissipation and propagation delay are the contradicting factors in the design of VLSI CMOS devices .This paper aims at reducing power and energy dissipation using Transmission Gate Logic (TGL) Multiplexer CMOS circuits and Self Bias Transistor Circuits comprise of reducing the power supply voltages to investigates the performance parameters i.e. delay, power for the combinational circuit using power reduction techniques and compare them to find out the best one. These techniques can be used further for various applications in the field of VLSI design. A competitive approach is applied to the 8 Bit MUX circuit emphasizing on the minimum Power-Delay trade-off and minimum Transistor count. The PMOS and NMOS transistors are connected together for strong output level. SBT technique achieves 70% reduction of power dissipation and TGL technique achieves 83% reduction of power in active mode as compared to the conventional CMOS design. SPICE Simulations are performed with 0.18µm CMOS technology. Read More...
India |
1632-1634 |
379 |
Solar Energy Harvesting and Power Management for Self Powered Wireless Temperature Sensor
-Amol Nikat ; Dr. S. D. Lokhande
Now a day’s temperature monitoring of buildings is essential for controlling the ambient temperature for human safety, comfort and reliability. Wireless sensors are best choices for such temperature monitoring. But greatest challenge faced by wireless sensor networks is power. When a sensor is depleted of power, it can not fulfill its role unless and until the source of power is replenished. Therefore, it is considered that the smartness of a wireless sensor expires when its battery power is finished. In temperature monitoring applications, sensors are supposed to operate for much longer durations (such as years or decades) after they are installed on the field. In such cases batteries are hard (or impossible) to replace or recharge after they are discharged. To overcome this, system has been implemented which scavenges energy from ambient solar energy and stores it in super-capacitor for further use. Harvested energy is made sufficient for sensor operation using power management technique and supercapacitor lifetime is calculated for estimating lifetime of sensor once super capacitor is fully charged. Read More...
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1635-1638 |
380 |
Motion Estimation using Block Matching Algorithm
-Chaudhari Pooja A. ; Ompriya Kale
Block-matching motion estimation is an efficient algorithm for reducing the temporal redundancy in video coding. Many block matching algorithms have been devised to reduce the computational complexity without degrading quality. The most efficient hexagonal block search produces good quality of prediction among all analyzed algorithms. As video sequence consists of a series of frames. In order to compress the video for efficient storage and transmission, the temporal redundancy among adjacent frames must be exploited by motion estimation. We have proposed new approach for early termination based on threshold to avoid redundant calculation when the earlier obtained point is good enough. Significant speedup gain has been achieved over the current search algorithm while maintaining similar distortion performance. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1639-1642 |
381 |
Simulation of Encoder & Decoder using HDL language and Implementation in VLSI
-Bharamana V. Dukare
This work outlines the performance of the convolution Encoder and Viterbi decoder for error detection and correction. The entire system is designed using vhdl. This is widely used in Digital video and camcorder. A FEC technique is the fundamental element of wireless communication systems. The some available important standards such as Third generation (3G) systems, Global system for mobile, 802.11A, and 802.16 exert some configuration of convolution coding. Viterbi decoding with convolution encoding is a most widely used method for forward error correction. Viterbi decoder algorithm is used for decoding algorithm for convolution codes which finds error detected to the system. This paper represents the encoder and viterbi decoder is implemented for constraint length of 9 and bit rate ½.. Read More...
Electronics and communication engineering |
India |
1643-1645 |
382 |
A New Algorithm for Tumor Segmentation of Brain MRI Images
-Nisha ; Hari Mohan Rai
Magnetic resonance images are further complicated due to the limitations in the imaging equipment that lead to a non-linear gain artifact in the images. In addition, motion artifacts due to voluntary or involuntary movement of the patient degrade the signal during the scanning process. Tumor differs with it is shape, size and location they may appear at different places with different intensities, therefore it is difficult to find the exact tumor in the brain. The proposed algorithm detects the tumor with high sensitivity and high specificity. The proposed algorithm also provides high value of the PPV. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
1646-1647 |
383 |
Performance Evaluation of Superconducting Fault Current Limiter
-Nandkishor D.Dhapodkar ; R.Shaha
This paper is showing performance of Superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) which have ability to reduce severe fault current effectively and quickly. With the increasing population the consumption of electrical power is also increased widely so thus the probability of occurrence of fault in system also increases because of which a very high current flows through the system which is responsible for the generation of large mechanical forces which may affect the mechanical integration of the power system hardware, transformer and other related equipment which may get overheated due to this large current and every time it is not possible to change the parameters as per fault current. It is working as like as stabilizer but more efficient than that. The SFCL which is used here have capability of reducing the fault current within the first cycle which increases the transient stability of the power system. This paper focuses on the faults in the power system due to overcurrent i.e L-G,L-L-G and L-L-L-G.SFCLs are continuously studied to reduce the power burden of circuit breaker. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1648-1651 |
384 |
Bluetooth and Zigbee based Wireless Data Acquisition System for Vibration Monitoring using Labview
-Manish Y. Upadhye ; P. B. Borole; Ashok K. Sharma
Condition monitoring of machinery involves vibration analysis of the machine part. Vibration measurement is prerequisite for condition monitoring and vibration analysis. This paper presents development of a reliable and low cost wireless 4-channels wireless data acquisition system for vibration monitoring. In the developed monitoring system, 3 Axis digital output MEMS Accelerometer sensor has been used as vibration sensor. For data processing Arduino Uno microcontroller board has been used. The implemented system uses Bluetooth and ZigBee communication protocols for wireless transmission of the data form Sensor Unit to Vibration Monitoring Unit. National Instruments’s VISA drivers have been installed in the computer to add serial instruments in LabVIEW. Graphical user interface and alarm generation have been done using National Instrument’s LabVIEW software on the PC. Software development has been done for continuous display of vibrations on four continuous charts. Also alarm generation and data logging features have been added. This system has industrial applications such as vibration analysis, safety control and condition monitoring. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
1652-1656 |
385 |
Comparative Analysis of Fuzzy based Cache Replacement Technique with LRU and LFU
-Megha Gupta ; Dr. Surender Singh
Web Caching is the phenomenon that has been worldwide used to reduce the latency involved in retrieving the web pages. The efficiency of web caching depends upon the cache replacement technique used. Traditional techniques of cache replacement like LRU and LFU are based on one decision parameter but one decision parameter is not enough due to the different characteristics of different workloads. So multiple parameters are needed to be combined. But the question arises how it should be done. The solution to this problem can be achieved by modeling the decision parameters through fuzzy logic. In our research we applied the fuzzy based cache replacement algorithm and traditional algorithms like LRU, LFU on the network which resembles cache hierarchical architecture. A simulation was conducted to observe their behavior and it was concluded that the fuzzy based cache replacement algorithm is better than the traditional algorithms like LRU and LFU. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1657-1659 |
386 |
Design and Fabrication of Drum Handling Equipment
-Nilesh Garghate ; Dr. S. K. Choudhary; A. P. Ninawe
This paper presents the use of drum handling equipment in the industries to reduce worker for drum handling . The study effect of material handling on human is done in this paper. Also study different material handling equipment used in industries. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1660-1662 |
387 |
Review on Robotic Surgery
-Bipin Mohan Ghadigaonkar ; Sunny Nahar
The field of surgery is undergoing a big change, spurred on by remarkable advances in surgical technology. Recently, we have robotic systems built their way into the operating room as dexterity-enhancing surgical assistants in answer to surgeons’ needs for ways to overcome the surgical limitations of minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. The 1st generation of surgical robots is being installed in a variety of operating rooms around the world already. These are not real autonomous robots; instead they are just lending a mechanical helping hand to surgeons. The actual methods by which these surgical robots are controlled are Remote control and voice activation methods. The Robotic surgical system helps surgeons to eliminate gallbladders and perform other surgical procedures while seated at a computer console and 3-D video imaging system across the operating room. The surgeon handles controls by their hands and fingers to coordinate a robotically controlled laparoscope. At the ends of the laparoscope are forward, articulating surgical instruments and miniature cameras that allow surgeons to peer into the body and perform the procedures. Robotic surgery makes use of Robots to perform surgery. Robotic surgery is different from a usual invasive surgery. Minimally invasive surgery (also called as laparoscopic surgery) is a general term for procedures that reduce trauma by performing operations through small ports rather than large incisions. Minimally invasive surgery is now common place for certain procedures. But till now, we haven't been able to use minimally invasive techniques for more difficult operations. With our trained and skilled surgeons and the robotic system, now we can use minimally invasive techniques in even the most complicated procedures like gastrointestinal surgery, Cardiac surgery, Neurosurgery, Urology, Gynecology, Orthopedics etc. Read More...
Medical |
India |
1663-1667 |
388 |
Object Inpainting for Video Repairing
-Nita Patel ; Rashmin Prajapati
Video inpainting is a vital video improvement technique used to repair or editing of digital videos. Video inpainting is the technique in which the damaged frames are extracted from the entire video and after that the damaged area is selected and this selected areas are filled by pasting the best match patch from the neighboring or current frame and these newly repaired frames are replaced by old damaged frames. Video inpainting is used to remove unwanted object and texture is reconstructed in the entire video while maintaining the consistent flow of video. The main objective is to generate an inpainted area that is merged seamlessly into the video. The proposed method involves the step preprocessing, motion inpainting and exemplar based inpainting. The step of preprocessing involves segmenting each frame of a video into foreground and background, detecting the foreground objects and then tracking those detected objects. The motion inpainting step will fill the holes created by the occluding object by copying information from object templates generated in preprocessing step. The last step of exemplar based inpainting will fill the remaining holes. The main aim of this research is to look for improving accuracy of interframe transition and Time. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1668-1671 |
389 |
Redundant Technique used in VSI Topology
-Hanamant M. Matinavar ; Tushar Bedke
The industrial applications consists of a power electronic converter, and a digital controller for implementing the control algorithms, motor and a feedback sensors,. Several faults can affect on the motor drive and also it affects the whole system and some critical applications such as power plants, railway locomotives, aerospace, automobiles, etc., here main important thing to avoid fault tolerance. In this project work, redundant technique used in VSI topology fed AC motor simulation models is discussed and simulation models are developed using MATLAB Simulink tool box. The performance studies are used to simulated models and to obtain the results in the form of asynchronous motor. An analysis of the performance of these drives under various faulty conditions has been presented. The investigation of redundant control techniques for AC motor drives is arousing lively interest, since it can extend their use to applications where high reliability is a key feature, such as automotive auxiliaries and aircraft. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
1672-1675 |
390 |
Computer Automated Test System (CATS)
-Dattatraya Ekbote ; Dr. G. N. Srinivasan
CATS (Computer Automated Test System) is a Software testing and Analyzing tool. It is built to test the tracing tool. Tracing tool is software that can analyze the metadata about the message packets in a communication network. CATS will help in efficient testing of the “tracing toolâ€, this helps in saving time effort and cost. CATS will provide a mechanism to enhance testing of the Remote Interface of tracing tool. Remote Commands will be used to launch the Tracing tool from CATS. CATS is used to send command line parameters of test execution to the Tracing tool. TCPIP Socket Interface is used for connection between Tracing tool and CATS. CATS will connect to Tracing tool, send commands to execute and get the response and display the response to the users in CATS, CATS can be easily configured with the Tracing tool parameters. CATS can generate the results in different formats as text file, generate different graphs, send the execution results to mail, and allow printing the execution results. CATS can run a very large set of test cases and generate the results. Different graphs are provided so that the user can analyze the execution as Passed/Failed. KPI is used to show the Tracing Tool Performance details. VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) program is written which will update the KPI sheets for the new QTP (Quick Test Professional) test cases. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1676-1680 |
391 |
Cascaded Multilevel Inverter based Transformer Less Traction Drive
-Tanuj R. Solanki ; Prof. Melvin Z. Thomas
Electric Railway Traction Drive has been introduced as a solution to the environmental problem caused by the diesel or steam engines. Generally, an AC electrified railway system is supplied with 25kV, 50 Hz AC supply. It is fed to the traction motor after stepping down to three phase, 400V, 50Hz with the help of a transformer. This magnetically coupled transformer lead to high weight, several losses and reduced efficiency. The railway electric traction requires high voltage operation. This is achieved with the help of multilevel inverter. Among the various multilevel inverters, the cascaded multilevel inverter is best suited for railway traction application because of its modular structure and use of low rating devices. The single phase induction motors are widely used in the railway traction drive because of its low cost and weight, better torque characteristics, high reliability and less maintenance due to the absence of brushes. This thesis presents the application of the cascaded multilevel inverter in the transformer less railway traction drive. Cascaded inverters up to seven level have been simulated to and that THD increases with the increase in the voltage level. Various modulation techniques- Phase Shifted Modulation, Level Shifted Modulation were Implemented in the multilevel inverters to and out the best modulation techniques among them. This eliminates the need of a transformer in the railway traction drives and also results in the reduction in the Total Harmonic Distortion of the voltage to be supplied to the traction motors. Read More...
Electrical engineering |
India |
1681-1684 |
392 |
Lung Nodules Detection, Segmentation and Classification using Ray Casting
-Praveen H.Pawar ; Prof.Dhanashree P. Kutre
The proposed work is to present a novel approach for lung nodule segmentation in chest CT images using Level Sets. The shape model is fused with the image intensity statistical information in a variation segmentation framework. The nodule shape model is mapped to the image domain by a global transformation that includes inhomogeneous scales, rotation, and translation parameters. Transformation parameters evolve through gradient descent optimization to handle the shape alignment process and hence mark the boundaries of the nodule “head.†The embedding process takes into consideration the image intensity as well as prior shape information. A nonparametric density estimation approach is employed to handle the statistical intensity representation of the nodule and background regions. The proposed technique does not depend on nodule type or location. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
1685-1688 |
393 |
Pushover Analysis of RC Frame Structure with Floating Column and Soft Storey in Different Earthquake Zones for Retrofitting Suggestions
-Hardikkumar M. Bhensdadia ; Siddharth G.Shah
Open first story and Floating column are typical features in the modern multi-storey constructions in urban India. Such features are highly undesirable in buildings built in seismically active areas; this has been verified in numerous experiences of strong shaking during the past earthquakes like Bhuj 2001. In this study an attempt is made to reveal the effects of floating column & soft story in different earthquake zones by seismic analysis. For this purpose Push over analysis is adopted because this analysis will yield performance level of building for design capacity (displacement) carried out up to failure, it helps determination of collapse load and ductility capacity of the structure. To achieve this objective, three RC bare frame structures with G+4, G+9, G+15 stories respectively will be analyzed and compared the base force and displacement of RC bare frame structure with G+4, G+9, G+15 stories in different earthquake zones like Rajkot, Jamnagar and Bhuj using SAP 2000 14 analysis package. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1689-1693 |
394 |
Implementation of Vedic Multiplier using VLSI
-Omkar K Patil
Todays processors mostly depends on multipliers as it is the important key hardware block in processors. This paper proposed the design of 64x64 bit Vedic multiplier based on Urdhava Tiryakbhyam sutra which means vertical and crosswise. The multiplier and multiplicand each group in 32 bit which decomposes the use of 32x32 multiplication module. Further, the Verilog coding Urdhava Tiryakbhyam sutra for 64x64 Vedic multiplier have been done using Xilinx ISE 14.2 software. Read More...
Electronics and communication engineering |
India |
1694-1697 |
395 |
AACK: Adaptive Acknowledgment Intrusion Detection for MANET with OLSR
-Narendrakumar M. Adeshara ; Krunal J. Panchal
The Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) consists of a collection of wireless nodes. These Mobile nodes are connected to each other via wireless link. This network doesn’t require any type of infrastructure or any centralized access point like base station. MANETS are highly venerable for Passive and Active Attacks because of their open medium, dynamic topology and lack of centralized monitoring. To protect the MANET from Active attack we are considering enhancement in Intrusion Detection System. To overcome problem of network overhead and for increase throughput propose a novel mechanism as “Adaptive Acknowledgment (AACK)†with Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol which accurately detect and isolate misbehavior node(s). Network Simulator2 is used to simulate and evaluate the proposed scheme. Read More...
Information Technology |
India |
1698-1703 |
396 |
Comparative Study with Different Method for Three Phase Load Flow Analysis in Four Bus System
-Satish Kumar Suryavanshi ; Preeti Jain
Load flow analysis is a numerical calculation in electrical engineering with complex interconnected system focussed various parameter such as real power, reactive power, transmission line current, magnitude and voltage at each bus. Overall parameter calculates with the use of MiPower in different method like gauss - seidel, newton raphson, and fast decoupled method. System has four bus, one source, and three load connected network. The three phase load flow analysis is performed to compute the unbalance in the system. Read More...
three phase load flow analysis on four bus system |
India |
1704-1707 |
397 |
WBC Nuclei Segmentation by G.S. Orthogonalization and Classification for Leukemia Detection
-Mallikarjun S. Nimbaragimath ; Prof. Vaibhav Kakade
The proposed work is to present a methodology for segmenting, the nuclei of white blood cells based on Gram Schmidt orthogonalization & Sparse Representation for white blood cells classification. The differential counting of white blood cells reveals invaluable information to hematologist. These informations are very useful to hematologist for diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.
The nucleus of white blood cells has the most information about type of white blood cells, thus an accurate segmentation of white blood cell’s nucleus seems to be helpful for other stages of automatic recognition of white blood cells. The system will focus on white blood cells disease, Leukemia. The system will use features of microscopic images & examine changes on texture, geometry, color, statistical. Changes in these features will be used as a classifier input.
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
India |
1708-1712 |
398 |
Soret and Dufour Effects on Chemically Reacting MHD Mixed Convection Flow from a Rotating Vertical Cone in a Porous Medium
-Debozani Borgohain ; B.R.Sharma
Soret and Dufour effects on heat and mass transfer in buoyancy driven steady flow of a chemically reacting, hydromagnetic fluid over a rotating cone in a uniform non Darcian porous medium are investigated. The governing nonlinear partial differential equations are transformed into non dimensional nonlinear ordinary differential equations using a similarity transformation and are solved numerically by using MATLAB’s built in solver bvp4c. Comparisons with previously published work are performed and found to be in excellent agreement. Graphical results are presented to show the influence of the Dufour number, Soret number, dimensionless chemical reaction parameter and order of the chemical reaction. It is concluded that the Soret number, Dufour number and the order of the chemical reaction play a crucial role on the heat and mass transfer. Read More...
Engineering Mathematics |
India |
1713-1720 |
399 |
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Heat Transfer in Double Pipe Heat Exchangers with Inner and Annular Twisted Tape
-Gamit Sandip D. ; Kevin N Pethani
Heat exchanger is an important device in all the thermal systems. The heat exchanger is widely used equipment in different industries such as process, petroleum refining, chemicals, pharmaceutical and paper etc. after studying different literature about heat exchanger and double pipe heat exchanger problem is identified as To perform simulation and experimental investigation of double pipe heat exchanger with inner and annulas twisted tape at different mass flow rate. The system has followed different types of flow arrangement and geometric dimension with twisted tape to attain heat transferred in experimental result and compare with simulation result. The objective of these Experiments is to assist the general heat transfer processes and the methods and devices that can be implemented to enhance more heat transfer rate. The experimental setup and apparatus required to carry out the double pipe heat exchanger experiment. The apparatus includes tube-within-a-tube heat exchangers and twisted tap with threaded thermo couple at each end, a water pump and electric motor. These methods used to find out the heat transfer rate from the surface and related temperature of fluid motions also used to found the effectiveness. The Annular method in which twisted tape is outside the inner tube has higher rate of heat transfer than other three methods. Also same result wear found by simulation using ANSYS. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1721-1725 |
400 |
Comparative Study on Fusion Trades In Biometrics
-Harendra Singh Mahour ; Hemant Makwana
Biometric is a science for verification or identification of individuals by employing a person’s physiological and behavioral traits. All unibiometrics has their own drawback and no unibiometrics system offers 100% of accuracy and a hacker can easily fool a single biometric trade. For solving these problem is through a combination of different biometrics trades are used in different level of fusion. And it is also difficult to spoof multi biometric system, because in this system, have to fool more than one biometrics. This paper present summery of data fusion schemes that are used in biometrics and advantage and disadvantage of those schemes. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1726-1729 |