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401 |
Collision Avoidance System for Vehicle Safety
-Shirish Srivastava ; Rishi Kuamr Kanaujia; S.K Singh
Automobile safety can be improved by anticipating a crash before it occurs and thereby providing additional time to deploy safety technologies. By this project, the goal is to design a collision avoidance system which is reliable for drivers in traffic. The purpose of the automatic collision avoidance system is to keep drivers better informed with the environment surrounding them. Primarily Ultrasonic sensors, Microcontroller, Buzzer, LCD, Motors and a set of LEDS are used to implement the design. The success of the proposed system can reduce human suffering caused by injury and death. The financial burden will be reduced because maintenance and replacements of parts of vehicle are avoided. Ideally the system should be installed in every automobile on road. The project’s ultimate aim thus finalized as, one to build a general, easy-to-use and versatile system that detect obstacles other vehicles on road , and give warning to the user accordingly. Read More...
Electronics Engineering |
India |
1730-1732 |
402 |
Design and Simulation of Wideband Amplifier at Extended C Band
-Kaushalkumar A. Jadav ; Sugnesh Hirpara
Communication industry is currently in continuous growth. In recent time for satellite communication spectrum at C-band is almost congested and for various new applications extended C band is being explored. In particular the Very Small Aperture Terminal [VSAT] networks have gained wide use for business and private applications. Wideband Power Amplifier [WPA] is important block in transmitter section. After Literature survey and studying different transistor, I am going to design Wideband Power Amplifier at centre frequency 6.85 GHz over 100 MHz bandwidth for Very Small Aperture terminal at extended C band. Its performance is evaluated based on certain parameters like Gain, Efficiency, P1dB, TOI and it is simulated using Advance Design System [ADS]. Accordingly, Gain 13.370 dB, Noise Figure 1.533 dB, Input return loss -29.454 dB, Output return loss -26.016 dB has been achieved using impedance matching in ADS tool. Read More...
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Microwave engineering) |
India |
1733-1738 |
403 |
Design and Simulation of Power Amplifier at KA Band
-Vasantkumar H. Parmar ; A.K.Sisodia; A.C.Suthar
Communication industry is currently in continuous growth. In recent time for satellite communication, spectrum at C-band and Ku band is almost congested and for various new applications Ka band is being explored. In particular the Very Small Aperture Terminal [VSAT] networks have gained wide use for business and private applications. Power Amplifier [PA] is important block in transmitter section. Various amplifier configuration were studied and suitable configuration was selected. Also design steps for power amplifier were understood. After Literature survey and studying different transistor, a suitable for Power Amplifier at centre frequency 29.5 GHz over 100 MHz bandwidth for Very Small Aperture terminal at Ka band is designed. Its performance will be evaluated based on certain parameters like Gain, Efficiency, 1 dB compression point [P1dB], 3rd order intercept point [TOI] and it will be simulated using Advance Design System [ADS]. Read More...
ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION (microwave engineering) |
India |
1739-1743 |
404 |
A Review Paper on Performance Quantification of Refractive Index Sensors
-Bhupender Singh ; Dr. Neena Gupta
We have witnessed a lot of advancements in sensors after the introduction of optical fiber technology. Over the past few decades, researchers have shown great interest in a new technology, named Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) which uses the light-metal interaction involved at a metal-dielectric interface. SPR has emerged as a great detection technique due to its flexibility, high sensitivity and multiplexing capabilities. This detection method has given superior results across various categories of research. This technology is used for fast, precise and accurate measurement of diverse physical, chemical and biochemical parameters. Optical resonance techniques based refractive index (RI) sensors are receiving a lot of attention because of the need to design simple, low-cost, high-throughput detection technologies for a number of applications. The parameters which quantify the performance of the SPR technique for sensing purposes have been reviewed in this paper with review of phenomena of SPR technology. The content of the review article may be of great significance for the researchers in the field of fiber-optic SPR sensors. Read More...
electronics engineering |
India |
1744-1746 |
405 |
A Review Paper on Biodiesel as AlterNet Fuel
-Patel Ghanshyam ; Prof. Nirav Joshi; Dr. N M Bhatt
The use of biodiesel is rapidly expanding around the world, making it imperious to fully understand the impacts of biodiesel on the diesel combustion process, pollutant formation and exhaust after-treatment. Because its physical properties and chemical composition are distinctly different from conventional diesel fuel, biodiesel can alter the fuel injection and ignition processes whether neat or in blends with diesel. As a consequence, the emissions of NOx and the amount, character and composition of particulate emissions are significantly affected. In this paper, we survey observations from a spectrum of our earlier studies on the impact of biodiesel on diesel combustion, emissions and emission control to provide a summary of the challenges and opportunities that biodiesel can provide. Read More...
Mechanical engineering |
India |
1747-1751 |
406 |
A Literature Survey on Multi Depot Vehicle Routing Problem
-Neha Sharma ; Mrs. Monika
Due to the development of communication and information technology, and the increase pressure of transportation cost, many enterprises select the joint distribution of multiple depots instead of traditional fixed zone service of single depot. This paper presents a survey on multi depot vehicle routing problem (MDVRP). This article providing an up-to-date overview of the research papers on several variants of the MDVRP: - capacitated MDVRP, heterogeneous fleet MDVRP, time window MDVRP, delivery and pickup MDVRP. Read More...
computer engineering |
India |
1752-1757 |
407 |
Frequent Pattern Mining Using Double Hash Technique
-Priyanka D. Mali ; Shruti B. Yagnik
The core concept of data mining is finding frequent pattern and generate association rule based on support and confidence. There are many techniques for mining frequent patterns like apriori, FP growth algorithm, ECLAT, sampling algorithm, partitioning algorithm, H-mine algorithm, direct hash algorithm (DHA) which use hashing technique and double hash technique to find frequent itemset and store data in array structure. Limitation of hashing technique is that hash collision occurs. Direct hash generates primary clusters. To avoid collision open addressing is used. Quadratic probing generates secondary clustering. Both primary and secondary clustering is removed by double hash technique. In this paper method is suggested to improve insertion, deletion and searching in double hash table. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1758-1761 |
408 |
Efficiency Enhancement of Hierarchical Routing Protocol for WSN
-Yash Shah ; Virendra Barot
Due to the wide range of application of Wireless Sensor Network like battle field surveillance, environment monitoring efficiency and security are major concern. WSN is the collection of large number of sensor nodes, which co-operatively send sensed data to the base station and have limited resources like battery, memory and processor. In WSN there are three types of protocol and we are used Hierarchical routing Protocol .In Hierarchical Routing Protocol we are used LEACH protocol. LEACH are consumed less energy to other protocol.In our work we are used one parameter and one approach. Parameter Is RSSI and approach is cross-layer. Read More...
Information technology |
India |
1762-1764 |
409 |
Secure Data Aggregation in Hierarchical Based Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network
-Nishant Inamdar ; Swati Bendale
securing data aggregation in wireless sensor network is very important. Here we have used homomorphic encryption scheme. Using this method we can achieve secure data aggregation in a energy efficient manner. But the current scheme uses Elgamal and EC-Elgamal algorithm for securing data. As Elgamal uses multiplicative homomorphism approach it is very time consuming process and it is complex and it consumes more energy of the nodes. Here to overcome these problems we have proposed another homomorphic encryption scheme it uses pallier algorithm for securing data. Pallier algorithm uses additive homomorphism approach. Its computation cost is lower than the elgamal algorithm and so it uses less energy of the nodes and it uses less time to compute the data. Here we will use leach protocol. Read More...
Information technology |
India |
1765-1767 |
410 |
An Integrated Approach of Face Recognition using Sparse and Template Matching
-Sonam Kesharwani ; Sanjivani Shantaiya
A face recognition system is a computer vision application for automatically identifying or confirm a person from a digital image. In this project an integrated technique is implemented in which face will recognize on both real time and on non-real time. Viola and Jones begins a method to precisely and quick detect faces within an appearance. This technique can be adjusted to precisely detect facial features. We consider the difficulty of automatically recognizing person faces from frontal views with varying expression and illumination, as well as occlusion and dissimulate. New premise from sparse linear representation offers the key to addressing this problem. Based on a sparse representation enumerated by `1-minimization, we propose a common classification algorithm for (image-based) object recognition technique. This innovative framework foresees novel insights into critical problems in face recognition i.e. feature extraction. The sparse representation-based classification (SRC) has been proved to be a robust facial recognition approach. However, its calculation difficulty is very high due to resolving a difficult -minimization problem. Read More...
Computer Science (Information Technology) |
India |
1768-1771 |
411 |
Design of Reduced Sized Enhance Bandwidth Symmetrically Slotted Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for ISM-Band Communication
-Swatantra Kumar ; Sunil Kumar Singh
Microstrip Patch antenna increases its popularity due to its compact size, good gain and directivity however bandwidth of microstrip patch is comparatively lower. Paper presents the designs of ISM band antenna for communication at 2.45Ghz.One of the antenna is Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna (RMPA) and another is Symmetrically Slotted Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna (SSRMPA).Basic property of both the antenna like simulated design, Return loss, directivity, gain and bandwidth are discussed. work shows that Return Loss of Antenna in SSRMPA is decreased about 79.15% which is also a great deal in antenna designing system, Bandwidth of designed antenna is also increased to 71.8MHz to 75MHz, Directivity of Symmetrically-Slotted Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna also increased to 6.244dBi to 6.502dBi Slotted-Shaped Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna also reduces the size of antenna which is always a basic need of Patch antenna design system. Read More...
microwave engineering |
India |
1772-1775 |
412 |
Use of Thermal Boundary Layer Disruption as Heat Transfer Enhancement Method
-Dhaval Solanki ; Prof. Vivek Joshi
Present research paper suggests geometrical modification methods to improve heat transfer rate of automobile air cooled engine fins by disruption of thermal boundary layer. Thermal boundary layer plays vital role in heat transfer from fins and act as barrier in convective heat transfer. So many methods and designs of geometry available to break thermal boundary layer, use of vortex generator, perforation on fin surface, and use of wavy fins are some of examples. Numerical simulation work has been carried out on combination of louvered shape and vortex generator geometries, combination of both geometries here are used on engine fin in order to enhance heat transfer by phenomenon of thermal boundary layer disruption. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1776-1780 |
413 |
Study of Two Machine Power System with Static Synchronous Series Compensator
-Anil Kumar ; Dr.S.K.Srivastava
Modern power system carries very high demand. Thus they cause the stability problem. This paper studies the problem of controlling the power flow through transmission line using a FACT controller named Static Synchronous Series Compensator. In this paper the controller investigate the effect for controlling the active and reactive power as well as damping power system oscillation. Under heavy loaded condition there may be insufficient reactive power causing the voltage to drop. This voltage may lead to drop in voltage at various buses. Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) controller have been mainly used for various power system stability .The SSSC equipped with source of energy in dc link can supply or absorb the active power to or from the line along with the reactive power flow control .The SSSC is represented by a variable voltage injection with associated transformer leakage reactance and voltage source. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1781-1784 |
414 |
Design of Lower Power and High Speed Carry Select Adder
-Ravi Khunt
High Speed and lower power dissipation are trend in Digital Integrated circuit leads researcher to focus on modification in architecture level, topology level, system level, circuit level, and physical level design. Adder is a critical block for high speed and low power design of microprocessor, digital signal processor etc. Various architecture of adder has been proposed. Carry select adder (CSLA) is one of the high speed adder used in many data processing architectures. This paper pivots on diverse architecture of CSLA. Even grouping conventional CSLA and Binary-to-Excess-1 converter (BEC) CSLA have been implemented and compared with D-Latch CSLA. Read More...
Electronics Engineering(VLSI) |
India |
1785-1787 |
415 |
Automated One-To Many Data Linkage
-Shahid Anwar ; Prof. Deepak Kapgate
One-to-many information linkage is an important task in several domains nevertheless solely a couple of previous publications have addressed this issue. Moreover, whereas historically data linkage is performed among entities of constant sort, it's very necessary to develop linkage techniques that link between matching entities of various varieties further. We have a tendency to propose a replacement one-to-many data linkage technique that links between entities of various natures. The projected technique is predicated on a one-class clustering tree (OCCT) that characterizes the entities that ought to be joined along. The tree is made such it's simple to know and remodel into association rules, i.e., the inner nodes consist solely of options describing the primary set of entities, whereas the leaves of the tree represent features of their matching entities from the second data set. We have a tendency to propose four splitting criteria and two totally different pruning ways that can be used for causation the OCCT. The strategy was evaluated mistreatment data sets from three totally different domains. The results affirm the effectiveness of the projected technique and show that the OCCT yields higher performance. Read More...
computer science engineering |
India |
1788-1791 |
416 |
Development of Lean Assessment Model
-Pranesh Mangalgi ; Rajashekhar Hosalli
To be successful, lean implementation for the adoption of lean principles leads to a positive outcome with stable and/or increasing profitability. The paper reports a detailed study for development of leanness assessment model. The research involved the identification of suitable manufacturing organizations for the conduct of case study and a questionnaire was developed according to their operations. The data gathered from the experts of the organizations in response to the questionnaire was used for further analysis. Then a multi-grade fuzzy approach for leanness measurement was applied, the leanness index was computed and the areas for leanness optimization have been identified. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1792-1799 |
417 |
Comparison of various PID Controllers Tuning Methodologies for Heat Exchanger Model
-Amit Kumar ; Prof. K.K Garg
In the past decades, control system has played a very important role in the development and advancement of modern civilization. In present scenario almost every aspect of our day-to-day activities is affected by some type of control systems. This paper compares the step response of a heat exchanger model using various techniques viz. Ziegler-Nichols PID controller (Method II), Cohen-Coon Method, Tyreus-Luyben and Approximated M-constrained Integral Gain (AMIGO) methods. A First-Order plus time delay (FOPTD) system is very common in modern day technology. MATLAB simulations are carried out and responses are obtained for PID and Fuzzy Logic Controller. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1800-1802 |
418 |
Traffic Signal Coordination for Effective Flow of Traffic: A Review
-Nishant Kushwaha ; Dr. Anuj Jaiswal; Prof. Raman Natariya
A coordination of vehicles flows is usually reached by a cyclic operation of traffic lights and by synchronizing these cycles. During the past decades metro cities grows rapidly with industrialization, urbanization. This leads to the development of cities and a nation as well. Traffic jams, congestion becomes a major problem these days due to increase in number of vehicles. To cater these problems many approaches has been put forward to reduce the delays, congestion, stops and reduce the fuel consumption also. Particularly there is large fluctuations in number of vehicles arriving at green times which are too short or too long. In these paper attempt has been made to study various intersections so as to minimize the delays, stops and reduce fuel consumption to make a safe and healthy environment to some extend. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1803-1806 |
419 |
Comparison of Different Distance Functions in Document Clustering
-Richa Gupta ; Manjit Singh
This paper provides the comparison of different distance functions like squared euclidean, cityblock, cosine, pearson correlation & hamming distances. K- Means clustering algorithm is used to make the comparison of different distance functions. The results obtained are validated with the help of Silhouette Coefficient. We found out that there is a variation in the results provided by different functions. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1807-1810 |
420 |
Design of Administration Tool for Software Messages Supporting Internationalization and Localization of Software
-Mamatha K ; Dr. Phaneendra H.D.
Internationalization of software is a process that makes software ready for localization (adapting the software to different culture), in order to target global market for the software. Internationalization is usually taken into consideration during early stages of the software development life-cycle. Software contains numerous messages which will be displayed to the user for user interaction. These messages have to be aligned to standards and translated so as to enable localization of the software. Different users work on message, from its creation till the message gets translated. Handling the messages manually is a tedious process and also error prone. This paper proposes a design for developing tool for administration of software messages which supports the internationalization and localization of software. Read More...
Software Engineering |
India |
1811-1814 |
421 |
The Sinuous History behind the Origin of Efficiency at Maximum Power Criteria for Heat Engine
-Roshan Raman ; Bhupendra Singh; Ashish Kr.Agarwal
The history of Heat engine’s efficiency at Maximum power criteria has always been a matter of concern for all the scientists & co-workers associating with it. Almost a decade after the declaration of very important mother article published by Curzon & Ahlborn in 1975 Which gives birth to the fundamental concept of Finite Time Thermodynamics or Entropy Generation Minimization in the context of Quantum Thermodynamics, the two very important but forgotten name was found i.e Chambadal & Novikov(1957).Though their work was devoted to Nuclear Science but their concept was similar & leading to the important formula(2).When we go back to few years an important name arises Yvon(1955) whose conference work adds an important ingredient to this sinuous history. I would like to thanks all the scientists for their important contribution for the derivation of Root formula(2).In addition I will emphasize the least exposed work of H.B.Reitlinger through his written book,where we can get a definite evidence that this root formula has already been derived by him almost half century before what Curzon & Ahlborn did in 1975.It was way back in 1929 by Reitlinger but due to the linguistic barrier his work was not spread globally & still most of us are unaware of this important piece of information. So by this article I want to upgrade the valuable scientific information & hope that different scientific society round a globe would consider this important work of Reitlinger & place his work where it deserved for in the context of Quantum Thermodynamics. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1815-1816 |
422 |
Vehicle Accident Detection and Reporting System using Accelerometer
-Amit.V.Kachavimath ; Nagaraj Chakalabbi
The usage of vehicles is rapidly increasing and at the same time the occurrence of accident is also increased. Hence, the value of human life is ignored. No one can prevent the accident, but can save their life by expediting the ambulance to the hospital in time. The objective of this scheme is to minimize the delay caused by traffic congestion and to provide the accident information for smooth flow of emergency vehicles. These lives could have been saved if medical facilities are provided at the right time. This paper implies system which is a solution to this drawback. Accelerometer sensor can be used in car security system to sense vibrations in vehicle and GPS to give location of vehicle, so dangerous driving can be detected. When accident occurs, Accelerometer will detect signal and will send message to server. The message contains information of accident location, images and vehicle details. The message will be sent to preprogrammed numbers such as ambulance, friends, relatives etc via GSM. Read More...
Computer Science & Engineering |
India |
1817-1820 |
423 |
Naive Based Moving Object Detection and Classification in Video using Background Subtraction
-Aseema Mohanty ; Sanjivani Shantaiya
The area of real time surveillance is the common interest of researchers nowadays due to advancement in technology and thus the amount of work which can be done in it is still huge. The main objective here was to detect the moving object in a video and then to classify the corresponding incoming frames accordingly if it consists of moving object or not using naïve bayes classifier. This type of classification helps in frame by frame analysis of the video and can be used to give better result for classification. The main focus was on naïve bayes classifier which was successfully implemented on a video. The performance of the methodology is found to be 93.64% accurate and has precision of 93.77% with an error rate of 7.9%. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1821-1830 |
424 |
Improving User Search Goals using click through Data
-Mr. Parth Patel ; Mr. Jignesh Vania
Web search applications represent user information needs by submission of query to search engine. But still the entire query submitted to search engine doesn’t satisfy the user information requirements, for the reason that users may need to acquire information on diverse aspects when they submit the same query. From this discovering the numeral of dissimilar user search goals for query and depicting each goal with several keywords automatically become complicated. The suggestion and examination of user search goals can be very valuable in improving search engine importance and user knowledge. Discovering the numeral of dissimilar user search goals for query by k-means clustering with user feedback sessions. Proficiently replicate user information requirements generate a pseudo-document to map the different user feedback sessions. Clustering Pseudo documents with K means clustering result are computationally difficult and semantic similarity between the pseudo terms is also important while clustering. To conquer this problem proposed a FCM clustering algorithm to group the pseudo documents and it also measure the semantic similarity between the pseudo terms in the documents using wordnet. The FCM algorithm divides pseudo documents data for dissimilar size cluster by using fuzzy schemes. FCM selecting cluster size and central point rest on on fuzzy model. The FCM clustering algorithm it assemble quickly to a local optimum or grouping of the pseudo documents in well-organized way. Semantic similarity between the pseudo terms with Wordnet based similarity is used for comparing the similarity and diversity of pseudo terms. Lastly new result measures the clustering results with parameters like classified average precision (CAP), Voted AP (VAP), risk to avoid classifying search results and average precision (AP). It demonstrations FCM based system develop the feedback sessions outcome than the normal pseudo documents. Read More...
Data mining |
India |
1831-1834 |
425 |
The Analysis of Temperature during Magnetic Abrasive Finishing of Plane Surface
-Chandan Gaur ; Dr. D.K. Singh
Magnetic Abrasive Finishing (MAF) is the process in which material is removed in such a way that the fine surface finishing is performed with the applied magnetic field on the finishing zone. The aim of this work is to study the magnetic abrasive finishing as an efficient tool for internal finishing of tubes. Material such as stainless steel, heat resistance steel, carbides and many other high strength temperature resistance alloys are very important in the aerospace, nuclear engineering and research and development sectors. In many manufacturing process it is desirable and necessary to have some knowledge on the amount of heat generation and consequently rise in temperature. For example, the temperature of the contact point of cutting tool and work piece will be determining the life of cutting tool. Similarly the subsurface damage and alteration in the metallurgical structure in the machined/ finished surface mostly depend on the interface temperature. In the present research work the process parameters of a MAF process are optimized using a very effective evolutionary algorithm termed as genetic algorithm (GA). Response Surface Methodology is applied for developing the models using the techniques of Design of Experiments and Regression Analysis by the using of MINITAB17 (statistical software) was used to plan the ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) imitate the correlation between predicted and experimental data . The software used for design of experiments is Design Expert and that for implementing GA is MATLAB. The parameters are used in this process is normal magnetic force (Fmn), cutting force (Fc), and rise in temperature (ΔT) is response parameters, and factors are applied voltage (V), and machining gap. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1835-1841 |
426 |
Comparison between Ideal and Actual Strength Curve Generated By Dumbbell/Barbell Biceps Curl Exercises for Biceps-A Review
-Rohinesh Lalchandani ; Dr.K.K.Dhande
A two-dimensional model was developed for dumbbell/barbell and cable biceps curl exercises, in quasi- static and isokinetic regimes. This study deals with the strength curve generated by the dumbbell/barbell biceps curl exercises. The concept of this study will be demonstrated in a barbell curl exercise, although the concept can also be applied to other forms of resistance training equipment’s. In this study, comparison of generated or actual strength curve that is obtained from dumbbell/barbell and cable biceps curl exercises with the ideal strength curve for biceps which is according to the biomechanics of elbow. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1842-1845 |
427 |
Enhancement Bandwidth Multi Band E-Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna
-Shobhit Kumar Mishra ; Dr.B.S.Rai
A new broad-band design of a microstrip line feed rectangular patch antenna with a pair of wide slits are proposed and experimentally studied. The proposed design with an FR4_epoxy substrate, and experimental results show that, simply by inserting a pair of wide slits at one of the radiating edges of the rectangular patch, good impedance matching over a wide bandwidth can easily be achieved for the proposed antenna. With an FR4_epoxy substrate of thickness about 8% of the wavelength of the center operating frequency, the proposed antenna can have an impedance bandwidth of about 33.33%. For frequencies within the impedance bandwidth, good radiation characteristics are also observed, with a peak antenna gain of about 7.2 dBi. Read More...
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
India |
1846-1847 |
428 |
Impact of Vibration on Health of Automobile Rider- A Review
-Rajratna M. Kharat ; Dr.K.K.Dhande
Evaluation of human exposure whole-body vibration and shock can be carried out in a various ways. The most common used standards for predicting discomfort are BS 6841 and ISO 2631 which offer different frequency weightings and multiplying factors to allow for different sensitivity of the body in different axes. For analysis methods based on acceleration, vibration dose value gives the highest correlations between vibration magnitude and discomfort. In the case study, in order to evaluate vibration characteristics of a two wheeler rider, vibration signals were measured while driving with different speeds and different road surfaces. Root-mean-square values and Vibration dose values of accelerations and frequencies which are beyond permissible limits according to the literature confirm that vibration certainly affects health of the rider. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1848-1852 |
429 |
Fatigue Life Evaluation Of Cross Tubes of Helicopter Skid Landing Gear System
-Madhu S R ; Prashanth N; Dr.Thammaiah Gowda
The Landing gear, an important part of a helicopter, assists the helicopter to land. So, when the helicopter is in land condition, the landing gear should withstand the whole weight of the helicopter. Apart from this, it should also withstand the thrust while landing operation is on. Helicopter landing gear supports the entire weight of an aircraft during landing and ground operations. They are attached to primary structural members of the aircraft. The type of gear depends on the aircraft design and its intended use. The main objective of this project is to develop a practical fatigue analysis methodology for life prediction of rotary-wing aircraft component called cross tube, which is used for landing of helicopters. The focus of this fatigue capability is to be able to predict the service life of aircraft components. ANSYS platform is used to predict the life of aircraft component. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1853-1857 |
430 |
Stress Analysis of Horizontal Tail Joint of a Transport Aircraft and Fatigue Life Estimation
-Nagarjun C M ; Nagaraj V C; Byra Reddy B; K E Girish
Attachment joints are generally high load transfer regions in the airframe structure. Because of the connection between two members through fasteners, there will be stress concentration in these components. High tensile stress locations are invariably the crack initiation locations due to fatigue. Failure of the attachment joints could lead to the catastrophic failure of the airframe structure. The current project includes the stress analysis of an attachment structural member, which connects HT with vertical tail (VT). In a T-tail configuration the HT will be sitting at the tip of VT. Bending moment and shear load created because of the aerodynamic load distribution on HT will be transferred to VT through attachments at the root. Loads representative of a small size transport aircraft will be considered in this study. Finite element analysis of the attachment member will be carried out to identify the location of maximum stress and the stress distribution in the bracket region. Refinement of the analytical model will be carried out to accurately predict the magnitude of high tensile stress. Fatigue damage calculation will be carried out using Miner’s linear damage theory. S-N curve for aluminum alloy material obtained from the literature will be used in fatigue damage calculation. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering (M-tech, Machine design) |
India |
1858-1864 |
431 |
Hexagonal Microstrip Patch Antenna to Operate In Dual Frequency Mode
-Manoj Kumar ; Arvind Sirsath; Mahesh Patil
The study of Microstrip patch antennas have made great progress in recent years. Compared with conventional antennas, Microstrip patch antennas have more advantages and better prospects. Microstrip or patch antennas are becoming increasingly useful because they can be printed directly onto a circuit board. Microstrip antennas are becoming very widespread within the mobile phone market. Patch antennas are easily fabricated. They are lighter in weight, low volume, low cost, low profile, smaller in dimension and ease of fabrication and conformity. The Microstrip patch antennas can provide dual and circular polarizations, dual-frequency operation, frequency agility, broad band-width, feed line flexibility, and beam scanning omnidirectional patterning. In this paper a hexagonal patch antenna is proposed to produce circularly polarized radiation pattern with a single feed to operate in dual frequency mode. Read More...
Electronic and communication engineering |
India |
1865-1869 |
432 |
Embedded Based Wireless Healthcare Monitoring
-Vivek Metange ; Prof. J. J. Chopade
There is a tremendous growth in VLSI technology and GSM communication now a day. This project mainly deals about an implementation of GSM technology in Medical field with the help of embedded system. Wireless communications used here would not only provide remote monitoring but also safe and accurate monitoring. In this project, ECG, Heart beat rate, Body temperature and Content of Oxygen in body of patient are measured by using various medical sensors as analog signal, then it is converted into digital signal using inbuilt ADC of LPC2138 ARM7TDMI-S controller which is then further processed for suitable wireless communication using paging messages with the help GSM modem. At healthcare monitoring center on a dedicated PC we will get ECG graph along with Heart beat rate, Body temperature and percentage of Oxygen. System is developed for patients that are not in a critical condition but need to be constant or periodically monitored by clinician or family member. During monitoring condition the SMS will be sent to the doctor and family member, so that patient should get monitored at a far distance. Read More...
Electronics & Telecom. Engg. ( VLSI & Embedded) |
India |
1870-1874 |
433 |
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm with Changeable Length for Wireless Sensor Network Deployment
-Aditi Gupta ; Gaurav Sharma
In this paper, a sensor node deployment approach is proposed that uses multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to find the sensors location and the number of sensors required for minimum energy consumption and cost constraint to full coverage. The node deployment should be cost-effective. The cost depends upon the number of sensing devices deployed and the area at which node is deployed. The number of sensor nodes has direct impact on the deployment of the sensor network. Thus, optimum number of sensors should be kept in mind while optimizing the various network preliminaries like energy consumption, network coverage and connectivity. In this paper, the network consists of two types of nodes: clusterheads and the sensor nodes. Both have same sensing capabilities. For this type of network, the objectives are to completely cover monitoring area using minimum number of nodes with minimum energy consumption and cost in an efficient manner through deterministic deployment of such sensors. Read More...
Computer Science and Engineering |
India |
1875-1882 |
434 |
A Review on Bio-Medical Image Enhancement using Counter Let Transformation and Bacterial Foraging Optimization
-Er. Aashima ; Er. Gurpinder Kaur
Image contrast enhancement is a feature for the enhancement of image. Images contrast is a feature which has been utilize for the proper visualization of image. In these feature intensity value available in the image, plays a vital role for the purpose of visualization. Bio-medical images like x-ray, ultrasound etc has drawback of low contrast constraints. Due to the low level of contrast, image feature cannot be proper visualized. Various approaches have been proposed for the enhancement of bio-medical images. Different type of f special type filters is available to enhance contrast of images but this approach does not provide better result in the context of contrast enhancement. The big issue in contrast enhancement is that these approaches utilize super resolution algorithm, which neglect some feature value available in the images and because of which proper feature cannot be visualized. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1883-1886 |
435 |
A Review on Fluidized Bed Gasification Parametric Analysis
-Rinkesh M Patel
In India each year, million tons of west biomass produces like rice husk, saw dust, bagasse, straw, and groundnut shell powder. Fluidized bed operated with this type of powdered form biomass or which are converted in to powdered form and this biomass converted in to useful product producer gas which can be used to generate energy. India is developing country so energy demand is increase day by day so we have to turn at the non-conventional energy sources like this. So for this to improve the performance and increase the energy output how the parameters affecting like Equivalence Ratio(ER), Fluidization Velocity, Bed Height, Temperature, HHV or LHV, Gas composition etc. are discussed. This paper summarizes the research literature referred relative to the fluidized bed gasification affected by the various parameters. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1887-1890 |
436 |
Design and Analysis of Routing and Wavelength Assignment Algorithms in Matplan WDM
-Pankaj Kumar ; Amit Kumar Garg; Sandeep Garg
Most challenging problem in an optical network is Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) problem. It is the most important problem in optical WDM networks. By solving this problem wavelength can be routed efficiently in all optical WDM networks. Different algorithms are proposed to solve this RWA problem. These algorithms depend upon several factors such as degree of node, hop count, number of channels, transmission rates, etc. The main objective of these algorithms is to reduce the rejections request during congestion period. On the basis of these algorithms different parameters are compared, which are extracted using proposed algorithms. The algorithms were implemented in MatPlan WDM simulator. The result shows that the performance of algorithms is dependent on the parameters and behaves distinctly. Read More...
Electronics And Comm. Engineering |
India |
1891-1893 |
437 |
Matplan WDM: A Future Educational Tool for Multi Wavelength Optical Networks
-Pankaj Kumar ; Amit Kumar Garg; Sandeep Garg
This paper discusses the MatPlan WDM tool, a future tool for research in Multi Wavelength Optical Networks. It is a planning tool for WDM Networks, which includes a set of algorithms for implementing various topologies. It can also be used for traffic grooming and wavelength routing. The input parameters to this tool are network topology, traffic matrix, transmitters, receivers, optical converters and available wavelengths. The tool is implemented in MATLAB as an optical tool box. The existing algorithm can be extended easily. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) is provided to plot the results that are obtained from various algorithms and make a comparison of them with optimal solution. Read More...
Electronics And Comm. Engineering |
India |
1894-1897 |
438 |
Mapping and Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Quality-A Case Study of Dindigul City, Tamilnadu, India
-Ramaraj.M ; Dhayalan.V
The Groundwater quality is equally important as that of quantity. Mapping and statistical analysis of groundwater and its quality is of vital important and it is particularly significant where groundwater is primary source of portable water. The present study is focus on spatial and temporal variability. Groundwater quality was prepared using GIS technology and other related maps were prepared from remote sensing data in ArcGIS. The statistical analysis of the water quality data is determined. From the statistical analysis, the groundwater quality is represented and compared with BIS permissible limit to establish their quality. Samples were collected from fifteen locations in the study area. Physio-chemical analysis of ground water samples are done for 2014 at Madurai Tamilnadu Water Authority Department (TWAD) laboratory. Read More...
Environmental Engineering |
India |
1898-1903 |
439 |
Experimental Work on Development of Sustainable Concrete by using Mineral Admixture and Recycled Coarse Aggregates
-Vinod Kumar ; Dr. Suresh G patil; Ram Panth; Chi. Shinde Amol
In the present work conventional concrete is try to make sustainable by utilizing waste materials like mineral admixtures that is Fly ash, Silica fume, Ground Granulated Blast Furnaces Slag, Rice husk ash, Recycled aggregates, with varying percentages (%) for a concrete of grade M30. By the experimental work it shows that the replacement of cement by Silica fume and Ground Granulated Blast Furnaces Slag has given high strength. Read More...
Civil Engineering |
India |
1904-1908 |
440 |
Review and Analysis Studies of Technological Generation Impact with Mobile
-Jay Shah ; Jilajeet R. Yadav
Mobile technology revolutionized the way people communicate.Evolutionof mobile technologies is about to reach to 5G mobile technologies will focus on the development of the user terminals where the terminals will have access to different mobile technologies at the same time and will combine different flows from different technologies. In Indiawith increasing end user demands for widerservice due to the rapid growth and variety of IT (information technology) industry and Mobile device the service with higher data rate cannot accommodate the future mobile technology. The continuous development in semiconductors and computing technologies has accelerated service providers to consider implementing the various mobile technology services to the customers. This paper provides the growth and analysis of mobile technology. Read More...
India |
1909-1914 |
441 |
Power Quality Improvement by using Voltage Controlled Dstatcom
-P Vivekavardhini ; B Bharava Reddy; V Mallikarjuna Reddy
In this paper a new algorithm is proposed for a DSTATCOM operating in voltage control mode to generate reference voltage. The proposed scheme enables that unity power factor (UPF) is accomplished at the load terminal in the nominal mode of operation, which is impractical in the traditional method. The compensator here is also used to inject lower currents so that the losses in the feeder and VSI are reduced. Further rating of DSTATCOM can also be reduced so that it mitigates the voltage sag. Nearly UPF can be maintained at the load terminal during load change. Due to the above reasons the DSTATCOM increases the power quality by improving power factor, harmonic reduction, and tight voltage regulation. Simulation results are shown to determine the efficiency of the proposed algorithm of DSTATCOM. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1915-1920 |
442 |
Finite Element Modeling and Thermal Stress Analysis of Copper and Graphite Electrode in EDM Machining
-Balwan Singh ; Dr. Sanjeev Kumar
EDM is a non- conventional method of machining in which material removal takes place due to strong electric field generated in the tool work piece gap causing plasma arc to generate. High temperature zone is concentrated at spark zone radius due to which thermal stress is generated at tool electrode and workpiece. If this thermal stress increases to the yield stress value of material, it creates various problems like micro-cracks and catastrophic failure etc. In this study Graphite and copper electrodes are chosen for the analysis of temperature distribution and thermal stresses generated due to this high temperature zone. And analysis is done on ANSYS 15.0. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1921-1927 |
443 |
Design and Analysis of H Plane Horn Antenna at X Band Frequency
-Rohit Shivaji Piske ; D P Rathod; Yogesh S Gothe
This paper presents a design of an H plane horn antenna for microwave system. The key purpose of the study is to design a H plane horn antenna which is used in paper moisture system. The proposed antenna operates within 8-12 GHz .Antenna known as directional antenna which is supported by rectangular waveguide. The H plane horn antenna is purposely chosen to design in order to increase the directivity of the antenna within 16 dB gain. This horn antenna is capable to produce return loss as minimum as possible. The antenna is designed and simulated using CST Microwave Studio. The simulation results show that the H plane horn antenna structure exhibits good radiation pattern over X GHz frequency band. Read More...
Electrical Engineering |
India |
1928-1930 |
444 |
Energy Efficient Routing Protocols in WSN: A Review Paper
-Vandana Katoch ; Kamal Kumar
Wireless sensor networks with hundreds of sensor nodes have emerged in recent years as important platforms for a wide spectrum of monitoring tasks ranging from environmental to military applications. A sensor network is a static ad hoc network which consists of hundreds of sensor nodes that can be deployed on the fly operation being not attended so the main design issue for a sensor network must be conservation of the energy available at each sensor node. Wireless Sensor Network depends on nodes have limited energy, computational power, memory , range and it is important to increase energy efficiency by saving the battery power so as to extend the life time of the given WSN deployment. Different protocols are used for energy consumption, in wireless sensor network. LEACH, TEEN, APTEEN, PEGASIS ,DEEC, DDEEC, EDEEC, BEENISH are energy- efficient protocols that balances the energy expense, saves the node energy and hence prolongs the lifetime of the network. This paper presents a detailed review and analysis of these energy efficient protocols. Read More...
Computer Science |
India |
1931-1934 |
445 |
Waveguide Directional Coupler Modeling For S Band Frequency
-Sumeet Vijay Isai ; Dr. Nisha Sarwade
The directional coupler is a passive microwave device that can be used for power measurement, it couples power at the input port to the coupled port. It’s design of depends on various parameters such as transmission line used in the design, operating frequency of the device, amount of coupling desired and the required directivity. In this paper a modeling of rectangular waveguide directional coupler is presented numerically. The rectangular waveguide used is WR284, a standard waveguide to operate for the frequency range between 2.60 - 3.95 GHz. For High power application of directional coupler needs lower coupling and high directivity so the amount of coupling is desired to be around 60 dB with minimum directivity of 30 dB is used for the design. The design is simulated with the help of microwave CST studio. Read More...
Electronics & telecommunication Engineering |
India |
1935-1938 |
446 |
Android Application for Location Based Reminder
-Nilesh Bhatta ; Sangeeta Oswal
Location based reminder is an android application that helps people to coordinate their day-to-day activities with their demanding schedule. For the everyday person conducting business on the go, there are often many tasks that need to be completed in a given day. Some of these must be completed at a particular time, but others simply need to be completed when the user is at a particular location. So with this help of reminder user gets reminder of what to do when to do and what location. Read More...
Computer Engineering |
India |
1939-1943 |
447 |
A Review on Low Power Design and Verification Techniques
-Bua Baker
In this paper, the fundamental components of low power design and verification are explained in addition to how the UPF (Unified Power Format) with modern techniques facilitates the Power-Aware verification at the RTL, with conventional RTL (Register Transfer Level) design techniques plus reusable blocks. Read More...
India |
1944-1947 |
448 |
A Review on Investigation of Performance of Pipe in Pipe Helically Coil Heat Exchanger
-Ritesh Kumar ; Dr. Manish S. Deshmukh; Kamal Kumar Ghosh
Enhancing the heat transfer by the use of helical coils has been studied and researched by many researchers, because the fluid dynamics inside the pipes of a helical coil heat exchanger offer certain advantages over the straight tubes, shell and tube type heat exchanger, in terms of better heat transfer and mass transfer coefficients. This configuration offers a high compact structure and a high overall heat transfer coefficient; hence helical coil heat exchangers are widely used in industrial applications. Convective heat transfer between a surface and the surrounding fluid in a heat exchanger has been a major issue and a topic of study in the recent years. In this particular study, an attempt has been made to experimental work of various parameters like radius of tubes, pitch of coil, pitch circle diameter, number of turns of helical coil, flow rate and temperature that affect the effectiveness of a heat exchanger and increases heat transfer rate at two different flows (parallel and counter-flow)on the total heat transfer from a helical tube, where the cold fluid flows in the outer pipe and the hot fluid flowing in the inner pipes of the pipe in pipe helical coiled heat exchanger. This paper focus on the review on helically coiled heat exchanger. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1948-1952 |
449 |
Enhancing the Heating Properties of Coal Briquette Blending Rice Husk
-Kamal Kishor ; Dr. N. Singh
In this work, smokeless briquettes of coal and rice husk were produced and starch was used as the binder, calcium-hydroxide(Ca(OH)2) was the desulphurizing agent and the different type of briquette samples were produced prepared by different composition of coal and rice husk in subsequent ratio100:00, 80:20, 60:40, 20:80, and 00:100. The briquettes were produced mechanically using a manual briquetting machine through pressure maintained at 5MPa. Results of the proximate analysis showed that of the dissimilar compositions that 50% coal,50% rice husk briquettes with following values for ash content 27.45 %, fixed carbon 38.83%, moisture content 3.85%, density 0.475g/cm3, volatile matter 22.18%, porosity index 59.96%, calorific value 132.93KJ/g, water boiling test 3.15mins, ignition time 35.06secs, burning time 22.43mins and sulphur content 7.05% exhibited optimum combustible quality when compared through other compositions of briquettes produced. In this we calculate the maximum temperature and cost of fuel and transportation cost, smoke, flame, and decrease of ignition temperature. The briquette present improved properties with regard to combustible property when judge against to the other briquettes were produced with same binder but various composition. Read More...
Mechanical Engineering |
India |
1953-1955 |
450 |
Incorporating Virtual Prototype in Product Development to Reduce Time-To-Market of a Mobile Device Product
-Nirjith Prakash ; Dr. M.N. Shanmukha Swamy
The Time-to-market constraint is a significant challenge to any embedded systems product, especially a mobile device because of its highly-competitive market. Traditional methods of serialized hardware and software development often fail to meet the Time-to-market constraint. This demands concurrent hardware and software development. Virtual prototyping provides a solution to these new development challenges. Read More...
Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering |
India |
1956-1957 |